Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Building network package on Windows

2009-06-09 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Iavor Diatchki wrote:

> OK, I think that I found and fixed the problem.  As Thomas pointed
> out, the configure script is not wrong.  The problem turned out to be
> the foreign import for "getnameinfo" (this was the missing symbol).

So it was the name mangling! Great, thanks for the patch. It's applied.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] help with a question

2009-06-09 Thread Michael Vanier

haonan21 wrote:

I'm very new to haskell hugs and would appreciate it if someone could help me
out here. I've been giving 2 questions. 

1.) A and B are two sets of integers. Implement a function to obtain the
integers that belong to both sets.
Test your function fully.

2.) Define and test a function f, which, if A is a set of {x, y, z} then
f(A) = {{},{x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {x,z}, {y,z}, {x, y, z}}

Manage to get the first one.

interset x [] = []

interset [] y = []

interset x@(xs:xt) y@(ys:yt) =
 if xs == ys
 then as:(interset at yt)
 else interset at y

Totally have no clue for the 2nd question. could someone help me out ? 

Many thanks!


This looks like homework, but I can offer a few suggestions.  Your 
"interset" function uses "as" and "at" where I think you mean "xs" and 
"xt" and the else case is wrong (you need to test the code!).  Anyway, 
it looks like you're assuming that the lists are in ascending order, and 
I don't see that in the problem specification -- it won't work if that 
isn't the case.  More interestingly, you should look at the List (or 
Data.List) library; it contains a library function which can solve your 
problem in one line.  As for the second function, that's a classic 
problem used for teaching recursion: find all subsets of a given list.  
The way to solve it is to first ask what the solution is for the empty 
set (which should be obvious).  Then assume that you have the solution 
for the tail of the list ({y, z}).  How would you use this and the head 
of the list (x) to generate the full solution?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] help with a question

2009-06-09 Thread haonan21

I'm very new to haskell hugs and would appreciate it if someone could help me
out here. I've been giving 2 questions. 

1.) A and B are two sets of integers. Implement a function to obtain the
integers that belong to both sets.
Test your function fully.

2.) Define and test a function f, which, if A is a set of {x, y, z} then
f(A) = {{},{x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {x,z}, {y,z}, {x, y, z}}

Manage to get the first one.

interset x [] = []

interset [] y = []

interset x@(xs:xt) y@(ys:yt) =
 if xs == ys
 then as:(interset at yt)
 else interset at y

Totally have no clue for the 2nd question. could someone help me out ? 

Many thanks!
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[Haskell-cafe] Re: I love purity, but it's killing me.

2009-06-09 Thread Chung-chieh Shan
Paul L  wrote in article 
<> in
> The open question is whether there exists such a
> solution that's both elegant and efficient at maintain proper sharing
> in the object language.

What is your criterion for "efficient"?

> We certainly can get rid of all interpretive overheads by either
> having a "tagless" interpreter (as in Oleg and Shan's paper), or by
> direct compilation.

(BTW, the paper is by Jacques Carette, Oleg Kiselyov, and Chung-chieh

> But so far I don't see how a tagless interpreter
> could handle sharing when it can't be distinguished in the host
> language.

Indeed, I would agree with those on this thread who have stated that
sharing should be distinguished in the host language.

Edit this signature at
We want our revolution, and we want it now! -- Marat/Sade
We want our revolution, and we'll take it at such time as  
 you've gotten around to delivering it  -- Haskell programmer

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] please comment on my parser, can I do this cleaner?

2009-06-09 Thread Thomas Hartman
Thanks. It seems my original parser also works against FOO,BAR,BAZ if
you only modify

atom = string ","
           <|> ( many1 $ noneOf "()<>," ) -- add ,

Indeed, what to call the "thingies" in a parser is a source of some
personal consternation.

What is a token, what is an atom, what is an expr? It all seems to be
somewhat ad hoc.

> 2009/6/9 Daniel Fischer :
>> Am Dienstag 09 Juni 2009 20:29:09 schrieb Thomas Hartman:
>>> All I want to do is split on commas, but not the commas inside () or <>
>>> tags.
>>> I have been wanting to master parsec for a long time and this simple
>>> exercise looked like a good place to start.
>>> The code below does the right thing. Am I missing any tricks to make
>>> this simpler/neater?
>>> Thanks, thomas.
>>> thart...@ubuntu:~/perlArena>cat splitEm.
>>> splitEm.hs   splitEm.hs~
>>> thart...@ubuntu:~/perlArena>cat splitEm.hs
>>> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
>>> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
>>> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
>>> import Text.PrettyPrint (vcat, render, text)
>>> import Data.List.Split hiding (sepBy, chunk)
>>> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token
>>> import Debug.Trace
>>> import Debug.Trace.Helpers
>>> -- this works, but is there a neater/cleaner way?
>>> main = ripInputsXs (toEof splitter) "splitter" [ goodS, badS ]
>>> -- I need a way to split on commas, but not the commas inside '<>' or
>>> '()' characters
>>> goodS = "<*2>FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
>>> badS = "<*2)FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
>>> -- the first < matches a ), so reject this
>>> splitter = do
>>>   chunks :: [String] <- toEof (many chunk)
>>>   let pieces = map concat $ splitOn [","] chunks
>>>   return pieces -- chunks
>>>   where
>>>     atom = string ","
>>>            <|> ( many1 $ noneOf "()<>" )
>>>     chunk = parenExpr <|>  atom
>> I think that does not do what you want.
>> For input "FOO,BAR,BAZ", chunks is ["FOO,BAR,BAZ"], that won't be split; as 
>> far as I can
>> see, it splits only on commas directly following a parenExpr (or at the 
>> beginning of the
>> input or directly following another splitting comma).
>>>     parenExpr :: GenParser Char st [Char]
>>>     parenExpr = let paren p = betweenInc (char '(' ) (char ')' ) p
>>>                                 <|> betweenInc (char '<' ) (char '>' )
>>> p
>>>                 in paren $ option "" $ do ps <- many1 $ parenExpr <|> atom
>>>                                           return . concat $ ps
>>> betweenInc o' c' p' = do
>>>   o <- o'
>>>   p <- p'
>>>   c <- c'
>>>   return $ [o] ++ p ++ [c]
>>> toEof p' = do
>>>         r <- p'
>>>         eof
>>>         return r
>>> ripInputs prs prsName xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show . parse prs prsName ) xs
>>> ripInputsXs prs prsName xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . showXs . parse prs prsName )
>>> xs where showXs v = case v of
>>>           Left e -> show e
>>>           Right xs -> render . vcat . map text $ xs
>> I can offer (sorry for the names, and I don't know if what that does is 
>> really what you
>> want):
>> keepSepBy :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
>> keepSepBy p sep = (do
>>    r <- p
>>    (do s <- sep
>>        xs <- keepSepBy p sep
>>        return (r:s:xs)) <|> return [r])
>>    <|> return []
>> twain :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a]
>> twain open close list = do
>>    o <- open
>>    l <- list
>>    c <- close
>>    return (o:l++[c])
>> comma :: Parser String
>> comma = string ","
>> simpleChar :: Parser Char
>> simpleChar = noneOf "<>(),"
>> suite :: Parser String
>> suite = many1 simpleChar
>> atom :: Parser String
>> atom = fmap concat $ many1 (parenExp <|> suite)
>> parenGroup :: Parser String
>> parenGroup = fmap concat $ keepSepBy atom comma
>> parenExp :: Parser String
>> parenExp = twain (char '<') (char '>') parenGroup
>>            <|> twain (char '(') (char ')') parenGroup
>> chunks :: Parser [String]
>> chunks = sepBy atom comma
>> splitter = do
>>    cs <- chunks
>>    eof
>>    return cs
>> goodS = "<*2>FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
>> badS = "<*2)FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
>> goodRes = parse splitter "splitter" goodS
>> badRes = parse splitter "splitter" badS
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Incremental XML parsing with namespaces?

2009-06-09 Thread Iavor Diatchki
you may also want to look at:
It knows about namespaces and, also, it's parser is lazy.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:39 AM, John Millikin wrote:
> I'm trying to convert an XML document, incrementally, into a sequence
> of XML events. A simple example XML document:
>    Doc title
>    abc1234
>";>Hello world!
> The document can be very large, and arrives in chunks over a socket,
> so I need to be able to "feed" the text data into a parser and receive
> a list of XML events per chunk. Chunks can be separated in time by
> intervals of several minutes to an hour, so pausing processing for the
> arrival of the entire document is not an option. The type signatures
> would be something like:
> type Namespace = String
> type LocalName = String
> data Attribute = Attribute Namespace LocalName String
> data XMLEvent =
>    EventElementBegin Namespace LocalName [Attribute] |
>    EventElementEnd Namespace LocalName |
>    EventContent String |
>   EventError String
> parse :: Parser -> String -> (Parser, [XMLEvent])
> I've looked at HaXml, HXT, and hexpat, and unless I'm missing
> something, none of them can achieve this:
> + HaXml and hexpat seem to disregard namespaces entirely -- that is,
> the root element is parsed to "doc" instead of
> ("org:myproject:mainns", "doc"), and the second child is "x:ref"
> instead of ("org:myproject:otherns", "ref"). Obviously, this makes
> parsing mixed-namespace documents effectively impossible. I found an
> email from 2004[1] that mentions a "filter" for namespace support in
> HaXml, but no further information and no working code.
> + HXT looks promising, because I see explicit mention in the
> documentation of recording and propagating namespaces. However, I
> can't figure out if there's an incremental mode. A page on the wiki[2]
> suggests that SAX is supported in the "html tag soup" parser, but I
> want incremental parsing of *valid* documents. If incremental parsing
> is supported by the standard "arrow" interface, I don't see any
> obvious way to pull events out into a list -- I'm a Haskell newbie,
> and still haven't quite figured out monads yet, let alone Arrows.
> Are there any libraries that support namespace-aware incremental parsing?
> [1]
> [2] 
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FlexibleContexts and FlexibleInstances

2009-06-09 Thread Niklas Broberg
Dear all,

This post is partly a gripe about how poor the formal documentation
for various GHC extensions is, partly a gripe about how GHC blurs the
lines between syntactic and type-level issues as well as between
various extensions, and partly a gripe about how the Haskell 98 report
is sometimes similarly blurred where syntax is concerned (or not). All
these things make the life of a poor parser implementor quite
miserable at times. All in good jest of course, but with an edge of
truth, especially regarding (lack of) formal documentation.

The issue at hand which has caused my frustration is the
FlexibleContexts [1] and FlexibleInstances [2] extensions, which lift
restrictions imposed by Haskell 98 on the forms of contexts and
instances that may be defined. Great extensions both of them - but
what do they do, really really?

The following toy program requires MultiParamTypeClasses OR
FlexibleContexts in order to be accepted by GHC(i):

> f :: (T a b) => a -> Int
> f _ = 0

This of course assumes that we import the definition of T, we *must*
have MultiParamTypeClasses enabled if we want to declare T. Both
extensions thus enable classes with more than one argument to appear
in contexts.

Changing the program to

> f :: (T a ()) => a -> Int
> f _ = 0

i.e. changing the second argument to T to () instead, means we now
*must* have FlexibleInstances, in order to allow the non-tyvar
argument. This is nothing surprising, this is what FlexibleInstances
are supposed to do. But the question is, is this a syntactic issue or
a typing issue? In GHC proper this doesn't really matter much, as long
as it is caught *somewhere* then all is dandy. GHC's parser lets
everything pass, and it's the type checker that balks at this program.
But for someone like me with *only* a parser, this is a question that
needs a clear answer. Looking at the online report, the productions
regarding contexts are

context ->  class
|   ( class1 , ... , classn )   (n>=0)
class   ->  qtycls tyvar
|   qtycls ( tyvar atype1 ... atypen )  (n>=1)
qtycls  ->  [ modid . ] tycls
tycls   ->  conid
tyvar   ->  varid

Ok, so clearly the () is a syntactic extension enabled by
FlexibleContexts, as it is not a tyvar nor a tyvar applied to a
sequence of types. So this is something that a parser should handle.
FlexibleContexts also enables similar parses of contexts in other
places, for instance in class declarations, for which the Haskell 98
report says

topdecl ->  class [scontext =>] tycls tyvar [where cdecls]
scontext->  simpleclass
|   ( simpleclass1 , ... , simpleclassn )   (n>=0)
simpleclass ->  qtycls tyvar

The difference here is that the simpleclass doesn't allow the tyvar
applied to a sequence of types bit. FlexibleContexts lifts that
restriction too, so there should be no difference between the two
kinds of contexts. So the new formal productions for flexible contexts
should be something like

fcontext->  fclass
|   ( fclass1 , ... , fclassn ) (n>=0)
fclass  ->  qtycls type1 ... typen  (n>=1)

topdecl ->  data [fcontext =>] simpletype = constrs [deriving]
|   newtype [fcontext =>] simpletype = newconstr [deriving]
|   class [fcontext =>] tycls tyvar [where cdecls]
|   instance [fcontext =>] qtycls inst [where idecls]

gendecl ->  vars :: [fcontext =>] type

Does this seem correct?

Now let's turn to FlexibleInstances, which similarly lifts
restrictions, only to instance declarations instead of contexts. The
Haskell 98 report says on instance declarations:

topdecl ->  instance [scontext =>] qtycls inst [where idecls]
inst->  gtycon
|   ( gtycon tyvar1 ... tyvark )(k>=0, tyvars distinct)
|   ( tyvar1 , ... , tyvark )   (k>=2, tyvars distinct)
|   [ tyvar ]
|   ( tyvar1 -> tyvar2 )(tyvar1 and tyvar2 distinct)

Note the re-appearance of scontext, which is the same as above. The
instance head must be a type constructor, possibly applied to a number
of type variables, or one of three built-in syntactic cases. This is
where I consider the Haskell 98 report blurry - the fact that the
tyvars must be distinct, is that truly a syntactic issue? It might be,
it's certainly something that could be checked syntactically. But when
you take into account that with the proper extensions, they no longer
need to be distinct, at what level would we expect such a check to
happen? My gut feeling is that this check for distinctness is
something that a type checker might do better than a parser, though
it's not clear cut by any means. But since I don't do any other kind
of name resolution or checking in my parser even if it would be
possible (e.g. multiple declarations of the same symbol), I would find
it a bit anomalous to check this too.

Turning on FlexibleInstances, we shouldn't need to follo

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to improve below code?

2009-06-09 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Neil Brown wrote:
> data Page a =
>   Page {pageName      :: IORef String
>        ,pageId        :: Int
>        ,pageBuffer    :: a
>        ,pageBox       :: VBox
>        }
> class PageBuffer a where
>  pageBufferClone :: a -> IO (a, VBox)
> pageClone :: PageBuffer a => Page a -> IO (Page a)
> pageClone page = do
>  -- Get common information for clone page.
>  name <- pageGetName page
>  let id = pageId page
>     pb = pageBuffer page
>  -- Get clone information for dynamic interface.  (pBuffer, pBox) <-
> pageBufferClone pb
>  -- Return clone page.
>  pageNewInternal name id pBuffer pBox

Actually you can avoid the type parameter on "a" using an existential:

> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
> data Page = forall a. PageBuffer a =>
>   Page {pageName  :: IORef String
>,pageId:: Int
>,pageBuffer:: a
>,pageBox   :: VBox

Now you can still use [Page].  You can't do "pageBuffer p", though,
you'll get this fun error message:
Cannot use record selector `pageBuffer' as a function due to
escaped type variables
Probable fix: use pattern-matching syntax instead

Instead you need to do
case p of Page{pageBuffer = x} -> ...something with x...

This will bring the PageBuffer context into scope, inside of the case statement.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Luke Palmer
2009/6/9 Krzysztof Skrzętnicki 

> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 16:14, Daniel Fischer
> wrote:
> > If you're doing much with random generators, wrap it in a State monad.
> To avoid reinventing the wheel one can use excellent package available
> on Hackage:

Please do!  Prefer MonadRandom to explicit generator passing:  Keep
computations in MonadRandom, and pull them out with evalRandomIO at the last


> > The die function simulates the roll of a die, picking a number between 1
> and 6, inclusive, and returning it in the Rand monad.
> > Notice that this code will work with any source of random numbers g.
> >
> > die :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Int
> > die = getRandomR (1,6)
> >
> > The dice function uses replicate and sequence to simulate the roll of n
> dice.
> >
> > dice :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Rand g [Int]
> > dice n = sequence (replicate n die)
> >
> > To extract a value from the Rand monad, we can can use evalRandIO.
> >
> > main = do
> >   values <- evalRandIO (dice 2)
> >   putStrLn (show values)
> Best regards
> Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] please comment on my parser, can I do this cleaner?

2009-06-09 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Dienstag 09 Juni 2009 20:29:09 schrieb Thomas Hartman:
> All I want to do is split on commas, but not the commas inside () or <>
> tags.
> I have been wanting to master parsec for a long time and this simple
> exercise looked like a good place to start.
> The code below does the right thing. Am I missing any tricks to make
> this simpler/neater?
> Thanks, thomas.
> thart...@ubuntu:~/perlArena>cat splitEm.
> splitEm.hs   splitEm.hs~
> thart...@ubuntu:~/perlArena>cat splitEm.hs
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
> import Text.PrettyPrint (vcat, render, text)
> import Data.List.Split hiding (sepBy, chunk)
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token
> import Debug.Trace
> import Debug.Trace.Helpers
> -- this works, but is there a neater/cleaner way?
> main = ripInputsXs (toEof splitter) "splitter" [ goodS, badS ]
> -- I need a way to split on commas, but not the commas inside '<>' or
> '()' characters
> goodS = "<*2>FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
> badS = "<*2)FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
> -- the first < matches a ), so reject this
> splitter = do
>   chunks :: [String] <- toEof (many chunk)
>   let pieces = map concat $ splitOn [","] chunks
>   return pieces -- chunks
>   where
> atom = string ","
><|> ( many1 $ noneOf "()<>" )
> chunk = parenExpr <|>  atom

I think that does not do what you want.

For input "FOO,BAR,BAZ", chunks is ["FOO,BAR,BAZ"], that won't be split; as far 
as I can 
see, it splits only on commas directly following a parenExpr (or at the 
beginning of the 
input or directly following another splitting comma).

> parenExpr :: GenParser Char st [Char]
> parenExpr = let paren p = betweenInc (char '(' ) (char ')' ) p
> <|> betweenInc (char '<' ) (char '>' )
> p
> in paren $ option "" $ do ps <- many1 $ parenExpr <|> atom
>   return . concat $ ps
> betweenInc o' c' p' = do
>   o <- o'
>   p <- p'
>   c <- c'
>   return $ [o] ++ p ++ [c]
> toEof p' = do
> r <- p'
> eof
> return r
> ripInputs prs prsName xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show . parse prs prsName ) xs
> ripInputsXs prs prsName xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . showXs . parse prs prsName )
> xs where showXs v = case v of
>   Left e -> show e
>   Right xs -> render . vcat . map text $ xs

I can offer (sorry for the names, and I don't know if what that does is really 
what you 

keepSepBy :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
keepSepBy p sep = (do
r <- p
(do s <- sep
xs <- keepSepBy p sep
return (r:s:xs)) <|> return [r])
<|> return []

twain :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a]
twain open close list = do
o <- open
l <- list
c <- close
return (o:l++[c])

comma :: Parser String
comma = string ","

simpleChar :: Parser Char
simpleChar = noneOf "<>(),"

suite :: Parser String
suite = many1 simpleChar

atom :: Parser String
atom = fmap concat $ many1 (parenExp <|> suite)

parenGroup :: Parser String
parenGroup = fmap concat $ keepSepBy atom comma

parenExp :: Parser String
parenExp = twain (char '<') (char '>') parenGroup
<|> twain (char '(') (char ')') parenGroup

chunks :: Parser [String]
chunks = sepBy atom comma

splitter = do
cs <- chunks
return cs

goodS = "<*2>FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
badS = "<*2)FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"

goodRes = parse splitter "splitter" goodS
badRes = parse splitter "splitter" badS

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Jorge Branco Branco Aires

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello jerzy,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 8:23:04 PM, you wrote:


Please, tell him first about random streams, which he can handle without
IO. Or, about ergodic functions (hashing contraptions which transform ANY
parameter into something unrecognizable). When he says : "I know all that",
THEN hurt him badly with monads. 

i think that for someone coming from imperative programming teeling
about IO monad is the easiest way. and then he will learn how to do it
FP way
I came from a imperative programming background. I didn't feel like this 
help me at all back then. At least in the beginning you want to detach 
yourself from an imperative style, not try to simulate it with some 
weird structure that you don't really understand.

More generally I really wish IO hadn't been the first Monad I played 
with. It's so close to a Functor, yet in my mind Functors were simple, 
just structures that could be mapped, and Monads were these mysterious 
things that allowed you to get away with side effects and that once you 
were inside you could never get out.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] nubBy seems broken in recent GHCs

2009-06-09 Thread Cale Gibbard
2009/6/6 Bertram Felgenhauer :
> Interesting. This was changed in response to
> | Tue Sep  2 11:29:50 CEST 2008  Simon Marlow 
> |   * #2528: reverse the order of args to (==) in nubBy to match nub
> |   This only makes a difference when the (==) definition is not
> |   reflexive, but strictly speaking it does violate the report definition
> |   of nubBy, so we should fix it.
> It turns out that 'elem' differs from the report version and should
> have its comparison reversed. Of course that would only ever matter
> for broken Eq instances.
> However, the report also states that the nubBy function may assume that
> the given predicate defines an equivalence relation.
> So I'm not sure there's anything to be fixed here - although backing
> out the above patch probably won't hurt anybody.
> Bertram

Yeah, while most Eq instances really do define an equivalence relation
(at least extensionally), and the Report authors probably thought in
terms of an equivalence relation (even going so far as to say that
nubBy can assume its parameter is one, which I think was a mistake), I
think nubBy has a much more general use. It does a generalised kind of
sieving, specifically,

nubBy f xs is the unique subsequence of xs that:
1) Has the property that if x and y are elements such that x occurs
before y in it, then f x y is False.
2) The sequence of indices of selected elements is lexicographically
minimum for all subsequences satisfying condition 1. (That is, it
always picks the earliest elements possible.)

I think this is how it ought to be specified.

Similarly, groupBy f xs is (and should be) the unique list of
contiguous sublists of xs such that:
1) concat (groupBy f xs) = xs
2) If x is the head of any of the sublists and y is any other element
of that sublist, then f x y
3) The sequence of lengths of the sublists is lexicographically
maximum for all lists satisfying the first two properties (That is, it
always prefers adding elements to an earlier group to starting a new

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] please comment on my parser, can I do this cleaner?

2009-06-09 Thread Thomas Hartman
All I want to do is split on commas, but not the commas inside () or <> tags.

I have been wanting to master parsec for a long time and this simple
exercise looked like a good place to start.

The code below does the right thing. Am I missing any tricks to make
this simpler/neater?

Thanks, thomas.

thart...@ubuntu:~/perlArena>cat splitEm.
splitEm.hs   splitEm.hs~
thart...@ubuntu:~/perlArena>cat splitEm.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
import Text.PrettyPrint (vcat, render, text)
import Data.List.Split hiding (sepBy, chunk)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token

import Debug.Trace
import Debug.Trace.Helpers

-- this works, but is there a neater/cleaner way?
main = ripInputsXs (toEof splitter) "splitter" [ goodS, badS ]

-- I need a way to split on commas, but not the commas inside '<>' or
'()' characters
goodS = "<*2>FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
badS = "<*2)FOO<2,1>,<*3>(SigB<8:0:2>,BAR),<*2>Siga<2:0>,Sigb<8,7,6,5,0>"
-- the first < matches a ), so reject this

splitter = do
  chunks :: [String] <- toEof (many chunk)
  let pieces = map concat $ splitOn [","] chunks
  return pieces -- chunks
atom = string ","
   <|> ( many1 $ noneOf "()<>" )
chunk = parenExpr <|>  atom
parenExpr :: GenParser Char st [Char]
parenExpr = let paren p = betweenInc (char '(' ) (char ')' ) p
<|> betweenInc (char '<' ) (char '>' )
in paren $ option "" $ do ps <- many1 $ parenExpr <|> atom
  return . concat $ ps

betweenInc o' c' p' = do
  o <- o'
  p <- p'
  c <- c'
  return $ [o] ++ p ++ [c]

toEof p' = do
r <- p'
return r

ripInputs prs prsName xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show . parse prs prsName ) xs
ripInputsXs prs prsName xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . showXs . parse prs prsName ) xs
  where showXs v = case v of
  Left e -> show e
  Right xs -> render . vcat . map text $ xs
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello jerzy,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 8:23:04 PM, you wrote:

> Please, tell him first about random streams, which he can handle without
> IO. Or, about ergodic functions (hashing contraptions which transform ANY
> parameter into something unrecognizable). When he says : "I know all that",
> THEN hurt him badly with monads. 

i think that for someone coming from imperative programming teeling
about IO monad is the easiest way. and then he will learn how to do it
FP way

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Magnus Therning writes: 

ptrash  wrote: not getting through it. I just want to generate a random number
and then compare it with other numbers. Something like 

r = randomRIO (1, 10)
if (r > 5) then... else ...

You have to do it inside the IO monad, something like 

myFunc  = do
r <- randomRIO (1, 10

This may continue forever...
With nice references to monads, to uns...@#*!, etc. ... 

We may say, as many tutorials do : "this is not what you want!" (which I
hate ; you are not my conscience, whoever you are...), or just give some
code, not always readable... 

Perhaps I belong to a minority here, but I strongly believe that at
THIS level, the first thing to do - unless I am dead wrong - is to explain
to our friend ptrash (who could find a less gothic pseudo) that in a pure
functional programming, the construction
r = whatEver(par1,par2)
being a function call, cannot give "just a random number", something which
is not (intuitively) determined, and changes with every call, despite the
constancy of the arguments. 

For most of us, acquainted with the stuff, it becomes trivial, but if
somebody doesn't know that a classical pseudo-random generator modifies a
"seed", and in such a way involves a "side effect", then sending him to the
monadic heaven is dangerous. 

Please, tell him first about random streams, which he can handle without
IO. Or, about ergodic functions (hashing contraptions which transform ANY
parameter into something unrecognizable). When he says : "I know all that",
THEN hurt him badly with monads. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 16:14, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> Am Dienstag 09 Juni 2009 15:57:24 schrieb Magnus Therning:
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 2:52 PM, ptrash wrote:
>> > am not getting through it. I just want to generate a random
>> > number and then compare it with other numbers. Something like
>> >
>> > r = randomRIO (1, 10)
>> > if (r > 5) then... else ...
>> You have to do it inside the IO monad, something like
>>     myFunc  = do
>>         r <- randomRIO (1, 10
>>         if r > 5
>>             then ...
>>             else ...
>> /M
> Or make the source of the pseudo-random numbers explicit:
> import System.Random
> function :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => g -> other args -> result
> function gen whatever
>    | r > 5     = blah newgen something
>    | r < 3     = blub newgen somethingElse
>    | otherwise = bling
>      where
>        (r,newgen) = randomR (lo,hi) gen
> and finally, when the programme is run:
> main = do
>    args <- getArgs
>    sg <- getStdGen
>    foo <- thisNThat
>    print $ function sg foo
> If you're doing much with random generators, wrap it in a State monad.

To avoid reinventing the wheel one can use excellent package available
on Hackage:

> The die function simulates the roll of a die, picking a number between 1 and 
> 6, inclusive, and returning it in the Rand monad.
> Notice that this code will work with any source of random numbers g.
> die :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Int
> die = getRandomR (1,6)
> The dice function uses replicate and sequence to simulate the roll of n dice.
> dice :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Rand g [Int]
> dice n = sequence (replicate n die)
> To extract a value from the Rand monad, we can can use evalRandIO.
> main = do
>   values <- evalRandIO (dice 2)
>   putStrLn (show values)

Best regards

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to improve below code?

2009-06-09 Thread Andy Stewart
Hi all,

I have below source code, i use Dynamic for `pageBuffer`.
In implement of function `pageClone`, after `case pt of`, i need write 
like this, and this code looks ugly, if `PageTyep` have 100 type, i need
write those ugly code 100 times.

case pt of
  TStringBuffer -> pageBufferClone (x :: StringBuffer)
  TImageBuffer  -> pageBufferClone (x :: ImageBuffer)
  TVideoBuffer  -> pageBufferClone (x :: TVideoBuffer)
  TMixBuffer-> pageBufferClone (x :: TMixBuffer)
So have a better solution to avoid write above ugly code?

Someone suggestion me use GADTs instead, but i don't know how to write correct
GADTs code replace current version, if GADTs is best way, someone can
explain it detail? It's better if someone give me demo code.

--> Source Code start 
data PageType = TStringBuffer | TImageBuffer | TVideoBuffer | TMixBuffer
 deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data Page =
Page {pageName  :: IORef String
 ,pageId:: Int
 ,pageType  :: PageType
 ,pageBuffer:: Dynamic
 ,pageBox   :: VBox

class PageBuffer a where
pageBufferClone :: a -> IO (Dynamic, VBox)

-- | Page clone interface.
pageClone :: Page -> IO Page
pageClone page = do
  -- Get common information for clone page.
  name <- pageGetName page
  let id = pageId page
  pt = pageType page
  pb = pageBuffer page

  -- Get clone information for dynamic interface. 
  (pBuffer, pBox) <- 
  case fromDynamic pb of
Just x -> 
case pt of
  TStringBuffer -> pageBufferClone (x :: StringBuffer)
  TImageBuffer  -> pageBufferClone (x :: ImageBuffer)
  TVideoBuffer  -> pageBufferClone (x :: TVideoBuffer)
  TMixBuffer-> pageBufferClone (x :: TMixBuffer)
Nothing -> pageCloneEmpty

  -- Return clone page.
  pageNewInternal name id pt pBuffer pBox
--> Source Code end   


  -- Andy

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to improve below code?

2009-06-09 Thread Neil Brown

Andy Stewart wrote:

So have a better solution to avoid write above ugly code

How about:

data Page a =
   Page {pageName  :: IORef String
,pageId:: Int
,pageBuffer:: a
,pageBox   :: VBox

class PageBuffer a where
 pageBufferClone :: a -> IO (a, VBox)

pageClone :: PageBuffer a => Page a -> IO (Page a)
pageClone page = do
 -- Get common information for clone page.
 name <- pageGetName page
 let id = pageId page
 pb = pageBuffer page

 -- Get clone information for dynamic interface. 
 (pBuffer, pBox) <- pageBufferClone pb

 -- Return clone page.
 pageNewInternal name id pBuffer pBox

I'm not totally sure if that will work without seeing the rest of your 
code.  But it seems neater, and no GADTs in sight.  If you need to store 
Page StringBuffer in a list with Page ImageBuffer you will have a 
problem, so perhaps you could spell out what else you need to do with 
these Page items in your application?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applying Data.Map

2009-06-09 Thread michael rice
In the import statements, it wasn't clear to me that I could import types as 
well as functions, and Map is a type. All clear now.



--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Thomas ten Cate  wrote:

From: Thomas ten Cate 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applying Data.Map
To: "michael rice" 
Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 9:40 AM

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 15:23, michael rice wrote:
> import Data.Map (Map)   (fromList,!)  ???
> import qualified Data.Map as Map  (fromList,!) ???

Because ! is an operator, you need to enclose it in parentheses. Also,
the (Map) in the import is already the list of things you are
importing; you can just add to that. So do the following:

Import these without qualification:
> import Data.Map (Map, fromList, (!))
Import everything else (actually including Map, fromList and (!)) with
qualification "Map":
> import qualified Data.Map as Map



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Incremental XML parsing with namespaces?

2009-06-09 Thread Henning Thielemann

John Millikin wrote:

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Henning
Thielemann wrote:

I think you could use the parser as it is and do the name parsing later.
Due to lazy evaluation both parsers would run in an interleaved way.

I've been trying to figure out how to get this to work with lazy
evaluation, but haven't made much headway. Tips? The only way I can
think of to get incremental parsing working is to maintain explicit
state, but I also can't figure out how to achieve this with the
parsers I've tested (HaXml, HXT, hexpat).

Can you please look at

You just have to replace Text.XML.Basic.Name.LowerCase by 
Text.XML.Basic.Name.Qualified for use of qualified names.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Henning Thielemann

Viele Gruesse

Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg, Institut fuer Informatik

Tel. +49 - 345 - 55 24773
Fax  +49 - 345 - 55 27333
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Dienstag 09 Juni 2009 15:57:24 schrieb Magnus Therning:
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 2:52 PM, ptrash wrote:
> > am not getting through it. I just want to generate a random
> > number and then compare it with other numbers. Something like
> >
> > r = randomRIO (1, 10)
> > if (r > 5) then... else ...
> You have to do it inside the IO monad, something like
> myFunc  = do
> r <- randomRIO (1, 10
> if r > 5
> then ...
> else ...
> /M

Or make the source of the pseudo-random numbers explicit:

import System.Random

function :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => g -> other args -> result
function gen whatever
| r > 5 = blah newgen something
| r < 3 = blub newgen somethingElse
| otherwise = bling
(r,newgen) = randomR (lo,hi) gen

and finally, when the programme is run:

main = do
args <- getArgs
sg <- getStdGen
foo <- thisNThat
print $ function sg foo

If you're doing much with random generators, wrap it in a State monad.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, ptrash wrote:

I am using the System.Random method randomRIO. How can I convert its output
to an Int?

in general:

about randomIO:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Magnus Therning
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 2:52 PM, ptrash wrote:
> am not getting through it. I just want to generate a random number
> and then compare it with other numbers. Something like
> r = randomRIO (1, 10)
> if (r > 5) then... else ...

You have to do it inside the IO monad, something like

myFunc  = do
r <- randomRIO (1, 10
if r > 5
then ...
else ...


Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)  Jabber:|twitter: magthe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread ptrash am not getting through it. I just want to generate a random number
and then compare it with other numbers. Something like

r = randomRIO (1, 10)
if (r > 5) then... else ...
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applying Data.Map

2009-06-09 Thread Thomas ten Cate
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 15:23, michael rice wrote:
> import Data.Map (Map)   (fromList,!)  ???
> import qualified Data.Map as Map  (fromList,!) ???

Because ! is an operator, you need to enclose it in parentheses. Also,
the (Map) in the import is already the list of things you are
importing; you can just add to that. So do the following:

Import these without qualification:
> import Data.Map (Map, fromList, (!))
Import everything else (actually including Map, fromList and (!)) with
qualification "Map":
> import qualified Data.Map as Map


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Combine to List to a new List

2009-06-09 Thread Mattias Bengtsson
On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 06:05 -0700, ptrash wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following two lists:
> a = [1,2,3]
> b = ["A","B","C"]
> I want a combination of the to lists:
> c = [(1,"A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")]
> How can I do this?

What you want is a function with the following type signature:
[t1] -> [t2] -> [(t1,t2)]

Search for that in hoogle[1] and you get the function "zip" as a
result[2] (as already told in this thread).
Hoogle is your friend (and helps you help yourself)! :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applying Data.Map

2009-06-09 Thread michael rice
Hi Toby,

Thanks for the helpful comments. I'd gotten used to arithmetic operator 
sections (+2), (*2), etc. but hadn't picked up on the generality of using them 
with *any* infix function. I can also see the benefit of using List.Group. 
However, I'm uncertain about how to import just fromList and ! from with the 
imports I'm using

import Data.Map (Map)   (fromList,!)  ???
import qualified Data.Map as Map  (fromList,!) ???


--- On Mon, 6/8/09, Toby Hutton  wrote:

From: Toby Hutton 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Applying Data.Map
To: "michael rice" 
Date: Monday, June 8, 2009, 8:57 PM

Although in this example using Data.Map is overkill, if the alphabet was very 
large then Data.Map probably would be the way to go. In that case I'd use:
map head . group . sort instead of nub . sort

since it's noticeably quicker for large lists.  This is because nub needs to 
preserve the order of input, removing redundancies, but you're sorting it 
Also, in map (\c -> m Map.! c) s you can use the 'section' (m Map.!) instead.  
e.g., map (m Map.!) s

The Map.! is ugly though.  As you're only using fromList and (!) from Data.Map, 
I'd just import those explicitly since they don't clash with Prelude.  Then 
you'd have map (m !) s


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:59 AM, michael rice  wrote:

I wrote a Haskell solution for the Prolog problem stated below. I had written a 
function SQUISH before discovering that NUB does the same thing. While the 
solution works, I thought maybe I could apply some functions in the Data.Map 
module, and so wrote a second version of SERIALIZE, one no longer needing 
TRANSLATE. Using the Data.Map module is probably overkill for this particular 
problem, but wanted to familiarize myself with Map type. Suggestions welcome. 
Prolog code also included below for those interested.




 From "Prolog By Example", Coelho, Cotta, Problem 42, pg. 63

   Verbal statement:
   Generate a list of serial numbers for the items of a given
   the members of which are to be numbered in alphabetical order.

   For example, the list [p,r,o,l,o,g] must generate [4,5,3,2,3,1]



Prelude> :l
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( serialize.hs, interpreted )

Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> serialize "prolog"



===Haskell code==

import Data.Char
import Data.List

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as


translate :: [Char] -> [(Char,Int)] -> [Int]
translate [] _ = []

translate (x:xs) m = (fromJust (lookup x m)) : (translate xs m )

serialize :: [Char] -> [Int]

serialize s = let c = nub $ sort s
  n = [1..(length c)]

  in translate s (zip c n)

serialize :: [Char] -> [Int]

serialize s = let c = nub $ sort s

  n = [1..(length c)]
  m = Map.fromList $ zip c n

  in map (\c -> m Map.! c) s 

Prolog code

serialize(L,R) :- pairlists(L,R,A),arrange(A,T),

    ?  <- typo?
pairlists([X|L],[Y|R],[pair(X,Y)|A]) :- pairlist(L,R,A).


arrange([X|L],tree(T1,X,T2)) :- partition(L,X,L1,L2),



partition([X|L],X,L1,L2) :- partition(L,X,L1,L2).

partition([X|L],Y,[X|L1],L2) :- before(X,Y),

partition([X|L],Y,L1,[X|L2]) :- before(Y,X),


before(pair(X1,Y1),pair(X2,Y2)) :- X1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Combine to List to a new List

2009-06-09 Thread ptrash

Hey, cool. Thanks!
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Combine to List to a new List

2009-06-09 Thread Dimitris Vekris

Probably you might need the "zip" function.Check 

> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 06:05:57 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Combine to List to a new List
> Hi,
> I have the following two lists:
> a = [1,2,3]
> b = ["A","B","C"]
> I want a combination of the to lists:
> c = [(1,"A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")]
> How can I do this?
> I have tried
> c = [(x,y) | x <- a, y <- b] 
> But this  just returns me a list with every possible combination of the 2
> lists.
> Thanks...
> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Combine to List to a new List

2009-06-09 Thread Andrew Wagner
Try c = zip a b

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 9:05 AM, ptrash  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the following two lists:
> a = [1,2,3]
> b = ["A","B","C"]
> I want a combination of the to lists:
> c = [(1,"A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")]
> How can I do this?
> I have tried
> c = [(x,y) | x <- a, y <- b]
> But this  just returns me a list with every possible combination of the 2
> lists.
> Thanks...
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Combine to List to a new List

2009-06-09 Thread ptrash


I have the following two lists:

a = [1,2,3]
b = ["A","B","C"]

I want a combination of the to lists:

c = [(1,"A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")]

How can I do this?

I have tried

c = [(x,y) | x <- a, y <- b] 

But this  just returns me a list with every possible combination of the 2


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread ptrash

Ok, thanks for the information.
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A generics question

2009-06-09 Thread Henry Laxen
Sterling Clover> writes:

> Try it with the following type signature and it should work fine:
> convert :: (Data a) => Int -> a -> a
> Of course, as has been noted, SYB is a rather big sledgehammer for  
> the insect in question.
> Cheers,
> S.

Thank you Sterling.  That is the answer I was looking for.  I was trying out
things from the various Scrap your Boilerplate papers, and got stuck doing
something that I thought should be easy.  Now it makes sense.  Thanks again.
Best wishes,
Henry Laxen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Unification for rank-N types

2009-06-09 Thread Vladimir Reshetnikov
One more example:

This does not type-check:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}

f :: [forall a. t a -> t a] -> t b -> t b
f = foldr (.) id

Couldn't match expected type `forall a. f a -> f a'
   against inferred type `b -> c'
In the first argument of `foldr', namely `(.)'

But this, very similar, does type-check:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}

f :: [forall a. t a -> t a] -> t b -> t b
f = foldr (\g -> (.) g) id

What is the reason for this?


On 6/9/09, Vladimir Reshetnikov  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following code:
> ---
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
> f :: ((forall a. a -> a) -> b) -> b
> f x = x id
> g :: (forall c. Eq c => [c] -> [c]) -> ([Bool],[Int])
> g y = (y [True], y [1])
> h :: ([Bool],[Int])
> h = f g
> ---
> GHC rejects it:
> Couldn't match expected type `forall a. a -> a'
>against inferred type `forall c. (Eq c) => [c] -> [c]'
>   Expected type: forall a. a -> a
>   Inferred type: forall c. (Eq c) => [c] -> [c]
> In the first argument of `f', namely `g'
> In the expression: f g
> But, intuitively, this code is type-safe, and actually I can convince
> the typechecker in it with the following workaround:
> ---
> h :: ([Bool],[Int])
> h = let g' = (\(x :: forall a. a -> a) -> g x) in f g'
> ---
> So, is the current behavior of GHC correct ot it is a bug?
> How unification for rank-N types should proceed?
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Yusaku Hashimoto

On 2009/06/09, at 19:33, Tobias Olausson wrote:

You can not convert an IO Int to Int, or at least, you shouldn't.
However, you can do as follows:

test :: IO ()
test = do
   int <- randomRIO -- or whatever it is called
   print $ useInt int

useInt :: Int -> Int
useInt x = x+10

Or, you can lift pure function into IO. the below test' function  
almost same as above test function. (But I used randomIO instead of  
randomRIO because it seemed to be a typo :-)

test' = print =<< fmap useInt randomIO

I think it is more handy than using do notation, when you want to do  
something simple with monads. And converting IO Int to IO anything is  
much easier and safer than converting IO Int to Int.

ghci> :m +System.Random Data.Char
ghci> :t fmap (+1) randomIO
fmap (+1) randomIO :: (Num a, Random a) => IO a
ghci> :t fmap show randomIO
fmap show randomIO :: IO String
ghci> :t fmap chr randomIO
fmap Data.Char.chr randomIO :: IO Char
ghci> :t fmap (+) randomIO
fmap (+) randomIO :: (Num a, Random a) => IO (a -> a)



2009/6/9 ptrash :


I am using the System.Random method randomRIO. How can I convert  
its output

to an Int?

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Tobias Olausson
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Jochem Berndsen
ptrash wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the System.Random method randomRIO. How can I convert its output
> to an Int?
> Thanks...

You cannot [1], you should read up on monads and I/O in Haskell, for example

[1] Yes, you can, but no, you don't want to.


Jochem Berndsen |
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread Tobias Olausson
You can not convert an IO Int to Int, or at least, you shouldn't.
However, you can do as follows:

test :: IO ()
test = do
   int <- randomRIO -- or whatever it is called
   print $ useInt int

useInt :: Int -> Int
useInt x = x+10


2009/6/9 ptrash :
> Hi,
> I am using the System.Random method randomRIO. How can I convert its output
> to an Int?
> Thanks...
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tobias Olausson
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread ptrash


I am using the System.Random method randomRIO. How can I convert its output
to an Int?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Unification for rank-N types

2009-06-09 Thread Vladimir Reshetnikov

I have the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

f :: ((forall a. a -> a) -> b) -> b
f x = x id

g :: (forall c. Eq c => [c] -> [c]) -> ([Bool],[Int])
g y = (y [True], y [1])

h :: ([Bool],[Int])
h = f g

GHC rejects it:
Couldn't match expected type `forall a. a -> a'
   against inferred type `forall c. (Eq c) => [c] -> [c]'
  Expected type: forall a. a -> a
  Inferred type: forall c. (Eq c) => [c] -> [c]
In the first argument of `f', namely `g'
In the expression: f g

But, intuitively, this code is type-safe, and actually I can convince
the typechecker in it with the following workaround:
h :: ([Bool],[Int])
h = let g' = (\(x :: forall a. a -> a) -> g x) in f g'

So, is the current behavior of GHC correct ot it is a bug?
How unification for rank-N types should proceed?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Incremental XML parsing with namespaces?

2009-06-09 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
And just to provide an example of working program:

module Main where

import Text.XML.Expat.Qualified
import Text.XML.Expat.Namespaced
import Text.XML.Expat.Tree

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

main = do
f <- BSL.readFile "doc1.xml"
let (tree,error) = parseTree Nothing f
case error of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Here you are: " >> (print . toNamespaced .
toQualified $ (tree :: Node String String))
Just err -> putStrLn "Error!" >> print err

$ ./hexpat-test
Here you are:
Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace = Just "org:myproject:mainns",
nnLocalPart = "doc"}, eAttrs = [(NName {nnNamespace = Just
"";, nnLocalPart =
"x"},"org:myproject:otherns"),(NName {nnNamespace = Just
"org:myproject:mainns", nnLocalPart =
"xmlns"},"org:myproject:mainns")], eChildren = [Text "\n",Text "
",Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace = Just "org:myproject:mainns",
nnLocalPart = "title"}, eAttrs = [], eChildren = [Text "Doc
title"]},Text "\n",Text "",Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace =
Just "org:myproject:otherns", nnLocalPart = "ref"}, eAttrs = [],
eChildren = [Text "abc1234"]},Text "\n",Text "",Element {eName =
NName {nnNamespace = Just "";, nnLocalPart
= "html"}, eAttrs = [(NName {nnNamespace = Just
"";, nnLocalPart =
"xmlns"},"";)], eChildren = [Element {eName
= NName {nnNamespace = Just "";,
nnLocalPart = "body"}, eAttrs = [], eChildren = [Text "Hello
world!"]}]},Text "\n"]}
# we mess with doc1.xml and exchange  for 
$ ./hexpat-test
XMLParseError "mismatched tag" (XMLParseLocation {xmlLineNumber = 5,
xmlColumnNumber = 2, xmlByteIndex = 205, xmlByteCount = 0})

Best regards

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

2009/6/9 Krzysztof Skrzętnicki :
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 20:39, John Millikin wrote:
>> I'm trying to convert an XML document, incrementally, into a sequence
>> of XML events. A simple example XML document:
>>    Doc title
>>    abc1234
>> world!
>> The document can be very large, and arrives in chunks over a socket,
>> so I need to be able to "feed" the text data into a parser and receive
>> a list of XML events per chunk. Chunks can be separated in time by
>> intervals of several minutes to an hour, so pausing processing for the
>> arrival of the entire document is not an option. The type signatures
>> would be something like:
>> type Namespace = String
>> type LocalName = String
>> data Attribute = Attribute Namespace LocalName String
>> data XMLEvent =
>>    EventElementBegin Namespace LocalName [Attribute] |
>>    EventElementEnd Namespace LocalName |
>>    EventContent String |
>>   EventError String
>> parse :: Parser -> String -> (Parser, [XMLEvent])
>> I've looked at HaXml, HXT, and hexpat, and unless I'm missing
>> something, none of them can achieve this:
>> + HaXml and hexpat seem to disregard namespaces entirely -- that is,
>> the root element is parsed to "doc" instead of
>> ("org:myproject:mainns", "doc"), and the second child is "x:ref"
>> instead of ("org:myproject:otherns", "ref"). Obviously, this makes
>> parsing mixed-namespace documents effectively impossible. I found an
>> email from 2004[1] that mentions a "filter" for namespace support in
>> HaXml, but no further information and no working code.
> I would recommend hexpat to do the job. Contrary to what you are
> saying, hexpat does offer namespace handling:
> Perhaps you need more than that?
> Personally I found hexpat to be fast, space efficient and easy to use.
> Here is the representation I got for your example. Please note the
> namespaces in right places.
> * > (toNamespaced ( toQualified t'))
> Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace = Just "org:myproject:mainns",
> nnLocalPart = "doc"}, eAttrs = [(NName {nnNamespace = Just
> "";, nnLocalPart =
> "x"},"org:myproject:otherns"),(NName {nnNamespace = Just
> "org:myproject:mainns", nnLocalPart =
> "xmlns"},"org:myproject:mainns")], eChildren = [Text "\n",Text "
> ",Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace = Just "org:myproject:mainns",
> nnLocalPart = "title"}, eAttrs = [], eChildren = [Text "Doc
> title"]},Text "\n",Text "    ",Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace =
> Just "org:myproject:otherns", nnLocalPart = "ref"}, eAttrs = [],
> eChildren = [Text "abc1234"]},Text "\n",Text "    ",Element {eName =
> NName {nnNamespace = Just "";, nnLocalPart
> = "html"}, eAttrs = [(NName {nnNamespace = Just
> "";, nnLocalPart =
> "xmlns"},"";)], eChildren = [Element {eName
> = NName {nnNamespace = Just "";,
> nnLocalPart = "body"}, eAttrs = [], eChildren = [Text "Hello
> world!"]}]},Text "

[Haskell-cafe] Dutch HUG meeting tonight in Amsterdam

2009-06-09 Thread Chris Eidhof

Hi everyone,

Tonight there will be another meeting of the Dutch Haskell Users'  
Group! This time we'll meet in Amsterdam, in the library. On the wiki  
[1] you can find the details of how to reach it. We'll be at the top  
floor and shouldn't be hard to recognize. The meeting is set to begin  
at 19:30.

Everybody's welcome, from beginners to advanced haskellers. Even if  
you never programmed in Haskell before it'll probably be a lot of fun.  
See you tonight! There are a lot of international people joining, so  
no knowledge of Dutch is necessary.

If you're joining, also be sure to subscribe to our mailinglist [2].

See you tonight!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Incremental XML parsing with namespaces?

2009-06-09 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 20:39, John Millikin wrote:
> I'm trying to convert an XML document, incrementally, into a sequence
> of XML events. A simple example XML document:
>    Doc title
>    abc1234
>";>Hello world!
> The document can be very large, and arrives in chunks over a socket,
> so I need to be able to "feed" the text data into a parser and receive
> a list of XML events per chunk. Chunks can be separated in time by
> intervals of several minutes to an hour, so pausing processing for the
> arrival of the entire document is not an option. The type signatures
> would be something like:
> type Namespace = String
> type LocalName = String
> data Attribute = Attribute Namespace LocalName String
> data XMLEvent =
>    EventElementBegin Namespace LocalName [Attribute] |
>    EventElementEnd Namespace LocalName |
>    EventContent String |
>   EventError String
> parse :: Parser -> String -> (Parser, [XMLEvent])
> I've looked at HaXml, HXT, and hexpat, and unless I'm missing
> something, none of them can achieve this:
> + HaXml and hexpat seem to disregard namespaces entirely -- that is,
> the root element is parsed to "doc" instead of
> ("org:myproject:mainns", "doc"), and the second child is "x:ref"
> instead of ("org:myproject:otherns", "ref"). Obviously, this makes
> parsing mixed-namespace documents effectively impossible. I found an
> email from 2004[1] that mentions a "filter" for namespace support in
> HaXml, but no further information and no working code.

I would recommend hexpat to do the job. Contrary to what you are
saying, hexpat does offer namespace handling:
Perhaps you need more than that?

Personally I found hexpat to be fast, space efficient and easy to use.

Here is the representation I got for your example. Please note the
namespaces in right places.
* > (toNamespaced ( toQualified t'))
Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace = Just "org:myproject:mainns",
nnLocalPart = "doc"}, eAttrs = [(NName {nnNamespace = Just
"";, nnLocalPart =
"x"},"org:myproject:otherns"),(NName {nnNamespace = Just
"org:myproject:mainns", nnLocalPart =
"xmlns"},"org:myproject:mainns")], eChildren = [Text "\n",Text "
",Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace = Just "org:myproject:mainns",
nnLocalPart = "title"}, eAttrs = [], eChildren = [Text "Doc
title"]},Text "\n",Text "",Element {eName = NName {nnNamespace =
Just "org:myproject:otherns", nnLocalPart = "ref"}, eAttrs = [],
eChildren = [Text "abc1234"]},Text "\n",Text "",Element {eName =
NName {nnNamespace = Just "";, nnLocalPart
= "html"}, eAttrs = [(NName {nnNamespace = Just
"";, nnLocalPart =
"xmlns"},"";)], eChildren = [Element {eName
= NName {nnNamespace = Just "";,
nnLocalPart = "body"}, eAttrs = [], eChildren = [Text "Hello
world!"]}]},Text "\n"]}

Best regards

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to compile base?

2009-06-09 Thread Jochem Berndsen
Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:
> I tried to compile base- (on Windows XP) as follows:
>   [...]\base\>runhaskell Setup configure
>   : module `Prelude' is not loaded
> It seems that Base needs another way to compile, how?

AFAIK base is shipped with GHC, and cannot be compiled separately.
GHC 6.10.1 ships with base-, later versions in the 6.10.x series
may have a somewhat later version.


Jochem Berndsen |
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deprecated packages on Hackage?

2009-06-09 Thread Ketil Malde
Erik de Castro Lopo  writes:

> Finally, if a package is deprecated it might be usefult to have
> a reason as well so the hackage entry might say:
>Deprecated : true (replaced by package XXX)
> or
>Deprecated : true (needs maintainer)

Or just Deprecated: (reason)?.  Couldn't the presence of a Deprecated
field be sufficient - the "true" seems gratuitious to me.

One could also have something like Superseeds and Superseeded-by, of
course, if that turns out to be the usual reasons for deprecation.

And in a later post:

> Well there is at least one package (network-dns) where the maintainter
> doesn't want to maintain it any more but would be happy for someone
> else to take it over.

> It would be nice if something like this could be represented in the
> package metadata.

Absence of a "Maintainer" field?  One problem is that the last
uploaded package is likely to have an active maintainer, and when the
maintainer disappears, he or she is unlikely to do a last update
changing the status.

Perhaps we could have automated emails to maintainers twice a year or

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list