[Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Andrew Coppin
So the other day I was writing some code, and I ended up wanting to have 
a collection of data indexed in more than one way. In other words, I 
wanted fast lookup with several different keys.

Initially I built something using two Data.Map objects to represent the 
two lookup keys, but then I needed up needing more keys per value than 
that, so I decided I should write a small library to abstract the whole 

What I ended up writing is this: 

It sorta kinda works, but man, take a look at the first line. That's *a 
lot* of type-system abuse to make it go. And it strikes me that if you 
had two keys, both of which happen to have the same type (e.g., 
String)... what then?

On the other hand, it's not like you can go

 lookup :: KeyID -> Key -> Container -> Maybe Value

since the type of both the container and the key depend on which key you 
want to access.

Man, this is way, way harder than I realised!

Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 01:09:24PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?

Did you take a look at happstack-ixset[1]?

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/happstack-ixset

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Marc Weber
> What I ended up writing is this: 
> http://www.hpaste.org/fastcgi/hpaste.fcgi/view?id=25782
>   lookup :: KeyID -> Key -> Container -> Maybe Value

> Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?


  type MyMap = Map (KeyID, Key) Value

Don't use multiple keys. Put the keys into a tuple and use that as key.

Let me know whether this is what you were looking for.

I tried writing something like this. Yet SQL gives all this stiff for
free. I still wonder which is the nicest way to express this data in
Haskell without coding everything yourself..

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Andrew Coppin

Felipe Lessa wrote:

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 01:09:24PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?

Did you take a look at happstack-ixset[1]?

No. I'll take a look at it.

(From the looks of it, it seems to be using TH and/or run-time checks to 
get around the type-system problems...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Peter Robinson
On 13 June 2010 15:23, Andrew Coppin  wrote:
> Felipe Lessa wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 01:09:24PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
>>> Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?
>> Did you take a look at happstack-ixset[1]?
> No. I'll take a look at it.
> (From the looks of it, it seems to be using TH and/or run-time checks to get
> around the type-system problems...)

A while ago I've written a simple version of ixset that uses type
classes (without TH) as a proof of concept:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Andrew Coppin

Marc Weber wrote:

Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?


  type MyMap = Map (KeyID, Key) Value

Don't use multiple keys. Put the keys into a tuple and use that as key.

Let me know whether this is what you were looking for.

Trouble is, this requires you to have *all* the keys to perform a single 
lookup. You can't do a lookup on just one attribute.

I tried writing something like this. Yet SQL gives all this stiff for

[Except that SQL bindings don't work on Windows. Besides, I'm only 
working with small data volumes, I don't need persistence or transaction 
guarantees, etc.]

I still wonder which is the nicest way to express this data in
Haskell without coding everything yourself..


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Andrew Coppin

Philippa Cowderoy wrote:

On 13/06/2010 14:52, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Marc Weber wrote:

Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?

  type MyMap = Map (KeyID, Key) Value

Don't use multiple keys. Put the keys into a tuple and use that as key.

Let me know whether this is what you were looking for.

Trouble is, this requires you to have *all* the keys to perform a 
single lookup. You can't do a lookup on just one attribute.

No it doesn't - think sum/or, not product/and, your tuple's (KeyID, 
Key) not (Key1, Key2, Key3...).

Oh, I see - so you enter (1, author), (2, date), (3, time), etc?

That then requires all keys to have the same type - although I think for 
my needs I can put together an ADT to fix that...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Difficulties with tagless - create "primitives" or compose them

2010-06-13 Thread Jacques Carette
Excellent answer!  Splitting the Symantics class into pieces is one of 
the techniques that we didn't need for solving the original problem 
(tagless partial evaluation without resorting to fancy types) that set 
us on this track. Which is too bad, because it would have made a nice 
addition. The 'typecase pattern', on the other hand, was one of the 
explicit techniques we did use.

One of these days, Oleg, Ken and I need to write a follow-up on this, as 
the code contains a number of extra techniques (in the advanced partial 
evaluation parts) which were not explained in our paper.  And, of 
course, Oleg's added a number of refinements to the general technique 
[see his web site].

I must admit that I find it amusing that most people seem to use 
finally-tagless for writing interpreters, while we created it for 
partial evaluation and program transformation!  [It also allows you to 
do certain kinds of program analyses, but one needs additional 
techniques to make that comfortable - another thing to write up properly].

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Difficulties with tagless - create "primitives" or compose them

2010-06-13 Thread Günther Schmidt

Dear Jacques,

I have recently found something new that might also prove to be useful 
for EDSLs.


Dan's blog post doesn't give any code or implementation but in a way it 
tackles the same problem, and since you also mention partial evaluation 
and transformation you might also find this interesting.

Then again this might be an old hat to you :)

Best regards


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Marc Weber wrote:
> Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> What I ended up writing is this: 
>> http://www.hpaste.org/fastcgi/hpaste.fcgi/view?id=25782
>>   lookup :: KeyID -> Key -> Container -> Maybe Value
>> Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?
> Sure: 
>   type MyMap = Map (KeyID, Key) Value
> Don't use multiple keys. Put the keys into a tuple and use that as key.

Actually, it's a disjoint sum type:

  data a :+: b = Inl a | Inr b   -- also known as  Either

  type DB3 e k1 k2 k2 = D1 e (k1 :+: k2 :+: k3)

Hm, that's not quite right either because every  e  has multiple keys.
The following should work, however:

  type DB3 e k1 k2 k2 = D1 e k1 :*: DB1 e k2 :*: DB2 e k3

  lookup :: (k1 :+: k2 :+: k3) -> DB3 e k1 k2 k3 -> Maybe e

In any case, I recommend using a special key type for combining keys
anyway, as explained here


Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Graph type

2010-06-13 Thread C K Kashyap
I am trying to write a routine that would generate a graph - where each
vertex would be a string.

type Graph v = [(v,[v])]  -- list of tuples of vertices and adjacent
vertices list

addEdgeToGraph :: Graph -> String -> String -> Graph

I am having trouble coming up with the body of this function - that takes
the original graph, and an edge (string -> string) and the produces the new

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Jeremy Shaw


My idea for solving this problem was to try to use something similar  
to a kd-tree. I have a proof of concept for 2 keys here:


But, to extend it to an arbitrary number of keys may need template  

The basic concept is to build a (balanced) tree (the same way Data.Map  
does). But instead of using the same key at every level of the tree,  
you cycle through the keys.

For example, if you are inserting a type which has keys that are Int  
and Char. At the first level of the tree you might use the Int key to  
decide if you should insert on the left or right. At the second level,  
you use the Char to decide left or right, at the third level Int  
again, and so on.

It is fine if the keys are the same type (Int, Int). The first level  
you would use the first Int, the second level the second Int, the  
third level the first Int, and so on.

Unlike multiple maps, each  value only appears in one place. This  
should make it easier to handle updates/deletes, which are pretty  
tricky in the multiple map solution.

You can do lookups on a single (or multiple keys). For example, if you  
want to do a lookup only the Int value, then at the first level you  
compare the int key and go left or right. At the Char level you go  
both left and right, and join the results. At the next Int levels you  
go left or right, and so on.

There is a also supposedly a more type-safe variant of IxSet  
somewhere, but I am not sure where it is offhand.

- jeremy

On Jun 13, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

So the other day I was writing some code, and I ended up wanting to  
have a collection of data indexed in more than one way. In other  
words, I wanted fast lookup with several different keys.

Initially I built something using two Data.Map objects to represent  
the two lookup keys, but then I needed up needing more keys per  
value than that, so I decided I should write a small library to  
abstract the whole thing.

What I ended up writing is this: 

It sorta kinda works, but man, take a look at the first line. That's  
*a lot* of type-system abuse to make it go. And it strikes me that  
if you had two keys, both of which happen to have the same type  
(e.g., String)... what then?

On the other hand, it's not like you can go

lookup :: KeyID -> Key -> Container -> Maybe Value

since the type of both the container and the key depend on which key  
you want to access.

Man, this is way, way harder than I realised!

Does anybody have a less-insane way of doing this?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Harder than you'd think

2010-06-13 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Jeremy Shaw's message of Sun Jun 13 19:16:02 +0200 2010:
> Hello,
> My idea for solving this problem was to try to use something similar  
> to a kd-tree. I have a proof of concept for 2 keys here:
> http://src.seereason.com/haskell-kdmap/
> But, to extend it to an arbitrary number of keys may need template  
> haskell.

I tried this. TH changed a little bit so it may be broken.
I mapped multi keys to Data.Map Key1 (Data.Map Key 2)

I gave up the project that time due to lack of time and because spending
so much time on this project was not worth the time because Postgres and
MYSQL already did what I was looking for..

The idea was to model kind of database because I wasn't satisfied with
IxSet that time.

line 50 shows how to define a combined index on two fields:

I'm not even sure whether I should recommend reading my code :)

All I want to say: Its a little bit of work which is highly appreciated
by many Haskellers IMHO.

If you start such a project keep posting updates to the list. I'll read

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph type

2010-06-13 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
* C K Kashyap  [2010-06-13 22:45:44+0530]
> Hi,
> I am trying to write a routine that would generate a graph - where each
> vertex would be a string.
> type Graph v = [(v,[v])]  -- list of tuples of vertices and adjacent
> vertices list
> addEdgeToGraph :: Graph -> String -> String -> Graph
> I am having trouble coming up with the body of this function - that takes
> the original graph, and an edge (string -> string) and the produces the new
> graph.

If you know that the vertices already exist and you need only to add an
edge, then you just go through all the vertices, compare current vertex
to given ones and if they match add a vertex.

addEdgeToGraph :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
addEdgeToGraph gr v1 v2 = map modify gr
modify (v,vs) | v == v1 = (v,v2:vs)
modify (v,vs) | v == v2 = (v,v1:vs)
modify x = x

Otherwise it is possible that one (or both) vertex doesn't exist yet, so
you first need to "try" the first version, and if at least one of the
vertex is not found, add it to the list. You can use fold for this.

addEdgeToGraph' :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
addEdgeToGraph' gr v1 v2 =
let (newgr, (foundV1, foundV2)) = foldr modify ([],(False,False)) gr
(if foundV1 then [] else [(v1,[v2])]) ++
(if foundV2 then [] else [(v2,[v1])]) ++
modify (v,vs) (lst,(_,foundV2)) | v == v1 = ((v,v2:vs):lst, (True,foundV2))
modify (v,vs) (lst,(foundV1,_)) | v == v2 = ((v,v1:vs):lst, (foundV1,True))
modify v (lst,f) = (v:lst,f)

Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
"Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: Properties-0.0.2

2010-06-13 Thread Alberto G. Corona

 Properties can
use QuickCheck properties in the same way than assertions are used,
for causal debugging of real programs. It also add an human readable
structure for grouping properties for classes or libraries. The
properties can then be tested in the instance´s body or in programs as
if they were assertions. The main advantage is that the compliance of
properties can be done with the complete data range that the real
application generates (hopefully, with an pleasant separation of real
code and debug code).

This is a simple example:

stringProperty= [Property

"length" (\(x, y)-> length (x++y)== length x + length y)]

main= do
let s=  "hello "
let s2= "world"
print $ s++ s2 `verify
stringProperty `with
print "that's all!"

It is possible to check quickCheck style properties.

 The same example with a quickCheck-style property:

quickCheckProperty x y=  length (x++y)== length x + length y

main= do
let s=  "hello "
let s2= "world"
print $ s++ s2   `verify
[Property "stringSumLength" $ uncurry quickCheckProperty] `with
print "that's all!"

The package include a more sophisticated example.

I Hope that this would be useful

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to browse code written by others

2010-06-13 Thread Martin Drautzburg
Hello all,

I need your advice about how to browse code which was written by someone else 
(Paul Hudak's Euterpea, to be precise, apx. 1 LOC). I had set some hopes 
on leksah, and it indeed shows me the interfaces, but I have not yet 
convinced it to show me more than that.

I ran haddock over the sources, and again I could not see more that just 

I would be very happy with something like a Smalltalk browser. Something that 
would let me zoom down to the source code, but with "search" and hyperlink 
capabilities ("senders" and "implementers" in Smalltalk).

Anyways, how do you guys do it, i.e. how to you dive into non-trivial foreign 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to browse code written by others

2010-06-13 Thread Stephen Tetley
Hi Martin

With Haddock you can also make the highlighted source as per docs
hosted on Hackage. Install hscolour, then when you invoke haddock on
the cabal file add the --hyperlink-source flag. No hyperlinks in the
source though, just colourization.

Thomas Hallgren had another source-to-html tool with hyperlinks in the
html source rather than just colourizing, but I'm not sure what
happened to it - maybe it is part of Programatica?


Best wishes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to browse code written by others

2010-06-13 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Martin Drautzburg's message of Sun Jun 13 22:32:18 +0200 2010:
> Anyways, how do you guys do it, i.e. how to you dive into non-trivial foreign 
> code?
I use Vim and tag files generated by Vim.

Using gnu idutils or such you can find any occurences of words very
fast in large code bases. Of course they are not language aware but they
often get the job done.

I'd like to share all my scripts. Write me an email if you're

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] parsec: how to get end location

2010-06-13 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
Suppose I have some parser 'p'. I want to parse it as well as get its
span in the text. So I could write

pWithLocation = do
  loc_start <- getPosition
  pval <- p
  loc_end <- getPosition
  return (pval,loc_start,loc_end)

except that loc_end gives me the location _after_ 'p'. In case when 'p'
has consumed trailing newline I see no way to recover the end location
of 'p' (it is the last column of the previous line).

So, can I do anything with this without patching parsec?

I use parsec3 if it matters.

Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
"Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec: how to get end location

2010-06-13 Thread Antoine Latter
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:
> Suppose I have some parser 'p'. I want to parse it as well as get its
> span in the text. So I could write
> \begin{code]
> pWithLocation = do
>  loc_start <- getPosition
>  pval <- p
>  loc_end <- getPosition
>  return (pval,loc_start,loc_end)
> \end{code}
> except that loc_end gives me the location _after_ 'p'. In case when 'p'
> has consumed trailing newline I see no way to recover the end location
> of 'p' (it is the last column of the previous line).
> So, can I do anything with this without patching parsec?
> I use parsec3 if it matters.

Can you use a parser which doesn't consume leading/trailing whitespace?

Or somehow layer the parsers so that the whitepsace munching happens
outside of parseWithLocation.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec: how to get end location

2010-06-13 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
* Antoine Latter  [2010-06-13 16:47:28-0500]
> On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:
> > Suppose I have some parser 'p'. I want to parse it as well as get its
> > span in the text. So I could write
> >
> > \begin{code]
> > pWithLocation = do
> >  loc_start <- getPosition
> >  pval <- p
> >  loc_end <- getPosition
> >  return (pval,loc_start,loc_end)
> > \end{code}
> >
> > except that loc_end gives me the location _after_ 'p'. In case when 'p'
> > has consumed trailing newline I see no way to recover the end location
> > of 'p' (it is the last column of the previous line).
> >
> > So, can I do anything with this without patching parsec?
> >
> > I use parsec3 if it matters.
> >
> Can you use a parser which doesn't consume leading/trailing whitespace?
> Or somehow layer the parsers so that the whitepsace munching happens
> outside of parseWithLocation.

Of course most parsers don't consume trailing newlines. But I was
writing general function to use in many places in the code which would
recover the end location. In most cases it just subtracts 1 from the
column number, but what if it just happened so that column number is 1?

So I got an impression that this way of obtaining the end location is at
least ugly. It would be better if there was a function

  parseWithLocation :: Parser a -> Parser (a, SourcePos, SourcePos)

which, I guess, is easy to implement within Parsec without any such

Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
"Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec: how to get end location

2010-06-13 Thread David Virebayre
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:10 AM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:
> Of course most parsers don't consume trailing newlines. But I was
> writing general function to use in many places in the code which would
> recover the end location. In most cases it just subtracts 1 from the
> column number, but what if it just happened so that column number is 1?

Parsec can handle state, right ? You could modify the parsers for
white space so they record the beginning position in some state. ( In
a maybe )
Then, modify parseWithLocation to set the state position to nothing,
parse p then if no position has been recorded in the state , use the
current position, else use the position in the state.

Excuse me if this is unclear or confused, it's late :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph type

2010-06-13 Thread C K Kashyap
I love this list ... thanks Roman.

I take it that there is nothing obviously inefficient about this approach to
graph - as in the graph type.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> * C K Kashyap  [2010-06-13 22:45:44+0530]
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to write a routine that would generate a graph - where each
> > vertex would be a string.
> >
> > type Graph v = [(v,[v])]  -- list of tuples of vertices and adjacent
> > vertices list
> >
> > addEdgeToGraph :: Graph -> String -> String -> Graph
> >
> > I am having trouble coming up with the body of this function - that takes
> > the original graph, and an edge (string -> string) and the produces the
> new
> > graph.
> If you know that the vertices already exist and you need only to add an
> edge, then you just go through all the vertices, compare current vertex
> to given ones and if they match add a vertex.
> \begin{code}
> addEdgeToGraph :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
> addEdgeToGraph gr v1 v2 = map modify gr
>modify (v,vs) | v == v1 = (v,v2:vs)
>modify (v,vs) | v == v2 = (v,v1:vs)
>modify x = x
> \end{code}
> Otherwise it is possible that one (or both) vertex doesn't exist yet, so
> you first need to "try" the first version, and if at least one of the
> vertex is not found, add it to the list. You can use fold for this.
> \begin{code}
> addEdgeToGraph' :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
> addEdgeToGraph' gr v1 v2 =
>let (newgr, (foundV1, foundV2)) = foldr modify ([],(False,False)) gr
>(if foundV1 then [] else [(v1,[v2])]) ++
>(if foundV2 then [] else [(v2,[v1])]) ++
>modify (v,vs) (lst,(_,foundV2)) | v == v1 = ((v,v2:vs):lst,
> (True,foundV2))
>modify (v,vs) (lst,(foundV1,_)) | v == v2 = ((v,v1:vs):lst,
> (foundV1,True))
>modify v (lst,f) = (v:lst,f)
> \end{code}
> --
> Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
> "Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph type

2010-06-13 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
C K Kashyap  writes:

> I love this list ... thanks Roman.
> I take it that there is nothing obviously inefficient about this approach to
> graph - as in the graph type.

Sure there is (using p = |V|, q = |E|):

* Finding a particular node is O(p).

* Adding an edge to an already existing node is also O(p).

* Finding reverse edges is O(q) (probably more actually since you'd be
  checking every node that you have and then checking if the other end
  is in the list of relationships).


The main advantage of your type is that it's O(1) to add a new node +
successor edges.

Now, depending upon what you're wanting to do, this may suffice.
However, there are a couple of alternatives:

* Use Data.Graph from containers

* Use either Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree or
  Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (which has better performance but
  doesn't allow multiple edges) from fgl.

* If you still want a custom type, then something like "Map v (Set v)"
  would be much more efficient than using [(v, [v])] (this could be
  improved at the expense of disk space and more bookkeeping by using
  "Map v (Set v, Set v)" to store both successor and predecessor edges).

> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:
>> * C K Kashyap  [2010-06-13 22:45:44+0530]
>> > Hi,
>> > I am trying to write a routine that would generate a graph - where each
>> > vertex would be a string.
>> >
>> > type Graph v = [(v,[v])]  -- list of tuples of vertices and adjacent
>> > vertices list
>> >
>> > addEdgeToGraph :: Graph -> String -> String -> Graph
>> >
>> > I am having trouble coming up with the body of this function - that takes
>> > the original graph, and an edge (string -> string) and the produces the
>> new
>> > graph.
>> If you know that the vertices already exist and you need only to add an
>> edge, then you just go through all the vertices, compare current vertex
>> to given ones and if they match add a vertex.
>> \begin{code}
>> addEdgeToGraph :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
>> addEdgeToGraph gr v1 v2 = map modify gr
>>modify (v,vs) | v == v1 = (v,v2:vs)
>>modify (v,vs) | v == v2 = (v,v1:vs)
>>modify x = x
>> \end{code}
>> Otherwise it is possible that one (or both) vertex doesn't exist yet, so
>> you first need to "try" the first version, and if at least one of the
>> vertex is not found, add it to the list. You can use fold for this.
>> \begin{code}
>> addEdgeToGraph' :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
>> addEdgeToGraph' gr v1 v2 =
>>let (newgr, (foundV1, foundV2)) = foldr modify ([],(False,False)) gr
>>(if foundV1 then [] else [(v1,[v2])]) ++
>>(if foundV2 then [] else [(v2,[v1])]) ++
>>modify (v,vs) (lst,(_,foundV2)) | v == v1 = ((v,v2:vs):lst,
>> (True,foundV2))
>>modify (v,vs) (lst,(foundV1,_)) | v == v2 = ((v,v1:vs):lst,
>> (foundV1,True))
>>modify v (lst,f) = (v:lst,f)
>> \end{code}
>> --
>> Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
>> "Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
>> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph type

2010-06-13 Thread C K Kashyap
Thanks Roman.
I think I'll try out Data.Graph in that case.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic <
ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> C K Kashyap  writes:
> > I love this list ... thanks Roman.
> >
> > I take it that there is nothing obviously inefficient about this approach
> to
> > graph - as in the graph type.
> Sure there is (using p = |V|, q = |E|):
> * Finding a particular node is O(p).
> * Adding an edge to an already existing node is also O(p).
> * Finding reverse edges is O(q) (probably more actually since you'd be
>  checking every node that you have and then checking if the other end
>  is in the list of relationships).
> etc.
> The main advantage of your type is that it's O(1) to add a new node +
> successor edges.
> Now, depending upon what you're wanting to do, this may suffice.
> However, there are a couple of alternatives:
> * Use Data.Graph from containers
> * Use either Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree or
>  Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (which has better performance but
>  doesn't allow multiple edges) from fgl.
> * If you still want a custom type, then something like "Map v (Set v)"
>  would be much more efficient than using [(v, [v])] (this could be
>  improved at the expense of disk space and more bookkeeping by using
>  "Map v (Set v, Set v)" to store both successor and predecessor edges).
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Roman Cheplyaka 
> wrote:
> >
> >> * C K Kashyap  [2010-06-13 22:45:44+0530]
> >> > Hi,
> >> > I am trying to write a routine that would generate a graph - where
> each
> >> > vertex would be a string.
> >> >
> >> > type Graph v = [(v,[v])]  -- list of tuples of vertices and adjacent
> >> > vertices list
> >> >
> >> > addEdgeToGraph :: Graph -> String -> String -> Graph
> >> >
> >> > I am having trouble coming up with the body of this function - that
> takes
> >> > the original graph, and an edge (string -> string) and the produces
> the
> >> new
> >> > graph.
> >>
> >> If you know that the vertices already exist and you need only to add an
> >> edge, then you just go through all the vertices, compare current vertex
> >> to given ones and if they match add a vertex.
> >>
> >> \begin{code}
> >> addEdgeToGraph :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
> >> addEdgeToGraph gr v1 v2 = map modify gr
> >>where
> >>modify (v,vs) | v == v1 = (v,v2:vs)
> >>modify (v,vs) | v == v2 = (v,v1:vs)
> >>modify x = x
> >> \end{code}
> >>
> >> Otherwise it is possible that one (or both) vertex doesn't exist yet, so
> >> you first need to "try" the first version, and if at least one of the
> >> vertex is not found, add it to the list. You can use fold for this.
> >>
> >> \begin{code}
> >> addEdgeToGraph' :: Graph String -> String -> String -> Graph String
> >> addEdgeToGraph' gr v1 v2 =
> >>let (newgr, (foundV1, foundV2)) = foldr modify ([],(False,False)) gr
> >>in
> >>(if foundV1 then [] else [(v1,[v2])]) ++
> >>(if foundV2 then [] else [(v2,[v1])]) ++
> >>newgr
> >>where
> >>modify (v,vs) (lst,(_,foundV2)) | v == v1 = ((v,v2:vs):lst,
> >> (True,foundV2))
> >>modify (v,vs) (lst,(foundV1,_)) | v == v2 = ((v,v1:vs):lst,
> >> (foundV1,True))
> >>modify v (lst,f) = (v:lst,f)
> >> \end{code}
> >>
> >> --
> >> Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
> >> "Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
> >> ___
> >> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> >> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
> >>
> --
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
> ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com
> IvanMiljenovic.wordpress.com

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Mining Twitter data in Haskell and Clojure

2010-06-13 Thread braver
I'm computing a communication graph from Twitter data and then scan it
daily to allocate social capital to nodes behaving  in a good karmic
manner.  The graph is culled from 100 million tweets and has about 3
million nodes. First I wrote the simulation of the 35 days of data in
Clojure and then translated it into Haskell with great help from the
glorious #haskell folks.  I had to add -A5G -K5G to make it work.  It
does 10 days OK hovering at 57 GB of RAM; I include profiling of that
in sc10days.prof.

At first the Haskell executable goes faster than Clojure, not by an
order of magnitude, but by 2-3 times per day simulated.  (Clojure also
fits well in its 32 GB JVM with compressed references.)  However,
Haskell gets stuck after a while, and for good.  Clearly I'm not doing
Haskell optimally here, and would appreciate optimization advice.
Here's the code:


The data and problem description is in


-- also referred from the main README.md.

The main is in sc.hs, and the algorithm is in SocRun.hs.  The original
Clojure is in socrun.clj.  This is a continuation of active Twitter
research and the results will be published, and I'd really like to
make Haskell work at this scale and beyond!  The seq's sprinkled
already did no good.  I ran under ghc 6.10 with -O2 with or without -
fvia-C, with no difference in stallling, and am working to bring 6.12
to bear now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] learning advanced haskell

2010-06-13 Thread Aran Donohue
Hi Cafe,

I've been doing Haskell for a few months, and I've written some mid-sized
programs and many small ones. I've read lots of documentation and many
papers, but I'm having difficulty making the jump into some of the advanced
concepts I've read about.

How do people build intuitions for things like RankNTypes and arrows? (Is
the answer "Get a PhD in type theory?") Normally I learn by coding up little
exercise programs, but for these I don't have good intuitions about the
kinds of toy problems I ought to try to solve that would lead me to
understand these tools better.

For systems like Template Haskell and SYB, I have difficulty judging when I
should use Haskell's simpler built-in semantic abstractions like functions
and typeclasses and when I should look to these other mechanisms.

I understand the motivation for other concepts like iteratees, zippers and
functional reactive programming, but there seem to be few entry-level
resources. John Lato's recent Iteratee article is a notable exception*.

Hints? Tips? "Here's how I did it"? ___ is a great program to write to
get to learn __?

Thanks in advance,

* Even in this article, he busted out (>=>). And it appears that the
iteratee library's actual design is more sophisticated than the design
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mining Twitter data in Haskell and Clojure

2010-06-13 Thread Don Stewart
> I'm computing a communication graph from Twitter data and then scan it
> daily to allocate social capital to nodes behaving  in a good karmic
> manner.  The graph is culled from 100 million tweets and has about 3
> million nodes. First I wrote the simulation of the 35 days of data in
> Clojure and then translated it into Haskell with great help from the
> glorious #haskell folks.  I had to add -A5G -K5G to make it work.  It
> does 10 days OK hovering at 57 GB of RAM; I include profiling of that
> in sc10days.prof.
> At first the Haskell executable goes faster than Clojure, not by an
> order of magnitude, but by 2-3 times per day simulated.  (Clojure also
> fits well in its 32 GB JVM with compressed references.)  However,
> Haskell gets stuck after a while, and for good.  Clearly I'm not doing
> Haskell optimally here, and would appreciate optimization advice.
> Here's the code:
> http://github.com/alexy/husky
> The data and problem description is in
> http://github.com/alexy/husky/blob/master/Haskell-vs-Clojure-Twitter.md
> -- also referred from the main README.md.
> The main is in sc.hs, and the algorithm is in SocRun.hs.  The original
> Clojure is in socrun.clj.  This is a continuation of active Twitter
> research and the results will be published, and I'd really like to
> make Haskell work at this scale and beyond!  The seq's sprinkled
> already did no good.  I ran under ghc 6.10 with -O2 with or without -
> fvia-C, with no difference in stallling, and am working to bring 6.12
> to bear now.

Hey. Very cool!

When you run it with +RTS -s what amount of time is being spent in
garbage collection?

What are you main data types?

When you compile with -prof -auto-all and do some heap profiling, what
do you see?

There's an introduction to profiling with GHC's heap and time tools here:


Either way:

* step one: do time profiling
* step two: do space/heap profiling
* look at the main data types being allocated and improve their
* look at  the main functions using time, and improve their
* iterate until happy.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list