[Haskell-cafe] Type constructor variables no longer injective in GHC 7.2.1?

2011-10-21 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Hello Cafe,

say we take these standard definitions:

 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

 data a :=: b where 
 Refl :: a :=: a

 subst :: a :=: b - f a - f b
 subst Refl = id 

Then this doesn't work (error message at the bottom):

 inj1 :: forall f a b. f a :=: f b - a :=: b
 inj1 Refl = Refl

But one can still construct it with a trick that Oleg used in the context of 
Leibniz equality:

 type family Arg fa

 type instance Arg (f a) = a

 newtype Helper fa fa' = Helper { runHelper :: Arg fa :=: Arg fa' }

 inj2 :: forall f a b. f a :=: f b - a :=: b
 inj2 p = runHelper (subst p (Helper Refl :: Helper (f a) (f a)))
So, it seems to me that either rejecting inj1 is a bug (or at least an 
inconvenience), or GHC is for some reason justified in not assuming type 
constructor variables to be injective, and accepting inj2 is a bug. I guess 
it's the former, since type constructor variables can't range over type 
functions AFAIK.

The error message for inj1 is:

Could not deduce (a ~ b)
from the context (f a ~ f b)
  bound by a pattern with constructor
 Refl :: forall a. a :=: a,
   in an equation for `inj1'
  at /tmp/inj.lhs:12:8-11
  `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the type signature for inj1 :: (f a :=: f b) - a :=: b
  at /tmp/inj.lhs:12:3
  `b' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the type signature for inj1 :: (f a :=: f b) - a :=: b
  at /tmp/inj.lhs:12:3
Expected type: a :=: b
  Actual type: a :=: a
In the expression: Refl
In an equation for `inj1': inj1 Refl = Refl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deriving instances with GADTs

2011-08-05 Thread Daniel Schüssler

you can declare an instance 

instance Show (OrderType s o) where ...

this makes sense since it means for every type s and o, OrderType s o is 
showable, which is vacuously true if (s,o) isn't in {Buy,Sell} x {Market, 
Limit} (because in that case, there /is/ no non-bottom value of type 
'OrderType s o').

Obviously, this will make the newtype's 'deriving' clause work.

Furthermore, you can use {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} and write

deriving instance Show (OrderType s o)

(Standalone deriving works differently from a 'deriving' clause; the former 
generates the code regardless of how weird the type is and lets the 
typechecker decide. For your GADT, this succeeds).

Daniel Schüssler

On 2011-August-04 Thursday 08:57:46 Tim Cowlishaw wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been writing a DSL to describe securities orders, and after a lot
 of help from the kind folk of this list and #haskell have come up with
 the following implementation, using generalised algebraic data types:
 Elsewhere in my application, I make use of the order type defined
 therein in the following newtype declaration:
  newtype OrderListLevel s = OrderListLevel {orders :: [Order s Limit]}
 deriving (Eq, Show)
 However, the 'deriving' clause here fails:
 No instance for (Eq (Order s Limit))
   arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
at src/Simulation/OrderList.hs:9:82-83
 No instance for (Show (Order s Limit))
   arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
at src/Simulation/OrderList.hs:9:86-89
 I don't fully understand this - the error is correct that there is no
 instance of either Eq or Show for (Order s Limit), however, instances
 are defined for Order Buy Limit and Order Sell Limit, and since these
 are the only possible types that a value can be constructed with (the
 type constructor is 'closed' over these types in some sense I guess),
 it seems to me that this should provide enough information to derive
 the Eq and Show instances. Am I making unreasonable expectations of
 ghci's instance-deriving mechanism here, or missing something obvious?
 Many thanks in advance,
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Time

2011-06-27 Thread Daniel Schüssler
On 2011-June-27 Monday 10:15:28 Yitzchak Gale wrote:
 The biggest shortcoming, in my opinion, is that the documentation
 assumes that the reader is very familiar with the Haskell type
 system, and with viewing type signatures and instance lists as an
 integral and central part of the documentation.
 In particular, Haskell's standard numeric type classes and the
 conversion functions between them play a central role in the API
 of Data.Time.

Making use of Haddock's recently added(?) support for comments on instance 
declaration would help a lot here, I think (even if it was just to draw 
attention to the Num/Integral/Real/Fractional instances).

  Before you undertake writing a whole new time library, why not
 try writing some improved documentation for Data.Time first?

I got the impression that Tony's issue with Data.Time was the lack of some 
feature, not usability. Seems like the details that were omitted for the sake 
of constructiveness are quite relevant :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Correction: I meant

data Baz f a = Baz (Foo f = f a)

(Dropped the 'forall', which would make the inner 'f' have nothing to do with 
the type parameter 'f' of 'Baz')

On 2011-June-09 Thursday 01:07:13 Daniel Schüssler wrote:
 you might be thinking of this type?
 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
 class Foo f where
 foo :: a - f a
 data Baz f a = Baz (forall f. Foo f = f a)
 instance Foo (Baz f) where
  foo a = Baz (foo a)
 Maybe the difference between Bar and Baz ist best explained by writing it
 with an explicit class dictionary for Foo:
 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
 data FooDict f = FooDict {
   foo :: forall a. a - f a
 data Bar f a = Bar (FooDict f) (f a)
 data Baz f a = Baz (FooDict f - f a)
 fooDict_Baz :: FooDict (Baz f)
 fooDict_Baz = FooDict (\a - Baz (\d - foo d a))
 -- fooDict_Bar :: FooDict (Bar f)
 -- fooDict_Bar = FooDict (\a - Bar ? ?)
 -- Doesn't work - you'd have to create a 'FooDict f' and a 'f a' out of
 just an 'a'
 On 2011-June-08 Wednesday 20:45:56 Guy wrote:
  {- continuing discussion from beginners@ -}
  I have code such as
  class Foo f where
   foo :: a - f a
  data Bar f a = Foo f = Bar {bar :: f a}
  instance Foo (Bar f) where
   foo a = Bar $ foo a
  GHC insists that I put Foo f = on the instance declaration, even though
  the constructor for Bar implies this.
  Is there any reason why GHC cannot infer this constraint from the Bar
  constructor? One issue raised in the beginners thread is that
  undefined :: Bar f a
  is not Foo f, but as undefined cannot be evaluated, this would not appear
  to be a problem.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors

2011-06-09 Thread Daniel Schüssler
You could do something like this, but admittedly it appears slightly clunky:

newtype Baz f a = Baz (Foo f = BazInner f a)

data BazInner f a = BazInner { baz :: f a, baz2 :: f a }

instance Foo (Baz f) where
foo a = Baz (let b = foo a in BazInner b b) 


On 2011-June-09 Thursday 15:25:40 Guy wrote:
 Can this be extended to records, without redundant repetition?
 data Baz f a = Baz {baz :: Foo f = f a, baz2 :: Foo f = f a}
 The type constraint for baz2 adds no information, as it's the same f as
 baz, but I can't leave it out.
 - Original Message -
  From: Daniel Schüssler dan...@gmx.de
  To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
  Cc: Guy guytsalmave...@yahoo.com
  Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 2:06
  Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors
  you might be thinking of this type?
  {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
  class Foo f where
  foo :: a - f a
  data Baz f a = Baz (forall f. Foo f = f a)
  instance Foo (Baz f) where
   foo a = Baz (foo a)
  Maybe the difference between Bar and Baz ist best explained by writing it
  with an explicit class dictionary for Foo:
  {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
  data FooDict f = FooDict {
  foo :: forall a. a - f a
  data Bar f a = Bar (FooDict f) (f a)
  data Baz f a = Baz (FooDict f - f a)
  fooDict_Baz :: FooDict (Baz f)
  fooDict_Baz = FooDict (\a - Baz (\d - foo d a))
  -- fooDict_Bar :: FooDict (Bar f)
  -- fooDict_Bar = FooDict (\a - Bar ? ?)
  -- Doesn't work - you'd have to create a 'FooDict f' and a
  'f a' out of just
  an 'a'
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors

2011-06-08 Thread Daniel Schüssler

you might be thinking of this type?

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

class Foo f where
foo :: a - f a

data Baz f a = Baz (forall f. Foo f = f a) 

instance Foo (Baz f) where
 foo a = Baz (foo a)

Maybe the difference between Bar and Baz ist best explained by writing it with 
an explicit class dictionary for Foo:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} 

data FooDict f = FooDict { 
foo :: forall a. a - f a 

data Bar f a = Bar (FooDict f) (f a) 

data Baz f a = Baz (FooDict f - f a) 

fooDict_Baz :: FooDict (Baz f)
fooDict_Baz = FooDict (\a - Baz (\d - foo d a)) 

-- fooDict_Bar :: FooDict (Bar f)
-- fooDict_Bar = FooDict (\a - Bar ? ?) 
-- Doesn't work - you'd have to create a 'FooDict f' and a 'f a' out of just 
an 'a'


On 2011-June-08 Wednesday 20:45:56 Guy wrote:
 {- continuing discussion from beginners@ -}
 I have code such as
 class Foo f where
  foo :: a - f a
 data Bar f a = Foo f = Bar {bar :: f a}
 instance Foo (Bar f) where
  foo a = Bar $ foo a
 GHC insists that I put Foo f = on the instance declaration, even though
 the constructor for Bar implies this.
 Is there any reason why GHC cannot infer this constraint from the Bar
 constructor? One issue raised in the beginners thread is that
 undefined :: Bar f a
 is not Foo f, but as undefined cannot be evaluated, this would not appear
 to be a problem.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Question about the Monad instance for Iteratee (from the enumerator package)

2011-04-19 Thread Daniel Schüssler

for reference, said instance is:

 instance Monad m = Monad (Iteratee a m) where
   return x = yield x (Chunks [])
   m0 = f = ($ m0) $ fix $
   \bind m - Iteratee $ runIteratee m = \r1 -
   case r1 of
   Continue k - return (Continue (bind . k))
   Error err - return (Error err)
   Yield x (Chunks []) - runIteratee (f x)
   Yield x extra - runIteratee (f x) = \r2 -
   case r2 of
   Continue k - runIteratee (k 
   Error err - return (Error err)
   Yield x' _ - return (Yield x' 

The thing I don't understand yet is the last line: Why is it OK to discard the 
leftover input from the (f x) Iteratee and yield just the leftover input from 
the first one (m0)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell question

2011-04-17 Thread Daniel Schüssler

assuming you mean avoiding the import of Data.Map in the module *using* x, you 
can use name quotations:


 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 module A where
 import Data.Map 
 import Language.Haskell.TH
 x = varE 'empty 


 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 module B where
 import A
 a = $x 

 empty =  -- No collision; the 'empty in A.hs becomes a fully qualified
-- name according to what's in scope in A.hs, so 'a' has type
-- Map k a

To avoid the import in A.hs too:

 module A where
 import Language.Haskell.TH
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax(mkNameG_v)
 x = varE (mkNameG_v containers- Data.Map empty)
By the way, 'global' currently is a synonym for 'varE'; I guess it used to be 
something different and remains for backwards compatibility.


On 2011-April-17 Sunday 18:42:15 Alexey Karakulov wrote:
 I'm interested if it's possible to use functions from some module without
 explicitly importing it. In ghci it's done on the fly, like this:
 Prelude Data.Map.empty
 Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
 fromList []
 But without gchi it seems impossible.
 I have the file Test.hs:
  {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
  module Test where
  import Language.Haskell.TH
  x :: ExpQ
  x = global $ mkName Data.Map.empty
 When I load it in ghci, all works:
 $ ghci -XTemplateHaskell Test.hs
 *Test $x
 Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package template-haskell ... linking ... done.
 fromList []
 But when I try to use it from other module, it fails. File Main.hs:
  {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
  module Main where
  import Test
  main = do
print $x
 $ runhaskell Main.hs
 Not in scope: `Data.Map.empty'
 In the result of the splice:
 To see what the splice expanded to, use -ddump-splices
 In the first argument of `print', namely `$x'
 In the expression: print ($x)
 All the best,
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Computing the multiplication table of a group using the GHC inliner ; )

2011-03-22 Thread Daniel Schüssler

turns out that you can define the group operation of the symmetric group on 3 
elements in this abstract way (via the isomorphism to the group of bijective 
functions from a three-element type to itself):

s3mult g2 g1 = fromFun (toFun g2 . toFun g1)

and convince GHC to compile it down to a nested case statement. It even 
somehow made the left multiplication with the identity non-strict. Just 
thought it's neat ;)

$ ghc-core S3.hs -funfolding-use-threshold=64


-- identifiers manually un-qualified for readability
s3mult =
  \ (g2_ahA :: S3) (g1_ahB :: S3) -
case g2_ahA of _ {
  S3abc - g1_ahB;
  S3bca -
case g1_ahB of _ {
  S3abc - S3bca;
  S3bca - S3cab;
  S3cab - S3abc;
  S3acb - S3bac;
  S3bac - S3cba;
  S3cba - S3acb
  S3cab -
case g1_ahB of _ {
  S3abc - S3cab;
  S3bca - S3abc;
  S3cab - S3bca;
  S3acb - S3cba;
  S3bac - S3acb;
  S3cba - S3bac
  S3acb -
case g1_ahB of _ {
  S3abc - S3acb;
  S3bca - S3cba;
  S3cab - S3bac;
  S3acb - S3abc;
  S3bac - S3cab;
  S3cba - S3bca
  S3bac -
case g1_ahB of _ {
  S3abc - S3bac;
  S3bca - S3acb;
  S3cab - S3cba;
  S3acb - S3bca;
  S3bac - S3abc;
  S3cba - S3cab
  S3cba -
case g1_ahB of _ {
  S3abc - S3cba;
  S3bca - S3bac;
  S3cab - S3acb;
  S3acb - S3cab;
  S3bac - S3bca;
  S3cba - S3abc

-- inverse
s3inv =
  \ (g_ahC :: S3) -
case g_ahC of _ {
  S3abc - S3abc;
  S3bca - S3cab;
  S3cab - S3bca;
  S3acb - S3acb;
  S3bac - S3bac;
  S3cba - S3cba

--- end core ---

--- source ---

module S3 where

-- | Symmetric group / permutation group on 3 elements
data S3 = S3abc | S3bca | S3cab | S3acb | S3bac | S3cba deriving(Eq)

-- | Returns an element of S3 satisfying the given predicate
s3the ::  (S3 - Bool) - S3
s3the p 
| p S3abc = S3abc
| p S3acb = S3acb
| p S3bac = S3bac
| p S3bca = S3bca
| p S3cba = S3cba
| p S3cab = S3cab
| otherwise = error s3the: no element satisfies the predicate

data ABC = A | B | C deriving(Eq)

toFun ::  S3 - ABC - ABC
toFun g = case g of
   S3abc - mkFun A B C
   S3bca - mkFun B C A
   S3cab - mkFun C A B
   S3acb - mkFun A C B
   S3bac - mkFun B A C
   S3cba - mkFun C B A
mkFun imA _ _ A = imA
mkFun _ imB _ B = imB
mkFun _ _ imC _ = imC

fromFun ::  (ABC - ABC) - S3
fromFun f = s3the (\g -  
  toFun g A == f A 
toFun g B == f B)

s3mult ::  S3 - S3 - S3
s3mult g2 g1 = fromFun (toFun g2 . toFun g1)

s3inv g = s3the (\g' - s3mult g' g == S3abc)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] segfault when using ghc api

2011-02-28 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On 2011-February-27 Sunday 16:20:06 Edward Amsden wrote:
 I'd like to get to a GHC session that just has, say, Prelude in scope
 so I can use dynCompileExpr with show etc, but I cannot figure out
 how to bring it into scope. The closest I got was to get GHC
 complaining that it was a package module.

I don't know if setContext is the proper/best way to do it, but it seems to 

import GHC
import GHC.Paths ( libdir )
import DynFlags ( defaultDynFlags )
import Module(stringToPackageId, mkModuleName)
import Data.Dynamic(fromDynamic)
import System.Environment
evalString s = 
defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
  runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags - getSessionDynFlags
setSessionDynFlags dflags
setContext [] [ (mkModule (stringToPackageId base) (mkModuleName 
,Nothing) ]

dyn - dynCompileExpr s
return $ fromDynamic dyn

main = do
 (s:_) - getArgs
 e - evalString s
 putStrLn $ maybe oops id e

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linear programming in Haskell

2010-02-25 Thread Daniel Schüssler
On Thursday 18 February 2010 11:26:02 Ozgur Akgun wrote:
 I've no idea about the GLPK system.
 But, isn't it the case that you can transform any linear inequality into a
 linear equality and a slack (or excess) variable?

Well yes, but the slack variables are constrained to be nonnegative, which 
isn't essentially different from having arbitrary inequalities (but it's  
convenient). The problem doesn't reduce to solving a system of linear 
equalities (as an illustration of how it's more tricky than linear equalities, 
the question of whether the problem is in P was settled quite recently, in 
1972. (Recently when compared to classical linear algebra :))).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linear programming in Haskell

2010-02-24 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Hello Alberto,

Thank you! I don't have a problem calling for LP at hand right now, but some 
time ago I was looking for such a package. Now I know where to look next time 


On Wednesday 24 February 2010 11:07:08 Alberto Ruiz wrote:
 I have uploaded to hackage an interface to the simplex algorithm based
 on GLPK. It is a very early version, it will probably have lots of
 problems. In the future I would like to add support for integer
 variables (MIP). Any suggestion is welcome.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is the meaning of tilde (~) symbol

2010-02-17 Thread Daniel Schüssler
On Sunday 14 February 2010 17:02:36 Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:
 The symbols that are not specified in a library can be found here:
 Hoogle used to show links to this page, when a keyword was searched, but
 not anymore.

This isn't Haskell 98 only, is it? :) *Adds type families, fundeps and the 
arcane arrow notation*

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Typeclasses for name punning (was: Re: I miss OO)

2009-11-27 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Hi all,

On Wednesday 25 November 2009 22:46:42 Luke Palmer wrote:
 I feel like this should be qualified.  Type classes are not for name
 punning ; you wouldn't use a type class for the method bark on types
 Tree and Dog.  But if you have a well-defined *structure* that many
 types follow, then a type class is how you capture that.  It sounds
 like you do have this structure in your example.
 Further, with typeclasses, you can write methods that are generic over
 any type with that structure.  So:
 class Temporal a where
 time :: a - Time
 temporalOrder :: Temporal a = [a] - [a]
 temporalOrder = sortBy (comparing time)
 The ability to do this indicates why using them for punning is a bad idea.

While I agree that this utility of typeclasses is lost if they are used for 
name punning, I'm still unconvinced that it is actively *harmful* to use 
classes for this lesser purpose :) 

I think punning is a worthwhile goal on its own, since I find myself wasting 
quite some thought on whether to prefix a record field name somehow, and if I 
do, what I should use as a short but sufficiently unique prefix.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: ghc-paths package build error with GHC 6.12.1 RC2

2009-11-24 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Thanks :)


On Tuesday 24 November 2009 12:16:18 Simon Marlow wrote:
 On 24/11/2009 03:16, Daniel Schüssler wrote:
  see below.
  $ cabal install ghc-paths
  Resolving dependencies...
  [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /tmp/ghc-paths-
  paths-, /tmp/ghc-paths-
  paths- )
   `preMakefile' is not a (visible) constructor field name
  cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
  ghc-paths- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
  ExitFailure 1
 Fixed version uploaded to Hackage.  Thanks for the report!
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

ghc-paths package build error with GHC 6.12.1 RC2

2009-11-23 Thread Daniel Schüssler

see below.


$ cabal install ghc-paths

Resolving dependencies...
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /tmp/ghc-paths-
paths-, /tmp/ghc-paths-
paths- )

`preMakefile' is not a (visible) constructor field name
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
ghc-paths- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Hsc2Hs/hGetContents encodings error (was: ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.12.1 Release Candidate 2)

2009-11-22 Thread Daniel Schüssler

I don't think this is the same problem as the one mentioned by Alex 
(installing `network' works for me):

$ cabal install X11 

Resolving dependencies...   
Configuring X11-  
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler   
checking for gcc... gcc 
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out   

[... configure stuff omitted...]

checking for X11/cursorfont.h... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating config.mk
config.status: creating X11.buildinfo
config.status: creating include/HsX11Config.h
config.status: creating include/X11_extras_config.h
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler
Preprocessing library X11-
hsc2hs: Graphics/X11/Xlib/Extras.hsc: hGetContents: invalid argument (Invalid 
or incomplete multibyte or wide character)
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
X11- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Converting the offending file (Extras.hsc) to UTF-8 manually solves it:


$ file Extras.hsc 
Extras.hsc: ISO-8859 English text   

$ Extras.hsc iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF8 temp 
$ mv temp Extras.hsc 
$ cd ../../..   

$ cabal install 



On Sunday 22 November 2009 18:53:07 Ian Lynagh wrote:
 Hi all,
 We are pleased to announce the second release candidate for GHC 6.12.1:
 As well as the source tarball:
 there are installers for Windows (i386) and OS X (i386), and binary
 distributions for x86_64/Linux and i386/Linux. For the Linux binary
 distributions, the linux-n tarballs are recommended over the linux
 Please test as much as possible; bugs are much cheaper if we find them
 before the release!
 Ian, on behalf of the GHC team
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Hsc2Hs/hGetContents encodings error (was: ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.12.1 Release Candidate 2)

2009-11-22 Thread Daniel Schüssler

Locale is UTF-8, I guess hGetContents gets the default encoding from the 
locale now?

On Monday 23 November 2009 07:53:55 Daniel Schüssler wrote:
 I don't think this is the same problem as the one mentioned by Alex
 (installing `network' works for me):
 $ cabal install X11
 Resolving dependencies...
 Configuring X11-
 configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler
 checking for gcc... gcc
 checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
 [... configure stuff omitted...]
 checking for X11/cursorfont.h... yes
 configure: creating ./config.status
 config.status: creating config.mk
 config.status: creating X11.buildinfo
 config.status: creating include/HsX11Config.h
 config.status: creating include/X11_extras_config.h
 configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler
 Preprocessing library X11-
 hsc2hs: Graphics/X11/Xlib/Extras.hsc: hGetContents: invalid argument
  (Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character)
 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
 X11- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
 ExitFailure 1
 Converting the offending file (Extras.hsc) to UTF-8 manually solves it:
 $ file Extras.hsc
 Extras.hsc: ISO-8859 English text
 $ Extras.hsc iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF8 temp
 $ mv temp Extras.hsc
 $ cd ../../..
 $ cabal install
 On Sunday 22 November 2009 18:53:07 Ian Lynagh wrote:
  Hi all,
  We are pleased to announce the second release candidate for GHC 6.12.1:
  As well as the source tarball:
  there are installers for Windows (i386) and OS X (i386), and binary
  distributions for x86_64/Linux and i386/Linux. For the Linux binary
  distributions, the linux-n tarballs are recommended over the linux
  Please test as much as possible; bugs are much cheaper if we find them
  before the release!
  Ian, on behalf of the GHC team
  Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Could someone teach me why we use Data.Monoid?

2009-11-15 Thread Daniel Schüssler
On Sunday 15 November 2009 13:05:08 Nicolas Pouillard wrote:
 Excerpts from Daniel Schüssler's message of Sun Nov 15 07:51:35 +0100 2009:


  -- Invariant 1: There are never two adjacent Lefts or two adjacent Rights
  normalize (Left a0 : Left a1 : as) = Left (mappend a0 a1) : normalize as
  normalize (Right a0 : Right a1 : as) = Right (mappend a0 a1) : normalize
 If you want to preserve your invariant, I think you should do :
 normalize (Left  a0 : Left  a1 : as) = normalize (Left  (mappend a0 a1) :
  as) normalize (Right a0 : Right a1 : as) = normalize (Right (mappend a0
  a1) : as)
 However, maybe it is correct if you only call normalize on (xs ++ ys) where
 xs and ys are already normalized so that you have only one point where you
  can break this invariant.

You are right :) If `normalize' is meant to normalize arbitrary lists, we'd 
have to use your version. If OTOH we just want to normalize xs ++ ys, we 
shouldn't iterate over the whole list; it'd be better to use Data.Sequence and 
just consider the middle, as you said (I was thinking of free groups, where 
there can be more collapse, but in that case we'd need the analogue your 
version too).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell-src-exts Question

2009-11-14 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On Friday 13 November 2009 21:08:42 Neil Mitchell wrote:
 In HLint I have a bracketing module, which has served me well. Please
 take any ideas you need from it -
 http://community.haskell.org/~ndm/darcs/hlint/src/HSE/Bracket.hs . In
 particular, given a fully bracketed expression, I can call
 transformBracket to transform the expression, not caring about
 brackets, in a way that guarantees the right brackets are put back.
 There is also needBracket and isAtom which are very useful. If you
 call descendBi (transformBracket Just) it will automatically bracket
 your term as much as is necessary.

Funny, I did the opposite approach the other day (not saying either is better 
:)); that is: parenthesize everything while building the AST (with a wrapper 
for App) and then:

deparenthesize :: (Data a) = a - a
deparenthesize = everywhereBut isString (mkT goE `extT` goT) 


  isString x = typeOf x == typeOf (undefined :: String)


  goE (App (Paren (App e1 e2)) e3)  = 
  (App (App e1 e2) e3)
  goE (Paren (Paren e)) = Paren e

  goE (InfixApp e1 op'' (Paren (InfixApp e2 op' e3))) 
  | op'' == op'
  , knownAssociative op''

  = InfixApp e1 op'' (InfixApp e2 op' e3)

  goE (InfixApp (Paren (InfixApp e1 op'' e2)) op' e3) 
  | op'' == op'
  , knownAssociative op''

  = InfixApp (InfixApp e1 op'' e2) op' e3
  goE x = x
  goT (TyApp (TyParen (TyApp t1 t2)) t3)  = 
  (TyApp (TyApp t1 t2) t3)

  -- add rule for function types too
  goT (TyParen (TyParen t)) = TyParen t
  goT x = x

  knownAssociative x = x `elem` [QVarOp (UnQual (Symbol .))]

Though the infix thing doesn't quite work; apparently they still get printed 
with parens even if there are no parens in the AST? Or the rule just didn't 
match for some reason...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Could someone teach me why we use Data.Monoid?

2009-11-14 Thread Daniel Schüssler

  - Product (a,b) and co-product (Either) of monoids

the coproduct of monoids is actually a bit tricky. It could be implemented 
like this:

-- | 
-- Invariant 1: There are never two adjacent Lefts or two adjacent Rights
-- Invariant 2: No elements (Left mempty) or (Right mempty) allowed
newtype Coprod m1 m2 = C [Either m1 m2]
instance (Eq m1, Eq m2, Monoid m1, Monoid m2) = Monoid (Coprod m1 m2) where
mempty = C []
mappend (C x1) (C x2) = C (normalize (x1 ++ x2))

normalize [] = []
normalize (Left a0 : as)  | a0 == mempty = normalize as
normalize (Right a0 : as) | a0 == mempty = normalize as
normalize [a] = [a]
normalize (Left a0 : Left a1 : as) = Left (mappend a0 a1) : normalize as
normalize (Right a0 : Right a1 : as) = Right (mappend a0 a1) : normalize as
normalize (a0:as) = a0 : normalize as

inl x = normalize [Left x]
inr x = normalize [Right x]

fold :: (Monoid m1, Monoid m2, Monoid n) =
 (m1 - n) - (m2 - n) - Coprod m1 m2 - n
fold k1 k2 = foldMap (either k1 k2)

Alternative version, possibly more efficient? Represent directly as fold:
newtype Coprod m1 m2 = C (forall n. Monoid n = (m1 - n) - (m2 - n) - n)

instance Monoid (Coprod m1 m2) where
  mempty = C (\_ _ - mempty)
  mappend (C x) (C x') = 
C (\k1 k2 - mappend (x k1 k2) (x' k1 k2))

inl x = C (\k1 _ - k1 x)
inr x = C (\_ k2 - k2 x) 


Question: in the mappend of the second version, we have a choice: We could 
also, when possible, multiply on the *inside*, that is *before* applying 
mappend (C x) (C x') =
 C (\k1 k2 -
 x (\m1 - x' (\m1' - k1 (mappend m1 m1')
(\m2' - mappend (k1 m1) (k2 m2'))
  (\m2 - x' (\m1' - mappend (k2 m2) (k1 m1'))
 (\m2' - k2 (mappend m2 m2')))

Now I don't know what the efficiency implications of the two different 
versions are :) Apparently it depends on the relative costs of mappend in 
m1/m2 vs. n, and the cost of computing k1/k2?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Emacs: Haskell snippets for YASnippet

2009-11-04 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Hi List,

this is rather trivial, but maybe someone else finds these useful:

darcs get http://code.haskell.org/~daniels/haskell-snippets/

Especially the LANGUAGE ones have saved me quite some typing :) Additions 

Usage: If not already installed, get YASnippet: 

and put this into your .emacs:

(load-file some-path/haskell-snippets.el)

to expand a snippet, just enter the macro string (these are listed in the 
haskell-snippets.el file) and press tab. If the snippet has holes, press 
tab again to jump to the next hole.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Emacs: Haskell snippets for YASnippet

2009-11-04 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Hi Deniz,

 Cool stuff, I will probably be using this!
thanks :)

 In my opinion, the naming convention is a bit inconsistent. Extension
 snippets all begin with -x but imports begin with imp. I'd prefer
 seeing import snippets begin with -i and use names easier to
 remember, e.g. instead of impcms, use -istate and instead of
 impdm.Map use -imap, etc. At least consider it! :)

Ah, the rationale behind the -x was that these are also GHC command line 
flags ;) But I also like -i better than imp. 

About the names: In one sense the current scheme is easier to remember because 
the abbreviation can be deduced from the module name. But I suppose you're 
right and state etc. are still easier to remember in practice, so feel free 
to send in a patch.

 And about the bot - ⊥ rule... Is ⊥ really valid Haskell?

Well yes, but it's an operator name token, so valid haskell would be:

x ⊥ y = x + y


(⊥) = undefined

with this use as a constant you'd have to use the parentheses every time, so 
it probably isn't very useful indeed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What's this pattern called?

2009-10-22 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On Thursday 22 October 2009 09:47:32 Martijn van Steenbergen wrote:
 Bonjour café,
  data ExprF r
=  Add  r  r
|  Sub  r  r
|  Mul  r  r
|  Div  r  r
|  Num  Int
 This is a well-known pattern that for example allows nice notation of
 morphisms. But what is it called? 

The multirec package calls this the pattern functor (more accurately, it 
generates a sum-of-products-like higher order functor whose fixed point is 
isomorphic to your family of types, and calls that the pattern functor).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MTL vs Transformers?

2009-10-13 Thread Daniel Schüssler
On Tuesday 13 October 2009 02:46:29 Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've just received the following error message:
 Could not find module `Control.Monad.Identity':
   it was found in multiple packages: transformers- mtl-
 I'm trying to use the Iteratee module which depends on Transformers
 but I use MTL in other stuff.
 Whats the preferred solution here?


alternative to ghc-pkg:

{-# LANGUAGE -XPackageImports #-}
module Blub where

import mtl Control.Monad.State

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] rewrite rules

2009-06-22 Thread Daniel Schüssler
Hi Sjoerd,

I don't know the cause of the problem, but if I add this rule, it works:

   inline_map forall g x. map g x = transform (. g) x

maybe, for whatever reason, the 'map' is inlined too late for the 
transform/transform rule to see it?


On Monday 22 June 2009 11:41:33 Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a rewrite rule as follows:

 {-# RULES
 transform/transform forall (f::forall m. Monoid m = (a - m) - (b -


   (g::forall m. Monoid m = (b - m) - (c
 - m))
   (l::FMList c). transform f (transform g
 l) = transform (g.f) l

 It fires on this code:

print $ transform (. (*2)) (transform (. (+1)) (upto 10))

 But it doesn't fire on this code:

print $ map (*2) (map (+1) (upto 10)))


map g x = transform (. g) x

 and with or without {-# INLINE map #-}.

 What am I doing wrong?

 Sjoerd Visscher

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to #include files within parsec ... without unsafePerformIO?

2009-06-18 Thread Daniel Schüssler

ParsecT with m=IO? Your 'do' block would become:

   i - getInput
   included - liftIO readI -- import Control.Monad.Trans for liftIO
   setInput included
   a - my_str
   setInput i
   b - my_str
   return $ a ++  //\n\n  ++ b
   readI = readFile experiment.hs

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem.


On Thursday 18 June 2009 13:58:53 Leonard Siebeneicher wrote:
 Dear reader,

 I wonder whether there is a 'general' working solution to include files
 within a parsec parser. Without the need of unsafePerformIO.

 Appending an example program, using unsafePerformIO.

 Thanx for reading.

 Leonard Siebeneicher

 --- Begin: experiment.hs ---
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 import System.IO.Unsafe

 my_str :: Parser String
 my_str = many1 anyToken

 wrap_input :: Parser String - Parser String
 wrap_input p =
   i - getInput
   setInput readI
   a - my_str
   setInput i
   b - my_str
   return $ a ++  //\n\n  ++ b
   {- Aaaah ... any solution without unsafePerformIO? -}
   readI = unsafePerformIO (readFile experiment.hs)

 main =
 case parse (wrap_input my_str)  eintest of
   Left err - putStrLn Error raised
   Right ostr - putStrLn ostr
 --- End: experiment.hs ---

 Thinking about a special type like

 data MyInclude = PlainText String

| IncludeFile String

 the parser could generate [MyInclude] data, but it does not work

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On Monday 18 May 2009 14:37:51 Kenneth Hoste wrote:
 I'm mostly interested in the range 10D to 100D

is the dimension known at compile-time? Then you could consider Template 
Haskell. I wrote up some code for generating the vector types and vector 
subtraction/inner product below, HTH. One problem is that I'm using a 
typeclass and apparently you can't make {-# SPECIALISE #-} pragmas with TH, 
so let's hope it is automatically specialised by GHC.



{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module TH where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

-- Non-TH stuff
class InnerProductSpace v r | v - r where
innerProduct :: v - v - r

class AbGroup v where
minus :: v - v - v

euclidean x y = case minus x y of
  z - sqrt $! innerProduct z z

-- TH
noContext :: Q Cxt
noContext = return []
strict :: Q Type - StrictTypeQ
strict = liftM ((,) IsStrict)
makeVectors :: Int -- ^ Dimension
- Q Type -- ^ Component type, assumed to be a 'Num'
- String -- ^ Name for the generated type
- Q [Dec]
makeVectors n ctyp name0 = do
  -- let's assume ctyp = Double, name = Vector for the comments
  -- generate names for the variables we will need
  xs - replicateM n (newName x)
  ys - replicateM n (newName y)
  name = mkName name0
  -- shorthands for arithmetic expressions; the first takes expressions,
  -- the others take variable names 
  sumE  e1 e2 = infixE (Just   e1)  [|(+)|] (Just   e2)
  varDiffE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(-)|] (Just (varE e2))
  varProdE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(*)|] (Just (varE e2))

  conPat vars = conP name (fmap varP vars)
  --  data Vector = Vector !Double ... !Double
  theDataD = 
  dataD noContext name [] -- no context, no params
[normalC name (replicate n (strict ctyp))] 
[''Eq,''Ord,''Show] -- 'deriving' clause
  innerProdD = 
  --  instance InnerProductSpace Vector Double where ...
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''InnerProductSpace 
`appT` conT name 
`appT` ctyp)  
--  innerProduct = ...
 (varP 'innerProduct)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) -
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys]
   -- x1*y1 +  + xn*yn + 0
   (foldl sumE [|0|] $
  zipWith varProdE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause
  abGroupD = 
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''AbGroup
`appT` conT name)  
--  minus = ...
 (varP 'minus)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) -
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys] 
   -- Vector (x1-y1) ... (xn-yn)
   (foldl appE (conE name) $
  zipWith varDiffE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause

  sequence [theDataD,innerProdD,abGroupD]

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Main where

import TH

$(makeVectors 3 [t|Double|] Vec3)

main = print $ euclidean (Vec3 1 1 1) (Vec3 0 0 0)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Schüssler

meh, I just realised that there is no sensible way to actually 
introduce/eliminate the generated types. I'm attaching a revised version with 
fromList/toList functions. Maybe the vector type should be polymorphic and be 
an instance of Functor, Monad and Foldable? But then we really depend on 

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module TH where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

-- Non-TH stuff
class InnerProductSpace v r | v - r where
innerProduct :: v - v - r

class AbGroup v where
minus :: v - v - v

class FromToList v r | v - r where
fromList :: [r] - Maybe v
toList :: v - [r]

euclidean x y = case minus x y of
  z - sqrt $! innerProduct z z

-- TH
noContext :: Q Cxt
noContext = return []
strict :: Q Type - StrictTypeQ
strict = liftM ((,) IsStrict)
makeVectors :: Int -- ^ Dimension
- Q Type -- ^ Component type, assumed to be a 'Num'
- String -- ^ Name for the generated type
- Q [Dec]
makeVectors n ctyp name0 = do
  -- let's assume ctyp = Double, name = Vector for the comments
  -- generate names for the variables we will need
  xs - replicateM n (newName x)
  ys - replicateM n (newName y)
  lst - newName list
  name = mkName name0
  -- shorthands for arithmetic expressions; the first takes expressions,
  -- the others take variable names 
  sumE  e1 e2 = infixE (Just   e1)  [|(+)|] (Just   e2)
  varDiffE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(-)|] (Just (varE e2))
  varProdE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(*)|] (Just (varE e2))

  conPat vars = conP name (fmap varP vars)
  --  data Vector = Vector !Double ... !Double
  theDataD = 
  dataD noContext name [] -- no context, no params
[normalC name (replicate n (strict ctyp))] 
[''Eq,''Ord,''Show] -- 'deriving' clause
  innerProdD = 
  --  instance InnerProductSpace Vector Double where ...
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''InnerProductSpace 
`appT` conT name 
`appT` ctyp)  
--  innerProduct = ...
 (varP 'innerProduct)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) -
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys]
   -- x1*y1 +  + xn*yn + 0
   (foldl sumE [|0|] $
  zipWith varProdE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause
  abGroupD = 
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''AbGroup
`appT` conT name)  
--  minus = ...
 (varP 'minus)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) -
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys] 
   -- Vector (x1-y1) ... (xn-yn)
   (foldl appE (conE name) $
  zipWith varDiffE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause
  fromToListD =
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''FromToList
`appT` conT name
`appT` ctyp)  
[ funD 'fromList
  [ clause [listP $ fmap varP xs]
  ([|Just|] `appE`
   (foldl appE (conE name) $ fmap varE xs)))
  , clause [wildP] (normalB [|Nothing|]) [] -- wrong number 
of elements
, funD 'toList
  [ clause [conPat xs]
  (listE (fmap varE xs)))


  sequence [theDataD,innerProdD,abGroupD,fromToListD]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Classes: functional dependency (type - value)

2009-05-12 Thread Daniel Schüssler

The problem is that it's impossible to infer the SomeClass instance from the 
type SomeRole. If you do print role, which instance should it use?

I can think of two ways around it:

-- 1. (dummy parameter)
data SomeRole a = Role1 | Role2 | Role3 deriving Show

class SomeClass a where
role :: SomeRole a
data Foo = Foo
data Bar = Bar
instance SomeClass Foo where role = Role1

instance SomeClass Bar where role = Role2

main = do
  print (role :: SomeRole Foo)
  print (role :: SomeRole Bar)

-- 2. (dummy argument)
data SomeRole = Role1 | Role2 | Role3 deriving Show

class SomeClass a where
role :: a - SomeRole
data Foo = Foo
data Bar = Bar
instance SomeClass Foo where role _ = Role1

instance SomeClass Bar where role _ = Role2

main = do
  print (role (undefined :: Foo))
  print (role (undefined :: Bar))


On Sunday 10 May 2009 15:21:39 Belka wrote:
 Hello, communion people!

 I seek for your advice in a matter, where it's really hard for me to
 determine a good programming style.
 Here's the problem. I'm generalizing multiple authorization procedures to
 one, using class definition. (if of any interest, the code is in the end.)
 The problem essense is folowing:
 data SomeRole = Role1 | Role2 | Role3

 class SomeClass a b c | a - b, c where
   f1 :: ...
   f2 :: ...
   fn :: ...
   role :: SomeRole -- -- here is the problem

 I want to have a fuctional dependency from a type a on a value of *role*,
 so that I could easily inspect the *role* from within any other class
 Is it possible? Or do I rougly violate some style traditions?

 Some real code using wished feature:
 data AuthentificationPurpose = JustValidateInput | JustGenerateForOutput |
 type AuthSucceded = Bool

 class AuthentificationStructure t_env t_realInput t_assumption t_keySet |
 t_realInput - t_assumptionInput, t_keySet where
 authentificationPurpose :: AuthentificationPurpose
 makeAssumption  :: t_env - t_realInput - IO (Either ErrorMessage
 makeFinalKeySet :: (t_realInput, t_assumption) - t_keySet
 validateRealKeySet_with_Assumed :: t_realInput - t_keySet - Maybe
 tryLogTheValidKey :: t_env - (t_realInput, t_assumption)
 - IO (Maybe ErrorMessage)
 tryLogTheAuthTry  :: t_env - (t_realInput, t_assumption,
 AuthSucceded) - IO (Maybe ErrorMessage)

 authentificate :: AuthentificationStructure t_env t_realInput
 t_assumptionInput t_keySet = t_env - t_businessInput - IO (Either
 ErrorMessage (t_assumption, t_keySet))
 authentificate env realInput = do err_or_assumption - makeAssumption env
   case err_or_assumption of
   Left err_msg - return $ Left Error!
 Assumption maker failed. Lower level error message:  ++ err_msg
   Just assumption - do
   key_set -
 makeFinalKeySet (realInput, assumption)
   err_or_keyset1 - case
 authentificationPurpose of

 JustGenerateForOutput - return $ Right key_set

 JustValidateInput - do

 mb_failure - validateRealKeySet_with_Assumed t_realInput key_set

 case mb_failure of

 Just err_msg - return $ Left Error! Invalid set of auth keys. Lower level
 error message:  ++ err_msg

 Nothing - return $ Right key_set

   err_or_keyset2 - case
 err_or_keyset1 of

 Left err_msg - return err_or_keyset1

 Right key_set - do

 mb_failure - tryLogTheValidKey env (realInput, assumption)

 case mb_failure of

 Just err_msg - return $ Left Error! Could not log valid key. Lower level
 error message:  ++ err_msg

 Nothing  - return err_or_keyset1
   mb_failure -
 tryLogTheAuthTry env (realInput, assumption, isRight err_or_keyset2)
   case mb_failure of
   Just err_msg1 - case
 err_or_keyset2 of

 Left err_msg2 - return $ Left (1.  ++ err_msg2 ++ \n2.  ++ err_msg1)

 Right   _ - return $ Left err_msg1
   Nothing   - case
 err_or_keyset2 of

 Left  err_msg - return $ Left err_msg

 Right key_set - return $ Right (assumption, key_set)

 Best regards, Belka
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Logo Voting has started!

2009-03-17 Thread Daniel Schüssler

 Even worse, the buttons for moving items up and down are buggy - at
 least on my browser (Firefox 3.1 beta 2 on Linux). They sometimes
 reorder my other votes! Even assuming that the list box code is not
 buggy (which I now doubt), not being able to use the buttons makes this
 form almost unusable!

I guess it works like this:

Move down on an element X will make the /smallest/ change (with respect to 
the abstract ordering) that makes X worse than it's current value. This may 
require changing more than one number, for example if we have:

(105:  ) (106: A) (107: X,B) (108: C,D) (109: E  ) (110:  )

moving down X will result in either

(105: A) (106: B) (107: X  ) (108: C,D) (109: D  ) (110:  )

or equivalently

(105:  ) (106: A) (107: B  ) (108: X  ) (109: C,D) (110: D)

of course, maybe you already know that but you're saying that it is doing this 
wrongly ;)

Btw, I really think the logos should be on the same page as the voting form. 
Hotkeys for the buttons would be good too.

It's usable though if you (incorrectly) consider the numbers as a sort of 
reverse star rating to make a O(n) pass, possibly finetuning later.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Logo Voting has started!

2009-03-17 Thread Daniel Schüssler
(correction of the example)

(105:  ) (106: A) (107: X,B) (108: C,D) (109: E  ) (110:  )

moving down X will result in either

(105: A) (106: B) (107: X  ) (108: C,D) (109: E  ) (110:  )

or equivalently

(105:  ) (106: A) (107: B  ) (108: X  ) (109: C,D) (110: E)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Logo Voting has started!

2009-03-17 Thread Daniel Schüssler
On Tuesday 17 March 2009 21:03:21 Rick R wrote:

Hmm? Maybe if confusingness was to be demonstrated, but not bugginess. Both 
possibilities will result in the same total preordering (defined by (x 
`betterThanOrEq` y) iff (numberInCombobox x = numberInCombobox y)), and 
(AFAIK) only this ordering matters for condorcet.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsing floating point numbers

2009-03-09 Thread Daniel Schüssler
 Although maybeRead was proposed, I cannot find it:

here's a replacement...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Basic problem in Haskell language design?

2009-03-02 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On Sunday 01 March 2009 14:26:42 Nicu Ionita wrote:
 movesFromWord8s (f:t:ws) = (f, t) : movesFromWord8s ws
 moverFromWord8s _ = []
 Are there possible solutions or workarounds?

for the particular problem of having to repeat the function name, you could 
use case:

movesFromWord8s x = case x of
f:t:ws - (f, t) : movesFromWord8s ws
_  - []

(at the cost of one extra variable name :))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: convertible (first release)

2009-02-10 Thread Daniel Schüssler

it is a real code snippet, but I failed to include the necessary pragma (which 
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} 
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XMagicHash #-} 
at the beginning of the file).

the # suffix is for unboxed types:



On Wednesday 11 February 2009 00:19:56 Dylan Tisdall wrote:
 Maybe I'm just a noob falling for someone's joke here, but I can't
 make that sample, or anything else I tried with # on the end of
 names, to compile with ghci. In the example below, I get a parse error
 at the line defining d2f. Is this a real code snippet?


 On Feb 10, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Daniel Schüssler wrote:
  On Wednesday 28 January 2009 04:30:07 John Goerzen wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 09:41:30PM -0500, wren ng thornton wrote:
  I once again point out that realToFrac is *wrong* for converting
  Float or Double.
  realToFrac (1/0::Float) ::Double
  Yes, I understand what you are saying and agree with you.  But there
  is nothing better in the standard library
  don't know whether you consider GHC as standard library, but if you
  import GHC.Types
  import GHC.Prim
  -- | Double to Float
  d2f  (D# d) = F# (double2Float# d)
  -- | Float to Double
  f2d  (F# f) = D# (float2Double# f)
  ghci f2d (1/0)
  it :: Double
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: convertible (first release)

2009-02-09 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On Wednesday 28 January 2009 04:30:07 John Goerzen wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 09:41:30PM -0500, wren ng thornton wrote:

  I once again point out that realToFrac is *wrong* for converting from
  Float or Double.
   realToFrac (1/0::Float) ::Double

 Yes, I understand what you are saying and agree with you.  But there
 is nothing better in the standard library

don't know whether you consider GHC as standard library, but if you do...:

import GHC.Types
import GHC.Prim

-- | Double to Float
d2f  (D# d) = F# (double2Float# d)

-- | Float to Double
f2d  (F# f) = D# (float2Double# f)

ghci f2d (1/0)
it :: Double


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