[Haskell] [FNC-2018] 13th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications. Gran Canaria, Spain (August 13-15, 2018)

2018-03-14 Thread Wim Ectors

The 13th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications

August 13-15, 2018

Gran Canaria, Spain


Future Networks and Communications (FNC) research effort will help
achieving a major promise of the emerging technologies such as, ubiquitous
access to broadband, supporting vital applications in our daily lives such
as health, energy consumption, environment transport, entertainment or
education. The scope of FNC is the development of energy-efficient future
network infrastructures that support the convergence and interoperability
of heterogeneous mobile, wired and wireless broadband network technologies
as enablers of the future Internet. This includes but not limited to
ubiquitous fast broadband access and ultra-high speed end-to-end optical
connectivity, supporting open services and innovative ambient applications.
Scope also embraces novel and evolutionary approaches to tackle network
architectures, taking due consideration of users and societal needs for

Important Dates

- Workshop Proposal Due: February 10, 2018

- Paper Submission Due: March 22, 2018

- Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2018

- Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2018


All FNC 2018 accepted papers will be published by Elsevier Science in the
open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. Procedia Computer
Science is hosted by Elsevier on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content
platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely
available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will be indexed by Scopus (
www.scopus.com) and by Thomson Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation
Index (http://thomsonreuters.com/conference-proceedings-citation-index/).
All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and
Engineering Village (Ei) (www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI
Compendex (www.ei.org/compendex). Moreover, all accepted papers will be
indexed in DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/). The papers will contain linked
references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. You will be able to
provide a hyperlink to all delegates and direct your conference website
visitors to your proceedings. Selected papers will be invited for
publication, in the following special issues:

- International Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
(IF: 1.588), by Springer (http://www.springer.com/engineering/journal/12652)

- International Journal of Computing and Informatics (IF: 0.504), (

- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (IF: 3.654), by IEEE (

FNC 2018 will be held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference
on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC

FNC 2018 is co-organized & co-hosted by the University of University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. FNC 2018 will be held in Gran Canaria,
Spain. Gran Canaria originally meaning "Great [Island] of Dogs" is the
second most populous island of the Canary Islands, an African archipelago
which is part of Spain, with a population of 847,830 (in 2015) that
constitutes approximately 40% of the population of the archipelago. Located
in the Atlantic Ocean about 150 kilometres (93 mi) off the northwestern
coast of Africa and about 1,350 km (840 mi) from Europe. With an area of
1,560 km2 (602 sq. mi) and an altitude of 1,956 m (6,417 ft) at the Pico de
las Nieves, Gran Canaria is the third largest island of the archipelago in
both area and altitude.



General Chair

Ladislav Hluchy, Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences,

Program Chairs

Hossam Hassanein, Queens University, Canada

Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar, IMOB Ð Hasselt University, Belgium

Local Chair

Javier Sanchez Medina, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Advisory Committee

Soumaya Cherkaoui, Sherbrooke University, Canada

Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, UK

Roch Glitho, Concordia University, Canada

Zygmunt J. Haas, Cornell University, USA

Philippe Martins, Telecom Paris Tech, France

Peter Sloot, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany

David Taniar, Monash University, Australia

Mohamed Younis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

Workshops Chair

Haroon Malik, Marshall University, USA

International Journals Chair

Salvatore Cuomo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Publicity Chairs

Wim Ectors, Hasselt University, Belgium

Monika Davidekova, Comenius University, Slovak Republic

Technical Program Committee

Haskell mailing 

[Haskell] [MobiSPC-2018] 15th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing. Gran Canaria, Spain (July 13-15, 2018)

2018-03-14 Thread Wim Ectors

The 15th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing

August 13-15, 2018

Gran Canaria, Spain


Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC) have evolved into an
active area of research and development. This is due to the tremendous
advances in a broad spectrum of technologies and topics, including wireless
networking, mobile and distributed computing, sensor systems, RFID
technology, and the ubiquitous mobile phone. MobiSPC-2018 solicits papers
that focus on the theory, systems, practices and challenges of providing
users with a successful mobile or wireless experience. This includes how
mobile computing changes how people pervasively use their computers,
computing resources and applications, as well the systems, services and
technologies enabling those applications.

MobiSPC-2018 will provide a leading edge, scholarly forum for researchers,
engineers, and students alike to share their state-of-the art research and
developmental work in the broad areas of pervasive computing and mobile

Important Dates

- Workshop Proposal Due: February 10, 2018

- Paper Submission Due: March 22, 2018

- Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2018

- Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2018


All MobiSPC 2018 accepted papers will be published by Elsevier Science in
the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. Procedia Computer
Science is hosted by Elsevier on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content
platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely
available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will be indexed by Scopus (
www.scopus.com) and by Thomson Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation
Index (http://thomsonreuters.com/conference-proceedings-citation-index/).
All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and
Engineering Village (Ei) (www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI
Compendex (www.ei.org/compendex). Moreover, all accepted papers will be
indexed in DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/). The papers will contain linked
references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. You will be able to
provide a hyperlink to all delegates and direct your conference website
visitors to your proceedings. Selected papers will be invited for
publication, in the following special issues:

- International Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
(IF: 1.588), by Springer (http://www.springer.com/engineering/journal/12652)

- International Journal of Computing and Informatics (IF: 0.504), (

- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (IF: 3.654), by IEEE (

MobiSPC 2018 will be held in conjunction with the 13th International
Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC,
http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/fnc-18/). .

MobiSPC 2018 is co-organized & co-hosted by the University of University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. MobiSPC 2018 will be held in Gran
Canaria, Spain. Gran Canaria originally meaning "Great [Island] of Dogs" is
the second most populous island of the Canary Islands, an African
archipelago which is part of Spain, with a population of 847,830 (in 2015)
that constitutes approximately 40% of the population of the archipelago.
Located in the Atlantic Ocean about 150 kilometres (93 mi) off the
northwestern coast of Africa and about 1,350 km (840 mi) from Europe. With
an area of 1,560 km2 (602 sq. mi) and an altitude of 1,956 m (6,417 ft) at
the Pico de las Nieves, Gran Canaria is the third largest island of the
archipelago in both area and altitude.



General Chair

Boris Magnusson, Lund University, Sweden

Program Chair

StŽphane Galland, UniversitŽ de Technologie de Belfort-MontbŽliard, France

Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada

Local Chair

Javier Sanchez Medina, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Advisory Committee

Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Abdelfettah Belghith, University of Manouba, Tunisia

Flavien Balbo, Ecole Nationale SupŽrieure des Mines de Saint Etienne,

Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, UK

Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno, Italy

No‘l de Palma, UniversitŽ de Grenoble, France

Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany

Mohamed Younis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

Workshops Chair

Haroon Malik, Marshall University, USA

Tracks Chairs

Habib M. Ammari, Fordham University, USA

Longbiao Chen, Xiamen University, China

Mohamed Guerroumi, USTHB University, Algeria

Danny Hughes, K. U. Leuven, Belgium

Francesco Piccialli, University of Naples, Federico II, Italy

Zahoor Khan, HCT, UAE

Prashant Kumar, University of Surrey, UK

Marc Kšrner, TUB

[Haskell] Call for Participation: 2018 in Nice

2018-03-14 Thread Sylvia Grewe

  2018 : The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming

   April 9-12, 2018, Nice, France


We are excited to welcome you to  2018, the second edition 
of a young conference on everything to do with programming. It takes 
place at the
Boscolo B4 Plaza in Nice, France on April 9-12. The  
conference is closely associated with the open-access journal "The Art, 
Science, and Engineering of Programming". The journal's first two issues 
are freely accessible at http://programming-journal.org/ and form part 
of the conference's research track.  Along with the research track, 
 2018 features a program with two main keynotes, several 
workshops, a coding dojo, and a student research competition.

 Program highlights

Main conference:
 - Keynote: "The Recurring Rainfall Problem" by Shriram Krishnamurthi
 - Keynote: "Static Analysis of Android Applications for Finding Bugs 
and Security Vulnerabilities" by Sukyoung Ryu

Co-located events:
- Bx 2018: Seventh International Workshop on Bidirectional 
Transformations, with 12 talks
- MoreVMs 2018: Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and 
VMs, with 9 talks
- PASS 2018: Programming Across the System Stack, with 3 paper talks and 
two invited talks by Christa Lopes and Ludovic Henrio

- PX/18: 4th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop
- ProWeb 2018: Programming Technology for the Future Web, with 4 paper 
talks and one invited talk by Manuel Serrano

- Salon des Refusés 2018 workshop
- CoCoDo 2018, Compiler Coding Dojo

Social events:
 - Banquet at Restaurant of the Plage Beau Rivage (April 11)

 Registration, attendance and accommodation

 - You can register for  2018 at: 
 - Early registration ends soon! Please register before March 16th to 
obtain the early-bird discount.
 - More information on attending the conference is available at: 
 - More information on accommodation is available at: 

 About Nice

Nice, Capital of the French Riviera, is a charming city between sea and 
mountains, which has a strong cultural heritage. You will discover the 
French gastronomy and specialities from Nice, the numerous museums 
(Musée Matisse, Musée des Arts Asiatiques, Musée des Beaux Arts, Musée 
d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain (MAMAC), Musée Chagall…) and of 
course various places like “la promenade des Anglais” or “le Vieux 
Nice”. In “La Promenade des Anglais”, you may practice sports like 
running, roller skating or cycling, enjoy the beauty of the Meditterean 
Sea and spend some time on the beach. You can also walk downtown to do 
some shopping or just discover the city by using the Tramway which 
allows you to go about everywhere in Nice. There are many places to go 
out to enjoy your evenings in the Vieux Nice, around the harbor or downtown.


For more information, please visit 

You can also find us on Twitter (twitter.com/programmingconf 
) and Facebook 
(facebook.com/programmingconf )

Looking forward to seeing you in Nice,

Manuel Serrano (General chair), Tamara Rezk (Organizing chair), Guido 
Salvaneschi (Program chair), Sylvia Grewe, Philipp Haller, Etienne 
Lozes, Stefan Marr, Minh Ngo, Tobias Pape, Yves Roudier, and Jennifer B. 
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