On Thu, 17 Feb 2011, Evan Laforge wrote:

liveliness. The typical memory leak works as follows:
 let (prefix, suffix) = splitAt largeNumber xs
 in  processA prefix ++ processB suffix
 Although this can be perfectly processed in a streaming manner, sometimes
GHC does not manage to release the pointer to the beginning of prefix and
thus prefix is kept until the processing of suffix starts. I wonder whether

Just out of curiosity, how do you find out when this is happening?

I notice large leaks when the machine starts swapping intensively. I detect smaller leaks with 'top'. For even smaller leaks I set a trap using runtime options for restricting heap memory:
  synthi +RTS -M8m -RTS
The program should run with constant memory consumption. If the memory consumption increases, then the program stops when the heap overflows. But before that happens often ALSA reports buffer underruns faster and faster, due to the increasing number of memory pieces that the garbage collector has to check.

The fastest way to detect a memory leak is certainly not to play the sound at all, but just write it to disk or /dev/null. Then memory leaks hit a heap memory restriction very qickly.

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