Koen Claessen wrote:

> I did not reply with *my* abvious answer: LAVA!! :-) This is
> because I thought the original question was about
> *continuous* systems, and Lava (and Hawk) are about
> discrete/digital systems.
> But if you find that the Hawk way is interesting to do these
> kind of things, take a look at Lava as well. Lava has
> recently gotten a major rewrite (no monads left!), and at
> the moment we are evalutating the new version in a course.
> One can take a preview in the Lava tutorial, available on:
>   http://www.cs.chalmers.se/Cs/Grundutb/Kurser/svh/

Great! Does this mean that at last you will release Lava? 
I found Lava very interesting, but could not re-create it completely 
from your published papers. And so far you have not made the 
source code available..


Rob MacAulay
Rob MacAulay

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