[ha-Safran] Please post on Hasafran

2019-02-07 Thread Judy Weidman via Hasafran
Scanner information requested:
We have received a grant and would like to purchase a good quality scanner, 
preferably overhead, for the library. It would be great if it had capability to 
edit, email scans as well as ability to save on a thumb drive. We will be 
scanning photos as well as documents. What are recommendations and price ranges 
to  look for? We have around $700. Also would it be recommended that the 
scanner be available to the public unattended? Many thanks.

Judy Weidman
Librarian, Hyman Judah Schachtel Library and Archives
Congregation Beth Israel
5600 North Braeswood Blvd.
Houston, TX 77096
O: 713-820-6410
W: www.beth-israel.org

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[ha-Safran] please post on Hasafran

2012-03-16 Thread Abby Meyer
Thank you!

Press release-Sale 54final.doc
Description: MS-Word document
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[ha-Safran] Please post on Hasafran

2014-08-28 Thread Ellen Share

The former Isaac Franck Jewish Public Library in Rockville,MD, is disbanding 
and there are many Jewish books and other materials.  If any dealer or 
institution is interested, could they contact 

Ellen Share, librarian
Washington Hebrew Congregation
phone 301-354-3212; fax 301-354-3200

(Access online catalog)

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[ha-Safran] Please post on Hasafran

2015-05-20 Thread Rachail Kurtz
Rachail Kurtz
Library Chair
Yeshivah of Flatbush H.S.
1609 Avenue J
Brooklyn, N.Y.   11230
(718) 377-1100 x186

Accred announcement 2015.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
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[ha-Safran] Please post on Hasafran

2015-08-18 Thread Cherille Berman
I have the pleasure to recommend a new book called Celebrate the Jewish 
Holidays with Racheli Morris.  It is a highly illustrated book of information 
about the holidays, recipes, and gorgeous place settings, including activities 
for children.  It is a must for JCC and Community libraries.  I had the 
pleasure of assisting Racheli with the editing. Check it out at 
www.rachelimorris.com.  It will also be on Amazon 
by next week.  If you live on the West Coast and would like the author to 
present to a group, she can be reached at (949)309-0322 or email to 
Cherille Berman
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[ha-Safran] Please post on haSafran

2017-02-27 Thread Ana Esterin
Hello dear safraniyot,

Looking for a female roommate to stay at Edison hotel for the duration of the 
conference from Sunday, June 18 until Wednesday, June 21.

Please reply off list to aeste...@grayacademy.ca
Thank you,
Ana Esterin
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[ha-Safran] Please post on Hasafran - Thank you!

2018-01-23 Thread Susan Berson
Free Book on Polish Synagogues

Susan Cooper, creator of an art installation entitled Recollection, is offering 
free copies of an accompanying book/catalog, underwritten by The Rubel Shapiro 
Foundation for the Arts, for libraries, organizations,and individuals who are 
interested in the Holocaust, architecture, and art.  The exhibition integrates 
architecture, sculpture, painting, and light, featuring details of synagogue 
architecture and design based on actual historic Polish synagogue facades of 
the 17th-20th centuries.

The catalog, with both color and black and white illustrations, also includes 
detailed drawings of the facades with approximate locations and dates of the 
buildings.  Also included are two essays:  

“Vanishing Points” by Lucy R. Lippard 
 “The Synagogue in History” by Jack Henry Kunin.  

In her essay, Lippard notes that, in Cooper’s work, “art can activate, even 
resurrect, memory and then shape and prolong it.”

The exhibition was inspired by the book WOODEN SYNAGOGUES by Maria and 
Kazimierz Piechotka, published in Polish by Arkady, Warsaw, in 1928.  It was 
also inspired by photos and stories from the artist’s family.

After touring the artist’s home state of Colorado, Recollection was exhibited 
at The Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.  It was then purchased by the Rubel 
Shapiro Foundation and donated to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust where 
it remains.

For a free copy of the book, please email your request to Susan Cooper at 

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[ha-Safran] PLEASE POST ON HASAFRAN ASAP: Would like advice concerning copyrights on Congregational oral histories

2020-08-27 Thread Judy Weidman via Hasafran
A collection of oral histories recorded in the 1970s of members of our 
congregation was posted on our website (with permission). An individual with 
distant connections to the congregation has taken an interest in the 
interviews, and has asked to publish poems that "embellish or change the words" 
of the subjects. My response was permission must be obtained from the 
interviewees and./or surviving family members, which I thought was a 
no-brainer. I am up against some resistance from my superiors suggesting she 
should have free access to (which she obviously does) and ability to use for 
her purposes freely.
I am quite concerned, and would like some advice about how to present this 
issue about copyright, at the very least, not to mention ethical issues. Any 
help would be appreciated. Judy Weidman, Congregation Beth Israel, Houston.
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