Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Steve Schafer
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 23:41:14 -0600 (CST), you wrote:

>Here's my second attempt at the code:

You've left out a bunch of constructors, and there are various other
errors here and there. I think this will do what you want:

> data ISine = 
>   Sine Integer Integer Integer [Char] |
>   MetaSine Integer Integer Integer [ISine]
> letter (Sine _ _ _ l) = l
> sub_sines (MetaSine _ _ _ xs) = xs
> period (Sine p _ _ _) = p
> period (MetaSine p _ _ _) = p
> offset (Sine _ o _ _) = o
> offset (MetaSine _ o _ _) = o
> threshold (Sine _ _ t _) = t
> threshold (MetaSine _ _ t _) = t
> on :: Integer -> ISine -> Bool
> on time iSine = (mod (time-(offset iSine)) (period iSine)) < (threshold iSine)
> act :: Integer -> ISine -> [[Char]]
> act time (MetaSine p o t s) =
>   if on time (MetaSine p o t s)
> then foldr1 (++) (map (act time) (sub_sines (MetaSine p o t s)))
> else []
> act time (Sine p o t l) =
>   if on time (Sine p o t l)
> then [letter (Sine p o t l)]
> else []

But note that you have to write the equations for period, offset and
threshold twice. If you want to avoid that, you can move the
Sine/MetaSine discrimination into the "tail" of the data structure,
something like this:

> data ISineTail = 
>   SineTail [Char] |
>   MetaTail [ISine]
> data ISine = ISine Integer Integer Integer ISineTail
> letter (ISine _ _ _ (SineTail l)) = l
> sub_sines (ISine _ _ _ (MetaTail xs)) = xs
> period (ISine p _ _ _) = p
> offset (ISine _ o _ _) = o
> threshold (ISine _ _ t _) = t
> on :: Integer -> ISine -> Bool
> on time iSine = (mod (time-(offset iSine)) (period iSine)) < (threshold iSine)
> act :: Integer -> ISine -> [[Char]]
> act time (ISine p o t (MetaTail s)) =
>   if on time (ISine p o t (MetaTail s))
> then foldr1 (++) (map (act time) (sub_sines (ISine p o t (MetaTail s
> else []
> act time (ISine p o t (SineTail l)) =
>   if on time (ISine p o t (SineTail l))
> then [letter (ISine p o t (SineTail l))]
> else []

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: AT solution: rebinding >>= for restricted monads

2007-02-26 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Pepe Iborra:
> David Roundy> writes:
> > My latest attemp (which won't compile with the HEAD ghc that I just 
> > compiled,
> > probably because I haven't figured out the synatax for guards with indexed
> > types is:
> > 
> > class WitnessMonad m where
> > type W m :: * -> * -> *
> > (>>=) :: (WitnessMonad m', WitnessMonad m'',
> >   w a b = W m', w b c = W m'', w a c = W m)
> >   => m' x -> (x -> m'' y) -> m y
> > (>>) :: (WitnessMonad m', WitnessMonad m'',
> >   w a b = W m', w b c = W m'', w a c = W m)
> >   => m' x -> m'' y -> m y
> > f >> g = f >>= const g
> > return :: w a a = W m x => -> m x
> > fail :: String -> m x
> > 
> > data Witness a b
> > 
> > instance Monad m => WitnessMonad m where
> > W m = Witness () ()
> > (>>=) = Prelude.(>>=)
> > (>>) = Prelude.(>>)
> > return = Prelude.return
> > fail =
> > 
> > which I think is quite pretty.  It allows the Monadlike object to have kind
> > * -> *, while still allowing us to hide extra witness types inside and pull
> > them out using the W function.
> Did anyone with knowledge of Associated Types pursue this solution? 

Where did you get this from.  My haskell-cafe mail folder doesn't seem
to have the thread you are replying to.

> It doesn't work with GHC head, and I can't really do anything about that.
> Mostly curiosity. 

The main reason this doesn't work with the head is because the
implementation of associated type *synonyms* (as opposed to associated
data types) is still incomplete.  (See also
.)  We are working at
the implementation, but I just relocated from New York to Sydney, which
is why not much happened in the last two months. 

But I also don't quite understand the intention of this code:

* What exactly is the kind of the type function W supposed to be?  Is it
  "(* -> *) -> *"?  If so, then the declaration needs to be

class WitnessMonad m where
  type W m :: *

  That is, assuming (m :: * -> *), we have (W m :: *) with (W :: (* -> 
  *) -> *).

* In the signature

(>>=) :: (WitnessMonad m', WitnessMonad m'',
  w a b = W m', w b c = W m'', w a c = W m)

  what is the purpose of "w" (and hence the purpose of the equality 
  constraints)?  What you really want is to impose a kind of state 
  transition relationship on the monads involved in monad binds, right?

* In the instance, using Prelude.>>= for the witness monad won't work.
  After all, Prelude.>>= can only combine two actions in the same monad,
  but the WitnessMonad signature promises to combine two different
  WitnessMonads (under certain constraints).

* Another problem with the instance is that it requires undecidable 

As I am not quite sure about the intention of the code it is hard to
propose a fix.  In particular, I have no idea how you want to combine
two different witness monads in (>>=).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Thomas Nelson
Thank you all for your advice so far.  I went back and tried to simplify 
my code, but I'm still stuck.  The basic idea I want is something like an 
arbitrary tree structure, where MetaSines are the branches containing 
Sines, and Sines are the leaves containing strings.  I want to recurse 
through the tree and pick up all the leaf strings, but only if that 
branch/leaf is "on" for that time.  Here's my second attempt at the code:

data ISine = Sine Integer Integer Integer String |
MetaSine Integer Integer Integer [ISine]
letter (Sine _ _ _ l) = l
sub_sines (MetaSine _ _ _ xs) = xs
period p _ _ _ = p
offset _ o _ _ = o
threshold _ _ t _ = t

on :: Integer->ISine->Bool
on time (p o t x) = (mod (time-(offset p o t x)) (period p o t x)) < 
(threshold p o t x)

act time (MetaSine p o t s)
|on time (p o t s)  = foldr (++) (map (act time) (sub_sines p o t s))
|otherwise = []

act time (Sine p o t l)
|on time p o t l = [letter p o t l]
|otherwise = []

the on, period, offset, and threshold functions should work exactly the 
same for Sine and MetaSine, so I'd prefer to only write them once.  But 
the act function needs to differentiate: for a Sine, it just returns a 
singleton list if on is true, or an empty list otherwise; but for a 
Metasine, it needs to get the list of all the strings in Sine objects in 
it's sub_sines field.  It only does this if it's on. For example, let's 

  / |  \
 B  CD
   / | / | \
  E  FG  H  I

If A, C, D, E, F and I are all on, only the strings of Sines C and I 
should be joined to make a to element list.  If everything is on, C, E, 
F, G, H, I will all be joined.

Anyway, the above code still doesn't work; there's a parse error for the 
definition of on.  I don't think my arguments are right somehow.  I 
appreciate your collective patience and expertise, and hope you can put me 
on the right track.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: OO Design in Haskell Example (Draft)

2007-02-26 Thread Tim Docker
Steve Downey wrote:
> interesting. it leads to something that feels much more like an object
based, as opposed to a class based, system.
> as far as haskell is concerned, everything has the same type, even
though different instances have very different behavior.
> the question is, which plays nicer with the rest of haskell? that is, if
i'm not committing to a closed dsl, which style is more likely to be
reusable against other libraries.

I suspect there's no right answer - it's a case of choosing the
best approach for the problem. As an example, my charting library
( uses the record of functions
approach for composing drawings:

data Renderable = Renderable {
minsize :: (Render RectSize)
render :: (Rect -> Render ())


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Build failed - hidden package ?

2007-02-26 Thread Dunric
I've got stuck with the following compilation error I probably can't fully 

Building library...
Using package config file: /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.6/package.conf
wired-in package base mapped to base-2.0
wired-in package rts mapped to rts-1.0
wired-in package haskell98 mapped to haskell98-1.0
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-2.0
Hsc static flags: -static
Could not find module `Foreign.C':
  it is a member of package base, which is hidden


What does such error mean ?

Modules Foreign and Foreign.C are installed and available from the default path.
Lines 12-15 of Rotozoomer.hs:
module Graphics.UI.SDL.Rotozoomer where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C

Any idea what's wrong, resp. some explanation why compilation fails ?

Thanks in an advance.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/26/07, P. R. Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Back to the comma, surely, syntax sugar fulfills the role of an
operator, a function, or a sequence of low-level procedures, either
in part or comprehensively.
In C, for example, iteration could be implemented using the if
construct with the dreaded goto command. So, strictly speaking, the
while loop could be classed as syntax sugar. Yet, the while loop is a
well-recognized construct in its own right.
I hope you can see what I'm driving at.

It's useful to see the square-bracket-and-comma list notation in
Haskell as syntactic sugar because you don't need to worry about what
it means; you just need to know how to mentally translate it into
applications of cons and nil, and you already know what those means.
Indeed, Haskell compilers are based on that same principle.


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"Apathy at the individual level translates into insanity at the mass level."
-- Douglas Hofstadter
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Feb 26, 2007, at 22:17 , P. R. Stanley wrote:

Prelude> 13:[1, 2]
[13, 1, 2]
which I don't believe has an address in the memory, correct?

If I understand what you're getting at:  internally it just allocates  
a new cons cell, stuffs 13 in the left side and a pointer to the  
existing list [1, 2] in the right side, yes.

Back to the comma, surely, syntax sugar fulfills the role of an  
operator, a function, or a sequence of low-level procedures, either  
in part or comprehensively.

I suppose I'd have to go with the latter.  In the formal constructor  
syntax (,,) it's just part of the operator name, but the tuple  
constructors are unique in that they don't need to be predeclared ---  
Haskell just looks for a parenthesized series of commas and counts  
the commas to find out the size of the tuple.  (Note that the unit  
type () falls out of this as a degenerate case.)  (1, 2, 3) is  
internally rewritten to (,,) 1 2 3, then parsed as the tuple  
constructor (,,) applied to the three arguments that constructor  

Prelude> :kind (,,)
(,,) :: * -> * -> * -> *
Prelude> :type (,,)
(,,) :: a -> b -> c -> (a, b, c)

My point is that, syntactically, the comma can't really be considered  
a function or an operator per se; it's just special syntax.

brandon s. allbery[linux,solaris,freebsd,perl] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/26/07, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

P. R. Stanley wrote:

> In C, for example, iteration could be implemented using the if construct
> with the dreaded goto command. So, strictly speaking, the while loop
> could be classed as syntax sugar. Yet, the while loop is a
> well-recognized construct in its own right.
> I hope you can see what I'm driving at.

Syntactic sugar is fully desugared at compile time. A while loop with
constant limits *could* be considered syntactic sugar if the compiler
can statically unroll the loop. Variable limits are definitely beyond
this definition, since they can only be evaluated at runtime.

I think what P.R. meant is that while loops in C can be desugared like this:

while(condition) {


goto exit;
 goto loop;

No static unrolling of the loop happens. So in the sense of "syntactic
sugar" that means "a construct that can be defined in terms of other
language constructs", while is syntactic sugar in C.

Not sure what the original point was, though.


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"Are you aware that rushing toward a goal is a sublimated death wish? It's no
coincidence we call them 'deadlines'." -- Tom Robbins
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread Dan Weston

P. R. Stanley wrote:
You know, as soon as I posted the message I remembered the destructive  
assignment thingummy. the following is what I was talking about:

Prelude> 13:[1, 2]
[13, 1, 2]
which I don't believe has an address in the memory, correct?

No. It does have a well-defined address in memory, which is there as 
long as you need it (and then garbage-collected away sometime thereafter).

Back to the comma, surely, syntax sugar fulfills the role of an 
operator, a function, or a sequence of low-level procedures, either in 
part or comprehensively.

The ":" is actually a constructor, which is a function that is fully 
evaluated at compile time and on which you can do pattern matching. The 
list syntax also forms such a pattern.

In C, for example, iteration could be implemented using the if construct 
with the dreaded goto command. So, strictly speaking, the while loop 
could be classed as syntax sugar. Yet, the while loop is a 
well-recognized construct in its own right.

I hope you can see what I'm driving at.

Syntactic sugar is fully desugared at compile time. A while loop with 
constant limits *could* be considered syntactic sugar if the compiler 
can statically unroll the loop. Variable limits are definitely beyond 
this definition, since they can only be evaluated at runtime.

Dan Weston

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread Robin Green
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 17:28:59 -0800 (PST)

> The problem with GADTs and other run-time based evidence is just
> that: _run-time_ based evidence and pattern-matching. In a non-strict
> system, checking that the evidence is really present is the problem on
> and of itself.

That's a problem in any system that does not have both termination
checking and exhaustive coverage checking. In this presence of both
those checks, laziness is not a problem.

> BTW, Omega, Dependent ML and a few other systems with
> GADTs are strict.

Omega does not yet have termination checking AFAIK, and Dependent ML
has a more limited type language.

Coq does have termination checking, and Neil Mitchell is working on a
case-and-termination checker for Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: OO Design in Haskell Example (Draft)

2007-02-26 Thread Steve Downey

I just started reading "Haskell's overlooked object system".

The survey of existing object encodings looks like a good place to start,
although for several, where Either is used as a union type there are some
rather obvious scaling problems. 

If I've understood it, the OOHaskell library is meant to be a way of
exploring OO in Haskell. Is it something that should be used by someone who
wants to implement an OO design today? Or is it more for someone interested
in research into the best way of doing OO in a functional context?

I agree that there are a number of thorny OO issues, particularly that there
really isn't a single OO model, rather a number of related models, practices
and principles that are all lumped into the context of OO. Not to mention
the tension between a model that revolves around mutable state against a
system built on referential transparency.

Mostly, I'd like to see better answers to questions like 'how do I do this'
than here's something that will let you build something that lets you do
that. I tend towards the engineering / reduction to practice side of things.
Much as I like theory. And even if the answer is, there isn't really a best
answer, but here are two or three reasonably good ways that won't cause too
much trouble, and here's the kind of trouble they are likely to cause.


Steve Downey wrote:
> In the last OO design in Haskell thread (and probably in every one
> preceeding it), it was suggested that having some examples might be a
> idea.
> Since most people with existing designs will have some familiarity with
> Design Patterns, and those are typical building blocks for OO designs,
> occured to me that implementing some of them might be a useful
> excersize.

Have you looked at OOHaskell?

With the exception of pure-functional objects and binary methods, I
think we have considered almost every OO pattern/idiom we could find,
including nominal/structural subtyping, co- and contra-variance,
self-typing, etc. The DARCS repository contains the complete code for
all of the examples and patterns. To clarify, the point of OOHaskell
is to use Haskell as a tool, laboratory bench, for exploring various
(thorny) OO issues.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread P. R. Stanley

I'm assuming that the ":" function takes two arguments and returns
a newly constructed list which is assigned to the variable holding/ 
pointing to the old list.

First part correct, second quite wrong --- Haskell doesn't have
destructive assignment in the general case.  There are special cases,
such as IORefs and MVars and TVars, but Haskell puts restrictions on
how you go about using such impure operations.

You know, as soon as I posted the message I remembered the 
destructive  assignment thingummy. the following is what I was talking about:

Prelude> 13:[1, 2]
[13, 1, 2]
which I don't believe has an address in the memory, correct?

Back to the comma, surely, syntax sugar fulfills the role of an 
operator, a function, or a sequence of low-level procedures, either 
in part or comprehensively.
In C, for example, iteration could be implemented using the if 
construct with the dreaded goto command. So, strictly speaking, the 
while loop could be classed as syntax sugar. Yet, the while loop is a 
well-recognized construct in its own right.

I hope you can see what I'm driving at.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Feb 26, 2007, at 21:27 , P. R. Stanley wrote:

Hi folks
in C and C++ world the humble comma is an operator. Is this also  
the case in Haskell or, is it classed as a function?

Neither; it's syntactic sugar.  The formal tuple constructor is (, 
[,...]) a [b ...] (e.g. (,,) a b c), with (a, b, c) a friendlier  
syntax for it, just as [a, b, c] is syntactic sugar for a : b : c : [].

In the wikibook they talk about consing new elements onto a list.  
Does this cons stand for anything meaningful in the English  
language? For example, is it short for construction or something  

It's "construct", but the term was actually borrowed from Lisp.   
Count yourself lucky Haskell doesn't use the related Lisp terms "car"  
and "cdr", which are named after registers in some ancient IBM CPU  
architecture.  Haskell went with the saner "head" and "tail" instead.

I'm assuming that the ":" function takes two arguments and returns  
a newly constructed list which is assigned to the variable holding/ 
pointing to the old list.

First part correct, second quite wrong --- Haskell doesn't have  
destructive assignment in the general case.  There are special cases,  
such as IORefs and MVars and TVars, but Haskell puts restrictions on  
how you go about using such impure operations.

brandon s. allbery[linux,solaris,freebsd,perl] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Oh, one more thing.

Quoting Aaron McDaid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Somebody more knowledgeable can describe the etymology of the terms,

You can think of a type as a set of values.  For example, Bool is the
set { False, True }.  A "class", then, is a set of types.

The distinction between "set" and "class" comes from the various set
theories (Goedel-Bernays-von Neumann set theory being the most common)
which try to avoid Russell's Paradox.

For those who are don't know about Russell's Paradox, take a look at the
Wikipedia entry before going on:

The idea behind GBN set theory is to distinguish between "sets", which
are always well-behaved, and "classes", which are not necessarily so
well-behaved.  Russell's Paradox is resolved by setting up your axioms
such that the paradoxical "set of all sets with property X" is not,
itself, a set, but a class.

By analogy, we call a set of types, or a "set of sets", a "class".

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Splitting Hairs Over Terminology

2007-02-26 Thread P. R. Stanley

Hi folks
in C and C++ world the humble comma is an operator. Is this also the 
case in Haskell or, is it classed as a function?
In the wikibook they talk about consing new elements onto a list. 
Does this cons stand for anything meaningful in the English language? 
For example, is it short for construction or something similar?
I'm assuming that the ":" function takes two arguments and returns a 
newly constructed list which is assigned to the variable 
holding/pointing to the old list.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Aaron McDaid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 'class' in Haskell doesn't mean the same as 'class' in C++ or Java. I
> found it easier at first to thing of them as:
>A Haskell 'class' is more like a Java interface.
>Haskell types are more like what you might think of as 'class'es.
>Haskell 'instance' means Java 'implement'
>There is no word that means that same as 'instance' from Java/C++
> terminology. I suppose we would call them 'values' or something.
> Somebody more knowledgeable can describe the etymology of the terms,
> but these 3 observations should help.

When you type "class Foo" in Java or C++, it does three things:

1. It declares a new type called "Foo".

2. It declares a _set_ of types (i.e. a "class").

3. It declares that the type Foo (and all of its subtypes) is a member
of the set of types Foo.

In Haskell, these three operations are distinct.

1. You declare a new type using "data" or "newtype".

2. You declare a new set of types using "class".

3. You declare that a type is a member of a class using "instance".

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] OO Design in Haskell Example (Draft)

2007-02-26 Thread oleg

Steve Downey wrote:
> In the last OO design in Haskell thread (and probably in every one
> preceeding it), it was suggested that having some examples might be a good
> idea.
> Since most people with existing designs will have some familiarity with
> Design Patterns, and those are typical building blocks for OO designs, it
> occured to me that implementing some of them might be a useful
> excersize.

Have you looked at OOHaskell?

With the exception of pure-functional objects and binary methods, I
think we have considered almost every OO pattern/idiom we could find,
including nominal/structural subtyping, co- and contra-variance,
self-typing, etc. The DARCS repository contains the complete code for
all of the examples and patterns. To clarify, the point of OOHaskell
is to use Haskell as a tool, laboratory bench, for exploring various
(thorny) OO issues.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: overlapping instances, selecting if type a does not belong to class?

2007-02-26 Thread Marc Weber

> That said, it is quite possible in Haskell to achieve genuine
> class-based dispatch, with backtracking if necessary:
Thanks for digging this up.
I'll have to reread it tomorrow.
I wasn't able to find the definition of AllOf(But):
quote   type Nums = Int :*: Integer :*: AllOf Fractionals :*: HNil
type Ords = Bool :*: Char :*: AllOf Nums :*: HNil
type Eqs  = AllOf (TypeCl OpenEqs) :*: AllOfBut Ords Fractionals :*: 

> However, it seems that your particular problem can be solved with
> simpler means:
> > instance (HList a) => HListAppendArbitrary a HNil a where
> >   hAppendArbitrary a _ = a
> > instance (HList a, HList b, HList c) 
> > => HListAppendArbitrary a (HCons b d) c where
> >   hAppendArbitrary a b = hAppend a b -- or use HCons with recursion
You are right. But it's more complicated in the sense that it needs two
instance declarations compared to one  (called much boilerplate in the
article) ...

> Incidentally, the code in your previous messages contained
> -fallow-incoherent-instances. I'd like to caution against using this
> extension. 
I agree. It was a stupid >>perhaps this will make it compile<< try and error

Thanks oleg!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread oleg

Stefan O'Rear wrote:
> Personally I like the GADT approach best since it is very flexible and
> convienient.  I have never used a purpose-build computer proof system,
> but (modulo _|_) it took me less than 10 minutes to answer
> LoganCapaldo (on #haskell)'s challenge to proof that + was commutative
> ( )

I'm afraid it may be premature to call this a proof. Here's your code

> data S x
> data Z
> data Add :: * -> * -> * -> * where
>   AddZZ :: Add Z Z Z
>   AddS1 :: !(Add x y z) -> Add (S x) y (S z)
>   AddS2 :: !(Add x y z) -> Add x (S y) (S z)
> add_is_commutatative :: Add a b c -> Add b a c
> add_is_commutatative (AddZZ) = AddZZ
> add_is_commutatative (AddS1 a) = AddS2 (add_is_commutatative a)
> add_is_commutatative (AddS2 a) = AddS1 (add_is_commutatative a)

First of all, where is the coverage proof? Given two numbers, S (S Z)
and S Z, how to find their sum using the above code? Someone needs to
construct the sequence of Adds, _at run-time_! But where is the proof
that the sequence of Add applications expresses all possible ways of
computing the sum, and each possible sum can be represented as a
sequence of Adds? One may say -- this is so trivial; to which I reply
that the original question was trivial as well. If we talk about the
formal _proof_, then let's do it rigorously and formally all the way.

Also, we can write
> main = let x = AddS1 (undefined::Add Z Z (S Z)) in print "OK"
> main2 = let x = add_is_commutatative (undefined::Add Z Z (S Z)) in print "OK"

and the evaluation of 'main' and main2 prints OK. Thus we need to do forcing
_all_ the way. But what if we forget some forcing? Incidentally, this
is exactly what happened: add_is_commutatative should have been
strict. But the code above misses the strictness annotation and still
it compiles and seems to work -- and gives one a reason to call it a
proof despite the deficiency. I'm afraid I have little trust in the
system that permits such lapses.

>  but (modulo _|_)
That is quite an unsatisfactory disclaimer! From the CH point of view,
Haskell is inconsistent as every type is populated. Showing that a
function is total is precisely demonstrating that the function is the proof
of its type. So, showing the absence of bottoms is precisely making
the proof!

The problem with GADTs and other run-time based evidence is just
that: _run-time_ based evidence and pattern-matching. In a non-strict
system, checking that the evidence is really present is the problem on
and of itself. BTW, Omega, Dependent ML and a few other systems with
GADTs are strict.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] State of OOP in Haskell

2007-02-26 Thread Ralf Lammel
Lennart wrote:

> OOHaskell is ingenious, but it's a terrible way to use Haskell.
> It's very unidiomatic Haskell, and it makes you do things in the
> same old OO way.

It's probably obvious but let me say that ...
OOHaskell is more of a proof of concept and a sandbox for OO language design.
It is not a serious proposal for actual OO application development.

Alexy wrote:

> And OOHaskell didn't compile for me on GHC 6.6...  tells you about
> currency of use.

I know a few people trying to use it. :-)
Oleg and I were distracted but will update OOHaskell for 6.6 soon.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] overlapping instances, selecting if type a does not belong to class?

2007-02-26 Thread oleg

Marc Weber wrote:
> class (HList c) => HListAppendArbitrary a b c | a b -> c where
>   hAppendArbitrary :: a -> b -> c
> -- instance HList + HList (1)
> instance (HList a, HList b, HAppend a b c, HList c) 
>   => HListAppendArbitrary a b c where
>   hAppendArbitrary a b = hAppend a b
> -- overlapping instance HList + value (2)
> instance (HList a, HList c)
>   => HListAppendArbitrary a b c where
>   hAppendArbitrary a b = HCons b a

In Haskell, instances are selected based on the _type_ (rather than
class) and only the instance head is considered in the process. The
instance constraints are checked only _after_ the instance has been
selected, but not during the process. In the above example, if we
disregard the instance constraints, the instances become
instance ListAppendArbitrary a b c
instance ListAppendArbitrary a b c
they are indeed the same: hence the typechecker complaint.

That said, it is quite possible in Haskell to achieve genuine
class-based dispatch, with backtracking if necessary:

However, it seems that your particular problem can be solved with
simpler means:

> instance (HList a) => HListAppendArbitrary a HNil a where
>   hAppendArbitrary a _ = a
> instance (HList a, HList b, HList c) 
> => HListAppendArbitrary a (HCons b d) c where
>   hAppendArbitrary a b = hAppend a b -- or use HCons with recursion
> -- overlapping instance HList + value (2)
> instance (HList a, HList c)
>   => HListAppendArbitrary a b c where
>   hAppendArbitrary a b = HCons b a

Besides, the constraint |HList a| is equivalent to |a| being either
HNil or HCons x y. Using the structural induction is always

Incidentally, the code in your previous messages contained
-fallow-incoherent-instances. I'd like to caution against using this
extension. It makes GHC commit to a general instance even if more
specific exist (and could be selected if more type information becomes
available). Therefore, enabling this extension may lead to surprises.
Sometimes this extension is indeed necessary and essential, when we
wish to compare type variables for identity. These cases are rare
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] overlapping instances, selecting if type a does not belong to class?

2007-02-26 Thread Marc Weber
I want to write a class introducing a function which should append a b
resulting in a HList containing a and b (order doesn't matter)

So I came up with:

= code ===

class (HList c) => HListAppendArbitrary a b c | a b -> c where
  hAppendArbitrary :: a -> b -> c

-- instance HList + HList (1)
instance (HList a, HList b, HAppend a b c, HList c) 
  => HListAppendArbitrary a b c where
  hAppendArbitrary a b = hAppend a b

-- overlapping instance HList + value (2)
instance (HList a, HList c)
  => HListAppendArbitrary a b c where
  hAppendArbitrary a b = HCons b a

= error ==

hps-lib/HPS/Utils.hs|130| 0:
|| Duplicate instance declarations:
||   instance [overlap ok] (HList a, HList b, HAppend a b c, HList c) =>
||  HListAppendArbitrary a b c
-- Defined at hps-lib/HPS/Utils.hs|130| 0
||   instance [overlap ok] (HList a, HList c) =>
||  HListAppendArbitrary a b c
-- Defined at hps-lib/HPS/Utils.hs|134| 0

=  ===

instance (2) should be used if b does not belong to class HList.

Of course there is another opportunity by writing (HCons a x) instead of
to force the first type beeing a HList...

Which is the topic to read from the ghc/ haskell manual ?

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hi can u explain me how drop works in Haskell

2007-02-26 Thread Steve Downey

ok maybe i should have read ahead. but still, i can see how to apply
hunit, but not quickcheck. but quickcheck seems more powerful.

On 2/26/07, Steve Downey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in addition, a good example of how to apply quickcheck would be really
without using the standard drop 

On 2/26/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's my, probably very obvious, contribution.
> What I'd like feedback on is
>  1) code seem ok? (hope so!)
>  2) What do you think of the tests I did to verify that this
> behaves the way I want? Is there a better / more idiomatic way to do
> this?
> **
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/learning/haskell/lists$ cat drop.hs
> mydrop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
> mydrop 0 xs = xs
> mydrop n xs = mydrop (n-1) (tail xs)
> main = test
> test = do print test1
>  print test2
>  print test3
> test1 = mydrop 3 [1,2,3] == []
> test2 = mydrop 2 [1,2,3] == [3]
> test3 = mydrop 0 [1,2,3] == [1,2,3]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/learning/haskell/lists$ runghc drop.hs
> True
> True
> True
> 2007/2/26, iliali16 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hi I am trying to implement the function drop in haskell the thing is
> I
> > I have been trying for some time and I came up with this code where I am
> > trying to do recursion:
> >
> > drop :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
> > drop 0 (x:xs) = (x:xs)
> > drop n (x:xs)
> > |n < lList (x:xs) = dropN (n-1) xs :
> > |otherwise = []
> >
> > So I want to understand how would this work and what exacttly should I
> > as an answer on line 4 couse that is where I am lost. I know I might got
> the
> > base case wrong as well but I don't know what to think for it. I have
> > the lList as a function before writing this one. Thanks to those who can
> > help me understand this. Thanks alot in advance! Have a nice day!
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> > Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hi can u explain me how drop works in Haskell

2007-02-26 Thread Steve Downey

in addition, a good example of how to apply quickcheck would be really awesome.
without using the standard drop 

On 2/26/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's my, probably very obvious, contribution.

What I'd like feedback on is

 1) code seem ok? (hope so!)
 2) What do you think of the tests I did to verify that this
behaves the way I want? Is there a better / more idiomatic way to do


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/learning/haskell/lists$ cat drop.hs
mydrop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
mydrop 0 xs = xs
mydrop n xs = mydrop (n-1) (tail xs)

main = test
test = do print test1
 print test2
 print test3

test1 = mydrop 3 [1,2,3] == []
test2 = mydrop 2 [1,2,3] == [3]
test3 = mydrop 0 [1,2,3] == [1,2,3]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/learning/haskell/lists$ runghc drop.hs

2007/2/26, iliali16 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi I am trying to implement the function drop in haskell the thing is that
> I have been trying for some time and I came up with this code where I am
> trying to do recursion:
> drop :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
> drop 0 (x:xs) = (x:xs)
> drop n (x:xs)
> |n < lList (x:xs) = dropN (n-1) xs :
> |otherwise = []
> So I want to understand how would this work and what exacttly should I put
> as an answer on line 4 couse that is where I am lost. I know I might got
> base case wrong as well but I don't know what to think for it. I have done
> the lList as a function before writing this one. Thanks to those who can
> help me understand this. Thanks alot in advance! Have a nice day!
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: OO Design in Haskell Example (Draft)

2007-02-26 Thread Steve Downey

interesting. it leads to something that feels much more like an object
based, as opposed to a class based, system.
as far as haskell is concerned, everything has the same type, even
though different instances have very different behavior.
instance variables are captured by the closures that define the object
methods,  through the instance construction functions.
i get the feeling that a model like 'self''s , based on prototypes,
would not be that hard to implement.

i should have the equivalent example with this style done soon.

the question is, which plays nicer with the rest of haskell? that is,
if i'm not committing to a closed dsl, which style is more likely to
be reusable against other libraries.

my experience so far has been with parsers and type checkers that make
extensive use of pattern matching, which is why I probably gravitated
towards the type class with existentials solution. but my experience
is limited.


Tim Docker wrote:
> Steve Downey wrote:
>  > So, I've been working on a Composite example. I've used
>  > existential types to have a generic proxy to the base
>  > type, rather than a simple algebraic type, since adding
>  > new leaves to the algebraic type means modifying the whole
>  > type, a violation of the Open-Closed principle (open for
>  > extension, closed for modification)
> Rather than using existential types, a simple record of
> functions can be often be useful. ie:
> data Component = Component {
> draw :: String
> add  :: Component -> Component
> }
> It might be worth comparing this approach with the (more
> complex) one you have described.

The point about existential types is that every class like IComponent
that allow as useful existential like

  data Component =
forall e.(IComponent e) => Component e

can be put into the record form Tim mentions. See the old wiki pages at

This is because every such IComponent has to look like

  class IComponent e where
foo1 :: e -> ... -> e
bar1 :: e -> ...

where the dots in "-> ..." must not contain the type variable e.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Delaling with State StateT and IO in the same function

2007-02-26 Thread Alfonso Acosta

On 2/27/07, Kirsten Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So what if you changed your netlist function so that the type
sig would be:

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
  (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
  (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
  State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
  IO (State s ())

Or why not:

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
  (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
  (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
  State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
  IO s

Uhm, this looks better, I'll try with this one and see what I get, I
anyway suspect I'll have a hard time because of the nested monads
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Delaling with State StateT and IO in the same function

2007-02-26 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/26/07, Alfonso Acosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/27/07, Kirsten Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I may be missing something, but why are you using both State and
> StateT? Maybe I don't understand your code, but it seems like you
> could be using StateT everywhere you're currently using State.

Well, as far as I know using "StateT s IO a" for the input functions
would force the state and value of their monad to stay within IO. That
restriction dissapears by using barely "State s a"

Ah, ok. So what if you changed your netlist function so that the type
sig would be:

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
 (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
 (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
 State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
 IO (State s ())

I didn't follow your code well enough to be sure that this would help,
but I think it might. Or why not:

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
 (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
 (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
 State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
 IO s

which seems to me like it would be even simpler, unless you're
planning on composing calls to netlist together (and from the code you
gave, I can't tell whether you are.)

If your code is such that refactoring it to have either of those types
wouldn't make sense, stating the reasons why should clarify things for
the rest of us.


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"Aw, honey, you can keep what's in my pockets, but send me back my pants."
--Greg Brown
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI basics

2007-02-26 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 01:02:57PM -0800, Evan Laforge wrote:
> Question #1 is compiling FFI using modules.  I'd like to use ghc
> --make for the speed and convenience, but obviously it doesn't know
> how to compile the C.  So my hybrid approach has been to write a
> makefile for the C, and then make the haskell program depend on the .o
> files and invoke ghc --make on them, like so:
> _dummy_target: cfile.o
>  ghc -Ic_includes -Lc_libs --make -main-is HsMain -o target HsMain.hs
> cfile.o -lclib
> Unfortunately, ghc doesn't seem relink the target if cfile.o changed,
> so as a hack I put 'rm target' before the ghc line to make it link
> every time.
> Does anyone have a better solution?

Yeah.  GHC knows how to call GCC on .c files, so just do:
  ghc -Ic_includes -Lc_libs --make -main-is HsMain -o target HsMain.hs cfile.c 

Don't worry about recompilation checking, GCC is two orders of magnitude
faster than GHC so the extra time will be neglible unless your program
is 95% C.

> #2 is structs.  What's a good way to marshal structs?  The
> straightforward way would be C stubs like "T get_t(struct foo *x)" for
> every field of the struct, but clearly at any kind of scale something
> like greencard will be necessary (as an aside, greencard's last update
> seems to have been "support this newfangled FFI"... is it still alive
> and just "done" or are people using something else nowadays?).
> Hopefully in can be made efficient though (I don't know if cross
> C-haskell inlining will happen, but maybe with -fvia-c?).  The other
> issue is that the haskell type will not be Storable, so the
> Foreign.Array stuff won't work... I need a separate sizeof C stub and
> allocaBytes.
> It's much easier to declare e.g. "type SomeCStruct = Word64" and then
> use Bits to pick out the fields in pure haskell, but I imagine this
> assumes way too much about how the struct is layed out in memory.

I don't know about GreenCard, but hsc2hs is still very much alive and
also addresses that goal.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Delaling with State StateT and IO in the same function

2007-02-26 Thread Alfonso Acosta

On 2/27/07, Kirsten Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I may be missing something, but why are you using both State and
StateT? Maybe I don't understand your code, but it seems like you
could be using StateT everywhere you're currently using State.

Well, as far as I know using "StateT s IO a" for the input functions
would force the state and value of their monad to stay within IO. That
restriction dissapears by using barely "State s a"

Also, your type signatures would be easier to read if you defined a
type synonym for your instantiation of StateT, e.g.:

type AlfonsoM s = StateT s IO ()

and then everywhere you write (StateT s IO ()) now, you could write
(AlfonsoM s) instead.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll make use of it :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Delaling with State StateT and IO in the same function

2007-02-26 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/26/07, Alfonso Acosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The returned type is a StateT and the only way in which I succesfully
managed to internally work with both State and StateT is converting
from the former to the later one using this function (not elegant at

I may be missing something, but why are you using both State and
StateT? Maybe I don't understand your code, but it seems like you
could be using StateT everywhere you're currently using State.

Also, your type signatures would be easier to read if you defined a
type synonym for your instantiation of StateT, e.g.:

type AlfonsoM s = StateT s IO ()

and then everywhere you write (StateT s IO ()) now, you could write
(AlfonsoM s) instead.


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"...People who mind their own business die of boredom at thirty."--Robertson
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 04:35:06PM +0100, Pepe Iborra wrote:
> I am really curious about this style of programming, and find myself  
> playing with it from time to time.
> The example so far is very nice, but the funniest part is missing.  
> That is, defining appendL.
> > appendL :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> List a t3
> This says that the append of a list of length t1 and a list of length  
> t2 is a list of whatever length t3 we want. Obviously this is not  
> true and will not typecheck.
> After some healthy days of reading papers and theses, I've found at  
> least three ways of defining it.
> First, via existentials:
> > appendL1 :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> exists t3. List a t3
> Second, attaching a proof. Question: what would be the advantage of  
> the proof here?
> > data Add a b c where Base :: Add NilT a a ; Step :: Add a b c ->  
> Add (ConsT a) b (ConsT c)
> > appendL2 :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> exists t3. (Add t1 t2 t3,  
> List a t3)
> Third, via Type Classes.
> \begin{code}
> class AddList a b c | a b -> c
> where append :: List x a -> List x b -> List x c
> instance AddList NilT b b
> where append Nil x = x
> instance AddList a b c => AddList (ConsT a) b (ConsT c)
> where append (Cons x l) l' = Cons x (append l l')
> \end{code}
> Given the three methods, I wouldn't know which one should be  
> preferred, and why.
> In the first one you pay the burden of programming with existentials.
> The second one in addition to that is the least efficient, as  
> building the proof surely has a cost. Since we are building it, isn't  
> there a way to use it to remove the existential?
> Finally, with the third one your compiler will produce error messages  
> that will make you swear, apart from possible efficiency losses too.

Personally I like the GADT approach best since it is very flexible and
convienient.  I have never used a purpose-build computer proof system,
but (modulo _|_) it took me less than 10 minutes to answer LoganCapaldo
(on #haskell)'s challenge to proof that + was commutative ( ).

Now, efficiency concerns.  GHC haskell already uses higher-than-value-level
proofs to implement newtypes/GADTs/ATs; efficiency concerns are addressed
in a strikingly adhoc way, by promoting equality to the KIND level, allowing
type erasure to remove the overhead of checking.  Chakravarty, Peyton Jones,
we'd really like a general kind-level proof system!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Delaling with State StateT and IO in the same function

2007-02-26 Thread Alfonso Acosta


I know StateT is exactly aimed at dealing with a state and an inner
monad but I have an example in which I have to mix State and IO and in
which I didn't get to an elegant solution using StateT.

I have a higher order function which gets some State processing
functions as input, makes some internal operations with IO and has to
return a State as output.

My (ugly) function interface is

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
  (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
  (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
  State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
  StateT s IO ()

The returned type is a StateT and the only way in which I succesfully
managed to internally work with both State and StateT is converting
from the former to the later one using this function (not elegant at

state2StateT :: Monad m => State s a -> StateT s m a
state2StateT f  = StateT (return.runState f)

I tried avoiding to use state2StateT by changing the interface to

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
  (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
  (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
  State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
  State s (IO ())

but the function ended up being even uglier and I had to be care full
about all the internal IO actions being executed (it is aesy to
formget about it), let me show a (quite stupid) example

myState :: State () (IO ())
myState = (return $ putStrLn "first line") >> (return $ putStrLn "second line")

eval myState ()

second line

The first line is obviously lost

Here is the full code of my function (many type definitions are
missing but I hope it is understandable anyway)

import qualified Data.Traversable as DT (Traversable(mapM))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans
import Language.Haskell.TH(Type)

netlist :: DT.Traversable f =>
  (State s (S HDPrimSignal) -> State s  v ) -> -- new
  (State s (Type,v) -> S v -> State s ())   -> -- define
  State s (f HDPrimSignal) ->  -- the graph
  StateT s IO ()
-- Generates a netlist given:
--  new: generates the new (and normally unique) tag of every node given
--   the iteration state which is updated as well.
--  define: given the tag of a node,
--  current iteration state, its type, and the tag of its children,
--  generates the netlist of that node, updating the iteration state
--  pSignals: the graph itself, a traversable collection of root
--signals including the initial state of the iteration

-- It returns the final iteration state and the tags of outputs
-- (root primitivesignals)
netlist new define pSignals =
 do f   <-  state2StateT pSignals
tab <-  lift table
let -- gather :: State s HDPrimSignal  -> StateT s IO v
gather sm =
   do HDPrimSignal t node <- sm
  visited <- lift (find tab node)
  case visited of
Just v  -> return v
Nothing -> do let sP = deref node
  v'  <- state2StateT (new (return sP))
  lift (extend tab node v')
  sV <- DT.mapM (gather.return) sP
  state2StateT (define (return (t,v')) sV)
  return v'

 in DT.mapM (gather.return) f >> return()

just in case it helps

table :: IO (Table a b)
find :: Table a b -> Ref a -> IO (Maybe b)
extend :: Table a b -> Ref a -> b -> IO ()

Maybe is asking too much but would anyone be able to provide a more
elegant netlist function which ...

option a) returns StateT but doesn't make use of state2StateT?


option b) returns State but doesnt end up being messy?

Thanks in advance,

Alfonso Acosta
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Marc Weber
On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 01:22:57PM -0600, Thomas Nelson wrote:
> I'm brand new to haskell and I'm having trouble using classes.  The basic 
> idea is I want two classes, Sine and MetaSine, that are both instances of 
> ISine. This way I can use the act method and recurse through the metasines 
> and sines. Here's my code:
> module Main
> where
> class ISine a where
> period :: a -> Integer
> offset :: a -> Integer
> threshold :: a -> Integer
> act :: (ISine b) => Integer -> a -> b
> on :: Integer -> a -> Bool
> --on needs offset, period, threshold
> on time self = (mod (time-(offset self)) (period self)) < (threshold 
> self)
> data Sine =
> Sine {
> period :: Integer,
> offset :: Integer,
> threshold :: Integer,
> letter :: String
> }
> instance Sine ISine where
 The other way round: instance class type where

Your errors have nothing to do with classes. Just try

module Main where
data MetaSine = MetaSine {period :: Integer }
data Sine = Sine { period :: Integer }
main = print "test"
which won't compile and show the same error

1) single module solution:

a) using records: Use prefixes
data MetaSine = MetaSine {msPeriod :: Integer }
data Sine = Sine { sPeriod :: Integer }

b) using the same accessor function "period" requires classes
   I think this is what you had in mind when introducing ISine
   Of course you can add this to a), too.

data MetaSine = MetaSine Integer
data Sine = Sine sPeriod

class Period where
period :: Integer
instance Period Sine where period (Sine p) = p
instance Period MetaSine where period (MetaSine p) = p

2) use for each datatype another module. Then you can define record name
period more than once. But you have to access them using
ModuleSine.period or ModuleMetaSine.period which is not what you want I

HTH Marc
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hello Thomas,

Thomas Nelson schrieb:

I'm brand new to haskell and I'm having trouble using classes. The
basic idea is I want two classes, Sine and MetaSine, that are both
instances of ISine. This way I can use the act method and recurse
through the metasines and sines.

That looks too much like object oriented design and too less like 
haskell for me. Have you considered using a standard algebraic type for 
all variantes of sines?

About your code:

class ISine a where
period :: a -> Integer
offset :: a -> Integer
threshold :: a -> Integer
act :: (ISine b) => Integer -> a -> b
on :: Integer -> a -> Bool
--on needs offset, period, threshold
on time self = (mod (time-(offset self)) (period self)) < (threshold self)

on is the same for alle instances? then don't include it in the type 
class, but provide it as polymorphic "helper" function:

on :: (ISine a) => Integer -> a -> Bool
on time self = (mod (time - (offset self)) (period self)) <
   (threshold self)

and don't use self, because it could prevent you from forgetting that 
haskell is not object oriented.

data Sine =
Sine {
period :: Integer,
offset :: Integer,
threshold :: Integer,
letter :: String

You are not allowed to use period, offset and threshold as selector 
names, because they are already used as members of class ISine.

instance Sine ISine where
act time (Sine self)
|on time self = [letter self]
|otherwise = []

You should provide definitions for all members of class ISine in this 
instance declaration. there are no automatic use of the like-named 
selectors. (in fact, the naming is illegal as pointed out above and by 
the compiler).

Same for MetaSine, of course.

I strongly suggest to ignore type classes and instances for a while and 
start learning about the way haskell represents data as algebraic data 
types. What you tried seems comparable to using a c++ template where a 
simple c function would do. Maybe working through a tutorial before 
trying to implement your own ideas could be helpfull, too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Aaron McDaid

On 2/26/07, Thomas Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm brand new to haskell and I'm having trouble using classes.  The basic idea
is I want two classes, Sine and MetaSine, that are both instances of ISine.

'class' in Haskell doesn't mean the same as 'class' in C++ or Java. I
found it easier at first to thing of them as:
  A Haskell 'class' is more like a Java interface.
  Haskell types are more like what you might think of as 'class'es.
  Haskell 'instance' means Java 'implement'
  There is no word that means that same as 'instance' from Java/C++
terminology. I suppose we would call them 'values' or something.
Somebody more knowledgeable can describe the etymology of the terms,
but these 3 observations should help.

data Sine =
 Sine {  period :: Integer, offset :: Integer, threshold :: Integer,  
letter :: String}

instance Sine ISine where
 act time (Sine self)
 |on time self = [letter self]
 |otherwise = []

To be honest, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, so beware of
my advice...
You might want to do this instead:

data Sine = Sine Integer Integer Integer String
instance ISine Sine where   -- note that ISine should come before Sine
 period (Sine p _ _ _ _) = p
 period (Sine _ o _ _ _) = o
-- and so on ...

There can only be a single function called period, which will take a
thing of any type which is an instance of ISine and return an Integer.
So every time you tell Haskell "this type is to be an implementation
of ISine" you have to write the period function for it as I have done
for Sine here.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai
All record fields are in the same namespace, and furthermore this is 
also the same namespace of functions and class methods. In other words 
you cannot have two record types containing the same field name, and you 
cannot have a record field and a function using the same name, and you 
cannot have a record field and a class method using the same name. You 
have to choose some other names for the fields of Sine, and yet some 
other names for the fields of MetaSine.

In "instance Sine ISine where ...", you must implement the methods 
"period", "offset", and "threshold", not just "act". Similarly for 
"instance MetaSine ISine where ...".

The implementations of method "act" are syntactically wrong as well as 
semantically wrong. I do not know what is a right implementation. 
Actually given the overly general signature

  act :: (ISine b) => Integer -> a -> b

I do not think there is any possible implementation at all. I submit 
that you have set a goal too ambitious and too magical.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI basics

2007-02-26 Thread Evan Laforge

... and now I have more questions.  Maybe it would be better if I just
asked them on the mailing list, and then incorporated the answers into
the wiki myself.

Question #1 is compiling FFI using modules.  I'd like to use ghc
--make for the speed and convenience, but obviously it doesn't know
how to compile the C.  So my hybrid approach has been to write a
makefile for the C, and then make the haskell program depend on the .o
files and invoke ghc --make on them, like so:

_dummy_target: cfile.o
 ghc -Ic_includes -Lc_libs --make -main-is HsMain -o target HsMain.hs
cfile.o -lclib

Unfortunately, ghc doesn't seem relink the target if cfile.o changed,
so as a hack I put 'rm target' before the ghc line to make it link
every time.

Does anyone have a better solution?

#2 is structs.  What's a good way to marshal structs?  The
straightforward way would be C stubs like "T get_t(struct foo *x)" for
every field of the struct, but clearly at any kind of scale something
like greencard will be necessary (as an aside, greencard's last update
seems to have been "support this newfangled FFI"... is it still alive
and just "done" or are people using something else nowadays?).
Hopefully in can be made efficient though (I don't know if cross
C-haskell inlining will happen, but maybe with -fvia-c?).  The other
issue is that the haskell type will not be Storable, so the
Foreign.Array stuff won't work... I need a separate sizeof C stub and

It's much easier to declare e.g. "type SomeCStruct = Word64" and then
use Bits to pick out the fields in pure haskell, but I imagine this
assumes way too much about how the struct is layed out in memory.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: Re: Computer Language Shootout]

2007-02-26 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

[redirecting to haskell-cafe, since this is getting to be a long discussion]

On 2/26/07, Andrzej Jaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The examples I pointed to seem to share strong and relatively consistent
logic of a program. In case of large GA (e.g. Royal Road Problem) and IFP
(e.g. ADATE) SML was exhaustively proved to predict this logic much better.

Can you clarify what you mean by this? How do you formally prove that
a programming language (rather than a specific implementation of one)
performs better for a given problem? Or do you mean that a specific
implementation of this problem in SML performed better than a specific
implementation of it in Haskell?

In case of Algebraic Dynamic Programming C compiler seems to address
specific properties of a program more adequately which leads to substantial
improvements in optimization. It is important to stress that we deal in ADP
with strong logic of the domain application. Handcrafting C code for regular
applications does not show that kind of advantage, so it wouldn't leave
Haskell in the dust. In general declarative nature has the edge over C
craftsmanship (see:

I've read a few of your posts and I still don't understand what you
mean by a compiler "address[ing] specific properties of a program".
Can you give an example of the kinds of program properties you're
talking about, and explain how C compilers exploit them in a way that
Haskell compilers currently fail to do?


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"Religion is just a fancy word for the Stockholm Syndrome."
-- lj user="pure_agnostic"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Links in Haskell code in HaskellWiki

2007-02-26 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Links in the Haskell code in the wiki pages point to wrong labels; for  
example, if 'print' is used, it is linked to:
the colon should be "%3A":

For '==', the link is:
it should be:

(see for example )

Can someone correct this?

Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Trouble with record syntax and classes

2007-02-26 Thread Thomas Nelson
I'm brand new to haskell and I'm having trouble using classes.  The basic idea 
is I want two classes, Sine and MetaSine, that are both instances of ISine. 
This way I can use the act method and recurse through the metasines and sines. 
Here's my code:

module Main

class ISine a where
period :: a -> Integer
offset :: a -> Integer
threshold :: a -> Integer
act :: (ISine b) => Integer -> a -> b
on :: Integer -> a -> Bool
--on needs offset, period, threshold
on time self = (mod (time-(offset self)) (period self)) < (threshold self)

data Sine =
Sine {
period :: Integer,
offset :: Integer,
threshold :: Integer,
letter :: String

instance Sine ISine where
act time (Sine self)
|on time self = [letter self]
|otherwise = []

data MetaSine =
MetaSine {
period :: Integer,
offset :: Integer,
threshold :: Integer,
sines :: (ISine a) => [a]

instance MetaSine ISine where
act time (MetaSine self)
|on time self  = foldr (++) (map (act time) (sines self))
|otherwise = []

The errors I get involve multiple declarations of period, offset, and 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] reed-solomon or other ECC codes

2007-02-26 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello haskell-cafe,

is there a haskell library for any ECC codes?

Best regards,
 Bulat  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] problems installing ghc 6.6 with extralibs (bad interface file)

2007-02-26 Thread Thomas Hartman

I installed ghc 6.6 from source ok. But then when I tried installing
it with the "extralibs" to get all the functionality that had been
unbundled in 6.6, I hit a glitch.

Anyone ever seen anything like this?

In case it matters, this is ssh-ed in to a virtualized user mode linux session.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/haskellInstalls$ cat
if [ ! -f ghc-6.6-src.tar.bz2 ]; then

if [ ! -f ghc-6.6-src-extralibs.tar.bz2 ]; then

tar -tvjf ghc-6.6-src.tar.bz2
tar -tvjf ghc-6.6-src-extralibs.tar.bz2
pushd ghc-6.6
 make install
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/haskellInstalls$ sudo ./ 2>&1
| tee out.txt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/haskellInstalls$ tail -n20 out.txt

make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install'.

== make install - --no-print-directory -r;
in /home/thartman/haskellInstalls/ghc-6.6/utils/ghc-pkg

Creating a symbolic link from ghc-pkg-6.6 to ghc-pkg in /usr/local/bin
for i in ghc-pkg-6.6; do \
   /usr/bin/install -c -m 755$i /usr/local/bin; \
/usr/local/bin/ghc -H16m -O -cpp -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing
-fno-warn-unused-matches -i../../compat -ignore-package Cabal
-Rghc-timing -c Main.hs -o Main.o  -ohi Main.hi

   Bad interface file: ../../compat/Distribution/InstalledPackageInfo.hi
   mismatched interface file versions: expected 6060, found 6
make[2]: *** [Main.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make: *** [install] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/haskellInstalls$
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Did quickchekc get dropped from ghc from 6.4 to 6.6?

2007-02-26 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Feb 26, 2007, at 10:30 , Thomas Hartman wrote:

I seem to recall this came with ghc 6.4. After upgrading to ghc 6.6,
however, I don't seem to have it anymore.

As noted by others, in 6.6 it was unbundled.

If you're using binary Linux packages, this unbundling is generally  
reflected in the binary packaging; for example, on Debian and Ubuntu  
you want to look for libghc6-*-dev packages corresponding to the GHC  
"packages" (e.g. libghc6-net-dev, libghc6-mtl-dev).

brandon s. allbery[linux,solaris,freebsd,perl] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 04:35:06PM +0100, Pepe Iborra wrote:
> First, via existentials:
> > appendL1 :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> exists t3. List a t3

It seems like this problem is begging for the new indexed types (for which
I never remember the right syntax).

type AddListTs :: * -> * -> *
AddListTs NilT NilT = NilT
AddListTs NilT t = t
AddListTs (ConsT t) t' = AddListTs t (ConsT t')


appendLi :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> List a (AddListTs t1 t2)

I'd be interested if Manuel had an idea whether this would work right.  I
think it can be made equivalent to the FD approach, but doesn't require
that you define a "stupid" class, and is far, far prettier.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Did quickchekc get dropped from ghc from 6.4 to 6.6?

2007-02-26 Thread Björn Bringert

Thomas Hartman wrote:

According to

Quickcheck is distributed with ghc.

I seem to recall this came with ghc 6.4. After upgrading to ghc 6.6,
however, I don't seem to have it anymore.

Do I need to install it from cabal? If so, I assume this would start
by wgetting 

and building that.


Hi Thomas,

between GHC 6.4 and 6.6 many libraries were moved into the ghc-extralibs 
source tarball. QuickCheck is among those. If you install GHC from the 
source tarball, you may also want to grab extralibs and install that, if 
you want an environment resembling the one you get with a normal GHC 6.4 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Did quickchekc get dropped from ghc from 6.4 to 6.6?

2007-02-26 Thread Cale Gibbard

On 26/02/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

According to

Quickcheck is distributed with ghc.

I seem to recall this came with ghc 6.4. After upgrading to ghc 6.6,
however, I don't seem to have it anymore.

Hmm, which release do you have? I don't think that I had to do
anything special to get QuickCheck. I just have the generic Linux
binary distribution. If you have a distribution-specific package,
check that there isn't another one for QuickCheck. Alternately, yeah,
you can just get it from Hackage like you described.

  ___ ___ _
 / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
/ /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.6, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :m + Test.QuickCheck
Prelude Test.QuickCheck>
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] R wrapper in haskell

2007-02-26 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 25 Feb 2007, Peng Zhang wrote:

> Hi folks,
> My primary language is R, which is an imperative functional language. I
> start to learn haskell and try to use it instead when a project is
> time-consuming and it takes months in R. I like the language very much
> so far, but I do miss some important functions in R which can generate
> random numbers from all kinds of distributions.

Maybe, also this one is of interest:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: AT solution: rebinding >>= for restricted monads

2007-02-26 Thread Pepe Iborra
David Roundy> writes:
> My latest attemp (which won't compile with the HEAD ghc that I just compiled,
> probably because I haven't figured out the synatax for guards with indexed
> types is:
> class WitnessMonad m where
> type W m :: * -> * -> *
> (>>=) :: (WitnessMonad m', WitnessMonad m'',
>   w a b = W m', w b c = W m'', w a c = W m)
>   => m' x -> (x -> m'' y) -> m y
> (>>) :: (WitnessMonad m', WitnessMonad m'',
>   w a b = W m', w b c = W m'', w a c = W m)
>   => m' x -> m'' y -> m y
> f >> g = f >>= const g
> return :: w a a = W m x => -> m x
> fail :: String -> m x
> data Witness a b
> instance Monad m => WitnessMonad m where
> W m = Witness () ()
> (>>=) = Prelude.(>>=)
> (>>) = Prelude.(>>)
> return = Prelude.return
> fail =
> which I think is quite pretty.  It allows the Monadlike object to have kind
> * -> *, while still allowing us to hide extra witness types inside and pull
> them out using the W function.

Did anyone with knowledge of Associated Types pursue this solution? 
It doesn't work with GHC head, and I can't really do anything about that.
Mostly curiosity. 


Everything from here on is to convince GMane that, even if my message 
contains more quoted text than fresh text, it is a legitimate message and it 
should be ok to post it. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread Pepe Iborra
I am really curious about this style of programming, and find myself  
playing with it from time to time.
The example so far is very nice, but the funniest part is missing.  
That is, defining appendL.

> appendL :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> List a t3

This says that the append of a list of length t1 and a list of length  
t2 is a list of whatever length t3 we want. Obviously this is not  
true and will not typecheck.
After some healthy days of reading papers and theses, I've found at  
least three ways of defining it.

First, via existentials:
> appendL1 :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> exists t3. List a t3

Second, attaching a proof. Question: what would be the advantage of  
the proof here?
> data Add a b c where Base :: Add NilT a a ; Step :: Add a b c ->  
Add (ConsT a) b (ConsT c)
> appendL2 :: List a t1 -> List a t2 -> exists t3. (Add t1 t2 t3,  
List a t3)

Third, via Type Classes.
class AddList a b c | a b -> c
where append :: List x a -> List x b -> List x c
instance AddList NilT b b
where append Nil x = x
instance AddList a b c => AddList (ConsT a) b (ConsT c)
where append (Cons x l) l' = Cons x (append l l')

Given the three methods, I wouldn't know which one should be  
preferred, and why.

In the first one you pay the burden of programming with existentials.
The second one in addition to that is the least efficient, as  
building the proof surely has a cost. Since we are building it, isn't  
there a way to use it to remove the existential?
Finally, with the third one your compiler will produce error messages  
that will make you swear, apart from possible efficiency losses too.

Thanks for reading, any hints will be appreciated

On 26/02/2007, at 15:26, David Roundy wrote:

On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 10:40:13PM +, Neil Mitchell wrote:

data ConsT a
data NilT

data List a t where
   Cons :: a -> List a b -> List a (ConsT b)
   Nil  :: List a NilT


Defining safeMap was trivial, but one thing I couldn't figure out was
how to write something like fromList:

fromList [] = Nil
fromList (a:as) = Cons a (fromList as)

fromList could obviously be anything such as reading from a file etc,
where the input is not known in advance. Are there any techniques for

My favorite ways to wrap an existential is with another GADT:

data Existential a where Existential :: a b -> a

(Yes, properly speaking this isn't a GADT, just an existential ADT,  

it's easier for me to understand this way.)


fromList [] = Existential Nil
fromList (a:as) = case fromList as of
  Existential as' -> Existential (Cons a as')

This is a pretty easy way to deal with the fromList.  You'll now  
also want
(which I don't think you mentioned in your example code) a GADT  
version of

null, and perhaps other length operators:

data NullT t where
  IsNull :: NullT NilT
  NotNull :: NullT (ConsT t)

nullL :: List a t -> NullT t

so you can now actually use your head function on a dynamically  

list, by running something like (e.g. in a monad)

   do cs <- readFile "foo"
  Existential cs' <- return $ fromList cs
  -- note: we'll pattern-match fail on non-empty list here, which
  -- may not gain much, we'd use case statements in reality, or  
  -- catch failure within the monad, which is also safe-- 
provided you
  -- catch them, which the language doesn't force you to do!  
(Or if

  -- we're in a pure monad like Maybe.)
  NotNull <- nullL cs'
  let c = headL cs'
  t = tailL cs'
  -- Now to illustrate the power of the GADT, a line that  
will fail

  -- at compile time:
  t' = tailL t
  return c

David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Did quickchekc get dropped from ghc from 6.4 to 6.6?

2007-02-26 Thread Thomas Hartman

According to

Quickcheck is distributed with ghc.

I seem to recall this came with ghc 6.4. After upgrading to ghc 6.6,
however, I don't seem to have it anymore.

Do I need to install it from cabal? If so, I assume this would start
by wgetting

and building that.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/learning/haskell/lists$ ghci
  ___ ___ _
 / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
/ /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.6, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :m Control.Monad
Prelude Control.Monad> :m Test.QuickCheck
Could not find module `Test.QuickCheck':
 Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Prelude Control.Monad> :m Quickcheck
Could not find module `Quickcheck':
 Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Prelude Control.Monad>
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread David Roundy
On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 10:40:13PM +, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> >data ConsT a
> >data NilT
> >
> >data List a t where
> >Cons :: a -> List a b -> List a (ConsT b)
> >Nil  :: List a NilT
> Defining safeMap was trivial, but one thing I couldn't figure out was
> how to write something like fromList:
> fromList [] = Nil
> fromList (a:as) = Cons a (fromList as)
> fromList could obviously be anything such as reading from a file etc,
> where the input is not known in advance. Are there any techniques for
> this?

My favorite ways to wrap an existential is with another GADT:

data Existential a where Existential :: a b -> a

(Yes, properly speaking this isn't a GADT, just an existential ADT, but
it's easier for me to understand this way.)


fromList [] = Existential Nil
fromList (a:as) = case fromList as of
  Existential as' -> Existential (Cons a as')

This is a pretty easy way to deal with the fromList.  You'll now also want
(which I don't think you mentioned in your example code) a GADT version of
null, and perhaps other length operators:

data NullT t where
  IsNull :: NullT NilT
  NotNull :: NullT (ConsT t)

nullL :: List a t -> NullT t

so you can now actually use your head function on a dynamically generated
list, by running something like (e.g. in a monad)

   do cs <- readFile "foo"
  Existential cs' <- return $ fromList cs
  -- note: we'll pattern-match fail on non-empty list here, which
  -- may not gain much, we'd use case statements in reality, or we'd
  -- catch failure within the monad, which is also safe--provided you
  -- catch them, which the language doesn't force you to do! (Or if
  -- we're in a pure monad like Maybe.)
  NotNull <- nullL cs'
  let c = headL cs'
  t = tailL cs'
  -- Now to illustrate the power of the GADT, a line that will fail
  -- at compile time:
  t' = tailL t
  return c

David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell-art mailing list

2007-02-26 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 12:47:19PM +0100, Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:
> Is this something for the list at

That's generated by mailman, and as far as I know can't be easily

> (Maybe this page could be moved to haskellwiki?)

Perhaps adding a list of links to Haskell-related-lists on would be best?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How you can help improve Haskell implementations!

2007-02-26 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> Hi
> >And also I guess the compilers will do more optimisations, etc.
> >So this suggests an obvious extra feature for nobench which would be the
> >ability to view a graph of each compiler's performance over a period of
> >time, obviously this probably wouldn't be useful for at least a few
> >months.
> We hope to add experimental -O to Yhc within the next week or so, very
> soon would help us :)

Its easy enough to run two or more versions of a compiler. So we can
check ghc against ghc-head , or yhc against yhc-old.

Just ping me if you want something checked like that.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How you can help improve Haskell implementations!

2007-02-26 Thread Neil Mitchell


And also I guess the compilers will do more optimisations, etc.
So this suggests an obvious extra feature for nobench which would be the
ability to view a graph of each compiler's performance over a period of
time, obviously this probably wouldn't be useful for at least a few

We hope to add experimental -O to Yhc within the next week or so, very
soon would help us :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How you can help improve Haskell implementations!

2007-02-26 Thread Allan Clark

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Just a quick note to say that the Haskell implementation shootout is
progressing, now supporting jhc, fixing a range of bugs, and providing
more benchmark programs. Nice average numbers are also reported for the
relative performance of each compiler or interpreter.

On x86:

On amd64:

Several bugs in our beloved Haskell compilers have been spotted, and
most of them already fixed!

And also I guess the compilers will do more optimisations, etc.
So this suggests an obvious extra feature for nobench which would be the 
ability to view a graph of each compiler's performance over a period of 
time, obviously this probably wouldn't be useful for at least a few 
months. However in particular it would be very good for the compiler 
writers to be aware if the performance goes *down* that is a further 
release of a compiler causes a benchmarked program to run slower.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How you can help improve Haskell implementations!

2007-02-26 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
Just a quick note to say that the Haskell implementation shootout is
progressing, now supporting jhc, fixing a range of bugs, and providing
more benchmark programs. Nice average numbers are also reported for the
relative performance of each compiler or interpreter.

On x86:

On amd64:

Several bugs in our beloved Haskell compilers have been spotted, and
most of them already fixed!

** I'd like to invite contributions of benchmark programs**.

If you have a nice benchmarky program, that's reasonably portable
(mostly h98 + base libs is ok), and freely licensed, let me know, and we
can add it to the benchmark suite. Programs that show up interesting
results between systems or that were difficult to get to perform well
are particuarly welcome.

3 kinds of programs are welcome:

* small artificial programs that illustrate particular issues
e.g.  (prime sieves, FFT, great language shootout programs) 

* 'kernels' from larger programs, that illustrate some functionality
e.g. a mandelbrot generator, or some other core algorithm

* larger real programs. These are particularly welcome. Limited to
  around 25 modules maximum, and capable of being run with simple
  stdin/args, producing simple output. Raytracers, chess programs,
  and small theorem provers are existing examples.

So send me your unwashed code. Whatever code doesn't kill them will only
make our compilers stronger! :-)

The darcs repo for nobench/nofib is at:

Happy hacking!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: OO Design in Haskell Example (Draft)

2007-02-26 Thread apfelmus
Tim Docker wrote:
> Steve Downey wrote: 
>  > So, I've been working on a Composite example. I've used
>  > existential types to have a generic proxy to the base
>  > type, rather than a simple algebraic type, since adding
>  > new leaves to the algebraic type means modifying the whole
>  > type, a violation of the Open-Closed principle (open for
>  > extension, closed for modification)
> Rather than using existential types, a simple record of
> functions can be often be useful. ie:
> data Component = Component {
> draw :: String
> add  :: Component -> Component
> }
> It might be worth comparing this approach with the (more
> complex) one you have described.

The point about existential types is that every class like IComponent
that allow as useful existential like

  data Component =
forall e.(IComponent e) => Component e

can be put into the record form Tim mentions. See the old wiki pages at

This is because every such IComponent has to look like

  class IComponent e where
foo1 :: e -> ... -> e
bar1 :: e -> ...

where the dots in "-> ..." must not contain the type variable e.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Safe lists with GADT's

2007-02-26 Thread apfelmus
Stefan O'Rear wrote:
>> How do I get my original function back which just turns a standard
>> list to one of the funky lists, or is that just impossible with
>> GADT's? Do I now have to "wrap" all the fuctions I use, i.e. pass
>> safeMap in CPS?
> AFAIK you can't. Fortunately the CPS transform can be very local:

Indeed, you can't. I mean, given

  fromList [] = Nil
  fromList (a:as) = Cons a (fromList as)

what type would it have? One of

  fromList :: forall t . [a] -> List a t
  fromList ::[a] -> List a NilT
  fromList :: forall t . [a] -> List a (ConsT t)

? No, because the second argument depends on the input list. The only
thing we know is that there is a type t but we don't know which one. Thus

  fromList :: [a] -> (exists t . List a t)

is the correct type. As Haskell currently doesn't have "first class
existentials", we have to either pack it into a data type or appeal to
the equivalence

  exists a . f a  ~= forall r . (forall a . f a -> r) -> r

Both have of course the problem that we cannot simply write

  safeMap (fromList [1,2,3]) :: exists t . List a t


Exercise: Why is

   fromList :: exists t . [a] -> List a t

wrong as well?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] OO Design in Haskell Example (Draft)

2007-02-26 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Tim,

Monday, February 26, 2007, 2:26:44 AM, you wrote:

> Rather than using existential types, a simple record of
> functions can be often be useful. ie:

> data Component = Component {
> draw :: String
> add  :: Component -> Component
> }

Steve, you can look at the pages
which describes some alternatives to OO approach used in functional
programming world and Haskell in partial. because first page is just
about switching from OOP to Haskell, you may consider adding to this
page patterns you've designed

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hi can u explain me how drop works in Haskell

2007-02-26 Thread Thomas Hartman

I'd heard of quick check, but haven't got my head around it. This
seems like a good place to start.

I understand you have to build an invariant and then you can automate
against it, eg "reverse of reverse is your original string"

prop_RevRev xs = reverse (reverse xs) == xs
where types = xs::[Int]


but what would be your invariant with the drop function?

At first I thought

prop_HeadConsDropped xs = (head xs) : (drop 1 xs) == xs
where types = xs::[a]

But I think then you have the issue of head nil being an error.

So, is there a better strategy? Or is using quickcheck here overkill?

2007/2/26, Antonio Cangiano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 2/26/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's my, probably very obvious, contribution.
> What I'd like feedback on is
> 1) code seem ok? (hope so!)

Hi Thomas,

tail [] raises an error, therefore your code will fail when n > length xs (
e.g. mydrop 3 [1,2] will raise an exception, where [] is the expected
result). Your function is also limited to list of Int only (mydrop :: Int ->
[Int] -> [Int]).

> 2) What do you think of the tests I did to verify that this
> behaves the way I want? Is there a better / more idiomatic way to do
> this?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A "real" Haskell Cookbook

2007-02-26 Thread Martin DeMello

On 2/26/07, Chris Eidhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey everyone,

we added some examples to this page. There are some topics that don't
have any examples, notably:
# 11 Network Programming
# 12 XML
 * 12.1 Parsing XML
# 13 Databases
 * 13.1 MySQL
 * 13.2 PostgreSQL
 * 13.3 SQLite
# 14 FFI
 * 14.1 How to interface with C

If anyone feels like filling up some of those sections, that would be

I'd also suggest adding

* 4.4 Regular expressions
* 4.5 Interpolation

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hi can u explain me how drop works in Haskell

2007-02-26 Thread Antonio Cangiano

On 2/26/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's my, probably very obvious, contribution.

What I'd like feedback on is

1) code seem ok? (hope so!)

Hi Thomas,

tail [] raises an error, therefore your code will fail when n > length xs (
e.g. mydrop 3 [1,2] will raise an exception, where [] is the expected
result). Your function is also limited to list of Int only (mydrop :: Int ->
[Int] -> [Int]).

2) What do you think of the tests I did to verify that this

behaves the way I want? Is there a better / more idiomatic way to do

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