Re: [Haskell-cafe] Sample rate inference

2004-11-11 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:49:13 +0100 (MEZ)
Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The computation sample rate should be propagated through the network as
   If in a component of equal sample rate some processors have the same
 fixed sample rate, all uncertain processors must adapt that. 
   If some processors have different fixed sample rates this is an error. 
   If no processor has a fixed sample rate, the user must provide one
  To me this looks very similar to type inference. Is there some mechanism
 in Haskell which supports this programming structure? 

This may not what you are looking for,
but I would simply use Reader Monad or like.

newtype Rate = Rate Int
type Processor = Stream - Reader Rate Stream

processor1 s = do rate - ask; ...
processors = processor1 = processor2 = .. 

process = runReader (processors input) (Rate 44100)

Sorry for sending the same mail.  I didn't notice you set Reply to.
Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Arrows (Re: [Haskell-cafe] Sample rate inference)

2004-11-11 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 01:10:06 +0900
Koji Nakahara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:49:13 +0100 (MEZ)
 Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The computation sample rate should be propagated through the network as
If in a component of equal sample rate some processors have the same
  fixed sample rate, all uncertain processors must adapt that. 
If some processors have different fixed sample rates this is an error. 
If no processor has a fixed sample rate, the user must provide one
   To me this looks very similar to type inference. Is there some mechanism
  in Haskell which supports this programming structure? 
 This may not what you are looking for,
 but I would simply use Reader Monad or like.

I fall on Arrows and come up with the following.
I'm not sure this is a proper usage of Arrows, though.

I'd appreciate any advices.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List (intersect)
data Rates = Rates [Int] | Any deriving Show
data Processor b c = P Rates (Rates - (b, Stream) - (c, Stream))

-- test Stream
type Stream = String

intersectRates Any (Rates xs) = Rates xs
intersectRates (Rates xs) (Rates ys) = Rates $ intersect xs ys
intersectRates x y = intersectRates y x

instance Arrow Processor where
  arr f = P Any (\r (x, s) - (f x, s))
  (P r0 f0)  (P r1 f1)
= P (intersectRates r0 r1) (\r - (f1 r) . (f0 r))
  first (P r f) = P r (\r ((x, y), s) - let (z, s') = f r (x, s) 

in ((z, y), s'))

runProcessor (P r f) a s = f r (a, s)

-- test processors
processor1 = P (Rates [44100, 48000]) (\r (x, s) - ((), s ++ show r))
processor2 = P Any (\r (x, s) - ((),(s ++ show r)))
processor3 = P (Rates [48000]) (\r (x, s) - ((), (s ++ show r)))

process = processor1  processor2  processor3

Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Making MVar and Chan Instances of Typeable

2004-11-05 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 14:43:55 +0100
Benjamin Franksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the instances by hand. My first attempt was:
 instance Typeable a = Typeable (MVar a) where
   typeOf x =
 mkAppTy (mkTyCon Control.Concurrent.MVar.MVar) [typeOf (undefined::a)]
 but unfortunately this doesn't work. Ghc complains about 
 Ambiguous type variable `a1' in the top-level constraint:
   `Typeable a1' arising from use of `typeOf' at Helpers.hs:8
 The reason is apparently that inside the definition of typeOf the type 
 variable 'a' is not unified with the 'a' from the instance header. I could 

You can write:

instance Typeable a = Typeable (MVar a) where
typeOf (x :: MVar a) =
mkAppTy (mkTyCon Control.Concurrent.MVar.MVar) [typeOf (undefined::a)]

Hope it helps,
Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] executable scripts?

2004-10-23 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 16:05:29 -0700
John Velman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the nice things about perl (for example) is that you can put
 together a script with #!/usr/local/perl (in bash for example) as the first
 line of a file and run it immediately.  I've used perl a lot this way with
 simple 'throw away' scripts to do special filtering on a file, or some
 other processing that I want to do one or a few times.  occasionally, a
 script like this will have a more permanant value to me, and I keep it
 Is there some way to do something similar in with Haskell?   I've tried the
 most obvious (to me) test with Hugs and it doesn't work.

will do the trick.  See hugs(1).  

Haskell does really good job for me where perl had been used!

Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] existential type problem

2004-10-15 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 19:55:02 -0400
Andrew Pimlott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 data Foo = forall t. (MonadTrans t) = Foo
 ((Monad m, Monad (t m)) = t m a - m a)-- run
 ((Monad m, Monad (t m)) = t m Int) -- op
 prog :: Foo - IO Int
 prog (Foo run op) = run $ do
   lift $ putStrLn Running prog
 ghci gives the error
 Could not deduce (Monad (t IO)) from the context (MonadTrans t)
   arising from use of `op' at try.hs:22

Your prog leaks m (= IO) out of Foo.  I guess you mean:

 data Foo m = forall t. (MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) =
   Foo (forall a. t m a - m a) (t m Int)
 prog :: Foo IO - IO Int
 prog (Foo run op) = run $ do
   lift $ putStrLn Running prog
 test = prog (Foo (flip evalStateT 0) get)

Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell]

2004-03-03 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 09:52:46 +
Alastair Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-- snip
 Maybe we can have both sets of operations?  This could be done either using 
 two separate Array types or by having two variants of a few of the array ops.

Nice.  I personally have not needed that check yet, but of course it's just me. 
I read somewhere that GHC doesn't check duplicate indices because it makes 
array construction too slow.  However GHC could leave it to the users choice
by supplying a compiler flag.

I'm very happy because one of the most experienced Haskell programmer considered 
my argument as convincing.
Thank you.

Koji Nakahara
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Incremental Array update (Re: performance tuning Data.FiniteMap)

2004-03-01 Thread Koji Nakahara

Reading the recent discussions abount Array and FiniteMap, 
I want to know what people think about the current specification of the Array update.

The Array implementaton of GHC effectively has this property (like FiniteMap):
(arr // cs1) // cs2 == arr // (cs1 ++ cs2) -- allow duplicate indices

Because (//) copies a whole array and slow, instead of the successive updates, I 
usually accumulate those changes to a list as many as I can in advance, and then give 
it to (//).
As far as GHC is concerned, all we have to do is to concatenate the list of changes by 
(++) thanks to the propety.  It generally results in a huge performance inprovement.

Haskell Report reads (16.2):
 (As with the array function, the indices in the association list must be unique for 
 the updated elements to be defined.) 
So, we must somehow (as oleg's add_uniq[1]) remove the preceding elements having the 
same index from the list 
to make the program comply Haskell 98 and support Hugs since Hugs does implement that 
check.  The preconditioning (and also the check performed by the runtime system) 
causes no small amount of performance hit.

I think it would be better if the above property of incremental updates of Array
is guaranteed sometime hopefully in Haskell 2.

0) Array give us O(1) read.
1) FiniteMap has the same property.
2) Array is more convenient than monadic arrays, e.g. STArray.
3) Array is faster than ST(U)Array in my experience, if the size of the array is no 
more than about 100 (when the updates can be combined).
4) The runtime optimization which converts (arr // cs1) // cs2 to arr // (cs1 ++ 
cs2) might be possible?


Koji Nakahara
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] What are possible causes of C stack overflow in Hugs?

2004-02-05 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Wed, 04 Feb 2004 23:00:50 +
Graham Klyne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting a C stack overflow error from Hugs when processing a 
 moderately large dataset, but not doing anything that looks unreasonably 
 complex or involved.
 I think the function graphLabels1 is set to call itself recursively to a 
 depth of a little over 1000.  Can this kind of recursion blow the Hugs stack?

foldl f x xs generally requires #xs (the number of elements of xs) stacks to be 
Note that ls(the second argument of graphLabels1) is not evaluated until
 graphLabels1 [] ls = ls

   foldl (flip addSetElem) ls (arcLabels t)
ls is also defined by a foldl and its ls is also ...

So, let gs = [g_1, g_2, ..., g_N],
you need at least \sum_{n = 1}^N #g_n stacks.  Is'n it large?

The simplest and safest solution is to change foldl to foldl', but it produces
the unnecessary evaluation of `elem`s in addSetElem's.

I think that
 import DeepSeq 
 {- or
 f $!! x = force x `seq` f x
   where force [] = ()
   force (x:xs) = x `seq` force xs
 graphLabels1 (t:gs) ls = graphLabels1 gs $!! foldl (flip addSetElem) ls (arcLabels t
is better in your case.

Sorry for my poor English and hope it helps,

Koji Nakahara
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] What are possible causes of C stack overflow in Hugs?

2004-02-05 Thread Koji Nakahara
 The simplest and safest solution is to change foldl to foldl', but it produces
 the unnecessary evaluation of `elem`s in addSetElem's.

Wrong.  Please ignore it.

$!! is better in a sense that it reduces the stack usage further
than foldl' (foldl''s second argument needs stacks to be evaluated).
Koji Nakahara
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] partition in Data.List bug

2004-02-04 Thread Koji Nakahara

I've encountered a bug of partition in Data.List shipped with
ghc-6.2 and hugs(Nov 2002)
It cannot work with an infinite list.

 partition (==0) (cycle [0,1])
does not return and so
not conform to the specification in the Haskell 98 and the library document.  

I found some discussion on this bug in the haskell mailing-list archive,
e.g.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07789.html

Is there some good reason not to change this behaviour?
(And if it is, I think that the library document should be fixed.)

--- List.hs.origThu Feb  5 04:15:59 2004
+++ List.hs Thu Feb  5 04:16:31 2004
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@
 {-# INLINE partition #-}
 partition p xs = foldr (select p) ([],[]) xs

-select p x (ts,fs) | p x   = (x:ts,fs)
-   | otherwise = (ts, x:fs)
+select p x ~(ts,fs) | p x   = (x:ts,fs)
+| otherwise = (ts, x:fs)

 -- @mapAccumL@ behaves like a combination
 -- of  @map@ and @foldl@;

Koji Nakahara
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generalized list-comprehension

2004-01-31 Thread Koji Nakahara

Another solution:

f m n = concat $ take m $ tail xs 
xs = [[]]:map (\x - concatMap (\y - map (y:) x) [1..n]) xs

f 3 4 gives your f 4.

Hope it helps,

Koji Nakahara

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 07:35:38 -0800 (PST)
Ron de Bruijn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 I have written this little function:
 f :: (Num a, Enum a) = a - [[a]]
 f n =  [[a]|a-fu n] ++ [a:[b]|a-fu n,b-fu n] ++
 [a:b:[c]|a-fu n,b-fu n,c-fu n]
 fu n = [1..n]
 This is an example of the function in action:
 *Mod f 4

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generalized list-comprehension

2004-01-31 Thread Koji Nakahara
 I need to map(\x-otherFunction x) [1..], but this
 next-function is almost identical to what the
 built-in listcomprehension does.
 I just don't like my solution.

Sorry, I didn't read this.
You may prefer something like this to map (\x - otherFunction x), 
though mechanical translation:

xs = [[]]:[[ y:z | y - [1..n], z - x] | x - xs]

Hope it helps,
Koji Nakahara

On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 15:22:01 +0900
Koji Nakahara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Another solution:
 f m n = concat $ take m $ tail xs 
 xs = [[]]:map (\x - concatMap (\y - map (y:) x) [1..n]) xs
 f 3 4 gives your f 4.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Stack usage with a state monad

2003-12-30 Thread Koji Nakahara

I think the problem is in the State Monad itself;
State Monad is lazy to compute its state.

I am not a haskell expert, and there may be better ideas.  But anyhow,
when I use these = and  instead of = and , 
your example runs fine.  I hope it becomes some help.

m = k = State $ \s - let (a, s') = runState m s
in  s `seq` runState (k a) s' -- force evaluation of the 

m  k = m = \_ - k

Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Common subexpressions are not optimized to single one?

2003-12-03 Thread Koji Nakahara
My original mail might be misleading, but I didn't mean that I want to
rely on the optimization to make the program work.

I just thought If I could expect such an optimization to be performed,
I would not need to rewrite everytime
 func (g x) (g x) -- g x = unsafeperformIO $ do {...}
 let h = g x in func h h
in order to make the program run faster.

But ,in the first place, is it meaningful to write let h = g x in func h h
in order to avoid re-evaluation of g x, on the assumption that h is CAF?

Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Common subexpressions are not optimized to single one?

2003-12-02 Thread Koji Nakahara

I'm wondering about the optimization of ghc. I thought that since
functions are pure in haskell, compiler can/do factorize common
subexpressions when it optimizes a code.  But the result of the following
experiment looks negative; g 10 100 is caluculated twice. 

Am I missing something?  If not, 
What prevents ghc from performing that optimization?
Should I always factorize common subexpressions manually(using let or where)? 

$ cat op.hs
module Main
import System.IO.Unsafe
foreign import ccall count io_count:: IO Int

f :: Int - IO Int
f x = do {y - io_count; return $ x + y}

g :: Int - Int - Int
g x y = unsafePerformIO $ do {z - f x; return $ z + y} 

main = do print (g 10 100, g 10 100)
$ cat ffi_test_c.c
static int counter = 0;
int count() {return counter++;}
$ gcc -c ffi_test_c.c;ghc -O2 -ffi op.hs;ghc -o op_test op.hs ffi_test_c.o 
$  ./op_test

I want to use some C functions from haskell each of which is not pure but
the result of their sequential combination is pure.  I'm planning to write
some functions like g above(but more complex and actually pure) and
considering the optimization of the code using them.

Thanks in advance.

Koji Nakahara
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Help: Stack-overflow and tail-recursive functions

2003-06-20 Thread Koji Nakahara
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 07:54:50 -0700
Hal Daume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mine didn't either, until I increased the 200 to around's
 probably OS/memory specific.

Only 600 causes the stack overflow in my environment(FreeBSD, 640MB).

Interestingly, on GHCi, the program shows the elements which are constructed
from the first row of the matrix, rests awhile and then stack
overflows (n = 600) or continues fine (n = 500).

With the improved definition of rmat I wrote in my last mail (Subject: listArray and 
stack overflow (Re: Help: Stack-overflow and tail-recursive functions))
it runs without both that rest and stack overflow (at least n = 2000).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

listArray and stack overflow (Re: Help: Stack-overflow and tail-recursive functions)

2003-06-19 Thread Koji Nakahara
I did some experiments and now suspect that the culprit is the infinite list.

When I replace rmat with
 rmat n = listArray ((1,1),(n,n)) [1..] -- no longer random
 print (m ! (300, 300)) where m = rmat 800
fails again. 

However, if I use a finite list as the second argument of listArray:
 rmat n = listArray ((1,1),(n,n)) [1..(n*n)]
, then the program runs without problems.

This definition works as well as oleg's.
rmat n =listArray ((1,1),(n,n)) $!! (take (n*n) $ map ct (randoms (mkStdGen 1) 
::[Bool]) )
where   ct True = Unknown
ct False = Dead 

I think:

If the list is infinite, listArray doesn't return an array as data.
Each time an element of the array is used, the list is evaluated.
This lazy evaluation require some stack(and the access time cannot be 

Is it correct?

Thank you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list