[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type classes and type equality

2007-04-19 Thread oleg

  - If we permit overlapping instances extension, then a few lines of code
  decide equality for all existing and future types:
  class  TypeEq x y b | x y - b
  instance TypeEq x x HTrue
  instance TypeCast HFalse b = TypeEq x y b

 This is exactly what I was after, but it doesn't seem to work in Hugs
 - even with overlapping instances and unsafe overlapping instances
 turned on.

Hugs is indeed quite problematic; back in 2004 we essentially gave up
on Hugs for anything moderately advanced, especially after Ralf found
an example which typechecks only if constraints are specified in a
particular order. If we permute the constraints (I think, it was in
the instance declaration), Hugs complaints. Clearly the order of
constraints should not matter. It has been my experience that the code
requiring undecidable instances on GHC might not work on Hugs, failing
with sometimes bizarre error messages.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| Simon (aka Dumbledore) is speaking to four different Houses: scientists
| (Ravenclaw), engineers (Hufflepuff), entrepreneurs (Slytherin), and
| managers (Griffindor).

I wish I could live up to this image!

Lots of interesting ideas on this thread, and Haskell-Cafe threads are 
*supposed* to wander a bit.  But, just to remind you all: I'm particularly 
interested in

  concrete examples (pref running code) of programs that are
   * small
   * useful
   * demonstrate Haskell's power
   * preferably something that might be a bit
   tricky in another language

I have lots of *general* ideas.  What I'm hoping is that I can steal working 
code for one or two compelling examples, so that I can spend my time thinking 
about how to present it, rather than on dreaming up the example and writing the 

(But don't let me inhibit wider-ranging discussion as well.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: [Haskell] haskell question

2007-04-19 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
[Redirecting to Haskell Cafe]

Hi Greg

I think it's very likely that you *can* do what you want.   I have not taken 
long enough to understand just what you are trying to do, but I do know why 
your program is failing, and I think you'll agree it *should* fail.  Look at 
these lines (slightly simplified)

class CoreAgentSyntax x where
offer :: (CoreProcessSyntax p) = [n] - (p a x) - x

data MinimalAgentSyntax nn pp = Concretion [nn] pp

instance CoreAgentSyntax (MinimalAgentSyntax nn pp) where
 offer = Concretion

The class decl says that every instance of 'offer' must have type
forall p, forall n, forall a. (CoreProcessSyntax p) = [n] - p 
a x - x
where x is the instance type.  Not the forall n!   Even once x is fixed, we 
must have a function that is polymorphic in n,p,a

But in your instance declaration, offer = Concretion has the type
[nn] - pp - MinimalAgentSyntax nn pp
No for-alls, because the whole instance decl binds the 'nn'.  Hence it's just 
not polymorphic enough.

I'm not sure how to fix your problem.  Perhaps you need another argument for 

class CoreAgentSyntax n x where
offer :: (CoreProcessSyntax p) = [n] - (p a x) - x

instance CoreAgentSyntax nn (MinimalAgentSyntax nn pp) where
 offer = Concretion

now you are in better shape. There's another problem because you use 'p' with 
kind * in some places and (*-*-*) in others, but thats a separate issue.

Oleg is good at this kind of stuff.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Meredith
Sent: 18 April 2007 14:53
Subject: [Haskell] haskell question


In the attached file i have implemented the bare bones core of the syntax -- 
pre structural equivalence -- of Milner's presentation of \pi via abstractions 
and concretions. (There's a minor twist in that the notion of location affords 
more structure than in Milner's original presentation which i have added to 
support an ultimate probabilistic interpretation.)

The file compiles with ghc as is. If you uncomment the last section, however, 
you see that to close the loop on the constraints for the agent syntax we hit a 
typing error. i think this is a hard constraint in Haskell that prevents this 
level of generality in the specification, but maybe you can see a way around 
it. i'm certainly no Haskell expert.

Best wishes,


P.S. The reason for this level of generality is that with it you can close the 
loop and form a mutual recursion between the types for the syntax of processes 
and the type of names -- without having that choice predesigned into the 
structure of processes (or names). i can do this trick in OCaml with recursive 
modules, but it's definitely not pretty. i was hoping Haskell could make it 

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about Data.Binary and Double instance

2007-04-19 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 21:12 -0700, David Roundy wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 10:20:21AM +1000, Duncan Coutts wrote:
  and people will for ever be defining newtype wrappers or complaining
  that the whole library isn't parametrised by the endianness or whatever.
  For existing formats you need much more flexibility and control. The
  Binary class is to make it really convenient to serialise Haskell types,
  and it's built on top of the layer that gives you full control.
  We intend to work more on this other side of the library in the coming
  couple of months. If you could tell us a bit more about your use case,
  that'd be great.
 I just want to read in a file full of Doubles (written in binary format
 from C++) and print out text (into a pipe or file to be read by gnuplot).
 It's not a high-performancs use (the file is only a megabyte or so), but
 it's something that *ought* to be easy, and so far as I can tell, it
 requires tricky hackery.

Right, it should be simple.

With the api I'm hacking on at the moment you just have primitives like
(importing Data.Binary.Get as Get): 

Get.word :: Get Word
Get.word8 :: Get Word8

and you'd need:
Get.double :: Get Double  --IEEE double format

As you noticed, that's not a primitive which we have yet. With that it
should be really easy to get a sequence of them:
Get.run (mapM (const Get.double) [0..n]) :: Lazy.ByteString - [Double]

or whatever.

 I suppose I was just disappointed, because I'd figured that the Binary
 library was there to do what I wanted.  :( It was something I could have
 done in five minutes (counting tuning the gnuplot file) in perl, and it's
 embarrassing (which makes it frustrating) to fail in Haskell to complete it
 in... I couldn't say how long, an hour or so?

Yeah, we've concentrated so far on the serialisation of Haskell values,
not reading/writing externally defined binary formats. I don't think
we've been especially clear on that. But we do intend to tackle both.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parallel executing of actions

2007-04-19 Thread Mitar


On 4/18/07, Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This evaluates all the elements of the list using parMap (the expensive
part, right?), and then sequentially applies the action on the current

True. But currently I have the main function I would like to
parallel something like this:

drawPixel x y = do openGLDrawPixel x y color where color = calcColor x y

But it is probably really better if I first calculate everything and
then just draw it. It is easier to parallelize (will have only pure
functions) and also I will not have those OpenGL errors.

Thanks everybody

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Lots of interesting ideas on this thread, and Haskell-Cafe threads are
 *supposed* to wander a bit.  But, just to remind you all: I'm particularly
 interested in

   concrete examples (pref running code) of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

I updated the diff example a bit:


It now features TWO newtype synonyms.  This illustrates a crucial feature
of Haskell: Abstractions are cheap.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Mirko Rahn

   * small
   * useful
   * demonstrate Haskell's power
   * preferably something that might be a bit
   tricky in another language

Something I like: A finite (binary) relation

 data Rel q = Rel { elems :: [(q,q)] }

We do not export constructors, hence

 rel xs = Rel { elems = xs }

Now, the function mirror

 mirror r = rel [ (p,q) | (q,p) - elems r ]

is an involution, that is mirror . mirror == id. Okay, how to exploit 
that? Nothing easier than that in Haskell: Just make mirror a field of Rel

 data Rel q = Rel { elems :: [(q,q)], mirror :: Rel q }

and change the construction function to

 rel xs = r
 where r = Rel
 { elems = xs
 , mirror = let m = rel [ (p,q) | (q,p) - elems r ]
in m { mirror = r }

Note that the signatures of mirror and rel are the same as before. Try 
this in your favorite language!


-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~rahn/ ---
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Isaac Dupree
Hash: SHA1

 I updated the diff example a bit:
 It now features TWO newtype synonyms.  This illustrates a crucial feature
 of Haskell: Abstractions are cheap.

Okay, looking at that code:
The comments before the type definitions are mostly good...
now it looks like I'm going into critique mode :)

Range (that is, the comment describing it) needs to say whether it's
inclusive of its first and/or its last endpoint (in fact it is
inclusive, I can determine by looking at the definition of rangeDist)

I suppose Match is the same (inclusive), but I can't tell. And
personally I don't know what the significance/meaning of a found match is.

Comparing data Range = Range Line Line and type Match = (Line,Line),
they are isomorphic, but declared differently (which is fine IMO)

With just a little modification, it could use haddock syntax for the

I got a little lost reading the code. I think all the data/type
definitions should be moved together, to the top. And the comments on
the types enhanced a little to make it clearer how the algorithm goes.
Or if diff is a weird confusing algorithm even in Haskell, put a more
thorough description of why/how it uses those types and/or a reference
to a paper on the subject, I would personally like :).  Maybe that
doesn't show off how clear Haskell itself is, or maybe it gives the
reader a better chance of understanding it at all and thereby seeing how
straightforward it is.  I don't know, are there QuickCheck-style
properties we can say about diff? (they are another valuable tool for
understanding in detail what the code is supposed to do)

The only IO that displayDiff does is putStrLn. It should probably return
a string instead (and be called showDiff? would it be necessary to
replace the putStrLn IO with some sort of writer monad to keep the
code's clarity? or the ShowS-style sequencing/concatenation is (.) and
output is (str++) (or, showLn: (\s - str ++ '\n' : s)) -- that can be
abstracted so it's not so ugly...)  Then,
displayDiff = putStr . showDiff

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] First order Haskell without Data

2007-04-19 Thread Josef Svenningsson


Just a comment or two on the implications of converting higher-order
functions to data.

The paper you reference about this uses the method of
defunctionalization. This is a whole program transformation and might
therefore not be suitable in a compiler such as GHC or YHC. On the
other hand, it is more or less exactly what JHC uses

If you want to support separate compilation you should go for more
conventional closure conversion. This is in essence what every
compiler which compiles a higher order language does. But if you want
to have a typed language which can express this transformation you
will be needing quite a sophisticated type system.

Just my 2 öre.


On 4/19/07, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've been wondering what is essential to Haskell and what isn't. Not
from a point of view of what could be removed from the language, but
what could be removed from a Core language.

Given the features of higher-order, laziness and data types:

Laziness can be converted to higher-order functions

Data types can be converted to higher-order functions

Higher-order functions can be converted to Data

So as far as I can see it we have left:
{data-types only}
{higher-order functions only}

But we don't have laziness only, so my question is if it is possible
to represent all of Haskell in a first-order language without data
types, but with laziness. If its possible to do so in a strict
first-order language without data types, then I'd also be interested.

Are any of these known results?




* data types - higher order is in Efficient Interpretation by
Transforming Data Types and Patterns to Functions

* laziness - functions, functions - data is in Definitional
Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about Data.Binary and Double instance

2007-04-19 Thread Jules Bean

Duncan Coutts wrote:

Yeah, we've concentrated so far on the serialisation of Haskell values,
not reading/writing externally defined binary formats. I don't think
we've been especially clear on that. But we do intend to tackle both.


Speaking for myself, I certainly didn't realise you were intending to 
solve these two different problems. Serialisation and binary data access 
are clearly quite different issues (though it makes sense for the one to 
layer on the other). Perhaps you should (a) be clearer in your 
propaganda and (b) give the two parts different names?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about Data.Binary and Double instance

2007-04-19 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 12:23 +0100, Jules Bean wrote:
 Duncan Coutts wrote:
  Yeah, we've concentrated so far on the serialisation of Haskell values,
  not reading/writing externally defined binary formats. I don't think
  we've been especially clear on that. But we do intend to tackle both.

 Speaking for myself, I certainly didn't realise you were intending to 
 solve these two different problems. Serialisation and binary data access 
 are clearly quite different issues (though it makes sense for the one to 
 layer on the other). Perhaps you should (a) be clearer in your 
 propaganda and (b) give the two parts different names?

Aye, it was possibly a mistake to call it Data.Binary since people
interpret that to mean whichever of those two problems that person needs
to solve :-). We should rename the Haskell value serialisation part to
Data.Binary.Serialise or something. Then you'll have to decide at the
point you write your imports which kind of problem you're dealing with,
by importing either Data.Binary.Serialise or Data.Binary.Get and .Put.
That should help make it clearer to people.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Joel Reymont
Support I want to infer the type given an Op that looks like this  

data Op
= Minus
| Plus
| Mul
| LT
| GT

Is there a shorthand way of bunching Minus, Plus and Mul in a  
function guard since they all result in TyNum whereas the rest in  

I really don't want several function clauses and neither do I want  
separate guards for every constructor.

Thanks, Joel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Neil Mitchell


isBool x = isLT x || isGT x
isNum x = not $ isBool x

isLT and isGT can be derived automatically using derve [1], with the
Is class (or DrIFT if you want).



[1] google data derive

On 4/19/07, Joel Reymont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Support I want to infer the type given an Op that looks like this

data Op
 = Minus
 | Plus
 | Mul
 | LT
 | GT

Is there a shorthand way of bunching Minus, Plus and Mul in a
function guard since they all result in TyNum whereas the rest in

I really don't want several function clauses and neither do I want
separate guards for every constructor.

Thanks, Joel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Joel Reymont

This is what want. Notice the succinctness.

Objective Caml version 3.10+dev24 (2007-02-16)

# type foo = A | B | C | D | E | F
type foo = A | B | C | D | E | F

# A;;
- : foo = A

# let infer = function | A | B | C - true; | D | E | F - false;;
val infer : foo - bool = fun

# infer A;;
- : bool = true

# infer B;;
- : bool = true

# infer D;;
- : bool = false

# infer F;;
- : bool = false


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Jules Bean

Neil Mitchell wrote:


isBool x = isLT x || isGT x
isNum x = not $ isBool x

isLT and isGT can be derived automatically using derve [1], with the
Is class (or DrIFT if you want).

You can also get a long way with GHC's built in derivations for Eq, Enum 
and Show.

If an Enum instance is possible then you can write something like

isBool = (`elem` [LT .. GT])
isNum = (`elem` [Minus .. Mul])

If enum is not possible, because some of the constructors are not 
nullary, then there is the following cute/ugly hack if you instead 
derive Show:

constrName = takeWhile (/=' ') . show

and you can say

isBool x = constrName x `elem` [LT,GT]
isNum x = constrName x `elem` [Minus,Plus,Mul]

What this leads us towards is that it might be rather nice (perhaps even 
nice enough to build into a compiler) to be able to derive, for each 
type with multiple constructors, a type 'which is the enumeration of the 
constructors'. I.e. a type with the same constructors (up to some 
namespace fix like prepending with C) but all nullary:

data Atom = Null | MyInt Int | MyString String


data AtomCons = CNull | CMyInt | CMyString deriving (Ord,Eq,Enum,Show)

and a function

constr :: Atom - AtomCons


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Jules Bean

Joel Reymont wrote:

This is what want. Notice the succinctness.

# let infer = function | A | B | C - true; | D | E | F - false;;
val infer : foo - bool = fun

Yes, I appreciate what you want, and I know ocaml too :)

I was just talking around the other ways you can achieve it.  I don't 
know if there is a strong reason why haskell doesn't support an 
equivalent syntax. I'd guess something like:

f A = B = C = true
f D = E = F = false

or perhaps

f A = f B = f C = true
f D = f E = f F = false

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Neil Mitchell

Hi Jules,

What this leads us towards is that it might be rather nice (perhaps even
nice enough to build into a compiler) to be able to derive, for each
type with multiple constructors, a type 'which is the enumeration of the
constructors'. I.e. a type with the same constructors (up to some
namespace fix like prepending with C) but all nullary:

data Atom = Null | MyInt Int | MyString String


data AtomCons = CNull | CMyInt | CMyString deriving (Ord,Eq,Enum,Show)

and a function

constr :: Atom - AtomCons

If you can derive Enum for all possible constructors (supplying
undefined for all fields) then people can do this already:

isBool x = fromEnum x `elem` [fromEnum LT .. fromEnum GT]

And I'm sure with an elemCtorSet you could automate most of this
away in to a tidy little function. As a side note, this is what Derive
already does :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 2 HaXml questions

2007-04-19 Thread Marc Weber

  After filtering the content I want to use how do I extract the text?
  a = xtract html/body/h2/-
  which should return the text contained in the h2 tag.

  There is a parser called text which returns the text but I don't know
  how to use it ? Is there a much simpler way I have missed?

  What is a CRef? When are they used?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Jón Fairbairn
Joel Reymont [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Support I want to infer the type given an Op that looks like
 this  (incomplete):
 data Op
  = Minus
  | Plus
  | Mul
  | LT
  | GT
 Is there a shorthand way of bunching Minus, Plus and Mul in
 a  function guard since they all result in TyNum whereas the
 rest in  TyBool?
 I really don't want several function clauses and neither do
 I want  separate guards for every constructor.

Is there some reason why you don't want

   data Op = Aop Aop | Bop Bop
   data Aop = Minus | Plus | Mul
   data Bop = LT | GT

or similar?  I would agree that it's a shame one cannot just write

   data Op = Aop (Minus | Plus | Mul) | Bop (LT | GT)

or even, given a somewhat different type system,

   data Op = Aop | Bop
 where Aop = Minus | Plus | Mul
   Bop = LT | GT

but it would seem reasonable to reflect the different types
of the Ops in different types in their representations.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Joel Reymont

On Apr 19, 2007, at 4:10 PM, Jón Fairbairn wrote:

Is there some reason why you don't want

   data Op = Aop Aop | Bop Bop
   data Aop = Minus | Plus | Mul
   data Bop = LT | GT

It's a long story. The short version is that the above will  
complicate my AST a whole lot. I had it this way before.

Thanks, Joel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Writing guards shorthand

2007-04-19 Thread Isaac Dupree
Hash: SHA1

Jón Fairbairn wrote:
 Is there some reason why you don't want
data Op = Aop Aop | Bop Bop
data Aop = Minus | Plus | Mul
data Bop = LT | GT
 or similar?  I would agree that it's a shame one cannot just write
data Op = Aop (Minus | Plus | Mul) | Bop (LT | GT)
 or even, given a somewhat different type system,
data Op = Aop | Bop
  where Aop = Minus | Plus | Mul
Bop = LT | GT
 but it would seem reasonable to reflect the different types
 of the Ops in different types in their representations.

Slightly off-topic, I had a problem like this, only where I wanted to
classify by more than one dimension: readable? as well as writable?
(some were none, some both, some just readable and some just writable),
so I couldn't split up the type hierarchically like that.  I think I
just wrote tedious functions to say whether each constructor was in each

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] fftw bindings

2007-04-19 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

Hi everybody,

I was wondering if someone had fftw bindings for haskell, or if I should 
roll my own.

I did a small search but found nothing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Justin Bailey


I'm interested in automating Excel using Haskell. I'm writing a little
program for my wife and it'd be nice to fill out an Excel spreadsheet for
her (with formatting so I don't think CSV will cut it). A bit of Googling
didn't turn up anything interesting.

Has any work been done on using Excel (or more generally, COM) from Haskell?

Thanks for any pointers!


p.s. I'm aware of the article Spreadsheet for Functional Programmers
article and Neil Mitchell's post about HsExcel - but those go the wrong way
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Morphing ASTs and scrapping boilerplate code

2007-04-19 Thread Joel Reymont


I'm transforming ASTs as part of my compiler from one language into  
another. The source AST is a list of statements whereas the target  
AST is a class definition.

type Object a = State Obj a

data Obj
= Object
  { objSym :: Integer -- starting # for gensym
  , objVars :: M.Map String VarDecl
  , objProps :: M.Map String PropDecl
  , objMeths :: M.Map String MethodDecl
deriving (Show, Eq)

I'm using a state monad and the transformations are supposed to  
update the state (object) as needed to add variables, methods, etc.

class Morpher a b | a - b where
morph :: a - Object b

I have a lot of boilerplate code like this and wonder how I can  
scrape it.

instance Morpher Type C.Type where
morph TyInt = return C.TyInt
morph TyFloat = return C.TyFloat
morph TyStr = return C.TyStr
morph TyBool = return C.TyBool
morph TyColor = return C.TyColor
morph TyStyle = return C.TyStyle
morph (TyList ty) = liftM C.TyList (morph ty)
morph (TyArray ty) = liftM C.TyArray (morph ty)
morph (TySeries ty) = liftM C.TySeries (morph ty)
morph (TyInput ty) = liftM C.TyProp (morph ty)
morph (TyRef ty) = liftM C.TyRef (morph ty)
morph TyUnit = return C.TyUnit
morph TyPrintDest = return C.TyPrintDest

Notice that I'm calling a constructor of the same name in a different  
module ... unless it's an exception.

instance Morpher BackRef C.Expr where
morph Now = C.Int 0
morph (BarsBack e) = morph e

instance Morpher DataRef C.Expr where
morph (DS x) = C.Int x

How can I reduce the boilerplate here?

Thanks, Joel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fftw bindings

2007-04-19 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:37:05PM +0200, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
 I was wondering if someone had fftw bindings for haskell, or if I should 
 roll my own.

Not that I'm aware of, but if you roll your own, please make them public,
as I'll be interested in fftw bindings before long.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Morphing ASTs and scrapping boilerplate code

2007-04-19 Thread Joel Reymont
Just to clarify, I really liked the SYB solution to my previous issue  
with stripping token locations. It looked like this:

strip :: (Data a) = a - a
strip = everywhere (mkT f)
where f (TokenPos a _) = a
  f x = x

In the general AST transformation case, my constructor name is the  
same and so is the number of arguments. So, yes, it's a different  
type but it's a derivative of Data and Typeable just like the  
original type.

Conceptually, I want to lookup the new type from a given module,  
using the same constructor name as the original type. Then I want to  
apply morph to every argument of the source constructor and give the  
resulting values to the new constructor.

Lastly, I would like to write pattern matches for special cases (see  
TokenPos above) and write out the transformation by hand. My ASTs are  
quite large and there aren't that many special cases.

Thanks, Joel

On Apr 19, 2007, at 5:11 PM, Joel Reymont wrote:

instance Morpher Type C.Type where


morph (TyList ty) = liftM C.TyList (morph ty)
morph (TyArray ty) = liftM C.TyArray (morph ty)
morph (TySeries ty) = liftM C.TySeries (morph ty)
morph (TyInput ty) = liftM C.TyProp (morph ty)
morph (TyRef ty) = liftM C.TyRef (morph ty)
morph TyUnit = return C.TyUnit
morph TyPrintDest = return C.TyPrintDest


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Morphing ASTs and scrapping boilerplate code

2007-04-19 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Joel Reymont wrote:

I have a lot of boilerplate code like this and wonder how I can  scrape it.

instance Morpher Type C.Type where
morph TyInt = return C.TyInt
morph TyFloat = return C.TyFloat
morph TyStr = return C.TyStr
morph TyBool = return C.TyBool
morph TyColor = return C.TyColor
morph TyStyle = return C.TyStyle
morph (TyList ty) = liftM C.TyList (morph ty)
morph (TyArray ty) = liftM C.TyArray (morph ty)
morph (TySeries ty) = liftM C.TySeries (morph ty)
morph (TyInput ty) = liftM C.TyProp (morph ty)
morph (TyRef ty) = liftM C.TyRef (morph ty)
morph TyUnit = return C.TyUnit
morph TyPrintDest = return C.TyPrintDest

One option is to change your data types. I would suggest something like 

 data Type   = TyPrim   TyPrim | TyCon   TyCon Type
 data C.Type = C.TyPrim TyPrim | C.TyCon TyCon C.Type

where TyPrim and TyCon (primitves and constructors) can be shared:
 data TyPrim = TyInt | TyString | TyFloat | TyBool | etc.
 data TyCon  = TyList | TyArray | TySeries | TyInput | TyRef

Now the class instance can be:
 instance Morpher Type C.Type where
 morph (TyPrim  p) = return (C.TyPrim p)
 morph (TyCon c t) = C.TyCon c $ morph t
  -- or liftM for people not so in love with Applicative :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Marc Weber
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 08:59:17AM -0700, Justin Bailey wrote:
I'm interested in automating Excel using Haskell. I'm writing a little
program for my wife and it'd be nice to fill out an Excel spreadsheet
for her (with formatting so I don't think CSV will cut it). A bit of
Googling didn't turn up anything interesting.
Has any work been done on using Excel (or more generally, COM) from
Thanks for any pointers!
p.s. I'm aware of the article Spreadsheet for Functional Programmers
article and Neil Mitchell's post about HsExcel - but those go the wrong
way :(

There is only one library: hdirect. But I don't know its status there
have been some posts and some authors may have chnaged it.
I'd suggest grepping some mailinglist archives (you can find them all on
haskell.org) or wait till someone else gives a more helpful reply ;)

If you application will be only small you'll be faster using VBScript.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Paul Moore

On 19/04/07, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is only one library: hdirect. But I don't know its status there
have been some posts and some authors may have chnaged it.
I'd suggest grepping some mailinglist archives (you can find them all on
haskell.org) or wait till someone else gives a more helpful reply ;)

I tried quite a while ago to build hdirect, and failed. It looked like
it didn't quite support the then-current GHC (6.2???) As far as I can
tell, the library hasn't been updated since, so I doubt there's much
hope. I'd love to be proved wrong...

If you application will be only small you'll be faster using VBScript.

Or Python or Perl, or (probably, I'm not sure) Ruby. Or likely many others.

Sad, but true...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Neil Mitchell


I'm interested in automating Excel using Haskell. I'm writing a little
program for my wife and it'd be nice to fill out an Excel spreadsheet
for her (with formatting so I don't think CSV will cut it). A bit of
Googling didn't turn up anything interesting.

Does she need to manipulate the spread sheet afterwards? If not, you'd
be much better off producing an HTML table. You may also want to see
exactly what Excel can do when reading in a formatted HTML table, it
may give you CSV+formatting quite easily.

If you application will be only small you'll be faster using VBScript.

VBA, not VBScript. VB 6 is the standalone programming language, VBA is
VB 6 with an API for Excel/Word/Office. VBScript is a scripting
version of VB, which should never be used (use JScript instead - its
more portable).

And I would recommend using VBA, I've done loads of Excel programming
- VBA is perfectly easy enough, the hard bit is the Excel API which is
quite big. If you move to Haskell you get a slightly better
programming language, with the same huge API, at the cost of a painful
translation layer to the API.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Neil Mitchell


 If you application will be only small you'll be faster using VBScript.

Or Python or Perl, or (probably, I'm not sure) Ruby. Or likely many others.

No, VBA only. VBA is integrated with Excel and can talk to all the
Excel data structures, be developed inside the Excel program etc. It
can be saved with a .xls file, install toolbar buttons etc.

No other language can do that without painful hoop jumping.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Marc Weber
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 06:18:24PM +0100, Neil Mitchell wrote:
 No, VBA only.
I had VBA in mind but typed the wrong name.

Thanks Neil for correcting my statement.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread DavidA
Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com writes:

 But, just to remind you all: I'm particularly interested in
   concrete examples (pref running code) of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

I have something that I think nearly fits the bill. Unfortunately, I don't 
think it quite works because it's a bit specialised. However, I think it 
suggests a possible area to look, which I'll mention at the end.

It's a theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic:

It's much shorter in Haskell than it would be in other languages. (It's even 
shorter than the ML that I based it on, because of some shortcuts I can take 
using lazy evaluation.)

Strengths of Haskell that it demonstrates are:
* How easy it is to define datatypes (eg trees), and manipulate them using 
pattern matching, with constructors, Eq, Show coming for free.
* How lazy evaluation reduces code length by letting you write code that looks 
like it would do too much, and then lazy evaluate it (in the proof function)
* The ability to extend the syntax with new symbolic operators
* Use of higher order functions to simplify code (the (+++) operator)

The problem is that I think Gentzen systems are a bit obscure. But I think you 
could probably show most of the same strengths of Haskell in something 
similar: game search, eg alpha-beta algorithm. Another advantage of doing game 
search would be that you'd get to show off persistent data structures (so that 
when you make a move in lookahead, you don't need to make a copy of the game 
state, because when you update the game state the old state still persists).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fftw bindings

2007-04-19 Thread Magnus Therning
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 09:20:36 -0700, David Roundy wrote:
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:37:05PM +0200, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
 I was wondering if someone had fftw bindings for haskell, or if I should 
 roll my own.

Not that I'm aware of, but if you roll your own, please make them
public, as I'll be interested in fftw bindings before long.

For us less knowledgable, what's fftw?

/M (curious)

Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: fftw bindings

2007-04-19 Thread Al Falloon

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 09:20:36 -0700, David Roundy wrote:

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:37:05PM +0200, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
I was wondering if someone had fftw bindings for haskell, or if I should 
roll my own.

Not that I'm aware of, but if you roll your own, please make them
public, as I'll be interested in fftw bindings before long.

For us less knowledgable, what's fftw?

Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. http://www.fftw.org/

Its cool, they use generative programming: an OCaml program generates 
codlets in C that can be composed and tuned to the specifics of your 
machine, then compiled into a blazingly fast FFT/DFT library.

/M (curious)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Lennart Augustsson
A theorem prover might be a really cool example, but if there's one  
person in the audience that cares then Simon is lucky. :)  You need  
to have examples that people can recognize and see the utility of.

-- Lennart

On Apr 19, 2007, at 20:48 , DavidA wrote:

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com writes:

But, just to remind you all: I'm particularly interested in

  concrete examples (pref running code) of programs that are
   * small
   * useful
   * demonstrate Haskell's power
   * preferably something that might be a bit
   tricky in another language

I have something that I think nearly fits the bill. Unfortunately,  
I don't
think it quite works because it's a bit specialised. However, I  
think it

suggests a possible area to look, which I'll mention at the end.

It's a theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic:

It's much shorter in Haskell than it would be in other languages.  
(It's even
shorter than the ML that I based it on, because of some shortcuts I  
can take

using lazy evaluation.)

Strengths of Haskell that it demonstrates are:
* How easy it is to define datatypes (eg trees), and manipulate  
them using

pattern matching, with constructors, Eq, Show coming for free.
* How lazy evaluation reduces code length by letting you write code  
that looks
like it would do too much, and then lazy evaluate it (in the  
proof function)

* The ability to extend the syntax with new symbolic operators
* Use of higher order functions to simplify code (the (+++) operator)

The problem is that I think Gentzen systems are a bit obscure. But  
I think you

could probably show most of the same strengths of Haskell in something
similar: game search, eg alpha-beta algorithm. Another advantage of  
doing game
search would be that you'd get to show off persistent data  
structures (so that
when you make a move in lookahead, you don't need to make a copy of  
the game
state, because when you update the game state the old state still  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Okay, looking at that code:
 The comments before the type definitions are mostly good...
 now it looks like I'm going into critique mode :)

BTW, for the record, I didn't try too hard with this.  It is meant
to be illustrative of what you can do with Haskell and not too much
time to spare.

I didn't haddock-ise the comments because Diff isn't a library.  The
comments are meant to be more commentary (this is a tutorial, remember!)
than developer documentation.

 Range (that is, the comment describing it) needs to say whether it's
 inclusive of its first and/or its last endpoint (in fact it is
 inclusive, I can determine by looking at the definition of rangeDist)

Fair point.

 I suppose Match is the same (inclusive), but I can't tell. And
 personally I don't know what the significance/meaning of a found match is.

OK, this needs explanation.  A Match is a match _between_ the two
files being diffed.  So (a,b) means that line a in file 1 matches
line b in file 2.  I'll note that, thanks.

 Comparing data Range = Range Line Line and type Match = (Line,Line),
 they are isomorphic, but declared differently (which is fine IMO)

Yup.  They only have to be different enough to cause a type error if
you accidentally try to mix them.

 The only IO that displayDiff does is putStrLn. It should probably return
 a string instead [...]

Possibly, or even use a Writer monad.  I habitually use putStrLn,
though, because I regularly program in multiple languages, and this
way I don't have to remember how Haskell handles line termination on
different platforms.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: fftw bindings

2007-04-19 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:46:49PM -0400, Al Falloon wrote:
 For us less knowledgable, what's fftw?
 Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. http://www.fftw.org/
 Its cool, they use generative programming: an OCaml program generates 
 codlets in C that can be composed and tuned to the specifics of your 
 machine, then compiled into a blazingly fast FFT/DFT library.

But that's only the beginning of the coolness! fftw uses runtime timings to
optimize each fourier transform based on the behavior of the computer on
which it is being run--its cache, memory speed, CPU, etc.  The result being
that fftw using portable C can beat out most hand-optimized fftw libraries
written in assembly! Steven (one of fftw's two authors) has done some
incredible work on optimizations.  The most unbelievable (to me) was that
by eliminating negative constants from the generated code (using
subtraction instead) they sped up the library on a particular architecture
by some some significant margin (I think I recall 20%).
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Doug Kirk

I hate to recommend Java to Haskellers, but there is a project named
Poi at Apache's Jakarta site[1] that will allow you to (with some Java
programming) read, write, and manipulate Excel files directly. You
don't have to COM to Excel, you don't even need Excel installed! Nice
for producing spreadsheets for download from a web-based app on the

It is complete enough to do formatting, formulas, and such, but you
can see the ugly internals of the Microsoft file formats bleeding out,
or at least that was true 4 years ago.

Maybe it would be a nice project to create a Haskell version of Poi.


[1] http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/

On 4/19/07, Paul Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 19/04/07, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is only one library: hdirect. But I don't know its status there
 have been some posts and some authors may have chnaged it.
 I'd suggest grepping some mailinglist archives (you can find them all on
 haskell.org) or wait till someone else gives a more helpful reply ;)

I tried quite a while ago to build hdirect, and failed. It looked like
it didn't quite support the then-current GHC (6.2???) As far as I can
tell, the library hasn't been updated since, so I doubt there's much
hope. I'd love to be proved wrong...

 If you application will be only small you'll be faster using VBScript.

Or Python or Perl, or (probably, I'm not sure) Ruby. Or likely many others.

Sad, but true...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Tim Docker
There are also equivalent libraries (for producing xls files without
excel) for

python: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyexcelerator
perl:   http://search.cpan.org/dist/Spreadsheet-WriteExcel/

so you don't have to use java...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doug Kirk
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2007 12:46 PM
To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] COM and Haskell

I hate to recommend Java to Haskellers, but there is a project named Poi
at Apache's Jakarta site[1] that will allow you to (with some Java
programming) read, write, and manipulate Excel files directly. You don't
have to COM to Excel, you don't even need Excel installed! Nice for
producing spreadsheets for download from a web-based app on the fly.

It is complete enough to do formatting, formulas, and such, but you can
see the ugly internals of the Microsoft file formats bleeding out, or at
least that was true 4 years ago.

Maybe it would be a nice project to create a Haskell version of Poi.


[1] http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/

On 4/19/07, Paul Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 19/04/07, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is only one library: hdirect. But I don't know its status 
  there have been some posts and some authors may have chnaged it.
  I'd suggest grepping some mailinglist archives (you can find them 
  all on
  haskell.org) or wait till someone else gives a more helpful reply ;)

 I tried quite a while ago to build hdirect, and failed. It looked like

 it didn't quite support the then-current GHC (6.2???) As far as I can 
 tell, the library hasn't been updated since, so I doubt there's much 
 hope. I'd love to be proved wrong...

  If you application will be only small you'll be faster using

 Or Python or Perl, or (probably, I'm not sure) Ruby. Or likely many

 Sad, but true...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-19 Thread Derek Elkins

DavidA wrote:

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com writes:

But, just to remind you all: I'm particularly interested in

  concrete examples (pref running code) of programs that are
   * small
   * useful
   * demonstrate Haskell's power
   * preferably something that might be a bit
   tricky in another language

I have something that I think nearly fits the bill. Unfortunately, I don't 
think it quite works because it's a bit specialised. However, I think it 
suggests a possible area to look, which I'll mention at the end.

It's a theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic:

It's much shorter in Haskell than it would be in other languages. (It's even 
shorter than the ML that I based it on, because of some shortcuts I can take 
using lazy evaluation.)

Strengths of Haskell that it demonstrates are:
* How easy it is to define datatypes (eg trees), and manipulate them using 
pattern matching, with constructors, Eq, Show coming for free.
* How lazy evaluation reduces code length by letting you write code that looks 
like it would do too much, and then lazy evaluate it (in the proof function)

* The ability to extend the syntax with new symbolic operators
* Use of higher order functions to simplify code (the (+++) operator)

The problem is that I think Gentzen systems are a bit obscure. But I think you 
could probably show most of the same strengths of Haskell in something 
similar: game search, eg alpha-beta algorithm. Another advantage of doing game 
search would be that you'd get to show off persistent data structures (so that 
when you make a move in lookahead, you don't need to make a copy of the game 
state, because when you update the game state the old state still persists).

Game search is exactly an example use in Why Functional Programming Matters 
(http://www.math.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/whyfp.html).  That paper, 23 years 
later, is still pretty compelling.  Perhaps, it should just be modernized and 
somewhat expanded.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list