Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] request for co-development: improving Data.CharEncoding module

2006-05-27 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Shannon,

Friday, May 26, 2006, 10:45:38 PM, you wrote:

>> about it :) ). one of it's current drawbacks is lack of support for
>> file encodings other than UTF-8 and Latin-1. if someone can work on

> I wonder if it helps any to "steal" this code from Python and
> translate it into Haskell.

no. the algorithm is not complex, it just need to be programmed
according to scheme i described

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: help with MPTC for type proofs?

2006-05-27 Thread Tom Schrijvers

David Roundy wrote:

class Commutable a b d c

commute :: Commutable a b d c =>
  (Patch a b, Patch b c) -> (Patch a d, Patch d c)

But for this to work properly, I'd need to guarantee that

1. if (Commutable a b d c) then (Commutable a d b c)

2. for a given three types (a b c) there exists at most one type d
  such that (Commutable a b c d)

The problem seems easily solvable, exactly as described. We need to
take care of the two requirements separately.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module D1 where

data Patch a b = Patch String deriving Show

-- This is identical to what Tom Schrijvers wrote
class Commutable a b c d |
a b c -> d, -- 2.
a d c -> b  -- based on 1. + 2.

-- But how do we make sure that Commutable a d c b exists whenever
-- Commutable a b c d does? very easily: with the help of another
-- type class
instance (Commutable' a b c d, Commutable' a d c b)
=> Commutable a b c d

I had not thought of using a double constraint. Very clever.

Why not also put this constraint in the class declaration? You don't want 
any other instances of Commutable (or do you?):

class (Commutable' a b c d, Commutable' a d c b)
=> Commutable a b c d |
 a b c -> d, -- 2.
 a d c -> b  -- based on 1. + 2.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: help with MPTC for type proofs?

2006-05-27 Thread David Roundy
On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 08:39:28PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> David Roundy wrote:
> > class Commutable a b d c
> >
> > commute :: Commutable a b d c =>
> >   (Patch a b, Patch b c) -> (Patch a d, Patch d c)
> >
> > But for this to work properly, I'd need to guarantee that
> >
> > 1. if (Commutable a b d c) then (Commutable a d b c)
> >
> > 2. for a given three types (a b c) there exists at most one type d
> >   such that (Commutable a b c d)
> The problem seems easily solvable, exactly as described. We need to
> take care of the two requirements separately.

I guess what hasn't been addressed is the question I didn't know to ask...

I want the return type "d" to be a phantom type of some sort (although I'm
not clear on the distinction between phantom and existential types).
Ordinarily I'd do this with a GADT, which gives me a type that can't match
any other.  This at least is "safe", but what I want is to relax this
constraint.  So I'd like to return an existential type which contains the
constraint enforces this class.  (And I think I'm expressing this very

In short, I don't want to have to explicitely list which phantom types
commute, since the "a b" in Patch a b *will* be phantom, existential
types, so (as you say below) we can't list these instances explicitely:

> > instance Commutable' PL1 PL2 PL3 PL2I
> > -- If the latter is commented out, there will be an error in testab below
> > instance Commutable' PL1 PL2I PL3 PL2

> However, something tells me that the above approach isn't useful. We
> really would like to have as many patch labels as _dynamically_
> needed. Also, we probably would like to specify which patches commute
> dynamically, rather than statically. That is, we wish to examine the
> patches and only then conclude if they commute. Thus we need to
> program with evidence. The function commute becomes a semantic
> function: it really does something, at run-time. It examines the
> patches. If it decides the patches commute, it produces the pair of
> patches, marked with a unique and unforgeable type d -- along with the
> evidence that d is indeed determined by b, and vice versa. We need
> this evidence for the creative mixing of patches, as in the original
> test. This approach is not unlike the one described half a year ago,
> in response to a similar query:

Indeed, we definitely need to determine commutation dynamically, but I'd
like once that has been determined to be able to use the results statically
(see below).

> I still don't know if the were some problems with that
> approach. Anyway, here's the complete code:

I remember that email.  I ended up discarding the idea, when I realized
that the problem could be solved much more elegantly using GADTs as a type
witness (with unsafeCoerce#, admittedly), so that I don't need to
explicitely cast types.  I'm hoping that if we can come up with a static
solution to this (new) problem, I can again use GADTs to convert the static
solution to a dynamic one.

(Sorry if I'm being unclear... I suppose that's why I need to ask for help,
since I'm not sure what's possible or if possible how it'd be done...)
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: help with MPTC for type proofs?

2006-05-27 Thread David Roundy
Can someone explain to me why this doesn't work?

> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
> module MPTC where
> class C a b c d | a b c -> d, a d c -> b
> instance (C a b c d) => C a d c b
> data P a b = P deriving (Show)
> data CommuteResult a b c where
> CR :: C a b c d => (P a d, P d c) -> CommuteResult a b c
> commute :: (P a b, P b c) -> CommuteResult a b c
> commute (P, P) = CR (P, P)
> test (x,y) = do CR (y',x') <- return $ commute (x,y)
> CR (y'', x'')  <- return $ commute (x,y)
> CR (x''',y''') <- return $ commute (y',x'')
> return ()

By my logic, it seems that if 

x :: P a b
y :: P b c

then y' and x'' must have types

y' :: C a b c d => P a d
x'' :: C a b c e => P e c

but the functional dependencies of C tell us that e and d must be the same
type, so the code should typecheck (which it doesn't)!

I'm thinking that either the functional dependency constraint is weaker
than I thought, or that somehow GADTs aren't interacting with FDs as I'd
like, but I'm not sure which.  Or, of course, it may be that my recursive
instance is not doing what I like.  Or I may be just plain confused, as is
pretty clearly the case...
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell RPC

2006-05-27 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Joel,

> I wish Glasgow Distributed Haskell (GdH) was more active and visible!

are you've seen ?

afair, source code was also available

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: help with MPTC for type proofs?

2006-05-27 Thread Stefan Monnier
> I'm thinking that either the functional dependency constraint is weaker
> than I thought, or that somehow GADTs aren't interacting with FDs as I'd
> like, but I'm not sure which.  Or, of course, it may be that my recursive
> instance is not doing what I like.  Or I may be just plain confused, as is
> pretty clearly the case...

The interaction between FD and GADTs is not very good, in our experience.
Hopefully this will be fixed at some point.  But in the mean time, what we
ended up doing is to use GADTs instead of classes and FDs:

   data Eq a b where refl_eq :: Eq a a

   data Commute a b c d where

   -- Lemma that says that D is uniquely defined by A, B, and C.
   Comm_unique :: Commute a b c d -> Commute a b c d' -> Eq d d'
   -- Proof.
   Comm_unique p1 p2 = ...

The problem is that in your case it seems that you do not want to explain to
the type checker how D depends on A B C: you just want to say that it's
uniquely defined.  But maybe you can get away with:

   data Eq a b where refl_eq :: Eq a a
   data Commute a b c d -- No axioms provided to Haskell.
   -- Lemma that says that D is uniquely defined by A, B, and C.
   Comm_unique :: Commute a b c d -> Commute a b c d' -> Eq d d'
   -- The proof is not given either.
   Comm_unique p1 p2 = undefined

When you'll do a case on "Comm_unique a b" (which will tell the type checker
that D and D' are one and the same) you'll just want to make sure that
Haskell doesn't try to look at the `refl_eq' value.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linking to third party libraries in windows

2006-05-27 Thread Matthew Bromberg
That's an interesting statement that bears further scrutiny.  I've been 
viewing monads as a kind of encapsulation in a quasi-hidden world state. 
Yes a monad is a function that would give you an output if you had 
access to the input world.  That is the picture drawn in Simon Peyton 
Jones' tutorial.  I've been thinking of actions in terms of the 
functions x -> IO(a), but Simon calls these IO actions and calls monads 
actions as you do.

Is it your claim that whenever an 'IO action' is performed on something 
like  IO (x)  with x <- newListArray a l
that the newListArray function will be called ?  So with the old 
paradigm, where Rmatrix was stored as
(Int, Int, IO(StorableArry Int CDouble)).  A typical matrix operation, 
that calls out to a BLAS C routine cside_effect()  looks something like 
this under the old scheme

matfunc A = (u,v, arr) where
u = f1  (getrows A)  (getcols B)
v = f2  (getrows A)  (getcols B)
   arr = do
  arrA <- getarr A
  withStorableArray arrA  (\vara -> cside_effect vara )
  return arrA

Now when one uses this code
   A <- getAfromSomewhere
  fA = matfunc A
  B <- anotherfunc A

fA has been changed by the cside_effect function, but A has not!  Is it 
your contention that the array in A is essentially copied or created 
anew for every getarr A call?  I think getarr A looked something like

getarr (Rmatrix (r,c,arr)) =  arr

in the old technique, but now looks like

getarr (Rmatrix (r,c,arr)) =  return arr

Is this perhaps an effect of lazy evaluation?  When does one actually 
need to evaluate the constructor for the storable array contained in A? 
Hmmm. Is it that the rules specify that an IO action forces the 
evaluation of the value in the monad, but otherwise this value may be 
unevaluated?  Soreturn x  doesn't evaluate x but (return x)  
>>=   \z -> IOfunc z  does?

This would actually make sense in the end.  The IO action of
A <- getAfromSomewhere would not evaluate the monad that is the third 
element of the tuple A, since there is no real 'need' to do so.  So in 
fact no constructor of A's array would ever get evaluated until a 
function was applied to it, which would have to be in the form of an IO 
action.  That's a nice mind twister.  Clean's uniqueness types are a 
little easier to grasp I think.  Ahh I think I understand now.  It has 
to work that way or else you cannot guarantee the sequential execution 
property of monads.  Thus if  y :: IO (a) and you evaluate
  z <- func (f1 y) (f2 y),  the evaluation order of y is controlled by 
what is implemented in func (and f1 and f2),  not by evaluation rules 
for arguments. The value wrapped in y MUST remain unevaluated until IO  
'actions' are performed on it.

Brian Hulley wrote:

this is not correct. IO (StorableArray Int CDouble) is a monadic *value* 
itself, which represents an *action* which returns a storable array, and 
since you are filling in the slot in Rmatrix with the action 
(newListArray a l), this monadic value represents the action of creating 
a new array whenever the action is executed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Projects related to Haskell

2006-05-27 Thread Imam Tashdid ul Alam
I was just wondering, when the HCAR will come out.
just the same, for people like me who are not very
involved with the community, it is difficult to get an
overview of the ongoing projects.

the wiki says Gofer is now abandoned and Hugs replaces
it. nice to know. I wonder how about Mondrian, Eden
and the rest. 

there should be a mechanism to officially deprecate a
project, shouldn't there? and once again, a mechanism
to nominate a successor so that newbies like me will
know where to start exploring.



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linking to third party libraries in windows

2006-05-27 Thread Brian Hulley

Matthew Bromberg wrote:

That's an interesting statement that bears further scrutiny.  I've
been viewing monads as a kind of encapsulation in a quasi-hidden
world state.

The IO monad can be viewed as encapsulating a function from a
world state to a pair consisting of an updated world state and a "return 
value" as follows:

data IO a = IO (RealWorld -> (RealWorld, a))

Yes a monad is a function that would give you an output
if you had access to the input world.  That is the picture drawn in
Simon Peyton Jones' tutorial.  I've been thinking of actions in terms
of the functions x -> IO(a), but Simon calls these IO actions and
calls monads actions as you do.

So the function is contained *inside* the representation of the IO action so 
it's IO (x -> (x,a)) not x -> IO a

Is it your claim that whenever an 'IO action' is performed on
something like  IO (x)  with x <- newListArray a l
that the newListArray function will be called ?

If I write:

let n = newListArray a l
p <- n
q <- n

two separate arrays will be created, because n is the action of creating a 
new array, and this action is executed twice in the body of the do.

However, if I instead wrote:

  x <- newListArray a l
  let r = return x
  p <- r
  q <- r

only one array would be created, and this would be shared between x, p, and 
q, because the action (newListArray a l) is now only executed once (x is the 
result of the action ie the array, not the action itself)

 So with the old
paradigm, where Rmatrix was stored as
(Int, Int, IO(StorableArry Int CDouble)).  A typical matrix operation,
that calls out to a BLAS C routine cside_effect()  looks something
like this under the old scheme

matfunc A = (u,v, arr) where
u = f1  (getrows A)  (getcols B)
v = f2  (getrows A)  (getcols B)
   arr = do
  arrA <- getarr A
  withStorableArray arrA  (\vara -> cside_effect vara )
  return arrA

Now when one uses this code
   A <- getAfromSomewhere
  fA = matfunc A
  B <- anotherfunc A

fA has been changed by the cside_effect function, but A has not!  Is
it your contention that the array in A is essentially copied or
created anew for every getarr A call?

matfunc A never actually calls getarr A. It just sets up a tuple where the 
3rd element is an IO action that, when that 3rd element is actually 
executed, would execute the 3rd element of the original A, and pass the 
array that was returned by it to your C function, and then return that 

I think the essence of the confusion is that there are two kinds of actions 
that the 3rd element of A might be bound to:

1) An action which just returns an array that was previously created
2) An action which creates a new array and returns that

And both of these have the same type!!! because all the type system knows is 
that these two actions "do something (maybe nothing) then return an array"

Case 2 was what you were doing right at the beginning, when the 3rd element 
was (newListArray a l), and case 1 was what I pointed out you could have 
used ie using the action (return arr) where arr was allocated during the 
construction of Rmatrix.

I think getarr A looked
something like
getarr (Rmatrix (r,c,arr)) =  arr

in the old technique, but now looks like

getarr (Rmatrix (r,c,arr)) =  return arr

Is this perhaps an effect of lazy evaluation?  When does one actually
need to evaluate the constructor for the storable array contained in
A? Hmmm. Is it that the rules specify that an IO action forces the
evaluation of the value in the monad, but otherwise this value may be

No. An action, when executed, returns a value, but this doesn't imply that 
all actions have values stored in them.

Bulat's illustration of getChar is a perfect example of this, since getChar 
has type IO Char but does not store the Char inside it, and executing it 
multiple times will in general give different characters back depending on 
your input stream...

However the action (return 'q') also has type IO Char but this time, the 'q' 
is stored inside the action (return 'q').

So it matters exactly what action it is, since they can't be distinguished 
just by looking at the types.

Soreturn x  doesn't evaluate x but  (return x) >> =   \z -> IOfunc z 

If you executed (return x), what first happens is that the *function* 
return:: a-> IO a is applied to its argument value 'x' to get an *action* 
which, when executed, will be able to supply the result value x, then this 
action *is* executed, and x is available as the result.
Depending on the particular monad, x may or may not be evaluated. AFAIK for 
the IO monad, it would not be, but I think it is possible to conceive of a 
monad where the return function would need to evaluate its argument.

Also, even if x was unevaluated by it's journey through the return function 
and executed action which hands it onto the input of iofunc, iofunc may or 
may not evaluate it.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linking to third party libraries in windows

2006-05-27 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

If I write:

let n = newListArray a l
p <- n
q <- n

two separate arrays will be created, because n is the action of
creating a new array, and this action is executed twice in the body
of the do. 

However, if I instead wrote:

  x <- newListArray a l
  let r = return x
  p <- r
  q <- r

I should have used the word "executed" instead of "write" and "wrote".

Regards, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

2006-05-27 Thread Jeremy Shaw
At Thu, 25 May 2006 13:42:11 +0400,
Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Jeremy,
> Monday, May 22, 2006, 12:20:54 AM, you wrote:
> > For my own needs, I cabalized and debianized the Streams library. It
> > generates binary debs for ghc6 and hugs -- but I think the hugs
> > version is broken. In any case, it is a start, you can download the
> > packaging at:
> >
> can i include your work in the library itself? 


> is it better to include 'debian' directory to my archive or left
> this to the debian packagers?

If someone volunteers to maintain the package -- then it is probably
better to not keep a copy of the debian directory in your archive --
because it will often be out of date and confuse people -- and debian
users will be able to get the debianized source easily by typing,
'apt-get source haskell-streams'.

On the other hand -- if there is no one officially maintaing it -- it
would be useful to provide the debian directory (with a disclaimer) so
that debian users can easily build and install the .deb, since
subverting the debian package system tends to lead to long-term

> can you say how you are use my library? it's both interesting for me
> and can be helpful in deciding how it should be further developed

I am using it to serialize/deserialize haskell data structures so I
can store them in a Berkeley database.

To get them into BDB I need to convert the haskell data structure into
a C structure that looks like this:

struct __db_dbt {
void *data; /* Key/data */
u_int32_t size; /* key/data length */

Currently I am doing it like this -- but this will clearly fail if the
serialized data structure is longer than 512 bytes...

withDBT :: (Binary a) => a -> (Ptr DBT -> IO b) -> IO b
withDBT thedata f =
allocaBytes #{size DBT} $ \dbtPtr ->
allocaBytes 512 $ \dataPtr ->
do h <- openMemBuf dataPtr 512
   withByteAlignedLE h $ flip put_ thedata
   wrote <- vTell h
   vClose h
   #{poke DBT, data} dbtPtr (castPtr dataPtr)
   #{poke DBT, size} dbtPtr ((fromIntegral wrote) :: Int)
   f dbtPtr

I don't really need the file-system interface for this project -- what
would be nice is something like 'withCStringLen' and 'peekCString' for
the encode/decode functions:

type PtrLen a = (Ptr a, Int)
encodePtrLen :: (Binary a) => a -> (PtrLen a -> IO b) -> IO b
decodePtr :: (Binary a) => Ptr a -> IO a

I could simulate this by using 'encode' to convert the data structure
to a String and then use 'withCStringLen' to get the pointer and
length -- but having the intermediate String seems like it could be a
big performance hit.

Two alternative ideas are:

 (1) accurately pre-calculate the size of the serialized structure and
 allocate the correct amount of memory from the start 

 (2) start with a 'guess' and realloc the memory if the initial guess
 is too small.

Both of those alternatives have their own problems -- so I think only
testing will tell what works best...

I have not looked at the library exhaustively, so if there is already
a good way to do this, let me know.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Linking to third party libraries in windows

2006-05-27 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Brian,

Sunday, May 28, 2006, 1:06:06 AM, you wrote:

> how best to understand IO but certainly before trying to do so, a state
> monad is *infinitely* easier to understand and then provides a good basis
> for understanding IO)

> The first monad I understood was the state monad on page 261 of Paul Hudak's

i can also point to paper:
and it's reduced variant:

there's also well-known

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list