Re: Extending the do-notation

2001-01-08 Thread George Russell

Sebastien Carlier wrote:
  import Monad
  do y - liftM unzip m1
 I'm constantly amazed by the number of tricks one has
 to know before he can write concise code using the
 do-notation (among other things, I used to write
 "x - return $ m" instead of "let x = m").
Why do you WANT to write concise code using the do-notation?
Has someone revived the Obfuscated Haskell Contest, or
do you find touch-typing difficult?

Haskell mailing list

Yet more on functional dependencies

2001-01-08 Thread George Russell

I am finding functional dependencies confusing.  (I suspect I am not alone.)
Should the following code work?

class HasConverter a b | a - b where
   convert :: a - b

instance (HasConverter a b,Show b) = Show a where
   show value = show (convert value)

Haskell mailing list

Re: Are fundeps the right model at all?

2001-01-08 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Mon, 8 Jan 2001 17:53:35 +1300, Tom Pledger [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

   Having types with type variables which are never instantiated nor
   constrained should be equivalent to having ground types!
 Do you have any examples of such a type variable in an instance decl?

Not quite. When the type variable is never instantiated, like in ST
(ghc's and hbc's state threads), I don't see fundeps.

 __("  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Yet more on functional dependencies

2001-01-08 Thread Tom Pledger

George Russell writes:
  I am finding functional dependencies confusing.  (I suspect I am not alone.)
  Should the following code work?
  class HasConverter a b | a - b where
 convert :: a - b
  instance (HasConverter a b,Show b) = Show a where
 show value = show (convert value)


Let's assume that multi-parameter classes and overlapping instances
are enabled.

Without the functional dependency, the instance decl would be rejected
because the type variable b occurs in the context (HasConverter a b,
Show b) but not in the head (Show a).  The compiler needs to generate
some code for `show value', but it's not allowed to make an arbitrary
substitution for b.

The functional dependency provides a way to determine b uniquely once
a is matched.  So, the compiler can generate the code for `show value'
without being arbitrary.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Are anonymous type classes the right model at all? (replying to Re: Are fundeps the right model at all?)

2001-01-08 Thread Tom Pledger

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk writes:
  My new record scheme proposal does not provide such lightweight
  extensibility, but fields can be added and deleted in a controlled
  way if the right types and instances are made.

Johan Nordlander must be on holiday or something, so I'll deputise for
him.   :-)

O'Haskell also has add-a-field subtyping.  Here's the coloured point
example (from

   struct Point =
  x,y :: Float

   struct CPoint  Point =
  color :: Color


Haskell mailing list

ANNOUNCE: Draft TOC of Haskell in a Nutshell

2001-01-08 Thread Brook Conner

Inspired by the recent discussions of what kinds of books would 
encourage the spread of Haskell, I whipped up a draft table of contents 
for "Haskell in a Nutshell."

You can find it in PDF form at (it should have the fonts 
embedded - OReilly uses a couple of oddballs) and in ASCII text at

While there are page numbers attached, you should simply ignore those 
for the moment :-) Rather, I'd be interested in feedback on the 
structure etc. Oh, and please don't just rip it off and write it 
yourself :-)

Like "Java in a Nutshell", the first part is a firehose description of 
the language. As Haskell is somewhat different from what most OReilly 
readers are used to, I've included a bit more about different ways you 
can run Haskell (which, incidentally, points out that it runs *everywhere*).

Also like "Java in a Nutshell", the last part is a reference to common 

The middle part is a bit different - a short "cookbook" of 
semi-practical programs addressing fairly common programming tasks - 
some of the kinds of things you'd typically do with Perl or C++. I think 
it needs more "recipes" of course, but I'd like to know if the general 
idea is working.


ps - for the curious, I have in fact written a textbook before 
(object-oriented programming for a first-semester course, from 1994...). 
And I'm using O'Reilly's FrameMaker templates, so the draft is 
"camera-ready" (hence the page numbers - the TOC is automatically 

Haskell mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: Draft TOC of Haskell in a Nutshell

2001-01-08 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Brook Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

 You can find it in PDF form at (it should have the fonts 
 embedded - OReilly uses a couple of oddballs) and in ASCII text at

Makes sense to me.  However, I would move IO further to the
front.  For any "real life" programming, IO is essential
and, I think, it is bad for the image of Haskell to treat it
as something dirty that is relegated to end of every (at
least, many) introduction of Haskell.

I have just given an Introduction to Computing course using
Haskell and written a set of lecture notes, which introduce
a couple of concepts (including IO) differently than
commonly done.  The whole stuff is at

Feel free to get inspiration from the material (except Weeks
8 - 10, which weren't given by me).  You will find IO in
Week 5.  Note that I haven't used the word monad a single
time.  IMHO, monads are an advanced concept, IO is not.
It's like you can introduce recursion without discussing
stacks.  If you understand stacks, you can gain a deeper
understanding of recursion, but if you hear about recursion
for the first time, the mention of stacks will only distract
the average student.

 The middle part is a bit different - a short "cookbook" of 
 semi-practical programs addressing fairly common programming tasks - 
 some of the kinds of things you'd typically do with Perl or C++. I think 
 it needs more "recipes" of course, but I'd like to know if the general 
 idea is working.

I think, that this is a good idea.


Haskell mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: Draft TOC of Haskell in a Nutshell

2001-01-08 Thread Bill Halchin

Yes! I agree with Manuel about the IO. It looks bad being towards
the end.


Bill Halchin

From: "Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: Draft TOC of Haskell in a Nutshell
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 13:43:59 +1100

Brook Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

  You can find it in PDF form at (it should have the fonts
  embedded - OReilly uses a couple of oddballs) and in ASCII text at

Makes sense to me.  However, I would move IO further to the
front.  For any "real life" programming, IO is essential
and, I think, it is bad for the image of Haskell to treat it
as something dirty that is relegated to end of every (at
least, many) introduction of Haskell.

I have just given an Introduction to Computing course using
Haskell and written a set of lecture notes, which introduce
a couple of concepts (including IO) differently than
commonly done.  The whole stuff is at

Feel free to get inspiration from the material (except Weeks
8 - 10, which weren't given by me).  You will find IO in
Week 5.  Note that I haven't used the word monad a single
time.  IMHO, monads are an advanced concept, IO is not.
It's like you can introduce recursion without discussing
stacks.  If you understand stacks, you can gain a deeper
understanding of recursion, but if you hear about recursion
for the first time, the mention of stacks will only distract
the average student.

  The middle part is a bit different - a short "cookbook" of
  semi-practical programs addressing fairly common programming tasks -
  some of the kinds of things you'd typically do with Perl or C++. I think
  it needs more "recipes" of course, but I'd like to know if the general
  idea is working.

I think, that this is a good idea.


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Haskell mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: Draft TOC of Haskell in a Nutshell

2001-01-08 Thread Ketil Malde

Brook Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Inspired by the recent discussions of what kinds of books would encourage the
 spread of Haskell, I whipped up a draft table of contents for "Haskell in a

Let's see.  It all depends on what you put into the chapters, of
course, but you seem to jump directly from simple concepts into
Haskell for web servers.  Wouldn't it be better to push this further
out, until at least some of the syntax has been explored?

From the headlines, one might get the impression that type
declarations are only important when the compiler can't figure it out
itself - I'm sure the actual text will give a different view, no?

The cookbook looks great, and it's certainly something I'd buy the
book for.  I can, of course, think of many kinds of example programs
I'd like to see - how about a GUI oriented program, for instance?

Perhaps you could finish it off with a "real" application, say a GUIed
JPEG viewer, where you sort of string it all (the JPEG codec, a C
library interface for something or other, and GUI stuff, etc.)
together into a whole? 

On the whole, I think it looks good.  Best of luck!

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: Draft TOC of Haskell in a Nutshell

2001-01-08 Thread Johannes Waldmann

 However, I would move IO further to the front.  
 For any "real life" programming, IO is essential...

I am currently teaching a Functional Programming lecture (notes in German:
and I also used this approach: use the do-notation intuitively
(for text IO and graphics, using SOE book), 
and explain monads later (with parser combinators and interpreters).

This could be driven to the extreme: not only hide the word "monad",
but also "functional". The title would be "Imperative programming in Haskell"
(as  S. Peyton Jones says in Tackling the Awkward Squad: 
"Haskell is the world's finest imperative programming language").

The students would start writing do-notated programs in the IO monad,
starting with  putStrLn "Hello World";
and gradually the emphasis is shifted from sequencing (the "semicolon")
to "what can we do on the righthand side of  let x = ... ",
thus introducing functional programming.

Not sure if this is really a good idea, though...
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/252 --

Haskell mailing list

Re: Learning Haskell and FP

2001-01-08 Thread Benjamin L. Russell

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:26:19 -0500 (EST)
 Patrick M Doane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think a really good beginner's tutorial on I/O could be
 started from this
- Start immediately with using the 'do expression' and
  worry about the history that led to its development.

Actually, the history, especially from a comparative programming languages standpoint, 
can sometimes be useful for motivation.

For example, many Java textbooks motivated study of the language by explaining the 
need for a C-style language without explicit memory allocation or explicit pointer 
casting.  Similarly, an on-line document for C# motivated it by explaining the history 
of how it grew out of a need for a language similar to C and C++ (the document somehow 
left out the Java comparison :-( ), but that allowed programmers to develop more 
efficiently in it.

Even for a "Haskell in a Nutshell"-style textbook, a couple of paragraphs comparing 
Haskell to other languages from a historical viewpoint and describing the advantages 
and disadvantages of Haskell in particular could prove quite useful.


  Many people are also annoyed by an author using new
 vocabulary even
  if it is well defined. It's better to get them
 comfortable with the
  system first.

That depends on which new vocabulary is being mentioned, though.  That may true for 
unnecessary new vocabulary, such as "monads" for the first chapter.  However, e.g. in 
the following example (borrowed from Chapter 3 of _A Gentle Introduction to Haskell, 
Version 98,_ by Paul Hudak):

add :: Integer - Integer - Integer
add x y =  x + y

it is hard not to introduce such vocabulary as "has type," "arrow" (or "mapping"), and 
maybe even "currying."

- Conclude with explaining the difference between
 executing an action
  and building a value to execute the action. There is
 no need to
  point out that this is a requirement of being a lazy
  Instead point out the benefits such a system
 provides to back up 
  the claim that Haskell truly is "the world's finest
  imperative programming language."

Forgive me if I am ignorant, but who claimed that Haskell was an "imperative" language?

Also, in order to take full advantage of Haskell, it would seem necessary to get used 
to functional programming style (the Haskell school of expression, in particular).  It 
seems that using Haskell as an "imperative" language is a bit like thinking in C when 
programming in C++; only worse, since the imperative habits are being brought into the 
functional, rather than the OO, realm.

Benjamin L. Russell
"Furuike ya!  Kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."  --Matsuo Basho

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Learning Haskell and FP

2001-01-08 Thread Theodore Norvell

Erik Meijer wrote:

 Nope, I also think that Haskell is the world's finest *imperative* language
 (and the world's best functional language as well). The beauty of monads is
 that you can encapsulate imperative actions as first class values, ie they
 have the same status as functions, lists, ... Not many other imperative
 languages have statements as first class citizens.

It may be the only imperative language that doesn't have mutable variables
as a standard part of the language.  :-)

I do agree that Haskell has a lot of nice imperative features, but it
is also missing a few that are fundamental to imperative programming.

Personally, I'd love to see a language that is imperative from the
ground up, that has some of the design features of Haskell (especially
the type system), but I don't think that Haskell is that language (yet?).

A question for the list:  Is there a book that gives a good introduction
to Hindley-Milner typing theory and practice, and that delves into its
various extensions (e.g. imperative programs, type classes, record types).
I have Mitchell's book out from the library, but it seems a bit limited
with respect to extentions (I think it deals with subtypes, but not
type classes and mutable variables, for example).

Theodore Norvell

Dr. Theodore Norvell[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering and Applied SciencePhone: (709) 737-8962
Memorial University of Newfoundland  Fax: (709) 737-4042
St. John's, NF, Canada, A1B 3X5

Haskell-Cafe mailing list