Re: [haskell art] SCHelp parser?

2016-04-04 Thread hans

Pretty sure the original parser (in the SC language) was written by
Jonatan Liljedahl. You can easily get in touch with him here 



2016-04-04 18:08
skrev Henning Thielemann: 

> On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, Stephen Tetley
>> If no-one has one already I'd be up for writing one. The
new developments with Haskell and SuperCollider (your system and Super
Dirt) are pretty exciting and I've been thinking I ought to get
> How has Rohan developed his hsc3 help files? Aren't there
some scripts 
> involved?

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Re: [haskell art] the library of beautiful instruments implemented in haskell / csound

2015-09-17 Thread Hans Höglund
Hi Anton, 

Sorry for chipping in late, just wanted to congratulate you on your great work 
on the new library.  Hope to give it try some time soon.

All best,

On 17 sep 2015, at 22:21, Evan Laforge wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Anton Kholomiov
>  wrote:
>> That's the first piece of music done with csound-expression
>> not by me. I'm very happy to listen to it. I'm biased as an author.
>> and you have managed to do it so quickly!
> I was going to say, not only do these music production libraries tend
> to lack instruments, they also tend to lack actual music.  So I'm
> always really interested to hear what people produce.
> Can you give some background on what you used?  Possibly even source
> code?  The only thing I can find for AbstractMusic is an iphone app
> that doesn't look like the same thing.
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Re: [haskell art] Paul Hudak

2015-05-04 Thread Hans Höglund

Also very saddened to hear these news. Professor Hudak's writing was what got 
me into Haskell and gave me courage to go on in my aim to combine music and 
functional programming in the first place. I was fortunate enough to get to 
meet him last year, when he was extremely generous and supportive despite being 
at the later stages of his illness. I hope the Haskell Art community, which 
might not exist without him, will thrive and continue to build upon his legacy.



On 4 maj 2015, at 08:02, Stephen Tetley wrote:

> It's very sad news that Paul Hudak has died. I remember pre-ordering
> The Haskell School of Expression from my local Waterstones and being
> genuinely excited about its arrival - here was a book that meshed both
> functional programming and multimedia - wow!. As it happens college
> work (and some confusion with Hugs) got in the way of me learning
> Haskell and it was another three years before I read the book
> properly. As a reference, it's been near the top of my pile
> programming books ever since - the simple model of reactive functional
> programming it presents is the most illustrative I've seen.
> Reading the notices for Paul's death was very sad but also heartening.
> As I didn't know Paul personally (only through this list) I didn't
> know had hard his continuing struggle with leukemia had been. I knew
> he had treatment 5 years ago, but as he resumed work on Euterpea and
> The Haskell School of Music and returned to generously contributing to
> this list one hoped his treatment had gone well. But it was greatly
> heartening that his generosity was was very large and not limited - he
> clearly had made an exceptional contribution to Yale and the wider
> academic world, not just as a researcher and co-creator of Haskell
> (which we know about on here) but as Master of his college and an
> inspiration to his students.
> Condolences to his family and friends.
> Stephen
> On 1 May 2015 at 21:33, alex  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Lets feel for the family and friends of Paul Hudak, who sadly died on 
>> Wednesday after a long battle with Leukemia.
>> Paul has surely contributed more to the Haskell Art community than anyone, 
>> e.g. writing the Haskell School of Expression, the Haskell School of Music, 
>> Euterpea, his contributions to Functional Reactive Programming, in 
>> co-founding and chairing the ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Functional Art, Music, 
>> Modelling and Design, and of course in helping make Haskell itself in the 
>> first place. As a relative outsider to the Haskell community, I can only 
>> understate his achievements here, I hope no-one minds.
>> I'll look forward to celebrating his life by reading, enjoying and 
>> benefiting from all he has left.
>> Best wishes,
>> alex
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Re: [haskell art] ANN] HDF

2014-10-20 Thread Hans Höglund
> I'm curious, is the ugen loading through RDL real-time safe ?

If you look at the code, the loading happens asynchronously, so no need for 


On 20 okt 2014, at 10:33, Miguel Negro wrote:
> best,
> Miguel Negro
> Haskell Art now contains the following file
>Name: signature.asc
>Type: application/pgp-signature
>Size: 0KB
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Re: [haskell art] Any FP ideas for Tidal?

2014-10-19 Thread Hans Höglund
Hi Alex,

Sorry for a very late reply. I second most of what has already been written and 
also strongly recommend you to go back and read the pioneering work of Paul 
Hudak (already  mentioned by himself) and Conal Elliott (esp. the Reactive 
package) which was extremely influential for me in terms of thinking about 
musical time.

I can't help but notice there is quite a bit of overlapping between the recent 
"score" libraries (including tidal, music-score, and active). For example, we 
all define a type representing a time span but all give it different names 
(Arc, Span and Era respectively). Maybe in time we will move on to some more 
standardized vocabulary.

I noticed the event list Tidal generates for each cycle is isomorphic to my 
score representation – so a Tidal patterns is a score in the reader monad 
(function of the "current" span). This suggest that one could device a more 
elaborate pattern language – perhaps using GADTs as suggested above, and then 
compile this into (Span -> [Event a]), i.e. your current model. That would give 
you the same power, but more possibilities of deconstructing or reasoning about 
the patterns before rendering into functions. Not that there is anything wrong 
with functions – they are just not decomposable.

Again, I don't think the relationship between between our score-based languages 
and classical FRP (events and behaviors) has been fully examined. This is in 
part what I hope to continue doing in music-score.



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Re: [haskell art] ANN] HDF

2014-10-19 Thread Hans Höglund
Great work Rohan,

Exactly how does the loading into scsynth work? I assume it generates and 
compiles a shared library which is loaded into scsynth at startup? Or do you 
use a wrapper UGen to be able to hotswap code into a running scsynth instance?


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[haskell art] Fluent: Minimal Haskell-only audio engine

2014-10-06 Thread Hans Höglund
Hi all,

While we all love synthesizer, YampaSynth, scsynth, Csound and recently dirt, 
I've now hacked together a little sampler/audio engine based on the hosc, 
portaudio and hsndfile packages. It currently preloads audio files and play 
them back in response to OSC messages. Performance is decent on my MacBook Pro, 
in theory other systems should work as long as you get portaudio and hsndfile 
to install. If anyone can get it to work on some other platform I'd love to 
hear about it.

The code is available here:

You might find it interesting from a state-of-realtime-audio-in Haskell 



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer


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[haskell art] [Announce] Music Suite v1.7.2

2014-09-29 Thread Hans Höglund
I am happy to announce the release of Music Suite version 1.7.2.

Minor release with support for latest Haskell platform.

See full notes at

For more information, see



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]


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[haskell art] [Announce] Music Suite v1.7.1

2014-07-19 Thread Hans Höglund
I am happy to announce the release of Music Suite version 1.7.1.

This is a minor release with mostly backend-related improvements and some 
dependency fixes.

See full notes at

For more information, see



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]


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Re: [haskell art] connecting buses in hsc3?

2014-07-05 Thread Hans Höglund
Don't have time to write this up in detail, but what you need to do is:

* Route your synths to an internal bus
* Make a separate "synth" (really an effect) that reads from the internal bus 
and writes to the output bus

You need to make sure that the synths are added to the correct position in the 
synth graph so that the synths run before the effect, see



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]

On 5 jul 2014, at 20:31, Ben Burdette wrote:

>> audition


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Re: [haskell art] haskell dependency management over time

2014-07-01 Thread Hans Höglund
Nowadays you can do this with Cabal sandboxes. See more info here



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]

On 1 jul 2014, at 17:17, Al Matthews wrote:

> Hello .. I find Haskell package-management to be a bit of a dark art.
> In particular, what I find, is that it is easy to break things on which I
> rely.
> This is compounded no doubt by my use of several development platforms.
> Still, I wonder if anyone has recommendations on using hsenv, or capri, or
> cabal-dev, or similar.
> One goal I think, could be to archive a minimal working environment for any
> given major piece. But I don't know if this is a heavy-handed approach, and
> as such, I ask in particular for your experience with maintaining Haskell
> code and systems over time.
> Thanks,
> Al
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Re: [haskell art] alsa-midi

2014-06-16 Thread Hans Höglund
Try alsa-seq or portmidi.



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]

On 16 jun 2014, at 23:20, alex wrote:

> Hi all (and mostly Henning),
> alsa-midi depends on array-, which doesn't install for me under
> ghc 7.6.3.
> Data/Array/Base.hs:1204:47:
>Not in scope: `chr'
>Perhaps you meant `chr#' (imported from GHC.Base)
> Failed to install array-
> It's reporting that its deprecated in favour of alsa-pcm, but that
> doesn't seem to offer midi port access:
> Any ideas what I should use? I want to send midi messages to my synth.
> Cheers,
> alex
> -- 
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Re: [haskell art] ANNOUNCE: music-suite 1.7

2014-06-05 Thread Hans Höglund
Sounds interesting, please drop a note on the list if you get anything working.



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]

On 5 jun 2014, at 05:18, Francesco Ariis wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 04:02:19AM +0200, Hans Hglund wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce the release of Music Suite v1.7.0.
> Lately I am testing the waters of counterpoint, and Music Suite
> may come handy for a small application I had in mind, thanks
> for sharing!
> -- 
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Re: [haskell art] Music Suite: Repeats

2014-06-05 Thread Hans Höglund
Thanks for your nice words Yitz,

Repeats (and jumpts, Da Capo etc) is planned but not implemented: If you have 
any more specific wishes or ideas how it could be done, please comment on this 

Actually repeats may not have to be that difficult. One of the main ideas of 
the Suite is to represent the music logically/semantically rather than as 
performance instructions and then convert to the latter on exports, so the most 
straightforward way to represent repeats would be to actually repeat the music 
inside a Score, and add meta-data that says something like "beginning of a 
repeat sign", "beginning of first ending" etc, and then convert this to an 
explicit repeat in notated output (i.e. the reverse of what Sibelius et al 

A completely different way would be to add a time container representing 
repeated music, which would include alternatives for pass 1, pass 2 etc (not 
necessarily at the ending).

If you have good or bad experience doing this in Lilypond, please provide more 



Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]

On 5 jun 2014, at 10:14, Yitzchak Gale wrote:

> This is unbelievable work, thanks for this.
> I would love to use this as a replacement for Euterpea; it has
> so many advantages. But there is one fundamental feature
> still missing which might be a show-stopper: repeats.
> I realize that repeats are very complicated, and that a complete
> implementation would be a lot of work. Things are further
> complicated by the cruftiness of Lilypond's implementaion.
> [For me, the biggest problem in Lilypond is that the music
> state at the beginning of an alternative is taken from the
> end of the previous alternative, rather than from the music
> that actually leads into it. So many things need to be reset
> manually or even simulated.]
> But is there some way start with something really simple,
> just to get off the ground?
> Thanks,
> Yitz
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:02 AM, Hans Hglund  wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce the release of Music Suite v1.7.0.
>> The Music Suite is a collection of Haskell libraries for composition, 
>> analysis and manipulation of music. It is generic enough to handle 
>> electronic music and non-Western music theory, as well as most aspects of 
>> common music notation. It can read and write many standard representations 
>> such as MIDI, MusicXML, Lilypond and ABC notation.
>> Getting it
>> Install the Suite from Hackage:
>> cabal install music-suite
>> Documentation and examples:
>> The source code is available on Github:
>> For bug reports, please use the relevant Github tracker:
>> For questions, feedback and general discussion, see
>> Highlights
>> Some highlights of this release include:
>> Many new time containers, including more fine-grained versions of Score and 
>> Behavior
>> Better interface for Score, Voice and Chord
>> Better interface to musical aspects (i.e. parts, pitches, dynamics and 
>> articulations) using lenses and traversals
>> Polymorphic update of musical aspects, so representation can change 
>> mid-traversal
>> Now supports phrase-wise traversals of scores and voices
>> New SuperCollider backend
>> Restructuring of backend code in terms of a single class HasBackend
>> Backend can now be parameterized on container type, rather than just note 
>> type
>> Better notation of dynamics and articulation
>> For the full notes, see:
>> Stability
>> Please note that the Suite is quite usable, parts of it are still 
>> experimental, and we expect the API to change slightly with every release up 
>> to v2.0.0 (think of it as optimistic versioning). If you have any problems 
>> with upgrading from a previous version, please post to the group below.
>> Contributing
>> If you are interested in contributing to the Suite, please join the Github 
>> organization (see the link above). In addition to code, we appreciate 
>> contributions in t

[haskell art] ANNOUNCE: music-suite 1.7

2014-06-04 Thread Hans Höglund
I am pleased to announce the release of Music Suite v1.7.0.

The Music Suite is a collection of Haskell libraries for composition, analysis 
and manipulation of music. It is generic enough to handle electronic music and 
non-Western music theory, as well as most aspects of common music notation. It 
can read and write many standard representations such as MIDI, MusicXML, 
Lilypond and ABC notation.

Getting it

Install the Suite from Hackage:

cabal install music-suite

Documentation and examples:

The source code is available on Github:

For bug reports, please use the relevant Github tracker:

For questions, feedback and general discussion, see


Some highlights of this release include:

Many new time containers, including more fine-grained versions of Score and 
Better interface for Score, Voice and Chord
Better interface to musical aspects (i.e. parts, pitches, dynamics and 
articulations) using lenses and traversals
Polymorphic update of musical aspects, so representation can change 
Now supports phrase-wise traversals of scores and voices

New SuperCollider backend
Restructuring of backend code in terms of a single class HasBackend
Backend can now be parameterized on container type, rather than just note type
Better notation of dynamics and articulation

For the full notes, see:

Please note that the Suite is quite usable, parts of it are still experimental, 
and we expect the API to change slightly with every release up to v2.0.0 (think 
of it as optimistic versioning). If you have any problems with upgrading from a 
previous version, please post to the group below.


If you are interested in contributing to the Suite, please join the Github 
organization (see the link above). In addition to code, we appreciate 
contributions in the form of tutorials, examples or musical compositions. 
Hopefully we may soon have a showcase of works created with Music Suite, like 
Diagram's gallery.




Hans Hglund
Composer, conductor and developer

hans [at]


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