[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Streams: the extensible I/O library

2006-02-06 Thread Peter Simons
Hey Bulat,

I tried removing the "import System.Win32", but unfortunately it
only got me so far:

 | Examples$ ghc -i..  -O2 -funbox-strict-fields --make wc.hs -o wc
 | Chasing modules from: wc.hs
 | [ 1 of 16] Compiling System.FD( ../System/FD.hs, ../System/FD.o )
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc:6:16:  io.h: No such file or directory
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc: In function `SystemziFD_zdwccall_entry':
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc:1670:0:
 |  warning: implicit declaration of function `_eof'
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc: In function `SystemziFD_zdwccall1_entry':
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc:1951:0:
 |  warning: implicit declaration of function `filelength'
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc: In function `SystemziFD_zdwccall2_entry':
 | /tmp/ghc9376_0.hc:2055:0:
 |  warning: implicit declaration of function `tell'
 | [abort]

I also downloaded the new release archive, just to be sure. but
it doesn't contain a file "io.h" either. Is that a system header?
The problem seems to be _eof.

 > btw, my "wc" has about the same speed as yours :)

I expected nothing less. All your code I've seen so far has been
exceptionally clever. I'm quite curious to try it out.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: Fast Mutable Variables for the IO and ST monads

2006-02-06 Thread John Meacham
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 04:19:03PM -0800, John Meacham wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 11:13:47PM +0300, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> > btw, i have the counter proposal - automatically convert IORefs of
> > simple types to the fast internal variables like the Int automatically
> > converted to the Int#. The same applies to automatic conversion of
> > arrays to the unboxed arrays
> Yeah, I have thought about doing this optimization for jhc. the only
> issue is that figuring out 'strictness' through an updatable variable
> is pretty darn tricky. It would be good if there were an IOSRef which is
> a strict IORef (this can be simulated with normal IORefs and seq) but
> with secret internal compiler support to automatically turn them into
> their unboxed equivalants. 

heh. After some more thought, I realized it is not only relativly easy
for jhc to implement this optimization generally, but that it already
does! the arity raising transformation is basically an unboxing style
transformation, that will take arguments with a known heap layout and
just pass its components to functions. since suspended functions and
mutable variables are both just heap locations, the arity raising
transformation of functions incidentally does the same for IORefs.
meaning that if every update looks like this (which would be the case if
you only stored strict integer values in it)

update v1 (Prelude.Int (i::Int#))

then the arity raising will see that that heap location always has a
boxed Int#, and just drop the box, turning it into

update v1 (i::Int#)

now an interesting thing is that this transformation applies even if the
value isn't strict. take this function

foo 0 = error "is zero"
foo x = x

now, imagine you want to store (foo x) in an IORef for various calls of
foo, obviously using a strict IORef would be bad, as it might invoke the
error prematurely. in grin, the writeIORefs will end up looking like

update v1 (Ffoo (i::Int#))   

Ffoo is the tag that means a suspended call to 'foo'

since there is absolutely no differenc between data constructors and
suspended functions, the same optimization applies, and you end up
turning it into a mutable fast int in the heap, even though it is not

note there are some other complications, like you need to make sure you
can identify all the use sites of said heap location so that you can
transform them too, but in practice this can be done for the majority of
heap locations I have found.


John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: Fast Mutable Variables for the IO and ST monads

2006-02-06 Thread John Meacham
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 11:13:47PM +0300, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> btw, i have the counter proposal - automatically convert IORefs of
> simple types to the fast internal variables like the Int automatically
> converted to the Int#. The same applies to automatic conversion of
> arrays to the unboxed arrays

Yeah, I have thought about doing this optimization for jhc. the only
issue is that figuring out 'strictness' through an updatable variable
is pretty darn tricky. It would be good if there were an IOSRef which is
a strict IORef (this can be simulated with normal IORefs and seq) but
with secret internal compiler support to automatically turn them into
their unboxed equivalants. 

John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] main features of functional programming paradigm

2006-02-06 Thread Jared Updike
> I would like to ask about what are tha main features
> of functional programming?

If you are new to functional programming, read this

> What kind of software can i develop with this
> methodology?

I'm not sure what you mean by your question as it is very general. (If
you are refering to the "methodology" in the FAD paper at
http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2001/1152/ , I haven't read it so I
can't help you there.) With Haskell, you can develop pretty much any
kind of software, as any other programming language. See

(If you want to develop a compiler or interpreter, you are in luck as
functional programming languages are very good for developing this
kind of software.)

What kind of software are you intending to develop?

reverse ")-:"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] main features of functional programming paradigm

2006-02-06 Thread Greg Woodhouse

--- Abigail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to ask about what are tha main features
> of functional programming?

Caveat: I'm a relative newcomer to functional programming myself,
certainly not an expert.

There's the obvious definition: Functional programming is writing
programs in the form of functions that are evaluated, as opposed to
procedures that are evaluated.  but even if it's tecnically correct,
I'm not that such a distinction helps very much. I know it uses Scheme
(a variety of Lisp) rather than Haskell, but ch. 3 of "The Structure
and Interpretation of Programming Languages" (SICP) has a nice
treatment of mutable data structures on the one hand, and delayed
evaluation on the other. It's interesting because it gives some insight
into the complementary nature of the approach taken by pure languages
like Haskell (called streams in SICP), and non-functional techniques
such as assignment.

I like to think of this as a kind of time/space duality. If you think
about the sequence of "events" during a computation, then you are
squarely on the side of time, and your computational model is decidely
imperative. If you're willing to let go a bit of time, and instead
start thinking about comprehensions and (potentially) infinite lists,
then you've moved over into the space camp, and your programming style
becomes more functional. 

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as
being self-evident."
--Arthur Schopenhauer
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] main features of functional programming paradigm

2006-02-06 Thread Abigail

I would like to ask about what are tha main features
of functional programming?

Additionally, about FAD: A Functional Analysis and
Design Methodology 

What kind of software can i develop with this

thanks for your answers


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead of left associative?

2006-02-06 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is there any chance that Haskell' will change the definition of $ ?
> Well, if there is any moment where we can afford introducing backward
> incompatible changes to Haskell', I think it's now or never!

I'm not convinced about this.  The purpose of Haskell', as I understand
it, is to fix the problem that no large Haskell programs (to a first
approximation) are valid H98 because they require some quite reasonable
language extensions.

Partly this is because research is an ongoing area.  Partly this is
because the purpose of H98 was to make a simple language suitable for

There _is_ a time coming when H98's true successor will need to be made.
I'm not convinced that that time is now or never.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-06 Thread Taral
On 2/6/06, John Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The trouble with monad comprehensions was that it became far too easy to
> write ambiguous programs, even when you thought you were just working
> with lists.

Would the Haskell98-style solution be to add defaulting for Monads?

"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about
-- Edsger Dijkstra
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Ronny Wichers Schreur

On Feb 6, 2006, at 19:33, Brian Hulley wrote:

Clean allows (AFAIK) several distinctions to be made:

1) ![a] means that the list of a's is a strict argument, just like  
writing !b

2) [!a] means that the list is head strict (List1 a)

3) [a!] means that the list is tail strict (List2 a)

4) [!a!] means that the list is head and tail strict (List3 a)

5) ![!a!] means that the head-and-tail-strict-list-argument is  

Right. I think it's worth stressing that the four possible list types
are all different as far as type checking is concerned. There's special
list syntax however to denote lists that are overloaded in the list

At run time the different list types share the same nil and cons
constructors. This means that conversions between list types
are often cheap. I have a small library that does this, with the
following costs (monospaced table):

  \[  ] [! ] [ !] [!!]
[  ] 0ce!  !e!

[! ] 00e!   e!

[ !] 0c0   !e

[!!] 0000

0  = doesn't traverse list
e  = traverses list (evaluating elements (!e), spine (e!), or both (! 

c  = copies list (lazily, evaluating elements)

I think also (though I'm not entirely sure) that these distinctions  
are generalized for
other data types by talking about element strictness and spine  

No, there's no such generalisation.


Ronny Wichers Schreur
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Streams: the extensible I/O library

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Peter,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 10:24:01 PM, you wrote:

moving to nescafe :)

PS>  > You can find further information about the library at the
PS>  > page http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Library/Streams and
PS>  > download it as http://freearc.narod.ru/Streams.tar.gz

PS> Is there any chance of running this code on a non-Windows
PS> system? I tried to compile the example programs, but failed
PS> for lack of a System.Win32 module. I might be able to port
PS> the code, but I figured it would be wise to ask first.

of course, it should work under other systems! it's my fault and
you can fix this just by adding #ifdef around this import:

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
import System.Win32

btw, my "wc" has about the same speed as yours :)

thank you for the first bug-report! i re-uploaded the fixed version
just now :)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: Fast Mutable Variables for the IO and ST monads

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Simon,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 4:41:50 PM, you wrote:

SM> The Var class is interesting - basically the equivalent of the MArray
SM> class for mutable variables.  Is there a reason you couldn't use the 
SM> same pattern as the MArray class?  MArray of Ptr works fine, but for 
SM> some reason you couldn't do it with Var, why not?

quick answer: because it don't use fundeps:

class (HasBounds a, Monad m) => MArray a e m where
class (Monad m) => Var m r a | r->a, m a->r where

and fundeps used to avoid needing to specify type of created
reference, as should be done with arrays:

 main = do arr <- newArray (1,10) 37 :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
 main = print $ runST
   (do arr <- newArray (1,10) 127 :: ST s (STArray s Int 

while in my library one can write the following code:

  chars  <- newVar (0::Int)
  inWord <- newVar False

that will work in ANY monad (at least ST and IO with current Var
instances). btw, Ptrs is not very useful outside of IO monad (although
they can be very useful for extended-IO sort of monads)

i will check this more thoroughly

SM> I suggest you follow the same scheme as the unboxed array types, and 
SM> have IOURef/STURef types, parameterised over the element type.  Of 
SM> course, we should have instances for all of the primitive numeric types 
SM> plus Ptr, ForeignPtr, StablePtr, Bool.

i think that i should implement this and add my own Var class as the
user of this more general library, that serves my own purpose of writing
monad-independent code

btw, i have the counter proposal - automatically convert IORefs of
simple types to the fast internal variables like the Int automatically
converted to the Int#. The same applies to automatic conversion of
arrays to the unboxed arrays

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Robert,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 8:40:11 PM, you wrote:

 foo :: !Int -> !Int
>> btw, it's just implemented in the GHC HEAD

RD> Actually, I think strict _patterns_ are implemented.  You are talking  
RD> about strict _type annotations_, which is rather different.

yes, i was wrong

RD> There has been some work dealing with folding strictness and totality  
RD> information into types systems; I find the resulting type systems  
RD> pretty ugly, and I think they'd be pretty hard to bolt onto an HM base.

i'm not a professor, just a programmer who needs to optimize some code
:)  so, that can be really hard or impossible to implement. what i
mean: given expression "a*b+c" and know that a/b/c is strict Int
values, GHC can determine that whole expression is strict. how it is
fone? i don't know. but i think that strictness annotation on result
type should say compiler just about this

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskelldialect

2006-02-06 Thread Brian Hulley

Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

As Robert Dockins said, it's not implemented, and it isn't clear how
to implement it. At this point it's looking fairly likely that my PhD
thesis will be on this very topic, so stay tuned.

Isn't all this already implemented in Clean?

Regards, Brian.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Brian Hulley

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

yes, i remember this SPJ's question :)  "[!a]" means that list
elements are strict, it's the same as defining new list type with
strict elements and using it here. "![a]" means "strict list", it is
the same as defining list with "next" field strict:

data List1 a = Nil1 | List1 !a (List1 a)
data List2 a = Nil2 | List2 a !(List2 a)
data List3 a = Nil3 | List3 !a !(List3 a)

Clean allows (AFAIK) several distinctions to be made:

1) ![a] means that the list of a's is a strict argument, just like writing 

2) [!a] means that the list is head strict (List1 a)

3) [a!] means that the list is tail strict (List2 a)

4) [!a!] means that the list is head and tail strict (List3 a)

5) ![!a!] means that the head-and-tail-strict-list-argument is strict!!!

I think also (though I'm not entirely sure) that these distinctions are 
generalized for other data types by talking about element strictness and 
spine strictness.

One motivation seems to be that in the absence of whole program 
optimization, the strictness annotations on a function's type can allow the 
compiler to avoid creating thunks at the call site for cross-module calls 
whereas using seq in the function body itself means that the thunk still has 
to be created at the call site because the compiler can't possibly know that 
it's going to be immediately evaluated by seq.

Regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Ketil,

KM> (Is the second ! actually meaningful?)

yes! it means that the function is strict in its result - i.e. can't return
undefined value when strict arguments are given.

Unfortunately this interpretation runs pretty quickly into theoretical 
difficulties. A ! on the right hand side of a function arrow isn't like a ! 
on the left hand side. If you used this notation for this purpose, it would 
have to be special-cased. Note that in GHC at present, a function of type 
Int# -> Int# can diverge.

KM>   foo :: [!a] -> ![a] -> a

"![a]" means "strict list", it is
the same as defining list with "next" field strict:

data List2 a = Nil2 | List2 a !(List2 a)

This isn't consistent with the general rule that ! means absence of _|_. The 
semantics that you want could be implemented as a special case for the [] 
constructor, but polymorphism breaks this, e.g.

data Foo a = MkFoo Int !a
data Bar a = MkFoo Int a
Foo [Bool] /= Bar ![Bool]

for example, the following definition

type Map a b = [(a,b)]

will be instantiated to

Map !Int String ==> [(!Int, String)]

As long as you're only specializing datatypes this works fine, but when you 
try to do the same with polymorphic functions acting on those datatypes, you 
run into serious problems. E.g.

f :: forall a. a -> Maybe a
f _ = Just undefined

Now we have (f :: Int -> Maybe Int) 3 == Just _|_, but (f :: !Int -> Maybe 
!Int) 3 == _|_. This means that either f and all of its callers must be 
specialized at compile time (despite having no type class constraints) or f 
must inspect its implicit type argument at run time.

such proposal already exists and supported by implementing this in GHC

As Robert Dockins said, it's not implemented, and it isn't clear how to 
implement it. At this point it's looking fairly likely that my PhD thesis 
will be on this very topic, so stay tuned.

-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Robert Dockins

On Feb 6, 2006, at 9:19 AM, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Ketil,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 4:06:35 PM, you wrote:

foo :: !Int -> !Int

KM> (Is the second ! actually meaningful?)

yes! it means that the function is strict in its result - i.e.  
can't return
undefined value when strict arguments are given. this sort of  

should help a compiler to "propagate" strictness and figure out the
parts of program that can be compiled as strict code. really, i think
ghc is able to figure functions with strict result just like it is  
able to

figure strict function arguments

KM> Personally, I think is much nicer than sprinkling seq's around,  
KM> generally sufficient.  However, there could perhaps be  

btw, it's just implemented in the GHC HEAD

Actually, I think strict _patterns_ are implemented.  You are talking  
about strict _type annotations_, which is rather different.

As I understand it, strict patterns are just sugar for putting 'seq'  
in the right places.

There has been some work dealing with folding strictness and totality  
information into types systems; I find the resulting type systems  
pretty ugly, and I think they'd be pretty hard to bolt onto an HM base.

Robert Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead of left associative?

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Henning,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 4:12:44 PM, you wrote:

>> In my opinion all the special syntactic sugar for lists should go
>> away.  I don't think lists are special enough to motivate it.

HT> Fine, someone shares my attitude towards the list sugar. Nevertheless, do
HT> you mean with 'no sugar for lists' also no infix operator for list
HT> construction? I would still like an operator of low precedence for list
HT> construction for writing e.g. (1,'a"):(2,'b'):[].

i prefer to have ":" and "[]" as general collection constructors:

class Collection c a where
  []  :: c a  -- creates empty collection
  (:) :: a -> c a -> c a  -- adds value to the head of collection

and having "default rules" that instatiates this collection type to
list if there is no type signatures and other information what allows
to find proper type of collection constructed this way - just like the
"default Int" language construct defaults all untyped numeric
constants to Int

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] extending bang proposal Re: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Ketil,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 4:06:35 PM, you wrote:

>> foo :: !Int -> !Int

KM> (Is the second ! actually meaningful?)

yes! it means that the function is strict in its result - i.e. can't return
undefined value when strict arguments are given. this sort of knowledge
should help a compiler to "propagate" strictness and figure out the
parts of program that can be compiled as strict code. really, i think
ghc is able to figure functions with strict result just like it is able to
figure strict function arguments

KM> Personally, I think is much nicer than sprinkling seq's around, and
KM> generally sufficient.  However, there could perhaps be disambiguities?

btw, it's just implemented in the GHC HEAD

KM> Last time this came up, I think examples resembling these were brought
KM> up:

KM>   foo :: [!a] -> ![a] -> a

yes, i remember this SPJ's question :)  "[!a]" means that list
elements are strict, it's the same as defining new list type with
strict elements and using it here. "![a]" means "strict list", it is
the same as defining list with "next" field strict:

data List1 a = Nil1 | List1 !a (List1 a)
data List2 a = Nil2 | List2 a !(List2 a)
data List3 a = Nil3 | List3 !a !(List3 a)

the type List3 is a simple strict list, like in any strict programming

foo :: [!a] -> ![a] -> ![!a] -> a

translates to

foo :: List1 a -> List2 a -> List3 a -> a

KM>   foo' :: Map !Int String -> Int -> String

that means that keys in this map saved as strict values. for example,
the following definition

type Map a b = [(a,b)]

will be instantiated to

Map !Int String ==> [(!Int, String)]

KM> Anyway, if a reasonable semantics can be formulated, I think
KM> strictness type annotations would be a great, useful, and
KM> relatively non-intrusive (AFAICT, entirely backwards compatible)
KM> addtion to Haskell'. 

such proposal already exists and supported by implementing this in GHC

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] map and list comprehensions

2006-02-06 Thread Paul Hudak

John Peterson wrote:

I think the point was that all syntax (like list comprehensions or
pattern matching) in Haskell is tied directly to the Prelude.  So [ f
x ...] is ALWAYS using the Prelude definitions of things while "map"
could be hidden and redefined.

Yes, of course.  I was implicitly assuming that we were talking about 
Prelude's map.

> The inability to change the meaning of

constructs expanded from syntax as considered a bug by some, a feature
by others.  And I don't rember where Paul stood on this ...

It has always seemed to me that there should be a way to define 
something as syntactic expansion into things that cannot be redefined, 
otherwise the language definition becomes vague.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling hdirect on windows with COM support

2006-02-06 Thread Marc Weber
>   echo "Press Ctrl-d when finished or enter exit to continue this script"
>   bash dozip afterConfiguring 
I did make a small mistake here:
it should look like this:
dozip afterConfiguring

Oh.. and I did use gcc from mingw as you can see. I don't know yet how
to specify gcc.exe from ghc-6.4.1/gcc.exe without the configure script
complaining gcc can't produce executables becaus cc1 is missing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Fast Mutable Variables for the IO and ST monads

2006-02-06 Thread Simon Marlow

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

only for the souls interesting in writing efficient programs :)

i included in this letter my own module used for fast variables -
"DataVariables.hs". and "wc.hs" contains example of using these vars.

The Var class is interesting - basically the equivalent of the MArray 
class for mutable variables.  Is there a reason you couldn't use the 
same pattern as the MArray class?  MArray of Ptr works fine, but for 
some reason you couldn't do it with Var, why not?

I suggest you follow the same scheme as the unboxed array types, and 
have IOURef/STURef types, parameterised over the element type.  Of 
course, we should have instances for all of the primitive numeric types 
plus Ptr, ForeignPtr, StablePtr, Bool.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead of left associative?

2006-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> I don't use lists very much.  They are not the right data structure
> for many things.

Certainly, but lists are useful as interim data structure or for
initialising complex data structures.

> So : is not as common as :: in my code. I checked a small sample of
> code, about 2 lines of Haskell. It has about 1000 uses of ':' and
> 2000 of '::'.
> In my opinion all the special syntactic sugar for lists should go
> away.  I don't think lists are special enough to motivate it.

Fine, someone shares my attitude towards the list sugar. Nevertheless, do
you mean with 'no sugar for lists' also no infix operator for list
construction? I would still like an operator of low precedence for list
construction for writing e.g. (1,'a"):(2,'b'):[].

> But this is not what Haskell' is about.  It's supposed to be some
> modest extensions to Haskell.  Not designing a new perfect language.

Yes, this discussion is definitely beyond Haskell'.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead of leftassociative?

2006-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 01:14:42PM -, Brian Hulley wrote:
> > This is similar to how people often format lists:
> >
> > a =
> >  [ first
> >  , second
> >  , third
> >  ]
> I am one of those people, and I am slightly annoyed with I have to
> add something at the beginning of the list.

In this case I prefer the non-sugar variant:

a =
first :
second :
third :

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Ketil Malde
Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> JM> data Foo = Bar !Int !Char

> JM> the bangs arn't being assosiated with the Int and Char types, but rather
> JM> the Bar data constructor.

> foo :: !Int -> !Int

(Is the second ! actually meaningful?)

Personally, I think is much nicer than sprinkling seq's around, and
generally sufficient.  However, there could perhaps be disambiguities?
Last time this came up, I think examples resembling these were brought

  foo :: [!a] -> ![a] -> a
  foo' :: Map !Int String -> Int -> String

Anyway, if a reasonable semantics can be formulated, I think
strictness type annotations would be a great, useful, and
relatively non-intrusive (AFAICT, entirely backwards compatible)
addtion to Haskell'. 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello John,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 10:39:59 AM, you wrote:

>>That said, I'd *really* like to see monad comprehensions come back,

JH> We did consider more aggressive defaulting to address the ambiguity 
JH> problems with monad comprehensions--defaulting Monad to lists, for 
JH> example, or user-declared defaulting rules--but this introduces yet more 
JH> complexity without really addressing the problem of keeping types simple 
JH> for beginners, so the idea was abandoned.

why not allow some sort of module-wide pragma to "enable" use of this and
any other features for expert programmers?

just recalling last "import extension" proposal, we can add:

import extension i-am-expert-programmer-enable-monad-comprehension-please!


Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re[2]: strict Haskell dialect

2006-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello John,

Monday, February 06, 2006, 10:58:06 AM, you wrote:

>> I must admit I'm a bit confused as to why the strictness annotations in
>> Haskell (and Clean) are only allowed in data declarations and not function
>> declarations

JM> data Foo = Bar !Int !Char

JM> the bangs arn't being assosiated with the Int and Char types, but rather
JM> the Bar data constructor.


foo :: !Int -> !Int

bangs are also associated with type of foo, is not? :)

and Clean already has this sort of annotations

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-06 Thread John Hughes

Cale Gibbard wrote:

How about a compiler switch for beginners (maybe with an included
script that adds it to the command line) that turns off a bunch of the
more complex issues involved, and uses a beginner's version of the

Well, right now, the complex issues are turned off by having separate types
and separate functions, which works pretty well. Would such a switch
resolve overloading silently to "beginners' types"? If so, some code would
compile with the switch, but not without it--which is pretty scary. You'd
need to check when compiling each module whether it was "beginners"
or not.

Is explaining
Functor really that hard? It's just container types with a way to
apply a function to all of their elements. :)

Also, it seems that classes are one of the first things one has to
teach now anyway, as they're bound to come up in error messages in any
actual programs you try to write. When teaching my friend, I taught
the basics of classes along with types in the first and second lesson
(including how to define them) and presented various values and
functions as examples.

Something tells me your friend wasn't an undergraduate of only moderate
ability, with no programming experience of any kind. Honestly, the 
between a singleton list and its element is a big deal at this 
stage--words like
"container types" would go right over almost all students' heads. You're 
that classes must be mentioned early, but there's no need for more than 
a very
basic understanding. I tell my students always to write type signatures 
at the
start, so the error messages they see say things like "No instance Num 

I just tell them that means booleans aren't numbers--they don't need to even
see a class or instance definition to understand that.

   I don't think it should be necessary to completely rule out useful
   features because they might be difficult to newcomers. There should
   always be ways to turn things off, and construct a simpler language
   for new users. Dr. Scheme seems to take this approach, and has a
   pretty fine gradation of languages for leading users from their first
   steps into the finer points of Scheme.

It would be interesting to see a "Dr. Scheme" like approach to Haskell.
But there is a risk with that approach--namely, that students get the
impression (correctly) that they are learning a toy language which isn't
usable for real applications. That is a big-time motivation killer.
(I'm not criticizing Dr Scheme here, but rather how I imagine a flag
of the sort we're discussing might work with Haskell). It's important
that there is a smooth route to infinity and beyond, so one can show
students cool stuff like wxHaskell without discontinuities along the way.
Otherwise they're just glad to finish their Haskell course, and move
on to a real programming language like Java.

Separate syntax for easy and more difficult concepts--separating
comprehensions from do--does provide a very smooth progression for


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-06 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 06/02/06, John Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cale Gibbard wrote:
> >That said, I'd *really* like to see monad comprehensions come back,
> >since they align better with the view that monads are container types,
> >dual to the view that monads are computations, which is supported by
> >the do-syntax. This view is actually much easier to teach (in my
> >experience). Giving lists a little extra syntax is nice, but giving
> >things unnecessarily restrictive types seems to be the point at which
> >I'd consider it going too far.
> >
> The trouble with monad comprehensions was that it became far too easy to
> write ambiguous programs, even when you thought you were just working
> with lists. Haskell overloading works really nicely *as long as there's
> a judicious mixture of overloaded and non-overloaded functions*, so that
> the overloading actually gets resolved somewhere. Overload too many
> things, and you end up having to insert type annotations in the middle
> of expressions instead, which really isn't nice.
> Lists are special, not least because they come very early in a Haskell
> course--or, in my case, in the first ever programming course my students
> have ever taken. Getting error messages about ambiguous overloading when
> they are still trying to understand what comprehension notation means
> (without even the concept of a for-loop to relate it to) is very
> destructive. And this is in the case where the code is otherwise
> type-correct--the kind of error message you would get by trying to
> append a number to a monad comprehension doesn't bear thinking about!
> The class system is already something of an obstacle in teaching,
> because you have to mention it in the context of arithmetic (even if you
> tell students always to write monomorphic type signatures, they still
> see classes mentioned in error messages). After all, that is surely why
> Helium doesn't have it. I find classes manageable for arithmetic, even
> if students do take some time to learn to distinguish between a class
> and a type (or a type and a value, for that matter!). But it's a relief
> that list programs, at least, have simple non-overloaded types. List
> functions provide an opportunity to introduce polymorphism in a simple
> context--it's much easier to understand why (++) should have the type
> [a] -> [a] -> [a], than to start talking about MonadPlus m => m a -> m a
> -> m a.
> There is a lot to learn in Haskell, especially in the type and class
> system. It's an advantage if you don't have to learn it all at once--if
> you can master lists and list comprehensions without exposure to monads
> (which are a much harder concept). We should never forget that beginners
> have somewhat different needs from expert programmers--and those needs
> are also important. If we want Haskell to be used for first programming
> courses (and it's a big advantage to catch 'em early), then there needs
> to be a learning path into the language that goes quite gently.
> Monomorphic lists help with that.
> We did consider more aggressive defaulting to address the ambiguity
> problems with monad comprehensions--defaulting Monad to lists, for
> example, or user-declared defaulting rules--but this introduces yet more
> complexity without really addressing the problem of keeping types simple
> for beginners, so the idea was abandoned.
> John

How about a compiler switch for beginners (maybe with an included
script that adds it to the command line) that turns off a bunch of the
more complex issues involved, and uses a beginner's version of the
Prelude? Helium exists as well, which is a simplified version of
Haskell for beginners, without even typeclasses. It has very careful
and detailed error messages.

Having monad comprehensions actually helps with another newbie
problem, albeit one which is a little farther along the garden path --
learning about monads.

Defaulting monad comprehensions is probably a good idea. List
comprehensions are probably the most common case anyway, just because
lists are the most common container type. :) This also further helps
in introducing monads as generalisations of lists.

If extensions to the language get standardised, I'd be fine with
having monad comprehensions among them. Adding an extension
declaration or compiler switch to any module using them wouldn't be so
bad either, though I'd really like them in the actual language. I'd
also want to include the usual changes to the prelude. The situation
with map I find especially grating. Having two versions of common
functions is one thing, but 3 is getting out there! :) Is explaining
Functor really that hard? It's just container types with a way to
apply a function to all of their elements. :)

I don't think it should be necessary to completely rule out useful
features because they might be difficult to newcomers. There should
always be ways to turn things off, and construct a simpler language
for new users. Dr. Scheme seems to take this approac