[Haskell] Re: DData AscList

2004-08-14 Thread JP Bernardy

--- John Meacham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, pursuient to discussion on the various other
> haskell lists and some talk about DData recently,
> I was wondering whether adding an ordered
> list type might be useful. Often, when one knows a
> list is ordered, many algorithms (like building a 
> tree-based set, or a map) become more
> efficient, however it is up to the programmer to
> ensure an ordered list is used where one is 
> expected or obscure bugs might occur. 
> I was thinking... (off the top of my head)
> module
> where
> newtype Ord a => OrdList a = OrdList { toList :: [a]
> }
> fromList = OrdList . sort
> unsafeFromAscList xs = OrdList xs  
> with some appropriate instances which make an
> OrdList behave pretty much
> exactly like a list, except maintaining the ordered
> invarient...
> then we can safely convert between the various
> container types in O(n)
> time without the posibility of messing up...
> comments?

Fine, but OrdList should be a subtype of List... and
so it has to be done in an "adhoc" fashion. Encoding
every other property in a class hierarchy might lead
to a big mess. (The ordered property is applicable to
any sequence; crossing all independant properties
leads to an explosion of the number of types.)

To go a bit further, I find it unfortunate to define
an extra type for essentially the same structure with
more information on it. I'm interested on what Oleg
has to say about this, in relation of his recent
findings. Also, I wonder how the problem is approached
in a dependent-types language. (understand epigram)
For this purpose I move to the mother list.

> where is the current proposed DData library anyway?

Simon Marlow expressed the wish to include part of it
(excluding sequences) in the standard distribution.
In the meantime, find it on my homepage:



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Re: [Haskell] comment on language shootout

2004-06-18 Thread JP Bernardy
--- Gour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any comment from some experienced Haskell
> about the latest
> language shootout published on:
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/index.php
> regarding Haskell (ghc-6.2.1) score?

I would have liked to re-implement some of the
benchmarks, some of them should not be looked at by
non-haskell programmers, that would give them an
awfulidea of what the language looks like/how it
should be used.

I haven't found where to submit though.

BTW, regex matching might be regarded as a bit
toward ghc :)


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Re: [Haskell] Correct interpretation of the curry-howard isomorphism

2004-04-23 Thread JP Bernardy


--- Bruno Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> coerce :: a -> b
> coerce x = undefined
> As an obvious consequence, Haskell type system would
> be unsound.

Actually, in the isomrphism, "undefined" is a proof
that any theorem is correct. Somehow it can represent
an assumption that a subtheorem is true (in place of a
real proof -- another function).

Of course, this makes "corece = undefined" rather
uninteresting as a proof.

> So, I assumed that this would be a wrong
> interpretation. Would the following be more correct?
> --
> if we can write a function:
> coerce :: a -> b
> without calling any other function or primitive
> (that is, just with making use of the type system),
> then this would 
> mean that the type system is unsound.

I'd say, check what any primitive 'proves' before
using it. Besides that, calling other functions is ok.


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[Haskell] Re: RFC: DData in hierarchical libraries

2004-03-10 Thread JP Bernardy
--- Christian Maeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Marlow wrote:
> > Why are there IntBags but no Bags?
> As I've said before, rename MultiSet to Bag.

Daan's remark about the difference between bags and
multisets is:

A multi set differs from a /bag/ in the sense that it
is represented as a map from elements to occurrence
counts instead of retaining all elements. This means
that equality on elements should be defined as a
/structural/ equality instead of an equivalence
relation.   If this is not the  case, operations that
observe the elements, like 'filter' and 'fold', 
should be used with care.

Yet it can be argued that Eq is (nearly) always
assumed to be defined by structural equality, so "Bag"
would be just as good as "MultiSet".
Since a true "Bag" type may be added later, I did not
bother to change the name.

> > Internal functions like DData.Set.valid should not
> be visible.
> "valid" may be useful for debugging purposes if
> certain (for efficiency 
> reasons unsafe) functions like "fromDistinctAscList"
> may produce invalid 
> representations (if the argument is not strictly
> ascending). But I don't 
> know if this is the case.

Indeed. Maybe the best is just to rename the function
to a name less likely to clash.


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Re: [Haskell] RFC: DData in hierarchical libraries

2004-03-10 Thread JP Bernardy


> Maybe the documentation to the "0rdered lists"
> section can be improved.

Could you be more specific about this?

> The functions Set.fromAscList and
> Set.fromAscDistinctList should be 
> marked as "unsafe", since it's not clear what sets
> result if the input 
> is not ascending (and/or has duplicates).

Would you prefix the function name with unsafe? I
wonder what is the best way to do such a marking.

> Furthermore, already for 
> Set.fromList I expect it to be linear, if the input
> list happens to be
> ascending.

I'm afraid it's not, unfortunately. I intend not to
fiddle with the implementation, to avoid the involved
> "Set.map" is (still) missing. There are two variants
> of map functions 
> with type:
> (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
> The first variant requires the function argument f
> to be strongly 
> ascending, a < b => f a < f b, and corresponds to a
> map on the 
> associated ascending lists.
> The second variant does not restrict the function
> argument but may 
> result in a set of smaller size. Maybe this variant
> should be called 
> "Set.image".
> The first variant, maybe call it "Set.mapAsc", is

I'd choose "mapMonotonic", from Edison.

> again "unsafe", since 
> the argument function may not be ascending. (The
> descending case can be 
> ignored.)
> The same argument about "ordered lists" apply to the
> Map module. In 
> addition, it would be nice if there were a variant
> of "Map.keys" that 
> returns a set of keys, since the invariant that the
> keys are ascending 
> and distinct may easily get lost, if not captured by
> the Set type. A 
> straight forward implementation is:
> Map.keySet = Set.fromDistinctAscList . Map.keys
> The use of "Set.fromDistinctAscList" is safe in this
> case, but - alas - 
> Map needs to import Set. (But maybe there is even a
> faster 
> implementation of Map.keySet that exploits the
> internal representation.)

Fine. I'll come up with a revision soon.

Thanks for your feedback,

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[Haskell] RFC: DData in hierarchical libraries

2004-03-08 Thread JP Bernardy
Dear haskellers,

I propose to add a modified version of DData to the
hierachical libraries.

DData is a concrete library of collection types, by
Daan Leijen.
My modifications intend to make DData fit better in
the hierarchical libraries.

The haddock-generated documentation can be found here:


while the source code is at


Any comment is welcome. (Including "I support this
proposal" :))


For those who don't follow the libraries list, the
reasoning leading to this proposal goes as such:

* Data.FiniteMap & Data.Set don't use the module
* We need better collection types
* A fully fledged collection framework is difficult to
agree on for integration in standard.
* We should have a concrete types library, leaving the
framework for later.
* DData looks like a good candidate

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Re: [Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-02-24 Thread JP Bernardy

> I believe FiniteMap works by representing the data
> in binary trees.  It is therefore O(log2(n)) to
> read and update.
> However, if my application reads many more times
> than it writes, then perhaps I can get a
> substantial performance boost by increasing the
> branch factor on the tree.  For example, if each
> node was an array of 256 elements, reads would be
> O(log256(n)), a 128x improvement!
Not quite.

In fact, O(log256(n)) is equivalent to O(log2(n)),
because there is only a constant factor between the
two. That's why basis of logarithms are usually
omitted in O() expressions.

Besides, the ratio between log256(n) and log2(n) is
more like 8 than 128. (And you'd loose this factor
in searching the right subtree, as Ketil pointed out)

Tuning Data.FiniteMap probably is not what you want.

I don't know, but you can have a look at

Just my 2 cents,


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[Haskell] Re: Use of tab characters...

2004-01-25 Thread JP Bernardy

--- "Sean L. Palmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joking aside, surely you intelligent people realize
> that the internals of a
> file format have nothing whatsoever to do with the
> user interface of the
> editing tool.  Something like this would be
> completely transparent *if* you
> used the right tools.
> This just shows how deeply ingrained the ascii plain
> text mindset is in the
> programming community.  I don't expect anything like
> this to ever fly, for
> this reason.  You guys won't let it.  :(

M... The dark side clouds everything...

Seriously, Plain Text (TM) is a proven technology for
editing code, and leveraging the power of XML just
to improve over indentation might be off-target.

Seriously, programs can (or should...) be encoded at a
level of abstraction that matches their semantics
more closely than matrix of caracters, and you're
right to raise the issue.

Seriously, Haskell is already so powerful (read:
enables the programmer to define it own astractions)
that any layer above it is easily useless.

Obviously, something can be done though;

Just some thoughts...


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Re: High-level technique for program options handling

2004-01-20 Thread JP Bernardy

> > I have a question about error reporting. You use
> 'error' quite often. I
> > think that this can cause errors to pop up at
> strange moments during
> > program evaluation. It this a real problem? I
> prefer reporting errors
> > early in the IO monad. I think there is some
> trade-off involved, but I
> > can't name it now.
> You're right, it can lead to late error messages. 
> For example, if two output 
> files are specified then the program might read its
> input, spend some time 
> processing and only report an error after some
> considerable time has passed.  
> (I haven't actually seen this happen but I'm sure it
> would.)
> One reason for using error in functions like
> 'uniqueNoDefault' (which checks 
> that a list has precisely one element and either
> returns it or prints a 
> useful error message) is that I use this function
> both from the IO monad and 
> from pure code.  I'm reluctant to duplicate the code
> just to avoid this.
> But maybe I should put it in a monad anyway (and go
> back and 'fix' all 
> non-monadic uses)?  The error messages produced are
> basically telling the 
> user that they made a mistake so I must have just
> read some input from a 
> file, the command line or the console.

I'm not certain this applies, but it should be
to force evaluation order with a technique similar to
deepSeq. It might be cleaner than using IO.



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Canonic labeling of graphs

2003-09-23 Thread JP Bernardy
Hello all,

As an exercise, I've implemented an algorithm for
canonic relabeling of graphs. (Two graphs are
iff they have the same canonic labelling)

The method used is stolen from Brendan McKay,
"Practical graph isomorphism".

In the hope that it is useful to anyone, I attach the
code (for GHC 6). Any remark is welcome.


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