Re: [GHC] #639: Give civilised error messages when desugaring Template Haskell brackets

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#639: Give civilised error messages when desugaring Template Haskell brackets
  Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Owner: 
  Type:  task   | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone: 
 Component:  Template Haskell   |Version:  6.4.1  
  Severity:  normal | Resolution: 
  Keywords: | Os:  Unknown
Difficulty:  Easy (1 hr)|   Architecture:  Unknown
Changes (by simonmar):

  * component:  Compiler = Template Haskell

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #651: Template Haskell doesn't work with profiling

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#651: Template Haskell doesn't work with profiling
  Reporter:  simonmar  |  Owner: 
  Type:  bug   | Status:  new
  Priority:  high  |  Milestone: 
 Component:  Template Haskell  |Version:  6.4.1  
  Severity:  major | Resolution: 
  Keywords:| Os:  Unknown
Difficulty:  Unknown   |   Architecture:  Unknown
Changes (by simonmar):

  * priority:  normal = high

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug documentation [was: Re: problem compiling with profiling]

2006-01-13 Thread Simon Marlow

Frederik Eaton wrote:

Template Haskell doesn't work with profiling, I'm afraid (for the
same reason that you can't load profiled object code into GHCi). I
thought we had an open bug on this, but I couldn't find one, so I
just created one:

Writing a large program which relies on some library or some feature
of ghc that is expected to be stable, or at least to not conflict with
other features; and then finding out after considerable effort has
been spent that there is some catch which prevents my program from
being as useful as anticipated, or even useful at all - this is a
frustrating experience that I've had several times now.

I think it might be reasonable to expect the ghc documentation to
contain better and more up-to-date information about what is and what
isn't currently supported, so that users can avoid wasting their time
as I have. As grateful as I am for the work that is being carried on
here, sometimes I would like to be able to see projects through to
completion without becoming involved in the ghc development process. 
Furthermore, it seems that better documentation of open bugs could

also be of use to people who *do* want to become involved...

I hear your frustration, and I sympathise.

I've updated the known bugs section on the template haskell wiki to be 
more useful:, and I've 
bumped the priority of the TH/profiling bug.

You want an easy way to find out what works and what doesn't, which is 
quite reasonable.  This is something we should try to improve.  The 
current situation is:

  - long term defects are described in the User's Guide, in the
Known bugs and infelicities section:

  - all other bugs that we know about are either:

 * in the bug tracker, or
 * on this mailing list, or
 * in someone's head.

It would be a huge improvement if we could put all these in one place. 
So from now on we'll try to record a ticket for every bug, even if we 
fix it immediately.  Unfortunately there isn't a way to query for all 
the bugs, open or closed against version 6.4.1, or open against an older 
verison.  We could update the version of every open bug at each 
release, I suppose.  For now, this query gets you all the bugs in 6.4.1, 
open or closed:


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #179: Instance match failure on openTypeKind

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#179: Instance match failure on openTypeKind
  Reporter:  simonpj  |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug  | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal   | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:   | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown  |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:


 instance Show (a-b) where ...

 foo x = show (\ _ - True)

 This fails with:
 No instance for (Show (t - Bool))
   arising from use of `show' at Foo.hs:5

 Reason: the type of (\_ - True) is  (t - Bool) where
 t has an openTypeKind.  It's possible that the function
 will be applied to say an Int#, and the openTypeKind
 records that this is OK.

 BUT, the instance decl Show (a-b) has
 a::liftedTypeKind, and that doesn't match an
 openTypeKind type variable.

 This bug relates to GHC's unsatisfactory treatment of
 the variants of kind type, for which there are at least 2
 other SourceForge bugs registered (753780 and
 753777).  It's very obscure, so I'm not going to fix it

New description:


 instance Show (a-b) where ...

 foo x = show (\ _ - True)

 This fails with:
 No instance for (Show (t - Bool))
   arising from use of `show' at Foo.hs:5

 Reason: the type of (\_ - True) is  (t - Bool) where
 t has an openTypeKind.  It's possible that the function
 will be applied to say an Int#, and the openTypeKind
 records that this is OK.

 BUT, the instance decl Show (a-b) has
 a::liftedTypeKind, and that doesn't match an
 openTypeKind type variable.

 This bug relates to GHC's unsatisfactory treatment of
 the variants of kind type, for which there are at least 2
 other SourceForge bugs registered (753780 and
 753777).  It's very obscure, so I'm not going to fix it

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #476: HUnit treats failures as errors

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#476: HUnit treats failures as errors
  Reporter:  stefanheimann  |  Owner:  nobody  
  Type:  bug| Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone:  
 Component:  libraries (other)  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal | Resolution:  None
  Keywords: | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown|   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 HUnit treats a failure in a testcase as an error. I
 attached a patch that fixes the problem. I tested the
 patch with ghc and hugs.


New description:

 HUnit treats a failure in a testcase as an error. I
 attached a patch that fixes the problem. I tested the
 patch with ghc and hugs.


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #482: 'Bug' when installing GHC 6.4.1

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#482: 'Bug' when installing GHC 6.4.1
  Reporter:  nobody|  Owner:  wolfgang
  Type:  bug   | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Build System  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal| Resolution:  None
  Keywords:| Os:  MacOS X 
Difficulty:  Unknown   |   Architecture:  powerpc 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #485: AdjustorAsm.S doesn't build on AIX

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#485: AdjustorAsm.S doesn't build on AIX
  Reporter:  jgoerzen  |  Owner:  nobody  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal| Resolution:  None
  Keywords:| Os:  AIX 
Difficulty:  Unknown   |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #487: powerpc/linux segfaulting binaries

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#487: powerpc/linux segfaulting binaries
  Reporter:  dons  |  Owner:  nobody  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal| Resolution:  None
  Keywords:| Os:  Linux   
Difficulty:  Unknown   |   Architecture:  powerpc 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #246: Wrong pat-match order for records

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#246: Wrong pat-match order for records
  Reporter:  simonpj   |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug   | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  low   |  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  minor | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:| Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown   |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #312: Poor error message for kind error

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#312: Poor error message for kind error
  Reporter:  simonpj  |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug  | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  low  |  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal   | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:   | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown  |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 A kind error can lead to the following poor error msg:

 Kind error: Expecting kind `k_a18s - k_a18w -
 k_a18A - *',
 but `DUnit t' has kind `k_a18s -
 k_a18w - *'
 In the type synonym declaration for `LiftObject'

 The source program is

 newtype Object f' f t o1 o2  = Object (f' t o1 - f t o2)
 type DUnit t o1 o2   = ()

 type T f g t o1 o2  = Either (f t o1 o2) (g t o1 o2)

 type LiftObject t f' f = T (Object f' f t) (DUnit t)


New description:

 A kind error can lead to the following poor error msg:

 Kind error: Expecting kind `k_a18s - k_a18w -
 k_a18A - *',
 but `DUnit t' has kind `k_a18s -
 k_a18w - *'
 In the type synonym declaration for `LiftObject'

 The source program is

 newtype Object f' f t o1 o2  = Object (f' t o1 - f t o2)
 type DUnit t o1 o2   = ()

 type T f g t o1 o2  = Either (f t o1 o2) (g t o1 o2)

 type LiftObject t f' f = T (Object f' f t) (DUnit t)


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #323: Exponential behaviour with type synonyms

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#323: Exponential behaviour with type synonyms
  Reporter:  simonpj  |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug  | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  low  |  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal   | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:   | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown  |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 You're quite right.  GHC has a simple but non-
 performant representation of type synonyms in types, so
 as to be able to generate good error messages,  In
 particular, the type

 S t

 where S is a type synonym defined by 'type S a = s', is
 represented as

 SynNote (S t) (s [t/a])

 That is, (S t) is represented by *both* its un-expanded
 and expanded form.

 The SynNote is ignored by unification, but the un-
 expanded form is useful for error messages.
 Unfortunately, t is duplicated, as you can see, and that
 leads to the behaviour you describe.

 I don't see myself fixing this soon, at least partly
 because I can't see an obvious way to fix it that doesn't
 lose error message behaviour.

 I'm going to open a SourceForge bug for it.  If anyone
 has good ideas, let me know.


 | -Original Message-
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Iavor Diatchki
 | Sent: 17 February 2005 01:27
 | To:
 | Subject: 'type' declarations
 | hello,
 | ghc seems to be having trouble with 'type' declarations.
 | while compiling (i guess kind checking is the correct
 word here)
 | the following program for a very long time, ghc (6.2)
 runs out of 300Mb of heap.
 | module Test where
 | type S  = Maybe
 | type S2 n   = S  (S  n)
 | type S4 n   = S2 (S2 n)
 | type S8 n   = S4 (S4 n)
 | type S16 n  = S8 (S8 n)
 | type S32 n  = S16 (S16 n)
 | type N64 n  = S32 (S32 n)
 | type N64'   =
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   Int
 | if i remove the N64 definition things work.  i guess
 | exponential is happening
 | (substitution?).
 | -iavor


New description:

 You're quite right.  GHC has a simple but non-
 performant representation of type synonyms in types, so
 as to be able to generate good error messages,  In
 particular, the type

 S t

 where S is a type synonym defined by 'type S a = s', is
 represented as

 SynNote (S t) (s [t/a])

 That is, (S t) is represented by *both* its un-expanded
 and expanded form.

 The SynNote is ignored by unification, but the un-
 expanded form is useful for error messages.
 Unfortunately, t is duplicated, as you can see, and that
 leads to the behaviour you describe.

 I don't see myself fixing this soon, at least partly
 because I can't see an obvious way to fix it that doesn't
 lose error message behaviour.

 I'm going to open a SourceForge bug for it.  If anyone
 has good ideas, let me know.


 | -Original Message-
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Iavor Diatchki
 | Sent: 17 February 2005 01:27
 | To:
 | Subject: 'type' declarations
 | hello,
 | ghc seems to be having trouble with 'type' declarations.
 | while compiling (i guess kind checking is the correct
 word here)
 | the following program for a very long time, ghc (6.2)
 runs out of 300Mb of heap.
 | module Test where
 | type S  = Maybe
 | type S2 n   = S  (S  n)
 | type S4 n   = S2 (S2 n)
 | type S8 n   = S4 (S4 n)
 | type S16 n  = S8 (S8 n)
 | type S32 n  = S16 (S16 n)
 | type N64 n  = S32 (S32 n)
 | type N64'   =
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S ( S (
 |   Int
 | if i remove the N64 definition things work.  i guess
 | exponential 

Re: [GHC] #427: Random.StdGen slowness

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#427: Random.StdGen slowness
  Reporter:  remit   |  Owner:  nobody  
  Type:  bug | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  low |  Milestone:  
 Component:  libraries/base  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal  | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:  | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 Two (performance) problems in one:

 {-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
 module Main (main) where

 import Control.Monad
 import Random

 foreign import ccall unsafe random _crandom :: IO Int

 randomInt :: (Int, Int) - IO Int
 randomInt (min,max) = do
 n - _crandom
 return $ min + n `rem` range
 range = max - min + 1

 main = replicateM_ (5*10^6) $ do
 x - randomRIO (0::Int,1000) :: IO Int
 x `seq` return ()
 return ()

 First, without the seq at the end, hardly anything is
 evaluated and we're building huge amounts of thunks.
 Three ideas about this one:
 - Blame the user :)
 - data StdGen = StdGen !Int !Int
   Use strict fields in StdGen. Doesn't actually help
 (at least in this example).
 - Force evaluation of the StdGen in getStdRandom.
   Does help in this example, but also changes behaviour
 of the library:
   x - randomRIO undefined
   currently dies only when x (or the result of a later
 randomRIO) is evaluated. This change causes it to die

 Second, even _with_ the seq, replacing randomRIO by
 randomInt speeds the thing up with a factor of about
 30. (2 to 3.6, in a real world university practicum
 exercise of 900 lines of code)
 Even given the fact that they're not really doing the
 same thing, this seems rather much :(

New description:

 Two (performance) problems in one:

 {-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
 module Main (main) where

 import Control.Monad
 import Random

 foreign import ccall unsafe random _crandom :: IO Int

 randomInt :: (Int, Int) - IO Int
 randomInt (min,max) = do
 n - _crandom
 return $ min + n `rem` range
 range = max - min + 1

 main = replicateM_ (5*10^6) $ do
 x - randomRIO (0::Int,1000) :: IO Int
 x `seq` return ()
 return ()

 First, without the seq at the end, hardly anything is
 evaluated and we're building huge amounts of thunks.
 Three ideas about this one:
 - Blame the user :)
 - data StdGen = StdGen !Int !Int
   Use strict fields in StdGen. Doesn't actually help
 (at least in this example).
 - Force evaluation of the StdGen in getStdRandom.
   Does help in this example, but also changes behaviour
 of the library:
   x - randomRIO undefined
   currently dies only when x (or the result of a later
 randomRIO) is evaluated. This change causes it to die

 Second, even _with_ the seq, replacing randomRIO by
 randomInt speeds the thing up with a factor of about
 30. (2 to 3.6, in a real world university practicum
 exercise of 900 lines of code)
 Even given the fact that they're not really doing the
 same thing, this seems rather much :(

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #481: Recompilation check fails for TH

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#481: Recompilation check fails for TH
  Reporter:  simonpj   |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug   | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  low   |  Milestone:  
 Component:  Template Haskell  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal| Resolution:  None
  Keywords:| Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown   |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 The recompilation check only recompiles a module when
 the *interface* of a module it imports changes.  But
 with Template Haskell, it may need to be recompiled
 when the *implementation* changes.

 Concrete example below.  It's quite awkward to fix.

 * Perhaps a module that contains any splices should be
 recompiled always.
 * Perhaps a module that exports any TH stuff (how
 would we tell?) should be flagged as changed if
 anything about it changes.


 The following scenario reproduces this error
 (thanks to Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 1) create Main.hs containing code

 module Main where
 import Sub
 main = print $x

 and Sub.hs containing code

 module Sub where
 x = [| 1 |]

 2) compile them with --make:

 C:\!\Haskell\!ghc --make -fth Main.hs
 Chasing modules from: Main.hs
 Compiling Sub  ( ./Sub.hs, ./Sub.o )
 Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
 Loading package base-1.0 ... linking ... done.
 Loading package haskell98-1.0 ... linking ... done.
 Loading package template-haskell-1.0 ... linking ...
 Linking ...


 3) now change Sub.hs to the following code:

 module Sub where
 x = [| 2 |]

 4) and recompile program:

 C:\!\Haskell\!ghc --make -fth Main.hs
 Chasing modules from: Main.hs
 Compiling Sub  ( ./Sub.hs, ./Sub.o )
 Skipping  Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
 Linking ...


 As you see, Main.hs is not recompiled despite the fact
 that definition
 of x is changed and now program must print 2


New description:

 The recompilation check only recompiles a module when
 the *interface* of a module it imports changes.  But
 with Template Haskell, it may need to be recompiled
 when the *implementation* changes.

 Concrete example below.  It's quite awkward to fix.

 * Perhaps a module that contains any splices should be
 recompiled always.
 * Perhaps a module that exports any TH stuff (how
 would we tell?) should be flagged as changed if
 anything about it changes.


 The following scenario reproduces this error
 (thanks to Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 1) create Main.hs containing code

 module Main where
 import Sub
 main = print $x

 and Sub.hs containing code

 module Sub where
 x = [| 1 |]

 2) compile them with --make:

 C:\!\Haskell\!ghc --make -fth Main.hs
 Chasing modules from: Main.hs
 Compiling Sub  ( ./Sub.hs, ./Sub.o )
 Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
 Loading package base-1.0 ... linking ... done.
 Loading package haskell98-1.0 ... linking ... done.
 Loading package template-haskell-1.0 ... linking ...
 Linking ...


 3) now change Sub.hs to the following code:

 module Sub where
 x = [| 2 |]

 4) and recompile program:

 C:\!\Haskell\!ghc --make -fth Main.hs
 Chasing modules from: Main.hs
 Compiling Sub  ( ./Sub.hs, ./Sub.o )
 Skipping  Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
 Linking ...


 As you see, Main.hs is not recompiled despite the fact
 that definition
 of x is changed and now program must print 2


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #229: Integer overflow in array allocation

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#229: Integer overflow in array allocation
  Reporter:  josefs  |  Owner:  simonmar
  Type:  bug | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  lowest  |  Milestone:  
 Component:  libraries/base  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal  | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:  | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 When asked to create a sufficiently large array ghci

 import Data.Array.ST
 import Control.Monad.ST
 import GHC.Base

 example = runST (do arr - newArray (minInt,maxInt)
 go arr)
   where go :: STArray s Int Bool - ST s Bool
 go arr = readArray arr 3

 Load this into ghci and type 'example'.

New description:

 When asked to create a sufficiently large array ghci

 import Data.Array.ST
 import Control.Monad.ST
 import GHC.Base

 example = runST (do arr - newArray (minInt,maxInt)
 go arr)
   where go :: STArray s Int Bool - ST s Bool
 go arr = readArray arr 3

 Load this into ghci and type 'example'.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #386: :i wrongly claims Imported from ...

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#386: :i wrongly claims Imported from ...
  Reporter:  pimlott  |  Owner:  nobody  
  Type:  bug  | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  lowest   |  Milestone:  
 Component:  GHCi |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal   | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:   | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown  |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 Mostly cosmetic mix-up:

 Prelude :m GHC.Exception
 Prelude GHC.Exception :i System.IO.Error.catch
 catch :: IO a - (IOError - IO a) - IO a
 -- Imported from GHC.Exception

 The catch described is not the same on as imported from

New description:

 Mostly cosmetic mix-up:

 Prelude :m GHC.Exception
 Prelude GHC.Exception :i System.IO.Error.catch
 catch :: IO a - (IOError - IO a) - IO a
 -- Imported from GHC.Exception

 The catch described is not the same on as imported from

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #418: unsafeInterleaveIO + Ctrl-C/killThread related segfault

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#418: unsafeInterleaveIO + Ctrl-C/killThread related segfault
  Reporter:  remit   |  Owner:  nobody  
  Type:  bug | Status:  assigned
  Priority:  lowest  |  Milestone:  
 Component:  Runtime System  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal  | Resolution:  None
  Keywords:  | Os:  Unknown 
Difficulty:  Unknown |   Architecture:  Unknown 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * version:  None = 6.4.1
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 [copy-pasting my original mail

 Good evening,

 I just stumbled across a segfault caused when running the
 following small program. (During an attempt to implement
 single-assignment variables.)

  module Main where
  import Control.Concurrent
  import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
  main = do
  v - newEmptyMVar
  a - unsafeInterleaveIO (readMVar v)
  t - forkIO (print a)
  threadDelay (1000*1000)
  killThread t
  forkIO (print a)
  putMVar v ()

 The crucial part about it seems to be the interruption
 of the
 lazy IO. Typing Ctl-c while running the first print a
 by hand
 from ghci instead of the forkIO+killThread doesn't change

  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent v -
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent a -
 unsafeInterleaveIO (readMVar v)
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent print a
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent forkIO
 (print a)
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent putMVar v ()
  zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ghci

 Both 6.4 and 6.2.1 crash when running main from ghci.
 When running it as a compiled executable everything is

 Although I'm pretty sure I've seen 6.2.1 crashing
 on it when run with -e main, I cannot reproduce it
 anymore. 6.4
 certainly happily runs it with -e main. (A serious lack
 of sleep
 the last week may play a role too.. :-/)

 Whether the module is compiled before being loaded into
 ghci has
 no effect.

 Core-dumps etc can of course be sent if necessary.

 Good night,

New description:

 [copy-pasting my original mail

 Good evening,

 I just stumbled across a segfault caused when running the
 following small program. (During an attempt to implement
 single-assignment variables.)

  module Main where
  import Control.Concurrent
  import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
  main = do
  v - newEmptyMVar
  a - unsafeInterleaveIO (readMVar v)
  t - forkIO (print a)
  threadDelay (1000*1000)
  killThread t
  forkIO (print a)
  putMVar v ()

 The crucial part about it seems to be the interruption
 of the
 lazy IO. Typing Ctl-c while running the first print a
 by hand
 from ghci instead of the forkIO+killThread doesn't change

  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent v -
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent a -
 unsafeInterleaveIO (readMVar v)
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent print a
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent forkIO
 (print a)
  Prelude System.IO.Unsafe Control.Concurrent putMVar v ()
  zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ghci

 Both 6.4 and 6.2.1 crash when running main from ghci.
 When running it as a compiled executable everything is

 Although I'm pretty sure I've seen 6.2.1 crashing
 on it when run with -e main, I cannot reproduce it
 anymore. 6.4
 certainly happily runs it with -e main. (A serious lack
 of sleep
 the last week may play a role too.. :-/)

 Whether the module is compiled before being loaded into
 ghci has
 no effect.

 Core-dumps etc can of course be sent if necessary.

 Good night,

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug documentation [was: Re: problem compiling with profiling]

2006-01-13 Thread Simon Marlow

Simon Marlow wrote:

For now, this query gets you all the bugs in 6.4.1,
open or closed: 

A slightly better URL:


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #652: Have a single Data.Typeable hash table in GHCi

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#652: Have a single Data.Typeable hash table in GHCi
  Reporter:  simonmar  |  Owner: 
  Type:  task  | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  6.6
 Component:  Runtime System|Version:  6.4.1  
  Severity:  normal| Resolution: 
  Keywords:| Os:  Unknown
Difficulty:  Moderate (1 day)  |   Architecture:  Unknown
Old description:

 The hash table used by Data.Typeable is declared as a top-level IORef.
 This means in GHCi, there will be two Data.Typeable hash tables: one in
 the dynamically-loaded base package, and one in the statically-linked
 GHCi binary.  Therefore Dyanmics created in one world are incompatible
 with the other world.

 We have a hack to make sure the two hash tables don't use the same
 uniques, so at least a {{{TypeRep}}} created in one world will ''never''
 compare equal to a {{{TypeRep}}} from the other world (before this hack
 we could different TypeReps bogusly claiming to be equal).  However, we
 would like them to compare equal when they are equal.

 This implies that the packages in use in both world must be compatible
 (preferably identical).  This is because when a TypeRep compares equal,
 we must be sure that the value has the representation we expect.
 Fortunately this is the case in a stage2 GHC.

 We should store a ptr (StablePtr?) to the hash table in an RTS global, so
 that there is only one per runtime instance.

New description:

 The hash table used by {{{Data.Typeable}}} is declared as a top-level
 IORef.  This means in GHCi, there will be two {{{Data.Typeable}}} hash
 tables: one in the dynamically-loaded base package, and one in the
 statically-linked GHCi binary.  Therefore Dyanmics created in one world
 are incompatible with the other world.

 We have a hack to make sure the two hash tables don't use the same
 uniques, so at least a {{{TypeRep}}} created in one world will ''never''
 compare equal to a {{{TypeRep}}} from the other world (before this hack we
 could different TypeReps bogusly claiming to be equal).  However, we would
 like them to compare equal when they are equal.

 This implies that the packages in use in both world must be compatible
 (preferably identical).  This is because when a {{{TypeRep}}} compares
 equal, we must be sure that the value has the representation we expect.
 Fortunately this is the case in a stage2 GHC.

 We should store a ptr ({{{StablePtr}}}?) to the hash table in an RTS
 global, so that there is only one per runtime instance.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #652: Have a single Data.Typeable hash table in GHCi

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#652: Have a single Data.Typeable hash table in GHCi
  Reporter:  simonmar  |  Owner: 
  Type:  task  | Status:  new
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  6.6
 Component:  Runtime System|Version:  6.4.1  
  Severity:  normal| Resolution: 
  Keywords:| Os:  Unknown
Difficulty:  Moderate (1 day)  |   Architecture:  Unknown
Old description:

 The hash table used by {{{Data.Typeable}}} is declared as a top-level
 IORef.  This means in GHCi, there will be two {{{Data.Typeable}}} hash
 tables: one in the dynamically-loaded base package, and one in the
 statically-linked GHCi binary.  Therefore Dyanmics created in one world
 are incompatible with the other world.

 We have a hack to make sure the two hash tables don't use the same
 uniques, so at least a {{{TypeRep}}} created in one world will ''never''
 compare equal to a {{{TypeRep}}} from the other world (before this hack
 we could different TypeReps bogusly claiming to be equal).  However, we
 would like them to compare equal when they are equal.

 This implies that the packages in use in both world must be compatible
 (preferably identical).  This is because when a {{{TypeRep}}} compares
 equal, we must be sure that the value has the representation we expect.
 Fortunately this is the case in a stage2 GHC.

 We should store a ptr ({{{StablePtr}}}?) to the hash table in an RTS
 global, so that there is only one per runtime instance.

New description:

 The hash table used by {{{Data.Typeable}}} is declared as a top-level
 IORef.  This means in GHCi, there will be two {{{Data.Typeable}}} hash
 tables: one in the dynamically-loaded base package, and one in the
 statically-linked GHCi binary.  Therefore Dyanmics created in one world
 are incompatible with the other world.

 We have a hack to make sure the two hash tables don't use the same
 uniques, so at least a {{{TypeRep}}} created in one world will ''never''
 compare equal to a {{{TypeRep}}} from the other world (before this hack we
 could different {{{TypeRep}}}s bogusly claiming to be equal).  However, we
 would like them to compare equal when they are equal.

 This implies that the packages in use in both world must be compatible
 (preferably identical).  This is because when a {{{TypeRep}}} compares
 equal, we must be sure that the value has the representation we expect.
 Fortunately this is the case in a stage2 GHC.

 We should store a ptr ({{{StablePtr}}}?) to the hash table in an RTS
 global, so that there is only one per runtime instance.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #637: Ctrl-Break handler doesn't work in forked threads in -threaded RTS

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#637: Ctrl-Break handler doesn't work in forked threads in -threaded RTS
  Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Owner: 
  Type:  bug| Status:  new
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone: 
 Component:  Runtime System |Version:  6.4.1  
  Severity:  normal | Resolution: 
  Keywords: | Os:  Unknown
Difficulty:  Unknown|   Architecture:  Unknown
Comment (by guest):

 The following program demonstrates bug in 6.4.1 (6.4.0 was ok).
  if you compile it with -threaded, run and press Ctrl-Break, you will
  see message main.EXE: stdin: hGetLine: end of file and program
  blocks (because forked thread is dead). the problem is that installed
  ctrl-break handler don't called in forked threads

  if you compile program without -threaded or with 6.4.0, it works as
  expected - pressing Ctrl-Break runs my handler so you will see
  ^Break! main.EXE: thread killed message

  import Control.Concurrent
  import Control.Exception
  import GHC.ConsoleHandler

  handleCtrlBreak action = do
myThread - myThreadId
let onBreak event = do
  putStrLn  ^Break!
  killThread myThread
bracket (installHandler$ Catch onBreak) (installHandler) $  \oldHandler
 - do

  main =  do
handleCtrlBreak $ do
  x - newEmptyMVar
  forkIO$ do a - getLine
 print a
 putMVar x ()
 return ()
  takeMVar x
  return ()

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #653: Changeable lexer/parser (like DynFlags.log_action)

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#653: Changeable lexer/parser (like DynFlags.log_action)
Reporter:  Lemmih   |Owner:  
Type:  feature request  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  low  |Milestone:  6.6 
   Component:  Compiler |  Version:  6.4.1   
Severity:  normal   | Keywords:  
  Os:  Multiple |   Difficulty:  Moderate (1 day)
Architecture:  Multiple |  
It would be very convenient for projects such as 'Haskell Server Pages' if
 the GHC library allowed the user to supply his own lexer and parser.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #654: Cabalization of the GHC library.

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#654: Cabalization of the GHC library.
Reporter:  Lemmih   |Owner:  
Type:  feature request  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal   |Milestone:  6.6 
   Component:  Compiler |  Version:  6.4.1   
Severity:  normal   | Keywords:  
  Os:  Multiple |   Difficulty:  Moderate (1 day)
Architecture:  Multiple |  
Rebuilding the GHC library when, say, a new version of Cabal is install,
 is not very convenient. Even harder is it to build with profiling enabled.
 Cabalizing the library would be an ideal solution, although I'm not sure
 how it'll work with the rest of the build-system.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #654: Cabalization of the GHC library.

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#654: Cabalization of the GHC library.
  Reporter:  Lemmih|  Owner:  
  Type:  feature request   | Status:  new 
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  6.6 
 Component:  Build System  |Version:  6.4.1   
  Severity:  normal| Resolution:  
  Keywords:| Os:  Multiple
Difficulty:  Moderate (1 day)  |   Architecture:  Multiple
Changes (by Lemmih):

  * component:  Compiler = Build System

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #655: Loading the GHC library from GHCi.

2006-01-13 Thread GHC
#655: Loading the GHC library from GHCi.
Reporter:  Lemmih   |Owner:  
Type:  feature request  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal   |Milestone:  6.6 
   Component:  Compiler |  Version:  6.4.1   
Severity:  normal   | Keywords:  
  Os:  Multiple |   Difficulty:  Moderate (1 day)
Architecture:  Multiple |  
The GHC library exports some symbols which should probably be kept in the
 GHC binary (see $fptools/ghc/compiler/parser/hschooks.c) and it uses other
 symbols which aren't exported at all. Loading the library dynamically is
 essential for hIDE (

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: darcs switchover

2006-01-13 Thread Simon Marlow

John Goerzen wrote:

On 2006-01-11, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've talked to Simon about this, and here's what we've agreed I will do:

* I will re-convert all of the top-level directories in the current
  libraries darcs repo, except for: doc, mk, and Cabal
* Each new repo will be under
* I will convert HEAD only and not the ghc-6.4 branch.
  Simon plans to continue using CVS for ghc-6.4 anyway.

These steps are now done.

See all the new repos under

libraries and libraries.ghc-6.4 are now gone.

And GHC is now usable from the new darcs setup.  I've updated the 
instructions on the wiki:

All of the packages are sync'd from CVS except for Cabal - it seemed 
more sensible to use the existing Cabal repo directly.  However I've 
taken a branch of that Cabal repo to add the fptools Makefiles for now; 
the branch is in

I added a script darcs-all at the top-level of the ghc tree which 
automates invoking darcs on the various sub-repos.  To get a whole tree, 
do this:

  $ darcs get --partial
  $ cd ghc
  $ chmod +x ./darcs-all
  $ ./darcs-all get

and to pull new changes:

  $ ./darcs-all pull

Please test, as we'd like to switch over as soon as possible.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell] State Monad

2006-01-13 Thread Bruno Oliveira

Can somebody point me out the exact CVS location of the State Monad 
that ships with GHC? I am a bit lost in the CVS directory structure ...

Related to this, I saw the following thread:

Which seems to hint that there are 2 alternative implementations for the State 
one lazy version and one more strict version. Is this correct?

What I am really trying to find out is if the version that ships with GHC is 
the strict 
version. At least I am inclined to think that, since a program that I expected 
terminate is not terminating ...

Finally, if there are indeed two versions, can somebody write (or point me out) 
the two 
different implementations.



Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: State Monad

2006-01-13 Thread Christian Maeder

Bruno Oliveira wrote:

Can somebody point me out the exact CVS location of the State Monad 
that ships with GHC? I am a bit lost in the CVS directory structure ...


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: State Monad

2006-01-13 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Christian Maeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bruno Oliveira wrote:
  Can somebody point me out the exact CVS location of the State Monad
  implementation that ships with GHC? I am a bit lost in the CVS directory
  structure ...

Or rather


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Duncan Coutts
Hi all,

I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed

lookup :: Sequence a - Int - Maybe a
insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a

Obviously I can implement this with ordinary lists in O(n) time for each
operation. It seems that this could be done in O(log n) time for each

This seems like a fairly common collection signature to want but to my
surprise I've not been able to find any existing implementations that
support it. There are several that have almost all the necessary
operations. For example the Data.Map supports all of these except
insert. Okasaki's random access lists only support inserting elements at
the head of the list.

I'd guess that some kind of (balanced) binary search tree where each
node is annotated with the number of nodes below it could support all
these operations.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread S.M.Kahrs

 I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
 structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed
[snip] For example the Data.Map supports all of these except
 insert. Okasaki's random access lists only support inserting elements at
 the head of the list.

I think it's possible to give an O(log n) insert-operation
of Okasaki's random access list, but I would expect it to be rather messy.

 I'd guess that some kind of (balanced) binary search tree where each
 node is annotated with the number of nodes below it could support all
 these operations.

Yes, but you don't need to go that far.
Braun trees should do fine.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/13/06, Duncan Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
 structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed

 lookup :: Sequence a - Int - Maybe a
 insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
 delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a

 Obviously I can implement this with ordinary lists in O(n) time for each
 operation. It seems that this could be done in O(log n) time for each

 This seems like a fairly common collection signature to want but to my
 surprise I've not been able to find any existing implementations that
 support it. There are several that have almost all the necessary
 operations. For example the Data.Map supports all of these except
 insert. Okasaki's random access lists only support inserting elements at
 the head of the list.

What's the semantics of insert? Does it replace an element, or does it
shirt all the elements after it one step?

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Ross Paterson
On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 01:18:35PM +, Duncan Coutts wrote:
 I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
 structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed
 lookup :: Sequence a - Int - Maybe a
 insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
 delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a

Have a look at Data.Sequence (in CVS/darcs version), docs at

insert and delete aren't provided, but are easily derived:

insert :: Seq a - Int - a - Seq a
insert xs i x = front  x | back
  where (front, back) = splitAt i xs

delete :: Seq a - Int - Seq a
delete xs i = front  drop 1 back
  where (front, back) = splitAt i xs

(where splitAt and drop are the sequence versions).

Each of the three operations takes O(log(min(i,n-i))) time.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 14:41 +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
 On 1/13/06, Duncan Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
  structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed
  lookup :: Sequence a - Int - Maybe a
  insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
  delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a

 What's the semantics of insert? Does it replace an element, or does it
 shirt all the elements after it one step?

It shifts all the elements after it one step. So that's why all the
finite map types are no help.

Here's the semantics I want, in terms of an implementation using lists:

-- for simplicity lets ignore the case of indexing out of range
lookup :: Sequence a - Int - a
lookup = (!!)

insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
insert seq i x =
  case splitAt i seq of
(before, after) - before ++ x : after

delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a
delete seq i =
  case splitAt i seq of
(before, x : after) - before ++ after


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 13:53 +, Ross Paterson wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 01:18:35PM +, Duncan Coutts wrote:
  I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
  structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed
  lookup :: Sequence a - Int - Maybe a
  insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
  delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a
 Have a look at Data.Sequence (in CVS/darcs version), docs at

Ah, that's why I didn't find it! :-)
 insert and delete aren't provided, but are easily derived:
   insert :: Seq a - Int - a - Seq a
   insert xs i x = front  x | back
 where (front, back) = splitAt i xs
   delete :: Seq a - Int - Seq a
   delete xs i = front  drop 1 back
 where (front, back) = splitAt i xs
 (where splitAt and drop are the sequence versions).
 Each of the three operations takes O(log(min(i,n-i))) time.

Thanks very much, that's great.


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Christian Maeder

Duncan Coutts wrote:

What's the semantics of insert? Does it replace an element, or does it
shirt all the elements after it one step?

It shifts all the elements after it one step. So that's why all the
finite map types are no help.

import Data.Map as Map

seqInsert i v = Map.insert i v
  . Map.mapKeysMonotonic (\ j - if j  i then j else j + 1)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Christian Maeder

Christian Maeder wrote:

seqInsert i v = Map.insert i v
  . Map.mapKeysMonotonic (\ j - if j  i then j else j + 1)

Sorry, only O(n) and not O(log n). The same would apply to delete.
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 15:21 +0100, Christian Maeder wrote:
 Duncan Coutts wrote:
  What's the semantics of insert? Does it replace an element, or does it
  shirt all the elements after it one step?
  It shifts all the elements after it one step. So that's why all the
  finite map types are no help.
 import Data.Map as Map
 seqInsert i v = Map.insert i v
. Map.mapKeysMonotonic (\ j - if j  i then j else j + 1)

Ah, ok so it can be done, but it's linear rather than log time.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Greg Buchholz
Duncan Coutts wrote:
 I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
 structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed

 See also, Robert Will's Democratic Sequences which strive for O(log
 n) complexity for all major operations...

Democratic Sequences: an Abstract Sequence Data Type which is not
optimised for some algorithms (as Deques and many other
implementations are), but which aims to provide a very simple and
consistent interface for day-to-day programming and prototyping,
where any sensible operation runs with acceptable performance,
although possible none is optimal.

...unfortunately the write-up and code seems to have lost its home, so
you'll have to get it from the Google cache ( ).

Greg Buchholz

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 13:53 +, Ross Paterson wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 01:18:35PM +, Duncan Coutts wrote:
  I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
  structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed
  lookup :: Sequence a - Int - Maybe a
  insert :: Sequence a - Int - a - Sequence a
  delete :: Sequence a - Int - Sequence a
 Have a look at Data.Sequence (in CVS/darcs version), docs at

And as a bonus the append and prepend operations are O(1), which is nice
since for my application these are probably more likely than inserting
at arbitrary indexes.

It's probably too much to ask, but here's a question:

would it be possible to provide an operation that gives a left or right
view from looking up an index. Say:

viewrFromIndex :: Seq a - Int - ViewL a
viewlFromIndex :: Seq a - Int - ViewR a 

The library currently provides views for the each end of the sequence.

viewl :: Seq a - ViewL a
viewr :: Seq a - ViewR a

I suppose this would be a zipper-like iterator for the sequence?

I ask since a common use in my application will involve sequential
access (though random access is still required). So if I cached an
iterator/zipper/view thing to use in case the next lookup happens to be
the next in the sequence then I could do that in O(1) time rather than
doing an ordinary O(log n) lookup.

Just wondering. :-)


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Ross Paterson
On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 08:25:46PM +, Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 13:53 +, Ross Paterson wrote:
  Have a look at Data.Sequence (in CVS/darcs version), docs at
 It's probably too much to ask, but here's a question:
 would it be possible to provide an operation that gives a left or right
 view from looking up an index. Say:
 viewrFromIndex :: Seq a - Int - ViewL a
 viewlFromIndex :: Seq a - Int - ViewR a 
 The library currently provides views for the each end of the sequence.
 viewl :: Seq a - ViewL a
 viewr :: Seq a - ViewR a
 I suppose this would be a zipper-like iterator for the sequence?

I'm not entirely sure what these are intended to do, but can't you
just compose view[lr] with take/drop?

A zipper for a non-empty sequence is just an element and a pair of
sequences.  Moving it by k positions using splitAt and () costs

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: ANN: HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity)

2006-01-13 Thread Keean Schupke

Yes, I see... I edited it from the source code, which actually has the type:

dbConnectWith :: VerifyTables t = (SqlHandle () - IO ()) - t - Query 
() - IO ()
dbConnectWith confn tabs query = confn (do { _ - runST (do verifyTables 
tabs ; query) 0; return () })

I obviously did not think hard enough about the changes I was making for 


Benjamin Franksen wrote:

On Monday 09 January 2006 10:03, Axel Simon wrote:

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 14:51 +, Keean Schupke wrote:

My solution to this when developing a database library for my own
use was to define the API
in a bracket notation style, and only provide safe functions. The
idea is that the function obtains the resource, calls a function
passed as an argument, then frees the resource, so all resouces are
guaranteed to be freed in the correct order... for example:

dbConnectWith ::  DbName - (DbHandle - IO Result) - Result
dbConnectWith name workFn = do
   handle - dbConnectTo name
   workFn handle `finally` dbDisconnect handle

In this way you avoid finalizers... and everthing is safe providing
you only export the with style functions from the library...
Here's an example from the library, the connect function:

I suppose you meant to write result rather than Result. This
style of functions is only safe if the user ensures that DbHandle is
never returned as part of the result. You should have that in your

I wanted to mention this too, but you were quicker ;)


As far as I can tell, the only general solution is to use finalizers
and, if you really need to enforce a sequence of finialization,

Repeat: touchForeignPtr can NOT be used to enforce finalization order.


A practical issue with touchForeignPtr is that it 
cannot be conveniently called from another finalizer, since the
latter live in C. 

What do you mean live in C? Can't or shouldn't finalizers be written 
in Haskell, too?

Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Haskell DB bindings (was Re: ANN: HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity)

2006-01-13 Thread Keean Schupke
Erm, has nobody replied to this yet? I want a robust interface, that 
uses bracket notation all the way down, so that any error is caught and 
resources are freed appropriately without the use of finalizers (which 
may not get run and lead to resource starvation - they are not reliable 
if dealing with many connections, unless you start forcing garbage 
collections). I want a simple interface (as few functions as possible to 
do the job) and robust exception handling.

I certainly like the idea of using runST to encapsulate the DbHandle... 
and infact the DB code I have does this, but not in a systematic way... 
I guess really all allocated handles that are passed to user defined 
functions need to be protected in this way.

The code I wrote is really to support a relational algebra layer over 
the top...

When I developed this there were no database drivers that worked under 
linux, as HSQL only supported ODBC under windows, so I developed an ODBC 
specific layer myself tested with unixODBC and iODBC.

So IMHO, braket notation, STRef encapsulation, no finalizers, lots of 
exception handling, minimal interface. I would sacrifice some speed for 
simplicity of interface...


Krasimir Angelov wrote:

There are three active database libraries: HDBC, HSQL and Takusen. It
is quite disappointing from my point of view. Recently there was the
same situation with the GUI libraires. The Haskell Community is quite
small to waste efforts, developing different libraries for the same
things. When I started with HSQL there were only two database
libraries: HaSQL for ODBC and libpq for PostgreSQL. They both are
dead, I think. I decided that it is useful to have one abstract API
that can cover all database bindings. I imagine something like JDBC,
ADO or DBI for Haskell. If you guys would like this to happen then
lets discuss what we want. I would be happy to work on single project
that can satisfy all needs.


2006/1/10, Tim Docker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:



Incidentally, the difficulty with finalizers was precisely the
argument for using enumerators rather than cursors in database
APIs. Takusen has implemented that idea; takusen currently supports
Sqlite, PostgreSQL and Oracle, has a test suite. Its performance test
shows that takusen can retrieve 2 million rows from a table without
running out of memory.

The differences between HDBC and HSQL have been recently discussed.
does Takusen fit into this picture? From the above, it sounds like it
quite a different API. Are all 3 of these actively maintained?

As someone who may wish to construct a haskell db binding for a new db,
not clear to which API it should conform. Sometimes choice is a


Haskell mailing list


Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 20:52 +, Ross Paterson wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 08:25:46PM +, Duncan Coutts wrote:
  On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 13:53 +, Ross Paterson wrote:
   Have a look at Data.Sequence (in CVS/darcs version), docs at
  It's probably too much to ask, but here's a question:
  would it be possible to provide an operation that gives a left or right
  view from looking up an index. Say:
  viewrFromIndex :: Seq a - Int - ViewL a
  viewlFromIndex :: Seq a - Int - ViewR a 
  The library currently provides views for the each end of the sequence.
  viewl :: Seq a - ViewL a
  viewr :: Seq a - ViewR a
  I suppose this would be a zipper-like iterator for the sequence?
 I'm not entirely sure what these are intended to do, but can't you
 just compose view[lr] with take/drop?

Oh yes, so you can. That's very neat. Thanks.


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Simple Permissive License

2006-01-13 Thread Ashley Yakeley
This is done now, with a mandatory simple permissive license.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: What does the Haskell type system do with show (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Christian Maeder

Jared Updike wrote:

I still don't see, why it works for show but not for my_show.



class (Show a) = My_show a where
   my_show :: a - String

If I let this be

  class My_show a where
  my_show :: a - String

instance My_show Int where
   my_show a = show a ++  :: Int

instance My_show Integer where
   my_show a = show a ++  :: Integer

What is the difference to the builtin Show class?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What does the Haskell type system do with show (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What does the Haskell type system do with expressions such as these . . .
  show 1
  show (1+2)

The type of the subexpressions 1 and 1+2 are ambiguous since they
have type (Num a) = a.  I'm under the assumption before 1+2 is
evaluated, the 1 and 2 must be coerced into a concrete type such as
Int, Integer, Double, etc, and before show 1 is evaluated, the 1 must
be coerced into a concrete type.  Is my assumption correct?

Yep. If you start ghc with -Wall option then it also tells you that some 
automatism is invoked.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Does anybody have a simple example of using continuation Monad?

2006-01-13 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Freitag, 13. Januar 2006 01:31 schrieb Cale Gibbard:
 On 12/01/06, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think one simple example like ((+1).(\x-x**2)) in continuation style
  would make me understand a lot more..

 The basic idea about the continuation monad is that the entire
 computation you are defining is parametrised on a function which will
 take its result and continue to operate on it (the 'future'). The
 computation is built up in this way -- at each stage, we extend the
 computation by providing another piece of the future, while still
 leaving the computation as a whole parametrised on it.

 Normally we'd be forced to manage these futures by having explicit
 parameters for them and such, but the monad machinery hides all of
 this so that you don't have to worry so much about it. If you don't
 ever make use of the extra feature that you can get a handle on the
 future, you can use it just like the identity monad:

 addOne x = return (x+1)
 square x = return (x**2)
 f x = do y - addOne x; square y

 With explicit continuations, this would look something like:

 addOne x k = k (x + 1)
 square x k = k (x ** 2)
 f x k = addOne x (\v - square v k)

 Now, this seems like an awkward way to handle things as we're not
 making any use of the fact that at each stage, we have a handle to the
 future which can be used multiple times, passed into other functions,

 The Cont monad gives one primitive for capturing the current
 continuation and passing it into a computation, called callCC.

 callCC :: ((a - Cont b) - Cont a) - Cont a

 This type requires some study to understand at first, but essentially,
 callCC takes a function from a future (a - Cont b) to a new
 computation (Cont a), and passes it the current future (which is
 accessible due to the funny way in which we're parametrising our

 In terms of callCC, we can write other, more convenient ways to
 manipulate futures. The following is due to Tomasz Zielonka [1]:

   getCC :: MonadCont m = m (m a)
   getCC = callCC (\c - let x = c x in return x)

   getCC' :: MonadCont m = a - m (a, a - m b)
   getCC' x0 = callCC (\c - let f x = c (x, f) in return (x0, f))

 getCC will get the current continuation explicitly as a computation
 which can be executed. This essentially gives us a 'goto-label' at
 that point in the computation, and executing it will jump back. This
 isn't terribly useful in plain Cont, except to land us in an infinite
 loop, but over a state monad, or IO, we can cause side-effect havoc,
 observe the state, and decide whether to return to the goto-label or

 Stealing an example from Tomasz' original message:

   -- prints hello! in an endless loop
   test :: IO ()
   test = (`runContT` return) $ do
   jump - getCC
   lift $ putStrLn hello!

 getCC' is similar, but actually allows an additional parameter to be
 sent back. The parameter to getCC' is just the initial value. Here's a
 simplistic implementation of mod by repeated addition/subtraction
 which prints intermediate results as it goes, in the ContT transformed
 IO monad.

 x `modulo` m = (`runContT` return) $ do
 (u, jump) - getCC' x
 lift $ print u
 case u of
   _ | u  0 - jump (u + m)

 | u = m- jump (u - m)
 | otherwise - return u

  - Cale


This helps, but not enough for me, unfortunately.
Could someone give or point to an example of medium complexity?
Something to bridge the gap between a CPS-factorial and ReadP,
preferably with an explanation why CPS is used ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: What does the Haskell type system do with show (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Freitag, 13. Januar 2006 11:12 schrieb Christian Maeder:
 Jared Updike wrote:

 I still don't see, why it works for show but not for my_show.

Says the report:
 Ambiguities in the class Num are most common, so Haskell provides another way 
to resolve them---with a default declaration: 

default (t1 , ... , tn) 

where n=0, and each ti must be a type for which Num ti holds. In situations 
where an ambiguous type is discovered, an ambiguous type variable, v, is 
defaultable if: 

v appears only in constraints of the form C v, where C is a class, and 
at least one of these classes is a numeric class, (that is, Num or a subclass 
of Num), and 
all of these classes are defined in the Prelude or a standard library (Figures
That's the point!
6.2--6.3, pages -- show the numeric classes, and Figure 6.1, page , shows the 
classes defined in the Prelude.) 
Each defaultable variable is replaced by the first type in the default list 
that is an instance of all the ambiguous variable's classes. It is a static 
error if no such type is found.



  class (Show a) = My_show a where
 my_show :: a - String

 If I let this be

class My_show a where
my_show :: a - String

  instance My_show Int where
 my_show a = show a ++  :: Int
  instance My_show Integer where
 my_show a = show a ++  :: Integer

 What is the difference to the builtin Show class?

It's not declared in the prelude or standard libraries.


Now the question is, could that restriction be lifted, i.e., would it be 
possible/worthwhile to let defaulting also take place if user defined classes 
are involved?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: What does the Haskell type system do with show (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 13/01/06, Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Freitag, 13. Januar 2006 11:12 schrieb Christian Maeder:
  Jared Updike wrote:
  I still don't see, why it works for show but not for my_show.

 Says the report:
  Ambiguities in the class Num are most common, so Haskell provides another way
 to resolve them---with a default declaration:

 default (t1 , ... , tn)

 where n=0, and each ti must be a type for which Num ti holds. In situations
 where an ambiguous type is discovered, an ambiguous type variable, v, is
 defaultable if:

 v appears only in constraints of the form C v, where C is a class, and
 at least one of these classes is a numeric class, (that is, Num or a subclass
 of Num), and
 all of these classes are defined in the Prelude or a standard library (Figures
 That's the point!
 6.2--6.3, pages -- show the numeric classes, and Figure 6.1, page , shows the
 classes defined in the Prelude.)
 Each defaultable variable is replaced by the first type in the default list
 that is an instance of all the ambiguous variable's classes. It is a static
 error if no such type is found.

   class (Show a) = My_show a where
  my_show :: a - String
  If I let this be
 class My_show a where
 my_show :: a - String
   instance My_show Int where
  my_show a = show a ++  :: Int
   instance My_show Integer where
  my_show a = show a ++  :: Integer
  What is the difference to the builtin Show class?

 It's not declared in the prelude or standard libraries.

 Now the question is, could that restriction be lifted, i.e., would it be
 possible/worthwhile to let defaulting also take place if user defined classes
 are involved?

So long as we're going to have a defaulting mechanism, it seems a bit
odd to restrict it to Num, and to classes in the Prelude. It would be
neat if this could be somewhat generalised, so that, say, the Haskell
98 defaulting behaviour could be completely specified by declarations
in the Prelude, but it's a good question as to exactly how it should
be generalised at all.

It seems a bit tricky to come up with a way to specify the defaulting
behaviour which is both general enough to express the current
behaviour, and which doesn't result in conflicts in the orders in
which default types are tried.

The 'obvious' thing is to have a specification somewhat like:
default C (t1,...,tn)
where C is the name of a single parameter typeclass (or a
multiparameter one, with all but one of the type variables applied;
there ought to be a way to generalise to multi-parameter typeclasses
if we can sort out the problems here)

The problem comes when you have a type variable which is ambiguous,
and to which multiple defaulting specifications apply. In which order
do we try the defaults? We almost certainly wouldn't want it to
depend, for example, on the order in which the class constraints in a
type declaration were specified.

We could pick the defaulting mechanism based on order of occurrence to
some extent, but even this seems a little ugly. Also, how do these
defaults interact with modules? If we want the system to be nice and
general, it would be nice to have the behaviour with respect to Num
specified in the Prelude and merely exported, but this potentially
opens up another can of worms with regard to exporting defaults. If we
always export them, it's unclear what happens with cyclic module
dependency graphs. Perhaps there should be some provision to allow for
writing something like default C in the module export/import lists.

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: What does the Haskell type system do withshow (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Brian Hulley

Cale Gibbard wrote:


So long as we're going to have a defaulting mechanism, it seems a bit
odd to restrict it to Num, and to classes in the Prelude.

Instead of having literals such as 1 that could be Int, Integer, or Float 
etc, why not just have one Number type declared as something like:

data Number = NInt Int | NInteger Integer | NFloat Float | NDouble Double | 
NRational Integer Integer | NComplex Number Number

etc so that all numeric literals would just be translated by the compiler 
into a Number. Arithmetic ops would then not be overloaded but the compiler 
could hopefully optimize out the extra indirection caused by using Number 
instead of plain Int, Integer, etc.

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: What does the Haskell type system do withshow (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 13/01/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cale Gibbard wrote:
  So long as we're going to have a defaulting mechanism, it seems a bit
  odd to restrict it to Num, and to classes in the Prelude.

 Instead of having literals such as 1 that could be Int, Integer, or Float
 etc, why not just have one Number type declared as something like:

 data Number = NInt Int | NInteger Integer | NFloat Float | NDouble Double |
 NRational Integer Integer | NComplex Number Number

 etc so that all numeric literals would just be translated by the compiler
 into a Number. Arithmetic ops would then not be overloaded but the compiler
 could hopefully optimize out the extra indirection caused by using Number
 instead of plain Int, Integer, etc.

 Regards, Brian.

This is not very extensible though. You can't extend that type later
with numeric types of your own (e.g. polynomials, power series, an
arbitrary precision computable real type, or some finite field).
Having a Num typeclass allows for users to add their own numeric types
at will. Also, implicit coercions would be required to implement the
operations on your type, which I'm not sure is such a good idea.

The real problem is that the syntax is overloaded. Somehow I don't
fancy the requirement to type NInteger 5 (respectively 5 :: Integer)
whenever I want to refer to 5 in an arithmetic expression, and
determining which constructor to apply automatically is the same
problem as the defaulting mechanism solves. (Only, with the algebraic
union, it must be solved at each and every numeric literal, rather
than the comparatively fewer times it would need to be solved in
general to make the system of type constraints determined.)

Ambiguity is actually seldom a real problem in practice. Usually
something comes along and fixes the type -- it's only really at the
GHCi/Hugs prompt that this is usually a major issue. This is another
reason perhaps why it hasn't been generalised. Probably the real
reason that it's restricted to Num is that instances of Num are the
only types with such overloaded syntax in the language. (I can write
5, and have it mean an Integer, Complex Double, a Rational, or a
constant power series of some type I cooked up.) There are other
situations where ambiguities can arise, but to be honest, I've never
been too annoyed by them.

Still, it sort of looks odd to have a feature which looks like it
could be vastly more general, but which only applies to this one
Prelude class Num, and only in contexts involving other Prelude
classes. Thinking about it more is making it clearer why it is
restricted to Num, though it's not obvious that it should remain that
way forever. The original question posed by Daniel is whether we
should lift the restriction that all of the classes involved are in a
standard library when doing defaulting. That's such a subtle and odd
point that there almost certainly is a reason for it. Does anyone know

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 29, Issue 36

2006-01-13 Thread Jeff . Harper

Christian Maeder wrote:
 Jared Updike wrote:
 I still don't see, why it works for show but not for my_show.
  class (Show a) = My_show a where
   my_show :: a - String
 If I let this be
  class My_show a where
my_show :: a - String
  instance My_show Int where
   my_show a = show a ++  :: Int
  instance My_show Integer where
   my_show a = show a ++  :: Integer
 What is the difference to the builtin Show class?

I was wondering the same thing myself. Then,
I reread the online Haskell report link. 

where n=0, and each ti must be a type for which
Num ti holds. In situations where an ambiguous type is discovered, an ambiguous
type variable, v, is defaultable if: 
  o v appears only in constraints
of the form C v, where C is a class, and 
  o at least one of these classes
is a numeric class, (that is, Num or a subclass of Num), and 
  o all of these classes are defined
in the Prelude or a standard library (Figures 6.2--6.3, pages -- show the
numeric classes, and Figure 6.1, page , shows the classes defined in the

Notice the last bullet item. class Show is part of the Prelude. However,
class My_show is not part of the prelude. AS far as I can tell, that's
the only reason my_show 1 produces errors while show
1 is okay. ___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Inheritance without OOHaskell

2006-01-13 Thread John Goerzen

I'd like to put forth two situations in which I miss the ability to use
inheritance in Haskell, and then see if maybe somebody has some insight
that I'm missing out on.

Situation #1: In HDBC, there is a Connection type that is more or less
equivolent to a class on a OOP language.  In Haskell, we use a record
with named fields that represent functions.  Closures are used to permit
those functions to access internal state.  That works well enough.  But
there is no way at all to extend this.  Say a database such as
PostgreSQL has some extra features -- it would be nice for the
PostgreSQL objects to support additional functions, whereas Connection
objects from other databases might not support those functions.  Any
Haskell function could expect a Connection object (in which case it
could access only the standard functions) or a PostgreSQL object (in
which case it could access the standard plus the enhanced functions).

The internal state of a Connection object is DB-specific, so there can
be no general function to expose it.

Situation #2: In Python, every exception is an object, and every object
can be extended.  Therefore, I could write an exception handler for,
say, an IO error, and have it work for anything that's a subclass of the
generic IO error -- even if these subclasses weren't known at the time
the program was written.

Other handlers could be as specific or as general as desired.

In Haskell, it seems that all of this has to be anticipated in advance;
it's not very easy to extend things.

So my questions are:

1. I have sometimes used typeclasses instead of data records.  This
provides some of what I'm searching for, but has the unfortunate
side-effect that one can't very easily build a list of objects that may
not come from the same place but are nonetheless part of the class.  For
instance, had I used typeclasses for HDBC, I couldn't have a list of
Connection objects where some are from MySQL, some from PostgreSQL, etc.

2. As a library designer, what is the most friendly way around these 
problems that adheres to the principle of least surprise for Haskell

3. How does one choose between a type class and a data record of
functions when both would meet the general needs?

4. Is there a way to solve these inheritance problems without resorting
to a library such as OOHaskell, which many Haskell programmers are not
familiar with?


-- John

Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.  `Don't bother us
with politics,' respond those who don't want to learn.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Adam Turoff

I'm trying to split a string into a list of substrings, where substrings
are delimited by blank lines.

This feels like it *should* be a primitive operation, but I can't seem
to find one that works.  It's neither a fold nor a partition, since each
chunk is separated by a 2-character sequence.  It's also not a grouping
operation, since ghc's Data.List.groupBy examines the first element in a
sequence with each candidate member of the same sequence, as
demonstrated by:

Prelude :module + Data.List
Prelude Data.List let t = asdfjkl;
Prelude Data.List groupBy (\a _ - a == 's') t

As a result, I've wound up with this:

-- Convert a file into blocks separated by blank lines (two
-- consecutive \n characters.) NB: Requires UNIX linefeeds

blocks :: String - [String]
blocks s = f  s
f  [] = []
f s [] = [s]
f s ('\n':'\n':rest) = (s:f  rest)
f s (a:rest) = f (s ++ [a]) rest

Which somehow feels ugly.  This feels like it should be a fold, a group
or something, where the test is something like:

(\a b - (a /= '\n')  (b /= '\n'))

Any thoughts?


-- Adam
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inheritance without OOHaskell

2006-01-13 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 13/01/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to put forth two situations in which I miss the ability to use
 inheritance in Haskell, and then see if maybe somebody has some insight
 that I'm missing out on.

 Situation #1: In HDBC, there is a Connection type that is more or less
 equivolent to a class on a OOP language.  In Haskell, we use a record
 with named fields that represent functions.  Closures are used to permit
 those functions to access internal state.  That works well enough.  But
 there is no way at all to extend this.  Say a database such as
 PostgreSQL has some extra features -- it would be nice for the
 PostgreSQL objects to support additional functions, whereas Connection
 objects from other databases might not support those functions.  Any
 Haskell function could expect a Connection object (in which case it
 could access only the standard functions) or a PostgreSQL object (in
 which case it could access the standard plus the enhanced functions).

 The internal state of a Connection object is DB-specific, so there can
 be no general function to expose it.

You're describing what sounds like a good application of type classes.
You have an interface which all connection types should support, and
specific types which may have extra properties apart from that

 Situation #2: In Python, every exception is an object, and every object
 can be extended.  Therefore, I could write an exception handler for,
 say, an IO error, and have it work for anything that's a subclass of the
 generic IO error -- even if these subclasses weren't known at the time
 the program was written.

 Other handlers could be as specific or as general as desired.

 In Haskell, it seems that all of this has to be anticipated in advance;
 it's not very easy to extend things.

 So my questions are:

 1. I have sometimes used typeclasses instead of data records.  This
 provides some of what I'm searching for, but has the unfortunate
 side-effect that one can't very easily build a list of objects that may
 not come from the same place but are nonetheless part of the class.  For
 instance, had I used typeclasses for HDBC, I couldn't have a list of
 Connection objects where some are from MySQL, some from PostgreSQL, etc.

If you need to hold a bunch of connections of varying types together
in a data structure at some point, you can use an existential type,

data Connection where
Conn :: (IsConnection c) = c - Connection

In general, existential types are the solution to this problem. You
can often get around the use of existential types, but they're pretty
convenient when you run into this problem and don't want to redesign
everything. Also, without a lot of thinking, this can often lead to
just passing dictionaries around to simulate the existential type.
(otoh, it's Haskell 98, whereas existential types aren't)

 2. As a library designer, what is the most friendly way around these
 problems that adheres to the principle of least surprise for Haskell

Existential types aren't bad. They do however indicate an OO-design
going on. Without really considering the application at hand, it can
be hard to decide how to write it in a more functional way, but the
basic concept is that data are hard to extend, so you should make them
fairly universal, and all the extending should happen by writing
additional functions (and potentially some new datatypes altogether).

Note that this is the opposite of the usual case with OO, where it's
often easy to extend the data being carried around, but it can be
quite a lot of work to extend the functional interface.

 3. How does one choose between a type class and a data record of
 functions when both would meet the general needs?

The biggest differences between those are that
1) There can be only one typeclass instance for a given assignment of
type parameters, so if you expect that users will often want to use
the same type with the given interface in multiple ways, typeclasses
are poor.
2) In almost every other situation, typeclasses are nicer, since you
don't have to pass instances around or name which one you're using
explicitly. Further, if you add a method to a typeclass, you need to
implement it in all the instances, but if you add an additional
function to your record type, you not only have to update the
'instance' records, but also likely a number of the places where
they've been used.

 4. Is there a way to solve these inheritance problems without resorting
 to a library such as OOHaskell, which many Haskell programmers are not
 familiar with?

Well, hmm... You can try to avoid the concept of inheritance
altogether. You can give names to separate parts of interfaces via
typeclasses, and even enforce that something implementing one of these
classes implements the other.

Often, you can also take care of things via parametric polymorphism,
where the data types are parametrised over the later extensions, and
anything which doesn't 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/13/06, Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to split a string into a list of substrings, where substrings
 are delimited by blank lines.

 This feels like it *should* be a primitive operation, but I can't seem
 to find one that works.  It's neither a fold nor a partition, since each
 chunk is separated by a 2-character sequence.  It's also not a grouping
 operation, since ghc's Data.List.groupBy examines the first element in a
 sequence with each candidate member of the same sequence, as
 demonstrated by:

 Prelude :module + Data.List
 Prelude Data.List let t = asdfjkl;
 Prelude Data.List groupBy (\a _ - a == 's') t

 As a result, I've wound up with this:

 -- Convert a file into blocks separated by blank lines (two
 -- consecutive \n characters.) NB: Requires UNIX linefeeds

 blocks :: String - [String]
 blocks s = f  s
 f  [] = []
 f s [] = [s]
 f s ('\n':'\n':rest) = (s:f  rest)
 f s (a:rest) = f (s ++ [a]) rest

 Which somehow feels ugly.  This feels like it should be a fold, a group
 or something, where the test is something like:

 (\a b - (a /= '\n')  (b /= '\n'))

Off the top of my head:

blocks = map concat . groupBy (const null) . lines

The lines function splits it into lines, the groupBy will group the
list into lists of lists and split when the sedond of two adjacent
elements is null (which is what an empty line passed to lines will
give you) and then a concat on each of the elements of this list will
undo the redundant lines-splitting that lines performed...

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/13/06, Sebastian Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/13/06, Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to split a string into a list of substrings, where substrings
  are delimited by blank lines.
  This feels like it *should* be a primitive operation, but I can't seem
  to find one that works.  It's neither a fold nor a partition, since each
  chunk is separated by a 2-character sequence.  It's also not a grouping
  operation, since ghc's Data.List.groupBy examines the first element in a
  sequence with each candidate member of the same sequence, as
  demonstrated by:
  Prelude :module + Data.List
  Prelude Data.List let t = asdfjkl;
  Prelude Data.List groupBy (\a _ - a == 's') t
  As a result, I've wound up with this:
  -- Convert a file into blocks separated by blank lines (two
  -- consecutive \n characters.) NB: Requires UNIX linefeeds
  blocks :: String - [String]
  blocks s = f  s
  f  [] = []
  f s [] = [s]
  f s ('\n':'\n':rest) = (s:f  rest)
  f s (a:rest) = f (s ++ [a]) rest
  Which somehow feels ugly.  This feels like it should be a fold, a group
  or something, where the test is something like:
  (\a b - (a /= '\n')  (b /= '\n'))

 Off the top of my head:

 blocks = map concat . groupBy (const null) . lines

 The lines function splits it into lines, the groupBy will group the
 list into lists of lists and split when the sedond of two adjacent
 elements is null (which is what an empty line passed to lines will
 give you) and then a concat on each of the elements of this list will
 undo the redundant lines-splitting that lines performed...

Sorry, I got the meaning of groupBy mixed up, it should be

blocks = map concat . groupBy (const (not . null)) . lines


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Jared Updike
That works except it loses single newline characters.

let s = 1234\n5678\n\nabcdefghijklmnopq\n\n,,.,.,.
Prelude blocks s


On 1/13/06, Sebastian Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/13/06, Sebastian Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 1/13/06, Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm trying to split a string into a list of substrings, where substrings
   are delimited by blank lines.
   This feels like it *should* be a primitive operation, but I can't seem
   to find one that works.  It's neither a fold nor a partition, since each
   chunk is separated by a 2-character sequence.  It's also not a grouping
   operation, since ghc's Data.List.groupBy examines the first element in a
   sequence with each candidate member of the same sequence, as
   demonstrated by:
   Prelude :module + Data.List
   Prelude Data.List let t = asdfjkl;
   Prelude Data.List groupBy (\a _ - a == 's') t
   As a result, I've wound up with this:
   -- Convert a file into blocks separated by blank lines (two
   -- consecutive \n characters.) NB: Requires UNIX linefeeds
   blocks :: String - [String]
   blocks s = f  s
   f  [] = []
   f s [] = [s]
   f s ('\n':'\n':rest) = (s:f  rest)
   f s (a:rest) = f (s ++ [a]) rest
   Which somehow feels ugly.  This feels like it should be a fold, a group
   or something, where the test is something like:
   (\a b - (a /= '\n')  (b /= '\n'))
  Off the top of my head:
  blocks = map concat . groupBy (const null) . lines
  The lines function splits it into lines, the groupBy will group the
  list into lists of lists and split when the sedond of two adjacent
  elements is null (which is what an empty line passed to lines will
  give you) and then a concat on each of the elements of this list will
  undo the redundant lines-splitting that lines performed...

 Sorry, I got the meaning of groupBy mixed up, it should be

 blocks = map concat . groupBy (const (not . null)) . lines


 Sebastian Sylvan
 UIN: 44640862
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

reverse )-:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Jon Fairbairn
On 2006-01-13 at 13:32PST Jared Updike wrote:
 That works except it loses single newline characters.
 let s = 1234\n5678\n\nabcdefghijklmnopq\n\n,,.,.,.
 Prelude blocks s

Also the argument to groupBy ought to be some sort of
equivalence relation.

blocks = map unlines 
 . filter (all $ not . null) 
 . groupBy (\a b - not (null b|| null a)) 
 . lines

... but that suffers from the somewhat questionable
properties of lines and unlines.

Jón Fairbairn  Jon.Fairbairn at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jan 13, 2006, at 4:35 PM, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

On 2006-01-13 at 13:32PST Jared Updike wrote:

That works except it loses single newline characters.

let s = 1234\n5678\n\nabcdefghijklmnopq\n\n,,.,.,.
Prelude blocks s

Also the argument to groupBy ought to be some sort of
equivalence relation.

Humm, still not reflexive.  You need xor.

blocks = map unlines
 . filter (all $ not . null)
 . groupBy (\a b - not (null b|| null a))
 . lines

... but that suffers from the somewhat questionable
properties of lines and unlines.

-- Jón Fairbairn  Jon.Fairbairn at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting a string into chunks

2006-01-13 Thread Adam Turoff
On 1/13/06, Sebastian Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 blocks = map concat . groupBy (const (not . null)) . lines

Thanks.  That's a little more involved than I was looking for, but that
certainly looks better than pattern matching on ('\n':'\n':rest).  ;-)

For the record, lines removes the trailing newline, so a string like:



becomes [ab, cd], which can interfere with processing if the whitespace
is significant.  Changing this to

   blocks = map unlines . groupBy (const (not . null)) . lines

re-adds all of the newlines, thus re-adding the significant whitespace,
while still chunking everything into blocks:   [a\nb\n,\nc\nd\n]

Thanks again,

-- Adam
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HDBC Transactions with Sqlite3

2006-01-13 Thread Tom Hawkins
I have HDBC running with Sqlite3, but I'm getting a SqlError due to a
locked table.  Please excuse my SQL ignorance, but what may be causing
the problem?  In SQL, are we not allowed to select, update, and delete
from a table within a single transaction?  If not, what are the rules
for transactions?

Thanks for any help!


SELECT * FROM freeKey;
SELECT * FROM nextKey;
SELECT * FROM freeKey;
SELECT * FROM nextKey;
UPDATE nextKey SET key = 2 WHERE key = 1;
SELECT * FROM freeKey;
SELECT * FROM nextKey;
UPDATE nextKey SET key = 3 WHERE key = 2;
SELECT * FROM freeKey;
DELETE FROM freeKey WHERE key = 0;
SqlError {seState = , seNativeError = 1, seErrorMsg = step:
database table is locked}
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: What does the Haskell type system do with show (1+2)?

2006-01-13 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Daniel Fischer wrote:
Now the question is, could that restriction be lifted, i.e., would it be 
possible/worthwhile to let defaulting also take place if user defined classes 
are involved?

The current defaulting mechanism in Haskell is very, very conservative.
You could easily relax the restriction that all classes have to come
from the Prelude.  I have sometimes wished for that.
But on the other hand, I try to avoid relying on defaulting anywhere,
so it doesn't disturb me much.

-- Lennart
Haskell-Cafe mailing list