let vs. case

2000-03-28 Thread Theo Norvell

Hi.  I have a data type
data Ok_Err s a = Ok s a
and a case expression
case ok_err' of
  ~(Ok s' a) -  ...
which involved in a loop (i.e. the ... contains a tail call back to the
function containing the case expression).

This takes a lot of space.  Specifically the space complexity seems
proportional to the number of loop iterations. Now if
I change the case expression to
let ~(Ok s' a) = ok_err' in ...
then the space requirements become constant and small.

So what's going on?  The Haskell standard says that the dynamic sematics
is the same in both cases.

I don't want to use the let, because, really I'd like to exend the
data type to be a sum and the case expression to make a decision.  What
I really want is a state monad that supports emergency stops.  The case
expression is in the implementation of =.

BTW I am using NHC 1.3.

Theo Norvell

Dr. Theodore Norvell   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical and Computer Engineeringhttp://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo
Engineering and Applied Science   Phone: (709) 737-8962
Memorial University of Newfoundland Fax: (709) 737-4042
St. John's, NF, Canada, A1B 3X5

Re: Monads in plain engllish (Was: Re: Licenses and Libraries)

1999-08-23 Thread Theo Norvell

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, felix wrote:

  P.S.  If somebody could explain Monads in plain english it might not
  hurt either.
 Someone already has:
 --KW 8-)
 Yes, that text is not bad, but I think it still has a problem (one I found
 in two or three other introductory texts of monads): it stops right
 before getting really interesting!

Along the same lines and subject to many of the same criticisms is
Any comments on improving it would be welcome.

Theo Norvell

RE: Again: Referential Equality

1999-07-27 Thread Theo Norvell

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Andreas C. Doering wrote:

  let x=[1..] in x==x 
  would not terminate in the first case but succeed in the second. 
  But, much worse
let x = (a,b) in x `req` x  = True
(a,b) `req` (a,b)   = False
  So referential transparency is lost.  This is a high price to pay.
  You are right that *something* is needed; but I don't yet know what.

One solution is nondeterminism.

req x y is False when x and y are not 'equal'
req x y is True | False when x and y are 'equal'

where 'equal' means the same as the built-in == operator for the type,
or structural equality for user-defined types and where
a | b
means a nondeterministic choice between a and b.

let x=[1..] in x == x
can not be proved to terminate with Andreas's optimized definition
of List == (although it also can not be proved not to terminate).
It is valid to optimize
(a,b) `req` (a,b)
let x = (a,b) in x `req` x .
However, the inverse transformation increases nondeterminism and
thus would not be valid. So if you define referential transparency
as the saying that
E[ x / F]
let x = F in E
are equivalent, then referential transparency is still 'lost'.
But when nondeterminism is involved, this equivalence is usually
already an inequivalence.

In 'good' implementations, there would be a pragmatic understanding that
req x y will be True when x and y are the same reference. 


Dr. Theodore Norvell, Assistant Professor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Memorial University of Newfoundlandhttp://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo
Vox: (709) 737-8962 Fax: (709) 737-4042

RE: strict data field

1999-06-10 Thread Theo Norvell

On a related topic, is there a good way to have strict
strings.  Should I just create my own type or is there
something already in the library.

Here is my situation:  I have a state monad.  It seems to me that
if states are built out of lazy types, then there may be many
states all live at the same time, thus blowing up the space.
But deep in my state data types, I have strings.  Also some
monad operations return strings.  So I need strict strings.

In case I haven't made this clear, here is an example:

example = 
do some_string - a_function_of_state
   do_something_with_a_string some_string

Now if I run example on a state s0, then s0 will be live throughout
the execution of example, whereas, if "a_function_of_state" returned
a completely evaluated data structure and a completely updated the
state, then the parts of s0 that are not shared should be collectable.

Theo Norvell

Dr. Theodore Norvell, Assistant Professor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Memorial University of Newfoundlandhttp://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo

Re: Ackermann's function

1999-01-16 Thread Theo Norvell

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Wayne Young wrote:

 I'm still getting the syntax correct (playing with simple functions,
 etc) and was wondering how I would define Ackermann's function in

See http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Publications/indExamp.lgs
for three versions. The simplest is just

 p 0 n = n+1
 p (m+1) 0 = p m 1
 p (m+1) (n+1) = p m (p (m+1) n)

The other two illustrate how to do it using combinators rather than
explicit recursion.

 I'm curious to see how Haskell (using Hugs) will outperform C
 and Pascal for this beast.

If you are comparing speed, I doubt Hugs will outperform a compiled C or
Pascal program, as Hugs is an interpreter. It might be interesting to
compare compiled Haskell to C or Pascal. 

Theo Norvell

Dr. Theodore Norvell   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical and Computer Engineeringhttp://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo
Engineering and Applied Science   Phone: (709) 737-8962
Memorial University of Newfoundland Fax: (709) 737-4042
St. John's, NF, Canada, A1B 3X5