Re: syntactic sugar for "arrows"

1999-01-29 Thread Frank A. Christoph

>Ross Paterson wrote:
>> John Hughes has defined a new abstract view of computation, in his
>> (currently draft) paper "Generalising Monads to Arrows", at
>Has anyone else read this paper? I'm interested in hearing comments, if
>only to point out some things that I may have missed. I'll admit, I
>haven't read the entire paper. I gave up after the 16th page, because it
>was so conceptually unwieldy. It's not that I had difficulty
>understanding how the system works, it's just that I found it difficult
>to believe that such a complex system would be useful in general

I've only skimmed it, but it sure looks useful to me. (Thanks for
making us aware of it, Ross.) I've been wondering for a long time
about how to make the LL parsers fit into the monadic framework, and
now we have not only a way to do that, but a more general method for
making parts of any suitable monadic library static.

I think once we see some more examples using Ross's notation rather
than John's point-free one, the uses of the technique will become more
obvious. The thing to remember is that you can write your library and
application using monads first, then, once you're sure the semantics
are right, you can go back and optimize it with arrows by stratifying
the computation.

Even better, you could write your library in monadic form, but write
the application using arrows. You can use the coercions in the paper
to transform your monad into an arrow type (Kleisli arrows), and if
you use Ross's notation in your application, you could more or less
get away with thinking of it as just the usual monadic stuff. That way
you can go back and optimize the library without needing to change the
application. (Of course, you need to make sure that the application
doesn't use all the inherent power of the monad.)

>(Also, I'm not a mathematician who does a significant amount
>of work in category theory, so that may contribute to its apparent
>awkwardness to me.


Re: Haskell Object

1999-01-29 Thread Daan Leijen


>I'm using HaskellObject inside Visual Basic 6.0. If I create only 1 object
>(or 2 objects that have the same source), no problem happen. But when I
>create 2 objects (different source), Visual Basic 6.0 was crashed.
>Do you know why? Would you please reply as soon as possible !

HaskellObject is part of ongoing research. Its first release was just two
weeks ago so it
probably contains some bugs. Its design has already changed somewhat and
my current build runs more objects in differents sources without problems.
I hope to put a new build on the web in a week or two.

All the best, Daan.

ps. HaskellObject is part of a research project at Utrecht.  Please do not
use the Haskell mailing list for questions, but write to us personally.
We are interested in you experiences.

Haskell Object

1999-01-29 Thread Nguyen Phan Dung

Hello !

I'm using HaskellObject inside Visual Basic 6.0. If I create only 1 object
(or 2 objects that have the same source), no problem happen. But when I
create 2 objects (different source), Visual Basic 6.0 was crashed.

Do you know why? Would you please reply as soon as possible !

Thank you very much !

Re: Haskell Object

1999-01-29 Thread Erik Meijer

> Where can I find out more about HaskellObject? I am very interested
>in this.

All you ever want to know about H/Script, H/Direct, H/Object, H/DB can be
found at the website
( Stay tuned for more
useful products in the near future.

Erik "Haskell, the world's best scripting language" Meijer

Re: Haskell Object

1999-01-29 Thread Ronald J. Legere

 Where can I find out more about HaskellObject? I am very interested
in this.

Ron Legere
Caltech Quantum Optics
MC 12-33
Pasadena CA 91125
FAX: 626-793-9506

Re: Haskell 98 final stuff

1999-01-29 Thread Christian Sievers

Simon writes:

> 2.  The data and type constructors 
>   (), (,), (,,), etc
>   []
>   (->)
> are all regarded as "syntax", not as identifiers.  They always mean
> their standard meaning (tuples, empty list or list type constructor).
> [No change here.]
> The question is: what about the list constructor ":".  In principle
> we could regard it as an ordinary identifier, and therefore allow someone
> to redefine it... but
  [there are problems.]
> I have concluded that it is simpler to treat ":" as syntax, exactly
> uniformly with the others.  It always means list construction, and
> it cannot be hidden or redefined.

>  Section 2.4. Clarify that : is reserved solely for Haskell
> list construction.

What does this mean? Will there only be a remark, or will the syntax
be changed? The other constructors are explicitely handled by the
syntax, so I guess this should be done in this case also. Doing that
'exactly uniformly' would mean productions for expressions e:e,
patterns (p:p) and the constructor (:). But we surely don't want to
loose the sections (e:) and (:e).
Please don't forget them! 

All the best,
Christian Sievers

Re: syntactic sugar for "arrows"

1999-01-29 Thread Carl R. Witty

Ross Paterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Time to ditch all those dusty old monads and upgrade to arrows.
> However the point-free style of that paper won't appeal to everyone.
> I've placed a proposal for a Haskell extension with a do-notation-style
> syntax for arrows at
> Comments welcome.

I'd like to point out one thing about the implementability of your new

Implementing the layout rule in Haskell requires a tricky dance of
passing information back and forth between the lexer and parser.  One
thing that can ease the implementation is that the lexer can know when
a layout group starts, using the rule that the next token after a
'let', 'do', 'where', or 'of' (did I miss any?) starts layout, unless
it's an open brace.  That is, the layout openers are all reserved
words, and are always layout openers wherever they appear.

Your syntax breaks this, since it makes '->' be a layout opener in
some but not all places it can appear.

Carl Witty

RE: syntactic sugar for "arrows"

1999-01-29 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

interface for libraries (rather than monads).

It seems like he would supply a monad interface to arrow libraries
for those libraries which are expressible as monads and for which the user
prefers the monad primitives.

The monad interface to arrows would be completely generic. The
library writer would still expose the library using arrows not monads.

As a library user, I think I would prefer the arrow interface to the Monad
interface. For example, even for basic stuff like IO programming, the 
arrow interface seems to give you more power.

Speculatively (e.g. I am guessing here), arrows could make Haskell an
extremely powerful shell programming language as you could easily pipe I/O
to/from various Haskell libraries with arrow interfaces (pipes).  If 
I understand correctly, Monads require you to do some extra homework to
get concurrency working properly in this context.  Hence the point in the
paper about arrows being a generalization of the fudgets concurrency
abstractions.  More generally you could access any external unix process
in the same way you access arrow libraries so that rather than using a
regexp library written in Haskell, you just pipe your Haskell String
through unix grep.

> foo = catFile myFile >>> sys ["grep",mystring] >>> someArrowLib

And other much more complex stuff involving multiple input and
output files.


PS. Notationally, pointfree works fine for much shell programming of this

S. Alexander Jacobson   i2x Media  
1-212-697-0184 voice1-212-697-1427 fax

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, David Bakin (Exchange) wrote:

> Except that he does say in the conclusion of the paper:  "This paper
> proposes the replacement of monads as a structuring tool for combinator
> libraries, by arrows."  
> I don't think he made that argument though; I think the argument he made was
> that arrows could be an alternative structuring tool for combinator
> libraries that supply additional power at some cost in convenience.  The
> second paragraph of the conclusion pretty much describes when arrows could
> and should be used.  And he ends the paper with "In short, we believe that
> arrows offer a useful extension to the generality of generic library
> interfaces", a reasonable (and understated) claim.
> -- Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: David Barton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 7:44 AM
> Subject: Re: syntactic sugar for "arrows"
> Michael Hobbs writes:
>Yes, I can see how the arrow paradigm would work very well for
>things such as parsing LL(1) grammars, but I could not see how such
>a scheme could become a _replacement_ for monads in general purpose
>programming.  Perhaps I was expecting the wrong thing from the
> I agree, and (not to speak for John Hughes, but I will anyway) I
> suspect John would as well. 

Hugs Logo Contest

1999-01-29 Thread John C. Peterson

Attention graphic designers!  We need a logo for Hugs!  See for details about the Hugs logo contest.
Win prizes!!
