Re: ANNOUNCE: GHC 4.06 released

2000-01-28 Thread Matthias Kilian


I wonder what the cvs release naming strategy is. Ist 4.06 on the main cvs
branch, or is there a special tag for official releases, or what else?

A `cvs up -dPA -r 4.06' in the fptools directory simply removed everything
(don't worry, I did make a copy before the update).


ETAPS 2000 - Call for Participation

2000-01-28 Thread Doris Faehndrich

(Sorry, if you receive multiple copies of this Call.
   Doris Faehndrich) 


  Technical University of Berlin, March 25 - April 2, 2000


Welcome to Berlin, welcome to ETAPS, the European Joint Conferences on 
Theory and Practice of Software, the european forum for academic and 
industrial researchers working on these topics!  
For 9 days you will be able to choose between 5 conferences with more 
than 120 regular papers and tool demonstrations covering a wide range 
of topics from theory and practice, 7 invited lectures, 10 tutorials, 
and 5 satellite events.

Please, check  for details

Use the option of online registration or one of the downloadable
 registration forms!


Main Conferences, March 27 - March 31
CC 2000 International Conference on Compiler Construction
Chair: David Watt (University of Glasgow, UK)

ESOP 2000 European Symposium on Programming 
Chair: Gert Smolka (Saarland University, D)

FASE 2000 Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Chair: Tom Maibaum (King's College London, UK)

FOSSACS 2000 Foundations of Software Science and Computation 
Structures, Chair: Jerzy Tiuryn (University of Warsaw, PL)

TACAS 2000 Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis 
of Systems,  Chair: Susanne Graf (VERIMAG, Grenoble, F)

Invited Speakers 

Abbas Edalat (Imperial College, London, UK)
``A Data Type for Computational Geometry and Solid Modelling''

David Harel (The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IL)
``From play-in scenarios to code: an achievable dream''

Martin Odersky (EPF Lausanne, CH)
``Functional nets''

Richard Mark Soley (OMG Object Management Group, USA)
``Memex isn't Enough''

Wladyslaw M. Turski (University of Warsaw, PL)
``An essay on software engineering at the turn of century''

Reinhard Wilhelm (Saarland University, D) 
``Shape analysis''

Pierre Wolper (University of Liege, B)
``On the representation of constraints by automata in the 
  verification of infinite systems''

Panel: ``Standard Components of the Shelf -
  Do they carry and need a (Formal) Standard Semantics?''
Chair: Herbert Weber (TU Berlin, D) 

Satellite Events

GRATRA - Joint APPLIGRAPH/GETGRATS Workshop on Graph Transformation 
 Systems, Contact: Hartmut Ehrig (TU Berlin, D)
 March 25 - March 27

  Invited Lecture by Grzegorz Rozenberg (University of Leiden, NL)
   ``DNA Computing in vivo and graph transformation''
   (open for all ETAPS participants)

CMCS - Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science
   Contact: Horst Reichel (TU Dresden, D)
   March 25 - March 26
CBS - International Workshop on Communication-Based Systems
  Contact: Guenter Hommel(TU Berlin, D)
  March 31 - April 1

INT - Integration of Specification Techniques with Applications in 
  Engineering, Contact: Martin Grosse-Rhode(TU Berlin, D)
  March 31 - April 1

CoFI - Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification and 
   Development of Software
   Contact: Don Sannella (University of Edinburgh, UK)
   April 1 - April 2


XML for Software Engineers
Andrea Zisman, Anthony Finkelstein (University College London, UK) 
March 25, p.m., half-day

A tutorial on Maude
Narciso Marti Oliet (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, E), 
Jose Meseguer (SRI International, USA) 
March 25, p.m., half-day

Rigorous Requirements for Safety-Critical Systems:
Fundamentals and Applications of the SCR Method
Constance L. Heitmeyer (Naval Research Laboratory, USA) 
March 26, full-day

Multi-Paradigm Programming
Michael Hanus (RWTH Aachen, D) 
March 26, a.m., half-day

Query-based Automated Debugging
Mireille Ducasse (IRISA/INSA, F) 
March 26, p.m., half-day

The Unified Modelling Language
Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK) 
April 1, full-day

Swinging Types
Peter Padawitz (University of Dortmund, D) 
April 1, a.m., half-day

Tables and computation
A.J.Wilder (University of Wales, UK) 
April 1, p.m., half-day

SDL 2000
Joachim Fischer (HU Berlin, D), Andreas Prinz (Research Digital
Media Systems GmbH, D), Eckhardt Holz (HU Berlin, D) 
April 2, full-day

Software Metrology Basis
Hans-Ludwig Hausen (GMD Bonn, D)
April 2, a.m., half-day

ETAPS Steering Committee
Don Sannella (Chairman, UK), Egidio Astesiano (I), Jan Bergstra (N

ANNOUNCE: GHC 4.06 released

2000-01-28 Thread Reuben Thomas

 The Glasgow Haskell Compiler -- version 4.06

We are pleased to announce a new release of the Glasgow Haskell
Compiler (GHC), version 4.06.  The source distribution is freely
available via the World-Wide Web and through anon. FTP; details below.

Haskell is "the" standard lazy functional programming language; the
current language version is Haskell 98, agreed in December 1998.
Haskell related information is available from the Haskell home page at

GHC's Web page lives at

+ What's new

This should be a stable release. We have not made major changes
since 4.04 to the core compiler, but we have fixed lots of bugs.
We believe that 4.06 is in a nice stable well-tested state.  (Ha!)

Apart from that, there are the following changes

   - Major library reorganisation.  All libraries, except the ones that
 are part of the Haskell 98 *language* specification, have moved to
 fptools/hslibs/.  The hslibs tree is independent of GHC, shared between
 GHC, Hugs, and (we hope) other Haskell implementations.  
 The idea is to make it easier for people to contribute and maintain 

 The hslibs/ tree is organised in a Java-like fashion.  Details in 
 the new Library guide:

 Existing programs that use the -syslib flag may need to change which
 syslibs they include.

   - Support for "foreign export dynamic".

   - Clean up of concurrent I/O system; in particular, I/O is now non-blocking,
 except (alas) on stdout/stderr for tiresome reasons.

   - Some refinements to the exceptions mechanism:

   - More performance tuning: compiled programs now allocate 10% less memory
 than 4.04

For full details see the release notes:

+ Mailing lists

We run mailing lists for GHC users and bug reports; to subscribe, send
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; the msg body should be:

subscribe glasgow-haskell- Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please send bug reports about GHC to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; GHC
users hang out on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+ On-line GHC-related resources

Relevant URLs on the World-Wide Web:

GHC home page
Haskell home page
comp.lang.functional FAQ

+ How to get it

The easy way is to go to the WWW page, which should be

Once you have the distribution, please follow the pointers in the
README file to find all of the documentation about this release.  NB:
preserve modification times when un-tarring the files (no `m' option
for tar, please)!

+ System requirements

To compile up this source-only release, you need a machine with 32+MB
memory, GNU C (`gcc'), `perl' plus a version of GHC installed (3.02 at
least).  This release is known to work on the following platforms:

  * i386-unknown-{linux,solaris2,freebsd,netbsd,cygwin32}
  * sparc-sun-{sunos4,solaris2}
  * hppa1.1-hp-hpux{9,10}

Ports to the following platforms should be relatively easy, but
haven't been tested due to lack of time/hardware:

  * alpha-dec-osf{2,3}
  * mips-sgi-irix{5,6}
  * {rs6000,powerpc}-ibm-aix

The builder's guide included in distribution gives a complete
run-down of what-ports-work; an on-line version can be found at

Re: A hard core game programmers view

2000-01-28 Thread Paul Hudak

> Can I respectfully suggest that comp.lang.functional would be
> a better place to have this discussion than the Haskell mailing list?

Good idea, but before everyone tunes out, and to return to the original
thread, here's another good advert for Haskell (and other FPL's) from
the games world:


Re: drop & take [was: fixing typos in Haskell-98]

2000-01-28 Thread Jan Kort

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
> My preference is still (B). (A) is not *very* bad, but should really
> replicate (-7) "foo" be []?

Mine too.

Actually after writing my own version of "drop" it turns out that
in my case n < 0 is a programmer error and n > length xs a user error.
So what you end up with (if (B) is choosen) is something like:

bafDrop :: Int -> String -> String
bafDrop i xs | i > length xs = bafError "corrupt BAF file"
 | otherwise = drop i xs

Of course n < 0 isn't always a programmer error and you might want
to overwrite it. So that would suggest (A), but right now (B) is my
favourite, because I can't think of a practical example where n < 0
would be a user error.

Actually, (A) might be better, the extra check for i < 0 is not
time consuming anyway. I guess flipping a coin to choose between
(A) and (B) would work just as well (provided this doesn't lead
to a discussion about what coin to use).


P.S. Now that I see the "bafDrop" outside the code, it looks odd. I
 have no right claiming that the BAF -file- is corrupt at that
 point. I'll have to rewrite this using some exception Monad.
 Since this would make the code even bigger I might as well
 put the entire code of drop in it. So much for code reuse...

Re: A hard core game programmers view

2000-01-28 Thread Hannah Schroeter


On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 07:08:31PM -0500, Christopher Milton wrote:

> [...]

> pattern matching a great deal. But my Perl friends balk
> at the apparent lack of semicolons in Haskell. :-)

Where is there a lack of semicolons? :-) You can even have braces.

f x = let { foo = bar; bar = baz; baz = x } in x

> [...]

> Ich bin von Kaffeehausaufsuchkrankheit befallen.
> Wo gibt's?

In Wien? :-)

Gruss (regards),


RE: A hard core game programmers view

2000-01-28 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

| > > >> Look at the popularity of PERL
| > > >> for example.  That is one thing I will never understand.
| > > I'm sure I will get flamed to a crisp for this, but...
| > > I think PERL can be quite nice when you want a quick
| > > hack that will do something useful.
| Yes, Perl is a great prototyping language.

Can I respectfully suggest that comp.lang.functional would be
a better place to have this discussion than the Haskell mailing list?

(Earlier I proposed splitting the Haskell list into a high-bandwidth
list and a low-bandwidth one, but then the traffic dropped sharply
and so I did nothing further.  The best outcome would be, I think,
that we keep just one list, but its bandwidth is low enough that
people don't get buried.)
