Re: URI handling code in Haskell available

2003-03-05 Thread Johannes Waldmann
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Graham Klyne wrote:

> I've released a first version of some URI parsing and handling code at:

but this library is already in ghc:

best regards
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/207 --

Haskell mailing list

Re: int to float problem

2003-03-05 Thread b . i . mills

> I agree with what you said, 
> but I think you may have missed my point.

Sounds likely on both counts. 

The same thing annoys me, but my work is in exact or symbolic:

-- I don't claim this is a practical example
-- I'm just saying that it is logically plausible

   denominator 2 % 3 == 3

   denominator 23 == 1  --- only works because 23 might mean 23%1

   denominator (floor (23 % 45)) == type error in application.

So now I have to say ...

   denominator $ fromInteger (floor (23 % 45))

Is this the same malarkey that you are complaining about?

I don't like using the conversions, so I generally try to
find some way to rephrase the problem at a higher level. 

So, you want some way to define a default manner in which 
other types can be mapped to the type that is used in the 
definition of the function? (Do I understand correctly)?

I can see merit in this, someone might use, floor xor ceiling, 
to shoehorn a float into and integer function. Getting different
answers. On the other hand, it looks like ad-hoc polymorphism.
I mean you are requesting that we can write a function 

myIntFn :: Integer -> Integer

and then define a default mapping for each type into integers.

So what if I define functions myFloatInt, myRatioIntInt,
etc, to be used by default when the "wrong" type is presented
as argument. Such that the range of each of these is distinct. 
In this way myIntFn can actually map Floats and Ratio Ints in 
totally different ways.

That is, such a mechanism is very close to the ad-hoc polymorphism
C++ style ...

myIntFn :: Integer -> Integer
myIntFn x = 2*x

myIntFn :: Float -> Float
myIntFn x = x*x

and so on.

Don't get me wrong, I am not fundamentally opposed to ad-hoc
polymorphism, in fact ... (Ok, don't get me onto the subject
of polymorphism).

> In the definition of w, the fromIntegrals serve no purpose 
> other than to make everything type.  This seems to go 
> against the merits of declarative programming.

I feel were you are coming from here ... but I wonder if the
issue is more the problem that Int is not a subset of Float.
That is, the matter that (1 :: Integer) and (1 :: Float) are
not represented the same in the computer means that they really
are not in a subset hierarchy. A conversion is a non trivial
operation (not just a projection) I just don't feel we can miss 
out this point. We (as programmers) are pretending that the 
Floats and Integers are a model of reals and integers. But,
they are not, so we have to write our program in such a way
that we make up for the sense in which they are not.

Ultimately, float is what it is ... not a real number. The
fact that we can write programs to get a good approximation
to certain real results, using floats, shows that we are 
good at compensating for the distinction. 

I don't think that it goes against the merits of declarative
programming, rather (once again) declarative programming is
causing us to have to recognise the reality of the situation.
(In this case that real arithmetic is non computable).

Mind you, maybe having to recognise the reality is a form
of demerit. 



ps: Parametric polymorphism only works because other operators
available are ad-hoc polymorphic :p

Haskell mailing list

Re: int to float problem (resend with addendum)

2003-03-05 Thread Matthew Donadio
> Basically, from the algebraic perspective, the float type is
> a messy fudge, and does not fit in nicely with any of the
> "pure" types. In general the containment

I agree with what you said, but I think you may have missed my point.

In numeric programming, at least what I am currently working on, numeric
types are very often mixed.  With all of the syntactic sugar that
Haskell has to make the progarmmer's life easier, and programs easier to
read, I find it odd that there is no mechanism to control implicit type

The two biggest examples I can think of are Int to Float (or Double) and
Float to Complex Float.

Consinder a direct translation of a discrete Fourier transform

> dft :: Array Int (Complex Double) -> Array Int (Complex Double)
> dft a = dft' a w n
> where w = listArray (0,n-1) [ cis (-2 * pi * fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n) | 
> i <- [0..(n-0)] ]
>   n = snd (bounds a) + 1

> dft' :: Array Int (Complex Double) -> Array Int (Complex Double) -> Int -> Array Int 
> (Complex Double)
> dft' a w n = listArray (0,n-1) [ sum [ a!k * wik i k | k <- [0..(n-1)] ] | i <- 
> [0..(n-1)] ])
> where wik i k = w!(i*k `mod` n)

In the defintion of w, the fromIntegrals serve no purpose other than to
make everything type.  This seems to go against the merits of
declarative programming.

Also consider the multiplication of a Complex Double by a Double.  There
are two ways to do this.  One is to make the scalar a complex, but this
turns what should be two multiplications into four mults and two adds if
the zero valued imaginary term doesn't get optimized out.  

> scale1 :: Complex Double -> Double -> Complex Double
> scale1 z x = z * (x :+ 0)

The second way to handle this is to expand the complex term into real
and imaginary parts, and do the multiplication.

> scale2 :: Complex Double -> Double -> Complex Double
> scale2 (zr :+ zi) x = (zr * x) :+ (zi * x)

Again, these two methods are needed only to make the functions type.

I am not advocating C / FORTRAN style type coersion.  What I am wishing
for is a per module or per function mechanism for giving the programmer
a way to state how coersion should take place, with the default being
none.  A new language feature would be great, but I would settle for a

Matthew Donadio ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Haskell mailing list

Re: Function wows

2003-03-05 Thread Steffen Mazanek

> frombin :: [Bit] -> Int
> frombin [] = 0
> frombin (n:ns) = sum (n:( frombin (map (*2) ns)))

frombin takes a list of Bits and returns an
Int, but (:) needs a list as its second argument.
Try something like

> frombin (n:ns) = n + 2*(frombin ns)


>frombin = foldr (\x y->x+2*y) 0

Haskell mailing list

(no subject)

2003-03-05 Thread b . i . mills
Subject: Re: int to float problem


> Haskell Integers are not a proper subset of Haskell Floats or
> Doubles.  Haskell does not support real numbers.

I'd just like to add ...

Real numbers are not implementable on a digital computer. This
is not a "practical" matter of resources, or a design decision
in by the language designer, but the fact that any data type 
each of whose elements are represented in a finite number of 
bytes can't have more than a countable number of data elements. 
Integers, and Rationals can be represented. Even the so-called 
computable-real-numbers, (still countable) don't work as well 
as you would want, since things such as "is this number bigger 
than that one" can't always be computed.

Add to this the fact that the generic float type does not 
satisfy algebraic constraints such as associativity, and so 
can't, from the axiomatic point of view, be considered to be 
a representation of rational numbers (let alone reals).

Basically, from the algebraic perspective, the float type is
a messy fudge, and does not fit in nicely with any of the 
"pure" types. In general the containment 

Complex ---> Real --> Rational ---> integer ---> whatever.

Does not apply in this simple way to numerical types on a
computer, because data types are often constructed on the
basis of not just what they represent, but also how they
represent these things. The computable world (constructive
mathematics) is a lot more complicated and open ended than
the existential approach.



ps: I've made previous comments about this sort of thing:

``Algebraic Conversions'', A mathematical paper introducing
a generalisation of homomorphism of universal algebras.
In Research Letters in the Information and Mathematical
Sciences Vol 2, May 2001. (pub by Massey University New Zealand).
see also, \verb||

Haskell mailing list

Conway's Life

2003-03-05 Thread Abraham Egnor
I'm implementing Conway's Life in Haskell; my basic implementation is
attached.  Does anyone have suggestions for optimizations (or alternative
representations)?  It's interesting to note that the difference between
this with no ghc optimization, -O, and -O2 is pretty striking; on my
computer, it's about seven seconds, two seconds, and one second runtime,

module Main where

import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Ix
import System.Random

type Grid = UArray (Int, Int) Int

randomGrid :: (RandomGen g) => g -> Int -> Grid
randomGrid g s = listArray b $ map (\x -> if x then 1 else 0) $ take (rangeSize b) $ 
randoms g
  where b = ((0,0),(s-1,s-1))

getCell :: Grid -> (Int, Int) -> Int
getCell g c@(x,y) = if (x < xmin) || (x > xmax) || (y < ymin) || (y >= ymax) then 0 
else g ! c
  where ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) = bounds g

update :: Grid -> Grid
update g = array (bounds g) $ map aux $ assocs g
  where aux (c@(x,y),e) = let around = map (getCell g) $ filter (/= (x,y)) $ range 
in (c,rule (sum around) e)
rule 2 e = e
rule 3 e = 1
rule _ _ = 0

printGrid :: Grid -> IO ()
printGrid g = do let ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) = bounds g
 mapM_ aux $ map (\x -> range ((x,ymin),(x,ymax))) [xmin..xmax]
 putStrLn ""
  where aux ixs = do mapM_ (putStr . show) $ map (g!) ixs
 putStrLn ""

main :: IO ()
main = printGrid $ (iterate update (randomGrid (mkStdGen 0) 50)) !! 100

Re: fundeps for extended Monad definition

2003-03-05 Thread oleg

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> If this were allowed, it would effectively allow type-lambda
> class C a b | a -> b
> instance C Int Bool
> instance C Bool Char

> newtype T a = MkT (forall b.(C a b) => b)
> helperIn :: (forall b.(C a b) => b) -> T a
> helperIn b = MkT b; -- currently won't work
> helperOut :: T a -> (forall b.(C a b) => b)
> helperOut (MkT b) = b

And it does work (based on the code shown here previously):

> class C a b | a -> b
> instance C Int Bool
> instance C Bool Char
> instance C Char Float
> instance C Float (Int->())
> instance (C a b) => C (a->()) (b->())

> newtype T a = T (forall b.(C a b) => b)
> data T1 a = T1 a (T a) 
> xx b = case (T1 b (T undefined)) of T1 _ (T x) -> x

Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :type xx$(1::Int)
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
Int -> ()
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
Bool -> ()
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
Char -> ()
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
Float -> ()
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
(Int -> ()) -> ()
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
(Bool -> ()) -> ()
*Main> :type xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ xx$ (1::Int)
(Char -> ()) -> ()

It seems it does compute

The principle was to use constraints to force the "evaluation" of the
type "lambda". Obtaining the type "lambda" was the thrust behind the
exercise with existential and useless types. Perhaps I neglected to
mention that point.

We can use the Coerce type function (aka class) mentioned in the
thread on first-class types to convert from the types computed by 'xx'
to values. Incidentally, the class D was already a type function: the
function 'meet'.
Haskell mailing list

Re: int to float problem (resend with addendum)

2003-03-05 Thread b . i . mills
  I just fluffed the To: field in the header, so my previous
  message was bounced, I'm resending this ... sorry if it
  turns up twice. (I also took the opportunity to make an addendum).


> Haskell Integers are not a proper subset of Haskell Floats or
> Doubles.  Haskell does not support real numbers.

I'd just like to add ...

Real numbers are not implementable on a digital computer. This
is not a "practical" matter of resources, or a design decision
in by the language designer, but the fact that any data type 
each of whose elements are represented in a finite number of 
bytes can't have more than a countable number of data elements. 
Integers, and Rationals can be represented. Even the so-called 
computable-real-numbers, (still countable) don't work as well 
as you would want, since things such as "is this number bigger 
than that one" can't always be computed.

Add to this the fact that the generic float type does not 
satisfy algebraic constraints such as associativity, and so 
can't, from the axiomatic point of view, be considered to be 
a representation of rational numbers (let alone reals).

Basically, from the algebraic perspective, the float type is
a messy fudge, and does not fit in nicely with any of the 
"pure" types. In general the containment 

Complex ---> Real --> Rational ---> integer ---> whatever.

Does not apply in this simple way to numerical types on a
computer, because data types are often constructed on the
basis of not just what they represent, but also how they
represent these things. The computable world (constructive
mathematics) is a lot more complicated and open ended than
the existential approach.



ps: I've made previous comments about this sort of thing:

``Algebraic Conversions'', A mathematical paper introducing
a generalisation of homomorphism of universal algebras.
In Research Letters in the Information and Mathematical
Sciences Vol 2, May 2001. (pub by Massey University New Zealand).
see also, \verb||

Addendum: Personally I think that lattices of extension fields
  of the rationals give a good model for understanding
  what is going on with pure numerical types on digital
  computers, but maybe that's just me?

Haskell mailing list

Function wows

2003-03-05 Thread Robert Perren

As part of a larger program I have created the following
functions to convert a list of bits into the integer represents, also to
simplify things the order of the bits is reversed [1,1,0,1] represents 1011 (or
13). At the moment the frombin function below works fine. 


type Bit = Int


frombin :: [Bit] -> Int

frombin xs = sum (tonum xs)


tonum :: [Bit] -> [Bit]

tonum [] = []

tonum (n:ns) = (n:(tonum (map (*2) ns)))


However why when I try the function below does it not work
in Hugs?


frombin :: [Bit] -> Int

frombin [] = 0

frombin (n:ns) = sum (n:( frombin (map (*2) ns)))


Is this surely not just a combination of the two?


Any help would be much appreciated








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URI handling code in Haskell available

2003-03-05 Thread Graham Klyne
I've released a first version of some URI parsing and handling code at:

With a (very) few words of write-up at:

The URI parser code is based very closely on the syntax specification given 
in Roy Fielding's current revision of the URI specification [1].  The unit 
tests are based substantially on Dan Connolly's Python code [2].

The code is a bit scrappy, as I'm new to Haskell, but it does pass a fairly 
comprehensive array of unit tests (also included with the software).  Error 
handling is in the range of weak-to-non-existent.



Graham Klyne
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Haskell mailing list

Haskell Web Server Was Re: HTTP protocol libraries

2003-03-05 Thread shae
"Bayley, Alistair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On a related note, what happened to the source code for the Haskell Web
> Server?
> Is it no longer suitable for public consumption? (I have a copy at home
> somewhere, though).

There's also a neat version called HWS-WP (with plugins) that allows for
apache-style plugin loading that uses Andre Pang's runtime loader for GHC.

You can get it from the CVS tree of
Shae Matijs Erisson - 2 days older than RFC0226
#haskell on - We Put the Funk in Funktion
10 PRINT "HELLO" 20 GOTO 10 ; mapM_ putStrLn $ hello = "HELLO" : hello

Haskell mailing list

RE: HTTP protocol libraries

2003-03-05 Thread Simon Marlow
> From: Bayley, Alistair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> On a related note, what happened to the source code for the 
> Haskell Web
> Server?
> Is it no longer suitable for public consumption? (I have a 
> copy at home somewhere, though).

It's in GHC's CVS repository, under fptools/hws. 

Haskell mailing list

RE: HTTP protocol libraries

2003-03-05 Thread Bayley, Alistair
On a related note, what happened to the source code for the Haskell Web

Is it no longer suitable for public consumption? (I have a copy at home
somewhere, though).

-Original Message-
From: Johannes Waldmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 March 2003 13:42
Subject: HTTP protocol libraries

Dear all, I am looking for a Haskell library for the HTTP/1.1 protocol,
i. e. data types for Requests and Responses,
and functions to read chunked bodies etc. Is there such a thing?
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/207 --

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If you are not the intended recipient, or a person 
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Haskell mailing list

HTTP protocol libraries

2003-03-05 Thread Johannes Waldmann
Dear all, I am looking for a Haskell library for the HTTP/1.1 protocol,
i. e. data types for Requests and Responses,
and functions to read chunked bodies etc. Is there such a thing?
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/207 --

Haskell mailing list

AW: Parsec: GHC /= Hugs?

2003-03-05 Thread Markus . Schnell
> Try the November release of Hugs with the +N option.

Well, now Hugs and ghc show the same behaviour for my program:
they don't parse my doc, even with the same error.

But the +N does not work: it says 
"New hierarchical libraries not found along search path; ignoring +N

I tried adding {Hugs}\libraries to the Options, but after a restart, it
is missing again. How can I change that?
Haskell mailing list

Re: Parsec: GHC /= Hugs?

2003-03-05 Thread Ross Paterson
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 04:00:53PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My program has a different behaviour under hugs and ghc.
> I wrote a very simple parser with Parsec and it parses a file quite easily -
> as long as
> I use hugs to run it. But when I compile it with ghc, the parse fails.
> (I'm currently working on WinNT with cygwin).
> Something else, but related: how do I avoid writing different Code for Hugs
> and ghc?

Try the November release of Hugs with the +N option.
Haskell mailing list

RE: GUI for Windows

2003-03-05 Thread Guest, Simon
Hi Markus,

I use FranTk with ghc 5.04.2 on windows, and it works just fine.  It provides a high 
level of abstraction, which is what I find particularly compelling.

To build it with ghc 5.04 I had to patch it a little.  Only trivial things like:

in src/FRPSrc/StaticTypes/Compatibility.ghc.hs, you have to define fromInt and toInt 
in terms of fromIntegral.

in src/FranTkSrc/FranTkConc.lhs and src/TclHaskellSrc/ConcTcl.hs, you have to import 

(I think that's all.)

I could send you my patches if you like.


> -Original Message-
> Sent: 03 March 2003 15:21
> Subject: GUI for Windows
> What User Interface Library would you recommend for use under Windows?
> I tried FranTk but it crashes as soon as I run the display 
> function (under
> hugs)
> and with ghc it won't even compile (I already tinkered with 
> the makefiles,
> so
> finally I could make the package, but then the demos won't compile).
> Any ideas, suggestions?
> Markus
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
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Re: fundeps for extended Monad definition

2003-03-05 Thread Ashley Yakeley
In article 
 "Simon Peyton-Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a less complicated variant of the same problem:
>   class C a b | a -> b where {}
>   instance C Int Int where {}
>   f :: (C Int b) => Int -> b
>   f x = x
> Is the defn of f legal?  Both GHC and Hugs reject it because the
> inferred type of f is more like
>   C Int Int => Int -> Int

If this were allowed, it would effectively allow type-lambda. For 
instance, I have a type function T that maps Int to Bool and Bool to 

  class C a b | a -> b
  instance C Int Bool
  instance C Bool Char

  newtype T a = MkT (forall b.(C a b) => b)
  helperIn :: (forall b.(C a b) => b) -> T a
  helperIn b = MkT b; -- currently won't work
  helperOut :: T a -> (forall b.(C a b) => b)
  helperOut (MkT b) = b;

Here T is a type-constructor that does that. If I like, I can represent 
Char as "T (T Int)", though of course I need to use the helper functions 
to actually use it as a Char.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

RE: First-class types

2003-03-05 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

| 1) Coerce a a can be defined as coerce=id for all a.  However, this
|may of course lead to overlap in the type structure, so we must
|write a separate instance definition for Coerce Int Int, Coerce
|Double Double, etc. if we want types to be decidable.  I'd love for
|some clever person to solve this little difficulty.

Indeed so.  And 
instance Coerce a a where coerce = id
does not overlap with
instance Coerce Int Bool where ...
instance Coerce Bool Int where ...

There's no overlap here.  (Overlap = there is a Coerce t1 t2, which
matches more than one instance decl.)  Furthermore, it works fine; I
just tried it.

| 2) When we define D a b c, we know that D b a c is also allowed.
|Again, decidability prevents us from asserting this directly.
|Again, a clever solution could save us a lot of code and even more
|debugging.  I suspect this may be a marginally easier nut to crack
|than the previous one.

Much harder, I think.  Commutativity is always tricky!


Haskell mailing list

RE: big lambda in class declarations

2003-03-05 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Big lambda is in terms.  You mean a "lambda at the type level", which is
usually written as a small lambda.  Confusing, I know.

There's an ICFP02 paper on the subject, by Thiemann et al.  Worth a

Problem with inference is that the type checker can't guess lambdas.
Suppose we need to unify

m Int
ST Int Int

One possibility is

m = ST

Another is

m = \t. ST t Int

Another is

m = \t. ST Int t

One solution is to restrict what lambdas are allowable, and that is what
Thiemann et al do.  Another is to declare the typechecker should never
guess a lambda; instead the programmer has to specify what lambda to use
whenever there is doubt.  That is the approach that we're ruminating on
here.  Stay tuned, but don't hold your breath.


| -Original Message-
| From: Hal Daume III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: 04 March 2003 16:34
| To: Haskell Mailing List
| Subject: big lambda in class declarations
| So the word on the street is that allowing big lambda makes type
| undecidable.  This makes sense to me since allowing big lambda
| allows you to program at the type level and thus of course you'll get
| undecidability.
| However, I'm having difficulty understanding where the undecidability
| sneaks in if you allow big lambda in class declarations.  I suppose
| cannonical example is when you want to write something like:
| > class Set s where { ... }
| > instance Set (/\ a. FiniteMap a ()) where { ... }
| but now you have to write:
| > data FMSet a = FMSet (FiniteMap a ())
| > instance Set FMSet where { ... }
| The big lambda is of course equivalent to not applying type synonyms
| completely, somethign like:
| > type FM a = FiniteMap a ()
| > instance Set FM where { ... }
| will of course also be rejected (since this would give us a way to do
| lambda).
| Could some one help my intuition a bit here and explain to me how you
| could use big lambdas in class declarations to write programs?
| Thanks!
|  - Hal
| --
|  Hal Daume III   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  "Arrest this man, he talks in maths."   |
| ___
| Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list