Re: Handling large ini files.

2003-07-12 Thread Andrew J Bromage
G'day all.

On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 10:09:21AM +1000, Andrew Rock wrote:

> I think that each being a customisation *is* sufficient for coherence
> of one data structure to hold them all.

I agree, though using different data structures for each set of
configuration parameters which will be used together is also
something to consider.

Also, if you're using GHC, -funbox-strict-fields is one flag you may
look into.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Handling large ini files.

2003-07-12 Thread Andrew Rock
On Sunday, July 13, 2003, at 06:54 AM, Thaddeus L. Olczyk wrote:

A while ago I looked at Haskell. I got stuck on a problem which
basically caused me to stop using Haskell.
Realising that I never asked anyone else how they would approach the
deal, I decided to ask before I put the final chapter on Haskell.
I have a program that requires a lot of customisation.
As a result there is an initialization file with many entries
( typically 30-80 entries ). Some of these entries need to be
accessed quite often, so that opening the file and reading in on
demand is not really an option.
So the basic question is how do I handle access to these parameters?

PS: I've thought of Hugh's approach to global variables, but even with
compound data structures it really isn't practical for such a large
number. Not even when creating compound structures to hold the data.
Worse you wind up with data structures which are not coherent having
only the fact that each is a customisation in common.
I think that each being a customisation *is* sufficient for coherence
of one data structure to hold them all.
My approach was to define a data structure that stored a
sequence of flags, bindings of property names to values,
sets of those, and sequences of those. For this I wrote a
parser and some accessor functions.
See section 7 in

Andrew Rock -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
School of Computing and Information Technology
Griffith University -- Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Handling large ini files.

2003-07-12 Thread Thaddeus L. Olczyk
A while ago I looked at Haskell. I got stuck on a problem which
basically caused me to stop using Haskell.

Realising that I never asked anyone else how they would approach the
deal, I decided to ask before I put the final chapter on Haskell.

I have a program that requires a lot of customisation.
As a result there is an initialization file with many entries
( typically 30-80 entries ). Some of these entries need to be
accessed quite often, so that opening the file and reading in on
demand is not really an option.

So the basic question is how do I handle access to these parameters?

PS: I've thought of Hugh's approach to global variables, but even with
compound data structures it really isn't practical for such a large
number. Not even when creating compound structures to hold the data.
Worse you wind up with data structures which are not coherent having
only the fact that each is a customisation in common.

Thaddeus L. Olczyk
Think twice, code once.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Multiple "pointers" to "objects"

2003-07-12 Thread Nick Name
On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 07:47:02 -0700 (PDT)
Ron de Bruijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  It's ofcourse possible to put a list of Subjects that
>  a Teacher teaches in the data declaration of the
>  teacher. But then there is no way of saying
>  efficiently (O(1) Just a pointer or index):"Give me a
>  list of all teachers that give Physics", and that's
>  just what I need.

Are you sure that your data structure shouldn't be expressed by a graph?
In that case, there is a very recent thread (last post today) on
functional graph algorithms. I think that the difficulties you are
facing are from the fact that you are trying to express a purely
functional "updatable" graph.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Representing cyclic data structures efficiently in Haskell

2003-07-12 Thread andrew cooke
Sarah Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> work that well for circuits because, for anything other than trivially
> simple components, the connections between nodes need to be labelled.

it's been a while since i used it, but i thought erwig's graph library
had labels on edges.  it's a really sweet piece of work (disclaimer: i
used the ml version).



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: accessing Haskell-Cafe from oe

2003-07-12 Thread andrew cooke

fwiw you can also use gnus to access email (via an imap server) as a


"Jeff Aimt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I discovered recently (thanks google) that Haskell Cafe was also named
>"fa.haskell", but can't find a news server which would let me access
>it like any other newsgroup. If someone accesses haskell cafe using a
>free news server, could he say me which one ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Multiple "pointers" to "objects"

2003-07-12 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Hi there,

I was almost certain that Haskell was a great language
until I wanted to make a real usefull program and got
the following problem.

I have
data Lesson = Lesson Teacher SomeOtherProperties
 deriving Show

data Subject = Subject Name [Teacher]
 deriving Show

data Teacher = Teacher TimeTable SomeOtherProperties

What I want is that when I put some lesson in my
timetable, the resources needed for that lesson are
used up, so for example the timetable of a teacher
will fill with each lesson that it gives. 

The problem is that when I "model" it this way, the
state of the teachers that can give a certain subject
will not change (suppose I have some function that
fills one timeslot of the timetable of a teacher).

It makes it even harder, because of the fact that one
teacher can teach multiple subjects.

In an OO-language I would simply let each element of
the list of TeacherObjects of Subjects point to some
TeacherObject, so it remembers it state, but that's

It's ofcourse possible to put a list of Subjects that
a Teacher teaches in the data declaration of the
teacher. But then there is no way of saying
efficiently (O(1) Just a pointer or index):"Give me a
list of all teachers that give Physics", and that's
just what I need.

I could use a hashtable which includes the
teachersobjects as values and the subjects as keys,
but that isn't a very beautiful solution. This would
give me(building of Hashtable O(n) and getting all
teachers of some subject O(1)), so it would do.  

I am almost sure there exist some nice way of doing
this, because otherwise Haskell would be completely
useless IMHO, but I don't know it.

Do you have any idea? 

Greets Ron

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Arrow Classes

2003-07-12 Thread Raja R Harinath
Alastair Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'm glad to hear there isn't a _serious_ cost (i.e. performance penalty)
>> for fine-grained hierarchies. 
> One cost which doesn't seem to have been mentioned is the programmer cost. 
> With the current Haskell Prelude, a matrix operation (say) might have type:
>   invert :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
> but, if we had one operation per class, the type might be:
>   invert :: (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a) 
>  => Matrix a -> Matrix a
> More flexible but quite unwieldy.

IIRC, Clean essentially has this.  Though it's more like

  invert :: (+ a, - a, FromInteger a, = a, * a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a

(I may be wrong about the syntax and the specifics :-)

- Hari
Raja R Harinath -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Template Haskell question

2003-07-12 Thread Ashley Yakeley
In article 
 "Simon Peyton-Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, sorry, as Ian says, type splices just aren't implemented at the
> moment.  The error message is uninformative.  
> This is useful info though -- someone wants type splices!

Ah, but what I really want is to be able to splice in several types that 
are all connected in the context.

 (C1 a b,C2 b c) => $(foo [t|a|] [t|b|] [t|c|])

Right now I'm using m4, the textual preprocessor.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Decimal Literals

2003-07-12 Thread Ashley Yakeley
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ketil Z. Malde) wrote:

> I.e. for 3.14, allow any rational number in [3.14,3.15), or
> perhaps (3.135,3.145]?

Specifically the simplest rational in the range (I prefer the second 
one, "round half even"). One rational is simpler than another if both 
its numerator and denominator are closer to zero. In any given range, 
there is one rational that is simpler than all the others.

I have a function that finds this rational, because I had to implement 
it for HScheme, because there's a function specified in R5RS called 
"rationalize" that must do this. In this case it tells me the simplest 
rational is 22/7.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Arrow Classes

2003-07-12 Thread Ashley Yakeley
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Alastair Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One way to overcome part of this problem would be to generalize the idea of 
> 'type synonyms' to allow 'context synonyms'.  For example, we have type 
> synonyms like:
>   type Point = (Int,Int)
> we could have 'context synonyms' like:
>   class Num a => (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a, ...) 

That would be quite unnecessary. Simply write this:

  class (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a, ...) =>
   Num a;
  instance (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a, ...) =>
   Num a;

And now you can write this:

  invert :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a

I use this idiom quite frequently for "joining" classes together.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Arrow Classes

2003-07-12 Thread Alastair Reid

> I'm glad to hear there isn't a _serious_ cost (i.e. performance penalty)
> for fine-grained hierarchies. 

One cost which doesn't seem to have been mentioned is the programmer cost. 

With the current Haskell Prelude, a matrix operation (say) might have type:

  invert :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a

but, if we had one operation per class, the type might be:

  invert :: (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a) 
 => Matrix a -> Matrix a

More flexible but quite unwieldy.

One way to overcome part of this problem would be to generalize the idea of 
'type synonyms' to allow 'context synonyms'.  For example, we have type 
synonyms like:

  type Point = (Int,Int)

we could have 'context synonyms' like:

  class Num a => (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a, ...) 

Adding context synonyms would make it possible to write types concisely when 
using fine-grained class hierarchies and would also be useful with extensions 
like Hugs' T-REX or implicit parameters.

Adding context synonyms would not help with type error messages though.  When 
using TREX to encode an abstract syntax tree for the C language, I once got 
an error message that was over two pages long (i.e., about 4000 characters 
long).  The error message amounted to saying that one list of fields didn't 
match another list of fields but with two pages of field names to look at, it 
was impossible to say what the differences between the types were.  Things 
would not be that bad with the example types above but they would certainly 
be harder than  the current error messages.

Alastair Reid

Haskell-Cafe mailing list