Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: incremental-parser library package

2011-03-22 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Mario Blažević wrote:
     The first version of incremental-parser has been released on Hackage
 [1]. It's yet another parser combinator
 library, providing the usual set of Applicative and Monad combinators. Apart
 from this, it has three twists that make it

     First, the parser is incremental. That means it can be fed its input in
 chunks, and in proper circumstances it can
 also provide the parsed output in chunks. For this to be possible the result
 type must be a Monoid. The complete parsing
 result is then a concatenation of the partial results.

     In order to make the incremental parsing easier, the combinator set is
 optimized for monoidal results. The usual
 combinator many1, for example, assumes the result type is a monoid and
 concatenates its components instead of
 constructing a list.

 In Parsec:
 many1 :: Stream s m t = ParsecT s u m a - ParsecT s u m [a]

 In incremental-parser:
 many1 :: (Monoid s, Monoid r) = Parser s r - Parser s r

     The second weirdness is that the the parser is generic in its input
 stream type, but this type is parameterized in a
 holistic way. There is no separate token type. Primitive parsers that need
 to peek into the input require its type to be
 an instance of a monoid subclass.

 In Parsec:
 string :: Stream s m Char = String - ParsecT s u m String
 char :: Stream s m Char = Char - ParsecT s u m Char
 anyToken :: (Stream s m t, Show t) = ParsecT s u m t

 In Attoparsec:
 string :: ByteString - Parser ByteString
 word8 :: Word8 - Parser Word8
 anyWord8 :: Parser Word8

 In incremental-parser:
 string :: (LeftCancellativeMonoid s, MonoidNull s) = s - Parser s s
 token :: (Eq s, FactorialMonoid s) = s - Parser s s
 anyToken :: FactorialMonoid s = Parser s s

     The monoid subclasses referenced above provide methods for analyzing and
 subdividing the input stream. The classes
 are not particularly demanding, and any reasonable input stream should be
 able to accommodate them easily. The library
 comes with instances for lists, ByteString, and Text.

 class Monoid m = MonoidNull m where
    mnull :: m - Bool

 class Monoid m = LeftCancellativeMonoid m where
    mstripPrefix :: m - m - Maybe m

 class Monoid m = FactorialMonoid m where
    factors :: m - [m]
    primePrefix :: m - m

     Finally, the library being implemented on the basis of Brzozowski
 derivatives, it can provide both the symmetric and
 the left-biased choice, | and |. This is the same design choice made by
 Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP and
 uu-parsinglib. Parsec and its progeny on the other hand provide only the
 faster left-biased choice, at some cost to the
 expressiveness of the combinator language.


This seems very interesting. One question:

 The MonadPlus and the Alternative instance differ: the former's mplus
 combinator equals the asymmetric | choice.


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Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: incremental-parser library package

2011-03-22 Thread Mario Blažević
 This seems very interesting. One question:

  The MonadPlus and the Alternative instance differ: the former's mplus
  combinator equals the asymmetric | choice.


Good question. Basically, I see MonadPlus as a union of Monad and
Alternative. The class should not exist at all. But as long as it does, I
figured I should provide an instance, and I made it different from the
Monoid+Alternative combination because otherwise it would be useless. My
second choice would be to remove the instance completely.
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: incremental-parser library package

2011-03-22 Thread Edward Kmett
2011/3/22 Mario Blažević

  This seems very interesting. One question:

  The MonadPlus and the Alternative instance differ: the former's mplus
  combinator equals the asymmetric | choice.


 Good question. Basically, I see MonadPlus as a union of Monad and
 Alternative. The class should not exist at all. But as long as it does, I
 figured I should provide an instance, and I made it different from the
 Monoid+Alternative combination because otherwise it would be useless. My
 second choice would be to remove the instance completely.

I have to admit I really do not like having Applicative and MonadPlus with
different behavior. Yes, one is redundant, but that is more an artifact of
language evolution, than an intentional opportunity for diverging behavior.

Every library I am aware of to date, save of course this one, has maintained
their compatibility.

If the instance for Alternative satisfies the underspecified MonadPlus laws,
I'd just as soon have the 'useless redundant' instance. The power of
MonadPlus is in the combinators that are built on top of it. Not in the
primitives themselves.

If the Alternative instance would not be a legal MonadPlus instance, then
I'd feel much less queasy with your second scenario, and it simply removed.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: incremental-parser library package

2011-03-22 Thread Mario Blažević
2011/3/22 Philippa Cowderoy

 This is what newtypes are for, no?

I did not think of that approach. I'm not sure how well it would work out,
but it would solve another problem I have, which is the duplication of
combinators many, some, and optional. Each of these could exist in two
forms, the lazy one and the greedy one, and the only difference is the
underlying choice combinator, (|) vs. (|).

I'm not aware of any other parsing library taking this road, though, and
there must be a good reason. I'll try and see.

 2011/3/22 Mario Blažević

  This seems very interesting. One question:

  The MonadPlus and the Alternative instance differ: the former's mplus
  combinator equals the asymmetric | choice.


 Good question. Basically, I see MonadPlus as a union of Monad and
 Alternative. The class should not exist at all. But as long as it does, I
 figured I should provide an instance, and I made it different from the
 Monoid+Alternative combination because otherwise it would be useless. My
 second choice would be to remove the instance completely.

 I have to admit I really do not like having Applicative and MonadPlus with
 different behavior. Yes, one is redundant, but that is more an artifact of
 language evolution, than an intentional opportunity for diverging behavior.

 Every library I am aware of to date, save of course this one, has
 maintained their compatibility.

 If the instance for Alternative satisfies the underspecified MonadPlus
 laws, I'd just as soon have the 'useless redundant' instance. The power of
 MonadPlus is in the combinators that are built on top of it. Not in the
 primitives themselves.

 If the Alternative instance would not be a legal MonadPlus instance, then
 I'd feel much less queasy with your second scenario, and it simply removed.


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