[Haskell-cafe] Foldr tutorial, Inspired by Getting a Fix from a Fold

2007-02-11 Thread Chris Moline
I hope the following doesn't come across as

The recent issue of The Monad Reader has generated
some excitement, mostly to do with the time travel
article. I, however, would like to discuss a simpler
solution to implementing dropWhile with foldr, which
is discussed in the first article of TMR.

When I was taught about folds, I was told that foldr
starts at the end of the list and then builds up the
result from there. But this turns out to be an
unhelpful way of thinking. It's better to say foldr
starts at the beginning of the list, just like foldl.
But how does this work? To see, we'll start by
implementing a simpler function than dropWhile, one
which determines whether we should cons an element
onto a list or just return the list.

dropHead p x xs = if p x then xs else x:xs

Note that I've funnily given a separate arg to the
head of the list and to its tail. That's not a typo
and later we will see why.

Now let's apply dropHead to each element of the list
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:

map (dropHead p) [1, 2, 3, 4 ,5] =
[dropHead p 1,
 dropHead p 2,
 dropHead p 3,
 dropHead p 4,
 dropHead p 5]

Now we need to figure out where to get the second
argument for each of the dropHead applications. I
know! If a call to dropHead comes before another call
to dropHead, we'll pass the result of the second call
as the second arg of the first. And if there are no
calls after a call to dropHead, we'll pass our base
case as the second arg to that call. Let's have a

threadResults basec [] = basec
threadResults basec [f:fs] = f $ threadResults basec

threadResults [] [dropHead p 1 ...] =
 dropHead p 1 $
 dropHead p 2 $
 dropHead p 3 $
 dropHead p 4 $
 dropHead p 5 []

Let's see it in action! First let's let our predicate
determine whether a value is less than three.

dropHead ( 3) 5 [] =
 if ( 3) 5 then [] else 5:[] = [5]
dropHead ( 3) 4 [5] =
 if ( 3) 4 then [5] else 4:[5] = [4, 5]
dropHead ( 3) 3 [4, 5] =
 if ( 3) 3 then [4, 5] else 3:[4, 5] = [3, 4, 5]
dropHead ( 3) 2 [3, 4, 5] =
 if ( 3) 2 then [3, 4, 5] else 2:[3, 4, 5] = [3, 4,
dropHead ( 3) 1 [3, 4, 5] =
 if ( 3) 1 then [3, 4, 5] else 1:[3, 4, 5] = [3, 4,
= [3, 4, 5]

Do you now see how foldr works? It starts at the
beginning of the list and applies the function you
gave it to the first element of the list. Then to get
the second argument of the first call, it applies your
function to the second element of the list and passes
the result of that to the first call. In other words,
it /recurs/ on the next element of the list. When we
finally get to the end, the base case is passed to the
final call of your function and it returns, and all
the previous calls return building their results from
the calls after.

So in other words to implement dropWhile with foldr
merely requires:

dropHead p x xs = if p x then xs else x:xs
dropWhile p l = foldr (dropHead p) [] l

Or even simpler:

dropWhile p = foldr (\x l' - if p x then l' else
x:l') []

take 3 $ dropWhile ( 5) [1..]
= [5, 6, 7]

No abtruse machinery required!

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] [Proposal] Data type declarations are implicitly moduled

2007-02-07 Thread Chris Moline
Hi, I'm not sure if something like this has been
proposed already but I thought I'd bring it up.

The idea is to allow multiple data declarations to
share constructors by having them be implicitly
declared inside a module. So, for example,

data Dir = Left | Right deriving Show
data Arrived = Arrived | Left deriving Show

main = do
  print Dir.Left
  print Arrived.Left

will work just fine.

Nothing is required by this proposal that isn't
already done (with the exception of adding syntactic
support to the compiler of course). The above can be
accomplished today by simply putting Dir and Arrived
into their own modules and then importing them.

There is a question of do we provide some means of
abbreviating these implicit module names. If this is
considered desirable, one way of accomplishing this is
to add an as-clause to the data declaration syntax,
which will function similary to where-clauses and
deriving syntax. Ex,

data Dir = Left | Right
 as D
 deriving Show

This will effectively be the same as declaring Dir in
its own module and then importing it using as syntax.

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Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] pleac, examples, etc

2006-11-14 Thread chris moline
--- brad clawsie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 it would be great if some of the more informed
 posters here took a stab
 at filling in 

 a neat site for cookbook-style problem solving

What I've always found funny about pleac is that none
of the examples are actually Haskell, but some weird
Haskell-with-oo-features. Does anyone know what
language it is?

Here are some examples:

password = [1..8].mapM (\_ - rand (0, chars.length
-1)  (chars!))

-- in haskell, regexp are first class, then can be
appended, sometimes easier to read
m0' s =  (s ==~ dec_number) 

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] a rant from a stoned suicidal person

2004-03-03 Thread Chris Moline
i want to start off by apologizing. im lonely. i dont know anyone.
anyone at all who is liek me. im different. everyone else is content to
just watch tv all the time and then on weekends go and get drunk. im

i am not threatening anything here when i say waht i am about to say.

i know that waht i am about to say is not appropriate for haskell-cafe.
i know this. but this needs to be said. im going to kill myself

not right now. no you dont need to do anything. this is a plea. im
begging you. ok see here im on my knees.

my not-stoned self is going to hate me for this. but he needs the help
and i know hes going to forgive me. because im him:) isnt that funny?

i have no friends. none at all. im surrounded by motherfucking idiots


i dont hate them. ok, im lying i hate them. i hate you. i hate this
mothierfucking list.

all i want is a goddamned friend who is *like me*
i like thinking about shit.
i like philosophy and math and all that stuff.

dont suggest going to college. im sorry but ive found this out the hard
way. im a loser. im a motherfucking loser.

im too lazy. i have difficulty speling nad pronoundni big words.

i do drugs. i know everyone says drugs are bad, but i like them. deal
with it however you wnat. sned me to jail if you feel the need to.
because i dont care anymroe

do you hera that?


im going to kill myself. i must. do you why i must?

because im going insane. im surrounded by people but im completey alone.


I MUST DIE because im a loser

so i am sendign this mesage to this list even though none of you care.
none of you wnat ot deal with my problems. thats fine. i respect that.
but i have noone and i cant find anyone and so i am begging



* chris is crying *

so anyways i am sorry for bothering you with this incoherent message but
hers your mesage for the day

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: Data.Set whishes

2004-02-26 Thread Chris Moline
Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Haskell's module system provides a way for a module to merge multiple
 modules into one but provides no way to eliminate any ambiguities this
 may create.  If we want to be able to use names like 'create' instead
 of 'createFont', we need to change the module system.  The obvious fix
 would have some of the flavour of the ML module system where a module
 can export a structured list of names instead of exporting a flat list
 of names.

i'm not familiar with ml's module system so i don't know if my
suggestion is the same or similar, but could a good solution be to allow
modules to be exported as qualified modules? for example

module Graphics (
  module Font qualified,
  module Color qualified,
  module Window qualified,
) where ...

chris moline
Haskell mailing list

[OT[ proving programs for novices

2003-03-17 Thread Chris Moline
hi. this isnt a haskell question but i am hoping you will forgive it.

i was wondering where i could find books/websites/tutorials on how to
construct proofs and how to prove programs. preferably books that are
aimed at novices with some programming experience but little math/logic

i have paul hudaks hsoe book which has some material on proving
properties of programs.

chris moline

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

trying to compile a cgi library from hugs

2002-07-02 Thread Chris Moline

hi. since my webhoster doesnt have haskell installed i have decided to use compiled 
cgi programs instead. since there doesnt seem to be a cgi library for ghc i was hoping 
to port the library i found at 

the library (CGI.lhs) seems to compile fine. but when i go to compile the programs i 
get the following

[04:13pm 0.13 0.15 0.16 ~/CGI]$ mv Counter.cgi Counter.lhs
Counter.cgi - Counter.lhs
[04:14pm 0.11 0.15 0.16 ~/CGI]$ ghc Counter.lhs 
compilation IS NOT required
Counter.o: In function `__stginit_Main':
Counter.o(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `__stginit_CGI'
Counter.o: In function `Main_main_srt':
Counter.o(.text+0x288): undefined reference to `CGI_h1_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x2a8): undefined reference to `CGI_submit_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x2ac): undefined reference to `CGI_gui_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x2b8): undefined reference to `CGI_page_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x2c0): undefined reference to `CGI_zdfShowCgiOut_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x2c4): undefined reference to `CGI_zdfMimeHTML_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x2c8): undefined reference to `CGI_wrapper_closure'
Counter.o: In function `s13m_entry':
Counter.o(.text+0x35e): undefined reference to `CGI_h1_closure'
Counter.o: In function `s13Z_entry':
Counter.o(.text+0x689): undefined reference to `CGI_submit_closure'
Counter.o: In function `s144_entry':
Counter.o(.text+0x6fe): undefined reference to `CGI_gui_closure'
Counter.o: In function `s14f_entry':
Counter.o(.text+0x7e2): undefined reference to `CGI_page_closure'
Counter.o: In function `s14v_ret':
Counter.o(.text+0x81a): undefined reference to `CGI_Content_con_info'
Counter.o: In function `s13d_entry':
Counter.o(.text+0x898): undefined reference to `CGI_zdfMimeHTML_closure'
Counter.o(.text+0x89d): undefined reference to `CGI_zdfShowCgiOut_closure'
Counter.o: In function `Main_main_entry':
Counter.o(.text+0x91e): undefined reference to `CGI_wrapper_closure'
[04:14pm 0.15 0.15 0.16 ~/CGI]$ 

i do not know what is happening here. any hints on how to proceed?

chris moline
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: trying to compile a cgi library from hugs

2002-07-02 Thread Chris Moline

On Wed, 03 Jul 2002 00:31:25 +0200, Wolfgang Thaller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Your invocation of the ghc command is telling GHC to just compile 
 Counter.lhs to Counter.o and then create an executable (link) with just 
 Counter.o, not CGI.o. The linker then complains about undefined 
 references to the CGI module.
 Solution 1: GHC works just like an ordinary UNIX-style C compiler. 
 Specify CGI.o on the command line.
 Solution 2: use ghc --make Counter.lhs
 GHC will automatically look for all required modules and compile them if 
 necessary (for GHC versions = 5).

ah, thanks. if anyone wants to know the cgi library works without any changes except 
youll have to change the .cgi's to .lhs so ghc will handle them right.

chris moline
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

compiling libraries with ghc

2002-06-24 Thread Chris Moline

hi, i wrote some utilities to make my coding a little easier and i put them in some 
libraries. then to use them i made a package conf file and added it with ghc-pkg -a. i 
then tried compiling them with

ghc -package-name extensions -c Foo.hs

but i am not sure i am compiling it right as i get linker errors of the form

/usr/libexec/elf/ld: cannot find -lDirectoryAndExtensions

whenever i try to compile a program that uses my libraries.

i can fix this by copying all the .o files to libFoo.a files. what is the right way to 
compile libraries?

chris moline
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

problems figuring out what the type system is telling me

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Moline

hi. i am really stuck on this problem and i cant seem to figure it out and so 
i am posting this in the hopes someone will help me. i realize you prolly get 
this kind of question alot but the wiki and the papers i have been reading 
arent helping to clarify things.

i am trying to write a little utility to make it easier to get rid of ports on 
my machine. the function that is giving me trouble is getDepends. it takes the 
name of a port and opens the appropriate +CONTENTS file and returns the 
dependencies it finds.

here is the function and its helper.

getDepends :: String - [String]
getDepends p = do
handle - openFile (portsDir ++ p) ReadMode
fetchDepends handle

fetchDepends :: Handle - [String]
fetchDepends handle = do
l - hGetLine handle
e - hIsEOF handle
case (not e) of -- ifs keep giving indent errors so ill just use case
True -
case (matchRegex (mkRegex ^@pkgdep) l) of
Just [a] - [drop 8 l] ++ (fetchDepends handle)
_ - fetchDepends handle
False - 

here is ghci's error messages.

Compiling Pheobe   ( Phoebe.hs, interpreted )

Couldn't match `[]' against `IO'
Expected type: [t]
Inferred type: IO Handle
In the application `openFile (portsDir ++ p) ReadMode'
In a 'do' expression pattern binding:
handle - openFile (portsDir ++ p) ReadMode

Couldn't match `[]' against `IO'
Expected type: [t]
Inferred type: IO String
In the application `hGetLine handle'
In a 'do' expression pattern binding: l - hGetLine handle
Failed, modules loaded: none.

could someone be so kind as to explain what the problem is?

chris moline
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: problems figuring out what the type system is telling me

2002-06-07 Thread Chris Moline
 alternative: [drop 8 l] ++ (show (fetchDepends handle))

great another error message that is meaningless to me. one last attempt.

-- try adding the type decs back into the above code
getDepends :: String - [String]
getDepends p = do
handle - openFile (portsDir ++ p ++ /+CONTENTS) ReadMode
fetchDepends handle

fetchDepends :: Handle - [String]
fetchDepends handle = do
l - hGetLine handle
e - hIsEOF handle
case (not e) of
True -
case (matchRegex (mkRegex ^@pkgdep) l) of
Just _ - [drop 8 l] ++
(show (fetchDepends handle))
_ - fetchDepends handle
False - []

Couldn't match `[]' against `IO'
Expected type: [t]
Inferred type: IO Handle
In the application `openFile (portsDir ++ (p ++ /+CONTENTS))
In a 'do' expression pattern binding:
handle - openFile (portsDir ++ (p ++ /+CONTENTS)) ReadMode

Couldn't match `[]' against `IO'
Expected type: [t]
Inferred type: IO String
In the application `hGetLine handle'
In a 'do' expression pattern binding: l - hGetLine handle

i am  back to the old message none the wiser. please help me. i am going 

chris moline
Haskell-Cafe mailing list