On Sat, 21 Nov 2015, Paolino wrote:

> Hello Henning, this program crashes with resource temporarily unavailable, as 
> soon as I attach it to a midi consumer.
> I couldn't find an example on how to fix it.

I can reproduce the problem, but I have no idea what your program should 
do if it would work. 'top' reports 100% CPU usage. It looks suspicious to 
me that you send a Queue event to all subscribers. I assume that you must 
send it to Addr.systemTimer, which is what Queue.control does for you. 
Btw. the identifiers in the alsa-seq package are intended for qualified 
imports, as it is demonstrated in the 'examples' directory. Without 
qualification a program becomes pretty incomprehensible. examples/beat.hs 
also shows how to send a QueueStart event.

> import Prelude hiding (show)
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Address
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Client
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Port
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event hiding (time)
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Connect
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Queue
> import Sound.ALSA.Sequencer
> import Sound.ALSA.Exception 
> import Sound.OSC
> import Control.Concurrent
> midiOutTime  :: String  -- ^ client name
>         -> Time
>         -> IO ThreadId
> midiOutTime name t = do
>       t0 <- time
>       let n = fromIntegral . floor $ t0 / t
>       forkIO $ (`catch` \e -> putStrLn $ "midi_exception: " ++ show e)  $ do
>             withDefault Block $ \h -> do
>                 setName (h :: Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.T OutputMode) $ name ++ " 
> time_out"
>                 c <- getId h
>                 withSimple h "ctrl_in" (caps [capRead, capSubsRead]) 
> typeMidiGeneric $ \p ->
>                     let loop n = do
>                             sleepThreadUntil $ n * t
>                             void $ outputDirect h $ forConnection 
> (toSubscribers (Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Address.Cons c p))
> $  QueueEv QueueClock Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Queue.direct
>                             loop $ n + 1
>                     in loop 1
> main = do
>   midiOutTime "timeout" $ 0.125/6
>   getLine

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