[Haskell-cafe] Monads vs. qualified types

2004-12-15 Thread William Lee Irwin III
To my chagrin, I discovered that the following code was not accepted
while attempting to monadify a small interpreter for a language used
for calculations in permutation representations of groups. One of the
critical notions here is of closure under composition, e.g. a
transcript of a command to generate a set via distinguished elements is:

20> <(1 2),(1 2 3)>
{(), (1 2), (1 2 3), (1 3), (1 3 2), (2 3)}

and augmenting the semantics with group-theoretic joins and
intersections and the like look verbose and redundant, with monadic
properties to exploit for brevity readily apparent.

data Eq t => Set t = Set [t] deriving (Ord, Read, Show)
instance Eq t => Eq (Set t) where
(Set xs) == (Set ys) = all (`elem` ys) xs && all (`elem` xs) ys
instance Functor Set where
fmap f (Set xs) = Set . nub $ map f xs
instance Monad Set where
return = Set . (:[])
(Set xs) >>= f = Set $ foldr union [] [ys | Set ys <- map f xs]

This, of course, presents me immediately with some nightmare where
transitive closure semantics and the like are unimplementable as direct
data structure properties within any monad, as constraints on the argument
types of the monadic constructor are (for the moment) verboten.

Is anyone looking into dealing with this so that I can do this? If not,
where (which files) do I hack it into ghc? Are there already patches?

-- wli
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Named function fields vs. type classes

2004-12-15 Thread Keean Schupke
See the HList library (http://www.cwi.ni/~ralf/HList) and use an HList
constrained by your interface.
John Goerzen wrote:
I often have a situation where I'm designing specialized components to
do a more general task.   Examples could include mail folder code (maildir,
mbox, etc), configuration file parsing, protocol handlers for URL
accesses, logging backends, etc.
For some of these, I've used a data object with named fields, each one
of them being a function that performs various tasks (open connection to
the URL, read data, whatever.)  So, I get a standard interface.  The
advantage of this approach is that I can build a list containing all
sorts of different data objects in it.
For others, I've used typeclasses, and made the different specialized
components a member of the typeclass.  This seems to provide a cleaner
interface, and one that is more readily extended (maybe I want to
support IMAP folders, and support all its searching capabilities too).
On the other hand, it's difficult or impossible to make a list of a
bunch of different types of things that have nothing in common save
being members of the class.
Is there any advice on the best way to do these things?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convergence of functions of Complex variables

2004-12-15 Thread Ross Paterson
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 02:07:10AM -0800, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> This does not work as expected on Complex numbers due to some odd
> typechecking hassles apparently associated with abs. How do I get this
> to typecheck for both real (e.g. Double) and Complex arguments?

abs :: Num a => a -> a, whereas you want something that returns a Double.
You could define

class Norm a where
norm :: a -> Double

instance Norm Float where
norm = realToFrac . abs

instance Norm Double where
norm = abs

instance RealFloat a => Norm (Complex a) where
norm = realToFrac . magnitude

and use norm instead of abs.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convergence of functions of Complex variables

2004-12-15 Thread William Lee Irwin III
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 02:07:10AM -0800, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
>> This does not work as expected on Complex numbers due to some odd
>> typechecking hassles apparently associated with abs. How do I get this
>> to typecheck for both real (e.g. Double) and Complex arguments?

On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 10:28:18AM +, Ross Paterson wrote:
> abs :: Num a => a -> a, whereas you want something that returns a Double.
> You could define
> class Norm a where
> norm :: a -> Double
> instance Norm Float where
> norm = realToFrac . abs
> instance Norm Double where
> norm = abs
> instance RealFloat a => Norm (Complex a) where
> norm = realToFrac . magnitude
> and use norm instead of abs.

Thanks; this appears to do the trick for me. Something of this kind
would be useful to have in the std. libraries, at least for me.

-- wli
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread David Roundy
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 04:09:04AM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> const char *name
> );
> By doing this in Haskell:
> data MusicModule = MusicModule
> foreign import ccall "fmod.h FMUSIC_LoadSong" fmusic_LoadSong ::
> CString -> IO ForeignPtr MusicModule)
> I assume that this is how the ForeignPtr is meant to be used (with a
> dummy data type).

No, a ForeignPtr is a purely haskell object.  The C function returns a
Ptr.  You could create a ForeignPtr from the Ptr if you want it to be
automatically freed (calling somesort of FreeSong, presumably) when it gets
garbage collected.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convergence of functions of Complex variables

2004-12-15 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
William Lee Irwin III wrote:
This does not work as expected on Complex numbers due to some odd
typechecking hassles apparently associated with abs. ...
Ross Paterson wrote:

abs :: Num a => a -> a, whereas you want something that returns a Double.
You could define
class Norm a where
   norm :: a -> Double
instance Norm Float where
   norm = realToFrac . abs
instance Norm Double where
   norm = abs
instance RealFloat a => Norm (Complex a) where
   norm = realToFrac . magnitude
and use norm instead of abs.

Thanks; this appears to do the trick for me. Something of this kind
would be useful to have in the std. libraries, at least for me.

Provided you work only with one type for norms, say, Double.
In general, the construction of, say Normed Vector Spaces with
any type for the ('carrier') elements, and any norm compatible
with the elements would require multi-parametric classes.
With dependencies, of course...
Since they are not *so* old, and the numerics in Haskell have
been frozen a long time ago, Haskell libraries from the math
point of view evolve slowly. But people are interested in that, and
the work will continue.
Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 06:04:37 -0500, David Roundy
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 04:09:04AM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> > const char *name
> > );
> >
> > By doing this in Haskell:
> >
> > data MusicModule = MusicModule
> >
> > foreign import ccall "fmod.h FMUSIC_LoadSong" fmusic_LoadSong ::
> > CString -> IO ForeignPtr MusicModule)
> >
> > I assume that this is how the ForeignPtr is meant to be used (with a
> > dummy data type).
> No, a ForeignPtr is a purely haskell object.  The C function returns a
> Ptr.  You could create a ForeignPtr from the Ptr if you want it to be
> automatically freed (calling somesort of FreeSong, presumably) when it gets
> garbage collected.

Ah. Thanks.

Another problem!
When a handle is not being referenced I don't want it to be garbage
collected if the isPlaying function returns True (in other words I
want the song to finish playing even if it's not being referenced

The current plan of attack is to have the finalizer fork off a thread
which does nothing but check the status of the song every 500ms or so
and when it's finished, releases it. But since I really only need to
check it every time the garbage collector wants to release it maybe
there's a better way?
So I want to annotate the ForeignPtr with a function which can defer
it's release based on the status of the handle. Is there a way to do

Sadly the C library doesn't seem to provide a callback for when the
song has finished playing which would be ideal.


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 07:55:42 -0500, David Roundy
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 01:13:19PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> > Another problem!
> > When a handle is not being referenced I don't want it to be garbage
> > collected if the isPlaying function returns True (in other words I
> > want the song to finish playing even if it's not being referenced
> > anymore).
> >
> > The current plan of attack is to have the finalizer fork off a thread
> > which does nothing but check the status of the song every 500ms or so
> > and when it's finished, releases it. But since I really only need to
> > check it every time the garbage collector wants to release it maybe
> > there's a better way?
> > So I want to annotate the ForeignPtr with a function which can defer
> > it's release based on the status of the handle. Is there a way to do
> > this?
> If you're going to determine when to release the pointer manually (which is
> probably best anyways), then there's no need to mess with a ForeignPtr.
> Just stick with a Ptr, and spawn your thread to decide when to fall the
> free function. 

If I do that then I might remove the song (after it has played) even
though the handle is still alive.
So I need to start checking if the song is playing after the handle
has been deemed dead by Haskell's GC.

> I presume that you really do want to play the song
> asynchronously, rather than just returning when the song is over?



Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] convergence of functions of Complex variables

2004-12-15 Thread William Lee Irwin III
This does not work as expected on Complex numbers due to some odd
typechecking hassles apparently associated with abs. How do I get this
to typecheck for both real (e.g. Double) and Complex arguments?

module Jacobi (sn, cn, dn, sd, cd, nd, cs, ds, ns, sc, dc, nc) where

scd x k | abs k < 1e-14 = (sin x, cos x, 1)
| otherwise = ((1+m)*s/(1+m*s^2), c*d/(1+m*s^2),
(1 - m*s^2)/(1+m*s^2))
k' = cos $ asin k
m = -tanh(log(k')/2)
(s, c, d) = scd (x/(1+m)) m

sn x k = let (s,_,_) = scd x k in s
cn x k = let (_,c,_) = scd x k in c
dn x k = let (_,_,d) = scd x k in d
sd x k = (sn x k)/(dn x k)
cd x k = (cn x k)/(dn x k)
nd x k = 1/(dn x k)
cs x k = (cn x k)/(sn x k)
ds x k = (dn x k)/(sn x k)
ns x k = 1/(sn x k)
sc x k = (sn x k)/(cn x k)
dc x k = (dn x k)/(cn x k)
nc x k = 1/(cn x k)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread David Roundy
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 01:13:19PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> Another problem!
> When a handle is not being referenced I don't want it to be garbage
> collected if the isPlaying function returns True (in other words I
> want the song to finish playing even if it's not being referenced
> anymore).
> The current plan of attack is to have the finalizer fork off a thread
> which does nothing but check the status of the song every 500ms or so
> and when it's finished, releases it. But since I really only need to
> check it every time the garbage collector wants to release it maybe
> there's a better way?
> So I want to annotate the ForeignPtr with a function which can defer
> it's release based on the status of the handle. Is there a way to do
> this?

If you're going to determine when to release the pointer manually (which is
probably best anyways), then there's no need to mess with a ForeignPtr.
Just stick with a Ptr, and spawn your thread to decide when to fall the
free function.  I presume that you really do want to play the song
asynchronously, rather than just returning when the song is over?

> Sadly the C library doesn't seem to provide a callback for when the
> song has finished playing which would be ideal.

David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
Another question!

Is there a way to force the garbage collector to kick in?

I''m trying to find out if my finalizer gets called correctly but I
don't know if the garbage collector is run.


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Ben Lippmeier
Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
Another question!
Is there a way to force the garbage collector to kick in?
I''m trying to find out if my finalizer gets called correctly but I
don't know if the garbage collector is run.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Robert Dockins
On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 01:05 +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> Another question!
> Is there a way to force the garbage collector to kick in?
> I''m trying to find out if my finalizer gets called correctly but I
> don't know if the garbage collector is run.

I'm kind of surprised no one has yet mentioned this, so I will.  Relying
on finalizers to perform significant clean up actions (ie, anything
besides memory deallocation) is rather frowned upon.  I think that
spawing a thread and doing other heavy-duty actions inside a finalizer
is a bad idea, for several reasons:

1) Finalizers are not (some say cannot) be guaranteed to run, even on
normal program termination, even if you force GC before exiting.
2) Finalizers can run when the RTS is in a bizarre state (eg, STDOUT
might not be avaliable, because it has already been finalized)
3) Finalizers cannot be ordered (2 is a consequence of this)
4) Finalizers are run at unpredictable times.

I would suggest you find some way to accomplish what you want without
using finalizers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
Okay. Yet another question. 

I have a datatype called SoundSample which is just a ForeignPtr to an
actual sound resource.
Playing  a resource will in the C library return a handle to the
channel. I use a simliar concept where playing a resource will return
a SamplePlaybackRaw.

The sound resource will get freed up using the appropriate C function
when its finalizer is called.
So to keep the sound resource from being finalized while there still
exists a SamplePlaybackRaw value which is playing I let the
SamplePlaybackRaw type contain the SoundSample.
This way the SoundSample can only be freed if all SamplePlaybackRaws
it has spawned are already dead.

Okay, so far so good.

Here's the problem though. If the SamplePlaybackRaw is currently
playing sound when it gets garbage collected, I want to keep the sound
resource (SoundSample) alive until the playback has finished.

To do this the plan was this:
1. Find a way to attatch a finalizer to SamplePlayback.
2. In that finalizer, spawn a new thread which simply loops and checks
the channel (stored in SamplePlaybackRaw) and touches the ForeignPtr
to the sound resource (also stored in the SamplePlaybackRaw) if the
channel is currently playing.

The first part I accomplished via a series of casts: StablePtr -> Ptr
-> ForeignPtr
To this ForeignPtr I then attatched a finalizer.
This didn't work (the finalizer did get called, but the garbage
collection appears to happen even though the ForeignPtr to the
SamplePlaybackRaw is still referenced). Is there a better way to
attatch a finalizer to a Haskell value?


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 11:09:47 +1100, Ben Lippmeier
> System.Mem.performGC?
> Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> > Another question!
> >
> > Is there a way to force the garbage collector to kick in?
> >
> > I''m trying to find out if my finalizer gets called correctly but I
> > don't know if the garbage collector is run.
> >
> > /S
> >
> >

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difference between ($) and application

2004-12-15 Thread Peter G. Hancock

> Jon Cast wrote (on Tue, 14 Dec 2004 at 22:02):

> No.  All that is needed for ($) to work is impredicativity (or, more
> precisely, for the foralls in ($)'s type to be impredicative).  That is
> something that could easily be implemented in a compiler.  I'm not clear
> on why it hasn't been, but the type system, in relation to an
> arbitrary-rank predicative system, is no more of a jump that higher-rank
> types were.

This sounds interesting and I'd like to understand it. 

* The rank of a type is the nesting depth of quantifiers
  over types, isn't it?  Nested quantifiers can be understood
  either predicatively (with ramified universe types) or impredicatively. 

* ($) is the identity function restricted to "functions-in-general" ie
  the type FIG = forall a, b . (a -> b) -> a -> b 

You are saying (?) 

* The type of ($) cannot be expressed predicatively.  
  (It seems perfectly expressed by FIG.  But you could
  say that FIG is really (forall a, b :: V_n .   ...)
  which is not a type because it contains a parameter.
  But there is really no parameter, the subscripts are just a way
  of ensuring the formula is properly stratified. 

  Or something to do with ($) being self applicable??

* ?? What we have in implemented type systems is arbitrary-rank
  predicative type quantification. (Strewth!) 

* It would have been easy instead to implement impredicative 
  quantification over types.

Sorry if this is hopelessly wrong. 

Peter Hancock
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convergence of functions of Complex variables

2004-12-15 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, William Lee Irwin III wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 10:28:18AM +, Ross Paterson wrote:
> > abs :: Num a => a -> a, whereas you want something that returns a Double.
> > You could define
> > class Norm a where
> > norm :: a -> Double
> > instance Norm Float where
> > norm = realToFrac . abs
> > instance Norm Double where
> > norm = abs
> > instance RealFloat a => Norm (Complex a) where
> > norm = realToFrac . magnitude
> > and use norm instead of abs.
> Thanks; this appears to do the trick for me. Something of this kind
> would be useful to have in the std. libraries, at least for me.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-15 Thread Thomas Johnsson
>> > printastable :: [([Int],Word)] -> String
>> >
>> > printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) -> (show xs) ++ " " ++ w ++
>> > "\n") l
>> I'd use
>> [ c | (xs,w) <- l, c <- (show xs) ++ " " ++ w ++ "\n" ]
>> instead -- after all, list comprehensions provide a much nicer
>> syntax for map, filter and concat.
> I try to stay away from list comprehension because I can't memorize in
> which order the conditions are processed and I have to introduce new
> variables. [..]

I find it helpful to compare list comprehensions to nested loops & ifs
in imperative languages, so that eg

   [ E | v1 <- E1, pred2, v3 <- E3 ]

'does the same thing as'

   for( v1 <- E1 ){
  if( pred2 ){
 for( v3 <- E3){
put-elem-in-resulting-list( E )

-- Thomas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI woes!

2004-12-15 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 22:58:53 -0500, Robert Dockins
> On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 01:05 +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> > Another question!
> >
> > Is there a way to force the garbage collector to kick in?
> >
> > I''m trying to find out if my finalizer gets called correctly but I
> > don't know if the garbage collector is run.
> I'm kind of surprised no one has yet mentioned this, so I will.  Relying
> on finalizers to perform significant clean up actions (ie, anything
> besides memory deallocation) is rather frowned upon.  I think that
> spawing a thread and doing other heavy-duty actions inside a finalizer
> is a bad idea, for several reasons:
> 1) Finalizers are not (some say cannot) be guaranteed to run, even on
> normal program termination, even if you force GC before exiting.

I only need a guarantee that it will be run if the Ptr is no longer
being referenced.

> 2) Finalizers can run when the RTS is in a bizarre state (eg, STDOUT
> might not be avaliable, because it has already been finalized)

Fair enough.

> I would suggest you find some way to accomplish what you want without
> using finalizers.

That would require the user to manually free up resources once they're
not needed anymore. Something which I believe is a bit too low-level
for my tastes.
I basically want the user to be able to just create a sound resource
and then play it, without having to do any book-keeping as to when the
sound resource is not used anymore and can be released.
If there was a way to simply defer GC (like you attatch a function to
an object which can simply deny the GC the right to remove it
depending on its state) then I wouldn't have to do anything
significant in the finalizer. I haven't found a way to do this though,
so the plan is instead to extract the parts of the object which needs
to be kept alive and then keep them alive just long enough to finish
playback and then release them.


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list