[Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Scott Weeks

Hello everyone,

I've been banging my head against my desk a bit so I figured it's time 
to ask for help :-)

I'm writing an application that persists data to disk. The hard stuff 
is pretty much done (binary serialisation, etc...) The big stumbling 
block is that I want users to be able to define their own schemas. This 
means that the keys for a data store may be Integer, Strings, etc...

I have a BTreeIndex type:

data BTreeIndex a b = Branch { parentBT :: !BlockPtr,
   keysBT   :: ![a],
   kidsBT   :: ![BlockPtr] }
| Leaf   { parentBT :: !BlockPtr,
   valsBT   :: !(LeafMap a b),
   prevBT   :: !PrevLeaf,
   nextBT   :: !NextLeaf }

type IdxPS   = BTreeIndex PackedString BlockPtr
type IdxInt  = BTreeIndex Integer BlockPtr

When a user queries I have to read the input from IO and then somehow 
cast the key/index type without angering the type checker. If I omit 
the following function I get the ominous Ambiguous type variable a... 
error. If I use it I get a complaint that the checker was expecting an 
Integer rather than a PackedString.

coerceIndex f (Schema _ SInt SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f 
coerceIndex f (Schema _ SStr SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f 

Where f is a curried select function (e.g. selectAll, selectByKey, 
etc...) waiting for the final tuple containing the index and other 
miscellanea that is needed to read the data.

I'm hopelessly lost and I assume that the many brilliant minds on this 
list will chuckle, pat me on the head and tell me what I've been doing 

Thanks for your time guys,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] coherence when overlapping?

2006-04-12 Thread william kim

Hi All,

One important property of type class dictionary translation is coherence 
which basically says that two typing derivations for the same term at the 
same type in the same environment must be equivalent. This definition is 
established with the assumption of non-overlapping.

In the GHC documentation which describes the extension of overlapping 
instances, an example similar to the following is given.

class C a where
  f:a - a
instance C Int where
instance C a where

let g x = f x
in g 1

In this case GHC takes an ¡°incoherent¡± decision by taking the second 
instance as an instantiation of function f even it is executed with an input 
of type Int.

My question is whether the ¡°incoherence¡± behaviour of overlapping 
instances is derived from the definition of coherence in the non-overlapping 

If yes, how is it applicable to rule out the incoherent behaviour?
If otherwise, what is the definition of coherence with overlapping 



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] web servers

2006-04-12 Thread Graham Klyne
I'm interested, but I don't have the time to look right now (or in the next
couple of months, as far as I can see).

What would really interest me is a system that can provide the functionality of
the Python packages I currently use (TurboGears [1], of which the web
server/controller component is CherryPy [2]).  There's also some interesting
recent CherryPy-related discussion about web dispatching that I think could
translate very well to Haskell [3][4].


I'd also be interested in a system that handled overlapped asynchronous requests
in a fashion not dissimilar to Twisted [5].  I've very recently been playing
with Twisted as a way to deal with large numbers of overlapping lightweight
requests without having large numbers of active threads.  Twisted requires one
to string together asynchronous callbacks to assemble a process that completes
over time.  It seems to me that the sequencing of asynchronous operations is
very much like threading computations in a monad, and that the higher-order
functions on monads could also be used for composition of asynchronous
operations.  I just implemented a sequence function for Twisted operations
whose implementation started to feel very like foldr.

This can't be new, and I'm wondering if there is any interesting work out there
on using monads for multiple asynchronous I/O operations.  (And, much as I'd
love to use Haskell for this, is there work that would translate cleanly to 


[1] http://www.turbogears.com/

[2] http://www.cherrypy.org/

[3] http://pythonpaste.org/do-it-yourself-framework.html
(cf. descriptions of object publishing)

[4] The above link was posted in this discussion thread:

[5] http://twistedmatrix.com/

Daniel McAllansmith wrote:
 Following is a message I sent yesterday, sans attachment.  Looks like the 
 was too bloated to get through under the list size limit.
 As I say in the original message , I'm keen for any feedback.  So let me know 
 if anyone wants the actual code (20 KB, compressed) to have a look through.
 On Sunday 09 April 2006 06:24, Tim Newsham wrote:
 I found a copy of Simon Marlow's HWS on haskell.org's cvs 
 server.  I know there's a newer plugin version, but I cant find a working
 link to the actual code.
 There's this link: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/hws-wp/
From memory I think there may have been a more recent version at 
 scannedinavian.org (possibly only accessible with darcs?), but still a couple 
 of years with no apparent activity.
 Besides HWS, what other web servers exist?  Does anyone actually use a
 haskell based web server in practice?  Which web server is considered the
 most mature?  stable?  fastest?

 I'm trying to decided if I should sink some time into HWS or if I should
 use another server.
 Several months ago I had a bit of play-time available which I spent on 
 a HTTP server in Haskell.
 The goal was a HTTP 1.1 compliant server that could be embedded in a Haskell 
 app, be reconfigured on the fly and have different request handlers 
 I did have a quick look at HWS before I started but I seem to recall it was 
 pretty basic (in terms of the amount of the HTTP spec. implemented).
 In any event, I started from scratch.  It's certainly not finished, and it's 
 the very first thing I wrote with Haskell so it's a bit of a dogs breakfast, 
 but it might be of interest.
 There's lots that needs doing but it should just be a case of writing a 
 request handler to get it doing _something_ useful.
 It's always been my intention to get back to it, clean it up a bit/lot and 
 release it under a more liberal licence (currently 'all rights reserved'), 
 but have had little time available.
 Eventually I hope to actually use it in anger.
 If anyone is interested in using it, contributing to it, or picking over it 
 for use in an existing project, I'll try and find somewhere stable to host it 
 and change the licence.
 Feel free to ask questions on what it does/doesn't do.  You'll probably need 
 to, given the documentation ;-)
 Regardless of it's utility, any criticism or advice on the code would be 
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Graham Klyne
For email:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread ihope
On 4/12/06, Scott Weeks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I've been banging my head against my desk a bit so I figured it's time
 to ask for help :-)

 When a user queries I have to read the input from IO and then somehow
 cast the key/index type without angering the type checker. If I omit
 the following function I get the ominous Ambiguous type variable a...
 error. If I use it I get a complaint that the checker was expecting an
 Integer rather than a PackedString.

Well, if you get an ambiguous type variable error, you probably (I
think) need to add some type annotations. For example:

class Foo a where
  foo :: a
  bar :: a - String

Evaluating bar foo will result in an error, but bar (foo :: Integer)
will work just fine.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Counting bits: Sanity Check

2006-04-12 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 11, 2006, at 10:09 AM, David F. Place wrote:

Hi All,

Since it seems that real applications need more than just  union,  
intersection, difference and complement to be fast to make EnumSet  
useful, I've been looking into the less naive approaches to the  
other things.   In particular, size seems to find itself in the  
inner loop.   I've made a comparison of various approaches to bit  
counting.  It seems I was too hasty to declare Bulat's suggestion  
of table lookup (table,table32) the winner.  It seems Robert's  
suggestion of Kernighan's (kern) method is faster.

I also implemented the method described in pages 187-188 of  
Software Optimization Guide for AMD Athlon™ 64 and Opteron™  
Processors. (ones32)  It's slower on my powerbook, but may be the  
winner on 64bit processors.  Here are the results:

[Marcel:~/devl/EnumSet] david% time ./bits 200 300 ones32
1.788u 0.136s 0:03.30 57.8% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
[Marcel:~/devl/EnumSet] david% time ./bits 200 300 table
2.404u 0.164s 0:04.96 51.6% 0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w
[Marcel:~/devl/EnumSet] david% time ./bits 200 300 table32
2.067u 0.140s 0:04.27 51.5% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
[Marcel:~/devl/EnumSet] david% time ./bits 200 300 kern
1.729u 0.137s 0:03.25 56.9% 0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w

If you'd like to give it a whirl on your fancy modern computers,  
here's the code:


ghc -O3 -optc-O3 -o bits BitTwiddle.hs

I get similar results on my machine (PPC powerbook).  'ones32'   
barely edges out 'kern' and 'table' and 'table32' come in behind.

Average 'user' time over three runs:

ones32:  0.540s
kern: 0.545s
table: 0.730s
table32: 0.632s

Of course, if I've done something lame-brained and skewed the  
results, please let me know.

Cheers, David

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] coherence when overlapping?

2006-04-12 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| In the GHC documentation which describes the extension of overlapping
| instances, an example similar to the following is given.
| class C a where
|f:a - a
| instance C Int where
| instance C a where
| let g x = f x
| in g 1
| In this case GHC takes an ¡°incoherent¡± decision by taking the second
| instance as an instantiation of function f even it is executed with an input
| of type Int.

No it doesn't (ghc 6.4.1).  I've just tried it.  It uses the C Int instance, 
for exactly the reason you describe.

There is a flag -fallow-incoherent-instances that _does_ allow incoherence


{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances -fglasgow-exts 
-fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module Main where

class C a where
   f::a - a
instance C Int where
   f x = x+1
instance C a where
   f x = x

main = print (let g x = f x
  in g (1::Int))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Scott Weeks

Well, if you get an ambiguous type variable error, you probably (I
think) need to add some type annotations. For example:

class Foo a where
  foo :: a
  bar :: a - String

Evaluating bar foo will result in an error, but bar (foo :: Integer)
will work just fine.

The problem is that I get  an incoming value which is a key of some 
sort. There's no way of knowing what type that value is supposed to be 
until I compare it with the schema from the above example. where I _am_ 
adding type annotations.

coerceIndex f (Schema _ SInt SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f 
coerceIndex f (Schema _ SStr SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f 

When I try to add type annotations I get a complaint from the 
typechecker that says (In the case of the above example) Expected type: 
Integer, Inferred Type: PackedString.

Is the alternative to write different select methods for each key 
type (selectInt, selectPS, ...)? God I hope not, that would be a bit 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 12, 2006, at 3:18 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

Well, if you get an ambiguous type variable error, you probably (I
think) need to add some type annotations. For example:

class Foo a where
  foo :: a
  bar :: a - String

Evaluating bar foo will result in an error, but bar (foo :: Integer)
will work just fine.

The problem is that I get  an incoming value which is a key of some  
sort. There's no way of knowing what type that value is supposed to  
be until I compare it with the schema from the above example. where  
I _am_ adding type annotations.

coerceIndex f (Schema _ SInt SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f  
coerceIndex f (Schema _ SStr SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f  

When I try to add type annotations I get a complaint from the  
typechecker that says (In the case of the above example) Expected  
type: Integer, Inferred Type: PackedString.

Is the alternative to write different select methods for each key  
type (selectInt, selectPS, ...)? God I hope not, that would be a  
bit scary.

I'm not 100% sure I understand your use case, but I think you might  
be able to crack this by using Data.Dynamic:


Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Counting bits: Sanity Check

2006-04-12 Thread Daniel McAllansmith
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 02:09, David F. Place wrote:
 If you'd like to give it a whirl on your fancy modern computers,

Averages of user time for three runs on an Athlon64 running 64bit linux:

ones32  0.30733
table32 0.37333
table   0.38400

I ran a whole lot more of kern and ones32... kern was consistently faster than 
ones32.  Curious.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Brandon Moore

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 12, 2006, at 3:18 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

Well, if you get an ambiguous type variable error, you probably (I
think) need to add some type annotations. For example:

class Foo a where
  foo :: a
  bar :: a - String

Evaluating bar foo will result in an error, but bar (foo :: Integer)
will work just fine.

The problem is that I get  an incoming value which is a key of some  
sort. There's no way of knowing what type that value is supposed to  
be until I compare it with the schema from the above example. where  I 
_am_ adding type annotations.

coerceIndex f (Schema _ SInt SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f  
coerceIndex f (Schema _ SStr SPtr _) (r,hdl,o,hdr) = f  

When I try to add type annotations I get a complaint from the  
typechecker that says (In the case of the above example) Expected  
type: Integer, Inferred Type: PackedString.

Is the alternative to write different select methods for each key  
type (selectInt, selectPS, ...)? God I hope not, that would be a  bit 

I'm not 100% sure I understand your use case, but I think you might  be 
able to crack this by using Data.Dynamic:


Or carry an instance in along with a type parameter, using existentials 
or GADT.

Brandon Moore
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Scott Weeks

Or carry an instance in along with a type parameter, using 
existentials or GADT.

Brandon Moore

Do you know of an example that would apply to my situation?

I think I neglected to state part of my problem. I am storing the root 
nodes of btree indexes in a heterogeneous list using Typeable. When 
they come out of the list they need to be unwrapped

I think this will clarify my situation because I've been doing a poor 
job of explaining:

import Data.Dynamic

data Foo a = FVal a
 deriving (Show, Typeable)

type FooStr = Foo String
type FooInt = Foo Integer

main = do
  fooType - getLine
  fooVal  - getLine
  let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
  fs= [foo]
  (f:_) = fs
  Just dynFoo = fromDynamic f
  dostuff dynFoo

dostuff :: (Show a) = Foo a - IO ()
dostuff (FVal x) = print x

This fails with:

 Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraints:
  `Typeable a'
	arising from use of `fromDynamic' at 

  `Show a'
	arising from use of `dostuff' at 

Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

However, changing main:

main = do
  fooType - getLine
  fooVal  - getLine
  let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
  fs= [foo]
  (f:_) = fs
  Just dynFoo = fromDynamic f
  if fooType == str
 then dostuff (dynFoo::FooStr)
 else dostuff (dynFoo::FooInt)

Fails with:

Couldn't match `Integer' against `String'
  Expected type: FooInt
  Inferred type: FooStr
In the expression: dynFoo :: FooInt
In the first argument of `dostuff', namely `(dynFoo :: FooInt)'

I'm probably going about this in the wrong way. I'd love some advice on 
how to either do it better or weave some Type Magic to achieve the same 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Counting bits: Sanity Check

2006-04-12 Thread David F. Place

On Apr 12, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Daniel McAllansmith wrote:

Averages of user time for three runs on an Athlon64 running 64bit  

ones32  0.30733
table32 0.37333
table   0.38400

I ran a whole lot more of kern and ones32... kern was consistently  
faster than

ones32.  Curious.

Yes, especially curious since the algorithm is taken from AMD's  
optimization guide for the Athlon and Opteron series.  I'm not good  
enough at reading core syntax to be able to see what GHC is doing  
with it.

I wonder how this other crazy algorithm I found will work on your 64  
bit omputer.   It is much slower on my 32 bit PPC powerbook for  
obvious reasons.   If you'd like to try it, I'll include an updated  
BitTwiddle.hs .

time ./bits 200 300 64

Description: Binary data

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 12, 2006, at 4:09 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

Or carry an instance in along with a type parameter, using  
existentials or GADT.

Brandon Moore

Do you know of an example that would apply to my situation?

I think I neglected to state part of my problem. I am storing the  
root nodes of btree indexes in a heterogeneous list using Typeable.  
When they come out of the list they need to be unwrapped

I think this will clarify my situation because I've been doing a  
poor job of explaining:

import Data.Dynamic

data Foo a = FVal a
 deriving (Show, Typeable)

type FooStr = Foo String
type FooInt = Foo Integer

main = do
  fooType - getLine
  fooVal  - getLine
  let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
  fs= [foo]
  (f:_) = fs
  Just dynFoo = fromDynamic f
  dostuff dynFoo

dostuff :: (Show a) = Foo a - IO ()
dostuff (FVal x) = print x

This fails with:

 Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraints:
  `Typeable a'
	arising from use of `fromDynamic' at /Users/weeksie/workspace/ 

  `Show a'
	arising from use of `dostuff' at /Users/weeksie/workspace/haskell/ 
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type  

However, changing main:

main = do
  fooType - getLine
  fooVal  - getLine
  let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
  fs= [foo]
  (f:_) = fs
  Just dynFoo = fromDynamic f
  if fooType == str
 then dostuff (dynFoo::FooStr)
 else dostuff (dynFoo::FooInt)

You are trying to assign two distinct types to dynFoo; that's a no- 
no.  You need to move the usage of the polymorphic function out of  
the let so that the use at each distinct type doesn't get unified.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
import Data.Dynamic

data Foo a = FVal a
 deriving (Show, Typeable)

type FooStr = Foo String
type FooInt = Foo Integer

main = do
  fooType - getLine
  fooVal  - getLine
  let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
  fs= [foo]
  (f:_) = fs
  if fooType == str
 then dostuff (fromDyn f undefined :: Foo String)
 else dostuff (fromDyn f undefined :: Foo Int)

dostuff :: (Show a) = Foo a - IO ()
dostuff (FVal x) = print x

BTW, this little example always stuffs a string into the FVal, so  
trying to get anything else out will fail.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Counting bits: Sanity Check

2006-04-12 Thread Daniel McAllansmith
On Thursday 13 April 2006 08:55, David F. Place wrote:
 On Apr 12, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Daniel McAllansmith wrote:
  Averages of user time for three runs on an Athlon64 running 64bit
  ones32  0.30733
  table32 0.37333
  table   0.38400
  I ran a whole lot more of kern and ones32... kern was consistently
  faster than
  ones32.  Curious.

 Yes, especially curious since the algorithm is taken from AMD's
 optimization guide for the Athlon and Opteron series.  I'm not good
 enough at reading core syntax to be able to see what GHC is doing
 with it.

 I wonder how this other crazy algorithm I found will work on your 64
 bit omputer.   It is much slower on my 32 bit PPC powerbook for
 obvious reasons.   If you'd like to try it, I'll include an updated
 BitTwiddle.hs .

 time ./bits 200 300 64

Averages of user time of five runs on an Athlon64 running 64bit linux:

64  0.1974
ones32  0.3240
table32 0.3754
table   0.3798

64 looks to be a good bit faster.

You didn't change anything in the ones32 algorithm did you?  The other 
algorithms are taking roughly what they did last time, but ones32 seems 
consistently slower now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Counting bits: Sanity Check

2006-04-12 Thread David F. Place

On Apr 12, 2006, at 5:21 PM, Daniel McAllansmith wrote:

Averages of user time of five runs on an Athlon64 running 64bit linux:

64  0.1974
ones32  0.3240
table32 0.3754
table   0.3798

64 looks to be a good bit faster.

You didn't change anything in the ones32 algorithm did you?  The other
algorithms are taking roughly what they did last time, but ones32  

consistently slower now.

Thanks for running it.  Looks like 64 is worth the trouble.  If the  
32 bit wide algorithm is so fast,  the 12 bit wide one must be  
blazingly fast.  (See my other thread The Marriage of Heaven and  
Hell.) I didn't make any changes to ones32 according to diff.

Cheers, David

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

2006-04-12 Thread Scott Weeks

You are trying to assign two distinct types to dynFoo; that's a no-no. 
 You need to move the usage of the polymorphic function out of the let 
so that the use at each distinct type doesn't get unified.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
import Data.Dynamic

data Foo a = FVal a
 deriving (Show, Typeable)

type FooStr = Foo String
type FooInt = Foo Integer

main = do
  fooType - getLine
  fooVal  - getLine
  let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
  fs= [foo]
  (f:_) = fs
  if fooType == str
 then dostuff (fromDyn f undefined :: Foo String)
 else dostuff (fromDyn f undefined :: Foo Int)

dostuff :: (Show a) = Foo a - IO ()
dostuff (FVal x) = print x

BTW, this little example always stuffs a string into the FVal, so 
trying to get anything else out will fail.

Thanks for the example it makes a bit of sense now, I really appreciate 
you taking the time to help me on this.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] web servers

2006-04-12 Thread Daniel McAllansmith
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 22:52, Graham Klyne wrote:
 I'm interested, but I don't have the time to look right now (or in the next
 couple of months, as far as I can see).

 What would really interest me is a system that can provide the
 functionality of the Python packages I currently use (TurboGears [1], of
 which the web server/controller component is CherryPy [2]).  There's also
 some interesting recent CherryPy-related discussion about web dispatching
 that I think could translate very well to Haskell [3][4].

It's certainly nothing that grand.
It's intended scope was confined to accepting connections, decoding requests 
and handing them off to arbitrary request handlers which is where all that 
higher level stuff would come into play.

I just had a look at Network.HTTP, looks like there have been some recent 
changes to allow server-side uses.
Perhaps that could be a home for parts of it, though the two approaches seem a 
bit different.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announcing Halfs, a Haskell Filesystem

2006-04-12 Thread Isaac Jones
Halfs is a filesystem implemented in the functional programming
language Haskell. Halfs can be mounted and used like any other Linux
filesystem, or used as a library.  Halfs is a fork (and a port) of the
filesystem developed by Galois Connections.

We've created a virtual machine to make using Halfs extremely easy.
You don't need an extra partition or a thumb drive, or even Linux
(Windows and Mac OS can emulate the virtual machine).  For the
impatient, go to the quick start:

The Halfs web page is here:


In the course of developing a web server for an embedded operating
system, Galois Connections had need of a filesystem which was small
enough to alter to our needs and written in a high-level language so
that we could show certain high assurance properties about its
behavior. Since we had already ported the Haskell runtime to this
operating system, Haskell was the obvious language of choice. Halfs is
a port of our filesystem to Linux, with some modifications.

High assurance development is a methodology for creating software
systems that meet rigorously-defined specifications with a high degree
of confidence. That methodology comprises tools and practices. Its
goal is to produce such systems reliably and effectively, with an
ordinary degree of developer effort.

Haskell is particularly well-suited  to high assurance development. It
is a  high-level, fully-expressive, pure, functional  language, with a
powerful  type  system.  One  of  the obligations  of  high  assurance
development  is  the demonstration  of  strong correspondence  between
high-level executable models  and the eventual implementation. Haskell
supports  this directly:  it can  describe  systems all  the way  from
high-level  executable models through  to system  implementations. The
fact that Haskell is pure comes from its mathematical basis, and means
that,  by   default,  a  function   does  not  interfere   with  other
functions. The type  system is an automatic and  scalable proof engine
that  can encode  and  enforce desirable  properties. Together,  these
features allow  the correctness of complex systems  to be established,
making Haskell ideal for high assurance development.

The question was whether Haskell is well suited as the implementation
language for a filesystem, which involves fixed sized buffers, lots of
IO, and binary data structures. Though correctness is much more
important to us than performance, we hoped that a Haskell filesystem
would have acceptable performance, and that writing such low-level
code would not be awkward or error-prone.

We have developed a filesystem,  Halfs, which aims to answer the above
questions. One  may mount a Halfs  filesystem in Linux  using the FUSE
(Filesystem  in Userspace)  kernel  module. We  have  created two  new
monads, FSRead and FSWrite which  restrict the IO monad to reading and
writing operations respectively. For performance, Halfs uses efficient
mutable arrays for block IO, as well as caching for blocks and inodes.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fundeps: I feel dumb

2006-04-12 Thread Creighton Hogg
So I'm trying the fun-deps example from
http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/FunDeps and seeing if I can
use it, but I can't really get things to work the way I want.
The code follows below, and the error I get if I try to multiply
10 * (vector 10 [0..9]) is

No instance for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
  arising from use of `*' at interactive:1:3-5
Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
In the definition of `it': it = 10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))

import Array
-- The elements and the size
data Vec a = Vec (Array Int a) Int
   deriving (Show,Eq)
type Matrix a = (Vec (Vec a))
class MatrixProduct a b c | a b - c where
(*) :: a - b - c
instance (Num a) = MatrixProduct a (Vec a) (Vec a) where
(*) num (Vec a s) = Vec (fmap (*num) a) s
vector n elms = Vec (array (0,n-1) $ zip [0..n-1] elms) n
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] coherence when overlapping?

2006-04-12 Thread william kim

Thank you Simon.

But I am still confused by the exact definition of coherence in the case of 
overlapping. Does the standard coherence theorem apply? If yes, how? If no, 
is there a theorem?

Is there any write-up on this?



From: Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: william kim [EMAIL PROTECTED],haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: RE: [Haskell-cafe] coherence when overlapping?
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 17:43:33 +0100

| In the GHC documentation which describes the extension of overlapping
| instances, an example similar to the following is given.
| class C a where
|f:a - a
| instance C Int where
| instance C a where
| let g x = f x
| in g 1
| In this case GHC takes an ¡°incoherent¡± decision by taking the second
| instance as an instantiation of function f even it is executed with an 

| of type Int.

No it doesn't (ghc 6.4.1).  I've just tried it.  It uses the C Int 
instance, for exactly the reason you describe.

There is a flag -fallow-incoherent-instances that _does_ allow incoherence


{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances -fglasgow-exts 
-fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module Main where

class C a where
   f::a - a
instance C Int where
   f x = x+1
instance C a where
   f x = x

main = print (let g x = f x
  in g (1::Int))

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Fundeps: I feel dumb

2006-04-12 Thread oleg

Creighton Hogg wrote:

 No instance for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
   arising from use of `*' at interactive:1:3-5
 Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (MatrixProduct a
 (Vec b) c)
 In the definition of `it': it = 10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))

Let us look at the instance

  class MatrixProduct a b c | a b - c where
(*) :: a - b - c
  instance (Num a) = MatrixProduct a (Vec a) (Vec a) where

it defines what happens when multiplying a vector of some numeric type
'a' by a value _of the same_ type. Let us now look at the error
   (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)

That is, when trying to compile your expression
10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))
the typechecker went looking for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
where the value and the vector have different numeric types. There is
no instance for such a general case, hence the error. It is important
to remember that the typechecker first infers the most general type
for an expression, and then tries to resolve the constraints. In your
10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))
we see constants 10, 10, 0, 9. Each constant has the type Num a = a.
Within the expression 0 .. 9, both 0 and 9 must be of the same type
(because [n .. m] is an abbreviation for enumFromThen n m, and
to the type of the latter
  enumFromThen :: a - a - [a]
both arguments must be of the same type).

But there is nothing that says that the first occurrence of 10 must be
of the same numeric type as the occurrence of 9. So, the most general
type assignment will be (Num a = a) for 10, and (Num b = b) for 9.

Solution: either choose a specific (non-polymorphic type)

 test1 = (10::Int) * (vector 10 [0..9::Int])

Or tell the typechecker that those constants must be of the same type:

 test2 = let n = 10 in n * (vector 10 [0..(9 `asTypeOf` n)])
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: coherence when overlapping?

2006-04-12 Thread oleg

 But I am still confused by the exact definition of coherence in the case of
 overlapping. Does the standard coherence theorem apply? If yes, how?
 If no, is there a theorem?

Yes, the is, by Martin Sulzmann et al, the Theory of overloading (the
journal version)

A simple intuition is this: instance selection may produce more than
one candidate instance. Having inferred a polymorphic type with
constraints, the compiler checks to see of some of the constraints can
be reduced. If an instance selection produces no candidate instances,
the typechecking failure is reported. If there is exactly one
candidate instance, it is selected and the constraint is removed
because it is resolved.  An instance selection may produce more then
one candidate instance. Those candidate instances may be incomparable:
for example, given the constraint C a and instances C Int and C
Bool, both instances are candidates. If such is the case, the
resolution of that constraint is deferred and it `floats out', to be
incorporated into the type of the parent expression, etc. In the
presence of overlapping instances, the multiple candidate instances
may be comparable, e.g. C a and C Int.  The compiler then checks
to see if the target type is at least as specific as the most specific
of those candidate instances. If so, the constraint is reduced;
otherwise, it is deferred.  Eventually enough type information is
available to reduce all constraints (or else it is a type error).
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