Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Re[4]: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Ralf,

Thursday, June 23, 2005, 11:40:13 PM, you wrote:

RL a) building (i) a list of data is fundamentally different
RL from building (ii) a list of anticipated results of each datum.
RL I would be surprised to hear that this counts as a valid technique.
RL BTW, you can do the *same* in a lazy OO language. (No lazy OO language
RL at hand -- well lazyness can be simulated.)

sorry, valid technique is technique that work :)  i use in my own
program all the three ways i mentioned to solve problems of different

afair, you are relatively new to Haskell (relatively to my 1-year
experience :) and, i think, you are not share FP thinking style. when
programming in Haskell, i think in terms what thing i will need in
this point of program?. if i need, for example, a possibility to check
string against regular expression, then i will pass a function which
does this check, not original RE. if i need a possibility to
draw a shape, i will pass action which draws this shape. if i need
several functions, i just combine them in a tuple

there is one interesting example in my program. i have a list of
wildcards and list of filenames and for each filename i need to know
number of first wildcard to which this filename matched. in early
stages of my program development i just passed list of wildcards to
file-finding routine (as [Wildcard]). then, i changed list of wildcards
to list of functions which check match against each wildcard
([Filename-Bool]). and after that, i changed this to one function which
just finds first True answer (Filename-Int). it was also more
effective to compute this function only one time (it was something compiled
on moment of computing and worked as fast as hand-written analyzer for
given set of wildcards)

as you see, i slowly migrated from traditional way of solving this
problem to perfectly functional way and it was required several months

RL a) building (i) a list of data is fundamentally different
RL from building (ii) a list of anticipated results of each datum.

i think that you don't have Haskell brain ;)  and therefore don't
trust functions, which are passed as parameters, collected in lists,
saved in data structures and so on. you are prefer to put hands on
some data, preferably an object, which can be manipulated with any
method declared in his interface. i'm right? ;)

FP encourage another way - passing functions which will then be applied to
some additional arguments, as in my program, where file-finding
function absolutely don't need list of wildcards. it just need to map
filename to wildcard number, so a Filename-Int parameter is just

in the draw example, each elment in a list was an action (having type
IO() ), so i don't create list of anticipated results, i created list
of actions which can be performed, for example, by sequence_

RL Anyway, even if people end up coding as you propose,
RL it won't work in general. Think of mutation methods that
RL change the state but preserve the type. Then your list will
RL still be heterogonous. NO?

my second example was just of this type. it uses IORefs to hold
current state, but this IORefs don't need to appear in interface

see method moveTo, which changes state variable center, and method
draw, which uses this variable 

 this state is just don't need to appear in interface definition :)
 circle x y r

RL You are not talking about state but constructor arguments.

interface definition is a structure ShapeInterface, which have only
fields for exposed object methods. so it supports any figures in
universe :)

RL In OO, mutable state tends to leak to the interface,
RL perhaps not as public fields, perhaps not even as public

only in C++ and other languages which need to calculate object size :)
declaration of _non-public_ fields in _interface_ is something strange

 this state is just don't need to appear in interface definition :)
 if you need to maintain mutable state, this is also not a problem:
 data ShapeInterface = Shape { draw :: IO (),
   moveTo :: (Int,Int) - IO (),
   calcArea :: Float
 circle x y r = do
   center - ref (x,y)
   return Shape { draw = val center = drawCircle r
, moveTo   = (center=:)
, calcArea = pi*r*r
 main = do
   figures - sequence [circle 1 2 3, square 4 5 6, circle 7 8 9]
   mapM_ draw figures
   mapM_ (moveTo (0,0)) figures
   mapM_ draw figures

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Re[4]: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel
I guess we just need to agree that we disagree.

Of course, you are right that I am just a newbie when it comes to

How did you know that I am actually a Cobol programmer?
Did you google?

Seriously (?):


I never intended to impose any particular OO style on Haskeller's.
Its more about the *intellectual* question whether we can take
code and do a structure-preserving conversion to Haskell without
starting to argue on paradigm conversion.

Or as Alistair Bayley  argues (Alistair, thanks for helping out!)

... it might be that you need to interface with external OO code, or
you are porting an existing program and need to remain faithful to the
original design, if only because you don't understand it well enough to
convert it to a functional design. ...

Bulat, why not read all of this? Also see the end of that Wiki page,
where a reference to a paper is given, which seems to solve all these
problems, but my brain is to small to really be sure. ;-)


No matter how much you try, the code that you showed
was not very close to a faithful Shapes implementation.
If you dare to read the spec:

You made two proposals that don't solve the problem no matter of

1st proposal of Bulat:

 just create list of draw functions itself:
 [drawCircle (10,10) 5, drawSquare (20,20) 10]

 you are not expected that this problem can be solved with one line of
code? :)

My reply: you are not building a list of objects.
You are not organizing a loop whose body iterates over a list and
executes functionality.

2nd proposal of Bulat:

 for more complex tasks - declare interface as a structure:
 data ShapeInterface = Shape { draw :: IO (),
   moveTo :: Point - IO (),
   calcArea :: Float
 and return this structures from constructor functions:
 circle x y r = Shape { draw = drawCircle center r,
moveTo newCenter = ,
calcArea = pi*r*r
where center = Point x y
 square x y size = Shape { draw = ,
   moveTo newCenter = ,
   calcArea = size*szie
 figures = [circle 1 2 3, square 4 5 6, circle 7 8 9]

The tragedy here is that this stops to work once circles and squares
do have different interfaces. You solution does not scale. Subtyping
allows for interface extension, and the actual benchmark exploits
this, but your code avoids it.

Anyway the solution is trivial: ex. quantification, you didn't propose

Ralf (back to Cobol)

 -Original Message-
 From: Bulat Ziganshin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:37 PM
 To: Ralf Lammel
 Cc: Pal-Kristian Engstad;
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Re[4]: [Haskell] Dynamic binding
 Hello Ralf,
 Thursday, June 23, 2005, 11:40:13 PM, you wrote:
 RL a) building (i) a list of data is fundamentally different
 RL from building (ii) a list of anticipated results of each datum.
 RL I would be surprised to hear that this counts as a valid
 RL BTW, you can do the *same* in a lazy OO language. (No lazy OO
 RL at hand -- well lazyness can be simulated.)
 sorry, valid technique is technique that work :)  i use in my own
 program all the three ways i mentioned to solve problems of different
 afair, you are relatively new to Haskell (relatively to my 1-year
 experience :) and, i think, you are not share FP thinking style. when
 programming in Haskell, i think in terms what thing i will need in
 this point of program?. if i need, for example, a possibility to
 string against regular expression, then i will pass a function which
 does this check, not original RE. if i need a possibility to
 draw a shape, i will pass action which draws this shape. if i need
 several functions, i just combine them in a tuple
 there is one interesting example in my program. i have a list of
 wildcards and list of filenames and for each filename i need to know
 number of first wildcard to which this filename matched. in early
 stages of my program development i just passed list of wildcards to
 file-finding routine (as [Wildcard]). then, i changed list of
 to list of functions which check match against each wildcard
 ([Filename-Bool]). and after that, i changed this to one function
 just finds first True answer (Filename-Int). it was also more
 effective to compute this function only one time (it was something
 on moment of computing and worked as fast as hand-written analyzer for
 given set of wildcards)
 as you see, i slowly migrated from traditional way of solving this
 problem to perfectly functional way and it was 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Christian Maeder
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
voidcast v@(VariantWithTwo{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }
voidcast v@(VariantWithOne{}) = v { field1 = Void }
I would not expect that updating only field1 can change the type of v.
 But it can. Note that if you change the second field1 to field3 (both in
 datatype definition and voidcast function), the code will be accepted.
The right thing is to construct a new value.
 In the report, section 3.15.3, Updates Using Field Labels, the
 translation is simply a pattern-match and (re-)construction.  There is
 no requirement that input and output types are the same. It can be a
 nice feature actually, I've used it once or twice.

Obviously this (magic) reconstruction does not work always (and not in
the given case). Even consecutive updates (that could be recognized by
the desugarer) don't work:

voidcast [EMAIL PROTECTED] = v { field1 = Void} {field2 = Void }

I think, the type checker of programatica requires that input and output
type of updated values are the same (not only because comma-separated
field updates are desugared to consecutive updates.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A somewhat similar problem exists even without fields:
 foo :: Either a b - Either () b
 foo (Left _) = Left ()
 foo x@(Right _) = x

Your example is less surprising than mine with fields.  The expression
on the rhs of the last clause has type
Either a b
This does not match the signature, which claims
Either () b
So it is fairly easy to explain why this is rejected.  Even if we change
the definition of the Either type to omit the Left constructor (and
correspondingly omit the first clause of foo's definition), you still
get an error.

Whereas in the named field example, the rhs expression
v {field1=Void}
does indeed have the type
Fields Void
as declared in the signature.  The expression explicitly converts all
the relevant interior fields to Void.  At least, that is how it could
appear to a naive programmer like me :-)  After all, if I change the
definition of the type Fields to omit the constructor VariantWithTwo
(and correspondingly omit the first clause of voidcast's definition),
then suddenly and miraculously, the second clause passes the type
checker.  It is a bit weird that adding a new constructor to a datatype
can cause existing code to fail to typecheck!


 data Fields a =
 VariantWithTwo { field1 :: a
, field2 :: a }
   | VariantWithOne { field1 :: a }
 data Void = Void

 voidcast :: Fields a - Fields Void
 voidcast v@(VariantWithTwo{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }
 voidcast v@(VariantWithOne{}) = v { field1 = Void }

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Christian Maeder
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 Whereas in the named field example, the rhs expression
 v {field1=Void}
 does indeed have the type
 Fields Void
 as declared in the signature.  The expression explicitly converts all
 the relevant interior fields to Void.  At least, that is how it could
 appear to a naive programmer like me :-)

If v has a second field with the same type of field1, do you really
expect that field2 is silently casted to the new type of field1? (This
would be unsafe)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Ralf Lammel wrote:

Can you just tell how *you* would favor encoding the shapes example
that was posed by poster? (It might just be that your code would be
very close to Lennart's proposal?)

There is no universal answer. The shape example obviously is just a toy 
example. As long as I have no idea what *concrete* problem the original 
poster is trying to solve, I cannot really tell which approach is 
preferable for his endeavour. It seems more appropriate to describe the 
options and their trade-offs.

First of all, note that very often, you do not need a heterogeneous 
collection at all. Then plain polymorphism with type classes is more 
than enough, and more than OO provides in that situation.

In many cases where you need some kind of heterogenicity (is that a 
word?), the standard datatype approach shown by Lennart is perfectly 
suitable - in fact, often much more suitable than the OO solution. You 
know about the expression problem, and the two dual notions of 
extensibility? OO supports one dimension, datatypes the other. It 
depends on the problem which one is more important.

When you really need OO-style intensional kind of behaviour selection 
then first-class functions can bring you quite a long way, and often 
with much less amount of boilerplate than typical OO solutions.

When the behaviour you have to encapsulate in heterogeneous collection 
becomes more complex - say, more then just one or two functions - 
first-class functions can be tedious. Existential types represent a more 
coarse-grained and structured variant of the first-class function 
approach. They combine the power of first-class functions with the 
convenience of type classes, very similar to class-based objects. In 
these cases, they are the most appropriate solution.

Note again that with the latter two solutions, as with the OO approach, 
you do not have extensibility on the operations dimension.


  - Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's get rid of those possible thingies!  -- TB
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Christian Maeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 voidcast :: Fields a - Fields Void
 voidcast v@(VariantWithTwo{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }
 voidcast v@(VariantWithOne{}) = v { field1 = Void }
 I would not expect that updating only field1 can change the type of v.
 The right thing is to construct a new value. This looks as follows with
 record syntax:
 voidcast VariantWithTwo{} =
 VariantWithTwo { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }
 voidcast VariantWithOne{} =
 VariantWithOne { field1 = Void }

Ah, but the reason I want to use field update, rather than a new
construction on the rhs, is that my type really has lots of other
fields (not mentioned here), which are all of fixed definite types
(not parametric).  It is much nicer to be able to write

v { field1 = Void }


VariantWithOne { field1 = Void
   , field2 = field2 v
   , field3 = field3 v
   , field4 = field4 v
   , field5 = field5 v

which has so much more scope for making a mistake, not to mention the
extra maintainance work required if I ever add or delete a field from
the type.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Christian Maeder
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 Ah, but the reason I want to use field update, rather than a new
 construction on the rhs, is that my type really has lots of other
 fields (not mentioned here), which are all of fixed definite types
 (not parametric).  It is much nicer to be able to write
 v { field1 = Void }
 VariantWithOne { field1 = Void
, field2 = field2 v
, field3 = field3 v
, field4 = field4 v
, field5 = field5 v

There is no problem with the desirable short version of updating if the
type of v does not change! Only for a polymorphic record data type
suitable map (or update) functions should be considered.

Your long version is (of course) wrongly typed if the type of another
field depends on the type of field1.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Andrew,

Friday, June 24, 2005, 12:35:16 AM, you wrote:

AW Assuming I have a list of shapes somewhere in my program. The list would
AW be heterogeneous, or at least contain data constructed using various 
AW different type constructors. The list would also be changing all the 
AW time, for example in a drawing program. So, using the suggestion of a 
AW list of drawing functions, would this not mean I would have to alter the 
AW list of drawing functions each time I alter the list of shapes?

of course, we suggest this solution only for cases when all you need
from shapes - to draw them. as i write in previous letter, one time i
changed a list of regular expressions to list of functions that check
matches with these regular expressions because it was the only
operation i need

if you require several operations, you can pack them in tuple or
structure (really, tuple is a structure without field names)

if you need fields/interfaces inheritance, then this method will not
work. but in 90% of cases it's enough. in C++, creating classes is the
most useful method of structuring program, so it is used for any
problem - from very simple to most complex. when you translate such
thing to Haskell, it's better to see which concrete problem are solved
with help of classes, and not to emulate the classes itself (because
in this case you will write many unneeded code)

AW It does 
AW not seem an extensible solution. When it comes to adding new types or 
AW new functionality for existing types would it not be easy to miss 
AW updating a part of the program source that needed updating?

adding new class needs adding one constructor function. it's hard
to skip that part :)

adding new function to interface need to change interface structure
definition or adding new element to tuple. then type-checker of
Haskell compiler will force you to add new function to all places
where this structure/tuple are created. you just never worked with
such strong type-checking as in Haskell

AW The example I have found the simplest is the one given by Lennart, 
AW however this to me seems equivalent to the way people use switch 
AW statements in C to mimic dynamic binding.

only because it's C-like :)  you just can't believe that Haskell
program can be 3-10 times smaller while keeping the same functionality :)))

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel

Bulat wrote:

 if you require several operations, you can pack them in tuple or
 structure (really, tuple is a structure without field names)

How are we going to anticipate all possible bodies of a for-loop?
By comparison, when we build a normal Haskell list, does the
construction precisely mirror what we are going to *do* with each
element? Fold the map then!!!

 if you need fields/interfaces inheritance, then this method will not
 work. but in 90% of cases it's enough.

What to do for the other 10%?

 in C++, creating classes is the
 most useful method of structuring program, so it is used for any
 problem - from very simple to most complex. when you translate such
 thing to Haskell, it's better to see which concrete problem are solved
 with help of classes, and not to emulate the classes itself (because
 in this case you will write many unneeded code)

Yes, but we ought to solve the shapes problem.
The shapes example is in Bulat's 10% region.
 only because it's C-like :)  you just can't believe that Haskell
 program can be 3-10 times smaller while keeping the same functionality

But note that same functionality is one thing,
having separate compilation and program extensibility too
is another one.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Ralf Lammel wrote:

only because it's C-like :)  you just can't believe that Haskell
program can be 3-10 times smaller while keeping the same functionality

But note that same functionality is one thing,
having separate compilation and program extensibility too
is another one.

As I said, and as is well-known, extensibility is a red herring in 
this context - you merely trade one dimension of extensibility for 
another one.


  - Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's get rid of those possible thingies!  -- TB
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel
  But note that same functionality is one thing,
  having separate compilation and program extensibility too
  is another one.
 As I said, and as is well-known, extensibility is a red herring in
 this context - you merely trade one dimension of extensibility for
 another one.

I am not going to fight for extensibility.
It's just that I believe
that there is a value in a direct correspondence
as opposed to a transcription. 

I cite from the OOHaskell abstract:
The [...] code [...] demonstrates that OO code translates
into OOHaskell in an intuition-preserving way: essentially
expression-by-expression, without requiring global transformations.

I would like to add a peer-reviewed clear reference
to the OOHaskell paper about the red herring that you mention.
I don't have such a reference. May I kindly ask you to offer
a few for selection?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Christian Maeder
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 Here is a strawman proposal, which does not fix the consecutive update
 problem, but which might address the original typing problem.

I think it does not really address the original typing problem.

It would allow you to write:

 voidcast v@(VariantWithTwo{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }
 voidcast v@(VariantWithOne{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }

Setting field2 only assures type correctness, but the value of field2
would be ignored at runtime.

I'ld rather define an empty polymorphic element and update that one:

e = VariantWithOne { field1 = undefined }

voidcast VariantWithOne{} = e { field1 = Void }

In the last line e is (only) instantiated (and not casted).

 The Report (section 3.15) defines the following conditions on a named
 field update:
 * all labels must be taken from the same datatype
 * at least one constructor must define all of the labels mentioned
   in the update
 * no label may be mentioned more than once
 * an execution error occurs when the value being updated does
   not contain all of the specified labels.
 Now, this last condition is rather nasty - a runtime error - and I
 would like to eliminate it.  I think we can do so by also eliminating
 the second condition.  That is, I would like to be able to use a set of
 labels that might not be contained solely within a single constructor.
 The obvious semantics is that if a constructed value does not contain
 a label of that type, that part of the update is discarded.  Hence,
 I could write a single expression that updated all possible variants
 of a type, simply by unioning all their possible labels.

I want to detect errors as early as possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Andreas Rossberg

Ralf Lammel wrote:

I would like to add a peer-reviewed clear reference
to the OOHaskell paper about the red herring that you mention.
I don't have such a reference. May I kindly ask you to offer
a few for selection?

Off-hand, I recall a paper by Martin Odersky and the Scala people 
discussing their approach to the Expression Problem, and a related paper 
by Jacques Garrigue, where he proposes to solve it using OCaml's 
polymorphic variants. Both should be easy to dig up with Google, and 
probably contain further pointers.

Hope this helps,

  - Andreas

Andreas Rossberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's get rid of those possible thingies!  -- TB
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Ralf Lammel

 Off-hand, I recall a paper by Martin Odersky and the Scala people
 discussing their approach to the Expression Problem,

So ...

... I guess 

The key innovative idea there is composition of mixins while replacing
formal superclasses of mixins by the actual base class for mixin

I quote:

In a mixin composition
A with B with C, class A acts as actual superclass of
mixins B and C, replacing the declared superclasses of B
and C. To maintain type soundness, A must be a subclass
of the declared superclasses of B and C. A super reference
in either B or C will refer to a member of class A. As
is the case for trait composition, Scala's mixin composition
is commutative in the mixins - A with B with C is
equivalent to A with C with B.

In OOHaskell,
you would parameterize in the superclass and that's it.
DISCLAIMER: we haven't tried this.
Thanks for the inspiration.

 and a related paper by Jacques Garrigue,
 where he proposes to solve it using OCaml's polymorphic variants.

I am not sure.
Is this referring to Objective Label? Which paper exactly?
 Hope this helps,

It's interesting
but I don't see how we make progress with the original 
(by now perhaps trivial) question regarding the transportation of
an OO design into Haskell. The shapes problem doesn't call for
Odersky's new contribution:

I quote:

We add to this list the following criterion:
* Independent extensibility: It should be possible
to combine independently developed extensions so
that they can be used jointly [21].
The shapes problem rather calls for silly subtyping polymorphism.
So we are beating a dead horse (or a red herring)
by detouring to Scala unless I don't get you were hinting at.

BTW, I just notice that
Oderksy's list of partial solutions isn't complete:
- Visitor combinators (Joost Visser) complementing Palsberg et al.
- Many forms of generic functional programming (Hinze etc.)
- Haskell type classes allow for extension in both type and processor

It's getting late here.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Christian Maeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  voidcast v@(VariantWithOne{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }
 Setting field2 only assures type correctness, but the value of field2
 would be ignored at runtime.

Exactly what I was proposing.

  I could write a single expression that updated all possible variants
  of a type, simply by unioning all their possible labels.
 I want to detect errors as early as possible.

But you can already write this:

  voidcast v@(VariantWithOne{}) = v { field1 = Void , field2 = Void }

and you do not get a compile time error - it is a runtime error.
I am proposing that it should not be thought of as an error at all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type inference and named fields

2005-06-24 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Jonathan Cast wrote:

No  type theory  (that I  know  of) goes  beyond System  F in  accepting
anything  like foo.   So, given  the current  state of  the art,  foo is
unconditionally ill-typed.  That could change if someone comes up with a
/consistent/ type theory  that accepts foo, but foo  is ill-typed at the

As you say, we use types in programming languages because they help us,
not because we want to implement type systems.  So if a program makes
sense when you ignore the types, it would be nice if the type system
accepts it.  My little program makes sense, but is not accepted by
Haskell.  Nor am I proposing that it should be accepted by Haskell.
I was only giving an example of something that makes sense, but isn't

There are, of course, type systems where my program works fine.
O'Haskell is an example of a language with such a type system.
In O'Haskell the Either type is defined like this:

  data Left a = Left a
  data Right a = Right a
  data Either a b  Left a, Right b

which means that Either is really a union of the Left and Right types.
Now my program type checks. :)

  foo :: Either a b - Either () b
  foo (Left _) = Left ()
  foo x@(Right _) = x

And it has type checked in various type systems for quite a while, but
not in System F.  But System F is not the end all of type systems.

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why I Love Haskell In One Simple Example

2005-06-24 Thread John Goerzen
I posted this on my blog at but I
thought there may be some here that would find it of use.

I recently implemented some new Haskell numeric types that, instead of
performing calculations, can generate a rendering of the requested
calculation or store units with it.

Here you see a transcript of my session with a Haskell interpreter. The
mathematical statements I am entering after the  are standard Haskell
expressions, and, as I demonstrate, normally evaluate to a single

Once I get a more powerful simplifier, I will probably write a LaTeX
exporting function as well.

The entire implementation of this, BTW, is less than 200 lines.

NumTest 5 + 1 * 3
NumTest prettyShow $ 5 + 1 * 3
NumTest rpnShow $ 5 + 1 * 3
5 1 3 * +
NumTest prettyShow $ 5 + 1 * 3
NumTest prettyShow $ simplify $ 5 + 1 * 3
NumTest prettyShow $ 5 * (Symbol x) + 3
NumTest 5 / 2
NumTest (units 5 m) / (units 2 s)
NumTest (units 5 m) / 2
NumTest 10 * (units 5 m) / (units 2 s)
NumTest sin (pi/2)
NumTest sin (units (pi/2) rad)
NumTest sin (units 90 deg)
NumTest (units 50 m) * sin (units 90 deg)
NumTest ((units 50 m) * sin (units 90 deg)) :: Units (SymbolicManip Double)
NumTest rpnShow $ dropUnits $ ((units 50 m) * sin (units 90 deg))
50.0 2.0 pi * 90.0 * 360.0 / sin *
NumTest (units (Symbol x) m) * sin (units 90 deg)

Also, I defined this in my source file:

test :: forall a. (Num a) = a
test = 2 * 5 + 3

Now, it can be used:

NumTest test
NumTest rpnShow test
2 5 * 3 +
NumTest prettyShow test
NumTest test + 5
NumTest prettyShow (test + 5)
NumTest rpnShow $ test + 5
2 5 * 3 + 5 +

You can grab the very early experimental code with
darcs get

Haskell has no built-in support for numeric types with units, arbitrary
symbols carried through computations, etc. But it was trivial to add it.
This kind of extensibility is a key part of why Haskell is so amazing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why I Love Haskell In One Simple Example

2005-06-24 Thread Claus Reinke
 I recently implemented some new Haskell numeric types that, instead of
 performing calculations, can generate a rendering of the requested
 calculation or store units with it.

good old Haskell rule (with apologies to Daniel Düsentrieb, I think;):
impossible things are delayed immediately, miracles may take a little longer

you can't get an expression representation from a value, but you can
generate a representation while building the expression, so that you
have it at hand if/when needed. I did something similar once (pairing
values with representations instead of calculating values from
representations), which you might find interesting for comparison
(note that the focus in this one was on simplicity, eg. string
representation only, no simplification, etc.):

btw, that kind of thing gets even more interesting with ho-functions
like foldr, foldl, map. try it!-) nice for explaining these hofs..

(the code still works, but if you use ghci -fglasgow-exts instead of
hugs +98, the defaulting doesn't seem to kick in, so you'll need to
give explicit type annotations, eg. map (+) [1..4::R Integer] or
foldl (-) 0 [1..4::R Integer]).


Do you have late-breaking research results in FP but have missed
the other deadlines? Submit to TFP'05:
extended abstracts: 8th July 2005 
full papers: 2nd September 2005
symposium: 23/24 September 2005, Tallinn, Estonia (w.ICFP/GPCE)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

2005-06-24 Thread Benedikt Schmidt
Ralf Lammel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 and a related paper by Jacques Garrigue,
 where he proposes to solve it using OCaml's polymorphic variants.

 I am not sure.
 Is this referring to Objective Label? Which paper exactly?

I think it refers to
and the expression problem seems to be the one described in:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list