module Unix.hs

1999-08-21 Thread Koen Claessen

Hi all,

I am just sending this because there were some people who thought it could
be useful. It works for Hugs98, but some hacks I use might be specific to
our local system.

I think a built-in module with the same function signatures would be
extremely useful!


module Unix
  ( Command  --:: String
  , sys  --:: Command -> IO ()
  -- using stdin and stdout
  , sysIn--:: Command -> String -> IO ()
  , sysOut   --:: Command   -> IO String
  , sysInOut --:: Command -> String -> IO String

  -- using files as arguments
  , sysWithIn--:: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO ()
  , sysWithOut   --:: (FilePath -> Command)   -> IO String
  , sysInWithOut --:: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO String
  , sysWithInOut --:: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO String

  -- lazily generating output
  , sysOutLazy   --:: Command   -> IO String
  , sysInOutLazy --:: Command -> String -> IO String

  , sysWithOutLazy   --:: (FilePath -> Command)   -> IO String
  , sysInWithOutLazy --:: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO String
  , sysWithInOutLazy --:: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO String

import System( system )
import IO( try )

-- internal file names

prefix :: FilePath
prefix = "/tmp/hugs-sys-"

lockfile  = prefix ++ "lock"
numfile   = prefix ++ "number"
tmpfile n = prefix ++ show n

-- comm

type Command
  = String

type Comm
  = ([FilePath] -> String, IO String)

comm0 :: Command -> Comm
comm0 s = (\_ -> s, return "")

comm1 :: (FilePath -> Command) -> Comm
comm1 f = (\(s:_) -> f s, return "")

comm2 :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Command) -> Comm
comm2 f = (\(s1:s2:_) -> f s1 s2, return "")

-- decorator

type Decorator
  = Comm -> IO Comm

sysDecorate :: Decorator -> Comm -> IO String
sysDecorate decorate comm =
  do (f, after) <- decorate comm
 system (f [])

-- several decorators

inputArg :: String -> Decorator
inputArg inpS (f, after) =
  do inpF <- uniqueTmpName
 writeFile inpF inpS
 return (\args -> f (args ++ [inpF]), after)

input :: String -> Decorator
input inpS (f, after) =
  do inpF <- uniqueTmpName
 writeFile inpF inpS
 let after' = do s <- after
 rm inpF
 return s
 return (\args -> f args ++ " < " ++ inpF, after')

outputArg :: Decorator
outputArg (f, after) =
  do outP <- uniqueTmpName
 writeFile outP ""
 let after' = do s1 <- after
 s2 <- readFile outP
 rm outP
 return (s1 ++ s2)
 return (\args -> f (args ++ [outP]), after')

output :: Decorator
output (f, after) =
  do outP <- uniqueTmpName
 writeFile outP ""
 let after' = do s1 <- after
 s2 <- readFile outP
 rm outP
 return (s1 ++ s2)
 return (\args -> f args ++ " > " ++ outP, after')

outputArgLazy :: Decorator
outputArgLazy (f, after) =
  do outP <- uniqueTmpName
 mkpipe outP
 let after' = do s1 <- after
 s2 <- readFile outP
 rm outP
 return (s1 ++ s2)
 return (\args -> f (args ++ [outP]) ++ " &", after')

outputLazy :: Decorator
outputLazy (f, after) =
  do outP <- uniqueTmpName
 mkpipe outP
 let after' = do s1 <- after
 s2 <- readFile outP
 rm outP
 return (s1 ++ s2)
 return (\args -> f args ++ " > " ++ outP ++ " &", after')

-- several system functions

sys :: Command -> IO ()
sys comm = void (system comm)

sysIn :: Command -> String -> IO ()
sysIn comm inpS = void $
  sysDecorate (input inpS) (comm0 comm)

sysOut :: Command -> IO String
sysOut comm =
  sysDecorate (output) (comm0 comm)

sysInOut :: Command -> String -> IO String
sysInOut comm inpS =
  sysDecorate (input inpS <> output) (comm0 comm)

sysWithIn :: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO ()
sysWithIn comm inpS = void $
  sysDecorate (inputArg inpS) (comm1 comm)

sysWithOut :: (FilePath -> Command) -> IO String
sysWithOut comm =
  sysDecorate (outputArg) (comm1 comm)

sysInWithOut :: (FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO String
sysInWithOut comm inpS =
  sysDecorate (input inpS <> outputArg) (comm1 comm)

sysWithInOut :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Command) -> String -> IO String
sysWithInOut comm inpS =
  sysDecorate (inputArg inpS <> outputArg) (comm2 comm)

-- lazy versions

sysOutLazy :: Command -> IO String
sysOutLazy comm =
  sysDecorate (outputLazy) (comm0 comm)

sysInOutLazy :: Command -> String -> IO String
sysInOutLazy comm inpS

Re: A Haskell-Shell

1999-08-21 Thread Will Partain

Jim Mattson's "Haskell shell" may still be distributed as 
misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs in GHC.  I include what I believe
to be a reasonably current (1997) version below.


Peter Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found an old (and stale) URL">Unix shell in GHC
which may be relevant to this thread.  As I dimly recall it was a few
screenfulls of code, and only a "proof of concept".  Perhaps one can
find a non-stale link by a web search?


module Main (main) where

import IO
import Posix

import Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
import System( getEnv, exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import Char  (isSpace)

main :: IO ()
main =

   Standard shell practice: move std descriptors out of the way so
   it's more convenient to set them up for children.  Also set up an
   interrupt handler which will put us back in the main loop.

initialize :: IO ()
initialize =
dupTo stdInput  myStdin >>
dupTo stdOutput myStdout>>
dupTo stdError  myStderr>>
fdClose stdInput>>
fdClose stdOutput   >>
--  fdClose stdError>>
installHandler sigINT (Catch intr) Nothing  >>
return ()

-- some random fd numbers...
myStdin  = intToFd 16
myStdout = intToFd 17
myStderr = intToFd 18

-- For user interrupts 

intr :: IO ()
intr =
fdWrite myStdout "\n"   >>

   Simple command loop: print a prompt, read a command, process the command.
   Repeat as necessary.

commandLoop :: IO ()
commandLoop =
fdWrite myStdout "$ "  >>
try (readCommand myStdin)  >>=
  (\ err -> 
 if isEOFError err then
return ()
  (\ cmd ->
try (processCommand cmd) >>= either (\ err -> commandLoop) (\ succ -> 
dieHorribly :: IO ()
dieHorribly =
 errMsg "read failed"
 exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

   Read a command a character at a time (to allow for fancy processing later).
   On newline, you're done, unless the newline was escaped by a backslash.

readCommand :: Fd -> IO String
readCommand fd = 
accumString ""  >>= \ cmd ->
return cmd
accumString :: String -> IO String
accumString s =
myGetChar fd>>= \ c ->
case c of
  '\\' ->
myGetChar fd>>= \ c' ->
accumString (c':c:s)
  '\n' -> return (reverse s)
  ch  -> accumString (ch:s)

myGetChar :: Fd -> IO Char
myGetChar chan =
(s,len) <- fdRead chan 1
case len of
  0 -> myGetChar chan
  1 -> return (head s)

   To process a command, first parse it into words, then do the necessary
   redirections, and finally perform the desired command.  Built-ins are
   checked first, and if none match, we execute an external command.

processCommand :: String -> IO ()
processCommand "" = return ()
processCommand s =
   words <- parseCommand s
   (inFile, outFile, words) <- parseRedirection words
   performRedirections inFile outFile
cmd = head words
args = tail words
   case builtin cmd of
 Just f -> 
 f args
 fdClose stdInput
 fdClose stdOutput
 Nothing -> exec cmd args

   Redirections are a bit of a pain, really.  If none are specified, we
   dup our own file descriptors.  Otherwise, we try to open the files
   as requested.

performRedirections :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
performRedirections inFile outFile =
(case inFile of
Nothing -> dupTo myStdin stdInput
Just x  ->
try (openFd x ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags)
  (\ err ->
errMsg ("Can't redirect input from " ++ x) >>
fail (userError "redirect"))
  (\ succ -> return ()))>>
(case outFile of
Nothing ->
dupTo myStdout stdOutput
Just x ->
try (createFile x stdFileMode) >>=
  (\ err ->
 errMsg ("Can't redirect output to " ++ x) 
 fdClose stdInput
 fail (userError "redirect"))
  (\ succ -> return ()))

   We parse a command line into words according to the following rules:
1) Anything inside pairs of "" or '' is parsed literally.
2) Anything (outside of quotes) escaped by \ is taken literally.
3) '<' and '>' are words all by themselves, unless escaped or quoted.
4) Whitespace separates words

parseCommand :: String -> IO [String]
parseCommand = getTokens []
getTokens :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
getTokens ts "

Re: A Haskell-Shell

1999-08-21 Thread Heribert Schuetz


The appended patch to Hugs98 (to be applied in the src subdirectory)
might be of some help for those who want to do shell scripting in
Haskell. It modifies IO.openFile as follows:

- If the name of a file opened in ReadMode ends in "|", then the part
  before the "|" is considered a program and its standard output is

- If the name of a file opened in WriteMode begins with "|", then the
  part after the "|" is considered a program and it is written to its
  standard input.

Several Unix programs have such a behaviour.

With the patch applied, you can do things like this:

  do h <- openFile "cat /etc/group|" ReadMode
 h' <- openFile "|tr aeiou '*'" WriteMode
 hGetContents h >>= hPutStr h'
 hClose h
 hClose h'

Now for the disclaimers.

The patched program is in no way meant to be elegant. I rather tried to
keep the patch itself as small as possible. I also have not tested it on
any environment other than my Linux machine. And to be honest, I didn't
completely understand what I was doing. (What are, e.g., `ap' and

The patch is also not a complete solution to the needs of script
programmers because you can only access the standard input *or* the
standard output of a program. A cleaner solution would be based on the
`pipe', `fork' and `execve' system calls made available as Haskell
primitives. But I don't understand enough of the hugs internals to
implement that.


*** storage.c.orig  Fri Aug 20 18:34:05 1999
--- storage.c   Sat Aug 21 09:33:34 1999
*** 2441,2446 
--- 2441,2460 
ERRMSG(0) "Too many handles open; cannot open \"%s\"", s
+ else if (hmode&HREAD && s[strlen(s)-1]=='|') {
+   s[strlen(s)-1] = (char) 0;
+   /* Is this side effect harmless? */
+   if (handles[i].hfp=popen(s,"r")) {
+   handles[i].hmode = hmode;
+   return (handles[i].hcell = ap(HANDCELL,i));
+   }
+ }
+ else if (hmode&HWRITE && s[0]=='|') {
+   if (handles[i].hfp=popen(s+1,"w")) {
+   handles[i].hmode = hmode;
+   return (handles[i].hcell = ap(HANDCELL,i));
+   }
+ }
  else {  /* prepare to open file*/
String stmode;
if (binary) {
*** 2464,2470 
  Int n; {/* heap references to it remain*/
  if (0<=n && nHSTDERR && handles[n].hmode!=HCLOSED && handles[n].hfp) {
!   fclose(handles[n].hfp);
handles[n].hfp = 0;
fst(handles[n].hcell) = snd(handles[n].hcell) = NIL;
--- 2478,2488 
  Int n; {/* heap references to it remain*/
  if (0<=n && nHSTDERR && handles[n].hmode!=HCLOSED && handles[n].hfp) {
!   if (pclose(handles[n].hfp) == -1) {
!   /* Is there a more elegant way to find out whether a
!FILE is actually a pipe? */
!   fclose(handles[n].hfp);
!   }
handles[n].hfp = 0;
fst(handles[n].hcell) = snd(handles[n].hcell) = NIL;

Re: A Haskell-Shell

1999-08-21 Thread Friedrich Dominicus

Koen Claessen wrote:
> Hello,
>  | Just wondering if someone uses Hugs for writing Unix-Shell Scripts. Or
>  | what would you think about a Haskell-Shell.
> These are two quite separate issues of course. I can comment on the first
> one.
Of course you're rigth, and I better had just asked if someone like to
have a Haskell Shell. I just thought that this would be a nice
