Dear Safranim,

Perhaps you would be interested to watch  a theater performance uniquely 
created at the University of Florida based on selections from the holdings of 
the Price Library of Judaica.

A Handful Of Leaves: Immigrant Stories is a devised theater piece, directed by 
Kevin Marshall, professor at the UF School of Theater + Dance, performed by UF 
students, and accompanied by audio-visuals created by the Digital Worlds 
Institute. The production focuses on the incredible stories of Dr. Emanuel 
Merdinger and Leah Stupniker, and explores moments in the lives of these 
individuals, based on their memoirs and journals. The show was created to 
highlight the importance of personal artifacts, and to connect potential donors 
of these artifacts with the library system at the University of Florida. We 
attempt to use these stories to illustrate their importance in understanding 
the history and experience of immigration to the United States.
The show is streamed live every evening from 7.30-9.00pm (EST), here:

The works that inspired the production include the scarce publication 
"Komets-'alim le-zekher Le'ah Stupniker" ( 
and an unpublished memoir of a Holocaust survivor, Dr. Emanuel Merdinger 

Best wishes,

Dr. Rebecca Jefferson
Head, Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica
Library West
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL. 32611-7010
Phone: (352) 273-2650
Fax: (352) 392-8118

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