Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disadvantages of de Bruijn indicies?

2007-05-14 Thread Nils Anders Danielsson
On Sun, 13 May 2007, Stefan Holdermans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyway, Conor and James' Haskell Workshop paper on manipulating
 syntax that involves both free and bound variables [1] is really nice
 and could perhaps be of interest to you.

If I remember correctly this paper is not about a pure de Bruijn index
representation, but about a mix between names and indices which often
goes under the name locally nameless.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disadvantages of de Bruijn indicies?

2007-05-14 Thread Stefan Holdermans


Anyway, Conor and James' Haskell Workshop paper on manipulating
syntax that involves both free and bound variables [1] is really nice
and could perhaps be of interest to you.

If I remember correctly this paper is not about a pure de Bruijn index
representation, but about a mix between names and indices which often
goes under the name locally nameless.

Indeed: it is.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Andrew Coppin

Stefan Holdermans wrote:
This is rather typical in the field of program analysis. Getting the 
analysis precise is impossible and reduces to solving the halting 
problem. So, the next best thing is to get an approximate answer. An 
import design guideline to such an analysis is to err on the safe 
side. That means you'll end up either

- with an analysis that tells you that a given function *is guaranteed 
to* inspect all elements of its argument list or else that the 
function *may* inspect less elements; or

- with an analysis that tells you that a given function *is guaranteed 
to* not inspect all elements of its argument list or else that the 
function *may* inspect all elements.

Of course, it depends on your needs which of these modalities suits 
you best.

Right. So what you're saying is that for most program properties, you 
can partition the set of all possible problems into the set for which X 
is true, the set for which X is false, and a final set for programs 
where we can't actually determine the truth of X. Is that about right?

I find it interesting that one quite hard looking property - this 
program is well-typed - can always be deduced. Perhaps that's because 
the language is specifically designed to constrain the set of possible 
programs in such a way that this is possible? Or perhaps it's just that 
the set of programs which can't be proved well-typed are simply rejected 
as if they were provel ill-typed? *shrugs*

Can somebody explain to me exactly what the halting problem says? As I 
understand it, it doesn't say you can't tell if this program halts, it 
says you cannot write an algorithm which can tell whether *every* 
program halts or not. (Similar to the way that Galios dude didn't say 
you can't solve high-order polynomials, he said you can't solve all 
possible Nth order polynomials *with one formula* [involving only a 
specific set of mathematical operators]. As in, you *can* solve 
high-order polynomials - just not with a single formula for all of them. 
Or not just with the specified operators.)

I am not aware of any work on exactly this type of analysis, but you 
may want to have a look at strictness analysis first; I think there's 
quite some overlap with what you are trying to achieve.

I was actually thinking about having a chain of functions, and wondering 
whether you can remove the intermediate lists, and/or optimise them 
into some other data structure. But that would depend on how much of the 
list is consumed - which, as I suspected, is tricky to determine.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] More mystery with existentials and fundeps

2007-05-14 Thread Matthew Sackman

 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

 class F a b | b - a where

 data G :: * - * where
   GC :: (F a b) = a - G b

 foo :: (F a b) = G b - a
 foo g = case g of
   (GC a) - a

I may be being dumb, but I think this should work. Any value of G
using the GC constructor will be able to define a from G b given F a b
due to the functional dependency.

In the above 'case' statement version I get:
Couldn't match expected type `a' (a rigid variable)
   against inferred type `a1' (a rigid variable)
  `a' is bound by the type signature for `foo' at Test.lhs:10:11
  `a1' is bound by the pattern for `GC' at Test.lhs:12:12-15
In the expression: a
In a case alternative: (GC a) - a
In the expression: case g of (GC a) - a

 foo2 :: (F a b) = G b - a
 foo2 g = let (GC a) = g in a

And this 'let' statement version explodes with:
My brain just exploded.
I can't handle pattern bindings for existentially-quantified constructors.
In the binding group for
(GC a)
In a pattern binding: (GC a) = g
In the expression: let (GC a) = g in a
In the definition of `foo2': foo2 g = let (GC a) = g in a

So is this a missing feature of GHC or am I (more likely) utterly
mistaken about what should be possible here?

Many thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Stefan Holdermans


Right. So what you're saying is that for most program properties,  
you can partition the set of all possible problems into the set for  
which X is true, the set for which X is false, and a final set for  
programs where we can't actually determine the truth of X. Is that  
about right?

Yes, you can. (Although, as far as I know, one typically partitions  
into (a) the set for which is true (respectively false) and (b) the  
union of the set for which X is false (true) and the set for which we  
cannot determine X. But, of course, being able to do so implies that  
you can apply the partitioning that you suggest.)

I find it interesting that one quite hard looking property - this  
program is well-typed - can always be deduced. Perhaps that's  
because the language is specifically designed to constrain the set  
of possible programs in such a way that this is possible? Or  
perhaps it's just that the set of programs which can't be proved  
well-typed are simply rejected as if they were provel ill-typed?  

That's exactly it. A prototypical example is the Haskell program

  (if True then 2 else 'x') + 3

Of course, this is a type-safe program in the sense that it will  
never actually result in adding a character and a number; but still,  
for a large class of statically typed languages, such a program will  
be rejected.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] CUFP website

2007-05-14 Thread Cyril Schmidt

I noticed recently that the website of CUFP conference (Commercial Uses of
Function Programming), which used to be at,
is not accessible anymore.

Does anybody know where it moved?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disadvantages of de Bruijn indicies?

2007-05-14 Thread Claus Reinke

Anyway, Conor and James' Haskell Workshop paper on manipulating
syntax that involves both free and bound variables [1] is really nice
and could perhaps be of interest to you.

If I remember correctly this paper is not about a pure de Bruijn index
representation, but about a mix between names and indices which often
goes under the name locally nameless.

what is sometimes forgotten is that de Bruijn introduced not one, but
two numbering schemes. it is interesting that those who actually do the
implementations tend to emphasise the importance of both schemes
(Berkling was keen on pointing them out, and [1] mentions both on
page 2).

the better known de Bruijn indices (counting binders from the inside)
are useful for local naming in subexpressions, where binders tend to
move around, commute, and disappear during reductions.

the less known de Bruijn levels (counting binders from the outside)
are useful for constant prefixes in contexts, where binders tend to
remain stable during reduction of subexpressions.

indices are useful for reducing scoping issues to arithmetic, levels are
useful for avoiding some of the scoping issues alltogether. if you are
implementing transformations without any stable context, indices (or
lambda bars) are your friend, if you are implementing transformations
within some stable context, you can take references to binders within
such context out of the numbers game.

McBride and McKinney suggest a nested name scheme for such
locally free variables, corresponding to de Bruijn levels; some of
Berkling's and Kluge's reduction systems simply ignored such locally
free variables during reduction, treating them as constants - if a
variable is bound to a binder in the stable context, it will still be
bound to the same binder after reductions- and reestablishing the
correct presentation during postprocessing, which is straightforward.

consider reduction in lambda bodies as an example:

   \x-(\x-\x-(/x //x)) x
   \x-\x-(/x /x)

here, we have three binders for 'x', the first of which is part of a
stable context (it will not change during reductions), the second
disappears during beta-reduction, and the third is currently part
of the active subexpression, but will become part of the stable
prefix after reduction.

in Haskell, such an expression would have been subject to
renaming obfuscation already:

   \x-(\z0-\q32-(z0 x)) x
   \x-\q32-(x x)

the nice thing about de Bruijn indices or Berkling's lambda bars
(protection keys) is that they are a local referencing scheme [*],
independent of the context in which the subexpression is placed.
but if there is a stable binding context, indices involve unnecessary
index computations (here the '0' and '2' refer to the same binder
in the stable context, but would be updated again and again during

   /\.(/\/\(1 2)) 0
   /\./\(1 1)

the nice thing about de Bruijn levels is that references to binders
in stable contexts do not involve any computation at all, but for
the more common case of binders in the subexpressions being
transformed, levels are awkward to use (here, the number used
to represent '1' depends not only on the subexpression under
reduction, but on the context in which it is situated, so the same
subexpression in another context would have a different

   /\.(/\/\(1 0)) 0
   /\./\(0 0)

the common approach is to use indices or lambda bars as the
default, and levels as an optimisation for stable contexts (i'll use
'[x]' to represent a locally free variable):

   \x-(\x-\x-(/x //x)) x
- -- pre-processing
   \x-(\x-\x-(/x [x])) [x]
- -- reduction/transformation
   \x-\x-([x] [x])
- -- post-processing
   \x-\x-(/x /x)

as you can see, neither of the '[x]' needs to take part in the index
calculations during reduction/transformation - they are taken out
of the game during pre-processing, and put back into the common
notation during post-processing. that is because the context they
refer to remains stable, and as long as we know they refer to it,
we can prevent accidental shadowing in the user-level representation
through simple post-processing.


[*] this was essential for Berkling because he was working on a
   hardware implementation of lambda calculus reductions, based
   on a system of three or more stacks, where the three main stacks
   provided a hardware representation of what is nowadays known
   as a zipper, enabling the hardware reduction machine to navigate
   through reduction contexts and to perform reductions locally.
   some of those old works are now online - see, for instance:

   Reduction languages for reduction machines, KJ Berkling,
   International Conference on Computer Architecture
   Year of Publication: 1974

   Computer employing reduction language, Klaus Berkling, 1978


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Roberto Zunino

Andrew Coppin wrote:
Right. So what you're saying is that for most program properties, you 
can partition the set of all possible problems into the set for which X 
is true, the set for which X is false, and a final set for programs 
where we can't actually determine the truth of X. Is that about right?

If X is true/false is replaced by X can be determined to be 
true/false, then: yes, roughly.

I say roughly because the set of programs where we can't actually 
determine the truth of X depends on the program analysis algorithm, 
i.e. is not uniquely determined by X.

For instance, you can approximate the halting problem with:
Procedure A(n):
1) run program for n steps
2) if it halts, return Halts, I'm sure
3) otherwise, return Don't know

Each algorithm A(n) partitions programs into halting and ???.
Each A(n) is better than A(n-1), i.e. more halting programs are 
recognised. Also, for each halting program P, there exists some n such 
that A(n) recognises P.

So, the set of programs where we can't actually determine termination 
has no meaning unless you specify the actual algorithm.

However, for any algorithm A you choose, you will indeed partition 
programs into the three classes Yes/No/??? you mentioned.
Also, a better algorithm than A surely exists (i.e. with a smaller ??? 
class), so you can keep on improving your program analysis techniques 
forever. (a.k.a. Eternal Employment Theorem ;-))

I find it interesting that one quite hard looking property - this 
program is well-typed - can always be deduced.

This is not true, in general. The naive polymorphic type system for 
the lambda calculus is undecidable. For some tricky cases, you might 
want to look up polymorphic recursion.

More practically, in some cases you need type signatures in your Haskell 
programs, since inference can not provide them (in general). Here's a 
simple one (involving rank-N):

(\(x :: forall a . a-a) - x x) (\x - x) 3

Intuition: ... = (id id) 3 = id 3 = 3 .

Also, using only rank-1:

polyf :: Int - a - Int
polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
else polyf (x-2) 3

Here passing both 3 and (\z-z) as y confuses the type inference.

Perhaps that's because 
the language is specifically designed to constrain the set of possible 
programs in such a way that this is possible? 

Well, I would say the naive polymorphic type system is restricted so 
to achieve decidability without rejecting too many good programs.

(See e.g. Hindley-Milner)

(And when designing a type system, decidability is a main concern)

Examples as those above are arguably contrived, and rarely show up in 
actual code. And when it happens, adding a type signature is not too hard.

Or perhaps it's just that 
the set of programs which can't be proved well-typed are simply rejected 
as if they were provel ill-typed? *shrugs*

Yes, this is the case, as for the programs above.

Also, one might argue that (if True then 42 else a) is well-typed, and 
this is hard to check statically.

Can somebody explain to me exactly what the halting problem says? As I 
understand it, it doesn't say you can't tell if this program halts, it 
says you cannot write an algorithm which can tell whether *every* 
program halts or not.

Your formulation of the halting problem is undecidable seems rather 
precise to me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy HTML parsing with HXT, HaXML/polyparse, what else?

2007-05-14 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 11 May 2007, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

runParser (exactly 4 (satisfy Char.isAlpha)) (abc104++undefined)
  (*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed

 This output is exactly correct.  You asked for the first four characters
 provided that they were alphabetic, but in fact only the first three
 were alphabetic.  Hence, 'satisfy' failed and threw an exception.  If
 you ask for only the first three characters, then the parse succeeds:

The problem is obviously that a later wrong character can make the whole
parse fail. Thus successful generated data is not returned until the whole
input is parsed and checked. How can I suppress checking the whole input?
How can I tell the parser that everything it parsed so far will not be
invalidated by further input? How can I rewrite the above example that it
  (abc*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed

I wondered whether 'commit' helps, but it didn't. (I thought it would
convert a global 'fail' to a local 'error'.)

runParser (exactly 4 (commit (satisfy Char.isAlpha))) (abc104++undefined)
*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Christopher L Conway

On 5/14/07, Roberto Zunino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Also, using only rank-1:

polyf :: Int - a - Int
polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
 else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
 else polyf (x-2) 3

Here passing both 3 and (\z-z) as y confuses the type inference.

Actually, I tried this in ghci... Should this work?

polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
   else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
   else polyf (x-2) 3

NOTE: no type signature

Prelude :l polyf
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( polyf.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main :t polyf
polyf :: forall a t1 t.
(Num (t1 - t1), Num a, Num t) =
a - (t1 - t1) - t

The inference assigns y the type (t1 - t1) even though it is assigned
the value 3?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode

2007-05-14 Thread Christopher L Conway

I am new to Haskell---and also to languages with the off-side
rule--and working my way through Hal Daume's tutorial. I'm a little
confused by the support for code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode. Is it
buggy, or am I doing something wrong.

For example, here's the Hello, world example from the tutorial, with
the indentation induced by pounding Tab in haskell-mode.

module Test

 import IO

main = do
 putStrLn Hello, world

Prelude :l test
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( test.hs, interpreted )

test.hs:12:0: parse error on input `main'

In emacs, every line but the one with where reports Sole
indentation. With where, I have the option of having it flush left
or indented four spaces; import wants to be two spaces in from
where. Moving where doesn't change the error. But if I manually move
import flush left (which is the way it's shown in the tutorial, BTW):

module Test

import IO

main = do
 putStrLn Hello, world

Prelude :l test
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Test.

I have a similar problem with the layout of if-then-else...

module Num

import IO

main = do
 putStrLn Enter a number: 
 inp - getLine
 let n = read inp
 if n == 0
 then putStrLn Zero
 else putStrLn NotZero

Prelude :l num
[1 of 1] Compiling Num  ( num.hs, interpreted )

num.hs:11:2: parse error (possibly incorrect indentation)

Again, if I hit tab on the then or else lines, emacs reports Sole
indentation. But if I manually change the indentation, it works.

module Num

import IO

main = do
 putStrLn Enter a number: 
 inp - getLine
 let n = read inp
 if n == 0
then putStrLn Zero
else putStrLn NotZero

Prelude :l num
[1 of 1] Compiling Num  ( num.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Num.

This is particularly weird because if-then-else doesn't always act this way:

module Exp

my_exponent a n =
   if n == 0
   then 1
   else a * my_exponent a (n-1)

Prelude :l exp
[1 of 1] Compiling Exp  ( exp.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Exp.

I suppose this might have something to do with the do-notation...

Does haskell-mode support code layout? Are there conventions I need to
know about to make it behave properly? I have haskell-mode version
2.1-1 installed from the Ubuntu feisty repository.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy HTML parsing with HXT, HaXML/polyparse, what else?

2007-05-14 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 runParser (exactly 4 (satisfy Char.isAlpha))
   (*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed
 How can I rewrite the above example that it returns
   (abc*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed

The problem in your example is that the 'exactly' combinator forces
parsing of 'n' items before returning any of them.  If you roll your
own, then you can return partial results:

 let one = return (:) `apply` satisfy (Char.isAlpha)
  in runParser (one `apply` (one `apply`
   (one `apply` (one `apply` return []
(abc*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed


 let one f = ((return (:)) `apply` satisfy (Char.isAlpha)) `apply` f
  in runParser (one (one (one (one (return []) (abc104++undefined)
(abc*** Exception: Parse.satisfy: failed

Perhaps I should just rewrite the 'exactly' combinator to have the
behaviour you desire?  Its current definition is:

exactly 0 p = return []
exactly n p = do x - p
 xs - exactly (n-1) p
 return (x:xs)

and a lazier definition would be:

exactly 0 p = return []
exactly n p = return (:) `apply` p `apply` exactly (n-1) p

 How can I tell the parser that everything it parsed so
 far will not be invalidated by further input?

Essentially, you need to return a constructor as soon as you know that
the initial portion of parsed data is correct.  Often the only sensible
way to do that is to use the 'apply' combinator (as shown in the
examples above), returning a constructor _function_ which is lazily
applied to the remainder of the parsing task.

 I wondered whether 'commit' helps, but it didn't. (I thought it would
 convert a global 'fail' to a local 'error'.)

The 'commit' combinator is intended for early abortion of a parse
attempt that it is known can no longer succeed.  That's the opposite of
what you want.  By contrast, the 'apply' combinator causes a parse
attempt to succeed early, even though it may turn out to fail later.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: More mystery with existentials and fundeps

2007-05-14 Thread Matthew Sackman
On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 12:47:02PM +0100, Matthew Sackman wrote:
  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
  class F a b | b - a where
  data G :: * - * where
GC :: (F a b) = a - G b
  foo :: (F a b) = G b - a
  foo g = case g of
(GC a) - a

And just to confirm, this is both with ghc 6.6 and with today's HEAD.

Matthew Sackman
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Jules Bean

Christopher L Conway wrote:

The inference assigns y the type (t1 - t1) even though it is assigned
the value 3?

Yes, because type classes are open, and maybe you will demonstrate some 
way to make t1-t1 an instance of Num.

Note the Num (t1 - t1) constraint in the type...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy HTML parsing with HXT, HaXML/polyparse, what else?

2007-05-14 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 14 May 2007, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 Perhaps I should just rewrite the 'exactly' combinator to have the
 behaviour you desire?  Its current definition is:

 exactly 0 p = return []
 exactly n p = do x - p
  xs - exactly (n-1) p
  return (x:xs)

Is there a difference between 'exactly' and 'replicateM' ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Roberto Zunino:
 Here passing both 3 and (\z-z) as y confuses the type inference.

Christopher L Conway:
 polyf :: forall a t1 t.
 (Num (t1 - t1), Num a, Num t) =
 a - (t1 - t1) - t
 The inference assigns y the type (t1 - t1) even though it is assigned
 the value 3?

Almost. It assigns y the type (Num (t1 - t1) = t1 - t1). If you're
wondering where the Num context came from, note that the literal 3 is
read as fromInteger 3, which has type (Num a = a). Unifying (t1 -
t1) with (Num a = a) gives (Num (t1 - t1) = t1 - t1).

So the type inference is not really confused at all. It just gives a
not-very-useful type. To demonstrate the perfectly logical behaviour of
the typechecker, we just need a little more absurd code:

 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
 -- ^ Extensions are needed for relaxed instances only,
 --   no rank-n polymorphism here.
 instance Show (t - t) where
   show _ = function
 instance Eq (t - t) where
   _ == _ = False
 instance Num (t - t) where
   _ + _ = id
   _ - _ = id
   _ * _ = id
   abs _ = id
   signum _ = id
   fromInteger _ = id

Et, voila:

*PolyF :t polyf
polyf :: (Num a, Num t) = a - (t1 - t1) - t
*PolyF polyf 3 3

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Roberto Zunino

Christopher L Conway wrote:

On 5/14/07, Roberto Zunino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Also, using only rank-1:

polyf :: Int - a - Int
polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
 else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
 else polyf (x-2) 3

Here passing both 3 and (\z-z) as y confuses the type inference.

Actually, I tried this in ghci... Should this work?

polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
   else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
   else polyf (x-2) 3

NOTE: no type signature

I forgot to mention a *use* of that as in

test = polyf 1 2

Then:No instance for (Num (t - t))
(see also below)

Also, we can avoid type classes and _still_ have inference problems:
using (3 :: Int) in polyf yields:
  Couldn't match expected type `Int' against inferred type `t - t'

which is actually the type mismatch error I had in mind.

So, even in Haskell - type classes, we need signatures in some cases.

Prelude :l polyf
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( polyf.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main :t polyf
polyf :: forall a t1 t.
(Num (t1 - t1), Num a, Num t) =
a - (t1 - t1) - t

The inference assigns y the type (t1 - t1) even though it is assigned
the value 3?

Yes, because Haskell natural literals are overloaded:
 3 :: forall a. Num a = a

So 3 :: (t1 - t1) is fine provided you supply a Num instance for 
that. Alas, only trivial instances exists (0=1=2=..=id).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy HTML parsing with HXT, HaXML/polyparse, what else?

2007-05-14 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 14 May 2007, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 Essentially, you need to return a constructor as soon as you know that
 the initial portion of parsed data is correct.  Often the only sensible
 way to do that is to use the 'apply' combinator (as shown in the
 examples above), returning a constructor _function_ which is lazily
 applied to the remainder of the parsing task.

Great, 'apply' is the solution! I admit that I couldn't derive its power
from its documentation which simply states
 Apply a parsed function to a parsed value.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] CUFP

2007-05-14 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
The CUFP website is working again now.

Thanks for pointing it out.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Roberto Zunino

Matthew Brecknell wrote:

 Roberto Zunino:

Here passing both 3 and (\z-z) as y confuses the type inference.

 So the type inference is not really confused at all. It just gives a
 not-very-useful type.

Yes, you are right, I didn't want to involve type classes and assumed 
3::Int. A better example would be:

polyf :: Int - a - Int
polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
else polyf (x-2) ()

Here, passing both () and (\z-z) _does_ make inference fail.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to decrease ghc link time

2007-05-14 Thread Simon Marlow

Georg Sauthoff wrote:

Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Georg Sauthoff wrote:

I am a bit unhappy with the link time of the project (i.e. the time ghc
needs to link everyting).

The project consinst of ~60 Haskell and ~25 foreign files.


Make sure everything being linked is on the local file system (or use remote 
filesystems that can be cached locally).

thanks for the advice! Currently I am using NFS ... 

GHC itself links in 2-3 seconds here on an x86_64/Linux machine, which I think 
is pretty reasonable.  Windows is much slower though.

Yes, that sounds ok, currently the project needs 6-7 seconds over NFS
(under Solaris) ...

If you're using NFS v2, you might want to switch to v3 which has asyncronous 
writes (IIRC, Sun always stuck to the letter of the NFS spec and did synchronous 
writes where they were supposed to, whereas Linux has traditionally been a bit 
more relaxed with the standard).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy HTML parsing with HXT, HaXML/polyparse, what else?

2007-05-14 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  exactly 0 p = return []
  exactly n p = do x - p
   xs - exactly (n-1) p
   return (x:xs)
 Is there a difference between 'exactly' and 'replicateM' ?

With this definition, clearly not.  But when rewritten to use lazy
application, there is certainly a pragmatic difference in where the
bottoms (if any) are located in the result.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode

2007-05-14 Thread Nick Meyer

Hi Christopher,

I have also noticed that haskell-mode (and indeed Haskell) can be finicky
sometimes.  I usually put module [Name] where all on the same line and
leave imports on the left margin, so I hadn't experienced the first
problem you mentioned.  However, I do notice that if I re-arrange your
second example so that do and the first putStrLn are on the same line,
emacs offers the following indentation:

module Num where
import IO

main = do putStrLn Enter a number: 
 inp - getLine
 let n = read inp
 if n == 0
 then putStrLn Zero
 else putStrLn NotZero

(that's with all the expressions in the do block lining up vertically, if
that doesn't show up in a fixed-width font), it works!  I would think that
your original indentation gave an error in that GHC would see then and
else and assume they were new expressions, but then I would expect that
this would have the same problem.  If anyone can shed some light on this,
that would be nice.

Nick Meyer

On 5/14/07, Christopher L Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am new to Haskell---and also to languages with the off-side
rule--and working my way through Hal Daume's tutorial. I'm a little
confused by the support for code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode. Is it
buggy, or am I doing something wrong.

For example, here's the Hello, world example from the tutorial, with
the indentation induced by pounding Tab in haskell-mode.

module Test

  import IO

main = do
  putStrLn Hello, world

Prelude :l test
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( test.hs, interpreted )

test.hs:12:0: parse error on input `main'

In emacs, every line but the one with where reports Sole
indentation. With where, I have the option of having it flush left
or indented four spaces; import wants to be two spaces in from
where. Moving where doesn't change the error. But if I manually move
import flush left (which is the way it's shown in the tutorial, BTW):

module Test

import IO

main = do
  putStrLn Hello, world

Prelude :l test
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Test.

I have a similar problem with the layout of if-then-else...

module Num

import IO

main = do
  putStrLn Enter a number: 
  inp - getLine
  let n = read inp
  if n == 0
  then putStrLn Zero
  else putStrLn NotZero

Prelude :l num
[1 of 1] Compiling Num  ( num.hs, interpreted )

num.hs:11:2: parse error (possibly incorrect indentation)

Again, if I hit tab on the then or else lines, emacs reports Sole
indentation. But if I manually change the indentation, it works.

module Num

import IO

main = do
  putStrLn Enter a number: 
  inp - getLine
  let n = read inp
  if n == 0
 then putStrLn Zero
 else putStrLn NotZero

Prelude :l num
[1 of 1] Compiling Num  ( num.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Num.

This is particularly weird because if-then-else doesn't always act this


module Exp

my_exponent a n =
if n == 0
then 1
else a * my_exponent a (n-1)

Prelude :l exp
[1 of 1] Compiling Exp  ( exp.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Exp.

I suppose this might have something to do with the do-notation...

Does haskell-mode support code layout? Are there conventions I need to
know about to make it behave properly? I have haskell-mode version
2.1-1 installed from the Ubuntu feisty repository.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode

2007-05-14 Thread David House

On 14/05/07, Christopher L Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For example, here's the Hello, world example from the tutorial, with
the indentation induced by pounding Tab in haskell-mode.

module Test

  import IO

main = do
  putStrLn Hello, world

Prelude :l test
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( test.hs, interpreted )

Are you learning from YAHT, by any chance? That's the only place I've
seen the weird convention of placing the 'where' of the 'module X' bit
on a separate line. By far the most common convention in normal
Haskell is to do as follows:

module X where

[rest of module]

Things should work better if you follow this convention. What you
describe still sounds like a bug, though.

Again, if I hit tab on the then or else lines, emacs reports Sole
indentation. But if I manually change the indentation, it works.

This too looks like a bug. As you remark, if statements within
do-blocks have different indentation to everywhere else, confusingly.

Does haskell-mode support code layout? Are there conventions I need to
know about to make it behave properly? I have haskell-mode version
2.1-1 installed from the Ubuntu feisty repository.

You should install 2.3 from the haskell-mode page [1]. Isaac Jones,
maintainer of the Debian haskell-mode package has been contacted in
order to get the latest version in the Debian repository, so it should
happen soon, but in the mean time you could download and install the
latest version yourself. It features quite a few bugfixes and new
features that I imagine are documented on the aforementioned page.

haskell-mode's indentation engine is still one thing I'm yet to get my
head around, and its being written in Emacs Lisp doesn't help the
matter! Still, it's on my todo list.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode

2007-05-14 Thread Christopher L Conway

On 5/14/07, David House [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You should install 2.3 from the haskell-mode page [1]. Isaac Jones,
maintainer of the Debian haskell-mode package has been contacted in
order to get the latest version in the Debian repository, so it should
happen soon, but in the mean time you could download and install the
latest version yourself. It features quite a few bugfixes and new
features that I imagine are documented on the aforementioned page.

I've installed 2.3 and it exhibits the same indentation behavior: any
entity appearing on a new line immediately after module X where
wants to be indented 4 spaces, including function definitions and
variable bindings. if-then-else want to be lined up with one
another, although both GHC and Hugs reject this layout.

Here's the result of indent-region on the prior example:

module Num where

   import IO

   main = do
putStrLn Enter a number: 
 inp - getLine
let n = read inp
if n == 0
then putStrLn Zero
else putStrLn NotZero

This is distressing, because I've gotten rather used to letting Emacs
worry about indentation for me. (This works well in tuareg-mode for
OCaml. But, as I said earlier, I am a layout-sensitive-language

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode

2007-05-14 Thread Roberto Zunino

Nick Meyer wrote:

main = do putStrLn Enter a number: 
 inp - getLine
 let n = read inp
 if n == 0
 then putStrLn Zero
 else putStrLn NotZero

(that's with all the expressions in the do block lining up vertically, if
that doesn't show up in a fixed-width font), it works!  I would think that
your original indentation gave an error in that GHC would see then and
else and assume they were new expressions, but then I would expect that
this would have the same problem.  If anyone can shed some light on this,
that would be nice.
says already implemented in GHC and Hugs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: Harpy -- run-time code generation library

2007-05-14 Thread apfelmus
[Relocated to haskell-cafe]

Dirk Kleeblatt wrote:
 apfelmus wrote:
 Note that even currently, your operations cannot be strict in the
 address a label refers to because this may be determined later than the
 first use of the label. In other words, your example code

   fac = do
 (1)   jmp  loopTest
 (2)   loopTest @@ cmp ecx (0 :: Word32)
 already shows that the function jmp that generates a jmp-instruction may
 not be strict in the position it jumps to as the address behind loopTest
 is only known later at line (2).
 When generating code for (1), the label loopTest is used as an index
 into a map, to see whether there's a code position associated with it.
 If it is, the code position is used to compute the jump offset for the
 jmp instruction, if not (as in this example), a dummy value is placed in
 the code buffer, and Harpy remembers this position to be patched later
 on. At (2), the label is defined, and this leads to patching all
 instructions that have been emitted before this definition.
 So, yes, the code position is only used after the definition of the
 label. But the look up in a map-part makes the jmp operation strict in
 the label parameter.

Ah, I slowly get what you mean. In short, the point is that you're
reinventing lazy evaluation because you're writing directly to a memory
buffer and writing a raw _|_ is impossible. So, you invent a scheme to
delay the evaluation of the _|_ until they are defined.

With raw writing, we indeed have the strictness

   writeByte buf _|_
 = _|_

which implies

   jmp _|_
 = _|_

I thought that you'd simply store the instructions in a list/monoid like
the Builder-Monoid from Data.Binary with the effect that

   jmp _|_
 /= _|_

as monadic action although it stores _|_ as instruction. Lazy evaluation
then takes care of filling the _|_-instructions with content in times of

Here's an illustration with a fictional robodog toy assembly language

  import Control.Monad.RWS

  type Address = Int
  data Dogcode = Bark | Bite | Jump Address

  data CodeGen a = RWS () [Dogcode] Address a

  emitDogcode :: Dogcode - CodeGen Address
  emitDogcode c =
  x - get
  tell c
  put  (x+1)
  return x

  jump :: Label - CodeGen Address
  jump = emitDogcode . Jump

  bark, bite :: CodeGen Address
  bark = emitDogcode Bark
  bite = emitDogcode Bite

  generateDogCode :: CodeGen a - CodeBuffer
  generateDogCode c =
let (_,instructionCount, code) = runRWST c () 0 in
   ... whatever to do with a list of instructions ...

Now, you magically get recursive do-notation without lifting a finger
because RWS is already an instance of MonadFix. For example, the
following works out of the box

  pluto :: CodeGen Address
  pluto = mdo
 jump loop
 loop - bark
 jump loop

(The return value of type Address encapsulated in the monad is the line
number of the last instruction of pluto.)

If you really want to directly write to a memory buffer, I think that
you can still use lazy evaluation to fill in the _|_ by emitting a jump
PATCHME dummy instruction and build a stack (f.i. of type [Address]) of
addresses. The stack takes the role of the map you currently use, I
think that a stack is enough. The addresses therein may well be _|_.
After having written all instructions into the buffer, all the _|_ are
resolved and you can patch the PATCHMEs in a second pass over the buffer.

However, because of omnipresent lazy evaluation, it is unclear whether
directly writing to a buffer instead of first building a monoid does
give a speed/space advantage. So, your current approach may well be
slower than a naïve first (difference) list, then raw memory approach.

 We could omit the map, and just remember where to patch the code, but
 then we'd need to call explicitly some function after code generation
 that does the patching. We had implemented this, but found the current
 solution easier to use, since backpatching is completely automatic and
 hidden from the user.

Huh, I thought that runCodeGen would do an additional backpatch pass as

 I also think that having liftIO in the CodeGen-monad is plain wrong. I
 mean, CodeGen is a monad that generates code without any execution
 taking place. The execution part is already handled by runCodeGen.
 Having liftIO means that arbitrary Haskell programs can be intertwined
 with assembly generation and I doubt that you want that.
 Feel free to doubt, but this is exactly what we want. :-)
 Also, note that runCodeGen runs the code _generation_, executing the
 generated code is done _within_ the CodeGen monad via the functions
 generated by callDecl (or the predefined functions in the Harpy.Call
 module). This is even more intertwined, but intentional.

Huh? That means that code gets executed during it's own generation? But
why do you mix separate concerns? I don't see what use this is besides
being an opportunity to mess up.

 Of course, again a different 

[Haskell-cafe] instance monad problem

2007-05-14 Thread Veer Singh

I am trying to learn haskell , but i am struggling with types  , its
been around 7 days , it will be very kind if some explain it why this
error , i think this is the only stumbling block . I am looking for
the comparison on why similar code works , while other code not .

I get this error on ghci  :
`a' is not applied to enough type arguments
   Expected kind `*', but `a' has kind `* - *'
   In the type `SS a'
   In the type `(Monad a) = {Monad (SS a)}'
   In the instance declaration for `Monad (SS a)'

Here is the very small code with comments:

data SS a = SS a Int
data Maybe1 a = Nothing1 | Just1 a

instance Monad Maybe1  where
 (Just1 x) = f = f x

--^^ this loads fine in ghci

-- where as this
instance (Monad a)= Monad (SS a) where
 (SS x y) = f = f (x y)

--^^ does not work , so whats the difference , both have type parameters

-- something similar works like this :
instance (Eq a)=Eq (SS a) where
 (SS x y)  == (SS b c) = (y == c)  (x == b)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance monad problem

2007-05-14 Thread Creighton Hogg


On 5/14/07, Veer Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to learn haskell , but i am struggling with types  , its
been around 7 days , it will be very kind if some explain it why this
error , i think this is the only stumbling block . I am looking for
the comparison on why similar code works , while other code not .

I get this error on ghci  :
`a' is not applied to enough type arguments
Expected kind `*', but `a' has kind `* - *'
In the type `SS a'
In the type `(Monad a) = {Monad (SS a)}'
In the instance declaration for `Monad (SS a)'

Here is the very small code with comments:

data SS a = SS a Int
data Maybe1 a = Nothing1 | Just1 a

instance Monad Maybe1  where
  (Just1 x) = f = f x

--^^ this loads fine in ghci

-- where as this
instance (Monad a)= Monad (SS a) where
  (SS x y) = f = f (x y)

--^^ does not work , so whats the difference , both have type parameters

-- something similar works like this :
instance (Eq a)=Eq (SS a) where
  (SS x y)  == (SS b c) = (y == c)  (x == b)

The problem is that you've overspecified the monad SS.
Notice that you only had to write
instance Monad Maybe1
instance Monad (Maybe1 a)

That's because you declared Maybe1 to only take in one type parameter.  SS
also takes in only one type parameter, so you're actually telling it that it
should make SS a b into a monad, but there is no SS a b.

It might help to look at the definition of the State monad in All About
You'll see that state is defined as
newtype State s a =...
and they declare
instance Monad (State s)
instance Monad (State s a)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Limits of deduction

2007-05-14 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Roberto Zunino:
 Yes, you are right, I didn't want to involve type classes and assumed 
 3::Int. A better example would be:
 polyf :: Int - a - Int
 polyf x y = if x==0 then 0
  else if x==1 then polyf (x-1) (\z-z)
  else polyf (x-2) ()
 Here, passing both () and (\z-z) _does_ make inference fail.

Alternatively, type inference succeeds in rejecting an illegal program
[1,2]. :-)

So I think we need to be a little more precise about exactly what is
undecideable in this example. Yes, the explicit type signature you've
given is valid, and the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm is not
able to assign that type without an explicit signature. But that doesn't
make Hindley-Milner type inference undecideable. On the contrary,
Hindley-Milner type inference is deliberately designed to be decideable.
To achieve that, it assumes monomorphic types in certain identifiable
contexts, and therefore rejects some functions for which valid types

So I think the point you were making is that the problem of inferring
the types of all functions for which valid types exist is, in general,
undecideable. Hindley-Milner inference ensures decideability by choosing
a somewhat less general (but still useful) problem.

For what it's worth (not much), it might be possible to invent a
decideable type inference which could infer types for a slightly larger
set of functions (including polyf), by automatically generalising the
types of arguments which are not inspected. Of course, doing so would
presuppose the decideability of the subproblem of identifying unused
arguments, and achieving that would undoubtedly require certain
restrictions on the subproblem definition, analogous to the ones
employed by Hindley-Milner.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance monad problem

2007-05-14 Thread Stefan Holdermans


I get this error on ghci  :
`a' is not applied to enough type arguments
   Expected kind `*', but `a' has kind `* - *'
   In the type `SS a'
   In the type `(Monad a) = {Monad (SS a)}'
   In the instance declaration for `Monad (SS a)'

So, what you are running into is not as much a type error; it's a  
kind error. Kinds give structure to types, in the same way as types  
give structure to values. For instance,



  [Maybe Int]

are both well-formed types, but


is not: Maybe still expects a type argument. Now, let's have a look  
at kinds.

Int is a well-formed type in its own right; we say that it has kind  
*. (* is pronounced as 'type' or sometimes as 'star'). The type of  
lists, however, [], is to be applied to a type argument in order to  
form a well-formed type: so [] has kind * - *. The same holds for  
Maybe: it requires a type argument and so it has kind * - *.  

  Int   ::  *
  []:: * - *
  Maybe :: * - *

Now, why is [Maybe] not well-formed? Recall: [] has kind * - *, so  
it expects a type argument of kind *. Here, we have supplied as type  
argument Maybe, which has kind * - *. (Indeed, [Maybe] is just sugar  
for [] Maybe.) So, the kind do not match and we are confronted with a  
kind error.

Over to your code snippet.

data SS a = SS a Int

Your type constructor SS expects a single type argument, so we have

  SS :: * - *

Instances of the Monad type class are to have kind * - * (for  
instance, [], Maybe, IO, ...); so, in terms of kinds, SS is a good  
candidate instance of Monad. But then:

instance (Monad a)= Monad (SS a) where

Let's see. SS had kind * - *. This implies that, for SS a to be well- 
kinded, the type argument a is to be of kind *. But instances of  
Monad are of kind * - * and you writing  Monad a in the instance  
head, implies that the type variable a had kind * - *. Of course,  
the variable a cannot be of both kind * and kind * - *. Hence, GHCi  
nicely presents you a kind error.

How to get out of this misery? I'd say, just get rid of the instance  

  instance Monad SS where
return x = SS x 0
SS x m = f = let ~(SS y n) = f x in SS y (m + n)


  instance Monad SS where
return x = SS x 1
SS x m = f = let ~(SS y n) = f x in SS y (m * n)


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