Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread Tom Pledger
K. Fritz Ruehr writes:
 | But Jerzy Karczmarczuk enlightened me as to the full generality possible
 | along these lines (revealing the whole truth under the influence of at
 | least one beer, as I recall). Namely, one can define a sequence of
 | functions (let's use a better notation now, with "c" for composition):
 | c1 = (.)  -- good old composition
 | c2 = (.) . (.)-- my (.<) from above
 | c3 = (.) . (.) . (.)
 | c4 = (.) . (.) . (.) . (.)
 | -- etc.


There's also

c0 = ($)

which is clearer if you use 'non-pointfree' notation

c2 f g x y = f (g x y)
c1 f g x   = f (g x)
c0 f g = f  g

- Tom

Haskell mailing list

User-Defined Operators, Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread Johannes Waldmann
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, K. Fritz Ruehr wrote:

> I think the cutest way to get what you want here is to define a new
> operator as follows:
> (.<) = (.) . (.)

Indeed this is cute - but let me add a general comment here:
in my code, I don't define any operators at all (only functions).
I do think that self-defined operators make a programm less readable.
All you get is a short cryptic sequence of non-alphanumeric characters.
No-one would want to export functions named f, g, f1, fg, f'  etc.,
so why should this be any better with operators?

A similar discussion sometimes surfaces in mathematics - 
where they have "user-defined" operators all over the place,
and especially so since LaTeX. But it's not enough if you can write down
something, you also have to talk about it - so a standard test is
to imagine you have to read out a formula (in mathematics)
or a program text (in Haskell) to someone over the phone.

And what's absolutely horrible (IMHO) is to allow the user
to declare arbitrary precedence and associativity for his creations.
This requires that the source text of the defining module be there,
only to parse (i. e., build the syntax tree of) a program that uses it.
And - the corresponding definitions in the standard seem rather ad-hoc: 
we have a funny expression grammar,
with arbitrary restrictions (why just ten precendence levels?)

I could live with Haskell's predefined operators
(arithmetics, comparisons, bool-ops, (:), (++), (!), (!!), (.), ($)). 
I often use them, and I sometimes overload them (arithmetics, comparisons), 
but nothing more. (This is the design of Ada - there are operators,
you can overload them, but you cannot change their precedence,
or add new ones - so you can always parse a program text.)

Anyway, this was just for the record (I'm a happy Haskell user,
I just ignore some of its features :-), so back to real work now.
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/209 --

Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
On Thursday, 2003-07-17, 09:08, CEST, Johannes Waldmann wrote:
> [...]

> in my code, I don't define any operators at all (only functions). I do think
> that self-defined operators make a programm less readable. All you get is a
> A short cryptic sequence of non-alphanumeric characters.

I think, that in some situations using operators makes a program more 
readable. For instance, if we wouldn't have special list syntax, we could 
still write something like 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : []. Without operators we would get
1 `cons` 2 `cons` 3 `cons` 4 `cons` [] (uhh, much harder to type)
or even
cons 1 $ cons 2 $ cons 3 $ cons 4 $ []
cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 [])))
which doesn't look much like [1,2,3,4]. I think that similar situations exist 
with user-defined functions/operators.

> No-one would want to export functions named f, g, f1, fg, f'  etc., so why
> should this be any better with operators?

Ok, that's a point I never thought of.

> A similar discussion sometimes surfaces in mathematics - where they have
> "user-defined" operators all over the place, and especially so since LaTeX.

Well, for the most part, LaTeX only provides common operators. One problem, I 
came across some weeks ago, is that it is *not* possible to define his/her own 
operators (or, at least, that Lamport's "LaTeX - A Document Preparation 
System" doesn't tell you how you can define them).

> But it's not enough if you can write down something, you also have to talk
> about it - so a standard test is to imagine you have to read out a formula
> (in mathematics) or a program text (in Haskell) to someone over the phone.

Yes, this is a problem. But it can be solved by assigning a "pronounciation" 
to an operator like it's done in standard mathematics.

> And what's absolutely horrible (IMHO) is to allow the user to declare
> arbitrary precedence and associativity for his creations. This requires that
> the source text of the defining module be there, only to parse (i. e., build
> the syntax tree of) a program that uses it.

Maybe the infix declarations should have to be separated from the rest of the 

> And - the corresponding definitions in the standard seem rather ad-hoc: we
> have a funny expression grammar,
> with arbitrary restrictions (why just ten precendence levels?)

Yes, something more sophisticated would be nice.

> I could live with Haskell's predefined operators (arithmetics, comparisons,
> bool-ops, (:), (++), (!), (!!), (.), ($)). I often use them, and I sometimes
> overload them (arithmetics, comparisons), but nothing more. (This is the
> design of Ada - there are operators, you can overload them, but you cannot
> change their precedence, or add new ones - so you can always parse a program
> text.)

I dislike, having a fixed set of operators with each having a fixed 
precedence. I would say: "Either no operators at all or a facility for 
defining operators which is complex enough to allow the definition of the 
standard operators." One thing of Haskell, I really like, is that only very 
few things are hard-wired into the compiler/interpreter.

> Anyway, this was just for the record (I'm a happy Haskell user, I just
> ignore some of its features :-), so back to real work now.


Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
On Thursday, 2003-07-17, 16:07, CEST, Robert Ennals wrote:
> > Well, for the most part, LaTeX only provides common operators. One
> > problem, I came across some weeks ago, is that it is *not* possible to
> > define his/her own operators (or, at least, that Lamport's "LaTeX - A
> > Document Preparation System" doesn't tell you how you can define them).
> It's actually fairly easy. There are several ways to do it. A simple hacky
> way to do it is the following:
> * Draw a little picture of your operator in your favorite drawing package.
> * Save this picture as an EPS drawing
> * define a new command that inserts this eps drawing, possibly scaling it
> appropriately. E.g.
> \newcommand{\myop}{\scalebox{0.1}{operators/myop.eps}}
> * Then just use \myop like any other operator in math mode.
> What this hack won't do is automatically change the size of the operator if
> the maths is in a subscript. There is probably an easy way to do this, but
> I haven't worked it out.
> A more elegant way to do it is to define a new postscript font (not hard if
> you have the correct software) and then define your operator macro to
> insert the relevant character.


I think, in both cases you don't define an *operator*. LaTeX probably won't 
use the correct spacing around the symbol.

A related problem is that I cannot see a way to define a new "log-like 
function" (as Lamport names them), i.e., a function with a name consisting of 
several letters which have to be set in upright font with no spaces between 
them. Examples are log, min, max, sin, cos and tan.

> [...]


Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Matthew Donadio
Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> A related problem is that I cannot see a way to define a new "log-like
> function" (as Lamport names them), i.e., a function with a name consisting of
> several letters which have to be set in upright font with no spaces between
> them. Examples are log, min, max, sin, cos and tan.

Check out the AMS-LaTeX package.  I think it has a macro to solve this. 
It also includes a zillion new symbols/operators.

If you have TeTeX installed as your TeX system, then it should be

Matthew Donadio ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Christian Maeder
Johannes Waldmann wrote:

I do think that self-defined operators make a programm less readable.
I quite like most combinators from the pretty-printer or parsing libraries!

And what's absolutely horrible (IMHO) is to allow the user
to declare arbitrary precedence and associativity for his creations.
This requires that the source text of the defining module be there,
only to parse (i. e., build the syntax tree of) a program that uses it.
The parser does not look into imported modules. Refined expressions 
trees are setup later (before type analysis).

And - the corresponding definitions in the standard seem rather ad-hoc: 
we have a funny expression grammar,
with arbitrary restrictions (why just ten precendence levels?)
Maybe only the numbering is nonsense, but surely you want to have 
differently strong binding infix operations in order to write i.e. 
polynoms without parens.

I could live with Haskell's predefined operators
(arithmetics, comparisons, bool-ops, (:), (++), (!), (!!), (.), ($)). 
Why do you outrule other useful libraries (see above). In fact ($) is 
quite cryptic (for a non-Haskeller). An what should the difference be 
between (!!) and (!)? (I know it's the type.) In fact. I would like to 
reuse (sometimes) a predefined operator for another purposes (not easily 
 covered by type class overloading and without hiding or qualifying 
prelude operators).

Example: multiply a scalar with a vector. Without operators, formulae 
may become really horribly long.

I often use them, and I sometimes overload them (arithmetics, comparisons), 
but nothing more. (This is the design of Ada - there are operators,
you can overload them, but you cannot change their precedence,
or add new ones - so you can always parse a program text.)
Ada has true ad-hoc overloading, though.

Anyway, this was just for the record (I'm a happy Haskell user,
I just ignore some of its features :-), so back to real work now.
I fully agree with these too lines.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread Brett A. Letner
How about...

h a = f . g a


f $ g 1 2

 f :: Int -> Int
 f x = x*x
 g :: Int -> Int -> Int
 g a b = a + b

But what I really want is a function with signature Int -> Int -> Int.
Brett Letner
Galois Connections, Inc.
phone:(503)626-6616 ext.110
Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators, Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread Jon Fairbairn
On 2003-07-17 at 09:08+0200 Johannes Waldmann wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, K. Fritz Ruehr wrote:
> > I think the cutest way to get what you want here is to define a new
>   ^^
> > operator as follows:
> > 
> > (.<) = (.) . (.)
> Indeed this is cute - but let me add a general comment here:
> in my code, I don't define any operators at all (only functions).
> I do think that self-defined operators make a programm less readable.

While I agree with that, I think that the language needs
"user"-defined operators for libraries; it's a matter of
defining them rarely and getting them widely accepted. I'm
even tempted to suggest that the language ought to restrict
their use to gurus.

Someone mentioned multiplying by a scalar. I think this is a
good application, but what we need is to agree (somehow) on
the symbol used. I've used (*.) and (.*), with the dot being
on the side the scalar is on (on the grounds that . is a
scalar product elsewhere), but without wide agreement I
agree that this sort of thing reduces readability, because
while I can read these programmes, it's harder for everyone



Haskell mailing list

COORDINATION 2004 - First Call for papers

2003-07-17 Thread Emilio Tuosto
Please apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.


 Preliminary Call for Papers

 Sixth International Conference on
  Coordination Models and Languages

 24-27 February 2004
 Pisa, Italy
 (under construction)


  Submission of abstract: September 22, 2003
  Submission of Papers:   September 29, 2003,
  Notification of Acceptance: November  14, 2003
  Camera-Ready Copy:  December   4, 2003

  The need for increasing programming productivity and rapid development 
  of complex systems provide the pragmatic motivation for the development 
  of coordination/orchestration languages and models. The intellectual 
  excitement associated with such endeavors is rooted in the decades-old 
  desire to leverage off increasingly higher levels of abstractions. 
  Coordination-based methods provide a clean separation between individual 
  software components and their interactions within their overall software 
  organization. Coordination is relevant in design, development, 
  debugging, maintenance, and reuse of all complex concurrent and 
  distributed systems. Specifically, coordination becomes paramount in the 
  context of open systems, systems with mobile entities, and dynamically 
  re-configurable evolving systems. Moreover, coordination models and 
  languages focus on such key issues in Component Based Software 
  Engineering as specification, interaction, and dynamic compositions.

  More recently, market trends brought on by the commercialization of the 
  World Wide Web, have fuelled a new level of interest in 
  coordination-based approaches in industry. Applications like BizTalk, 
  standards like the web services' WS-* family, and contending 
  coordination standards like BEPL4WS and WSCI, are all examples of this 
  phenomenon. This interest is opening up new opportunities both to apply 
  coordination-based techniques to a broad class of applications as well 
  as to grapple with potentially new kinds of requirements coming from 
  internet-scale scenarios.

  The previous conferences in this series took place in Cesena (Italy), 
  Berlin (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands), and Limasol (Cyprus), York 
  (England). Building on the success of these events, this conference 
  provides a forum for the growing community of researchers interested in 
  models, languages, and implementation techniques for coordination and 
  component-based software, as well as applications that utilize them.
  At more details are available.

TOPICS OF INTEREST (include, but are not limited to):
  * Theoretical models and foundations for coordination
  * Coordination middlewares
  * Specification, refinement, and analysis of software architectures
  * Architectural, and interface definition languages
  * Agent-oriented languages and models
  * Dynamic software architectures
  * Component Programming
  * Web Services
  * Coordination in Peer to Peer and Grid Computing
  * Tools and environments for the development of coordinated applications
  * Industrial relevance of coordination and software architectures
  * Domain-specific software coordination models and case studies.

  The conference proceedings will be published by Springer, in the Lecture 
  Notes in Computer Science series. The proceedings of the previous 
  editions are appeared in the LNCS series: volumes 1061, 1282 and 1594, 
  1906, 2315.

  Electronic submission will be used using conference web site:

  (see also
  Authors are invited to submit electronically a plain ASCII cover page
  containing the paper title, authors' names, contact author and full address
  (including e-mail and fax) together with an abstract of up to 100 words
  (no later than 22 September 2003). Full papers (in English, up to 6000
  words) should be submitted in PostScript or PDF no later than 29 September
  2003. Authors are invited to use the llncs style. A link will be found the
  conference web page. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with
  proceedings or journals is not allowed.

  The conference will be held in Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica, Via 
  F.Buonarroti 2.

Program co-chairs
  Rocco De Nicola (Univ. Firenze)
  Greg Meredith (Microsoft)

Organizing Chair
  Gianluigi Ferrari (Univ. Pisa)

Program Committee:
  Roberto Amadio, Univ. Marseilles - France
  Farhad Arbab, CWI - The Netherlands
  Marcelo Bonsangue, Leiden University - The Netherlands
  Paolo Ciancarini, Univ. Bologna Italy
  José Fiadeiro, Univ. Leicester - United Kingdom

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Robert Ennals

> Well, for the most part, LaTeX only provides common operators. One problem, I 
> came across some weeks ago, is that it is *not* possible to define his/her own 
> operators (or, at least, that Lamport's "LaTeX - A Document Preparation 
> System" doesn't tell you how you can define them).

It's actually fairly easy. There are several ways to do it. A simple hacky way 
to do it is the following:

* Draw a little picture of your operator in your favorite drawing package.

* Save this picture as an EPS drawing

* define a new command that inserts this eps drawing, possibly scaling it 
appropriately. E.g.


* Then just use \myop like any other operator in math mode.

What this hack won't do is automatically change the size of the operator if 
the maths is in a subscript. There is probably an easy way to do this, but I 
haven't worked it out.

A more elegant way to do it is to define a new postscript font (not hard if 
you have the correct software) and then define your operator macro to insert 
the relevant character.

Hope this is useful to someone.


Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
On Thursday, 2003-07-17, 09:08, CEST, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

A similar discussion sometimes surfaces in mathematics - where they have
"user-defined" operators all over the place, and especially so since LaTeX.

Well, for the most part, LaTeX only provides common operators. One problem, I 
came across some weeks ago, is that it is *not* possible to define his/her own 
operators (or, at least, that Lamport's "LaTeX - A Document Preparation 
System" doesn't tell you how you can define them).
I am sorry, but it is simply a countertruth. You can define \mathop with all
the \limits, \nolimits etc. properties. You have \mathchardef's etc. How do you
think the AMS package has been constructed? Everything is written in a standard
way, your liberty to create the most disgusting operators is unlimited. Some
Haskell-related papers dealing with lenses, bananas and barbed-wires exploited
already this possibility.
/// in another posting,commenting the "graphical" ways to make operator-like
icons, from posting by Robert Ennals///
I think, in both cases you don't define an *operator*. LaTeX probably won't 
use the correct spacing around the symbol.

A related problem is that I cannot see a way to define a new "log-like 
function" (as Lamport names them), i.e., a function with a name consisting of 
several letters which have to be set in upright font with no spaces between 
them. Examples are log, min, max, sin, cos and tan.

What's wrong with $ ...  \mathrm{brumble}(2\cdot x) ...$  ?

How do you think, the existing "standard ones" have been manufactured?

\def \arctan {\mathop {\rm Arctan}}

You can also put \hbox'es inside a math environment, which will prevent the
automatic choice of \mathitalic.
Read something about families, about \mathchardef, and about such options
as \displaystyle \scriptstyle, etc., in order to choose automatically the
correct size of the math. fonts. Also read something about big operators
useful to define objects like sum, product, etc.
Cheer up. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING YOU WISH, and much more.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell mailing list

Re: Announce: Haskell All-In-One

2003-07-17 Thread Hal Daume III
Hi All (again),

Sorry for the multiple posting, but I received serveral emails about this,
so I thought I'd reply to the whole list:

  (1) There was temporarily a bug on my web page with the links
  which prevented you from downloading the program.  This
  is fixed now (sorry!).

  (2) More importantly, there was a last minute added bug which
  prevented HAllInOne from running on recursive modules (in
  fact, this would cause it to infinite loop!).

  This bug is now fixed and it should correctly handle
  mutually recursive modules.  It has been tested on two
  test cases, but if someone wants to stress test this
  and submit bugs, that would be great.

A new version is up on the web page now.

 - Hal

 "Arrest this man, he talks in maths."   |

On Sun, 13 Jul 2003, Hal Daume III wrote:

> Hi All,
> There have been several requests for such a program in the past, so I
> figured I'd finally break down and write it.
> Haskell All-In-One is a Haskell utility which will take a program
> implemented in multiple modules and convert it to a single module.
> It implements all of Haskell 98 (sorry, your -fglasgow-exts programs won't
> parse with the Language.Haskell.Parser parser so we can't deal with them,
> yet) as well as the hierarchical libraries. It can also correctly deal
> with literate Haskell scripts (provided you have GHCs unlit software
> available) and programs which need to be run through the c-pre-processor.
> The program, together with a bunch of documentation, is available at:
> There is one known bug (listed on the web page), but there are likely
> other unknown bugs.
> I would have liked to have run it on itself as a proof of concept, but
> unfortunatly it uses the GMap library, which require extensions and thus
> it cannot parse correctly.  However, it's been tested against the GHC
> module regression suite and performs (almost) perfectly.
> I would appreciate bug reports, if you find any problems.
> On the TODO list currently are:
>  - simplify and comment the source better
>  - fix the known bug
> It requires GHC6.0 to compile "out of the box" with -fglasgow-exts and
> -fallow-undecidable-instances.  It can compile with GHC 5.04.3, but will
> also need "-package haskell-src" and you will need to modify the code such
> that System.IO no longer imports 'bracket' and uncomment the 'cast'
> function in the GMap library.
>  - Hal
> --
>  Hal Daume III   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  "Arrest this man, he talks in maths."   |

Haskell mailing list

Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread Dean Herington
Tom Pledger wrote:

> K. Fritz Ruehr writes:
>  :
>  | But Jerzy Karczmarczuk enlightened me as to the full generality possible
>  | along these lines (revealing the whole truth under the influence of at
>  | least one beer, as I recall). Namely, one can define a sequence of
>  | functions (let's use a better notation now, with "c" for composition):
>  |
>  | c1 = (.)  -- good old composition
>  | c2 = (.) . (.)-- my (.<) from above
>  | c3 = (.) . (.) . (.)
>  | c4 = (.) . (.) . (.) . (.)
>  | -- etc.
> Nice!
> There's also
> c0 = ($)
> which is clearer if you use 'non-pointfree' notation
> ...
> c2 f g x y = f (g x y)
> c1 f g x   = f (g x)
> c0 f g = f  g
> - Tom

Note also that chains of these operators can be used in a somewhat readable
way.  For example, suppose we have:

f1 :: Int -> Int
f2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
f3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
f  :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
f1 x  = -x
f2 x y= x - y
f3 x y z  = x * (y - z)
f a b c d = f2 (f1 (f3 a b c)) d

We can define `f` in a point-free style:

f = f2 `c1` f1 `c3` f3

Each function in the composition, from innermost (rightmost) to outermost
(leftmost), takes the intermediate result so far (or, for the innermost
function, the first argument) plus zero or more additional arguments from those
that remain, as determined by the composition operator to its left.  Note that
the composition operators need to be left-associative (as they are by default)
for this to work.

-- Dean

Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Keith Wansbrough
Wolfgang writes:

> I think, in both cases you don't define an *operator*. LaTeX probably won't 
> use the correct spacing around the symbol.
> A related problem is that I cannot see a way to define a new "log-like 
> function" (as Lamport names them), i.e., a function with a name consisting of 
> several letters which have to be set in upright font with no spaces between 
> them. Examples are log, min, max, sin, cos and tan.

This is off-topic, but I think you want to look at the \mathop, \mathbin, \mathrel, 
\mathord, etc commands.  These declare anything as the appropriate math category, and 
so give the right spacing.

Perhaps this should move to the Haskell Cafe?

--KW 8-)
Keith Wansbrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

Haskell mailing list

Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread oleg

What I nice application for a multi-variadic compositional operator
mcomp [1]. Only one operator does the trick, for functions of
arbitrary number of curried arguments. And I really mean the arbitrary
number of arguments, in both functions under composition. Given

> f1 x = x*x
> g2 a b = a + b
> g3 a b c = a + b + c

we can easily compose g2 with f1
*Main> (g2 `mcomp` f1) (1::Int) (2::Int)

and g3 with f1 
*Main> (g3 `mcomp` f1) (1::Int) (2::Int) (3::Int)

But we can just as easily compose f1 with g2:
*Main> (f1 `mcomp` g2) (2::Int) (3::Int)
(that is, square the first number and add the second)

and f1 with g3
*Main> (f1 `mcomp` g3) (2::Int) (3::Int) (4::Int)

What's more, we can even compose g2 with g3 or g3 with g2!

*Main> (g3 `mcomp` g2) (1::Int) (2::Int) (3::Int) (4::Int)
*Main> (g2 `mcomp` g3) (1::Int) (2::Int) (3::Int) (4::Int)

The Web page referenced below shows an advanced application of mcomp, to
point-free programming (categorical products).

The following code, excerpted from [1], was used for the above
examples. -fglasgow-exts are needed.

> class MCompose f2 cp gresult result | f2 cp gresult -> result, f2->cp
>   where
> mcomp:: (f1->f2) -> (cp->gresult) -> (f1 -> result)
> -- Class instances. Please keep in mind that cp must be a non-functional type
> -- and f2 and cp must be the same. These instances enumerate the base cases.
> instance MCompose (Maybe b) (Maybe b) c c where
> --mcomp f::(a->(Maybe b)) g::((Maybe b)->c) :: a->c
> mcomp f g = g . f
> instance MCompose [b] [b] c c where
> --mcomp f::(a->[b]) g::([b]->c) :: a->c
> mcomp f g = g . f
> instance MCompose Int Int c c where
> --mcomp f::(a->Int) g::(Int->c) :: a->c
> mcomp f g = g . f
> instance MCompose Char Char c c where
> --mcomp f::(a->Char) g::(Char->c) :: a->c
> mcomp f g = g . f
> instance MCompose (a,b) (a,b) c c where
> mcomp f g  =  g . f
> -- Induction case
> instance (MCompose f2 cp gresult result) => 
>   MCompose (f1->f2) cp gresult (f1->result) where
> mcomp f g = \a -> mcomp (f a) g
Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators

2003-07-17 Thread Andrew J Bromage
G'day all.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 05:21:47PM +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:

> Why do you outrule other useful libraries (see above). In fact ($) is 
> quite cryptic (for a non-Haskeller).

Actually this gives me a perfect opportunity to rant a bit. :-)

($) is a wart, even for a Haskeller.  It has the correct meaning and
the correct precedence, but it has the wrong associativity.  "Normal"
application is left-associative.  There's no reason why ($) shouldn't
be either.

Of course, sometimes you want right-associative apply, but there's
already a simple way to do this.  If you want to write:

f (g (h (i x)))

you can use this:

f . g . h . i $ x

But there is no way to write this parenthesis-free:

f (g x) (h y) (i z)

Now it's arguable that this is clearer with the parentheses, and I
would agree with that.  However, consider the situation with ($!).

When you use strict-apply, you intend that one or more of the arguments
to some function is/are to be strictly evaluated.  Making ($!)
right-associative only gives you _exactly_ one, and it's always the
rightmost one, which gives it a 1-in-n chance of being right for a
function of n arguments.

In the above example, for instance:

f (g x) (h y) (i z)

Suppose you want (h y) to be strictly evaluated.  I argue that some
variation on this:

f (g x) $! (h y) $ (i z)

even with the parentheses is far more readable than the current

While it makes sense that ($!) should have the same associativity as
($), I can't for the life of me figure out why ($) is right-associative.

There's probably a terribly good reason.  Does anyone know what it is?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell mailing list

Re: User-Defined Operators, Re: Function composition and currying

2003-07-17 Thread Andrew J Bromage
G'day all.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 04:46:13PM +0100, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

> Someone mentioned multiplying by a scalar. I think this is a
> good application, but what we need is to agree (somehow) on
> the symbol used. I've used (*.) and (.*), with the dot being
> on the side the scalar is on (on the grounds that . is a
> scalar product elsewhere), but without wide agreement I
> agree that this sort of thing reduces readability, because
> while I can read these programmes, it's harder for everyone
> else.

Yuck. :-)

I've run into the same problem with affine algebra, which has two
types, the Point and the Vector, where a Vector is the difference
between two Points:

Vector + Vector = Vector
Vector + Point = Point
Point + Vector = Point
Point + Point is an error

Vector - Vector = Vector
Point - Vector = Point
Vector - Point = Point  -- (this rule is a bit controversial)
Point - Point = Vector

It's not obvious what to call the operators here.

One solution might be to relax the rules about how the types of
operators are resolved.  At the moment, you can define function
names from different modules and all you need to do is qualify
them when you use them.  It's a little odd that you can't do
something similar with operators, though no succinct syntax leaps
to mind.

Of course you could always allow overloading _without_ requiring
module qualification (unless the overloading can't be resolved
using type information).  It'd make type checking NP-hard, but I
seem to recall that it's already more complex than that.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell mailing list