Re: [Haskell-cafe] SYB3 codebase

2007-10-21 Thread Mads Lindstrøm
Hi Ian

Ian Lynagh:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 07:59:37PM +0200, Mads Lindstrøm wrote:
> > 
> >
> > (hereafter know as HappS-SYB3). HappS-SYB3 is based on the SYB3 code
> > you mention, but the code has been changed quite a bit compared to
> > using the Shelarcy patch. So it will properly require some more work.
> Can you explain what you mean by "require some more work" please?
> As far as I can remember the API provided by the code has not changed,
> the changes have only been improvements to the internal code.

>From the original SYB3:
gfoldl :: ctx ()
   -> (forall a b. Data ctx a => c (a -> b) -> a -> c b)
   -> (forall g. g -> c g)
   -> a -> c a

>From Happs-SYB3:
gfoldl :: Proxy ctx
   -> (forall b c. Data ctx b => w (b -> c) -> b -> w c)
   -> (forall g. g -> w g)
   -> a -> w a

looking at the first argument you will see a slight difference. Also the
original SYB3 contains the function gfoldlAccum, which the HappS version
do not contain. There are other differences too.

> > I have not been able to find any documentation for HappS-SYB3.
> The SYB3 paper describes how to use it, but other than that there is no
> documentation. Of course, if anyone wanted to write some other docs then
> that would be great!
Yes, that would be great. 

> > Thus I have no idea of his position on my usage of HappS-SYB3.
> I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. syb-with-class is
> BSD3-licenced, and anyone is free to use it for whatever they want
> within the terms of that licence.

I was not referring to the license. To be earnest I can see that I was
not clear about what I was referring to :(

I was thinking about the level of support. 

Was this just a library to support HappS, and people could use it but
there would be no help if they ran into problems. Or would it receive
the same support as the HappS project gives to there users.

> Thanks
> Ian



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hiding side effects in a data structure

2007-10-21 Thread Ketil Malde

I've done something similar, I think.  Often, I want to output some
kind of progress indicator, just to show that the program is working.
Typically, the program works by lazily evaluating a list (lines from
an input file, say); each element of the list is wrapped with an IO
action that outputs the status when evaluated -- which typically
happens lazily from pure code. 

> countIO :: String -> String -> Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
> countIO msg post step xs = sequence $ map unsafeInterleaveIO ((blank >> 
> outmsg (0::Int) >> c):cs)
>where (c:cs) = ct 0 xs
>  output   = hPutStr stderr
>  blank= output ('\r':take 70 (repeat ' '))
>  outmsg x = output ('\r':msg++show x) >> hFlush stderr
>  ct s ys = let (a,b) = splitAt (step-1) ys
>next  = s+step
>in case b of [b1] -> map return a ++ [outmsg (s+step) >> 
> hPutStr stderr post >> return b1]
> []   -> map return (init a) ++ [outmsg 
> (s+length a) >> hPutStr stderr post >> return (last a)]
> _ -> map return a ++ [outmsg s >> return 
> (head b)] ++ ct next (tail b)

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hiding side effects in a data structure

2007-10-21 Thread Peter Hercek

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
 > A hyperlink of the form 
interesting bit is far more useful than one of the form
http://.../long-research-paper.pdf";>look for
section 49.7.3.  It may not seem significant, but when
one is attempting to learn some new part of Haskell it's
really off-putting.

Pdfs are not that bad. You can hyper link into them too. It would
 look like:
 ... to open the pdf a position you on page 45 of it
 or like:
 ... to open the pdf and position you on anchor anchorName

You can do it from command line too:
 acrord32 /A page=45 long-research-paper.pdf
 acrord32 /A anchorName long-research-paper.pdf

This of course requires the source to give you more precise link.
 But here there is no difference from html only ... possibly ...
 more people know about html linking than pdf linking.

The above definitely works OK on windows, not sure about linux
 pdf viewers.

Unfortunately I cannot find now how you can look at all
 anchors defined in a pdf (so that you can use something better
 than page=).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hiding side effects in a data structure

2007-10-21 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Peter Hercek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jon Fairbairn wrote:
>  > A hyperlink of the form > href="http://.../long-research-paper.html#interesting-paragraph";>
>> interesting bit is far more useful than one of the form
>> http://.../long-research-paper.pdf";>look for
>> section 49.7.3.  It may not seem significant, but when
>> one is attempting to learn some new part of Haskell it's
>> really off-putting.
> Pdfs are not that bad.

No, they (or at least links to them) typically are that bad!
Mind you, as far as fragment identification is concerned, so
are a lot of html pages.  But even if the links do have
fragment ids, pdfs still impose a significant overhead: I
don't want stuff swapped out just so that I can run a pdf
viewer; a web browser uses up enough resources as it is. And
will Hoogle link into pdfs?

> The above definitely works OK on windows, not sure about linux
>  pdf viewers.

Works perfectly on my Fedora 7 systems.

While this would be a definite improvement over having to
search through the pdf, the delay and the fact that pdfs
aren't as good as html for on-line viewing are still enough
of an overhead that it's discouraging. If I'm using PHP (an
execrable language), I can type the name (or something like
the name) of any function into the search box on the PHP
manual webpage and get useful (albeit often extremely
irritating from a Haskell programmer's point of view)
results straight back.  Even including my language
designer's distaste for PHP, this can make writing a wee bit
of PHP a less onerous event than writing the same thing in
Haskell -- definitely not what we want!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

2007-10-21 Thread Peter Hercek

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Oct 19, 2007, at 12:11 , Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On 19/10/2007, Kalman Noel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   data ExistsNumber = forall a. Num a => Number a

I'm without a Haskell compiler, but shouldn't that be "exists a."?

The problem is that "exists" is not valid in either Haskell 98 or any 
current extension, whereas "forall" is a very common extension.  But you 
can simulate "exists" via "forall", which is the thrust of these 

When 'exists' is not a keyword, why 'forall' is needed at all?
Isn't everything 'forall' qualified by default? ... or are type
variables sometimes 'exists' qualified by default depending
on context? That would be confusing though...
I do not understand why 'forall' keyword is needed.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hiding side effects in a data structure

2007-10-21 Thread Peter Hercek

Yes, htmls are better than pdfs (more lightweight, easier to
 work with if exact page layout is not important). I just wanted
 to point out that it is possible to link into some particular
 place of a pdf document. So the linking availability should
 not be the argument by itself. I would prefer html too but if
 pdf is required otherwise, it would be nice if link suppliers
 would provide more precise links. To spread the information
 that they can do so is the main reason I responded.


Jon Fairbairn wrote:

Peter Hercek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
 > A hyperlink of the form 
interesting bit is far more useful than one of the form
http://.../long-research-paper.pdf";>look for
section 49.7.3.  It may not seem significant, but when
one is attempting to learn some new part of Haskell it's
really off-putting.

Pdfs are not that bad.

No, they (or at least links to them) typically are that bad!
Mind you, as far as fragment identification is concerned, so
are a lot of html pages.  But even if the links do have
fragment ids, pdfs still impose a significant overhead: I
don't want stuff swapped out just so that I can run a pdf
viewer; a web browser uses up enough resources as it is. And
will Hoogle link into pdfs?

The above definitely works OK on windows, not sure about linux
 pdf viewers.

Works perfectly on my Fedora 7 systems.

While this would be a definite improvement over having to
search through the pdf, the delay and the fact that pdfs
aren't as good as html for on-line viewing are still enough
of an overhead that it's discouraging. If I'm using PHP (an
execrable language), I can type the name (or something like
the name) of any function into the search box on the PHP
manual webpage and get useful (albeit often extremely
irritating from a Haskell programmer's point of view)
results straight back.  Even including my language
designer's distaste for PHP, this can make writing a wee bit
of PHP a less onerous event than writing the same thing in
Haskell -- definitely not what we want!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

2007-10-21 Thread Kalman Noel
Peter Hercek wrote:
> When 'exists' is not a keyword, why 'forall' is needed at all?
> Isn't everything 'forall' qualified by default?

“forall” isn't a keyword in Haskell 98. As an extension to the language,
however, it makes certain types expressible that can not be written in H98, for

f :: (forall a. a) -> T

which is different from 

g :: forall a. a -> T

although both are not particularly useful. (The only argument that f will ever
take is bottom!)

In the context of existentially quantified types, however, the forall keyword is
used probably to make the use of an extension more explicit. Without the forall

data U = C a

would be an existential, while the programmer maybe really wanted the usual

data U a = C a


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange subtract operator behavior - and lazy naturals

2007-10-21 Thread Yitzchak Gale
I wrote:

Yitzchak Gale wrote:
>> So why not make the laziness available
>> also for cases where "1 - 2 == 0" does _not_ do
>> the right thing?
>> data LazyInteger = IntZero | IntSum Bool Integer LazyInteger
>> or
>> data LazyInteger = LazyInteger Bool Nat
>> or whatever.

Luke Palmer wrote:
> data LazyInteger = IntDiff Nat Nat
> The only value which would diverge when
> compared to a constant would be infinity - infinity.

Hmm. But then you could have integers that are
divergent and non-infinite. What do we gain by
doing it this way?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hiding side effects in a data structure

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 21, 2007, at 6:29 , Jon Fairbairn wrote:

No, they (or at least links to them) typically are that bad!
Mind you, as far as fragment identification is concerned, so
are a lot of html pages.  But even if the links do have
fragment ids, pdfs still impose a significant overhead: I
don't want stuff swapped out just so that I can run a pdf
viewer; a web browser uses up enough resources as it is. And
will Hoogle link into pdfs?

I prefer HTML for online viewing and PDF for offline.

BTW, you might consider a trick:  look up the PDF on google, use the  
HTML view.  This is generally poor for documents with significant  
graphics, but works reasonably well for most Haskell papers (modulo  
math I usually can't figure out anyway, lacking the background many  
Haskellers have in set theory / rings / groups/semigroups etc.).

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 21, 2007, at 6:41 , Peter Hercek wrote:

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Oct 19, 2007, at 12:11 , Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On 19/10/2007, Kalman Noel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   data ExistsNumber = forall a. Num a => Number a

I'm without a Haskell compiler, but shouldn't that be "exists a."?
The problem is that "exists" is not valid in either Haskell 98 or  
any current extension, whereas "forall" is a very common  
extension.  But you can simulate "exists" via "forall", which is  
the thrust of these approaches.

When 'exists' is not a keyword, why 'forall' is needed at all?

NB.  Haskell98 doesn't have forall.  All type variables are  
implicitly scoped to the entire type (e.g. foo :: (a -> b) -> a -> b  
is actually foo :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b).

The point of the forall keyword is that it can be scoped.  Compare  
runState to runST:  ST carries around a bracketed forall on the state  
expression (forall s. ST s a), preventing it from being viewed or  
modified (or initialized!) outside the scope established by runST,  
whereas you can carry around a State (State s a) and thread the state  
s through an expression "by hand" via evalState / execState (or  
pattern matching on the State value, which is what those translate to  
after a pass through runState).

Given scoped forall, you can simulate exists by using something very  
like (identical to, via Curry-Howard?) de Morgan's Rule.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Trying to install binary-0.4

2007-10-21 Thread Duncan Coutts
(moving to haskell-cafe)

On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 14:55 +0200, Udo Stenzel wrote:
> Duncan Coutts wrote:
> > New tarball releases of Cabal-1.2.1, bytestring-0.9, binary-0.4.1, tar
> > and others (zlib, bzlib, iconv) will appear on hackage in the next few
> > days.
> I just tried one of them, iconv.  First it wants a recent cabal; that's
> fine, I installed the darcs version.  Then I get this:
> | Codec/Text/IConv.hs:64:17:
> | Could not find module `Data.ByteString':
> |   it is a member of package bytestring-0.9, which is hidden
> Okay, it obviously tries to be smart, but doesn't know that I upgraded
> to a separate ByteString library. 


> So I take out the gunk about 'flag(bytestring-in-base)' and try again:

> | Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
> | base <2.0||>=2.2
> Of course that was to be expected, since I have base-2.0 hacked to not
> get in conflict with bytestring-0.9, and you (Duncan) couldn't possibly
> anticipate this (or could you?). 

Right. It expects that if you have base >= 2.0 && < 2.2 then that
version of base exports Data.ByteString. That's not an unreasonable
assumption I think.

You can hack the .cabal file further to make it work in your situation,
but I don't suggest that's a great long term solution. If you wanted to
hack it you'd change it to just:

build-depends: base, bytestring >= 0.9

without any 'if' or flags and without cpp-options: -DBYTESTRING_IN_BASE.

> Now what am I supposed to do?  Give my messed up base a new version
> number?  (Which one?)  Rewrite every single cabal file, hoping that
> they never become Turing complete turning the exercise into a reverse
> engineering fest rivaling the ICFP contest? Bite the bullet and
> install GHC from darcs?

So you've changed the API of base-2.1.1 so that will break packages that
expect that they know what the api of base-2.1.1 actually is. You can
either hack the .cabal files of things you try to install (which would
be a pain, I don't recommend it) or you could revert your changes to
your base package.

> For the time being, I'll go with 'ghc --make'.  And I think that cabal
> configurations are an exceptionally bad idea carried to perfection.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming that the changes in what is in and
what is out of the base package could not have been handled better.
Configurations just happen to be one mechanism that we have available
now to enable packages to build with various versions of the base
package. The other alternative seemed to be that they'd only work with
an old or a new version but not both.

There are plenty of things that we could have done better to make the
base changes less disruptive but I really don't think you can blame
configurations for that or for adding to that problem. If we had made
different decisions at various points we would not need configurations
for this purpose right now. We'd still need configurations for other

Configurations serve other purposes too. They're not just for managing
the mess over moving modules between packages. They're generally to
allow changes in the way a package is built depending on the environment
in which the package is built to reduce the need for non-portable
configure scripts and wadges of fragile code in Setup.hs files.

> They make things worse, not better.  (And that's just GHC 6.6... I don't
> want to even think about what happens on Hugs, JHC and YHC.)

It's mostly orthogonal to the Haskell implementation since the base
package is shared by all Haskell implementations.

> What would it take to talk you into giving up on supporting the broken
> base-2.0 and incorporating a patch to unbreak it into the bytestring
> setup?  Can I stop the insanity by simply writing that patch?

What kind of change are you suggesting?

We have to support base 2.x because that is the versions of base that
come with ghc-6.6.x. We cannot sensibly install the separate bytestring
package with ghc-6.6.x because it would clash with the base package
there. We cannot easily upgrade base in existing installations of ghc
because ghc is just not designed with that in mind at the moment.

The solution we're using at the moment is to use the separate bytestring
package with ghc-6.4 and ghc-6.8 and to use the version of the
bytestring code in base-2.x for ghc-6.6.x. That's what the newest
versions of zlib, bzlib, iconv, binary, tar etc do. They all work with
ghc-6.4, 6.6 and 6.8 (using Cabal-1.2.x).

> > So all will not be plain sailing for the first few weeks after
> > ghc-6.8 comes out as maintainers update their packages. People will have
> > to be patient and/or stick to ghc-6.6 for a bit.
> Okay, so now we have *three* almost-stable versions of GHC in wide
> circulation, all of them broken in different ways with respect to cabal
> packages.  I feel tears welling up...

So far this weekend I've uploaded to hackage: Cabal-1.2.1,
bytestring-0.9, unix-compat-0.1.1, tar-0.1.1 and Kolmodin uploaded

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: undecidable & overlapping instances: a bug?]

2007-10-21 Thread Iavor Diatchki

On 10/19/07, Martin Sulzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Peyton-Jones writes:
>  > ...
>  > Like you, Iavor, I find it very hard to internalise just why (B) and (C) 
> are important.  But I believe the paper gives examples of why they are, and 
> Martin is getting good at explaining it. Martin: can you give an example, 
> once more, of the importance of (B) (=fullness)?
>  >
> Fullness (B) is a necessary condition to guarantee that the constraint
> solver (aka CHR solver) derived from the type class program is confluent.
> Here's an example (taken from the paper).
>   class F a b c | a->b
>   instance F Int Bool Char
>   instance F a b Bool => F [a] [b] Bool
> The FD is not full because the class parameter c is not involved in
> the FD. We will show now that the CHR solver is not confluent.
> Here is the translation to CHRs (see the paper for details)
>   rule F a b1 c, F a b2 d  ==> b1=b2  -- (FD)
>   rule F Int Bool Char<==> True   -- (Inst1)
>   rule F Int a b   ==> a=Bool -- (Imp1)
>   rule F [a] [b] Bool <==> F a b Bool -- (Inst2)
>   rule F [a] c d   ==> c=[b]  -- (Imp2)
> The above CHRs are not confluent. For example,
> there are two possible CHR derivations for the initial
> constraint store F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
> F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
> -->_FD (means apply the FD rule)
> F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] [b] d , b2=[b]
> --> Inst2
> F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b] (*)
> Here's the second CHR derivation
> F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
> -->_Inst2
> F a b Bool, F [a] b2 d
> -->_Imp2
> F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c]   (**)
> (*) and (**) are final stores (ie no further CHR are applicable).
> Unfortunately, they are not logically equivalent (one store says
> b2=[b] whereas the other store says b2=[c]).

But what is wrong with applying the following logical reasoning:

Starting with (**):
F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c]
(by inst2)
F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c], F [a] [b] Bool
(by FD)
F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c], F [a] [b] Bool, [c] = [b]
(applying equalities and omitting unnecessary predicates)
F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
(...and then follow your argument to reach (*)...)

Alternatively, if we start at (*):
F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b]
(by inst2)
F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b], F [a] [b] Bool
(applying equalities, rearranging, and omitting unnecessary predicates)
F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b_2 d
(... and then follow you reasoning to reach (**) ...)

So it would appear that the two sets of predicates are logically equivalent.

> To conclude, fullness is a necessary condition to establish confluence
> of the CHR solver. Confluence is vital to guarantee completeness of
> type inference.
> I don't think that fullness is an onerous condition.

I agree with you that, in practice, many classes probably use "full"
FDs.  However, these extra conditions make the system more
complicated, and we should make clear what exactly are we getting in
return for the added complexity.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Maurí­cio


I like Haskell, and use it as my main
language. However, compiling a Haskell program
usually takes a lot of memory and CPU. So I was
curious, and would like to know from computer
scholars in this list: how much of Haskell would
be possible in machines with really low CPU and
memory? Which features would be feasible for a
compiler to implement, and for programmers to use?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Maurício writes:

... compiling a Haskell program
usually takes a lot of memory and CPU. So I was
curious, and would like to know from computer
scholars in this list: how much of Haskell would
be possible in machines with really low CPU and
memory? Which features would be feasible for a
compiler to implement, and for programmers to use?

Check up Gofer of Mark Jones.

Choose your preferred version from:

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 21, 2007, at 14:40 , Maurí cio wrote:

I like Haskell, and use it as my main
language. However, compiling a Haskell program
usually takes a lot of memory and CPU. So I was

To some extent this is just a matter of Haskell not having been  
around that long ago:  as ghc evolves, it's been getting better about  
this.  Before ghc snapshots stopped being able to compile themselves  
(*grumble* --- is this fixed yet?) I found that ghc 6.7 compiling  
itself didn't do nearly as much violence to my desktop machine as  
compiling 6.7 (or 6.8pre or 6.9) with ghc 6.4 / 6.6 / 6.6.1.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Maurí­cio

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH escreveu:

On Oct 21, 2007, at 14:40 , Maurí cio wrote:

I like Haskell, and use it as my main
language. However, compiling a Haskell program
usually takes a lot of memory and CPU. So I was

To some extent this is just a matter of Haskell not having been around 
that long ago:  as ghc evolves, it's been getting better about this.  
Before ghc snapshots stopped being able to compile themselves (*grumble* 
--- is this fixed yet?) I found that ghc 6.7 compiling itself didn't do 
nearly as much violence to my desktop machine as compiling 6.7 (or 
6.8pre or 6.9) with ghc 6.4 / 6.6 / 6.6.1.

Of course. But I think of somethink like a Intel 386 with 4MB
of memory.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 21 Oct 2007, [ISO-8859-1] Maurí­cio wrote:

> Of course. But I think of somethink like a Intel 386 with 4MB
> of memory.

According to "The History of Haskell"
  (early versions of) Haskell could be used on such machines.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 21, 2007, at 15:21 , Maurí cio wrote:

Of course. But I think of somethink like a Intel 386 with 4MB
of memory.

It's kinda surprising to me how many people think that just because  
current/modern implementations of things use memory wastefully, this  
is somehow mandatory.  When machines were smaller, programs used  
algorithms which were suited to those machines; the reason they don't  
now is to some extent laziness but also because those algorithms  
often didn't scale to larger available memory (i.e. you get *big*  
speedups with more profligate algorithms when the memory they want is  

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Mauricio writes: 

... But I think of somethink like a Intel 386 with 4MB
of memory.

It seems you decided to ignore my message. OK.
I repeat it once more, and there will be no more.
Gofer was a perfectly genuine Haskell, it run in a 640K box,
and influenced considerably the type system of newer Haskell. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 21, 2007, at 15:31 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mauricio writes:

... But I think of somethink like a Intel 386 with 4MB
of memory.

It seems you decided to ignore my message. OK.

Whoa there!  Why assume malice?  I got both his quoted response and  
your message at about the same time, which suggests to me he hadn't  
seen yours yet when he sent it.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH writes: 


It seems you decided to ignore my message. OK.

Whoa there!  Why assume malice?  I got both his quoted response and  your 
message at about the same time, 

Gosh, I am not assuming any malice, I am too old for that...
I could have thought, since it has happened already, that Mauricio, or
whoever *dismisses* Gofer, as something so old that it couldn't be possibly
related to modern languages. Mind you, Mark Jones did it before 1994, when
the paper reporting the implementation has been written. Several guys here
were not born yet. OK, don't shout, I know I exaggerate... 

What I found somehow funny, with all respect, is the combination: 20 years
ago, which means '87, and miserable 4M of memory. At that time 4M on a
personal computer was not so frequent, at least in Europe. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Automatic file closing after readFile

2007-10-21 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Magnus Therning wrote:

I'll certainly try to look into all of that.  However, I suspect your
suggestion doesn't scale very well.  On my original code it's easy, it
was less than 10 lines, but how do I know where to start looking if it's
a program of 100 lines, or 1000 lines?  The problem could occur in an
updated library that I just use... Well you get the idea :-)

A library function is supposed to tell you its time usage, memory usage, 
file usage, ... generally resource usage, as part of its specification.

A 100-line program is not supposed to be a monolith. It is supposed to 
be a combination of 10 functions (or 10 parts; I'll call them functions 
anyway), 10 lines each. Each function is supposed to come with its 
specification too, which again tells you its resource usage.

To reason about the 100-line program, you only need to reason about 10 
lines of specifications. To reason about a program that calls a library 
function, you only need to plug its specification --- emphatically not 
its code! --- at the call site, and proceed.

(It remains to reason that each 10-line function conforms to its 1-line 
specification, but we agreed that 10 lines are ok. It also remains to 
reason that the library function conforms to its documented 
specification, but that is the author's job, and again the author can 
apply the same divide-and-conquer to stay tractable.)

To reason about a 1000-line program, again it is not supposed to be a 
monolith. It is supposed to be a combination of 10 functions, each 100 
lines. The 1000-line program is 10 lines of specifications combined. We 
already know how to deal with each 100-line function... You get the idea.

Divide-and-conquer. Abstraction. Modularization. Separation of Concerns. 
 That is how reasoning about programs scales. That is how writing 
programs in the first place scales. That is how anything at all scales.

Some suggested musings:

"Rome is not built in one day" or whatever the proverb's wording is.

Intelligent Design vs Random Mutation.

Is your program invented or discovered?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Automatic file closing after readFile

2007-10-21 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 17:15 -0400, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:
> Magnus Therning wrote:
> > I'll certainly try to look into all of that.  However, I suspect your
> > suggestion doesn't scale very well.  On my original code it's easy, it
> > was less than 10 lines, but how do I know where to start looking if it's
> > a program of 100 lines, or 1000 lines?  The problem could occur in an
> > updated library that I just use... Well you get the idea :-)
> A library function is supposed to tell you its time usage, memory usage, 
> file usage, ... generally resource usage, as part of its specification.
> A 100-line program is not supposed to be a monolith. It is supposed to 
> be a combination of 10 functions (or 10 parts; I'll call them functions 
> anyway), 10 lines each. Each function is supposed to come with its 
> specification too, which again tells you its resource usage.
> To reason about the 100-line program, you only need to reason about 10 
> lines of specifications.

I'm not sure what semantics we would use to reason about resource use in
specifications like this. Our standard semantics abstract over space,
time and sharing properties of our programs.

For a lazy language, resource specifications of functions do not compose
in a simple way. For example we might naively say that [1..m] uses m
time and space and that take n takes at most n time and space but then
take n [1..m] does not take the sum of these two time/space
specifications. In more complex examples the connection is even less

One more accurate way to look at resource use is to say that we only
consider time and space to reduce to WHNF and then ask that question
when we apply various evaluation functions to the expression. Different
evaluation functions would force various parts of the value. Then when
we plug an expression into different contexts we see what kind of
evaluation function that context is and use that in our question about
the resource use to evaluate the expression. Still, that only gives you
total resource use, not maximum resource use at any point during
evaluation which is important for space.

Summary: it's not so simple.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence

2007-10-21 Thread Derek Elkins
On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 15:06 -0700, Dan Weston wrote:
> That is a great tutorial. Thanks! But in the last two sentences of the 
> introduction you say:
>  > We just need to find any program with the given type.
>  > The existence of a program for the type will be a proof
>  > of the corresponding proposition!
> Maybe you should make explicit that
> 1) the type is inhabited
> undefined :: forall p . p
> does not prove that all propositions are true

Yes it does.

> 2) the function must halt for all defined arguments
> fix :: forall p . (p -> p) -> p
> fix f = let x = f x in x
> does not prove the (false) theorem
> (p => p) => p

Yes it does.

Terms in Haskell prove the propositions that the types of Haskell
correspond to.  *The logic that Haskell's type systems corresponds to is
inconsistent.*  This is what you are missing.  Haskell's type systems
does not correspond to intuitionistic propositional logic.  Indeed, in
the actual statement of the Curry-Howard correspondence, it's a
correspondence between intuitionistic propositional logic and the simply
typed lambda calculus which Haskell quite certainly is not.  As is well
known, it (CH) can be generalized beyond that, but generally you need a
strongly normalizing language (or at least prove strong normalization
for your particular term and note normalization means -normal form- not
weak head normal form) to actually use the "programs" as proofs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

2007-10-21 Thread Tim Docker

> After all, sometimes all you need to know about a list is that
> all the elements support a common set of operations. If I'm
> implementing a 3d renderer for example, I'd like to have
> class Renderable a where
>   render :: a -> RasterImage
> scene :: Renderable a => [a]

Everyone has launched into explanations of how to use existentials
to do this, but you may be happy in just haskell 98. In the above,
you could just have:

scene :: [RasterImage]

Laziness will ensure that the computation/storage of the images
will not occur until they are used.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson
All of Haskell was possible 20 years ago.  The LML compiler (written in LML)
compiled a language similar to Haskell,  the only real differences is syntax
and the type system (and monadic IO wasn't invented yet).  It was a bit slow
to recompile itself, but not bad.  A 16MHz 386 and 8M of memory certainly

  -- Lennart

On 10/21/07, Maurí­cio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I like Haskell, and use it as my main
> language. However, compiling a Haskell program
> usually takes a lot of memory and CPU. So I was
> curious, and would like to know from computer
> scholars in this list: how much of Haskell would
> be possible in machines with really low CPU and
> memory? Which features would be feasible for a
> compiler to implement, and for programmers to use?
> Thanks,
> Maurício
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Using Haddock to document ADTs

2007-10-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,

I'm beginning to get familiar with Haddock and I want to document a
library which, as usually happens, has some ADT definitions.

I'd like to document the ADTs both for the end-user (who shouldn't be
told about its internal implementation) and future developers.

Let's imagine my library is called FooLib, defines an ADT whose
implementation is hidden by an outer module.

=== FooLib/ADT1.hs =
-- | This module defines my type ADT1
module ADT1

-- | This type implements whatever and. As you can see it's implemented
--  using blah blah so that is more efficient because of  blah blah
data ADT1 a = ...

== Foolib.hs 
-- | This is Foolib which is aimed at whatever
module Foolib (ADT) where

import ADT


Generating documentation for Foolib.hs with this Haddock annotations
will unfortunatelly reveal implementation details since the annotation
of ADT1 is forwarded.

My question is, How can I generate documentation for both developers
and the end-users using the same Haddock annotations?

I'm beginning to think it would be a good idea to distinguish those
two cases (documentation for end-users and internal developers) in
Haddock, but I'm probably wrong since it seems a common thing and
wasn't implemented yet.

Best Regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Using Haddock to document ADTs

2007-10-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On 10/22/07, Alfonso Acosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> == Foolib.hs 
> -- | This is Foolib which is aimed at whatever
> module Foolib (ADT) where
> import ADT
> ===

Sorry, I meant (although my error was probably obvious)

 == Foolib.hs 
 -- | This is Foolib which is aimed at whatever
 module Foolib (ADT1) where

 import ADT1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence

2007-10-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson
There's nothing wrong with Haskell types.  It's the terms that make Haskell
types an inconsistent logic.
But that doesn't mean that the C-H correspondence doesn't have any insight
to offer.

  -- Lennart

On 10/21/07, Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 15:06 -0700, Dan Weston wrote:
> > That is a great tutorial. Thanks! But in the last two sentences of the
> > introduction you say:
> >
> >  > We just need to find any program with the given type.
> >  > The existence of a program for the type will be a proof
> >  > of the corresponding proposition!
> >
> > Maybe you should make explicit that
> >
> > 1) the type is inhabited
> >
> > undefined :: forall p . p
> >
> > does not prove that all propositions are true
> Yes it does.
> >
> > 2) the function must halt for all defined arguments
> >
> > fix :: forall p . (p -> p) -> p
> > fix f = let x = f x in x
> >
> > does not prove the (false) theorem
> >
> > (p => p) => p
> Yes it does.
> Terms in Haskell prove the propositions that the types of Haskell
> correspond to.  *The logic that Haskell's type systems corresponds to is
> inconsistent.*  This is what you are missing.  Haskell's type systems
> does not correspond to intuitionistic propositional logic.  Indeed, in
> the actual statement of the Curry-Howard correspondence, it's a
> correspondence between intuitionistic propositional logic and the simply
> typed lambda calculus which Haskell quite certainly is not.  As is well
> known, it (CH) can be generalized beyond that, but generally you need a
> strongly normalizing language (or at least prove strong normalization
> for your particular term and note normalization means -normal form- not
> weak head normal form) to actually use the "programs" as proofs.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence

2007-10-21 Thread Iavor Diatchki

On 10/17/07, Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check Wikipedia.  Peirce law, law of excluded middle, double negation, ...
> they are all equivalent and it can be instructive to see how one can derive
> one from the other.

Apparently these axioms are not all equivalent (I was quite surprised
to learn that :-).  Here is some interesting---but perhaps a bit
advanced for a tutorial on CH---reading which studies the relation
between classical logic and computation:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Type-level arithmetic

2007-10-21 Thread Martin Sulzmann
Manuel M T Chakravarty writes:
 > Ross Paterson wrote,
 > > On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 10:56:27AM +1000, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 > >> Lennart Augustsson wrote,
 > >>> And Haskell embedded a logical programming language on accident.
 > >> Well, we are just trying to fix that :)
 > > 
 > > Since types are inferred using unification, and classes are still present,
 > > adding functions yields a functional logic programming language at the
 > > type level.
 > I used to agree with that, but I changed my opinion.  Or more 
 > precisely, I'd say that it is a very weak functional logic language. 
 >   "Weak" in the sense that it's logic component is essential nil.
 > Let me justify this statement.  We have type variables that are like 
 > "logical variables" in logic programming languages.  However, we 
 > never use function definitions to guess values for type variables. 
 > Instead, function evaluation simplify suspends when it depends on an 
 > uninstantiated variable and resumes when this variable becomes 
 > instantiated.  (The functional logic people call this evaluation 
 > strategy "residuation".)  For example, if we have
 >type family T a
 >type instance T Int = Char
 > then, given (T a ~ Char), we do *not* execute T backwards and infer 
 > (a = Int).  Instead, we leave (T a ~ Char) as it is and evaluate 'T' 
 > only when 'a' becomes fixed.

Explained slightly differently.

The above type function is open (hence, we only apply matching)
whereas in functional logic programming type functions are closed
(therefore, we use unification/residuation).

Such an approach fits well together with "open" type classes as found
in Haskell.


 > There have been proposals for truely functional logic languages 
 > using residuation, but they include support for backtracking and 
 > producing multiple solutions to a single query.  We support neither 
 > on the type level.
 > So, the only interaction between type functions and unification left 
 > is that function evaluation suspends on uninstantiated type 
 > variables and resumes when they become instantiated.  This is not 
 > functional logic programming, it is *concurrent* functional 
 > programming with single-assignment variables.  In fact, languages 
 > such as Id and pH, which are routinely characterised as concurrent 
 > functional, use exactly this model.
 > I don't think the presence of type classes *without* functional 
 > dependencies changes this.
 > Manuel
 > PS: You get a *real* functional logic language by truly performing
 >  unification modulo an equational theory.  This leads to the
 >  concept of E-unification and, in our constructor-based context,
 >  to "narrowing" as an evaluation strategy.
 > ___
 > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: undecidable & overlapping instances: a bug?]

2007-10-21 Thread Mark P Jones

Hi All,

Here are my responses to the recent messages, starting with some
summary comments:

- I agree with Martin that the condition I posted a few days ago is
  equivalent to the "*refined* weak coverage condition" in your
  paper.  The "refined" tag here is important---I missed it the
  first time and thought he was referring to the WCC at the start of
  Section 6.1, and I would strongly recommend against using that
  (unrefined) version.  I confess that I haven't read the paper
  carefully enough to understand why you included that first WCC at
  all; I don't see any reason why you would want to use that
  particular condition in a practical implementation, and I don't
  see any advantages to it from a theoretical perspective either.
  (Maybe you just used it as a stepping stone to help motivate the
  refined WCC?)

- I believe that the refined WCC (or the CC or even the original WCC
  if you really want) are sufficient to ensure soundness.  I don't
  agree that the (B) restriction to "full" FDs is necessary.

- I think it is dangerous to tie up soundness with questions about
  termination.  The former is a semantic property while the latter
  has to do with computability.  Or, from a different perspective,
  soundness is essential, while termination/decidability is "only"
  desirable.  I know that others have thought more carefully than
  I have about conditions on the form of class and instance
  declarations that will guarantee decidability and I don't have
  much to say on that topic in what follows.  However, I will
  suggest that one should start by ensuring soundness and then,
  *separately*, consider termination.  (Of course, it's perfectly
  ok---just not essential---if conditions used to ensure soundness
  can also be used to guarantee termination.)

Stop reading now unless you're really interested in the details!
I'm going to start by explaining some key (but hopefully
unsurprising) ideas before I respond in detail to the example
that Martin posted.

Interpreting Class, Instance, and Dependency Decls:
I'll start by observing that Haskell's class, instance, and
functional dependency declarations all map directly to formulas in
standard predicate logic.  The correspondence is straightforward, so
I'll just illustrate it with some examples:

  Declaration   Formula
  ---   ---
  class Eq a => Ord a   forall a. Ord a => Eq a
  instance Eq a => Eq [a]   forall a. Eq a => Eq [a]
  class C a b | a -> b  forall a, b. C a b /\ C a c => b = c

This correspondence between declarations and formulas seems to be
very similar to what you did in the paper using CHRs.  I haven't
read the paper carefully enough to know what extra mileage and/or
problems you get by using CHRs.  To me, predicate logic seems more
natural, but I don't think that matters here---I just wanted to
acknowledge that essentially the same idea is in your paper.

In the following, assuming some given program P, I'll write I(P)
for the conjunction of all the instance declaration formulas in
P; C(P) for the conjunction of all the class declaration formulas;
and F(P) fo the conjunction of all the dependency declaration

Semantics and Soundness:

We'll adopt a simple and standard semantics in which each
n-parameter type class is described by an n-place relation, that is,
a set of n-tuples of types.  Of course, in the most common, one
parameter case, this is equivalent to viewing the class as a set of
types.  Each tuple in this relation is referred to as an "instance"
of the class, and the predicate syntax C t1 ... tn is just a
notation for asserting that the tuple (t1, ..., tn) is an instance
of C.

We can assign a meaning to each of the classes in a given program P
by using the smallest model of the instance declaration formulas,
I(P).  (Existence of such a model is guaranteed; it is the union of
an increasing chain of approximations.)

What about the superclass properties in C(P)?  We expect to use
information from C(P) to simplify contexts during type inference.
For example, if we're using the standard Haskell prelude, then we
know that we can simplify (Eq a, Ord a) to (Ord a).  But how do we
know this is sound?  Haskell answers this by imposing restrictions
(third bullet in Section 4.3.2 of the report) on the use of
instance declarations to ensure that our (least) model of I(P) is
also a model of C(P).  This guarantees, for example, that every
type in the semantics of "Ord" will, as required, also be included
in the semantics of "Eq".

That should all seem pretty standard, but I've included it here
to make the point that we need to something very similar when we
introduce functional dependencies.  Specifically, we want to be
able to use properties from F(P) to simplify/improve contexts
during type inference, so we have to ensure that this is sound.
If we follow the strategy that was used to ensure soundness of

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Maurí­cio

>>> It seems you decided to ignore my message. OK.
>> Whoa there!  Why assume malice?  I got both his
>> quoted response and your message at about the
>> same time (...)
> (...) *dismisses* Gofer, as something so old
> that it couldn't be possibly related to modern
> languages. Mind you, Mark Jones did it before
> 1994,(...) OK, don't shout, I know I
> exaggerate...  What I found somehow funny, with
> all respect, is the combination: 20 years ago,
> which means '87, and miserable 4M of memory. At
> that time 4M on a personal computer was not so
> frequent, at least in Europe.  Jerzy
> Karczmarczuk

Sorry, Jerzy. Brandon message was just faster to
answer, I'll need some time to check Gofer. I also
wrote PC-AT with 256KB in my original message, but
I changed it to 386 since I didn't want you guys
to feel under an attack from reactionarys. People
feelings are easy to hurt, and it's difficult to
please everyone :)

20 years ago, I wrote a brute force attack on a
magazine game, but when my TK-3000 Apple found an
answer the due date had long passed and I could
not get a prize from the magazine. In '92, when my
family got a PC-AT, the same game was solved in 5
minutes, so to this day that PC is still my
psicological reference of "all the power I
need". I enjoyed a Prolog compiler in that system,
and my intuition says Haskell could also fit
there. And, at the same time, today operating
systems are happy to announce how easily they
turn your dual-core into a great video cassette

Anyway, what I would like would be a "theoretical"
answer. Is there something fundamentally diferent
between a C compiler and a Haskell one that makes
the former fits into 30Kb but not the other? If
so, what compiler algorithms are those, and what
are they theorical needs? I really don't need an
easy answer. If you guys just sugest me computer
theory books I will be happy to look for them, but
today I wouldn't know what to read.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence

2007-10-21 Thread Derek Elkins
On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 01:12 +0100, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> There's nothing wrong with Haskell types.  It's the terms that make
> Haskell types an inconsistent logic.

Logics are what are consistent or not, so saying the logic Haskell's
type system corresponds to is inconsistent is all that can be said.
Somewhere there is an axiom in it that makes forall a.(a -> a) -> a
hold.  Usually, we just take that directly as the axiom (i.e. the
existence of fix).

> But that doesn't mean that the C-H correspondence doesn't have any
> insight to offer.

Which is certainly not what I said at all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 21, 2007, at 21:31 , Maurí cio wrote:

Anyway, what I would like would be a "theoretical"
answer. Is there something fundamentally diferent
between a C compiler and a Haskell one that makes
the former fits into 30Kb but not the other? If

I am not sure *modern* C would have fit into 30KB.  Back then, C was  
the original K&R C, which was in many ways much lower level than ANSI  
C; those compilers could be quite compact.  (I remember playing with  
SmallC, which compiled a subset of C which covered 95% of what  
features programmers actually used back then and was extremely compact.)

There are two reasons ANSI C would be unlikely to fit:  modern C  
compilers do optimization, which (aside from very simplistic  
"peephole" optimization, needs lots of memory), and the ANSI C type  
system (such as it is) is complex enough to require more memory to  
deal with properly.  In early K&R C (which was still relatively close  
to its untyped predecessor BCPL), many things were "untyped" and  
effectively (int) (a machine word); non-(int) integral types were  
promoted to (int), and (float) was promoted to (double), wherever  
possible to simplify things for the compiler.  You could use more  
complex types to some extent, but they tended to perform poorly  
enough that much effort went into avoiding them.  Even in later K&R C  
(which still did type promotion but deprecated "untyped" functions  
and removed "untyped" variables), people avoided using even (long  
int) except through pointers because they were so expensive to use as  
function arguments and return values (and some compilers, mostly on  
some mainframe architectures, *couldn't* return (long int) safely).

Both of these also apply to Haskell.  In particular, you can do a  
naive compilation of Haskell code but it will perform very poorly ---  
Haskell *needs* a good optimizer.  (Compare the performance of code  
compiled with unregisterised GHC to that compiled with normal, highly  
optimized GHC sometime.)  Additionally, even Haskell98 can need quite  
a bit of memory to do type unification if you don't explicitly  
specify every type everywhere; and this gets much worse with the  
extensions in modern Haskell (in particular, functional dependencies  
complicate type unification).

There may be theory issues which also impact the question, but in  
large part it's not theory so much as practical concerns.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How much of Haskell was possible 20 years ago?

2007-10-21 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 10:02:25PM -0400, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On Oct 21, 2007, at 21:31 , Maurí cio wrote:
>> Anyway, what I would like would be a "theoretical"
>> answer. Is there something fundamentally diferent
>> between a C compiler and a Haskell one that makes
>> the former fits into 30Kb but not the other? If

Another large part of the issue is that C compilers tend to be written
in C, while Haskell compilers tend to be written in Haskell.  C, as a
lower level language, strongly encourages programmers to think about
issues such as space and time usage, at the cost of much more
development time.  In terms of simple complexity, the difference isn't
all that big - the original NHC (a minimalistic haskell compiler)
weighed in at around 9 kloc.  How big is your favorite C compiler in
source-code terms?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: undecidable & overlapping instances: a bug?]

2007-10-21 Thread Martin Sulzmann
Iavor Diatchki writes:
 > Hello,
 > On 10/19/07, Martin Sulzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > Simon Peyton-Jones writes:
 > >  > ...
 > >  > Like you, Iavor, I find it very hard to internalise just why (B) and 
 > > (C) are important.  But I believe the paper gives examples of why they 
 > > are, and Martin is getting good at explaining it. Martin: can you give an 
 > > example, once more, of the importance of (B) (=fullness)?
 > >  >
 > >
 > > Fullness (B) is a necessary condition to guarantee that the constraint
 > > solver (aka CHR solver) derived from the type class program is confluent.
 > >
 > > Here's an example (taken from the paper).
 > >
 > >   class F a b c | a->b
 > >   instance F Int Bool Char
 > >   instance F a b Bool => F [a] [b] Bool
 > >
 > > The FD is not full because the class parameter c is not involved in
 > > the FD. We will show now that the CHR solver is not confluent.
 > >
 > > Here is the translation to CHRs (see the paper for details)
 > >
 > >   rule F a b1 c, F a b2 d  ==> b1=b2  -- (FD)
 > >   rule F Int Bool Char<==> True   -- (Inst1)
 > >   rule F Int a b   ==> a=Bool -- (Imp1)
 > >   rule F [a] [b] Bool <==> F a b Bool -- (Inst2)
 > >   rule F [a] c d   ==> c=[b]  -- (Imp2)
 > >
 > >
 > > The above CHRs are not confluent. For example,
 > > there are two possible CHR derivations for the initial
 > > constraint store F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
 > >
 > > F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
 > > -->_FD (means apply the FD rule)
 > > F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] [b] d , b2=[b]
 > > --> Inst2
 > > F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b] (*)
 > >
 > >
 > > Here's the second CHR derivation
 > >
 > > F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
 > > -->_Inst2
 > > F a b Bool, F [a] b2 d
 > > -->_Imp2
 > > F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c]   (**)
 > >
 > >
 > > (*) and (**) are final stores (ie no further CHR are applicable).
 > > Unfortunately, they are not logically equivalent (one store says
 > > b2=[b] whereas the other store says b2=[c]).
 > But what is wrong with applying the following logical reasoning:

Well, you apply the above CHRs from left to right *and* right to
left. In contrast, I apply the CHRs only from left to right.

 > Starting with (**):
 > F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c]
 > (by inst2)
 > F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c], F [a] [b] Bool
 > (by FD)
 > F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c], F [a] [b] Bool, [c] = [b]
 > (applying equalities and omitting unnecessary predicates)
 > F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
 > (...and then follow your argument to reach (*)...)
 > Alternatively, if we start at (*):
 > F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b]
 > (by inst2)
 > F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b], F [a] [b] Bool
 > (applying equalities, rearranging, and omitting unnecessary predicates)
 > F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b_2 d
 > (... and then follow you reasoning to reach (**) ...)
 > So it would appear that the two sets of predicates are logically equivalent.

I agree that the two sets

F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b] (*)


F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c]   (**)

are logically equivalent wrt the above CHRs (see your proof).

The problem/challenge we are facing is to come up with a confluent and
terminating CHR solver. Why is this useful?
(1) We get a deterministic solver
(2) We can decide whether two constraints C1 and C2 are equal by
solving (a) C1 -->* D1 and
(b) C2 -->* D2
and then checking that D1 and D2 are equivalent.
The equivalence is a simple syntactic check here.

The CHR solving strategy applies rules in a fixed order (from left to
right). My example shows that under such a strategy the CHR solver
becomes non-confluent for type class programs with non-full FDs.

We can show non-confluence by having two derivations starting with the
same initial store leading to different final stores.


 F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
-->* F a b Bool, F [a] [b] d , b_2=[b] (*)

 F [a] [b] Bool, F [a] b2 d
-->* F a b Bool, F [a] [c] d, b2=[c]   (**)

I said

 > > (*) and (**) are final stores (ie no further CHR are applicable).
 > > Unfortunately, they are not logically equivalent (one store says
 > > b2=[b] whereas the other store says b2=[c]).

More precisely, I meant here that (*) and (**) are not logically
equivalent *not* taking into account the above CHRs.
This means that (*) and (**) are different (syntactically). 

 > > To conclude, fullness is a necessary condition to establish confluence
 > > of the CHR solver. Confluence is vital to guarantee completeness of
 > > type inference.
 > >
 > >
 > > I don't think that fullness is an onerous condition.
 > I agree with you that, in practice, many classes probably use "full"
 > FDs.  However, these extra conditions make the system more
 > complicated, and we should make clear what exactly are we getting in
 > return for the added complexity.

You can get rid of non-full FDs (see the paper). BTW, type fu

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

2007-10-21 Thread TJ
On 10/22/07, Tim Docker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TJ:
> > After all, sometimes all you need to know about a list is that
> > all the elements support a common set of operations. If I'm
> > implementing a 3d renderer for example, I'd like to have
> >
> > class Renderable a where
> >   render :: a -> RasterImage
> >
> > scene :: Renderable a => [a]
> Everyone has launched into explanations of how to use existentials
> to do this, but you may be happy in just haskell 98. In the above,
> you could just have:
> scene :: [RasterImage]
> Laziness will ensure that the computation/storage of the images
> will not occur until they are used.
> Tim

Ah... indeed it can, in this case. It won't work if class Renderable
also has a method for saving to file, etc, I suppose, unless scene ::
[(RasterImage,IO (),...whatever other operations...)]

Thanks for the heads up :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: undecidable & overlapping instances: a bug?]

2007-10-21 Thread Martin Sulzmann
Mark P Jones writes:
 > Hi All,
 > Here are my responses to the recent messages, starting with some
 > summary comments:
 > - I agree with Martin that the condition I posted a few days ago is
 >equivalent to the "*refined* weak coverage condition" in your
 >paper.  The "refined" tag here is important---I missed it the
 >first time and thought he was referring to the WCC at the start of
 >Section 6.1, and I would strongly recommend against using that
 >(unrefined) version.  I confess that I haven't read the paper
 >carefully enough to understand why you included that first WCC at
 >all; I don't see any reason why you would want to use that
 >particular condition in a practical implementation, and I don't
 >see any advantages to it from a theoretical perspective either.
 >(Maybe you just used it as a stepping stone to help motivate the
 >refined WCC?)

It's a stepping stone but WCC on it's own is useful to recover
termination (see the "zip" example in the paper).

 > - I believe that the refined WCC (or the CC or even the original WCC
 >if you really want) are sufficient to ensure soundness.  I don't
 >agree that the (B) restriction to "full" FDs is necessary.
 > - I think it is dangerous to tie up soundness with questions about
 >termination.  The former is a semantic property while the latter
 >has to do with computability.  Or, from a different perspective,
 >soundness is essential, while termination/decidability is "only"
 >desirable.  I know that others have thought more carefully than
 >I have about conditions on the form of class and instance
 >declarations that will guarantee decidability and I don't have
 >much to say on that topic in what follows.  However, I will
 >suggest that one should start by ensuring soundness and then,
 >*separately*, consider termination.  (Of course, it's perfectly
 >ok---just not essential---if conditions used to ensure soundness
 >can also be used to guarantee termination.)

Well, decidability and completeness matters if we care about automatic
type inference.

Given some input program we'd like that to have a *decidable* algorithm
which computes a type for every well-typed program (*soundness*) and
yields failure if the program is ill-typed (*completeness*).

In "Simplifying and Improving Qualified Types." you give indeed
a sound, decidable and complete type inference algorithm
*if* the proof theory among constraints in some theory of qualified
types is sound, decidable and complete.

My main concern is to establish sufficient conditions such that the 
proof theory is sound, decidable and complete. That is, there's a
decidable algorithm which says yes if QT |= C1 -> C2 and otherwise no
where QT |= C1 -> C2 means that in the qualified theory QT constraint
C1 entails constraint C2.

I think that our works are fairly complementary. Or are you saying
you've already given such an algorithm (which I indeed must have

I believe that you are offended by my statement that 

 > Confluence is vital to guarantee completeness of type inference.

Let me clarify. Confluence is one of the suffient conditions to
guarantee completeness of CHR-based type inference. Apologies for any
confusion caused by my previous statement.

There are clearly other approaches possible to obtain a sound,
decidable and complete proof theory (and therefore to obtain sound,
decidable and complete type inference). But I yet need to see concrete
results which match the CHR-based approach/results described in:

Understanding Functional Dependencies via Constraint Handling Rules
Martin Sulzmann, Gregory J. Duck, Simon Peyton-Jones and Peter
J. Stuckey
In Journal of Functional Programming, 2007


 > Stop reading now unless you're really interested in the details!
 > I'm going to start by explaining some key (but hopefully
 > unsurprising) ideas before I respond in detail to the example
 > that Martin posted.
 > Interpreting Class, Instance, and Dependency Decls:
 > ---
 > I'll start by observing that Haskell's class, instance, and
 > functional dependency declarations all map directly to formulas in
 > standard predicate logic.  The correspondence is straightforward, so
 > I'll just illustrate it with some examples:
 >Declaration   Formula
 >---   ---
 >class Eq a => Ord a   forall a. Ord a => Eq a
 >instance Eq a => Eq [a]   forall a. Eq a => Eq [a]
 >class C a b | a -> b  forall a, b. C a b /\ C a c => b = c
 > This correspondence between declarations and formulas seems to be
 > very similar to what you did in the paper using CHRs.  I haven't
 > read the paper carefully enough to know what extra mileage and/or
 > problems you get by using CHRs.  To me, predicate logic seems more
 > natural, but I don't think that matters here---I just wanted to
 > acknowled

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic (typeclass) values in a list?

2007-10-21 Thread Tim Docker

> Ah... indeed it can, in this case. It won't work if class Renderable
> also has a method for saving to file, etc, I suppose, unless scene ::
> [(RasterImage,IO (),...whatever other operations...)]

In this case I would generally create a record:

data Renderable = Renderable {
image :: RasterImage,
saveToFile :: FilePath -> IO (),
... etc ...

scene :: [Renderable]

You may then like to add a type class to turn things into renderables:

class IsRenderable where
toRenderable :: a -> Renderable

instance IsRendeable Point where ...
instance IsRenderable Line where ...

It depends on your needs, but in my limited experience, records are
often more convenient for emulating OO-style programming than are type

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