[Haskell] PhD position in Communicating Transactions at Trinity College Dublin

2011-03-18 Thread Edsko de Vries
Language Support for Communicating Transactions

A three year PhD position, to start in September 2011, is now
available at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, associated with the
project "Language Support for Communicating Transactions" funded by
the Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship scheme. Three years fees will
be paid at the EU rate and there will be a stipend at the standard HEA
rate. The position is based in the Department of Computer Science at
Trinity College, co-supervised by Matthew Hennessy at Trinity and
Andrew Gordon and Nick Benton at Microsoft Research, Cambridge

The goal of the project is to develop abstract models and programming
support for "communicating transactions" a novel language construct
obtained by dropping the standard isolation requirement from
traditional transactions.  As a result independent transactions can
interfere, or communicate, with each other, which leads to complex
interdependences in the event of failure. The goal of the project is
to construct abstract models for their behaviour and to develop
efficient programming language support for these models.

Specifically the project will extend concurrent Haskell with a
construct for communicating transactions, study the formal semantics
of the extended language, investigate efficient implementation
strategies, and develop useful programming idioms and verification

Candidates are expected to have a first-class degree in Computer
Science.  The project will involve language implementation, the
elaboration of formal semantics, and the development of verification
techniques. Consequently the successful candidate will have a broad
range of skills. These should include language implementation skills,
a good knowledge of formal techniques for the specification of
language semantics; experience with logic based verification
techniques is also desirable. Informal preliminary enquiries may be
made to Matthew Hennessy at Trinity College.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Fixpoint combinator without recursion

2007-04-04 Thread Edsko de Vries
On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 02:57:06PM -0700, Dan Weston wrote:
> What is it called if it's both? Is this even legal in Haskell? It seems 
> as though this would not be a grounded type, going on forever in both 
> directions.

I guess "negative datatype" is being a bit loose with terminology; the
function constructor (->) has a negative (also called contravariant) and
a positive (covariant) argument; I used "negative datatype" to mean a
datatype that has a negative occurence of the data type being defined.
It is perfectly valid Haskell and can be quite useful, for instance to
define streams, or higher order abstract syntax (HOAS) - but it does
have some strange properties, not the least of which is that it gives
you recursion :) For that reason, Coq for example forbids negative
occurences (because all functions must terminate); this is known as the
positivity condition. I don't know which terminology (positive/negative,
contravariant/covariant) is more common; I guess it depends on the

Note that even in a definition where the type being defined is used in
both the negative and the positive location, there are perfectly valid
and terminating terms of that type: 

data Foo = Foo (Foo -> Foo )

Here is an instance of Foo:

Foo id

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Fixpoint combinator without recursion

2007-04-04 Thread Edsko de Vries

It is well-known that negative datatypes can be used to encode
recursion, without actually explicitly using recursion. As a little
exercise, I set out to define the fixpoint combinator using negative
datatypes. I think the result is kinda cool :) Comments are welcome :)


Definition of the fixpoint combinator without using recursion
Thanks to Dimitri Vytiniotis for an explanation of the basic principle.

module Y where

{-# NOINLINE app #-}

data Fn a = Fn (Fn a -> Fn a) | Value a

-- Application
app :: Fn a -> Fn a -> Fn a
app (Fn f) x = f x

-- \x -> f (x x)
delta :: Fn a -> Fn a
delta f = Fn (\x -> f `app` (x `app` x))

-- Y combinator: \f -> (\x -> f (x x)) (\x -> f (x x))
y :: Fn a -> Fn a
y f = delta f `app` delta f

-- Lifting a function to Fn
lift :: (a -> a) -> Fn a
lift f = Fn (\(Value x) -> Value (f x))

-- Inverse of lift
unlift :: Fn a -> (a -> a)
unlift f = \x -> case f `app` Value x of Value y -> y

-- Fixpoint combinator 
fix :: ((a -> a) -> (a -> a)) -> (a -> a)
fix f = unlift (y (Fn (\rec -> lift (f (unlift rec)

-- Example: factorial
facR f n = if n == 1 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
fac = fix facR
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Higher kind type inference paper

2006-12-07 Thread Edsko de Vries

Are there any papers that describe how higher kind type inference (and I
really mean higher kind, not higher rank) is done?


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Type inference for arbitrary rank types

2006-06-23 Thread Edsko de Vries

I am currently studying the paper "Practical Type Inference for
Arbitrary Rank Types" by Simon Peyton Jones and Mark Shields, and I've
been wondering about the final version of the typing rules (figure 7,
"Bidirectional version of Odersky-Laufer") (although I suppose the
question is slightly more general than this figure).

In this figure, there are rules for annotated abstractions (AABS1 and
AABS2) and annotated terms (ANNOT). What I'm wondering about: are the
rules AABS1 and AABS2 really necessary? As in, if you would remove those
two rules, does there exist a program that can be typed with the
original set of rules than cannot be typed with the set of rules with
AABS1/2 removed? It seems to me that any program that can be typed using
AABS1/2, can also be typed with ANNOT.

More importantly, in the absence of lexically scoped type variables, a
type such as 

  forall a. (forall b. (a, b) -> (b, a)) -> [a] -> [a](*)

(the example given on page 11, section 4.1 in the paper) cannot even be
typed using AABS1/2, but must be typed with ANNOT.

Perhaps I am missing something here though, because in Odersky and
Laufer's original paper, they do not do "local type inference" (they
don't specify a bidirectional version), which would make type (*)
impossible to specify in their original system?


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