Re: [Haskell-cafe] some algorithm help with jhc

2005-09-13 Thread Bjorn Lisper
John Meacham
>I have started working on jhc more recently and have come across some
>places where I think my algorithms could be improved but was not sure
>exactly where to start so thought I would ask the list since perhaps
>someone here has some insight.
>After a long time of trying various methods of speeding up the fixpoint
>iteration of my points-to analysis (the current main bottleneck) I
>decided to step back and look at the basic problem again. It turns out I
>can express the problem as one of constraint satisfaction resulting in
>much smaller code (600 lines vs 2000) and 10fold speedups with my
>unoptimized first draft solver.
>It is much faster but still not as fast as I'd like. I don't know a lot
>about constraint problems, but my intuiton says this particular problem
>is of a type that should be particularly easy to solve but am uncertain
>where to start in my searching to find a fast algorithm. My constraints
>come in two types of rules.

Hi, check out the book Principles of Program Analysis by Nielson, Nielson,
Hankin ( It has quite some on
constraint solving for program analysis. There are algorithms in that book
for set constraint problems that look quite similar to your problem.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Cale Gibbard
I apologise for the duplicate messages -- GMail was having issues, and
told me that the message couldn't be sent the first time I'd attempted
 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] some algorithm help with jhc

2005-09-13 Thread John Meacham
I have started working on jhc more recently and have come across some
places where I think my algorithms could be improved but was not sure
exactly where to start so thought I would ask the list since perhaps
someone here has some insight.

After a long time of trying various methods of speeding up the fixpoint
iteration of my points-to analysis (the current main bottleneck) I
decided to step back and look at the basic problem again. It turns out I
can express the problem as one of constraint satisfaction resulting in
much smaller code (600 lines vs 2000) and 10fold speedups with my
unoptimized first draft solver.

It is much faster but still not as fast as I'd like. I don't know a lot
about constraint problems, but my intuiton says this particular problem
is of a type that should be particularly easy to solve but am uncertain
where to start in my searching to find a fast algorithm. My constraints
come in two types of rules.

the rules are of the form (where a and b are variables to be solved for and x 
and y are values in my domain)

 * a >= f(b)  where x >= y implies f(x) >= f(y)
 * enforce g(a) as a new set of rules  where if x >= y then g(x) subsumes g(y)

f and g are typed thusly.
f :: domain -> domain
g :: domain -> set of rules

the following useful derived rules can be expressed by the above.
a >= b
a == b
if z(a) then b >= c

now, the reason my intuiton says there should be a fast solution is that
there is no way for the variables to decrease. every added rule can only
add to the least solution and not shrink any set.

so, my basic question is, is this a known form of constraint
satisfaction problem? does it admit a particulary fast solution as my
intuition tells me? does it have a name I can search for on

my current first draft implementation represents each rule as an IO
action taking a difference set that propegates said difference set and
then adds it to the current set for each var.

The second problem I am facing is one of debugging. my code dealing with
jhc core and all the optimizations that are performed on it has gone
through a lot of evolution. over time, bugs have been introduced that
are very hard to track down, the symptom would be suddenly having core
that doesn't typecheck or has an unknown identifier or worse a segfault
in the generated program. backtracking to find the error is quite
tedious, mainly involving commenting out transformations until I find
the offending one, then rederiving the correct code and comparing it to
what I have written. 

I have decided to remedy the situation and start using QuickCheck to
verify all my transformations are meaning and type preserving. however,
the problem arrises in how to come up with a meaningful instance of
Arbitrary for expressions in jhc core. It is not clear at all how to
come up with code that generates random yet "interesting", well typed,
convergent, terms in the extended lambda calculus with things like
recursive definitons and primitives. even if I solved that, the problem
of deciding whether two expressions (which might be functions) do the
'same thing' is undecidable, so how do I even test if the
transformations are meaning preserving?  Ideally, someone would have
written a paper on this. I have seen several papers on generating
suitable random graphs for testing graph algorithms, but have not come
across one on creating typed lambda calculus terms. perhaps someone else
has come across this same problem and has some insights?

I am interested in ideas, brainstorming and pointers to papers or terms
to search for as much as ready made solutions. In any case, I think they
are interesting problems to begin with... hopefully someone out there
thinks so too :)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 13/09/05, Dhaemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I'm quite interested in haskell, but there is something I don't
> understand(intuitively). I've been crawling the web for an answer, but
> nothing talks to me...
>  So I was hoping I could find some help here:
>  "How is evaluating an expression different from performing action?"
>  I'm puzzled... Doesn't it amount to the same thing? Maybe I have a wrong
> definition of "evaluating"(determine the value of an expression)?
>  Examples would be appreciated.
>  Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some haskell-made 
> programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and all, but there were "do"s
> everywhere... Why use a function language if you use it as an imperative
> one?(i.e. most of the apps in
>  Thanks in advance

It should be made clear that the only IO action which is ever actually
performed in a Haskell program is main (short of loading the code up
in an interactive environment and getting it to run other actions
separately). IO actions themselves are described in a pure functional,
referentially transparent way.

Evaluation of an expression is different from performing an IO action
in the various things which can occur as a result. Essentially the
only thing which should be able to occur (without some major cheating)
as the result of evaluating a Haskell expression, is the production of
a value, and this value will always be the same for a given
expression. It should not print things to the screen, fire packets
over the network, read from the random number generator or read or
write to files. (There are instances where IO is lazily delayed until
a result is demanded, so that evaluation of what looks like a pure
list results in reading from a file, but one can only construct these
situations so that they occur inside the execution of an IO action
anyway. The lists aren't really pure.)

The upshot of this is that if one has a Haskell expression, within
time and memory constraints, one can evaluate it on any computer,
under any ordinary circumstances, and get the same result. One can't
make that claim about performing an IO action. IO actions when
performed may read from the keyboard or network or filesystem (as well
as write to the screen, etc.). However, evaluation of an expression
which represents an IO action always yields the same action (even if
that action may not do the same thing when it is actually performed in
the end). That's the distinction that's being made.

As it has been pointed out in other posts, do notation is pure, in the
sense that do blocks are expressions which evaluate to the same thing
every time. This thing may be an IO action, but it may also be a list,
a Maybe value, a binary tree, a function of type s -> (a, s) (called a
state computation), a graph, or any number of other monadic types.
Most monads m are not "one-way" in that one can extract results from
the monadic containers - there usually exist functions (m a -> a) --
IO is a major example of a case where this doesn't hold, but it's by
far not the only example of a monad.

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 13/09/05, Dhaemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I'm quite interested in haskell, but there is something I don't
> understand(intuitively). I've been crawling the web for an answer, but
> nothing talks to me...
>  So I was hoping I could find some help here:
>  "How is evaluating an expression different from performing action?"
>  I'm puzzled... Doesn't it amount to the same thing? Maybe I have a wrong
> definition of "evaluating"(determine the value of an expression)?
>  Examples would be appreciated.
>  Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some haskell-made 
> programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and all, but there were "do"s
> everywhere... Why use a function language if you use it as an imperative
> one?(i.e. most of the apps in
>  Thanks in advance

It should be made clear that the only IO action which is ever actually
performed in a Haskell program is main (short of loading the code up
in an interactive environment and getting it to run other actions
separately). IO actions themselves are described in a pure functional,
referentially transparent way.

Evaluation of an expression is different from performing an IO action
in the various things which can occur as a result. Essentially the
only thing which should be able to occur (without some major cheating)
as the result of evaluating a Haskell expression, is the production of
a value, and this value will always be the same for a given
expression. It should not print things to the screen, fire packets
over the network, read from the random number generator or read or
write to files. (There are instances where IO is lazily delayed until
a result is demanded, so that evaluation of what looks like a pure
list results in reading from a file, but one can only construct these
situations so that they occur inside the execution of an IO action
anyway. The lists aren't really pure.)

The upshot of this is that if one has a Haskell expression, within
time and memory constraints, one can evaluate it on any computer,
under any ordinary circumstances, and get the same result. One can't
make that claim about performing an IO action. IO actions when
performed may read from the keyboard or network or filesystem (as well
as write to the screen, etc.). However, evaluation of an expression
which represents an IO action always yields the same action (even if
that action may not do the same thing when it is actually performed in
the end). That's the distinction that's being made.

As it has been pointed out in other posts, do notation is pure, in the
sense that do blocks are expressions which evaluate to the same thing
every time. This thing may be an IO action, but it may also be a list,
a Maybe value, a binary tree, a function of type s -> (a, s) (called a
state computation), a graph, or any number of other monadic types.
Most monads m are not "one-way" in that one can extract results from
the monadic containers - there usually exist functions (m a -> a) --
IO is a major example of a case where this doesn't hold, but it's by
far not the only example of a monad.

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Doing Windows Programming

2005-09-13 Thread Paul Moore
Brian McQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can I use Haskell to do general Windows programming, like you
> would be able to do if you were using one of those Windows IDEs:

You may find H/Direct would help with this. Unfortunately, there
isn't a binary build that I can find, you need to build from source
(which I've not managed to achieve). If you can get a binary version,
though, it's worth a look...

It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By
definition, there are already enough people to do that. -- G. H. Hardy

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary parser combinators and pretty printing

2005-09-13 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 06:03:00PM +0300, Einar Karttunen wrote:
> We will use the following Haskell datatype:
> data Packet = Packet Word32 Word32 Word32 [FastString]
> 1) Simple monadic interface
> [...]
> This works but writing the code gets tedious and dull. 
> 2) Using better combinators
> packet = w32be <> w32be <> w32be <> lengthPrefixList w32be (lengthPrefixList 
> w32be bytes)
> getPacket = let (mid,sid,rid,vars)  = getter packet in Packet mid sid rid vars
> putPacket (Packet mid sid rid vars) = setter packet mid sid rid vars
> Maybe even the tuple could be eliminated by using a little of TH.
> Has anyone used combinators like this before and how did it work?
No need for TH. If you have monadic interface, you can write getPacket

getPacket = (return Packet) `ap` w32be `ap` w32be `ap` w32be `ap` 
lengthPrefixList w32be (lengthPrefixList w32be bytes)

There's more trouble with putPacket though.

> 3) Using TH entirely
> $(getAndPut 'Packet "w32 w32 w32 lengthPrefixList (w32 bytes)")
> Is this better than the combinators in 2)? Also what sort of 
> syntax would be best for expressing nontrivial dependencies - 
> e.g. a checksum calculated from other fields.

How about all these points together?:

a) Simple monadic interface
b) Using better combinators
c) Using TH to generate code for the simple cases
d) Using type-classes

Having a monadic interface doesn't prevent you from introducing other
combinators. In fact, every useful monad should have some combinators
other than >>= and return. There are already some generic monadic
combinators that can simplify your code, as shown in the getPacket

Points c) and d) are closely related - you can introduce a type class
for Binary decodable/encodable datatypes and then generate instances
with TH. The code for these instances is generated directly from the
structure of a datatype and it is quite simple, because it's mostly
recursively using the type-class methods - this can greatly simplify
TH code.

So, assuming that you have instances of Binary for Word32 and
FastString and [], making Packet an instance of Binary would amount to

  data Packet = Packet Word32 Word32 Word32 [FastString]

  $(deriveBinary 'Packet)

Manually written instances for Packet would look like this:

  instance Binary Packet where
decode = f $ f $ f $ f $ return Packet

encode (Packet mid sid rid vars) = do
encode mid
encode sid
encode rid
encode vars

  f x = x `ap` decode

Unfortunately the world is not that simple, so you'll probably
a bit more complicated framework to handle varying endianness,
varying encodings for the same types, strange encoding schemas
(like DNS packet compression,  fields far
away from the record sequences, etc).

To some degree it can be solved by introducing newtypes or making
more complicated typeclasses.

I've played with such frameworks a couple of times and I feel it's time
to make a library useful for others. If you're interested, we could

> 4) Using a syntax extension

If there is any extension that would help here, I think it should be
something more general than merely a syntax for specifying binary
format. This problem seems like a good use for generics and TH.

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 9/13/05, Dhaemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I'm quite interested in haskell, but there is something I don't
> understand(intuitively). I've been crawling the web for an answer, but
> nothing talks to me...
>  So I was hoping I could find some help here:
>  "How is evaluating an expression different from performing action?"
>  I'm puzzled... Doesn't it amount to the same thing? Maybe I have a wrong
> definition of "evaluating"(determine the value of an expression)?
>  Examples would be appreciated.
>  Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some haskell-made 
> programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and all, but there were "do"s
> everywhere... Why use a function language if you use it as an imperative
> one?(i.e. most of the apps in

Well, most of the code is still "functional" in nature, only some of
it is "imperative".
And even if you're writing a very IO heavy program writing IO in
Haskell is still much nicer than in traditional imperative languages
since all actions are first class citizens etc.

It's better to have a nice clean way of doing IO that's completely
separated away from pure code than to have everything be done in a
less clean imperative style always.
In Haskell you have it both ways. When a functional approach is
cleaner, use it, when stuff should be evaluated in sequence (not just
IO, but other monads like Maybe and State as well) you do that. It all
works out in a sane and clean way.


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell and Types

2005-09-13 Thread Gracjan Polak

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| > putStrLn $(mysplice ''MyData)
| >
| Thanks for responses. Is there any up-to-date documentation avaliable?

Template Haskell is, alas, poorly documented.  I would really welcome
someone to volunteer to help write better documentation.  Meanwhile, as
the user manual says, the stuff about quoting names is described in a
design note

Thanks. With haddoc documentation it is quite easy to translate old 
names to new names and guess the meanning of others.

Next quiestion is: how do I debug my macros? When I make some error in 
my program, I get coredump (or the windows equivalent)?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Dienstag, 13. September 2005 15:45 schrieb Dhaemon:
> [...]

> Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some haskell-made
> programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and all, but there were
> "do"s everywhere... Why use a function language if you use it as an
> imperative one?(i.e. most of the apps in

Note that do expressions are not expressions whose evaluation has 
side-effects.  The evaluation of a do expression doesn't yield the result of 
the action it describes, causing side-effects, but it yields the action 
itself.  Evaluation of this action is done seperately.

> Thanks in advance,

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell poker server

2005-09-13 Thread Simon Marlow
On 28 August 2005 20:00, Joel Reymont wrote:

> I get a message from Erlang once data arrives over TCP and the
> message is a {tcp, Socket, Bin} tuple where Bin is binary data. I can
> easily extract what I need using Erlang binary pattern matching:
> read(<<24, GID:32, Seq:16>>) ->
>  {24, GID, Seq}.

I didn't see anyone mention this (apologies if I missed it), but the
House project does parsing of network packets and has some useful
combinators for parsing binary data:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Thomas Davie

On 13 Sep 2005, at 16:22, David Roundy wrote:

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 01:45:52PM +, Dhaemon wrote:

Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some  
programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and all, but there  
were "do"s
everywhere... Why use a function language if you use it as an  

one?(i.e. most of the apps in

Monadic code isn't synonymous with imperative code, and "do" only  
that you're looking at monadic code.  The Maybe monad is an example  
of a
very useful, very non-imperative monad that can be used to cleanly  

functional code.

On the other hand, IO is always monadic, so perhaps you're looking  
at IO
code.  But I'd assert that even monadic IO code isn't quite the  
same as
true "imperative" code.  I'd probably say that the difference has  
to do
with whether you create modifiable "variables".  When you start  
doing that,

whether you're in the ST monad or the IO monad, I think you're writing
imperative-style code.  But I think that that sort of usage is  

pretty uncommon.

I would tend to argue that even in those monads you aren't really  
writing imperative style code -- you still can't have side effects.   
The point of the monad is that it preserves referential transparency  
while doing something ordered.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Weak hashtable memoization code?

2005-09-13 Thread Simon Marlow
On 28 August 2005 16:39, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Hello David,
> Sunday, August 28, 2005, 4:19:07 PM, you wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have a nice bit of example code to implement memoization
>> using weak pointers and hash tables? It would be nice to have a
>> pre-packaged module that I could just use, which has already been
>> tested.  The contents of Data.WeakPtr seem a bit lower-level than
>> I'd rather work with. 

There's the memo table implementation in the util package:
hslibs/util/Memo.lhs.  Note that this is scheduled for demolition in GHC

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary parser combinators and pretty printing

2005-09-13 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Einar Karttunen  writes:

> I am trying to figure out the best interface to binary parser
> and pretty printing combinators for network protocols. 
> 2) Using better combinators
> packet = w32be <> w32be <> w32be <> lengthPrefixList w32be (lengthPrefixList 
> w32be bytes)
> Has anyone used combinators like this before and how did it work?

Yes, the nhc98 Binary library has a "<<" combinator, in very much
the style you outline.  It is only used in pure code, but it permits
some very concise descriptions of the binary layout.  The library is
described here:

but unfortunately that paper has only the tiniest examples of the
usage of "<<".  However, in my experience the style worked well and
was pleasant to use.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread David Roundy
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 01:45:52PM +, Dhaemon wrote:
> Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some haskell-made 
> programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and all, but there were "do"s 
> everywhere... Why use a function language if you use it as an imperative 
> one?(i.e. most of the apps in

Monadic code isn't synonymous with imperative code, and "do" only indicates
that you're looking at monadic code.  The Maybe monad is an example of a
very useful, very non-imperative monad that can be used to cleanly write
functional code.

On the other hand, IO is always monadic, so perhaps you're looking at IO
code.  But I'd assert that even monadic IO code isn't quite the same as
true "imperative" code.  I'd probably say that the difference has to do
with whether you create modifiable "variables".  When you start doing that,
whether you're in the ST monad or the IO monad, I think you're writing
imperative-style code.  But I think that that sort of usage is actually
pretty uncommon.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Thomas Spriggs

Small point,

From: Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:55:14 +0100

On 13 Sep 2005, at 14:45, Dhaemon wrote:

I'm quite interested in haskell, but there is something I don't  
understand(intuitively). I've been crawling the web for an answer,  but 
nothing talks to me...

So I was hoping I could find some help here:
"How is evaluating an expression different from performing action?"
I'm puzzled... Doesn't it amount to the same thing? Maybe I have a  wrong 
definition of "evaluating"(determine the value of an  expression)?

Examples would be appreciated.
Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some  
haskell-made  programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and  all, but 
there were "do"s everywhere... Why use a function language  if you use it 
as an imperative one?(i.e. most of the apps in http://

The difference is all about referential transparency -- in short, a  
function given the same inputs will always give the same result.   This is 
not the same as in imperative languages, where functions/ methods/actions 
can have 'side-effects' that change the behavior of  the rest of the 

Take this example:

C program:
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))
#define inc(x) ((x)++)

int myFunc (int *x)
return square(inc(*x));

the C preprocessor will re-write the return line to:
return x)++)) * (((x)++)));

Shouldn't that be:
return *x)++)) * (((*x)++)));

this will be performed in sequence, so, x will be incremented  (changing 
the value of x), and that result will be multiplied by x  incremented 

so if we run myFunc(&y), where y is 5, what we get is 5 incremented  to 6, 
and them multiplied by 6 incremented to 7.  So the result of  the function 
is 42 (when you might reasonably expect 36), and y is  incremented by 2, 
when you might reasonably expect it to be  incremented by 1.

Haskell program:

square x = x * x
inc = (+1)
myFunc = square . inc

and we now call myFunc 5, we get this evaluation:

myFunc 5 is reduced to (square . inc) 5
(square . inc) 5 is reduced to square (inc 5)
square (inc 5) is reduced to square ((+1) 5)
square ((+1) 5) is reduced to square 6
square 6 is reduced to 6 * 6
6 * 6 is reduced to 36

If you want to study these reductions on a few more examples, you  might 
want to download the Hat tracer, and use hat-anim to display  reductions 
step by step.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Binary parser combinators and pretty printing

2005-09-13 Thread Einar Karttunen

I am trying to figure out the best interface to binary parser
and pretty printing combinators for network protocols. 

I am trying to find the most natural syntax to express
these parsers in Haskell and would like opinions and
new ideas.

As an example I will use a protocol with the following packet structure:
0  message-id
4  sender-id
8  receiver-id
12 number of parameters
16 parameters. Each parameter is prefixed by 32bit length followed by 
   the data.

We will use the following Haskell datatype:

data Packet = Packet Word32 Word32 Word32 [FastString]

1) Simple monadic interface

getPacket = do mid <- getWord32BE
   sid <- getWord32BE
   rid <- getWord32BE
   nmsg<- getWord32BE
   vars<- replicateM (fromIntegral nmsg) (getWord32BE >>= getBytes)
   return $ Packet mid sid rid nmsg vars

putPacket (Packet mid sid rid vars) = do
  mapM_ putWord32BE [mid, sid, rid, length vars]
  mapM_ (\fs -> putWord32BE (length fs) >> putBytes fs) vars

This works but writing the code gets tedious and dull. 

2) Using better combinators

packet = w32be <> w32be <> w32be <> lengthPrefixList w32be (lengthPrefixList 
w32be bytes)
getPacket = let (mid,sid,rid,vars)  = getter packet in Packet mid sid rid vars
putPacket (Packet mid sid rid vars) = setter packet mid sid rid vars

Maybe even the tuple could be eliminated by using a little of TH.
Has anyone used combinators like this before and how did it work?

3) Using TH entirely

$(getAndPut 'Packet "w32 w32 w32 lengthPrefixList (w32 bytes)")

Is this better than the combinators in 2)? Also what sort of 
syntax would be best for expressing nontrivial dependencies - 
e.g. a checksum calculated from other fields.

4) Using a syntax extension

Erlang does this with the bit syntax 
and it is very nifty for some purposes. 

getPacket = do << mid:32, sid:32, rid:32, len:32 rest:len/binary >>

The list of lists gets nontrivial here too...

- Einar Karttunen
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Thomas Davie

On 13 Sep 2005, at 14:45, Dhaemon wrote:

I'm quite interested in haskell, but there is something I don't  
understand(intuitively). I've been crawling the web for an answer,  
but nothing talks to me...

So I was hoping I could find some help here:
"How is evaluating an expression different from performing action?"
I'm puzzled... Doesn't it amount to the same thing? Maybe I have a  
wrong definition of "evaluating"(determine the value of an  

Examples would be appreciated.
Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some  
haskell-made  programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and  
all, but there were "do"s everywhere... Why use a function language  
if you use it as an imperative one?(i.e. most of the apps in http://

The difference is all about referential transparency -- in short, a  
function given the same inputs will always give the same result.   
This is not the same as in imperative languages, where functions/ 
methods/actions can have 'side-effects' that change the behavior of  
the rest of the program.

Take this example:

C program:
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))
#define inc(x) ((x)++)

int myFunc (int *x)
return square(inc(*x));

the C preprocessor will re-write the return line to:
return x)++)) * (((x)++)));

this will be performed in sequence, so, x will be incremented  
(changing the value of x), and that result will be multiplied by x  
incremented again.

so if we run myFunc(&y), where y is 5, what we get is 5 incremented  
to 6, and them multiplied by 6 incremented to 7.  So the result of  
the function is 42 (when you might reasonably expect 36), and y is  
incremented by 2, when you might reasonably expect it to be  
incremented by 1.

Haskell program:

square x = x * x
inc = (+1)
myFunc = square . inc

and we now call myFunc 5, we get this evaluation:

myFunc 5 is reduced to (square . inc) 5
(square . inc) 5 is reduced to square (inc 5)
square (inc 5) is reduced to square ((+1) 5)
square ((+1) 5) is reduced to square 6
square 6 is reduced to 6 * 6
6 * 6 is reduced to 36

If you want to study these reductions on a few more examples, you  
might want to download the Hat tracer, and use hat-anim to display  
reductions step by step.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Functional vs Imperative

2005-09-13 Thread Dhaemon
I'm quite interested in haskell, but there is something I don't
understand(intuitively). I've been crawling the web for an answer, but
nothing talks to me...
So I was hoping I could find some help here:
"How is evaluating an _expression_ different from performing action?"
I'm puzzled... Doesn't it amount to the same thing? Maybe I have a
wrong definition of "evaluating"(determine the value of an _expression_)?
Examples would be appreciated.
Also, just for kicks, may I had this: I read the code of some
haskell-made  programs and was astonished. Yes! It was clean and
all, but there were "do"s everywhere... Why use a function language if
you use it as an imperative one?(i.e. most of the apps in

Thanks in advance,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] mailing list headaches

2005-09-13 Thread Simon Marlow
On 08 September 2005 17:53, Glynn Clements wrote:

> Frederik Eaton wrote:
>> However, threading by "References", which RFC 2822 says
>> SHOULD be possible, and which works on my other folders, doesn't work
>> well on Haskell mailing lists. Presumably the issue is that there are
>> a large number of Windows users with strange mail clients which don't
>> insert "References" headers.
> It isn't so much that there are a large number of such users, but that
> two of the core developers are among them (and are both employed by
> Microsoft, so RFC-conformance probably isn't an option).

Yes, this is partially our fault.  When using Outlook through Exchange,
the In-Reply-To header isn't generated at all.  Outlook via SMTP works
fine, though.  I reported the bug several years ago, let's see if Office
12 fixes it :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: ghc-src version 0.2.0

2005-09-13 Thread Simon Marlow
On 30 August 2005 12:05, Arthur Baars wrote:

> Daan is right, I wrote a parser for GHC using Doaitse Swierstra's
> parsing combinator library
> (
> I needed a drop-in replacement for GHC's Happy parser, to make a
> prototype for syntax macros. Syntax Macros allow a programmer to
> extend a language with new syntax. Combinator based parsers parsers
> can be dynamically extended, making them suitable for implementing
> syntax macros.  Unfortunately, I never had time to really finish the
> syntax macro implementation.
> But I did finish the combinator based parser for GHC. I tested it by
> having GHC( with combinator parser) compile itself and all the
> libraries. This took about 10% longer than with the original GHC, so
> in practice its speed is acceptable.

With all due respect, a 10% increase in compile time isn't acceptable at

And when you consider that parsing is less than 10% of compile time
overall (probably much less), a 10% increase represents at least a
factor of 2 in the parser.

I'm not criticising the work at all - far from it, just the notion that
we would consider adding 10% to GHC's compile times "acceptable".  I've
recently  been struggling to shave a few percent off GHC's compile
times, BTW :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Language Workbenches - First attempt

2005-09-13 Thread Yoel Jacobsen

source = "#123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\n\
\SVCLFOWLER 10101MS0120050313.\n\
\SVCLHOHPE  10201DX0320050315\n\
\SVCLTWO   x10301MRP220050329..\n\ 

type ConfigLine = (String, [(String, (Int, Int))])
type Configuration = [ConfigLine]
type KeyVal = (String, String)
type Header = String
type Entry = (Header, [KeyVal])

config :: Configuration
config = [("SVCL", [("CustomerName", (4, 18)),
("CustomerID", (19, 23)),
("CallTypeCode", (24, 27)),
("DateOfCallString", (28, 35))]),

  ("USGE", [("CustomerID", (4, 8)),
("CustomerName", (9, 22)),
("Cycle", (30, 30)),
("ReadDAte", (31, 36))])]

getRange :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
getRange a b l = take (b-a+1) $ drop a l

lineToFields :: String -> [(Int,Int)] -> [String]
lineToFields line points = map (fieldFromTo line) points
where fieldFromTo line (x,y) = getRange x y line

lineType :: String -> String
lineType = getRange 0 3

applyConfig :: String -> ConfigLine -> [KeyVal]
applyConfig line (ckey, cval) =
if lineType line == ckey
then zip names $ lineToFields line points
else []
where part = unzip cval
  names = fst part
  points = snd part

parseLine :: Configuration -> String -> Entry
parseLine cnf line = (header, parsed)
where rawData :: [[KeyVal]]
  rawData = map (applyConfig line) cnf
  parsed :: [KeyVal]
  parsed = head $ dropWhile null rawData
  header = lineType line

parse :: Configuration -> [String] -> [Entry]
parse cnf lines = map (parseLine cnf) lines

run = parse config $ filter noComment $ lines source
where noComment = \x -> (head x) /= '#'

== Output
*Main> run




Yoel Jacobsen wrote:
It seems that Martin Fowler's article "Language Workbenches: The 
killer-App for Domain Specific Languages?" - - has 
generated some nice dynamic solution where a configuration file is 
written in the same language as the program. Notable examples are lisp - and python - 

I'm trying to create an _elegant_ solution in Haskell. But I'm stuck. 
Since the native record-like access in Haskell syntax is using labelled 
fields in datatype decleration but the later are strictly compile-time. 
Therefore, if I compile my program and add a field in the configuration 
file (written in Haskell, using, for instance hs-plugins), I'll need to 
recompile the data declaration as well.

Further, what is the type of the parser? Consider the following 

source = "#123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\n\
 \SVCLFOWLER 10101MS0120050313.\n\
 \SVCLHOHPE  10201DX0320050315\n\
 \SVCLTWO   x10301MRP220050329..\n\ 
\USGE10301TWO x50214..7050329..."

data Configuration = Config String [(String, Int, Int)]

config = [
  Config "SVCL" [("CustomerName", 4, 18),
 ("CustomerID", 19, 23),
 ("CallTypeCode", 24, 27),
 ("DateOfCallString", 28, 35)],

  Config "USGE" [("CustomerID", 4, 8),
 ("CustomerName", 9, 22),
 ("Cycle", 30, 30),
 ("ReadDAte", 31, 36)]]

-- parse takes the configuration, a line from the source string and 
generate a record

parse :: Configuration -> String -> Record

What is the type of Record?

Anyway, any elegant solution or a hint towards one are most welcome.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell and Types

2005-09-13 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Tuesday 13 September 2005 09:16, Gracjan Polak wrote:
> Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 12:08:14PM +0200, Gracjan Polak wrote:
> >>Probably very simple question about template haskell: How do I make
> >> a type for an argument to splice? Example:
> >>
> >>data MyData = MyData1 | MyData2
> >>
> >>mysplice mytype =
> >>   [| litE $ stringL $ show mytype |]
> >>
> >>main = do
> >>   putStrLn $(mysplice MyData)
> >
> > Cale explained how you can quote types in general. In the special
> > case when you simply want the Name of a type-constructor, you can
> > use the '' quoting syntax:
> >
> > putStrLn $(mysplice ''MyData)
> Thanks for responses. Is there any up-to-date documentation
> avaliable?

The only I know of is the TH 'update' paper, where e.g. the single ('a) 
and double (''a) quote syntax is explained:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell and Types

2005-09-13 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

| > putStrLn $(mysplice ''MyData)
| >
| Thanks for responses. Is there any up-to-date documentation avaliable?

Template Haskell is, alas, poorly documented.  I would really welcome
someone to volunteer to help write better documentation.  Meanwhile, as
the user manual says, the stuff about quoting names is described in a
design note

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language Workbenches - the Haskell solution?

2005-09-13 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Correction - I wrote:

> If you want a GUI for configuration, you could,
> for example, write a fairly simple transformation
> of the master XML into a .NET dialog, or glade
> file for GTK, or whatever. We never did that,
> though.

Actually, Yael Weinbach wrote a beautiful GUI
for this configuration scheme. I apologize
to Yael for the omission.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell and Types

2005-09-13 Thread Gracjan Polak

Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 12:08:14PM +0200, Gracjan Polak wrote:

Probably very simple question about template haskell: How do I make a 
type for an argument to splice? Example:

data MyData = MyData1 | MyData2

mysplice mytype =
  [| litE $ stringL $ show mytype |]

main = do
  putStrLn $(mysplice MyData)

Cale explained how you can quote types in general. In the special case
when you simply want the Name of a type-constructor, you can use the ''
quoting syntax:

putStrLn $(mysplice ''MyData)

Thanks for responses. Is there any up-to-date documentation avaliable?

Best regards

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell and Types

2005-09-13 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 12:08:14PM +0200, Gracjan Polak wrote:
> Probably very simple question about template haskell: How do I make a 
> type for an argument to splice? Example:
> data MyData = MyData1 | MyData2
> mysplice mytype =
>[| litE $ stringL $ show mytype |]
> main = do
>putStrLn $(mysplice MyData)

Cale explained how you can quote types in general. In the special case
when you simply want the Name of a type-constructor, you can use the ''
quoting syntax:

putStrLn $(mysplice ''MyData)

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list