Re: [Haskell-cafe] Difficulties in accessing inner elements of data types

2009-03-05 Thread David Miani
Well thanks to everyone that has replied so far - I've had an interesting time 
trying out different ideas.

Firstly, for Neil Mitchell's suggestions regarding uniplate:
I read through both uniplate and scrap your boilerplate libraries (found the 
second after reading about uniplate). For whatever reason, I understood syb 
better than uniplate (but thats probably just me). This actually worked quite 
well (note that I've changed the data types slightly, but it doesn't change 
the code that much):

eitherOr :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b
eitherOr x@(Right _) _ = x
eitherOr  _ y  = y

getP14Desc :: OrgElement -> Either ErrString String
getP14Desc org = everything eitherOr (Left descError `mkQ` findDesc) =<<
 everything eitherOr (Left findError `mkQ` findP14) org
  findP14 h@(Heading {headingName=name})
  | name == "Project14" = Right h
  findP14 _ = Left findError

  findDesc (Paragraph {paragraphText=text})
  | text =~ "Description" = Right text
  findDesc _ = Left findError

  descError = "Couldn't find description for project"
  findError = "Couldn't find project."

While it isn't that many less loc than my original code, it was much simpler 
to get working. Also, the find methods could easily be factored out. My second 
problem, adding the tag "Hard" to Project2 was also fairly simple:

addHardTag org = everywhere (mkT addTagToP2) org where
addTagToP2 h@(Heading {headingName=name}) 
   | name == "Project 2" = everywhere (mkT addTag) h
addTagToP2 x = x
addTag text 
   | text =~ "Tags:" = text ++ ",newtag"

However, I also wanted to try out Tim Docker's suggestion for using data-
accessor. That seemed to also be very promising, except for one thing - data-
accessor doesn't seem to be able to cope with multiple constructors! The code 
for this was faily simple though, so I went about making it work for multiple 

The original definition for an Accessor d f (where d is the datatype and f is 
the type of the field) was 

Cons {decons :: d -> f -> (d, f)} -- (this wasn't exported by the module 

There is a problem with that for multiple constructors though - its possible 
that there will be no return for a given accessor. Eg running get headingName' 
(Paragraph "some text") would not be possible. So I changed the code to this:

newtype Accessor1 d f = Accessor (d -> Maybe f, f -> d -> d)

If the getter failed, Nothing is returned. If the setter failed, it acts like 

After using that for a while I realized there was potential to have an 
accessor automatically access all the children of a data type. This could be 
achieved by changing the return type of the getter to [f], and changing the 
setter function to a modifier function:

newtype MultiConAccessor d f = MultiConAccessor ((d -> [f]),((f -> f) -> d -> 

I also wrote the chain function, which joins to accessors together

After a lot of definitions (although most should be able to be automated with 
template haskell), I could use the code:

projectAccessor name = headingChildren' `chain` -- top level elements
   headingChildren' `chain` -- level 2 
   liftFilterS (== name) headingName'

getP14Desc2 = getVal $
  projectAccessor "Project14" `chain`
  headingChildren' `chain`
  liftFilterS (=~ "Description:") paragraphText' `chain`

addHardTag2 = modVal
  (projectAccessor "Project 2" `chain`
   headingChildren' `chain`
   liftFilterS (=~ "Tags:") paragraphText' `chain`
   paragraphText') (++ ",newtag")

I've posted all the code at
It isn't very well documented, as I was just experimenting with this.

Finally, thanks Sean for your response. That blog post was very nice! Your 
solution also looks good (especially since most of the code was automated). I 
haven't had a chance to have a close look at EMGM but will in the next couple 
of days.

So I've gone from having no solution a few days ago to having 3 or 4 now! Not 
sure which solution I will stick with, any seem to do the job. 

So thanks everyone!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

2009-03-05 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2009 Mar 5, at 8:08, Simon Marlow wrote:
So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a  
call to unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we  
called unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually  
evaluated. This is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the  
IO monad contains an Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I  
don't believe in either of those things :-)

...hasn't sigfpe demonstrated "time travel" using comonads?

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Gorín

Ok, so I've pulled the latest version and the error I get now is:

Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
  `Deliverable a'
arising from a use of `getFilterMainStuff' at Hackmain.hs: 
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type  

Function getFilterMainStuff compiles just fine . The offending line is  
in buildConf and reads:

> (inboxL, fMain) <- runUnsafeInterpreter . getFilterMainStuff $  

The problem is that GHC can't figure out the type of fMain. It infers  
(Filter a), but doesn't know what is a and therefore how to build a  
proper dictionary to pass to getFilterMainStuff.

Observe that you would get a similar error message if you just defined:

> f = show . read

I can get it to compile by providing a type annotation for fMain:

> (inboxL, fMain) <- runUnsafeInterpreter . getFilterMainStuff $  

> let _ = fMain :: Filter MaildirEmail

So once you use fMain somewhere and GHC can infer it's type,  
everything should work fine.


On Mar 5, 2009, at 11:26 PM, Joseph Fredette wrote:

Oh, crap- I must have never pushed the latest patches, I did put the  
typeable instances in all the appropriate places. And provided a  
(maybe incorrect? Though I'm fairly sure that shouldn't affect the  
bug I'm having now) Typeable implementation for Reader, but I still  
get this ambiguous type. I'll push the current version asap.



Daniel Gorín wrote:


I've downloaded Hackmain from patch-tag, but I'm getting a  
different error. The error I get is:

   No instance for (Data.Typeable.Typeable2
 arising from a use of `interpret' at Hackmain.hs:63:10-67

Hint requires the interpreted values to be an instance of Typeable  
in order to check, in runtime, that the interpreted value matches  
the type declared at compile. Therefore, you need to make  sure  
that (Filter a) is indeed an instance of Typeable.

Since you have Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a, you probably  
need to

- Derive Config and Email instances for Filter,

- Manually provide Typeable instances for Reader a b, something  
along the lines of:

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Reader a b) where...

(I don't know why this isn't done in the mtl)

- Change the signature to:

getFilterMain :: (Typeable a, Deliverable a) => FilePath ->  
Interpreter (Filter a)

Also, you can try using "infer" instead of "as :: "

Hope that helps


On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Joseph Fredette wrote:

So, I tried both of those things, both each alone and together. No  
dice. Same error, so I reverted back to the

original.  :(
However, I was, after some random type signature insertions, able  
to convert the problem into a different one, via:

getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter  
a)  getFilterMain MainLoc = do
 loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/ 
='.') fMainLoc)]   fMain  <-  
(interpret "(filterMain)" infer)

 return (fMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a)

Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
   Quantified type variable `a' is mentioned in the environment:
 fMain :: Filter a (bound at Hackmain.hs:77:1)
 In the first argument of `return', namely
 `(fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)'
 In the expression: return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
 In the expression:
 do loadModules [fMainLoc]
setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/= '.') fMainLoc)]
fMain <- (interpret "(filterMain)" infer)
return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
 thinking that this might be more easily solved -- I do think I  
understand the issue. somehow, I need to tell the compiler
that the 'a' used in the return statement (return (fMain :: ...))  
is the same as the 'a' in the type sig for the whole function.

While I ponder this, and hopefully receive some more help --  
thanks again Dan, Ryan -- Are there any other options besides Hint  
that might -- at least in the short term -- make this easier? I'd  
really like to finish this up. I'm _so_ close to getting it done.



Ryan Ingram wrote:

So, by using the Haskell interpreter, you're using the
not-very-well-supported dynamically-typed subset of Haskell.  You  

tell this from the type signature of "interpret":

interpret :: Typeable a => String -> a -> Interpreter a

as :: Typeable a => a
as = undefined


In particular, the "as" argument to interpret is specifying what  

you want the interpreted result to be typechecked against; the
interpretation fails if it doesn't match that type.  But you need  

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Calculating with list comprehension

2009-03-05 Thread Dan Weston
Keep in mind this is a *lexical* rewrite. In the generator rule x and e 
are not independent: x is a pattern (which introduces a bind variable) 
and e is an expression (with free variables, one of which may be bound by x)

After one application of the generator rule, we get (using a lambda 
expression instead of introducing a fresh function name f):

concatMap (\a -> [(a,b) | b <- [1..2]]) [1..3]

After another:

concatMap (\a -> concatMap (\b -> [(a,b)]) [1..2]) [1..3]

Note that the "a <-" and "b <-" map into \a -> and \b -> and bind the 
free variables a and b in the expression (a,b).


R J wrote:
I can calculate non-nested list comprehensions without a problem, but am 
unable to calculate nested comprehensions involving, for example, the 
generation of a list of pairs where the first and separate elements are 
drawn from two separate lists, as in:

   [(a, b) | a <- [1..3], b <- [1..2]]

How does one calculate the expansion of this list?  The two rules for 
expanding list comprehensions are:

1.  Generator rule:  [e | x <- xs, Q]  =  concat (map f xs)
  f x = [e | Q]

2.  Guard rule:  [e | p, Q]=  if p then [e | Q] else []

There is a third rule that I've seen on the Internet, not in an 
authoritative text:

   [e | Q1 , Q2] =  concat [ [e | Q 2] | Q1 ]

I don't understand what this third rule means, or whether it's relevant.

Concat and map are defined as:

concat   :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat []=  []
concat (xs:xss)  =  xs ++ concat xss

map  :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] =  []
map f (x:xs) =  f x : (map f xs)

Any help is appreciated.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Calculating with list comprehension

2009-03-05 Thread R J

I can calculate non-nested list comprehensions without a problem, but am unable 
to calculate nested comprehensions involving, for example, the generation of a 
list of pairs where the first and separate elements are drawn from two separate 
lists, as in:

   [(a, b) | a <- [1..3], b <- [1..2]]

How does one calculate the expansion of this list?  The two rules for expanding 
list comprehensions are:

1.  Generator rule:  [e | x <- xs, Q]  =  concat (map f xs)
  f x = [e | Q]

2.  Guard rule:  [e | p, Q]=  if p then [e | Q] else []

There is a third rule that I've seen on the Internet, not in an authoritative 

   [e | Q1 , Q2] =  concat [ [e | Q 2] | Q1 ]

I don't understand what this third rule means, or whether it's relevant.

Concat and map are defined as:

concat   :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat []=  []
concat (xs:xss)  =  xs ++ concat xss

map  :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] =  []
map f (x:xs) =  f x : (map f xs)

Any help is appreciated.

Windows Live™: Life without walls.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do you have to use fix with forkio?

2009-03-05 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Donn Cave  wrote:

> Quoth Jonathan Cast :
> > You can certainly use let:
> >
> >   reader <- forkIO $ let loop = do
> >   (nr', line) <- readChan chan'
> >   when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
> >   loop
> > in loop
> >
> > But the version with fix is clearer (at least to people who have fix in
> > their vocabulary) and arguably better style.
> Would you mind presenting the better style argument?  To me, the
> above could not be clearer, so it seems like the version with fix
> could be only as clear, at best.

I like using fix when it's simple rather than let, because it tells me the
purpose of the binding.  eg., when I see

let foo = ...

Where ... is fairly long, I'm not sure what the purpose of foo is, or what
its role is in the final computation.  It may not be used at all, or passed
to some modifier function, or I don't know what.  Whereas with:

   fix $ \foo -> ...

I know that whatever ... is, it is what is returne, and the purpose of foo
is to use that return value in the expression itself.

I know that it's a simple matter of scanning to the corresponding "in", but
let can be used for a lot of things, where as fix $ \foo is basically only
for simple knot-tying.  Now, that doesn't say anything about the use of fix
without an argument (passed to an HOF) or with a tuple as an argument or
many other cases, which my brain has not chunked nearly as effectively.  I
think fix is best with a single, named argument.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do you have to use fix with forkio?

2009-03-05 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jonathan Cast :

> You can certainly use let:
>   reader <- forkIO $ let loop = do
>   (nr', line) <- readChan chan'
>   when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
>   loop
> in loop
> But the version with fix is clearer (at least to people who have fix in
> their vocabulary) and arguably better style.

Would you mind presenting the better style argument?  To me, the
above could not be clearer, so it seems like the version with fix
could be only as clear, at best.

Donn cave

PS - granted that "forever" is a fine alternative to either, I suppose
 it doesn't affect the style comparison above.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Joseph Fredette
Oh, crap- I must have never pushed the latest patches, I did put the 
typeable instances in all the appropriate places. And provided a (maybe 
incorrect? Though I'm fairly sure that shouldn't affect the bug I'm 
having now) Typeable implementation for Reader, but I still get this 
ambiguous type. I'll push the current version asap.



Daniel Gorín wrote:


I've downloaded Hackmain from patch-tag, but I'm getting a different 
error. The error I get is:

No instance for (Data.Typeable.Typeable2
  arising from a use of `interpret' at Hackmain.hs:63:10-67

Hint requires the interpreted values to be an instance of Typeable in 
order to check, in runtime, that the interpreted value matches the 
type declared at compile. Therefore, you need to make  sure that 
(Filter a) is indeed an instance of Typeable.

Since you have Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a, you probably need to

- Derive Config and Email instances for Filter,

- Manually provide Typeable instances for Reader a b, something along 
the lines of:

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Reader a b) where...

(I don't know why this isn't done in the mtl)

- Change the signature to:

getFilterMain :: (Typeable a, Deliverable a) => FilePath -> 
Interpreter (Filter a)

Also, you can try using "infer" instead of "as :: "

Hope that helps


On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Joseph Fredette wrote:

So, I tried both of those things, both each alone and together. No 
dice. Same error, so I reverted back to the

original.  :(
However, I was, after some random type signature insertions, able to 
convert the problem into a different one, via:

getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter 
a)  getFilterMain MainLoc = do
  loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/='.') 
fMainLoc)]   fMain  <- (interpret 
"(filterMain)" infer)

  return (fMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a)

 Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
Quantified type variable `a' is mentioned in the environment:
  fMain :: Filter a (bound at Hackmain.hs:77:1)
  In the first argument of `return', namely
  `(fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)'
  In the expression: return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
  In the expression:
  do loadModules [fMainLoc]
 setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/= '.') fMainLoc)]
 fMain <- (interpret "(filterMain)" infer)
 return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
I'm thinking that this might be more easily solved -- I do think I 
understand the issue. somehow, I need to tell the compiler
that the 'a' used in the return statement (return (fMain :: ...)) is 
the same as the 'a' in the type sig for the whole function.

While I ponder this, and hopefully receive some more help -- thanks 
again Dan, Ryan -- Are there any other options besides Hint that 
might -- at least in the short term -- make this easier? I'd really 
like to finish this up. I'm _so_ close to getting it done.



Ryan Ingram wrote:

So, by using the Haskell interpreter, you're using the
not-very-well-supported dynamically-typed subset of Haskell.  You can
tell this from the type signature of "interpret":

interpret :: Typeable a => String -> a -> Interpreter a

as :: Typeable a => a
as = undefined


In particular, the "as" argument to interpret is specifying what type
you want the interpreted result to be typechecked against; the
interpretation fails if it doesn't match that type.  But you need the
result type to be an instance of Typeable; (forall a. Deliverable a =>
Filter a) most certainly is not.

Off the top of my head, you have a couple of directions you can take 

(1) Make Typeable a superclass of Deliverable, saying that all
deliverable things must be dynamically typeable.  Then derive Typeable
on Filter, and have the result be of type "Filter a" using
ScopedTypeVariables as suggested before. (You can also pass "infer" to
the interpreter and let the compiler try to figure out the result type
instead of passing (as :: SomeType).)

(2) Make a newtype wrapper around Filter and give it an instance of
Typeable, and add a constraint to filterMain that the result type in
the filter is also typeable.  Then unwrap the newtype after the
interpreter completes.

Good luck; I've never tried to use the Haskell interpreter before, so
I'm curious how well it works and what problems you have with it!

 -- ryan

2009/3/5 Joseph Fredette :

I've been working on a little project, and one of the things I need 
to do is
dynamically compile and import a Haskell Source file containing 

definitions. I've written 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Difficulties in accessing inner elements of data types

2009-03-05 Thread Sean Leather
Hi David,

I'm working on a Haskell library for interacting with emacs org files. For
> those that do not know, an org file is a structured outline style file that
> has nested headings, text, tables and other elements.
Great! Sounds like fun. :)

Now, this all works as expected (files are correctly being parsed and
> written), however I am having a lot of trouble trying to come up with a
> decent API to work with this. While writing an OrgFile is fairly easy,
> reading (and accessing inner parts) of an org file is very tedious, and
> modifying them is horrendous.

I can imagine.

> However, I don't know if this is even possible, how to do it, or if there
> is a better alternative to this. I would really apreciate any hints with
> regards to this. It would be useful to know if there are other libraries
> that also face this problem, and how they solved it.

I definite agree with Neil: I think generic programming is exactly what you
are looking for. Fortunately, there are a number of libraries available to
help you solve your problem. The next problem is figuring out which one and
learning how to it. For this purpose, a comparison of libraries for generic
programming in Haskell was recently published:

That should give you an idea of what's out there and the pros and cons of
each library.

I found your example particularly interesting, so I decided to try out a
solution in EMGM (Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses). I wrote
up my experiment here:

More information on EMGM is here:

I'd be happy to help you figure out if EMGM is appropriate for other things
you want to do. Good luck with your library!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Left fold enumerator - a real pearl overlooked?

2009-03-05 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 23:52 +0100, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, John Lato wrote:
> >> John A. De Goes schrieb:
> >>
> >>> Elsewhere, laziness can be a real boon, so I don't understand your
> >>> question, "Why have laziness in Haskell at all?"
> >>
> >> As I have written, many libaries process their data lazily (or could be
> >> changed to do so without altering their interface) but their interface
> >> can forbid application to data that is fetched from the outside world.
> >> Say you are used to 'map', 'filter', 'foldr' - you cannot use them on
> >> data fetched by the iteratee/enumerator approach.
> >>
> >
> > Thank you for replying to this; it's good to see what features people
> > would like to make iteratees more useful.
> >
> > Where did you get the idea that you can't use 'map'?
> What I meant was, that you cannot just use the functions you are used from 
> Data.List. You need functions adapted to Iteratee. This also implies that 
> all libraries written in terms of Data.List functions cannot be used as 
> they are. Maybe it's a good time to review those libraries, whether they 
> need lists at all, or whether they would also work with functionality that 
> can be provided by Iteratees. The question, whether libraries should be 
> bound to lists and Strings did already arise with ByteStrings. So 
> Iteratees may be just one more reason to generalize the libraries.

In most cases we can get the list version from a continuation based
version. A continuation based version can also be used to implement an
iterator version. Leaving aside the amount of work, I've been trying to
think of how to do a iterator version at all for some libs.
Specifically, my zlib binding.

Currently the zlib package provides functions on lazy bytestrings:

compress, decompress :: ByteString -> ByteString

This hides all the complications of blocks and filling and draining
buffers. However since it uses lazy bytestrings it is most naturally
used with lazy io.

The question is can I make an interface that also keeps the devotees of
iterator based IO happy and also lets me implement the existing api

I cannot see how to do it. Note that compress and decompress are pure.
This is something that I want to keep. I don't want to go back to using
IO for a pure operation like compression just for the sake of iterator
IO. The problem of course is that while zlib compression is pure
overall, there is an internal state thread. That must be threaded
linearly. We cannot hand out a continuation that can be run multiple
times. Lining up the zlib state thread with the memoising lazy list
works perfectly. I cannot see how we do the same with an iterator

I'm not saying it cannot be done. On the contrary, I would like to see
it done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Gorín


I've downloaded Hackmain from patch-tag, but I'm getting a different  
error. The error I get is:

No instance for (Data.Typeable.Typeable2
  arising from a use of `interpret' at Hackmain.hs:63:10-67

Hint requires the interpreted values to be an instance of Typeable in  
order to check, in runtime, that the interpreted value matches the  
type declared at compile. Therefore, you need to make  sure that  
(Filter a) is indeed an instance of Typeable.

Since you have Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a, you probably need to

- Derive Config and Email instances for Filter,

- Manually provide Typeable instances for Reader a b, something along  
the lines of:

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Reader a b) where...

(I don't know why this isn't done in the mtl)

- Change the signature to:

getFilterMain :: (Typeable a, Deliverable a) => FilePath ->  
Interpreter (Filter a)

Also, you can try using "infer" instead of "as :: "

Hope that helps


On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Joseph Fredette wrote:

So, I tried both of those things, both each alone and together. No  
dice. Same error, so I reverted back to the

original.  :(
However, I was, after some random type signature insertions, able to  
convert the problem into a different one, via:

getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter  
a)  getFilterMain MainLoc = do
  loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/='.')  
fMainLoc)]   fMain  <- (interpret  
"(filterMain)" infer)

  return (fMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a)

 Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
Quantified type variable `a' is mentioned in the environment:
  fMain :: Filter a (bound at Hackmain.hs:77:1)
  In the first argument of `return', namely
  `(fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)'
  In the expression: return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
  In the expression:
  do loadModules [fMainLoc]
 setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/= '.') fMainLoc)]
 fMain <- (interpret "(filterMain)" infer)
 return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
 thinking that this might be more easily solved -- I do think I  
understand the issue. somehow, I need to tell the compiler
that the 'a' used in the return statement (return (fMain :: ...)) is  
the same as the 'a' in the type sig for the whole function.

While I ponder this, and hopefully receive some more help -- thanks  
again Dan, Ryan -- Are there any other options besides Hint that  
might -- at least in the short term -- make this easier? I'd really  
like to finish this up. I'm _so_ close to getting it done.



Ryan Ingram wrote:

So, by using the Haskell interpreter, you're using the
not-very-well-supported dynamically-typed subset of Haskell.  You can
tell this from the type signature of "interpret":

interpret :: Typeable a => String -> a -> Interpreter a

as :: Typeable a => a
as = undefined


In particular, the "as" argument to interpret is specifying what type
you want the interpreted result to be typechecked against; the
interpretation fails if it doesn't match that type.  But you need the
result type to be an instance of Typeable; (forall a. Deliverable a  

Filter a) most certainly is not.

Off the top of my head, you have a couple of directions you can  
take this.

(1) Make Typeable a superclass of Deliverable, saying that all
deliverable things must be dynamically typeable.  Then derive  

on Filter, and have the result be of type "Filter a" using
ScopedTypeVariables as suggested before. (You can also pass "infer"  
the interpreter and let the compiler try to figure out the result  

instead of passing (as :: SomeType).)

(2) Make a newtype wrapper around Filter and give it an instance of
Typeable, and add a constraint to filterMain that the result type in
the filter is also typeable.  Then unwrap the newtype after the
interpreter completes.

Good luck; I've never tried to use the Haskell interpreter before, so
I'm curious how well it works and what problems you have with it!

 -- ryan

2009/3/5 Joseph Fredette :

I've been working on a little project, and one of the things I  
need to do is
dynamically compile and import a Haskell Source file containing  
definitions. I've written a small monad called Filter which is  

 type Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a

To encompass all the email filtering. The method I need to import,
filterMain, has type:

 filterMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a

where Deliverable is a type class which abstracts over delivery to  
a path in

the file system. The notion is that I ca

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do you have to use fix with forkio?

2009-03-05 Thread Derek Elkins
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 16:12 -0800, Jonathan Cast wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 15:36 -0800, Daryoush Mehrtash wrote:
> > In this chat server implementation
> >
> > 
> > forkIO is used with fix as in:
> > 
> > reader <- forkIO $ fix $ \loop -> do
> > 
> > (nr', line) <- readChan chan'
> > when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
> > 
> > loop
> > 
> > Do you have to use fix?  Or is there a way to write this with a "let"?
> You can certainly use let:
>   reader <- forkIO $ let loop = do
>   (nr', line) <- readChan chan'
>   when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
>   loop
> in loop
> But the version with fix is clearer (at least to people who have fix in
> their vocabulary) and arguably better style.

Both are poorish style.

reader <- forkIO $ forever $ do (nr', line) <- readChan; when (nr /= nr') $ 
putStrLn hdl line

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do you have to use fix with forkio?

2009-03-05 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 15:36 -0800, Daryoush Mehrtash wrote:
> In this chat server implementation
> forkIO is used with fix as in:
> reader <- forkIO $ fix $ \loop -> do
> (nr', line) <- readChan chan'
> when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
> loop
> Do you have to use fix?  Or is there a way to write this with a "let"?

You can certainly use let:

  reader <- forkIO $ let loop = do
  (nr', line) <- readChan chan'
  when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
in loop

But the version with fix is clearer (at least to people who have fix in
their vocabulary) and arguably better style.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] do you have to use fix with forkio?

2009-03-05 Thread Daryoush Mehrtash
In this chat server implementation

forkIO is used with fix as in:

reader <- forkIO $

fix $ 
\loop -> do
(nr', line) <- readChan chan'
when (nr /=

nr') $ 
hPutStrLn hdl line

Do you have to use fix?  Or is there a way to write this with a "let"?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Logo Voting will start soon!

2009-03-05 Thread Don Stewart
> Hi there!
> It's been quiet for a while around the 'new logo' competition, but here 
> is how it is going to work:
> The list with options can be found here (for now): 
>  Notice that some (very) 
> similar logos are grouped as one option (thanks to Ian Lynagh) All 
> submissions compete, so that still makes more than a 100 options!
> The voting system we'll use is the Condorcet Internet Voting System 
> (  The poll won't be public, 
> but every subscriber to Haskell-Cafe will get a (private) voting ballot 
> by email.  The poll will (probably) start March 16 and run for about a 
> week (don't worry, there will be a strict deadline communicated).  When 
> the poll is over, the results will be viewable by everybody.
> The CIVS allows easy grouping and ordering, so the task of ordering 100 
> options should be doable within 5-10 minutes.  If you're in a hurry you 
> can do it a lot faster, just pick your favorite and put it first.  If you 
> want to learn more about condorcet voting, the CIVS site and Wikipedia 
> are your friends.
> I'll supervise the poll and make sure it's started, stopped and all  
> Haskell-Cafe subscribers get a ballot (Simon Marlow provided the email  
> addresses).  Since I'm going on a (probably internet deprived) holiday  
> for a week _and_ to make sure I haven't overlooked anything, I'm  
> announcing it now but won't start the poll till March 16.  Of course,  
> I'd love to hear about anything that I missed and/or that might  
> influence the voting process in a significant way.  (There are probably 
> some people subscribed with multiple addresses, but I'll be using the 
> subscriber list from yesterday, so signing up now with lots of addresses 
> won't get you more ballots ;)

Excellent work Eelco, and thanks for pushing this forward!

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Logo Voting will start soon!

2009-03-05 Thread Achim Schneider
Eelco Lempsink  wrote:

> The poll won't be public, but every subscriber to Haskell-Cafe  
> will get a (private) voting ballot by email.
What about us gmane users?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Left fold enumerator - a real pearl overlooked?

2009-03-05 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, John Lato wrote:

John A. De Goes schrieb:

Elsewhere, laziness can be a real boon, so I don't understand your
question, "Why have laziness in Haskell at all?"

As I have written, many libaries process their data lazily (or could be
changed to do so without altering their interface) but their interface
can forbid application to data that is fetched from the outside world.
Say you are used to 'map', 'filter', 'foldr' - you cannot use them on
data fetched by the iteratee/enumerator approach.

Thank you for replying to this; it's good to see what features people
would like to make iteratees more useful.

Where did you get the idea that you can't use 'map'?

What I meant was, that you cannot just use the functions you are used from 
Data.List. You need functions adapted to Iteratee. This also implies that 
all libraries written in terms of Data.List functions cannot be used as 
they are. Maybe it's a good time to review those libraries, whether they 
need lists at all, or whether they would also work with functionality that 
can be provided by Iteratees. The question, whether libraries should be 
bound to lists and Strings did already arise with ByteStrings. So 
Iteratees may be just one more reason to generalize the libraries.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Logo Voting will start soon!

2009-03-05 Thread Eelco Lempsink

Hi there!

It's been quiet for a while around the 'new logo' competition, but  
here is how it is going to work:

The list with options can be found here (for now): 
  Notice that some (very) similar logos are grouped as one option  
(thanks to Ian Lynagh) All submissions compete, so that still makes  
more than a 100 options!

The voting system we'll use is the Condorcet Internet Voting System ( 
).  The poll won't be public, but every subscriber to Haskell-Cafe  
will get a (private) voting ballot by email.  The poll will (probably)  
start March 16 and run for about a week (don't worry, there will be a  
strict deadline communicated).  When the poll is over, the results  
will be viewable by everybody.

The CIVS allows easy grouping and ordering, so the task of ordering  
100 options should be doable within 5-10 minutes.  If you're in a  
hurry you can do it a lot faster, just pick your favorite and put it  
first.  If you want to learn more about condorcet voting, the CIVS  
site and Wikipedia are your friends.

I'll supervise the poll and make sure it's started, stopped and all  
Haskell-Cafe subscribers get a ballot (Simon Marlow provided the email  
addresses).  Since I'm going on a (probably internet deprived) holiday  
for a week _and_ to make sure I haven't overlooked anything, I'm  
announcing it now but won't start the poll till March 16.  Of course,  
I'd love to hear about anything that I missed and/or that might  
influence the voting process in a significant way.  (There are  
probably some people subscribed with multiple addresses, but I'll be  
using the subscriber list from yesterday, so signing up now with lots  
of addresses won't get you more ballots ;)


Eelco Lempsink

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Joseph Fredette
So, I tried both of those things, both each alone and together. No dice. 
Same error, so I reverted back to the

original.  :(

However, I was, after some random type signature insertions, able to 
convert the problem into a different one, via:

getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter 
getFilterMain MainLoc = do
   loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/='.') 
   fMain  <- (interpret "(filterMain)" infer)
   return (fMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a)  

  Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
 Quantified type variable `a' is mentioned in the environment:
   fMain :: Filter a (bound at Hackmain.hs:77:1)
   In the first argument of `return', namely
   `(fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)'
   In the expression: return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
   In the expression:
   do loadModules [fMainLoc]
  setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/= '.') fMainLoc)]
  fMain <- (interpret "(filterMain)" infer)
  return (fMain :: (Deliverable a) => Filter a)
I'm thinking that this might be more easily solved -- I do think I 
understand the issue. somehow, I need to tell the compiler
that the 'a' used in the return statement (return (fMain :: ...)) is the 
same as the 'a' in the type sig for the whole function.

While I ponder this, and hopefully receive some more help -- thanks 
again Dan, Ryan -- Are there any other options besides Hint that might 
-- at least in the short term -- make this easier? I'd really like to 
finish this up. I'm _so_ close to getting it done.



Ryan Ingram wrote:

So, by using the Haskell interpreter, you're using the
not-very-well-supported dynamically-typed subset of Haskell.  You can
tell this from the type signature of "interpret":


interpret :: Typeable a => String -> a -> Interpreter a


as :: Typeable a => a
as = undefined


In particular, the "as" argument to interpret is specifying what type
you want the interpreted result to be typechecked against; the
interpretation fails if it doesn't match that type.  But you need the
result type to be an instance of Typeable; (forall a. Deliverable a =>
Filter a) most certainly is not.

Off the top of my head, you have a couple of directions you can take this.

(1) Make Typeable a superclass of Deliverable, saying that all
deliverable things must be dynamically typeable.  Then derive Typeable
on Filter, and have the result be of type "Filter a" using
ScopedTypeVariables as suggested before. (You can also pass "infer" to
the interpreter and let the compiler try to figure out the result type
instead of passing (as :: SomeType).)

(2) Make a newtype wrapper around Filter and give it an instance of
Typeable, and add a constraint to filterMain that the result type in
the filter is also typeable.  Then unwrap the newtype after the
interpreter completes.

Good luck; I've never tried to use the Haskell interpreter before, so
I'm curious how well it works and what problems you have with it!

  -- ryan

2009/3/5 Joseph Fredette :

I've been working on a little project, and one of the things I need to do is
dynamically compile and import a Haskell Source file containing filtering
definitions. I've written a small monad called Filter which is simply:

  type Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a

To encompass all the email filtering. The method I need to import,
filterMain, has type:

  filterMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a

where Deliverable is a type class which abstracts over delivery to a path in
the file system. The notion is that I can write a type like:

  data DEmail = {email :: Email, path :: FilePath}
  newtype Maildir = MD DEmail

  instance Deliverable Maildir where
 {- ... omitted -}

However, Filter a should not be restricted to Deliverable types- it also
encompasses the results of regular expression matching, etc, which are not
-- in general -- Deliverable instances.

My question is this, when importing the file containing the definitions of
 filterMain, I have the following code to grab filterMain and return it as a

  getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter a)
  getFilterMain fMainLoc = do
[fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/='.') fMainLoc)]
fMain  <- (interpret "(filterMain)" (as :: Deliverable a
=> Filter a)) return (fMain)

 However, when I try to compile
this, I get the type error:

  Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
`Deliverable a'

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Achim Schneider
To wrap up:

While formalising, there is always a tradeoff between complexity of
the theory you're using and the complexity of it being applied to some
specific topic. Category theory hits a very, very sweet spot there.

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for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Achim Schneider
Luke Palmer  wrote:

> I don't think set theory is trivial in the least.  I think it is
> complicated, convoluted, often anti-intuitive and nonconstructive.

I mean trivial in the mathematical sense, as in how far away from the
axioms you are. The other kind of "triviality" of set theory just
proves the point I made about CT vs. lambda calculus.

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for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Ryan Ingram
So, by using the Haskell interpreter, you're using the
not-very-well-supported dynamically-typed subset of Haskell.  You can
tell this from the type signature of "interpret":

> interpret :: Typeable a => String -> a -> Interpreter a

> as :: Typeable a => a
> as = undefined


In particular, the "as" argument to interpret is specifying what type
you want the interpreted result to be typechecked against; the
interpretation fails if it doesn't match that type.  But you need the
result type to be an instance of Typeable; (forall a. Deliverable a =>
Filter a) most certainly is not.

Off the top of my head, you have a couple of directions you can take this.

(1) Make Typeable a superclass of Deliverable, saying that all
deliverable things must be dynamically typeable.  Then derive Typeable
on Filter, and have the result be of type "Filter a" using
ScopedTypeVariables as suggested before. (You can also pass "infer" to
the interpreter and let the compiler try to figure out the result type
instead of passing (as :: SomeType).)

(2) Make a newtype wrapper around Filter and give it an instance of
Typeable, and add a constraint to filterMain that the result type in
the filter is also typeable.  Then unwrap the newtype after the
interpreter completes.

Good luck; I've never tried to use the Haskell interpreter before, so
I'm curious how well it works and what problems you have with it!

  -- ryan

2009/3/5 Joseph Fredette :
> I've been working on a little project, and one of the things I need to do is
> dynamically compile and import a Haskell Source file containing filtering
> definitions. I've written a small monad called Filter which is simply:
>   type Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a
> To encompass all the email filtering. The method I need to import,
> filterMain, has type:
>   filterMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a
> where Deliverable is a type class which abstracts over delivery to a path in
> the file system. The notion is that I can write a type like:
>   data DEmail = {email :: Email, path :: FilePath}
>   newtype Maildir = MD DEmail
>   instance Deliverable Maildir where
>      {- ... omitted -}
> However, Filter a should not be restricted to Deliverable types- it also
> encompasses the results of regular expression matching, etc, which are not
> -- in general -- Deliverable instances.
> My question is this, when importing the file containing the definitions of
>  filterMain, I have the following code to grab filterMain and return it as a
> function.
>   getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter a)
>                       getFilterMain fMainLoc = do
>                                                         loadModules
> [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile (/='.') fMainLoc)]
>                     fMain  <- (interpret "(filterMain)" (as :: Deliverable a
> => Filter a))                                     return (fMain)
>                                          However, when I try to compile
> this, I get the type error:
>   Hackmain.hs:70:43:
>       Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
>         `Deliverable a'
>           arising from a use of `getFilterMainStuff' at Hackmain.hs:70:43-60
>       Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
> My understanding is that a type like "Foo a => Bar a" (where Foo is a class
> and Bar is a datatype) would simply restrict
> the values of a to only those implementing Foo. But evidently I'm wrong. Is
> there a good (read, easy... :) ) fix to this?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> /Joe
> PS. All the actual code is on patch-tag, here
> -- if anyone prefers to look at that
> directly, the relevant files are in Src, namely, Hackmain.hs, Filter.hs, and
> Deliverable.hs
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Test if a file is empty or stat in haskell

2009-03-05 Thread Thomas DuBuisson
>> getFileStatus, fileSize ...
> Great, thanks.
> BTW, Hoogle does not seem to  know about
> System.Posix.Files, though it did point me to System.IO.FileSize
> which would also have served the purpose.

Yep, this was discussed in a Hoogle and Network.Socket thread I
started last week.  There is a wiki for summarizing thoughts [1].
Some time this weekend or next week I intend to submit a Hoogle ticket
proposing what I see as an agreeable outcome.  At that point I hope
Neil will accept and maybe even find time to write code.  The final
step would involve me buying Neil a beer - I've lots of beer-debt to
the Haskell community.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Joseph Fredette
This doesn't seem to do it, same type error... Maybe I need to use some 
kind of witness type -- to inform the compiler

of the type of a @ runtime?

Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 19:48 schrieb Joseph Fredette:

getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter
getFilterMain fMainLoc =
loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile
(/='.') fMainLoc)]
fMain  <- (interpret "(filterMain)" (as :: Deliverable a =>
Filter a))

Without looking at more code, the type variable a here is a fresh type 
variable, not the one from getFilterMain's signature.



Maybe bringing the type variable a into scope in the function body by

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

getFilterMain :: forall a. Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter, 

would suffice.


However, when I try to compile this, I get the type error:

Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
  `Deliverable a'
arising from a use of `getFilterMainStuff' at
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type

My understanding is that a type like "Foo a => Bar a" (where Foo is a
class and Bar is a datatype) would simply restrict
the values of a to only those implementing Foo. But evidently I'm wrong.
Is there a good (read, easy... :) ) fix to this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


PS. All the actual code is on patch-tag, here -- if anyone prefers to look at
that directly, the relevant files are in Src, namely, Hackmain.hs,
Filter.hs, and Deliverable.hs

fn:Joseph Fredette
adr:Apartment #3;;6 Dean Street;Worcester;Massachusetts;01609;United States of America

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Test if a file is empty or stat in haskell

2009-03-05 Thread Neil Mitchell

> I am on Linux. BTW, Hoogle does not seem to  know about
> System.Posix.Files, though it did point me to System.IO.FileSize
> which would also have served the purpose.

To build the Hoogle libraries I need to build the packages. I run
Windows not Linux, so its a bit difficult to index System.Posix - but
I am trying to shortly.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary stack overflow with Data.Sequence String

2009-03-05 Thread Neil Mitchell
Avoid massive reductions in runtime while maintaining the same API?

I did move to using ByteString's internally for those bits later on,
but reading String's from Data.Binary with a ByteString+unpack went
much more quickly than reading String's

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Don Stewart  wrote:
> Avoid unpack!
> ndmitchell:
>> Hi Gwern,
>> I get String/Data.Binary issues too. My suggestion would be to change
>> your strings to ByteString's, serisalise, and then do the reverse
>> conversion when reading. Interestingly, a String and a ByteString have
>> identical Data.Binary reps, but in my experiments converting,
>> including the cost of BS.unpack, makes the reading substantially
>> cheaper.
>> Thanks
>> Neil
>> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Gwern Branwen  wrote:
>> > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Spencer Janssen
>> >  wrote:
>> >> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Gwern Branwen  wrote:
>> >>> So recently I've been having issues with Data.Binary & Data.Sequence;
>> >>> I serialize a 'Seq String'
>> >>>
>> >>> You can see the file here:
>> >>>
>> >>> The relevant function seems to be:
>> >>>
>> >>> -- | Read in database from 'dbLocation' and then parse it into an 
>> >>> 'ArticleDB'.
>> >>> readDB :: YiM ArticleDB
>> >>> readDB = io $ (dbLocation >>= r) `catch` (\_ -> return empty)
>> >>>          where r x = fmap (decode . BL.fromChunks . return) $ B.readFile 
>> >>> x
>> >>>                -- We read in with strict bytestrings to guarantee the
>> >>> file is closed,
>> >>>                -- and then we convert it to the lazy bytestring
>> >>> data.binary expects.
>> >>>                -- This is inefficient, but alas...
>> >>>
>> >>> My current serialized file is about 9.4M. I originally thought that
>> >>> the issue might be the recent upgrade in Yi to binary 0.5, but I
>> >>> unpulled patches back to past that, and the problem still manifested.
>> >>>
>> >>> Whenever yi tries to read the articles.db file, it stack overflows. It
>> >>> actually stack-overflowed on even smaller files, but I managed to bump
>> >>> the size upwards, it seems, by the strict-Bytestring trick.
>> >>> Unfortunately, my personal file has since passed whatever that limit
>> >>> was.
>> >>>
>> >>> I've read carefully the previous threads on Data.Binary and Data.Map
>> >>> stack-overflows, but none of them seem to help; hacking some $!s or
>> >>> seqs into readDB seems to make no difference, and Seq is supposed to
>> >>> be a strict datastructure already! Doing things in GHCi has been
>> >>> tedious, and hasn't enlightened me much: sometimes things overflow and
>> >>> sometimes they don't. It's all very frustrating and I'm seriously
>> >>> considering going back to using the original read/show code unless
>> >>> anyone knows how to fix this - that approach may be many times slower,
>> >>> but I know it will work.
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> gwern
>> >>
>> >> Have you tried the darcs version of binary?  It has a new instance
>> >> which looks more efficient than the old.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Spencer Janssen
>> >
>> > I have. It still stack-overflows on my 9.8 meg file. (The magic number
>> > seems to be somewhere between 9 and 10 megabytes.)
>> >
>> > --
>> > gwern
>> > ___
>> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to make a dock window for xmonad using gtk2hs?

2009-03-05 Thread Andrea Rossato
On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 12:50:20PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On 2009 Mar 5, at 8:21, Andrea Rossato wrote:
>> xmobar is not open source. xmobar is FREE software!
> I don't do fundamentalist religion...

qualifying as fundamentalism the avoidance of cheap marketing
strategies is just a ... cheap marketing strategy.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] missing support to Data.Binary for uvector package

2009-03-05 Thread Don Stewart
> Hi.
> I'm still having problems with the uvector package.
> I have an IntMap (UArr xxx) data type, and I want to serialize it to  
> disk, in binary format.
> I'm using the uvector package from  
> The problem is with missing instance declarations, for Hyperstrict data  
> type and Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim.
> For the former, the instance is simple, but for the latter I have no  
> idea about what to do.
> The full error message (GHC 6.8.2):
> No instance for (uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim
> uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict.:*: Word8))
>   arising from a use of `encode' at bin/process-data-1.hs:72:18-36
> Possible fix:
>   add an instance declaration for
>   (uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim
>  (Word32 uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict.:*: Word8))

uvector is alpha/experimental. You should expect to write
instances/patches if you chose to use it!

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary stack overflow with Data.Sequence String

2009-03-05 Thread Don Stewart
Avoid unpack!

> Hi Gwern,
> I get String/Data.Binary issues too. My suggestion would be to change
> your strings to ByteString's, serisalise, and then do the reverse
> conversion when reading. Interestingly, a String and a ByteString have
> identical Data.Binary reps, but in my experiments converting,
> including the cost of BS.unpack, makes the reading substantially
> cheaper.
> Thanks
> Neil
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Gwern Branwen  wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Spencer Janssen
> >  wrote:
> >> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Gwern Branwen  wrote:
> >>> So recently I've been having issues with Data.Binary & Data.Sequence;
> >>> I serialize a 'Seq String'
> >>>
> >>> You can see the file here:
> >>>
> >>> The relevant function seems to be:
> >>>
> >>> -- | Read in database from 'dbLocation' and then parse it into an 
> >>> 'ArticleDB'.
> >>> readDB :: YiM ArticleDB
> >>> readDB = io $ (dbLocation >>= r) `catch` (\_ -> return empty)
> >>>          where r x = fmap (decode . BL.fromChunks . return) $ B.readFile x
> >>>                -- We read in with strict bytestrings to guarantee the
> >>> file is closed,
> >>>                -- and then we convert it to the lazy bytestring
> >>> data.binary expects.
> >>>                -- This is inefficient, but alas...
> >>>
> >>> My current serialized file is about 9.4M. I originally thought that
> >>> the issue might be the recent upgrade in Yi to binary 0.5, but I
> >>> unpulled patches back to past that, and the problem still manifested.
> >>>
> >>> Whenever yi tries to read the articles.db file, it stack overflows. It
> >>> actually stack-overflowed on even smaller files, but I managed to bump
> >>> the size upwards, it seems, by the strict-Bytestring trick.
> >>> Unfortunately, my personal file has since passed whatever that limit
> >>> was.
> >>>
> >>> I've read carefully the previous threads on Data.Binary and Data.Map
> >>> stack-overflows, but none of them seem to help; hacking some $!s or
> >>> seqs into readDB seems to make no difference, and Seq is supposed to
> >>> be a strict datastructure already! Doing things in GHCi has been
> >>> tedious, and hasn't enlightened me much: sometimes things overflow and
> >>> sometimes they don't. It's all very frustrating and I'm seriously
> >>> considering going back to using the original read/show code unless
> >>> anyone knows how to fix this - that approach may be many times slower,
> >>> but I know it will work.
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> gwern
> >>
> >> Have you tried the darcs version of binary?  It has a new instance
> >> which looks more efficient than the old.
> >>
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Spencer Janssen
> >
> > I have. It still stack-overflows on my 9.8 meg file. (The magic number
> > seems to be somewhere between 9 and 10 megabytes.)
> >
> > --
> > gwern
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Test if a file is empty or stat in haskell

2009-03-05 Thread Anish Muttreja
On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 08:15:03PM +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 19:56 schrieb Anish Muttreja:
> > I am looking for a way to test if a file is empty.
> > Something like isFileEmpty along the lines of
> > System.Directory.doesFileExist?
> If you're on a *nixy OS, 
> System.Posix.Files
> getFileStatus, fileSize ...

Great, thanks. 

> dunno if Windows has similar functionality.

I am on Linux. BTW, Hoogle does not seem to  know about 
System.Posix.Files, though it did point me to System.IO.FileSize
which would also have served the purpose.


> >
> > A function that wraps stat would also serve the purpose.
> > I get the feeling that someone must have felt the need for this before
> > me, but Google search not yield anything, hence the question.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Anish
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Test if a file is empty or stat in haskell

2009-03-05 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl
On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 19:56:42 +0100, Anish Muttreja  

I am looking for a way to test if a file is empty.
Something like isFileEmpty along the lines of

A function that wraps stat would also serve the purpose.
I get the feeling that someone must have felt the need for this before
me, but Google search not yield anything, hence the question.


Searching for "size" with Hoogle lead me to System.IO.hFileSize:
  hFileSize :: Handle -> IO Integer
  For a handle hdl which attached to a physical file, hFileSize hdl  
returns the size of that file in 8-bit bytes.

Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Test if a file is empty or stat in haskell

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 19:56 schrieb Anish Muttreja:
> I am looking for a way to test if a file is empty.
> Something like isFileEmpty along the lines of
> System.Directory.doesFileExist?

If you're on a *nixy OS, 

getFileStatus, fileSize ...

dunno if Windows has similar functionality.

> A function that wraps stat would also serve the purpose.
> I get the feeling that someone must have felt the need for this before
> me, but Google search not yield anything, hence the question.
> Thanks!
> Anish

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 19:48 schrieb Joseph Fredette:
> getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter
> a)
> getFilterMain fMainLoc =
> do
> loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile
> (/='.') fMainLoc)]
> fMain  <- (interpret "(filterMain)" (as :: Deliverable a =>
> Filter a))

Without looking at more code, the type variable a here is a fresh type 
variable, not the one from getFilterMain's signature.

> return
> (fMain)

Maybe bringing the type variable a into scope in the function body by

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

getFilterMain :: forall a. Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter, 

would suffice.

> However, when I try to compile this, I get the type error:
> Hackmain.hs:70:43:
> Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
>   `Deliverable a'
> arising from a use of `getFilterMainStuff' at
> Hackmain.hs:70:43-60
> Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type
> variable(s)
> My understanding is that a type like "Foo a => Bar a" (where Foo is a
> class and Bar is a datatype) would simply restrict
> the values of a to only those implementing Foo. But evidently I'm wrong.
> Is there a good (read, easy... :) ) fix to this?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> /Joe
> PS. All the actual code is on patch-tag, here
> -- if anyone prefers to look at
> that directly, the relevant files are in Src, namely, Hackmain.hs,
> Filter.hs, and Deliverable.hs

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Test if a file is empty or stat in haskell

2009-03-05 Thread Anish Muttreja
I am looking for a way to test if a file is empty.
Something like isFileEmpty along the lines of 

A function that wraps stat would also serve the purpose.
I get the feeling that someone must have felt the need for this before 
me, but Google search not yield anything, hence the question.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hint and Ambiguous Type issue

2009-03-05 Thread Joseph Fredette
I've been working on a little project, and one of the things I need to 
do is dynamically compile and import a Haskell Source file containing 
filtering definitions. I've written a small monad called Filter which is 

   type Filter a = Reader (Config, Email) a

To encompass all the email filtering. The method I need to import, 
filterMain, has type:

   filterMain :: Deliverable a => Filter a

where Deliverable is a type class which abstracts over delivery to a 
path in the file system. The notion is that I can write a type like:

   data DEmail = {email :: Email, path :: FilePath}
   newtype Maildir = MD DEmail

   instance Deliverable Maildir where
  {- ... omitted -}

However, Filter a should not be restricted to Deliverable types- it also 
encompasses the results of regular expression matching, etc, which are 
not -- in general -- Deliverable instances.

My question is this, when importing the file containing the definitions 
of  filterMain, I have the following code to grab filterMain and return 
it as a function.

   getFilterMain :: Deliverable a => FilePath -> Interpreter (Filter 
   getFilterMain fMainLoc = 
   loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules [(takeWhile 
(/='.') fMainLoc)]
   fMain  <- (interpret "(filterMain)" (as :: Deliverable a => 
Filter a))   

However, when I try to compile this, I get the type error:

   Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
 `Deliverable a'
   arising from a use of `getFilterMainStuff' at 

   Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

My understanding is that a type like "Foo a => Bar a" (where Foo is a 
class and Bar is a datatype) would simply restrict
the values of a to only those implementing Foo. But evidently I'm wrong. 
Is there a good (read, easy... :) ) fix to this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


PS. All the actual code is on patch-tag, here -- if anyone prefers to look at that
directly, the relevant files are in Src, namely, Hackmain.hs, Filter.hs, 
and Deliverable.hs
fn:Joseph Fredette
adr:Apartment #3;;6 Dean Street;Worcester;Massachusetts;01609;United States of America

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monadic MapReduce

2009-03-05 Thread Anish Muttreja
On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 07:27:35AM -1000, Tim Newsham wrote:
>> How about this. Is there a reason why I can't
>> replace the variables b and c in the type signature of mapReduce with with 
>> (IO b')
>> and (IO c'). b and c  can be any types.
>> mapReduce :: Strategy (IO b')-- evaluation strategy for mapping
>>   -> (a -> IO b')  -- map function
>>   -> Strategy (IO c')-- evaluation strategy for reduction
>>   -> ([IO b'] -> (IO c'))-- reduce function
>>   -> [a]   -- list to map over
>>   -> (IO c')
>> Just remember to wrap all values back in the IO monad.
> Remember, the idea of map-reduce is to provide a very restrictive
> programming interface so that you have a lot of flexibility in
> your execution strategy.  If you start loosening the interface
> you will still be able to execute the program, but you may
> not be able to perform all the great optimizations you want to
> perform.  For example, if you are using IO actions that are
> stateful, what are the semantics?  Can one map action affect
> other map actions?  Does this imply an ordering of the map functions?
> Does this imply they all run on the same machine or at least have
> state communicated between the machines on which they run?

Yes, IO actions in mapReduce will introduce all these questions.
I thought Manlio's example was a  case where the IO actions consist 
only of reading an entire file into a string and no ordering or 
dependence between map actions is implied. I have a similar application
where this, unsafe as it is, might be useful. I need to read in a large 
number of CSV files, with numeric columns, and group columns with high 
correlation together.
I have yet to try my own suggestion though.
I have tried the first approach I suggested, read in the contents into 
strings and work with the normal map-reduce. That does keep the handles
open till map-reduce is done.

> The austere interface precludes any of these issues, and therein
> lies the beauty.
>> Anish
> Btw. I prefer the sawzall formulation over the map-reduce formulation.
> A sawzall program just specifies how to map some data to a monoid
> and the system is free to mappend the monoid values in whatever order
> it wants (by applying associativity).

Thanks for the tip, I wasn't aware of this.
At least in the map-reduce formulation in this thread, the fold is 
completely specified by the user and not optimized further.  So the 
sawazall formulation seems promising, because sometimes the fold action 
is more expensive than the map action.

And while we are talking about different formulations, the code here
splits the list of operands into chunks and does the fold action in 
parallel on each chunk. This actually works well for me, though I find 
the semantics a little hard to remember.


> Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: MPI

2009-03-05 Thread FFT
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:03 PM, FFT  wrote:
> Are MPI bindings still the best way of using Haskell on Beowulf
> clusters? It's my feeling that the bindings stagnated, or are they
> just very mature?

What's the story with distributed memory multiprocessing? Are Haskell
programmers uninterested in it, or are things other than MPI used with
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to make a dock window for xmonad using gtk2hs?

2009-03-05 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2009 Mar 5, at 8:21, Andrea Rossato wrote:
On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 10:59:53PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH  

On 2009 Mar 4, at 21:40, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
Could someone give me a sample or something I could learn from?  

(xmobar is open source, you could look through its source)

xmobar is not open source. xmobar is FREE software!

I don't do fundamentalist religion...

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

2009-03-05 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Simon Marlow  wrote:

> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. This
> is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains an
> Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I don't believe in either of
> those things :-)
Surely there's a quantum mechanical metaphor waiting to happen here.

   getCat ::  IO Cat

If "getCat" appears in a program text, does it denote or not?  Or both?  If
it does, is the cat alive or dead? (Apologies to

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] missing support to Data.Binary for uvector package

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Peebles
Hi Manlio,

I'm not sure the whole list wants to hear about bugs in my
modifications to an alpha library! :-)

But basically, I haven't added a Binary instance for productions like
that yet. This isn't trivial, but shouldn't be hard. Otherwise, using
the unsafe serialization functions I provide in that same module might
give you better luck (at the cost of some safety).

But uvector, no matter how awesome the fusion work Don and others did
on it, is definitely not "finished" yet. Be prepared to hack a lot
(and maybe crash a fair amount) if you want to use it.

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Manlio Perillo  wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm still having problems with the uvector package.
> I have an IntMap (UArr xxx) data type, and I want to serialize it to disk,
> in binary format.
> I'm using the uvector package from
> The problem is with missing instance declarations, for Hyperstrict data type
> and Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim.
> For the former, the instance is simple, but for the latter I have no idea
> about what to do.
> The full error message (GHC 6.8.2):
>    No instance for (uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim
>                       (Word32
> uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict.:*: Word8))
>      arising from a use of `encode' at bin/process-data-1.hs:72:18-36
>    Possible fix:
>      add an instance declaration for
>      (uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim
>         (Word32 uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict.:*: Word8))
> Thanks  Manlio Perillo
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Hans Aberg

On 5 Mar 2009, at 17:06, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Cantor-Bernstein doesn't require choice (may be different for  

Yes, that is right, Mendelson says that. - I find it hard to figure  
out when it is used, as it is so intuitive.

Mendelson says AC is in fact equivalent proving
  all x, y: card x <= card y or card y <= card x

  Hans Aberg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

2009-03-05 Thread Svein Ove Aas
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Simon Marlow  wrote:
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. This
> is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains an
> Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I don't believe in either of
> those things :-)
As it turns out, time-travel as a vehicle for computation has a long
tradition in the more advanced systems; see
for an example.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 16:55 schrieb Hans Aberg:
> On 5 Mar 2009, at 15:23, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > Just to flesh this up a bit:
> >
> > let f : P(N) -> R be given by f(M) = sum [2*3^(-k) | k <- M ]
> > f is easily seen to be injective.
> >
> > define g : (0,1) -> P(N) by
> > let x = sum [a_k*2^(-k) | k in N (\{0}), a_k in {0,1}, infinitely
> > many a_k =
> > 1]
> > and then g(x) = {k | a_k = 1}
> >
> > again clearly g is an injection.
> > Now the Cantor-Bernstein theorem asserts there is a bijection
> > between the two
> > sets.
> I think one just defines an equivalence relation of elements mapped to
> each other by a finite number of iterations of f o g and g o f. The
> equivalence classes are then at most countable. So one can set up a
> bijection on each equivalence class: easy for at most countable sets.
> Then paste it together. The axiom of choice probably implicit here.

Cantor-Bernstein doesn't require choice (may be different for intuitionists).

>Hans Aberg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

2009-03-05 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 13:08 +, Simon Marlow wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> > I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
> > Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
> > non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
> > You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
> > no promises about.
> > 
> > I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
> > But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
> > semantics of IO even more complicated.
> > 
> > (I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
> > but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to 
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called 
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. 
> This is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains 
> an Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I don't believe in either of 
> those things :-)

That's the charm of denotational semantics --- you're outside the laws
of physics.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Hans Aberg

On 5 Mar 2009, at 15:23, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Just to flesh this up a bit:

let f : P(N) -> R be given by f(M) = sum [2*3^(-k) | k <- M ]
f is easily seen to be injective.

define g : (0,1) -> P(N) by
let x = sum [a_k*2^(-k) | k in N (\{0}), a_k in {0,1}, infinitely  
many a_k =

and then g(x) = {k | a_k = 1}

again clearly g is an injection.
Now the Cantor-Bernstein theorem asserts there is a bijection  
between the two


I think one just defines an equivalence relation of elements mapped to  
each other by a finite number of iterations of f o g and g o f. The  
equivalence classes are then at most countable. So one can set up a  
bijection on each equivalence class: easy for at most countable sets.  
Then paste it together. The axiom of choice probably implicit here.

  Hans Aberg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

2009-03-05 Thread Lennart Augustsson
You're assuming that IO operations have semantics.

>From the Haskell program's point of view, and when reasoning about
Haskell programs (not their interaction with the world) you should
assume that every IO operation returns a random result.
The way Oleg's program behaves does not break RT under the random
result assumption.

What could break RT is if you could do this
   f :: Int -> Int <- someIOoperation
   let x = f 0; y = f 0
and end up with x and y not being equal.
It's (of course) easy to construct someIOoperation that has this
behaviour (using FFI), but I don't think you can construct it just
using the normal IO operations and unsafeInterleaveIO.

But as I said, I think this is a problem anyway, because IO without
semantics is rather useless.

  -- Lennart

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Simon Marlow  wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>> I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
>> Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
>> non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
>> You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
>> no promises about.
>> I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
>> But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
>> semantics of IO even more complicated.
>> (I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
>> but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. This
> is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains an
> Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I don't believe in either of
> those things :-)
> Cheers,
>        Simon
>>  -- Lennart
>> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:12 AM,   wrote:
>>> We demonstrate how lazy IO breaks referential transparency.  A pure
>>> function of the type Int->Int->Int gives different integers depending
>>> on the order of evaluation of its arguments. Our Haskell98 code uses
>>> nothing but the standard input.  We conclude that extolling the purity
>>> of Haskell and advertising lazy IO is inconsistent.
>>> Henning Thielemann wrote on Haskell-Cafe:

 Say I have a chain of functions: read a file, ... write that to a file,
 all of these functions are written in a lazy way, which is currently
 considered good style
>>> Lazy IO should not be considered good style. One of the common
>>> definitions of purity is that pure expressions should evaluate to the
>>> same results regardless of evaluation order, or that equals can be
>>> substituted for equals. If an expression of the type Int evaluates to
>>> 1, we should be able to replace every occurrence of the expression with
>>> 1 without changing the results and other observables.
>>> The expression (read s) where s is the result of the (hGetContents h1)
>>> action has the pure type, e.g., Int. Yet its evaluation does more than
>>> just producing an integer: it may also close a file associated with
>>> the handle h1. Closing the file has an observable effect: the file
>>> descriptor, which is a scarce resource, is freed. Some OS lock the
>>> open file, or prevent operations such as renaming and deletion on the
>>> open file. A file system whose file is open cannot be
>>> unmounted. Suppose I use an Haskell application such as an editor to
>>> process data from a removable drive. I mount the drive, tell the
>>> application the file name. The (still running) application finished
>>> with the file and displayed the result. And yet I can't unplug the
>>> removable drive, because it turns out that the final result was
>>> produced without needing to read all the data from the file, and the
>>> file remains unclosed.
>>> Some people say: the programmer should have used seq. That is the
>>> admission of guilt! An expression (read s)::Int that evaluates to 1 is
>>> equal to 1. So, one should be able substitute (read s) with 1. If the
>>> result of evaluating 1 turns out not needed for the final outcome,
>>> then not evaluating (read s) should not affect the outcome. And yet it
>>> does. One uses seq to force evaluation of an expression even if the
>>> result may be unused. Thus the expression of a pure type
>>> has *side-effect*.
>>> The advice about using seq reminds me of advice given to C programmers
>>> that they should not free a malloc'ed pointer twice, dereference a
>>> zero pointer and write past the boundary of an array. If lazy IO is
>>> considered good style given the proper use of seq, then C should be
>>> considered safe given the proper use of pointers and arrays.
>>> Side affects like closing a file are observable in the external
>>> world. A program may observe these effects, in an IO monad. One can
>>> argue there are no guarantees at all about what happens in the IO
>>> mo

[Haskell-cafe] missing support to Data.Binary for uvector package

2009-03-05 Thread Manlio Perillo


I'm still having problems with the uvector package.

I have an IntMap (UArr xxx) data type, and I want to serialize it to 
disk, in binary format.

I'm using the uvector package from

The problem is with missing instance declarations, for Hyperstrict data 
type and Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim.

For the former, the instance is simple, but for the latter I have no 
idea about what to do.

The full error message (GHC 6.8.2):

No instance for (uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UPrim
uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict.:*: Word8))

  arising from a use of `encode' at bin/process-data-1.hs:72:18-36
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for
 (Word32 uvector-0.2:Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict.:*: Word8))

Thanks  Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Hans Aberg

On 5 Mar 2009, at 15:12, Daniel Fischer wrote:

No, it is an axiom: Cohen showed in 1963 (mentioned in Mendelson,
"Introduction to Mathematical Logic") that the continuum hypothesis
(CH) is independent of NBG+(AC)+(Axiom of Restriction), where AC is
the axiom of choice.

Yes, but the continuum hypothesis is 2^Aleph_0 == Aleph_1, which is  

something different from 2^Aleph_0 == card(R).

Yes, right, card R = 2^Aleph_0, as you said, and Aleph_1 is defined as  
the smallest cardinal greater than Aleph_0.

  Hans Aberg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 15:12 schrieb Daniel Fischer:

> Yes, but the continuum hypothesis is 2^Aleph_0 == Aleph_1, which is quite
> something different from 2^Aleph_0 == card(R).
> You can show the latter easily with the Cantor-Bernstein theorem,
> independent of CH or AC.

Just to flesh this up a bit:

let f : P(N) -> R be given by f(M) = sum [2*3^(-k) | k <- M ]
f is easily seen to be injective.

define g : (0,1) -> P(N) by 
let x = sum [a_k*2^(-k) | k in N (\{0}), a_k in {0,1}, infinitely many a_k = 
and then g(x) = {k | a_k = 1}

again clearly g is an injection.
Now the Cantor-Bernstein theorem asserts there is a bijection between the two 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Colin Adams
2009/3/5 Hans Aberg :
> GHC says that for any set x, there are no cardinalities between card x and

No it doesn't.

It says there is a syntax error in my code.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 14:58 schrieb Hans Aberg:
> On 5 Mar 2009, at 13:29, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > In standard NBG set theory, it is easy to prove that card(P(N)) ==
> > card(R).
> No, it is an axiom: Cohen showed in 1963 (mentioned in Mendelson,
> "Introduction to Mathematical Logic") that the continuum hypothesis
> (CH) is independent of NBG+(AC)+(Axiom of Restriction), where AC is
> the axiom of choice.

Yes, but the continuum hypothesis is 2^Aleph_0 == Aleph_1, which is quite 
something different from 2^Aleph_0 == card(R).

You can show the latter easily with the Cantor-Bernstein theorem, independent 
of CH or AC.

> Thus you can assume CH or its negation (which is
> intuitively somewhat strange). AC is independent of NGB, so you can
> assume it or its negation (also intuitively strange), though GHC
> (generalized CH, for any cardinality) + NBG implies AC (result by
> Sierpinski 1947 and Specker 1954). GHC says that for any set x, there
> are no cardinalities between card x and card 2^x (the power-set
> cardinality). Since card ω < card R by Cantors diagonal method, and
> card R <= card 2^ω since R can be constructed out of binary sequences
> (and since the interval [0, 1] and R can be shown having the same
> cardinalities), GHC implies card R = card 2^ω. (Here, ω is a lower
> case omega, denoting the first infinite ordinal.)
>Hans Aberg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finding the Convex Hull (Problem 12 of Real World Haskell)

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 13:40 schrieb Rob Crowther:
> I wrote a "solution" to this problem, but it appears to return incorrect
> results. There's a pastebin of the code at
> and a picture of the
> inputs, outputs, and expected results graphed at
> I'm wondering if this is a flaw in my code, my understanding of the
> problem, or both.

Definitely flawed code, probably based on incorrect understanding of the 

> Any ideas on how to track this one down would be very
> much appreciated.

To track it down, it would be helpful to look at the intermediate results and 
see where they differ in what way from your expectations.

*ConvexHull> let pointlist :: [Point2D]; pointlist = [(0,0), (2,0), (4,0), 
(6,0), (5,-2), (5,2), (0,4), (6,4), (5,6)]
*ConvexHull> lowestY pointlist
*ConvexHull> sortByCoTan it pointlist
*ConvexHull> let sortedpoints = it
*ConvexHull> listOfTurns sortedpoints
*ConvexHull> zip sortedpoints (MyStraight:MyStraight:it)
*ConvexHull> validPointsOf it

> Thank you!

*ConvexHull> let ly = lowestY pointlist
*ConvexHull> coTan ly ly

First, you'd want to separate the point with lowest y-coordinate from the 
rest, like

lowestY :: [Point2D] -> (Point2D,[Point2D])
lowestY (x:xs) = foldr update (x,[]) xs
   update a (b,cs) = -- left as an exercise

Then it might be a good idea to make sortByCoTan insensitive to other points 
with the same lowest y-coordinate, and of course, sort only the points other 
than the starting point.

Also, the way the points are sorted, you'll walk clockwise around the 
boundary, so you'd never turn left, only proceed straight or turn right.

But the turn at each point does not depend on its neighbours in the list 
sorted by cotangent, but on which points have so far been chosen, so you have 
to compute the turn based on that.

The selection of points is considerably more complicated than just looking at 
the turn, consider e.g.

[(0,0), (-2,2), (-2,3),(-1,3),(0,4),(1,4),(2,6),(3,9)].

When you have three points a, b and c, and you go from a via b to c, the turn 
at b is 
right, iff crossProduct a b c < 0
left, iff crossProduct a b c > 0.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Hans Aberg

On 5 Mar 2009, at 13:29, Daniel Fischer wrote:

In standard NBG set theory, it is easy to prove that card(P(N)) ==  

No, it is an axiom: Cohen showed in 1963 (mentioned in Mendelson,  
"Introduction to Mathematical Logic") that the continuum hypothesis  
(CH) is independent of NBG+(AC)+(Axiom of Restriction), where AC is  
the axiom of choice. Thus you can assume CH or its negation (which is  
intuitively somewhat strange). AC is independent of NGB, so you can  
assume it or its negation (also intuitively strange), though GHC  
(generalized CH, for any cardinality) + NBG implies AC (result by  
Sierpinski 1947 and Specker 1954). GHC says that for any set x, there  
are no cardinalities between card x and card 2^x (the power-set  
cardinality). Since card ω < card R by Cantors diagonal method, and  
card R <= card 2^ω since R can be constructed out of binary sequences  
(and since the interval [0, 1] and R can be shown having the same  
cardinalities), GHC implies card R = card 2^ω. (Here, ω is a lower  
case omega, denoting the first infinite ordinal.)

  Hans Aberg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finding the Convex Hull (Problem 12 of Real World Haskell)

2009-03-05 Thread Andrew Wagner
Whenever I'm looking for a bug in Haskell code, I find it helpful to start
by seeing if I can simplify the code any first. In this case, there are a
couple of things I notice:

   - validPointsOf is just a filter. It would be easier to write "valid ::
   MyDirection -> Bool" and then "validPointsOf = filter (valid . snd)"
   - Similarly, there's no need to write your own minimum-finder and call it
   lowestY. Instead, write (or derive!) an Ord instance, and then use the
   standard prelude function "minimum"
   - a small simplification of sortByCoTan: sortByCoTan pivot = sortBy
   (comparing (coTan pivot))

Hope this helps!

2009/3/5 Rob Crowther 

> I wrote a "solution" to this problem, but it appears to return incorrect
> results. There's a pastebin of the code at
> and a picture of the
> inputs, outputs, and expected results graphed at
> I'm wondering if this is a flaw in my code, my understanding of the
> problem, or both. Any ideas on how to track this one down would be very much
> appreciated.
> Thank you!
> --
> ヽ(^o^)ノ  -rob
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to make a dock window for xmonad using gtk2hs?

2009-03-05 Thread Andrea Rossato
On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 10:59:53PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On 2009 Mar 4, at 21:40, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
>>  Could someone give me a sample or something I could learn from? Thanks.
> (xmobar is open source, you could look through its source)

xmobar is not open source. xmobar is FREE software!

here's the relevant bits (from Xmobar.hs)

setProperties :: Rectangle -> Config -> Display -> Window -> [Rectangle] -> IO 
setProperties r c d w srs = do
  a1 <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL"False
  c1 <- internAtom d "CARDINAL" False
  a2 <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE"  False
  c2 <- internAtom d "ATOM" False
  v  <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK" False
  changeProperty32 d w a1 c1 propModeReplace $ map fi $
getStrutValues r (position c) (getRootWindowHeight srs)
  changeProperty32 d w a2 c2 propModeReplace [fromIntegral v]

hope this helps.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

2009-03-05 Thread Simon Marlow

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
no promises about.

I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
semantics of IO even more complicated.

(I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)

So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to 
unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called 
unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. 
This is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains 
an Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I don't believe in either of 
those things :-)


  -- Lennart

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:12 AM,   wrote:

We demonstrate how lazy IO breaks referential transparency.  A pure
function of the type Int->Int->Int gives different integers depending
on the order of evaluation of its arguments. Our Haskell98 code uses
nothing but the standard input.  We conclude that extolling the purity
of Haskell and advertising lazy IO is inconsistent.

Henning Thielemann wrote on Haskell-Cafe:

Say I have a chain of functions: read a file, ... write that to a file,
all of these functions are written in a lazy way, which is currently
considered good style

Lazy IO should not be considered good style. One of the common
definitions of purity is that pure expressions should evaluate to the
same results regardless of evaluation order, or that equals can be
substituted for equals. If an expression of the type Int evaluates to
1, we should be able to replace every occurrence of the expression with
1 without changing the results and other observables.

The expression (read s) where s is the result of the (hGetContents h1)
action has the pure type, e.g., Int. Yet its evaluation does more than
just producing an integer: it may also close a file associated with
the handle h1. Closing the file has an observable effect: the file
descriptor, which is a scarce resource, is freed. Some OS lock the
open file, or prevent operations such as renaming and deletion on the
open file. A file system whose file is open cannot be
unmounted. Suppose I use an Haskell application such as an editor to
process data from a removable drive. I mount the drive, tell the
application the file name. The (still running) application finished
with the file and displayed the result. And yet I can't unplug the
removable drive, because it turns out that the final result was
produced without needing to read all the data from the file, and the
file remains unclosed.

Some people say: the programmer should have used seq. That is the
admission of guilt! An expression (read s)::Int that evaluates to 1 is
equal to 1. So, one should be able substitute (read s) with 1. If the
result of evaluating 1 turns out not needed for the final outcome,
then not evaluating (read s) should not affect the outcome. And yet it
does. One uses seq to force evaluation of an expression even if the
result may be unused. Thus the expression of a pure type
has *side-effect*.

The advice about using seq reminds me of advice given to C programmers
that they should not free a malloc'ed pointer twice, dereference a
zero pointer and write past the boundary of an array. If lazy IO is
considered good style given the proper use of seq, then C should be
considered safe given the proper use of pointers and arrays.

Side affects like closing a file are observable in the external
world. A program may observe these effects, in an IO monad. One can
argue there are no guarantees at all about what happens in the IO
monad. Can side-effects of lazy IO be observable in _pure_ Haskell
code, in functions with pure type? Yes, they can. The examples are
depressingly easy to write, once one realizes that reading does have
side effects, POSIX provides for file descriptor aliasing, and sharing
becomes observable with side effects. Here is a simple Haskell98 code.

{- Haskell98! -}

module Main where

import System.IO
import System.Posix.IO (fdToHandle, stdInput)

-- f1 and f2 are both pure functions, with the pure type.
-- Both compute the result of the subtraction e1 - e2.
-- The only difference between them is the sequence of
-- evaluating their arguments, e1 `seq` e2 vs. e2 `seq` e1
-- For really pure functions, that difference should not be observable

f1, f2:: Int -> Int -> Int

f1 e1 e2 = e1 `seq` e2 `seq` e1 - e2
f2 e1 e2 = e2 `seq` e1 `seq` e1 - e2

read_int s = read . head . words $ s

main = do
   let h1 = stdin
   h2 <- fdToHandle stdInput
   s1 <- hGetContents h1
   s2 <- hGetContents h2
   print $ f1 (read_int s1) (read_int s2)
   -- print $ f2 (read_int s1) (re

[Haskell-cafe] Finding the Convex Hull (Problem 12 of Real World Haskell)

2009-03-05 Thread Rob Crowther
I wrote a "solution" to this problem, but it appears to return incorrect
results. There's a pastebin of the code at and a picture of the
inputs, outputs, and expected results graphed at

I'm wondering if this is a flaw in my code, my understanding of the problem,
or both. Any ideas on how to track this one down would be very much

Thank you!

ヽ(^o^)ノ  -rob
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009 13:09 schrieb Peter Verswyvelen:
> Ha. There's even a wiki page on the paradoxes of set theory
> If I recall correctly, a math professor once told me that it is not yet
> proven if the cardinality of the power set of the natural numbers is larger
> or smaller or equal than the cardinality of the real numbers...  But that
> is many many years ago so don't shoot me if I'm wrong :)

In standard NBG set theory, it is easy to prove that card(P(N)) == card(R).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Theory about uncurried functions

2009-03-05 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Ha. There's even a wiki page on the paradoxes of set theory

If I recall correctly, a math professor once told me that it is not yet
proven if the cardinality of the power set of the natural numbers is larger
or smaller or equal than the cardinality of the real numbers...  But that is
many many years ago so don't shoot me if I'm wrong :)

2009/3/4 Luke Palmer 

> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Achim Schneider  wrote:
>> There's not much to understand about CT, anyway: It's actually nearly
>> as trivial as set theory.
> You mean that theory which predicts the existence of infinitely many
> infinities; in fact for any cardinal, there are at least that many
> cardinals?  That theory in which aleph_1 and 2^aleph_0 are definitely
> comparable, but we provably cannot compare them?  The theory which has
> omega_0 < omega_1 < omega_2 < ... omega_omega < ..., where obviously omega_a
> is much larger than a... except for when it catches its tail and omega_alpha
> = alpha for some crazy-ass alpha.
> I don't think set theory is trivial in the least.  I think it is
> complicated, convoluted, often anti-intuitive and nonconstructive.
> Category theory is much more trivial, and that's what makes it powerful.
> (Although training yourself to think categorically is quite difficult, I'm
> finding)
>> One part of the benefit starts when you begin
>> to categorise different kind of categories, in the same way that
>> understanding monads is easiest if you just consider their difference
>> to applicative functors. It's a system inviting you to tackle a problem
>> with scrutiny, neither tempting you to generalise way beyond
>> computability, nor burdening you with formal proof requirements or
>> shackling you to some other ball and chain.
>> Sadly, almost all texts about CT are absolutely useless: They
>> tend to focus either on pure mathematical abstraction, lacking
>> applicability, or tell you the story for a particular application of CT
>> to a specific topic, loosing themselves in detail without providing the
>> bigger picture. That's why I liked that Rosetta stone paper so much: I
>> still don't understand anything more about physics, but I see how
>> working inside a category with specific features and limitations is the
>> exact right thing to do for those guys, and why you wouldn't want to do
>> a PL that works in the same category.
>> Throwing lambda calculus at a problem that doesn't happen to be a DSL
>> or some other language of some sort is a bad idea. I seem to understand
>> that for some time now, being especially fond of automata[1] to model
>> autonomous, interacting agents, but CT made me grok it. The future will
>> show how far it will pull my thinking out of the Turing tarpit.
>> [1] Which aren't, at all, objects. Finite automata don't go bottom in
>>any case, at least not if you don't happen to shoot them and their
>>health drops below zero.
>> --
>> (c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers
>> for copyright history. All rights reserved. Copying, hiring, renting,
>> performance and/or quoting of this signature prohibited.
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary stack overflow with Data.Sequence String

2009-03-05 Thread Neil Mitchell
Hi Gwern,

I get String/Data.Binary issues too. My suggestion would be to change
your strings to ByteString's, serisalise, and then do the reverse
conversion when reading. Interestingly, a String and a ByteString have
identical Data.Binary reps, but in my experiments converting,
including the cost of BS.unpack, makes the reading substantially



On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Gwern Branwen  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Spencer Janssen
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Gwern Branwen  wrote:
>>> So recently I've been having issues with Data.Binary & Data.Sequence;
>>> I serialize a 'Seq String'
>>> You can see the file here:
>>> The relevant function seems to be:
>>> -- | Read in database from 'dbLocation' and then parse it into an 
>>> 'ArticleDB'.
>>> readDB :: YiM ArticleDB
>>> readDB = io $ (dbLocation >>= r) `catch` (\_ -> return empty)
>>>          where r x = fmap (decode . BL.fromChunks . return) $ B.readFile x
>>>                -- We read in with strict bytestrings to guarantee the
>>> file is closed,
>>>                -- and then we convert it to the lazy bytestring
>>> data.binary expects.
>>>                -- This is inefficient, but alas...
>>> My current serialized file is about 9.4M. I originally thought that
>>> the issue might be the recent upgrade in Yi to binary 0.5, but I
>>> unpulled patches back to past that, and the problem still manifested.
>>> Whenever yi tries to read the articles.db file, it stack overflows. It
>>> actually stack-overflowed on even smaller files, but I managed to bump
>>> the size upwards, it seems, by the strict-Bytestring trick.
>>> Unfortunately, my personal file has since passed whatever that limit
>>> was.
>>> I've read carefully the previous threads on Data.Binary and Data.Map
>>> stack-overflows, but none of them seem to help; hacking some $!s or
>>> seqs into readDB seems to make no difference, and Seq is supposed to
>>> be a strict datastructure already! Doing things in GHCi has been
>>> tedious, and hasn't enlightened me much: sometimes things overflow and
>>> sometimes they don't. It's all very frustrating and I'm seriously
>>> considering going back to using the original read/show code unless
>>> anyone knows how to fix this - that approach may be many times slower,
>>> but I know it will work.
>>> --
>>> gwern
>> Have you tried the darcs version of binary?  It has a new instance
>> which looks more efficient than the old.
>> Cheers,
>> Spencer Janssen
> I have. It still stack-overflows on my 9.8 meg file. (The magic number
> seems to be somewhere between 9 and 10 megabytes.)
> --
> gwern
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to make a dock window for xmonad using gtk2hs?

2009-03-05 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
On Thursday 05 March 2009 09:45:51 Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
> I am confused. Code like this works in other WM, except xmonad.

You code does not set _NET_WM_STRUT property. And because of that xmonad 
doesn't treat it specifically. You can inspect you window properties using 
`xprop' utility. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] possible memory leak in uvector

2009-03-05 Thread Manlio Perillo

Bulat Ziganshin ha scritto:

Hello Manlio,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 5:35:33 PM, you wrote:

There are 100,000,000 ratings, so I create 100,000,000 arrays containing
only one element.

every array needs ~30 bytes - it's a minimal memory block ghc can
alloc for variable-sized objects. multiple this by 3 to account for
copying GC behavior

Ok, this explains memory usage; thanks.

IMHO, this informations should go in the wiki; they may be insignificant 
for normal applications, but when one starts to deal with huge amount of 
data, 10 bytes per item make an important difference.

Manlio Perillo

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Zippers

2009-03-05 Thread Cristiano Paris
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus
> ...
> Such self-reference is usually called "tying the knot", see also

I didn't know. Would you call this "Tying the knot" as well?

Thank you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monadic MapReduce

2009-03-05 Thread Manlio Perillo

Anish Muttreja ha scritto:


How about this. Is there a reason why I can't 
replace the variables b and c in the type signature of mapReduce with with (IO b') 
and (IO c'). b and c  can be any types. 

mapReduce :: Strategy (IO b')-- evaluation strategy for mapping
   -> (a -> IO b')  -- map function
   -> Strategy (IO c')-- evaluation strategy for reduction
   -> ([IO b'] -> (IO c'))-- reduce function
   -> [a]   -- list to map over
   -> (IO c')

Just remember to wrap all values back in the IO monad.

The other day I found, with google, a definizion of mapReduce, that make 
use of forkIO to execute piece of IO actions on separate threads.

I can't find it anymore...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Zippers

2009-03-05 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Cristiano Paris wrote:
> Ryan Ingram wrote:
>> ...
>> Here is the problem with your "update":
>> tree = Fork (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)
>> ztree = initZ tree
>> test = fromJust $ do
>>z1 <- moveLeft ztree
>>let z2 = update z1 3
>>z3 <- moveUp z2
>>z4 <- moveLeft z3
>>this z4
>> I'd expect "test" to equal 3, but I believe with your code that it
>> still equals 1.  As apfelmus said, update needs to completely
>> re-construct the zipper structure with the tied knot, which defeats
>> the purpose of using a zipper in the first place.
> I got it. I dont't know what your expression "tied knot" is referring
> to but I got the point.

In  doInitZ , you're basically using the  s  itself to define the
moveLeft  and  moveRight  fields of  s . You could as well write it as

  initZ t = doInitZ Nothing t
  doInitZ c (Leaf a) = ZContext c Nothing Nothing $ Just a
  doInitZ c t@(Fork l r) = s
   where s = ZContext c (Just $ doInitZ (Just s) l)
(Just $ doInitZ (Just s) r)

Such self-reference is usually called "tying the knot", see also



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] help optimizing memory usage for a program

2009-03-05 Thread Manlio Perillo

Don Stewart ha scritto:



After some work I have managed to implement two simple programs that  
parse the Netflix Prize data set.

For details about the Netflix Prize, there was a post by Kenneth Hoste  
some time ago.

I have cabalized the program, and made available here:


Seems like a useful benchmark of a number of things. Any chance you'll
upload it to hackage?

Not the package as it is now.
And I first need to write a program that generates a reasonable data set.

But, yes, I will upload it to hackage, if it can be useful.
What name should I use? How should I categorize it?

Regards  Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Zippers

2009-03-05 Thread Cristiano Paris
On 3/5/09, Ryan Ingram  wrote:
> ...
> Here is the problem with your "update":
> tree = Fork (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)
> ztree = initZ tree
> test = fromJust $ do
>z1 <- moveLeft ztree
>let z2 = update z1 3
>z3 <- moveUp z2
>z4 <- moveLeft z3
>this z4
> I'd expect "test" to equal 3, but I believe with your code that it
> still equals 1.  As apfelmus said, update needs to completely
> re-construct the zipper structure with the tied knot, which defeats
> the purpose of using a zipper in the first place.

I got it. I dont't know what your expression "tied knot" is referring
to but I got the point.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list