[Haskell] haskell logo for webmasters

2005-10-31 Thread xah lee

i created two haskell logos for websites to spread Haskell.


it's in public domain.

suggestions welcome. Thanks.

∑ http://xahlee.org/


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Monads vs. continuations

2005-10-31 Thread Gregory Woodhouse

On Oct 31, 2005, at 9:37 AM, Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

I don't know if this helps, but there's a straightforward way to  
understand the IO monad in terms of continuation passing.

You can think of a value of type IO a as being a CPS expression  
with a hole in it; the hole is to be filled with a continuation  
which expects a value of type a. The only way to fill the hole is  
by using >>=, whose second argument is a continuation with another  
(nested) hole in it. So effectively with >>= you build a CPS  
expression from the outside in. The final continuation, which takes  
() and aborts the program, is ultimately filled in by the runtime  

This viewpoint doesn't work for other monads, since they always  
provide some sort of destructuring operations on monadic values,  
e.g. runState or the standard list deconstructors. But it works  
fine for IO provided you ignore the existence of unsafePerformIO  
and friends.

-- Ben

No, that's definitely helpful. The analogy in the case of IO was  
obvious, but I had a sense that it was getting in the way of  
understanding what a monad is (i.e., by leading me to focus on the  
wrong issues).

Gregory Woodhouse

"One must act on what has not yet happened."
--Lao Tzu

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Monads vs. continuations

2005-10-31 Thread Gregory Woodhouse

On Oct 31, 2005, at 3:02 AM, Cale Gibbard wrote:

Perhaps you're referring to a monoid. Since you seem to have some
familiarity with category theory, check out
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad_%28category_theory%29 for a formal
definition of monads and some background. Translating between
notation, μ = join and η = return in Haskell. The application of the
functor T to functions is called fmap, or liftM, which should always
be equivalent.

The functor behind a monad is always an endofunctor, that is, from the
category to itself. In this case, you'll be interested in the category
of Haskell types and Haskell-definable functions between them.

This was actually quite helpful. If someone had told me that a monad  
was a functor in the first place, this would all have been much less  
mysterious. (BTW, I have indeed encountered adjoint functors, Hom and  
Tensor, in the context of algebraic topology, so the article did  
leave me with a bit more of a sense of having my feet on the ground.)

For a much gentler description and one way in which monads relate to
programming, check out
http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/MonadsAsContainers which is an article
that I wrote.

This is an excellent article! I found it extremely useful and lucid.  
To be sure, it's going to take a bit more time to let all these ideas  
sink in, but I liked the approach of focusing on fmap and join (>>=  
always seemed mysterious). Believe it or not, though I've read that  
lists are monads, this is perhaps the first time I've seen it spelled  
out just how.

Gregory Woodhouse

"It is foolish to answer a question that
you do not understand."
--G. Polya ("How to Solve It")

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Monads vs. continuations

2005-10-31 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
I don't know if this helps, but there's a straightforward way to understand 
the IO monad in terms of continuation passing.

You can think of a value of type IO a as being a CPS expression with a hole 
in it; the hole is to be filled with a continuation which expects a value of 
type a. The only way to fill the hole is by using >>=, whose second argument 
is a continuation with another (nested) hole in it. So effectively with >>= 
you build a CPS expression from the outside in. The final continuation, 
which takes () and aborts the program, is ultimately filled in by the 
runtime system.

This viewpoint doesn't work for other monads, since they always provide some 
sort of destructuring operations on monadic values, e.g. runState or the 
standard list deconstructors. But it works fine for IO provided you ignore 
the existence of unsafePerformIO and friends.

-- Ben
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Monads vs. continuations

2005-10-31 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 31/10/05, Gregory Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Newbie alert:
> I have some superficial familiarity with continuations as they occur
> in traditional denotational semantics, but certainly not a deep
> understanding. I also have a special interest in distributed and/or
> concurrent processing, so it only seemed natural to me that the monad
> concept was one I'd want to confront head on. Now, I warn you: I am
> quite new to Haskell (though I have some prior exposure to Scheme and
> a background in mathematics). Now, I've just started reading through
> Thompson's text and came across this example:
> goUntilEmpty :: IO ()
> goUntilEmpty
> = do line <- getLine
>   if (line == [])
> then return ()
>else (do putStrLn line
>   goUntilEmpty)
> Okay, this seems sensible enough. Loosely speaking, I see this code
> as getting a line, checking to see if it's empty. If it is, it just
> quits (returning the "empty" value). Otherwise, it prints line, and
> invokes itself through a *new* do statement. That seems awfully like
> using a continuation to track the input stream as part of the
> environment. But it seems obvious to me that here is something I'm
> not understanding here. I think of the do as providing an appropriate
> continuation (one in which the line just read is gone) to pass to the
> next call.
> Okay, maybe I'm taking things a bit too literally here, but I seem to
> recall that a monad is an algebraic object with right and left
> identity and an associative composition. I understand the monad here
> takes a value (()) and returns an object IO (), and do becomes a
> functor of sorts, taking ordinary functions and mapping them to new
> functions having their codomain in a new category (an instance of a
> monad?) This is where it seems to me that I must be getting the
> terminology wrong. Can someone help me out here?

Perhaps you're referring to a monoid. Since you seem to have some
familiarity with category theory, check out
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad_%28category_theory%29 for a formal
definition of monads and some background. Translating between
notation, μ = join and η = return in Haskell. The application of the
functor T to functions is called fmap, or liftM, which should always
be equivalent.

The functor behind a monad is always an endofunctor, that is, from the
category to itself. In this case, you'll be interested in the category
of Haskell types and Haskell-definable functions between them.

For a much gentler description and one way in which monads relate to
programming, check out
http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/MonadsAsContainers which is an article
that I wrote.

For a different perspective on the programming aspects than presented
by my article (both are important in practice) check out

Do notation is a shorthand for a bunch of algebraic operations which
make the code look like imperative code. Desugaring goUntilEmpty
results in something along the lines of:

goUntilEmpty :: IO ()
goUntilEmpty =
getLine >>= \line ->
if line == [] -- better written as "null line"
then return ()
else putStrLn line >>= \x -> goUntilEmpty

where x >>= f = join (fmap f x), to write it in terms of the
operations defined on wikipedia.

Hope these links are useful to you :)

 - Cale
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Writing large n-dim un-boxed array of Int32 quickly?

2005-10-31 Thread Rene de Visser

From: Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello Rene,

Monday, October 31, 2005, 11:13:30 AM, you wrote:

RdV> I want to write a multi-dimensional unboxed arrary of Int32 to a file. 

RdV> also read it back later).

how about fileWriteBuf/fileReadBuf?

Hello Bulat,

How does this work? (is this from NewBinary, I don't have the sources with 

How do I convert my array to a buffer?


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Writing large n-dim un-boxed array of Int32 quickly?

2005-10-31 Thread Rene de Visser

From: Ketil Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rene de Visser wrote:

I want to write a multi-dimensional unboxed arrary of Int32 to a file. 
(And also read it back later).


To do this I need to cast my 5 dimensional array to a 1 dimensional array?
Does this work? i.e. how do I know that GHC uses a flat array representation 

multidemsional arrays (rather than a nested model using pointers).


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Writing large n-dim un-boxed array of Int32 quickly?

2005-10-31 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Rene,

Monday, October 31, 2005, 11:13:30 AM, you wrote:

RdV> Hello,

RdV> I want to write a multi-dimensional unboxed arrary of Int32 to a file. 
RdV> also read it back later).

how about fileWriteBuf/fileReadBuf?

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] FM'06 Announcement and Call for Submissions

2005-10-31 Thread events-admin

 21 - 27 August 2006
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


FM'06 is the fourteenth in a series of symposia organized by Formal
Methods Europe, http://www.fmeurope.org, an independent association
aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods for
software development.  The symposia have been notably successful in
bringing together innovators and practitioners in precise mathematical
methods for software development, industrial users as well as
researchers.  Submissions are welcomed in the form of original papers on
research and industrial experience, proposals for workshops and
tutorials, entries for the exhibition of software tools and projects,
reports on ongoing doctoral work.

FM'06 welcomes all aspects of formal methods research, both theoretical
and practical.  We are particularly interested in the experience of
applying formal methods in practice.  The broad topics of interest of
this conference are:

* Tools for formal methods: tool support and software engineering,
   environments for formal methods.

* Theoretical foundations: specification and modelling, refining, static
   analysis, model-checking, verification, calculation, reusable domain

* Formal methods in practice: experience with introducing formal methods
   in industry, case studies.

* Role of formal methods: formal methods in hardware and system design,
   method integration, development process.

Full papers should be submitted via the web site.  Papers will be
evaluated by the Program Committee according to their originality,
significance, soundness, quality of presentation and relevance with
respect to the main issues of the symposium.  Accepted papers will be
published in the Symposium Proceedings, to appear in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series, http://www.springeronline.com/lncs .
Submitted papers should have not been submitted elsewhere for
publication, should be in Springer's format, (see Springer's web site),
and should not exceed 16 pages including appendices.  A prize for the
best technical paper will be awarded at the symposium.

One day will be dedicated to sharing the experience -- both positive and
negative -- with using formal methods in industrial environments.  The
Industry Day is organized by ForTIA, the Formal Techniques Industry
Association, http://www.fortia.org .  This year's Industry Day
investigates the use of formal methods in security and trust.  Invited
papers on organizational and technical issues will be presented.
Inquiries should be directed to the Industry Day Chairs; see the web
for details.

We welcome proposals for one-day or one-and-a-half-day workshops related
to FM'06.  In particular, but not exclusively, we encourage proposals
workshops on various application domains.  Proposals should be directed
to the Workshop Chair.

We are soliciting proposals for full-day or half-day tutorials.  The
tutorial contents can be selected from a wide range of topics that
reflect the conference themes and provide clear utility to
Each proposal will be evaluated on importance, relevance, timeliness,
audience appeal and past experience and qualification of the
Proposals should be directed to the Tutorial Chair.

An exhibition of both research projects and commercial tools will
accompany the technical symposium, with the opportunity of holding
scheduled presentations of commercial tools.  Proposals should be
directed to the Poster and Tools Exhibition Chair.

For the first time, FM'06 will feature a doctoral symposium.  Students
are invited to submit work in progress and to defend it in front of
"friendly examiners".  Participation for students who are accepted will
be subsidized.  Submissions should be directed to the Doctoral Symposium

Technical Papers, Workshops, Tutorials: Friday, February 24, 2006
Posters and Tools, Doctoral Symposium: Friday, May 26, 2006

Technical Papers: Friday, April 28, 2006
Workshops, Tutorials: Friday, March 10, 2006
Posters and Tools, Doctoral Symposium: Friday, June 9, 2006

General Chair: Emil Sekerinski (McMaster)
Program Chairs: Jayadev Misra (U. Texas, Austin), Tobias Nipkow (TU
Workshop Chair: Tom Maibaum (McMaster)
Tutorial Chair: Jin Song Dong (NUS)
Tools and Poster Exhibition Chair: Marsha Chechik (U. Toronto)
Industry Day Chairs: Volkmar Lotz (SAP France), Asuman Suenbuel (SAP US)
Doctoral Symposium Chair: Augusto Sampaio (U. Pernambuco)
Sponsorship Chair: Juergen Dingel (Queens U.)

Jean-Raymond Abrial (ETH Zurich)
Alex Aiken (Stanford U.)
Keijiro Araki (Kyushu U.)

Re: [Haskell] Writing large n-dim un-boxed array of Int32 quickly?

2005-10-31 Thread Ketil Malde

Rene de Visser wrote:

I want to write a multi-dimensional unboxed arrary of Int32 to a file. 
(And also read it back later).


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Writing large n-dim un-boxed array of Int32 quickly?

2005-10-31 Thread Rene de Visser


I want to write a multi-dimensional unboxed arrary of Int32 to a file. (And 
also read it back later).

What I tried so far is

import NewBinary.Binary

mapM_ (put bin) $ elems array

but this was exceedlying slow.

The array contains about 10 000 000 entries. Any suggestions?

Haskell mailing list