Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type family oddity

2008-10-05 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke wrote:

Btw, is there a list of common TF pitfalls somewhere? Some example
items so far seem to be:

1 'C a => TF a', where 'a' isn't determinable
2 'TF a' is not fully polymorphic
3 'TF a' is not a decomposable type constructor, it stands only
  for itself, or for its result (in that way it is more like a defined
  function application)

For 1/2, it is helpful to flatten type family applications:

- 'C a => TF a' becomes: '(C a,TF a~tfa) => tfa'
- 'TF a' becomes: 'TF a~tfa => tfa'

For 3, it is helpful to imagine the arity of type families being  
by braces, to distinguish type family parameters from any  
constructor parameters, in case the type family reduces to a type  

- Given 'type family TF2 a :: * -> *','TF2 a b' becomes: '{TF2  
a} ~ tfa => tfa b'

It should rather be a type-level programming FAQ:

Re 1: Ambiguous signatures are a general problem.  However, they are  
syntactically harder to recognise with TFs.

Re 2: Applies to GADTs as well.

Re 3: I have always been wondering whether we want special syntax for  
the application of synonym families. That would make it syntactically  
easier to recognise ambiguous signatures and indicarte syntactically  
were decomposition is admisible.

BTW, part of the problem is that H98 is not entirely consistent with  
its use of upper and lower case identifiers.  Strictly speaking,  
already vanilla type synonyms should have been lower case as they are  
a simple form of functions on types (you cannot use decomposition on  
them!)  Then, synonym families could be lower-case, too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type family oddity

2008-10-05 Thread Florian Weimer
* Claus Reinke:

>> -- erase_range :: (Sequence s) => RangeTrait s -> IO (RangeTrait s)
> This can't work, as you can see after desugaring:
>> -- erase_range :: (Sequence s,RangeTrait s~rs) => rs -> IO rs
> There is nowhere to get 's' from, unless you start applying type families
> backwards, from results to parameters.

Thanks.  Indeed, this is a bug in my reading of the specification (and
the original even had that Sequence argument).  I was led astray by the
fact that the type checker accepted the class declaration, even though
there's no really good way to provide a concrete implementation.

Another example I encountered is this:

class Foo f where
foo :: f -> g -- oops, typo

It was very difficult for me to spot this one, too. 8-/
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Random question

2008-10-05 Thread Iain Barnett
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped me on this. I'm  
still reading/cogitating the stuff you gave me, but I did manage to  
write a Fisher-Yates shuffle using random numbers. I had a lightbulb  
moment while reading about sequence (so I suppose that might count as  
my 7th Monad tutorial :). The <- takes values out of monads[1]. So  

-- let c = [11..18] 
--shuff (length c) c

shuff :: Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
shuff 0 xs = return xs
shuff (len + 1) xs = (rand 1 (len + 1)) >>= \r -> shuff len $ requeue  
r xs
where requeue = \z xs -> (init $ take z xs) ++ (drop z xs) ++  
[last $ take z xs]

rand :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
rand low high = getStdRandom (randomR (low,high))

Since it's recursive I suspect there may be a way to do this with a  
fold, but I'll probably work that out at a later lightbulb moment  
(after more questions:)

Thanks again.

[1] In a lot of IO tutorials it just seems to be the 'do' syntax for  
assigning a value to a symbol, but of course,

:t getLine
getLine :: IO String

On 24 Sep 2008, at 10:03 pm, Iain Barnett wrote:


I have a function, that produces a random number between two given  

rand :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
rand low high = getStdRandom (randomR (low,high))

(Naively) I'd like to write something like

take (rand 1 10 ) [1..10]

and see [1,2,3,4] ... or anything but nasty type-error messages.

I'm reading about 6 tutorials on monads simultaneously but still  
can't crack this simple task, and won't pain you with all the  
permutations of code I've already tried. It's a lot, and it ain't  

Would anyone be able to break away from C/C++ vs Haskell to help?  
Just a point in the right direction or a good doc to read, anything  
that helps will be much appreciated.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type family oddity

2008-10-05 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Florian Weimer:

I can't figure out why the following code doesn't compile with the
October 2n GHC 6.10 beta (-XTypeFamilies -XFlexibleContexts) when the
type declaration is not commented out.

It's a bug that the code is accepted *without* the signature, as the  
signature is ambiguous:

This is not because the code fails to be type-safe, but because (a)  
you can't use the function erase_range anyway and (b) that it is  
accepted without a signature, but not with the signature leads to  
confusion, as you experienced.

BTW, the method 'erase' in your code has the same problem.


module T where

type family RangeTrait c

class InputRange r where
   remaining :: r -> Bool
   advance :: r -> r

class (InputRange (RangeTrait s)) => Sequence s where
   erase :: RangeTrait s -> IO (RangeTrait s)

-- erase_range :: (Sequence s) => RangeTrait s -> IO (RangeTrait s)
erase_range r =
 if remaining r
   then do
 r' <- erase r
 erase_range r'
   else return r

GHCi says the type is precisely as specified in the comment.  However,
when I activate the type declaration, GHC complains:

   Couldn't match expected type `RangeTrait s'
  against inferred type `RangeTrait s2'
   In the first argument of `erase', namely `r'
   In a stmt of a 'do' expression: r' <- erase r
   In the expression:
   do r' <- erase r
  erase_range r'

   Couldn't match expected type `RangeTrait s1'
  against inferred type `RangeTrait s2'
   In the first argument of `erase_range', namely `r''
   In the expression: erase_range r'
   In the expression:
   do r' <- erase r
  erase_range r'

Any suggestions?  Is this a bug in GHC?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell-cafe-cafe? Was: Re: Health effects

2008-10-05 Thread Andrew Coppin

Christopher Lane Hinson wrote:

What /is/ it with haskell-cafe lately?

Do we need a haskell-blah mailing list?  I would subscribe to that.  
Hell, I would post to it probably more than I post to haskell-cafe.  
But I'd also divert it to a separate mailbox for when I have too much 
free time.

Maybe call it haskell-cafe-cafe?  not-haskell?

I must admit, I have a bunch of abstract math questions I'd like answers 
to, and the people round here seem like the kind of folks who might know 
the answers. But this has nothing at all to do with Haskell, so Cafe 
doesn't seem like a good place to ask...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monadic parser with Happy and Alex

2008-10-05 Thread Manlio Perillo

Duncan Coutts ha scritto:

Now I'm starting to write the parser with Happy, however for the final 
product I would like to:

1) Be able to do I/O in the lexer, for stylesheets inclusion
(@import rule)
2) be able to keep state in the parser (or lexer?), for character
transcoding (@charset rule)

This should be possible with Happy (and there are some example), however 
  I don't find examples that make use of a lexer written with Alex.

See c2hs or Language.C it uses a monadic lexer.

I'm also looking at HJS (unfortunately new versions use Parsec instead 
of Alex + Happy).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad transformers [Stacking monads]

2008-10-05 Thread Andrew Coppin

David Menendez wrote:

So it might be possible to rewrite your code along these lines:

type M = StateT State []

run :: Foo -> M ()

runOr :: Foo -> Foo -> M ()
runOr x y = mplus (run x) (run y)

runAnd :: Foo -> Foo -> M ()
runAnd x y = run x >> run y

The type "StateT State [] alpha" is isomorphic to "State -> [(alpha,
State)]", which means that each of the computations in mplus gets its
own copy of the state.

There are a few ways to add exceptions to this, depending on how you
want the exceptions to interact with the non-determinism.
2. StateT State (NondetT (Either ErrorType)) alpha

I have some longwinded code that works, but I'm still thinking about how 
to do this more elegantly. It looks like what I really need is something 

 type M = StateT State (ResultSetT (ErrorT ErrorType Identity))

Is that the correct ordering?

If so, I guess that means I have to somehow construct ResultSetT. Is 
there an easy way to do that, given that I already have ResultSet? For 
example, if I put ResultSet into Traversable, would that let me do it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: SourceGraph-0.1 and Graphalyze-0.3

2008-10-05 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
I've now uploaded my SourceGraph program to Hackage [1].  It's rather
simple at the moment, but if you pass in the .cabal file as a
parameter (e.g. run it as "SourceGraph Foo.cabal"), it will create in
the same directory as the .cabal file a Directory called "SourceGraph"
that contains an html report of some basic graph-theoretic analysis of
your code.

The output format isn't ideal, but it should serve it's purpose for
now (I'll fix it up and actually make it usable once my Thesis has
been handed in).  What I'd appreciate if people could try it out and
tell me if there's any code, etc. that it can't parse.  At the moment,
it ignores all Data-based functions (e.g. class and instance
declarations as well as record functions) and only looks at
"stand-alone" functions (i.e. normal functions).

SourceGraph requires version 0.3 of my Graphalyze library (version 0.2
added the reports in, but had some bugs that 0.3 fixes).


Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-05 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 2 Oct 2008, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Consider the following beautiful code:

run :: State -> Foo -> ResultSet State

run_and :: State -> Foo -> Foo -> ResultSet State
run_and s0 x y = do
  s1 <- run s0 x
  s2 <- run s1 y
  return s2

run_or :: State -> Foo -> Foo -> ResultSet State
run_or s0 x y = merge (run s0 x) (run s0 y)

That works great. Unfortunately, I made some alterations to the 
functionallity the program has, and now it is actually possible for 'run' to 
fail. When this happens, a problem should be reported to the user. (By "user" 
I mean "the person running my compiled application".) After an insane amount 
of time making my head hurt, I disocvered that the type "Either ErrorType 
(ResultSet State)" is actually a monad. (Or rather, a monad within a monad.) 
Unfortunately, this causes some pretty serious problems:

run :: State -> Foo -> Either ErrorType (ResultSet State)

You may also like to use:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Random question

2008-10-05 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 5 Oct 2008, Iain Barnett wrote:

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped me on this. I'm still 
reading/cogitating the stuff you gave me, but I did manage to write a 
Fisher-Yates shuffle using random numbers. I had a lightbulb moment while 
reading about sequence (so I suppose that might count as my 7th Monad 
tutorial :). The <- takes values out of monads[1]. So simple!

-- let c = [11..18]--shuff (length c) c
shuff :: Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
shuff 0 xs = return xs
shuff (len + 1) xs = (rand 1 (len + 1)) >>= \r -> shuff len $ requeue r xs
  where requeue = \z xs -> (init $ take z xs) ++ (drop z xs) ++ [last $ take z 

Instead of separate calls to 'take' and 'drop' you may prefer 'splitAt':

 requeue z xs =
let (prefix,pivot:suffix) = splitAt (z-1) xs
in  prefix ++ suffix ++ [pivot]

However, accessing list elements by index is pretty inefficient (linear 
time with respect to index). Is it possible to re-arrange the algorithm? 
Maybe using more efficient data structures?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Help me prove macid can scale! (Macid stress tests results for happs-tutorial toy job board disappointing so far.)

2008-10-05 Thread Thomas Hartman
From: tphyahoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help me prove macid can scale! (Macid stress tests results
for happs-tutorial toy job board disappointing so far.)
To: HAppS

HAppS is a new, relatively unproven technology.

So I am asking myself this question. Will HAppS allow me to scale the
toy job board I created for happs-tutorial into a high-volume, high
concurrency, large-user count type job board? You know, the kind that
might make money?

I have done some preliminary testing to answer this question, and so
far the results have been disappointing.

I am hoping that I am doing something wrong, and that there is a way
of using macid effectively for more than just toy applications. If
there are solution for the problems I'm experiencing I will definitely
be integrating this knowledge into the tutorial, so stay tuned.

I am seeking feedback from HAppS experts and educated users on the
following questions:

* Is building a heavy duty website like in HAppS a
realistic goal -- say, in the next twelve months?
* Are there certain types of web apps that are unlikely to work
well with the HAppS web architecture?
* Are there changes I can make to my toy app's architecture -- be
it data structures, buying new hardware, whatever -- that will enable
me to get good performance against the stress test described below and
in the demo?
* Are there other HAppS stress tests in the public domain, and
what are the results so far?

A complete description of the stress test I did (basically, insert 200
users with 200 jobs apiece)  along with a runnable demo, is in the
tutorial preview at

(The actual stress test is disabled in the online demo because I don't
want to zap my server.)

But the summary is, it's slow, slow to start, and creates a huge
events file -- 356M. For around 4 records. That's like, 8
megabytes per job, which is a few lines of text. OK, happs isn't a
database -- but still.

This is all is checked into darcs and tagged:

darcs get --tag='stress test'

Thanks in advance for helping make happs usable in the real world!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-05 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

John Van Enk wrote:

"You shoot the gun, but the bullet gets trapped in the IO monad."

The community points you at the paper "Bang-bang-patterns: expressing 
lethal weaponry in the Haskell typesystem".  Your head explodes.

BTW, these could go on the wiki.

-XIncomprehensibleTypes  Equivalent to all of:
-fallow-inconvinient-types, -XOmnipotentInstances, -XFunkyFunctors,
-XSuperTuringTypes, -XErraticTypeClasses, -XCoAntiRetroHyperArrows
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help me prove macid can scale! (Macid stress tests results for happs-tutorial toy job board disappointing so far.)

2008-10-05 Thread Jason Dusek
  I don't want to be contrarian, but I guess I can't help
  myself. Does MACID have anything to say about failover and
  replication? Isn't that more important than volume?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Linux binary dist problems

2008-10-05 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi all,

I just joined this list, I'm interested in learning Haskell to complement my
day job language (Java). I was interested in trying to make a simple website
using Haskell in order to have something to practise on, however in my
host's shared environment I can't use the Linux binary packages - I get the
same errors that a few people were talking about in September - firstly the
"cannot determine current directory", and then after hacking the configure
script the "[install] Error 136". It seems that this is probably an old
libc, but this is an environment that I have almost no control over so I
can't fix that. Are there any building from source options if I don't
already have GHC? It looks from the porting guide that I might be able to
make 6.6.2 with just a C compiler, can I then use that to build 6.8.3?

Thanks for any help. As a few people have commented, it would be great to
make all this easier, as it's a pretty big stumbling block to starting with
Haskell, and people are likely to get discouraged pretty quickly.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linux binary dist problems

2008-10-05 Thread Chris Mears
"Colin Fleming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It looks from the porting guide that I might be able to make 6.6.2
> with just a C compiler, can I then use that to build 6.8.3?

I have the same problem as you -- a hosting environment with an old libc
-- and had the same problem with the binary distribution.  I think you
can do what you have suggested, but I haven't tried.  Instead I have
decided to build a static binary on a local computer and then put that
binary onto the host; maybe this is a solution for you too.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] MPFR / FFI - Nefarious (Simple?) bug

2008-10-05 Thread Jared Updike
In order to create an arbitrary precision floating point / drop in
replacement for Double, I'm trying to wrap MPFR (
using the FFI but despite all my efforts the simplest bit of code
doesn't work. It compiles, it runs, but it crashes mockingly after
pretending to work for a while. A simple C version of the code happily
prints the number "1" to (640 decimal places) a total of 10,000 times.
The Haskell version, when asked to do the same, silently corrupts (?)
the data after only 289 print outs of "1...." and after 385
print outs, it causes an assertion failure and bombs. I'm at a loss
for how to proceed in debugging this since it "should work".

The code can be perused at (and attached) and
downloaded at

I'm using GHC 6.83 on FreeBSD 6 and GHC 6.8.2 on Mac OS X. Note you
will need MPFR (tested with 2.3.2) installed with the correct paths
(change the Makefile) for libs and header files (along with those from
GMP) to successfully compile this.

Why does the C version work, but the Haskell version flake out? What
else am I missing when approaching the FFI? I tried StablePtrs and had
the exact same results.

Can someone else verify if this is a Mac/BSD only problem by compiling
and running my code? (Does the C executable"works" work? Does the
Haskell executable "noworks" not work?) Can anyone on Linux and
Windows attempt to compile/run and see if you can get the same


P.S. I actually have much more code, having wrapped dozens of
functions from the MPFR library and created instances using
unsafePerformIO and foreignPtrs and all that useful high level
Haskell/pure stuff--- all of which basically works perfectly except
that it doesn't work at all since it crashes mysteriously after
pretending to work at first. I had to narrow it down to something
simple and the "Print "1.0..." 10,000 times" was the best I could
do. If I can get that working, I will then move on to something like
the factorial of 1000 (printing intermediate values), which also works
in C, but not Haskell, and after that, maybe everything will "just
work" and I can use/publish this library!

- works.c


#include "mpfr_ffi.c"

int main()
  int i;
  mpfr_ptr one;


  one = mpf_set_signed_int(1);
  for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
  printf("%d\n", i);

 Main.hs --- Doesn't work!

module Main where

import Foreign.Ptr( Ptr, FunPtr )
import Foreign.C.Types( CInt, CLong, CULong, CDouble )
import Foreign.StablePtr  ( StablePtr )

data MPFR = MPFR

foreign import ccall "mpf_set_default_prec_decimal"
c_set_default_prec_decimal  :: CInt -> IO ()
setPrecisionDecimal :: Integer -> IO ()
setPrecisionDecimal decimal_digits = do
c_set_default_prec_decimal (fromInteger decimal_digits)

foreign import ccall "mpf_show"
   c_show   :: Ptr MPFR -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "mpf_set_signed_int"
   c_set_signed_int :: CLong -> IO (Ptr MPFR)

showNums k n = do
   print n
   c_show k

main = do
   setPrecisionDecimal 640
   one <- c_set_signed_int (fromInteger 1)
   mapM_ (showNums one) [1..1]

-- mpfr_ffi.c

// a little bit of wrapper code... this may be where the problem is
// but since the (working) C code uses this and has no problems, I don't
// understand why the Haskell code appears to be corrupting the limbs
(the mantissa)



void mpf_show(mpfr_ptr x)
  mpfr_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, x, GMP_RNDN);

#define LOG2_10   3.3219280948873626
#define IEEE_BITS 53
void mpf_set_default_prec_decimal(int dec_digits)
  double bits = LOG2_10 * dec_digits;
  int ibits = (int)bits;
  double ddec;
  int dec;
  //printf("DEC_DIGITS = %d\n", dec_digits);
  //printf("IBITS  = %d\n", ibits);
  ddec = ibits / LOG2_10;
  dec = (int)ddec;
  //printf("DEC= %d\n", dec);
  while (dec < dec_digits)
//printf("IBITS  = %d\n", ibits);
ddec = ibits / LOG2_10;
dec = (int)ddec;
//printf("DEC= %d\n", dec);

mpfr_ptr mpf_new_mpfr()
  return (mpfr_ptr)malloc(sizeof(__mpfr_struct));

mpfr_ptr mpf_set_signed_int(int x)
  mpfr_ptr result = mpf_new_mpfr();
  if (result == NULL)
return NULL;
  mpfr_init_set_si(result, x, GMP_RNDN);
  return result;

--- Makefile

CC  = gcc
HC  = ghc
INCLUDE = -I/home/private/local/include -I/usr/local/include
LIBS= -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib

all:works noworks

works:  mpfr_ffi.o works.o
$(CC) -o works works.o -lgmp -lmpfr $(INCLUDE) $(LIBS)

$(CC) -c works.c $(INCLUDE)

mpfr_ffi.o: mpfr_ffi.c

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPFR / FFI - Nefarious (Simple?) bug

2008-10-05 Thread Chris Mears
"Jared Updike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can someone else verify if this is a Mac/BSD only problem by compiling
> and running my code? (Does the C executable"works" work? Does the
> Haskell executable "noworks" not work?) Can anyone on Linux and
> Windows attempt to compile/run and see if you can get the same
> results?

I can't help you fix the problem, but can confirm that it behaves as you
describe on my Linux system.  The program "works" produces correct
output, but noworks gives:

../get_str.c:149:  assertion failed: size_s1 >= m

All the values from 291-384 are the same, but 385 is slightly different.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPFR / FFI - Nefarious (Simple?) bug

2008-10-05 Thread Alexander Dunlap
On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Chris Mears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Jared Updike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Can someone else verify if this is a Mac/BSD only problem by compiling
>> and running my code? (Does the C executable"works" work? Does the
>> Haskell executable "noworks" not work?) Can anyone on Linux and
>> Windows attempt to compile/run and see if you can get the same
>> results?
> I can't help you fix the problem, but can confirm that it behaves as you
> describe on my Linux system.  The program "works" produces correct
> output, but noworks gives:
> ==
> [...]
> 290
> 1.0
> 291
> 1.00315821571076304370386829039486164636536120569099678825575157477354990710405658927062619547595122867857873765133026050519075772712996650488675128428778696175272153632855303857710094714398932056909218681833163883482512398576534211955878126971368731378321605715030861892325510831739618679352919703855747262870175016933079782350322237289103929997053812694251557912158924211585973481445271933347978517620
> 292
> [...]
> 384
> 1.00315821571076304370386829039486164636536120569099678825575157477354990710405658927062619547595122867857873765133026050519075772712996650488675128428778696175272153632855303857710094714398932056909218681833163883482512398576534211955878126971368731378321605715030861892325510831739618679352919703855747262870175016933079782350322237289103929997053812694251557912158924211585973481445271933347978517620
> 385
> 1.00315821571076304370386829039486164636536120569099678825575157477354990710405658927062619547595122867857873765133026050519075772712996650488675128428778696175272153632855303857710094714398932056909218681833163883482512398576534211955878126971368731378321605715030861892281684860507747503219323326708248193093246881500522519352192987169395899758472958160241015525770811984166890239749344848735134541218
> 386
> ../get_str.c:149:  assertion failed: size_s1 >= m
> Aborted
> ==
> All the values from 291-384 are the same, but 385 is slightly different.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

My results (from Linux i686) are slightly different. I am getting

get_str.c:149:  assertion failed: size_s1 >= m

i.e. I never get the random numbers; they are all zeroes but it aborts
after 287 successful repetitions.

Changing the default heap size (with +RTS -H) changes how far it
runs (running with -H32M let it go past 8000 repetitions), so this
might be a garbage-collection issue.

Hope that is some help to you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPFR / FFI - Nefarious (Simple?) bug

2008-10-05 Thread Jared Updike
Thanks for trying out my code. I'm glad it's not particular to my system.

I suspected it had to do with the GHC RTS monkeying around with the
heap (lower precisions print more iterations and maybe aren't moving
through the heap as fast?) but I think when I added a statement to
print out the hex address for each Ptr MPFR that those pointers (to
'one') in particular weren't getting moved. Likely the stuff living in
the heap, pointed at in the MPFR struct, specifically the pointer to
the limbs (the mantissa or actual digits of the number) are getting
kludged.. I don't really understand why this is the case when I don't
think I'm allocating a lot of the heap or anything, just printing the
same number over and over... Is there a space leak somewhere? (I can
also verify that mpf_new_mpfr is only getting called once per program
run by appending to a file each time it gets called). How do I tell
GHC "leave this mess and anything in the C heap completely alone?"


On 10/5/08, Alexander Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Chris Mears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > "Jared Updike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  >
>  >> Can someone else verify if this is a Mac/BSD only problem by compiling
>  >> and running my code? (Does the C executable"works" work? Does the
>  >> Haskell executable "noworks" not work?) Can anyone on Linux and
>  >> Windows attempt to compile/run and see if you can get the same
>  >> results?
>  >
>  > I can't help you fix the problem, but can confirm that it behaves as you
>  > describe on my Linux system.  The program "works" produces correct
>  > output, but noworks gives:
>  >
>  > ==
>  > [...]
>  > 290
>  > 
> 1.0
>  > 291
>  > 
> 1.00315821571076304370386829039486164636536120569099678825575157477354990710405658927062619547595122867857873765133026050519075772712996650488675128428778696175272153632855303857710094714398932056909218681833163883482512398576534211955878126971368731378321605715030861892325510831739618679352919703855747262870175016933079782350322237289103929997053812694251557912158924211585973481445271933347978517620
>  > 292
>  > [...]
>  > 384
>  > 
> 1.00315821571076304370386829039486164636536120569099678825575157477354990710405658927062619547595122867857873765133026050519075772712996650488675128428778696175272153632855303857710094714398932056909218681833163883482512398576534211955878126971368731378321605715030861892325510831739618679352919703855747262870175016933079782350322237289103929997053812694251557912158924211585973481445271933347978517620
>  > 385
>  > 
> 1.00315821571076304370386829039486164636536120569099678825575157477354990710405658927062619547595122867857873765133026050519075772712996650488675128428778696175272153632855303857710094714398932056909218681833163883482512398576534211955878126971368731378321605715030861892281684860507747503219323326708248193093246881500522519352192987169395899758472958160241015525770811984166890239749344848735134541218
>  > 386
>  > ../get_str.c:149:  assertion failed: size_s1 >= m
>  > Aborted
>  > ==
>  >
>  > All the values from 291-384 are the same, but 385 is slightly different.
> > ___
>  > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  My results (from Linux i686) are slightly different. I am getting
>  [...]
>  287
> 1.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-05 Thread Ilmari Heikkinen
On 10/1/08, John Van Enk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's the well known "How to shoot your self in the foot" list which I
> have it printed and taped on my desk at work.
>  I had a co-worker ask me how you'd shoot your self in the foot with
> Haskell.

You aim the gun at your foot, pull the trigger and remove the clip.
When you look at your undamaged foot, the hammer clicks on an empty barrel.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-05 Thread John Van Enk
I'll see about putting them there. :)

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Simon Richard Clarkstone <

> BTW, these could go on the wiki.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-05 Thread John Van Enk

This needs to be cleaned up a little (lots of dups, though they are all

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 11:21 PM, John Van Enk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'll see about putting them there. :)
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Simon Richard Clarkstone <
>> BTW, these could go on the wiki.
> --
> /jve

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help me prove macid can scale! (Macid stress tests results for happs-tutorial toy job board disappointing so far.)

2008-10-05 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sun, 2008-10-05 at 15:57 -0700, Jason Dusek wrote:
> I don't want to be contrarian, but I guess I can't help
>   myself. Does MACID have anything to say about failover and
>   replication? Isn't that more important than volume?

HAppS does failover and replication within a cluster. They're working on
sharding, but that's a good deal harder.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPFR / FFI - Nefarious (Simple?) bug

2008-10-05 Thread Judah Jacobson
On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:01 PM, Jared Updike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for trying out my code. I'm glad it's not particular to my system.
> I suspected it had to do with the GHC RTS monkeying around with the
> heap (lower precisions print more iterations and maybe aren't moving
> through the heap as fast?) but I think when I added a statement to
> print out the hex address for each Ptr MPFR that those pointers (to
> 'one') in particular weren't getting moved. Likely the stuff living in
> the heap, pointed at in the MPFR struct, specifically the pointer to
> the limbs (the mantissa or actual digits of the number) are getting
> kludged.. I don't really understand why this is the case when I don't
> think I'm allocating a lot of the heap or anything, just printing the
> same number over and over... Is there a space leak somewhere? (I can
> also verify that mpf_new_mpfr is only getting called once per program
> run by appending to a file each time it gets called). How do I tell
> GHC "leave this mess and anything in the C heap completely alone?"

Usually, you can expect GHC to leave the C heap alone.  The exception,
unfortunately, is GMP (which is used by MPFR).  See the following

I'm guessing that's the cause of the corruption.  The relevant note
from that ticket:

> It's a known problem that you can't use GMP via the FFI from
> your Haskell code in GHC, or use a C library that internally
> uses GMP.  We should really use a private version of GMP
> with function names that don't overlap, or better still
> replace GMP altogether.

The comment in that ticket from Benedict Huber details some possible

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell-cafe-cafe? Was: Re: Health effects

2008-10-05 Thread Benjamin L . Russell
On Sun, 05 Oct 2008 13:54:08 +0100, Andrew Coppin

>Christopher Lane Hinson wrote:
>> What /is/ it with haskell-cafe lately?
>> Do we need a haskell-blah mailing list?  I would subscribe to that.  
>> Hell, I would post to it probably more than I post to haskell-cafe.  
>> But I'd also divert it to a separate mailbox for when I have too much 
>> free time.
>> Maybe call it haskell-cafe-cafe?  not-haskell?
>I must admit, I have a bunch of abstract math questions I'd like answers 
>to, and the people round here seem like the kind of folks who might know 
>the answers. But this has nothing at all to do with Haskell, so Cafe 
>doesn't seem like a good place to ask...

In that case, how about creating a Haskell-Lounge mailing list,
exclusively for topics tangential to Haskell?  Either that, or just
ensure that most off-topic/tangential topics are prefixed "[OT]?"

-- Benjamin L. Russell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] a really juvenile question .. hehehehe ;^)

2008-10-05 Thread Galchin, Vasili

   I am reading some extant Haskell code that uses Posix signals I am
confused by the motivation of the following ...


OK .. "type" is really just a synomym and doesn't invoke type checking like
"data" type declarations do .. so why don't we have all the "CInts"
substituted by "Signal"? I.e. what did I miss?

Thanks, Vasili
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a really juvenile question .. hehehehe ;^)

2008-10-05 Thread Don Stewart
>   I am reading some extant Haskell code that uses Posix signals I am
>confused by the motivation of the following ...
>type [1]Signal = [2]CInt   
>[3]nullSignal :: [4]Signal 
>[5]internalAbort :: [6]Signal  
>[7]sigABRT :: [8]CInt  
>[9]realTimeAlarm :: [10]Signal 
>[11]sigALRM :: [12]CInt
>[13]busError :: [14]Signal 
>[15]sigBUS :: [16]CInt 
>OK .. "type" is really just a synomym and doesn't invoke type checking
>like "data" type declarations do .. so why don't we have all the "CInts"
>substituted by "Signal"? I.e. what did I miss?

Looks like it should all be Signal, and probably should be using a
newtype, to prevent funky tricks. The Posix layer is a bit crufty.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a really juvenile question .. hehehehe ;^)

2008-10-05 Thread Galchin, Vasili
Thanks Don. Maybe both for me and others in order to take the fight to the
Klingons and other Baddies, please explain the "typefulness" protection that
"newtype" affords over the "Klingon " "type" ...  In the code that I
contributed to the library, I like to think that I used "newtype"
appropriately but not perhaps with full understanding.

Thanks, Vasili

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> vigalchin:
> >Hello,
> >
> >   I am reading some extant Haskell code that uses Posix signals I
> am
> >confused by the motivation of the following ...
> >
> >type [1]Signal = [2]CInt
> >[3]nullSignal :: [4]Signal
> >[5]internalAbort :: [6]Signal
> >[7]sigABRT :: [8]CInt
> >[9]realTimeAlarm :: [10]Signal
> >[11]sigALRM :: [12]CInt
> >[13]busError :: [14]Signal
> >[15]sigBUS :: [16]CInt
> >
> >OK .. "type" is really just a synomym and doesn't invoke type checking
> >like "data" type declarations do .. so why don't we have all the
> "CInts"
> >substituted by "Signal"? I.e. what did I miss?
> Looks like it should all be Signal, and probably should be using a
> newtype, to prevent funky tricks. The Posix layer is a bit crufty.
> -- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a really juvenile question .. hehehehe ;^)

2008-10-05 Thread Don Stewart
Used wisely, newtype prevents accidentally constructing illegal values
of Signal type, by treating them as CInts. You can restrict the valid
values of the Signal type to be just those signals you define, not
arbitrary bit patterns that fit in a CInt.

>Thanks Don. Maybe both for me and others in order to take the fight to the
>Klingons and other Baddies, please explain the "typefulness" protection
>that "newtype" affords over the "Klingon " "type" ...  In the code that I
>contributed to the library, I like to think that I used "newtype"
>appropriately but not perhaps with full understanding.
>Thanks, Vasili
>On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  vigalchin:
>  >Hello,
>  >
>  >   I am reading some extant Haskell code that uses Posix
>  signals I am
>  >confused by the motivation of the following ...
>  >
>  >type [1]Signal = [2]CInt
>  >[3]nullSignal :: [4]Signal
>  >[5]internalAbort :: [6]Signal
>  >[7]sigABRT :: [8]CInt
>  >[9]realTimeAlarm :: [10]Signal
>  >[11]sigALRM :: [12]CInt
>  >[13]busError :: [14]Signal
>  >[15]sigBUS :: [16]CInt
>  >
>  >OK .. "type" is really just a synomym and doesn't invoke type
>  checking
>  >like "data" type declarations do .. so why don't we have all the
>  "CInts"
>  >substituted by "Signal"? I.e. what did I miss?
>  Looks like it should all be Signal, and probably should be using a
>  newtype, to prevent funky tricks. The Posix layer is a bit crufty.
>  -- Don
> References
>Visible links
>1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a really juvenile question .. hehehehe ;^)

2008-10-05 Thread Galchin, Vasili
ok ... by using "newtype", we are constricting/constraining to a subset of
CInt .. e.g. something like a "subtype" of CInt?? (where by "subtype", I
mean like the notion of subtype in languages like Ada). For our audience,
can you perhaps distinguish (in a typeful way) between the Haskell notion of
"type", "newtype" and "data"? Or maybe let's distinguish between these
notions not only in a typeful manner, but also in a historical motivation?
.. ...  motivations are always IMO very, very enlightening!

Regards, vasili

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:47 AM, Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Used wisely, newtype prevents accidentally constructing illegal values
> of Signal type, by treating them as CInts. You can restrict the valid
> values of the Signal type to be just those signals you define, not
> arbitrary bit patterns that fit in a CInt.
> vigalchin:
> >Thanks Don. Maybe both for me and others in order to take the fight to
> the
> >Klingons and other Baddies, please explain the "typefulness"
> protection
> >that "newtype" affords over the "Klingon " "type" ...  In the code
> that I
> >contributed to the library, I like to think that I used "newtype"
> >appropriately but not perhaps with full understanding.
> >
> >Thanks, Vasili
> >
> >On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >  vigalchin:
> >  >Hello,
> >  >
> >  >   I am reading some extant Haskell code that uses Posix
> >  signals I am
> >  >confused by the motivation of the following ...
> >  >
> >  >type [1]Signal = [2]CInt
> >  >[3]nullSignal :: [4]Signal
> >  >[5]internalAbort :: [6]Signal
> >  >[7]sigABRT :: [8]CInt
> >  >[9]realTimeAlarm :: [10]Signal
> >  >[11]sigALRM :: [12]CInt
> >  >[13]busError :: [14]Signal
> >  >[15]sigBUS :: [16]CInt
> >  >
> >  >OK .. "type" is really just a synomym and doesn't invoke type
> >  checking
> >  >like "data" type declarations do .. so why don't we have all
> the
> >  "CInts"
> >  >substituted by "Signal"? I.e. what did I miss?
> >
> >  Looks like it should all be Signal, and probably should be using a
> >  newtype, to prevent funky tricks. The Posix layer is a bit crufty.
> >  -- Don
> >
> > References
> >
> >Visible links
> >1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list