Please join us next week for the second in our DH Clinic series with the

*Holocaust Studies and Digital Humanities: Visualizing Networks in Archival
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
9:30PM PT / 12:30PM ET / 7:30PM Israel Time

*Presenting: Dr. Abby Gondek, Morgenthau Scholar-in-Residence, Roosevelt
Institute/FDR Library*

During this DH clinic, Dr. Gondek will discuss how she used Nodegoat, an
open access database and network visualization tool, to track the influence
of women in the U.S. Treasury department (especially Henrietta Klotz) on
the decisions made by Henry Morgenthau Jr. (the Secretary of the Treasury,
1934-1945) regarding the rescue and relief of refugees during World War II.
Henrietta Stein Klotz was the woman who supervised the organizing and
indexing of the Henry Morgenthau Jr. Diaries. She also directly impacted
the stance and actions taken by the FDR administration through her 37-year
relationship with Henry Morgenthau Jr. Gondek selected nodegoat because of
its versatility; it enables users to design their own data models and
visualize historical social networks chronologically and geographically.
Another key reason is that it supports the crafting of multi-layered
networks in which various types of nodes (“objects”) and relationships can
be displayed simultaneously or independently, promoting a “continuous
process of interaction with data” leading to deeper “levels of
interpretation.” Examples of multiple “nodes” that can be displayed at one
time in nodegoat are: people, organizations, and racial or religious
identities. Nodegoat enables the visualization of “broader social
institutions” and the mindsets of individuals simultaneously.

The roundtable will allow plenty of time for discussion. This is a
members-only event, presented by the RAS Division, but all members are
welcome to attend. Please find registration information in your inboxes.

Amalia S. Levi
AJL RAS Division President
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