Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce type-level-natural-number-1.0: Simple, Haskell 2010-compatible type level natural numbers

2010-07-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 30 Jul 2010, John Meacham wrote:

Heh. I was just thinking I needed type level naturals last night at the

I thought about type level naturals yesterday when working with HList and 
found that HList's dependency on TemplateHaskell is quite heavy.

I wanted to support gcc's vector type extension in jhc

which allow diretly expressing vector operations that use the SIMD
features of modern CPUS, I didn't want to pre-create every possible
choice so encoding the size as a type level number makes sense.

The llvm wrapper supports CPU vector data types by decimal type level 
numbers from the type-level package as phantom type parameters, which I 
found nice to use. However the whole type level arithmetic is quite slow.

Btw. I got to know that there is a difference between Vector computing and 
SIMD computing, most notably that Vector units (like Altivec and SSE) 
support vector element shuffling and SIMD machines (like GPUs) do not.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 30 Jul 2010, Ben wrote:

dear traversable geniuses --

i am looking for "better" implementations of

unzipMap :: M.Map a (b, c) -> (M.Map a b, M.Map a c)
unzipMap m = ( fst m, snd m)


   mapPair (M.fromAscList, M.fromAscList) $
   unzip $ map (\(a,(b,c)) -> ((a,b), (a,c))) $ M.toAscList m
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Stefan Holdermans

>>> There is one case where you can break out of a monad without knowing which
>>> monad it is.  Well, kind of.  It's cheating in a way because it does force
>>> the use of the Identity monad.  Even if it's cheating, it's still very
>>> clever and interesting.
>> How is this cheating?  Or better, how is this breaking out of a monad 
>> "without
>> knowing which monad it is"?  It isn't. You know exactly which monad you're
>> breaking out: it's the identity monad.  That's what happens if you put
>> quantifiers in negative positions: here, you are not escaping out of an
>> arbitrary monad (which you can't), but escaping out of a very specific monad.
> No I think here we breaking out from _arbitrary_ monad. If monadic
> function works for every monad then it must work for identity monad
> too.

Once, again: no. :)  You're not escaping from an arbitrary monad; you are 
escaping from the identity monad.

>> purify2 :: (forall m . Monad m => m a) -> a
>> purify2 m = runIdentity m

The function you pass into purify2 works for an arbitrary monad.  Purify itself 
instantiates this function to the identify monad—and then escapes from it.

My former boss used to tell me that these are the kinds of things you should 
try to explain yourself while riding you're bike.  If longer you ride your 
bike, the better you'll understand it.

Have fun biking ;-),

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Ben wrote:

dear traversable geniuses --

i am looking for "better" implementations of

unzipMap :: M.Map a (b, c) -> (M.Map a b, M.Map a c)
unzipMap m = ( fst m, snd m)

I don't think you can give a more efficient implementation using the 
public interface of Data.Map. You need to have a sort of mapping 
function that allows you to thread them together, either via 
continuations or via a primitive:

splitMap :: (a -> (b,c)) -> Map k a -> (Map k b, Map k c)

This splitMap and the mapEither primitive could be combined:

data Or a b = Fst a | Both a b | Snd b

eitherOr (Left  a) = Fst a
eitherOr (Right b) = Snd a

mapOr :: (a -> Or b c) -> Map k a -> (Map k b, Map k c)

mapEither f = mapOr (eitherOr . f)
splitMap  f = mapOr (uncurry Both)

And the type of John's primitive could be prettied up:

unionWithJoin :: (Or a b -> c) -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Ben wrote:

unliftMap :: (Ord a) => M.Map a (b -> c) -> M.Map a b -> M.Map a c
unliftMap mf ma = M.mapWithKey (\k v -> mf M.! k $ v) ma

the first is obviously inefficient as it traverses the map twice.  the
second just seems like it is some kind of fmap.

It's the (<*>) operator of Applicative, which is equivalent to `ap` on 
Monad (though (<*>) may be more efficient for certain monads). Or 
rather, it *should* be the (<*>) operator. The use of (!) means it will 
explode when when the keys of ma are not a subset of the keys of mf. 
Really, it should be

apMap mf ma = M.mapMaybeWithKey (\k f -> f <$> M.lookup k ma) mf

Though that's not any more efficient. It will be somewhat slower because 
of the need to remove the spine for deleted elements, but the difference 
should be marginal.

The similarity between (<*>) and fmap aka (<$>) is certainly notable. 
However, they are quite distinct:

(<$>) :: Functor f =>   (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b
(=<<) :: Monad   f =>   (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b

Each one gives more power than the previous because it can accept 
functions with more structure. I.e. fmap doesn't allow any structure; 
(<*>) allows top-level structure and so it must be able to perform a 
sort of multiplication (e.g., intersection or cross-product) on 
f-structures; and (=<<) allows embedded structure, and so it must be 
able to perform a kind of extension (e.g., the multiplication of a 
semiring) on f-structures.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Microsoft's Singularity Project and Haskell

2010-07-30 Thread Vasili I. Galchin
Probably a more poignant question would be a comparison of Haskell's type
system and Sing#'s (


On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Vasili I. Galchin wrote:

> Hello,
> In the latest ACM CACM is a paper on Singularity. Here also is an
> overview: I haven't finished the
> CACM paper yet but I only mention of languages like C# and F#. Singularity
> is predicated around providing a safe
> environment. IMO Haskell is even better than their languages. My $.02.
> Regards,
> Vasili
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Ben Millwood wrote:

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Gregory Crosswhite

The reason why this definition never actually appears is because it defines the 
constructors using operators rather than names, which is not allowed in vanilla 
Haskell.  (There is an extension, TypeOperators, however, that does allow this.)

 Nope: see Data.Complex.Complex; only infix *type* constructors are
nonstandard. The thing about lists that makes them impossible to
define in normal Haskell is the [a] syntax, which is some kind of
"outfix" type constructor, which no amount of currently available
extensions will allow.

It's normally called "confix" or "circumfix".

Similarly, the tuple syntaxes can't be defined in Haskell because they 
use "mixfix" notation (which apparently some folks call "distfix"[1]). 
Also, lists support a mixfix sugar where [a,b,...,c] = a:b:...:c:[]

Agda does support full mixfix notation. While it's nice in theory, when 
combined with the verbosity of dependently typed languages it gets 
illegible pretty quickly for the uninitiated.


Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Jason Catena wrote:

By this example State doesn't seem to give you anything more than a
closure would, since it doesn't act like much of an accumulator (by,
for example, storing 6 as its new internal value).

Reader r = (r->)
Writer m = Monoid m => (m,)
State  s = (s->) . (s,)

So, yes, the state monad can "change the internal value".

Could you use State for something like storing the latest two values
of a Fibonacci series?

Sure. let s = (Int,Int) and

fibs = start
start 0 = 0
start 1 = 1
start n = evalState (recurse $! n-2) (0,1)

recurse n = do
(x,y) <- get
let z = x+y
z `seq` if n==0
then return z
else do
put (y,z)
recurse $! n-1

will return the nth Fibonacci number, with memoization, while only 
holding onto the previous two memos.

Would Haskell memoize already-generated values in either case?

No. Doing so would lead to enormous memory leaks.

we write a general memoizer across both the recursive and State
implementations, or must we write a specific one to each case?

There are a number of generic memoization libraries on Hackage, just 
take a look.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 7/30/10 11:48 , Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

Ertugrul Soeylemez  writes:

it's a bit hidden in Haskell, but a monad instance consists of three

  fmap   :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)

You don't even need fmap defined for it to be a monad, since fmap f m =
liftM f m = m >>= (return . f)

fmap/join and return/bind are isomorphic; given either set, you can produce
the other.

No. fmap+join is isomorphic to bind. Your options are (fmap,return,join) 
or (return,bind). There is no way to get by without the return, since 
that's the natural transformation necessary for entering the monad in 
the first place.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Alex Rozenshteyn wrote:

I also found myself thinking about list as a monad in terms of this
discussion.  I think it's an interesting case:  it's pure, but it doesn't
really make sense to "come out of it".  Head, indexing, and last all break
out of it, but none of them can be the default, and all of them require you
to consider it as something more than its monad-ness.

The proper monad for nondeterminism is a set of values. If we think of 
the machine as a nondeterministic automaton, then this set is the set of 
current states in the machine. The bind operation represents taking a 
step (or multiple steps) in the automaton.

If we generalize this to a weighted set then we get a distribution 
monad. This corresponds to current states in a weighted nondeterministic 
automaton. In the limit case our weights are unit, in which case this is 
isomorphic to the nondeterminism monad. The next interesting step is 
discrete weights (which, in this case, is isomorphic to using a 
multiset), corresponding to counts of current positions in a 
nondeterministic automaton. If we allow continuous weights, then this 
brings us over towards probability theory, hence calling it the 
"distribution" monad.

If we generalize this to a (weighted) set of values annotated by the 
history of choices leading to their derivation, then we would get a 
path/proof (distribution) monad. This corresponds to the current set of 
(weighted) *paths* through a (weighted) nondeterministic automaton. The 
bind operation represents extending the paths. If we erase the histories 
in the set, then we get a multiset of values, which is why this is 
different from the distribution monad. Generalizing this further, We can 
also think of proof theoretic systems as automata which allow hyperarcs 
(i.e., arrows with multiple inputs). In this case, the histories in the 
path monad become trees instead of just linear chains. These histories 
are the proof trees for their values.


All of these monads have natural ways of exiting them. Set-theoretic 
operations generally make sense as corresponding operations on the 
underlying automata, though there may be a few that don't. 
Unfortunately, the list monad isn't any of these. It's closest to the 
distribution monad with discrete weights, since lists are close to 
multisets. However, lists have additional structure, namely they are 
ordered multisets (not ordered weighted sets), and the ordering has 
nothing to do with the type of the values. This ordering is why they 
have so many other weird ways of being manipulated. While lists form a 
perfectly good monad, they don't have any clean and elegant translation 
into automata theory that I can think of.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-30 Thread John Meacham
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 08:13:43PM -0700, Ben wrote:
> unliftMap :: (Ord a) => M.Map a (b -> c) -> M.Map a b -> M.Map a c
> unliftMap mf ma = M.mapWithKey (\k v -> mf M.! k $ v) ma

I always thought a useful map primitive would be

   :: (a -> b -> c)  -- combine values that appear in both maps
   -> (b -> c)   -- value appears in second map but not the first
   -> (a -> c)   -- value appears in first map but not second
   -> Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k c

along with the 'WithKey' and 'Maybe' variants.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ -
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Martijn van Steenbergen wrote:
In fact, I would argue that a monad which you cannot escape from is not 
very useful at all. IO is the only exception I know of.

You can escape IO just fine. Just compile your program, and then run it 
in the real life monad. Results aren't guaranteed to be the same across 
all runs, but that's the whole reason for using monads to reason purely 
about side effects.

Eh? You meant while staying within the computer?

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-30 Thread Ben
dear traversable geniuses --

i am looking for "better" implementations of

unzipMap :: M.Map a (b, c) -> (M.Map a b, M.Map a c)
unzipMap m = ( fst m, snd m)

unliftMap :: (Ord a) => M.Map a (b -> c) -> M.Map a b -> M.Map a c
unliftMap mf ma = M.mapWithKey (\k v -> mf M.! k $ v) ma

the first is obviously inefficient as it traverses the map twice.  the
second just seems like it is some kind of fmap.

any ideas?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

More and more people seem to be getting away from trying to say that
monads are containers/burritos/etc. and just teaching them by way of the
definition, either >>= and return or just join

You always need return. The choice of primitives is:

return, (>>=)


fmap, return, join

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread wren ng thornton

Tillmann Rendel wrote:

C K Kashyap wrote:

I am of the
understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? 

That's not correct.

Indeed. The correct formulation of the statement is that it's not "safe" 
to leave a monad. Where "safe" has the same connotation as in all the 
unsafeFoo functions--- namely, you have additional proof obligations.

In other words, there is no general function:

escape :: forall a m. (Monad m) => m a -> a

Or any variant that takes additional arguments of a fixed type. But 
really, the nonexistence of this function is the only claim we're making 
about it not being safe to escape a monad. It's certainly true that we 
can exit a monad (provided the additional proof/arguments necessary for 
the particular monad in question). Indeed, almost every monad can be 
exited. The tricky bit is, they all require some *different* kind of 
"proof", so we can't write a general version that works for every monad.

For example, in the Maybe monad we will either have an A, or we will 
not. So how can we extract an A? Well, if the monadic value is Just a, 
then we can use pattern matching to extract the A. But if the monadic 
value is Nothing, then what? Well, in order to provide an A, we'll need 
to have some default A to provide when the Maybe A doesn't contain one. 
So this default A is our "proof" of safety for exiting Maybe:

exitMaybe :: forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
exitMaybe default Nothing = default
exitMaybe _ (Just something) = something

For another example, in the list monad we will have zero or more A. So 
how can we return an A? Here we have a number of options. We could write 
a function similar to exitMaybe, where we select some value in the list 
arbitrarily or else return the default value if the list is empty. This 
would match the idea that the list monad encapsulates nondeterministic 
computations. But we loose some information here. Namely, why are we 
carrying this list of all possible values around when we're just going 
to select one arbitrarily? Why not select it earlier and save ourselves 
some baggage? The idea of using a list as nondeterminism means that we 
want to know *all* possible values our nondeterministic machine could 
return. In that case, we need some way of combining different A values 
in order to get an aggregate value as our output. Thus,

exitList :: forall a. a -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
exitList x f [] = x
exitList x f (a:as) = f a (exitList x f as)

Of course we could also implement different versions for returning the 
elements of the list in a different order. And if we wanted to be more 
general we could allow the type of x and the return type of f to be any 
arbitrary type B. Here, our "proof" is the two arguments for eliminating 
a list.

The reason IO is special is, what kind of proof do we require in order 
to exit the IO monad and return a pure result? Ah, that's a tricky one 
isn't it. This really comes down to asking what the meaning of the IO 
monad really is; if we knew what kind of structure IO has, then we could 
derive a way of deconstructing that structure, just like we did for list 
and Maybe. Because it includes disk access, in order to exit the IO 
monad in general we would need (among other things) to be able to 
predict/provide the values of all files, including ones got via the 
network, and default values for all disk or network failures. Actually, 
we need those proofs for every moment in time, because IO is volatile 
and someone might do something like enter a loop trying to read a file 
over and over again until it finally succeeds.

Clearly we cannot provide those kinds of proof in practice. They'd be 
too big! Actually, this bigness might even be a theoretical problem 
since the program has to fit in a file on disk, but the program must 
include (some non-IO way of getting) the values of all the files on the 
disk or the network. So we cannot exit the IO monad in general. But IO 
is a sin bin that does a lot of other stuff too, like give reflection on 
the state of the runtime system. It's perfectly possible to write an 
adaptive algorithm that does things quickly when it has access to lots 
of memory, but does things more optimally when memory is constrained. 
Provided it gives the same answers regardless of resources, then it's 
perfectly safe and referentially transparent to run this algorithm to 
return a pure value, despite it using IO operations to monitor how much 
memory is free while it runs. Things like this are what unsafePerformIO 
is for. In order to use that function we must still provide "proof" that 
it's safe to exit the monad, only this time it's not a token that's 
passed around within the code, it's an actual proof that we've 
demonstrated in some theoretical framework for reasoning about Haskell.


For what it's worth, this situation is reversed for comonads. Monads, 
which represent a kind of structure-around-values, can be freely entered 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce type-level-natural-number-1.0: Simple, Haskell 2010-compatible type level natural numbers

2010-07-30 Thread John Meacham
Heh. I was just thinking I needed type level naturals last night at the
pub. I wanted to support gcc's vector type extension in jhc

which allow diretly expressing vector operations that use the SIMD
features of modern CPUS, I didn't want to pre-create every possible
choice so encoding the size as a type level number makes sense.

I support complex numbers via a similar higher order type,

> data Complex_ :: # -> #

then I can use 'Complex_ Float64_' to get unboxed complex doubles.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ -
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with haskell types

2010-07-30 Thread Job Vranish
Yeah I recently ran into this myself. ( It's
not a bug, just a limitation of haskell's inference algorithm for mutually
recursive groups of functions.

The problem is that haskell infers groups (the strongly connected
components) of mutually recursive functions monomorphically. This means that
all uses of the function in the group, and the definition, must all have the
same type. In haskell 98, there was no way to get around this (not even
with explicit type signatures), hence the rule that Russell pointed out in
haskell 98 report:
``If the programmer supplies explicit type signatures for more than one
variable in a declaration group, the contexts of these signatures must be
identical up to renaming of the type variables."
There was no meaningful way for this not be to be case with the old haskell
98 rules (since inferring such types was impossible).


Most implementations of haskell now have a (non Haskell 98 compliant) rule
that breaks a function out of a mutually recursive group if it already has a
type signature. Usually GHC requires the explicit enabling of extensions
when functionality breaks with the haskell 98 standard, but in this case it
lets you get away with it. However, GHC _does_ require the RelaxedPolyRec
extension if you want to specify different contexts on your mutually
recursive function group.

I imaging this is mostly just because allowing it without
the extension would be contradicting an explicit rule in the haskell 98
standard. But there might be some monomorphism restriction like performance
issues with it too, I'm not sure.

There has also been some work on alternative algorithms that solve this
problem without the need for explicit type signatures. The mercury language
supports full polymorphic recursion. And there is a paper on a better
algorithm, that could potentially be used by haskell, here:

Phew, I think I got that all right, though I just learned this stuff myself
only a month ago, so I'm mostly just passing it on :)
Hope that helps clear things up :)

- Job

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 5:34 PM,  wrote:

> I was one of the people on #haskell discussing this with Anupam.
> Note that that when you remove the signature of d, the result complies and
> ghci will state the inferred type of d is exactly the signature that you are
> not allowed to write.
> In my opinion, this is a bug in the Haskell 98 report where it says
> ``If the programmer supplies explicit type signatures for more than one
> variable in a declaration group, the contexts of these signatures must be
> identical up to renaming of the type variables.
> The problem is that we cannot give a type signature to d with exactly the
> constraints of d_test because d doesn't have any type variable in its type
> signature.
> At the very least the Haskell report should allow type checking to proceed
> if everything in a declaration group has a signature even if the signatures
> don't have identical constraints.
> A trac ticket is needed for Haskell 2011, if one doesn't already exist.
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Anupam Jain wrote:
>  Hi,
>> I am having trouble getting a small program to compile. The helpful folks
>> at #haskell created a version of the
>> program that does compile -
>> but it is not
>> very clear
>> to them (and to me) why the original program wouldn't type compile in the
>> first place.
>> Here's the program that refuses to compile -
>> module Delme () where
>> data DecisionState = A | B | C | D
>> d_test :: Eq b => b -> b -> DecisionState -> DecisionState -> ()
>> d_test test testVal trueState falseState =
>>if (test == testVal)
>> then d trueState
>> else d falseState
>> d :: DecisionState -> ()
>> d A = d_test True True B C
>> d B = d_test 1 2 C D
>> d C = d_test True False A B
>> d D = ()
>> I get an error like -
>> Delme.hs:13:0:
>> Contexts differ in length
>>   (Use -XRelaxedPolyRec to allow this)
>> When matching the contexts of the signatures for
>>   d_test :: forall b.
>> (Eq b) =>
>> b -> b -> DecisionState -> DecisionState -> ()
>>   d :: DecisionState -> ()
>> The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be
>> identical
>> When generalising the type(s) for d_test, d
>> Putting in the extension does get the program to type check but the
>> original program should have type compiled
>> in the first place.
>> The ironic thing we discovered is that if we remove the type declaration
>> for 'd', the program type checks, and
>> GHC then derives the exact same type which we removed!
>> Can some of the smarter people in the room please shed more light on this?
>> -- Anupam
> --
> Russell O'Connor  
> ``All talk a

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread John Meacham
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:57:00AM -0500, Jason Catena wrote:
> By this example State doesn't seem to give you anything more than a
> closure would, since it doesn't act like much of an accumulator (by,
> for example, storing 6 as its new internal value).
> Could you use State for something like storing the latest two values
> of a Fibonacci series?  For example, each time you call it, it
> generates the next term, discards the oldest term, and stores the
> newly-generated term?

Although state can't be used to calculate things that couldn't be
calculated otherwise, it can be used to implement things faster (in a
real, computer theoretic sense) than they could be otherwise. For
instance, the union-find algorithm cannot be implemented efficiently
without state, the state monad allows the best of both worlds, a pure
interface but the fast algorithm under the hood.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ -
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread John Meacham
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 01:49:43AM +0400, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
> No I think here we breaking out from _arbitrary_ monad. If monadic
> function works for every monad then it must work for identity monad
> too. Here is simplest form of purify function:
> > purify2 :: (forall m . Monad m => m a) -> a
> > purify2 m = runIdentity m
> This proves interesting fact. Value could be removed from monad if no
> constrain is put on the type of monad. Moreover it Monad in this
> example could be replaced with Functor or other type class

This becomes much more clear when you float the quantifier to the top

> purify2 :: (forall m . Monad m => m a) -> a

since the quantifier is in an argument position, to float it out, we
need to flip it, it goes from universal to existential quantification.
so we get the equivalent type:

> purify2' :: exists m . Monad m => (m a -> a)

which you can read as "there exists some monad for which you can pull
out its value". The implementation is just the witness that proves that
Identity is one such monad, satisfying the existential quantification.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ -
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce type-level-natural-number-1.0: Simple, Haskell 2010-compatible type level natural numbers

2010-07-30 Thread John Meacham
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 01:32:50AM +0400, Alexey Khudyakov wrote:
> > The envisioned use case is for annotating types with natural numbers, so
> > that extra functionality such as addition and subtraction of natural
> > numbers is unnecessary.  Nothing is stopping someone from implementing
> > this functionality, and in fact I may do so myself;  however, since such
> > functionality is not needed merely for using these numbers, I decided to
> > leave it out in order to avoid having to use non-Haskell 2010 extensions
> > (especially UndecidableInstances).  In particular, a major motivation
> > behind designing the package in this way is to make it more appealing as
> > a standard means for representing natural number annotations in order to
> > promote interoperability between libraries.
> > 
> Type level addition doesn't require UndecidableInstances. It only
> require TypeFamilies or fundeps. Here is implementation using type
> families:

FunDeps also require MPTCs. I am becoming a huge fan of type
families/associated types. There is a fairly good chance jhc will
support them well before or even instead of MPTCs.

> > type family Add n m :: *
> >
> > type instance Add Zero  Zero   = Zero
> > type instance Add Zero (SuccessorTo n) = SuccessorTo n
> > type instance Add (SuccessorTo n) m= SuccessorTo (Add n m)
> Standard package is could be somewhat difficult. Standards are
> undeniably good but "one size doesn't fit all" rule does apply here.
> Your package couldn't be used to represent big numbers. Little real
> work has been done on this so it's reasonable to expect progress or
> even some breakthough. 

I thought there was some elegant way to express type level numbers
using balanced ternary, but I can't find a reference to it at the


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ -
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Microsoft's Singularity Project and Haskell

2010-07-30 Thread Vasili I. Galchin

In the latest ACM CACM is a paper on Singularity. Here also is an
overview: I haven't finished the
CACM paper yet but I only mention of languages like C# and F#. Singularity
is predicated around providing a safe
environment. IMO Haskell is even better than their languages. My $.02.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] using the orc library

2010-07-30 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Günther Schmidt's message of Fri Jul 30 16:16:38 -0400 2010:
> I'd like to download 1,000 web pages with up to 6 six concurrent 
> downloads at a time.
> How can I express such a thread limit within the orc EDSL?

One solution that comes to mind is place all 1000 web pages in an MVar
containing a queue of URLs to process (a list will probably suffice),
and then use Orc to orchestrate six threads that pull a page from the queue
and make a download.  Admittedly, Orc doesn't buy you very much in this
scenario until you add timeout handling and such.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Alexey Khudyakov
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 09:29:59 +0200
Stefan Holdermans  wrote:

> Jason,
> > There is one case where you can break out of a monad without knowing which
> > monad it is.  Well, kind of.  It's cheating in a way because it does force
> > the use of the Identity monad.  Even if it's cheating, it's still very
> > clever and interesting.
> How is this cheating?  Or better, how is this breaking out of a monad "without
> knowing which monad it is"?  It isn't. You know exactly which monad you're
> breaking out: it's the identity monad.  That's what happens if you put
> quantifiers in negative positions: here, you are not escaping out of an
> arbitrary monad (which you can't), but escaping out of a very specific monad.
No I think here we breaking out from _arbitrary_ monad. If monadic
function works for every monad then it must work for identity monad
too. Here is simplest form of purify function:

> purify2 :: (forall m . Monad m => m a) -> a
> purify2 m = runIdentity m

This proves interesting fact. Value could be removed from monad if no
constrain is put on the type of monad. Moreover it Monad in this
example could be replaced with Functor or other type class

I wonder could this function be written without resorting to concrete

Alexey Khudyakov 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce type-level-natural-number-1.0: Simple, Haskell 2010-compatible type level natural numbers

2010-07-30 Thread Alexey Khudyakov
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 13:28:19 -0700
Gregory Crosswhite  wrote:
>  Hey everyone,
> I am pleased to announce the release of the "type-level-natural-number"
> package, which implements natural numbers at the type level.  Although
> there are many packages on Hackage that implement type level natural
> numbers, this package is distinguished by its simplicity: it does not
> offer any operations other than predecessor, successor, and conversion
> to Int, and so the only Haskell extension it needs is EmptyDataDecls. 
> Thus, this package is compatible with Haskell 2010.
> The envisioned use case is for annotating types with natural numbers, so
> that extra functionality such as addition and subtraction of natural
> numbers is unnecessary.  Nothing is stopping someone from implementing
> this functionality, and in fact I may do so myself;  however, since such
> functionality is not needed merely for using these numbers, I decided to
> leave it out in order to avoid having to use non-Haskell 2010 extensions
> (especially UndecidableInstances).  In particular, a major motivation
> behind designing the package in this way is to make it more appealing as
> a standard means for representing natural number annotations in order to
> promote interoperability between libraries.
Type level addition doesn't require UndecidableInstances. It only
require TypeFamilies or fundeps. Here is implementation using type

> type family Add n m :: *
> type instance Add Zero  Zero   = Zero
> type instance Add Zero (SuccessorTo n) = SuccessorTo n
> type instance Add (SuccessorTo n) m= SuccessorTo (Add n m)

Standard package is could be somewhat difficult. Standards are
undeniably good but "one size doesn't fit all" rule does apply here.
Your package couldn't be used to represent big numbers. Little real
work has been done on this so it's reasonable to expect progress or
even some breakthough. 

Maybe some generic inteface for conversion of different representation
of natural numbers would be good. Any suggestions

Alexey Khudyakov 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with haskell types

2010-07-30 Thread roconnor

I was one of the people on #haskell discussing this with Anupam.

Note that that when you remove the signature of d, the result complies and 
ghci will state the inferred type of d is exactly the signature that you 
are not allowed to write.

In my opinion, this is a bug in the Haskell 98 report where it says

``If the programmer supplies explicit type signatures for more than one 
variable in a declaration group, the contexts of these signatures must be 
identical up to renaming of the type variables.

The problem is that we cannot give a type signature to d with exactly the 
constraints of d_test because d doesn't have any type variable in its type 

At the very least the Haskell report should allow type checking to proceed 
if everything in a declaration group has a signature even if the 
signatures don't have identical constraints.

A trac ticket is needed for Haskell 2011, if one doesn't already exist.

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Anupam Jain wrote:

I am having trouble getting a small program to compile. The helpful folks at 
#haskell created a version of the
program that does compile 
- but it is not very 
to them (and to me) why the original program wouldn't type compile in the first 

Here's the program that refuses to compile -

module Delme () where

data DecisionState = A | B | C | D

d_test :: Eq b => b -> b -> DecisionState -> DecisionState -> ()
d_test test testVal trueState falseState =
if (test == testVal)
 then d trueState
 else d falseState

d :: DecisionState -> ()
d A = d_test True True B C
d B = d_test 1 2 C D
d C = d_test True False A B
d D = ()
I get an error like -

    Contexts differ in length
      (Use -XRelaxedPolyRec to allow this)
    When matching the contexts of the signatures for
      d_test :: forall b.
                (Eq b) =>
                b -> b -> DecisionState -> DecisionState -> ()
      d :: DecisionState -> ()
    The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be identical
    When generalising the type(s) for d_test, d

Putting in the extension does get the program to type check but the original 
program should have type compiled
in the first place.

The ironic thing we discovered is that if we remove the type declaration for 
'd', the program type checks, and
GHC then derives the exact same type which we removed!

Can some of the smarter people in the room please shed more light on this?

-- Anupam

Russell O'Connor  
``All talk about `theft,''' the general counsel of the American Graphophone
Company wrote, ``is the merest claptrap, for there exists no property in
ideas musical, literary or artistic, except as defined by statute.''___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread michael rice
Hi Daniel,

OK, now I'm getting somewhere. I was looking here:

instead of in the source.

Seem to be on the right track. I'm going to do some more poking around.

Thanks a lot, guys.


--- On Fri, 7/30/10, Daniel Fischer  wrote:

From: Daniel Fischer 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?
Cc: "michael rice" 
Date: Friday, July 30, 2010, 4:23 PM

On Friday 30 July 2010 21:54:20, michael rice wrote:
> Thanks all,
> Now that I have a (very) rudimentary understanding of Haskell, I figured
> I'd back up and have a closer (conceptual) look at type definitions to
> see what they have in common, and just happen to pick Maybe and List.
> I also noticed Maybe has a list of "Instances"
> Monad Maybe
> Functor Maybe
> Typeable1 Maybe
> MonadFix Maybe
> MonadPlus Maybe
> etc.
> while List has none, at least I don't see any in Data.List. Same reason?

Data.List provides only functions for working with lists, while Data.Maybe 
also contains the definition of the type.

Type class instances are documented
- at the type class
- at the data type

Since the list datatype isn't documented like the other types (probably 
because it's not defined in valid Haskell but built-in), the list instances 
appear only at the type classes (and at the Monad documentation, you find 
"Monad []" listed as the first instance.

> >From "Learn You A Haskell:"
> "If a type is a part of a typeclass, that means it supports and
> implements the behavior the typeclass describes."
> I'm way out on a limb here, but isn't Monad a typeclass?


> and if, as we
> say above, that Maybe is an instance of Monad, wouldn't there have to be
> instance Monad Maybe where
>  return = ...  -- return for Maybe
>  >>= = ... -- bind for Maybe
>  etc.
> somewhere?

Yes, there is. In GHC at least, it's defined in Data.Maybe:

instance  Monad Maybe  where
    (Just x) >>= k      = k x
    Nothing  >>= _      = Nothing

    (Just _) >>  k      = k
    Nothing  >>  _      = Nothing

    return              = Just
    fail _              = Nothing

> Where? It's not in Data.Maybe. Is there some kind of scheme
> for defining this stuff, i.e., this goes here, that goes there?

Instance declarations should be in the same module where
- the class is defined, or
- the type is defined
if possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce type-level-natural-number-1.0: Simple, Haskell 2010-compatible type level natural numbers

2010-07-30 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
 Hey everyone,

I am pleased to announce the release of the "type-level-natural-number"
package, which implements natural numbers at the type level.  Although
there are many packages on Hackage that implement type level natural
numbers, this package is distinguished by its simplicity: it does not
offer any operations other than predecessor, successor, and conversion
to Int, and so the only Haskell extension it needs is EmptyDataDecls. 
Thus, this package is compatible with Haskell 2010.

The envisioned use case is for annotating types with natural numbers, so
that extra functionality such as addition and subtraction of natural
numbers is unnecessary.  Nothing is stopping someone from implementing
this functionality, and in fact I may do so myself;  however, since such
functionality is not needed merely for using these numbers, I decided to
leave it out in order to avoid having to use non-Haskell 2010 extensions
(especially UndecidableInstances).  In particular, a major motivation
behind designing the package in this way is to make it more appealing as
a standard means for representing natural number annotations in order to
promote interoperability between libraries.

I welcome any feedback that the community has to offer.

Gregory Crosswhite
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Problem with haskell types

2010-07-30 Thread Anupam Jain

I am having trouble getting a small program to compile. The helpful folks at
#haskell created a version of the program that does compile - but it is not
very clear to them (and to me) why the original program wouldn't type
compile in the first place.

Here's the program that refuses to compile -

module Delme () wheredata DecisionState = A | B | C | Dd_test :: Eq b
=> b -> b -> DecisionState -> DecisionState -> ()d_test test testVal
trueState falseState =if (test == testVal) then d trueState
 else d falseStated :: DecisionState -> ()d A = d_test True True B Cd
B = d_test 1 2 C Dd C = d_test True False A Bd D = ()

I get an error like -

Contexts differ in length
  (Use -XRelaxedPolyRec to allow this)
When matching the contexts of the signatures for
  d_test :: forall b.
(Eq b) =>
b -> b -> DecisionState -> DecisionState -> ()
  d :: DecisionState -> ()
The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be
When generalising the type(s) for d_test, d

Putting in the extension does get the program to type check but the original
program should have type compiled in the first place.

The ironic thing we discovered is that if we remove the type declaration for
'd', the program type checks, and GHC then derives the exact same type which
we removed!

Can some of the smarter people in the room please shed more light on this?

-- Anupam
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread Daniel Fischer
On Friday 30 July 2010 21:54:20, michael rice wrote:
> Thanks all,
> Now that I have a (very) rudimentary understanding of Haskell, I figured
> I'd back up and have a closer (conceptual) look at type definitions to
> see what they have in common, and just happen to pick Maybe and List.
> I also noticed Maybe has a list of "Instances"
> Monad Maybe
> Functor Maybe
> Typeable1 Maybe
> MonadFix Maybe
> MonadPlus Maybe
> etc.
> while List has none, at least I don't see any in Data.List. Same reason?

Data.List provides only functions for working with lists, while Data.Maybe 
also contains the definition of the type.

Type class instances are documented
- at the type class
- at the data type

Since the list datatype isn't documented like the other types (probably 
because it's not defined in valid Haskell but built-in), the list instances 
appear only at the type classes (and at the Monad documentation, you find 
"Monad []" listed as the first instance.

> >From "Learn You A Haskell:"
> "If a type is a part of a typeclass, that means it supports and
> implements the behavior the typeclass describes."
> I'm way out on a limb here, but isn't Monad a typeclass?


> and if, as we
> say above, that Maybe is an instance of Monad, wouldn't there have to be
> instance Monad Maybe where
>  return = ...  -- return for Maybe
>  >>= = ... -- bind for Maybe
>  etc.
> somewhere?

Yes, there is. In GHC at least, it's defined in Data.Maybe:

instance  Monad Maybe  where
(Just x) >>= k  = k x
Nothing  >>= _  = Nothing

(Just _) >>  k  = k
Nothing  >>  _  = Nothing

return  = Just
fail _  = Nothing

> Where? It's not in Data.Maybe. Is there some kind of scheme
> for defining this stuff, i.e., this goes here, that goes there?

Instance declarations should be in the same module where
- the class is defined, or
- the type is defined
if possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread Ben Millwood
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 8:54 PM, michael rice  wrote:
> Thanks all,
> Now that I have a (very) rudimentary understanding of Haskell, I figured I'd 
> back up and have a closer (conceptual) look at type definitions to see what 
> they have in common, and just happen to pick Maybe and List.
> I also noticed Maybe has a list of "Instances"
> Monad Maybe
> Functor Maybe
> Typeable1 Maybe
> MonadFix Maybe
> MonadPlus Maybe
> etc.
> while List has none, at least I don't see any in Data.List. Same reason?
> From "Learn You A Haskell:"
> "If a type is a part of a typeclass, that means it supports and implements 
> the behavior the typeclass describes."
> I'm way out on a limb here, but isn't Monad a typeclass? and if, as we say 
> above, that Maybe is an instance of Monad, wouldn't there have to be
> instance Monad Maybe where
>  return = ...  -- return for Maybe
>  >>= = ... -- bind for Maybe
>  etc.
> somewhere? Where? It's not in Data.Maybe. Is there some kind of scheme for 
> defining this stuff, i.e., this goes here, that goes there?

It *is* in Data.Maybe:

Generally speaking a type class instance should go either where the
type is defined, or where the class is defined, although there are
exceptions. In any case, if you can get the instance loaded in ghci,
you can find out where its defined:

ghci> :i Maybe
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- Defined in Data.Maybe
instance (Eq a) => Eq (Maybe a) -- Defined in Data.Maybe
instance Monad Maybe -- Defined in Data.Maybe
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in Data.Maybe
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in Data.Maybe
instance (Read a) => Read (Maybe a) -- Defined in GHC.Read
instance (Show a) => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in GHC.Show
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] using the orc library

2010-07-30 Thread Günther Schmidt


I'd like to download 1,000 web pages with up to 6 six concurrent 
downloads at a time.

How can I express such a thread limit within the orc EDSL?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread michael rice
Thanks all,

Now that I have a (very) rudimentary understanding of Haskell, I figured I'd 
back up and have a closer (conceptual) look at type definitions to see what 
they have in common, and just happen to pick Maybe and List.

I also noticed Maybe has a list of "Instances"

Monad Maybe
Functor Maybe
Typeable1 Maybe
MonadFix Maybe
MonadPlus Maybe

while List has none, at least I don't see any in Data.List. Same reason?

>From "Learn You A Haskell:"

"If a type is a part of a typeclass, that means it supports and implements the 
behavior the typeclass describes."

I'm way out on a limb here, but isn't Monad a typeclass? and if, as we say 
above, that Maybe is an instance of Monad, wouldn't there have to be

instance Monad Maybe where
 return = ...  -- return for Maybe
 >>= = ... -- bind for Maybe

somewhere? Where? It's not in Data.Maybe. Is there some kind of scheme for 
defining this stuff, i.e., this goes here, that goes there?


--- On Fri, 7/30/10, Edward Z. Yang  wrote:

From: Edward Z. Yang 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?
To: "michael rice" , "haskell-cafe" 

Date: Friday, July 30, 2010, 3:01 PM

Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Fri Jul 30 14:48:34 -0400 2010:
>     Const x xs  is x:xs (constructor)

That should be a Cons, not Const. :o)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread Ben Millwood
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Gregory Crosswhite
> The reason why this definition never actually appears is because it defines 
> the constructors using operators rather than names, which is not allowed in 
> vanilla Haskell.  (There is an extension, TypeOperators, however, that does 
> allow this.)

 Nope: see Data.Complex.Complex; only infix *type* constructors are
nonstandard. The thing about lists that makes them impossible to
define in normal Haskell is the [a] syntax, which is some kind of
"outfix" type constructor, which no amount of currently available
extensions will allow. In addition, the constructor [] for the empty
list isn't a normal constructor, syntactically, because it doesn't
start with an uppercase character or a colon.

Basically, lists are so ubiquitous in Haskell that they have their own
special syntax, which cannot be defined like any other data type. It
is simple, as others have said, to define a new data type that works
identically to lists.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Fri Jul 30 14:48:34 -0400 2010:
> Const x xs  is x:xs (constructor)

That should be a Cons, not Const. :o)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
 List are actually built in to the language, but they are roughly
equivalent to the following definition:

data List a =
 |  a:List a

The reason why this definition never actually appears is because it
defines the constructors using operators rather than names, which is not
allowed in vanilla Haskell.  (There is an extension, TypeOperators,
however, that does allow this.)


On 07/30/10 11:41, michael rice wrote:
> From: Data.Maybe
> Description
> The Maybe type, and associated operations.
> From: Data.List
> Description
> Operations on lists.
> One description has the type and associated operations, the other only
> has the operations.
> Where can I find the type definition for List, and why isn't it in
> Data.List?
> Michael
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from michael rice's message of Fri Jul 30 14:41:44 -0400 2010:
> One description has the type and associated operations, the other only has 
> the operations.
> Where can I find the type definition for List, and why isn't it in Data.List? 

Hello Michael,

This is because the List datatype is built into Haskell.  A close approximation
to it would be:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)


List a  is [a] (type)
Nil is [] (constructor)
Const x xs  is x:xs (constructor)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Definition of List type?

2010-07-30 Thread michael rice
From: Data.Maybe

The Maybe type, and associated operations.

From: Data.List

Operations on lists.

One description has the type and associated operations, the other only has the 

Where can I find the type definition for List, and why isn't it in Data.List? 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL Speed!

2010-07-30 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
HGL actually looks like EXACTLY what I need. I only need to set pixels, 
which looks like just what HGL would be good at. Only problem is that I 
can't find a single tutorial for HGL. Does anyone know or any, or where 
I could find one?


On 7/30/2010 12:22 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

Vo Minh Thu schrieb:


There other possibilities to deal with raster graphics:
- Use gtk; i.e. something like
- Output the data in some image format (if you want to do it yourself,
the most simple is PPM)
- Use X11 directly (if you're on unix)
- ...

or good old HGL:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL Speed!

2010-07-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 30 Jul 2010, Eitan Goldshtrom wrote:

HGL actually looks like EXACTLY what I need. I only need to set pixels, which 
looks like
just what HGL would be good at. Only problem is that I can't find a single 
tutorial for
HGL. Does anyone know or any, or where I could find one?

I found the Haddock documentation enough for what I tried. Maybe my 
example can help you:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Stefan Holdermans <> wrote:

> Jason,
> > There is one case where you can break out of a monad without knowing
> which monad it is.  Well, kind of.  It's cheating in a way because it does
> force the use of the Identity monad.  Even if it's cheating, it's still very
> clever and interesting.
> How is this cheating?  Or better, how is this breaking out of a monad
> "without knowing which monad it is"?  It isn't. You know exactly which monad
> you're breaking out: it's the identity monad.  That's what happens if you
> put quantifiers in negative positions: here, you are not escaping out of an
> arbitrary monad (which you can't), but escaping out of a very specific
> monad.
> > The specific function is:
> >  > purify :: (forall m. Monad m => ((a -> m b) -> m b)) ->
> ((a->b)->b)
> >  > purify f = \k -> runIdentity (f (return . k))

I guess I refer to it as cheating because the type signature of purify is
surprising the first time you see it, even if perfectly logical.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Jason Catena
On Jul 30, 11:17 am, Anton van Straaten wrote:
> Prelude> :m Control.Monad.State
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> let addToState :: Int -> State Int ();
> addToState x = do s <- get; put (s+x)
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> let mAdd4 = addToState 4
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t mAdd4
> m :: State Int ()
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> let s = execState mAdd4 2
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t s
> s :: Int
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> s
> 6

By this example State doesn't seem to give you anything more than a
closure would, since it doesn't act like much of an accumulator (by,
for example, storing 6 as its new internal value).

Could you use State for something like storing the latest two values
of a Fibonacci series?  For example, each time you call it, it
generates the next term, discards the oldest term, and stores the
newly-generated term?

And could you then use this Fibonacci State monad in a lazy
computation, to grab for example the first twenty even Fibonacci
numbers, without computing and storing the series beyond what the
filter asks for?

We can generate Fibonacci series double-recursively in a lazy
computation.  Would it be more or less efficient to use a Fibonacci
State monad instead?  Would the State implementation provide a larger
range before it blew the stack (which tail-recursion should prevent),
or became too slow for impatient people?

Would Haskell memoize already-generated values in either case?  Could
we write a general memoizer across both the recursive and State
implementations, or must we write a specific one to each case?

Jason Catena
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL Speed!

2010-07-30 Thread Henning Thielemann
Vo Minh Thu schrieb:

> There other possibilities to deal with raster graphics:
> - Use gtk; i.e. something like
> - Output the data in some image format (if you want to do it yourself,
> the most simple is PPM)
> - Use X11 directly (if you're on unix)
> - ...

or good old HGL:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 7/30/10 11:48 , Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
> Ertugrul Soeylemez  writes:
>> it's a bit hidden in Haskell, but a monad instance consists of three
>> functions:
>>   fmap   :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
> You don't even need fmap defined for it to be a monad, since fmap f m =
> liftM f m = m >>= (return . f)

fmap/join and return/bind are isomorphic; given either set, you can produce
the other.  The usual category-theory definition of monads uses the former;
Haskell uses the latter, because it allows operations to easily be chained

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Alex Rozenshteyn
Here is my understanding with respect to the question.

In the general case, you cannot come out of a monad, because the monad
typeclass does not include any functions without of the form (m a -> a).

Also, as a category theoretic construct, a monad does not have to have an
exit function. (caveat: I have a very limited grasp of what that means).

I also found myself thinking about list as a monad in terms of this
discussion.  I think it's an interesting case:  it's pure, but it doesn't
really make sense to "come out of it".  Head, indexing, and last all break
out of it, but none of them can be the default, and all of them require you
to consider it as something more than its monad-ness.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Stefan Holdermans  wrote:

> Martijn,
> > In fact, I would argue that a monad which you cannot escape from is not
> very useful at all. IO is the only exception I know of.
> And that's only because, at least the runtime system allows for execution
> of a computation inside the IO monad at top-level.
> Cheers,
>  Stefan
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

  Alex R
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 7/30/10 06:06 , Kevin Jardine wrote:
> I think that we are having a terminology confusion here. For me, a
> pure function is one that does not operate inside a monad. Eg. ++,
> map, etc.
> It was at one point my belief that although code in monads could call
> pure functions, code in pure functions could not call functions that
> operated inside a monad.
> I was then introduced to functions such as execState and
> unsafePerformIO which appear to prove that my original belief was
> false.
> Currently I am in a state of deep confusion, but that is OK, because
> it means that I am learning something new!

A monad is just a wrapper that lets you take an action of some kind whenever
the wrapped value is operated on.

"Pure" means "referentially transparent"; that is, it should always be
possible to substitute an expression for its expansion without changing its

Now, certain specific monads (IO, ST, STM) are used specifically for
operations that are *not* referentially transparent.  Those operations are
therefore confined to occurring only within the monad wrapper; ST allows you
to extract a referentially transparent value (although it's up to the
programmer to enforce that, and the only consequences for violation are
potential odd program behaviors), the others do not without doing evil things.

*** Eye-bleedy ahead; skip the next paragraph if you are in over your head. ***

In the case of ST and STM, it is possible to pull values back out; in the
case of ST, this means that non-referentially-transparent operations can
take place "behind the curtain" as long as what emerges from the curtain is
the same as would happen with a referentially transparent version (this is
used when it's more efficient to alter values in place than to produce new
values), while STM operations can only be extracted to IO (STM is in some
sense an extension of IO) and IO operations can only be extracted by running
the program or using unsafePerformIO (or its cousins unsafeInterleaveIO and
unsafeIOtoST/unsafeSTtoIO), which are labeled "unsafe" specifically because
they're exposing non-referentially-transparent operations which are
therefore capable of causing indeterminate program behavior.

*** resuming the flow ***

The majority of monads (State, Writer, Reader, etc.) are entirely
referentially transparent in their workings; in these cases, the wrapper is
used simply to add a "hook" that is itself referentially transparent.  The
three mentioned above are all quite similar, in that the "hook" just carries
a second value along and the monad definition includes functions that can
operate on that value (get, gets, put, modify; tell; ask, asks, local).
Other referentially transparent monads are used to provide controllable
modification of control flow:  Maybe and (Either a) let you short-circuit
evaluation based on a notion of "failure"; list aka [] lets you operate on
values "in parallel", with backtracking when a branch fails.  Cont is the
ultimate expression of this, in effect allowing the "hook" to be evaluated
at any time by the wrapped operation; as such, it's worth studying, but it
will probably warp your brain a bit.  (It's possible to derive any of the
referentially transparent monads from Cont.)

The distinction between these two classes, btw, lies in whether the "hook"
allows things to escape.  In the case of ST, IO, and STM, the "hook" carries
around an existentially qualified type, which by definition cannot be given
a type outside of the wrapper.  (Think of it this way:  it's "existentially
qualified" because its existence is qualified to only apply within the wrapper.)

*** more eye-bleedy ahead ***

In many IO implementations, IO is just ST with a magic value that can
neither be created nor modified nor destroyed, simply passed around.  The
value is meaningless (and, in ghc, at least, nonexistent!); only its type is
significant, because the type prevents anything using it from escaping.  The
other half of this trick is that operations in IO quietly "use" (by
reference) this value, so that they are actually partially applied
functions; this is why we refer to "IO actions".  An "action" in this case
is simply a partially applied function which is waiting for the magic
(non-)value to be injected into it before it can produce a value.  In
effect, it's a baton passed between "actions" to insure that they take place
in sequence.  And this is why the "unsafe" functions are unsafe; they allow
violation of the sequence enforced by the baton.  unsafePerformIO goes
behind the runtime's back to pull a copy of the baton out of the guts of the
runtime and feeds it to an I/O action; unsafeInterleaveIO clones the
baton(!); unsafeIOtoST doesn't actually do anything other than hide the
baton, but the only thing you can do with it then is pass it to unsafeSTtoIO
- --- which is really unsafePerformIO under the covers.  (The purpose of those
two functions is that ST's mutable a

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ertugrul Soeylemez  writes:

> Hello,
> it's a bit hidden in Haskell, but a monad instance consists of three
> functions:
>   fmap   :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)

You don't even need fmap defined for it to be a monad, since fmap f m =
liftM f m = m >>= (return . f)

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez

it's a bit hidden in Haskell, but a monad instance consists of three

  fmap   :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
  return :: a -> m a
  join   :: m (m a) -> m a

Nothing more is needed to define a monad.  In Haskell, a monad is
expressed by 'return' and (>>=) instead, but this is equivalent.

The types of these functions tell you what you can do with the monad.
You can put values into it and you can turn a doubly wrapped monadic
value into a singly wrapped monadic value (usually by dropping

Unless there is a function, which has deeper comprehension of a monadic
value than these two functions, like 'runState' or 'head', you can never
get values out of it.  For the IO monad no such function can exist.
This is intentional.


C K Kashyap  wrote:

> Hi,
> In the code here -
> If I look at the type of modifiedImage, its simply ByteString - but isn't it
> actually getting into and back out of the state monad? I am of the
> understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? Is this
> breaking the "monad" scheme?

nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] couchDB

2010-07-30 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 7/30/10 03:31 , Andrew U. Frank wrote:
> ps: if there is a better place to document examples? a wiki on
> would be nice and should be available for any project in
> hackage. has (more precisely, *is*) a wiki; request an account
and go nuts.

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Yi Editor]Cabal Problem

2010-07-30 Thread Job Vranish
I think you can just install the windows gtk dev libraries from here:

- Job

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Alessandro Stamatto wrote:

> Installing Yi Editor i get the following error:
> --
> ---
> Missing dependencies on foreign libraries:
> * Missing C libraries: gobject-2.0, glib-2.0, intl, iconv
> -
> Im on windows, using Cabal in Cygwin.
> How should i install those missing libs?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail to install SDL with Cabal

2010-07-30 Thread Job Vranish
You might try emailing the maintainer directly. The package appears to be
actively maintained.

- Job

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 3:17 AM, Eitan Goldshtrom wrote:

>  I'm trying to install SDL through Cabal -- I don't know another way to
> install it. However, I'm getting this:
> setup.exe: The package has a './configure' script. This requires a Unix
> compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin.
> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
> SDL-0.5.10 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
> exit: ExitFailure 1
> I have MinGW and MSYS, so I don't understand why I'm having this problem.
> Do I need to set something special up so that Cabal can access their tools?
> -Eitan
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Stefan Holdermans

> In fact, I would argue that a monad which you cannot escape from is not very 
> useful at all. IO is the only exception I know of.

And that's only because, at least the runtime system allows for execution of a 
computation inside the IO monad at top-level.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Anton van Straaten

Kevin Jardine wrote:

As a Haskell newbie, the first thing I learned about monads is that
they have a type signature that creates a kind of mud you can't wash

There are places where you can't wash it off, and places where you can.


f :: String -> MyMonad String

By mentioning the monad, you get to use its special functions but as a
hard price, you must return a value with a type signature that locks
it within the monad

That's perfectly correct: "you must return a value with a type signature 
that locks it within the monad."  That's because you're referring here 
to returning a value from a monadic function with a return type of 
MyMonad String.  But that's just one part of the picture.

Consider a caller of that function: after applying f to some string, it 
ends up with a value of type MyMonad String.  One of the things you can 
typically do with such values is "wash off the mud" using a runner 
function, specific to the monad.

They're called runners (informally) because what they do is run the 
delayed computation represented by the monad.  In the case of the State 
monad, the runner takes an initial state and supplies it to the monad in 
order to start the computation.  If these runners didn't exist, the 
monad would be rather useless, because it would never actually execute. 
 The result of running that computation typically eliminates the monad 
type - the mud is washed off.

You can even do this inside a monadic function, e.g.:

g m = do s <- get
 let x = evalState m s   -- wash the mud off m !

But the value of x above will be locked inside the function - you can't 
return such values to the caller without using e.g. "return x", to 
return a monadic value.

So you may be able to wash the mud off a monadic value, but if you want 
to pass that value outside a monadic function you have to put the mud 
back on first.

However, if you have a monadic value *outside* a monadic function, no 
such rule applies.

The more I learn about monads, however, the less I understand them.
I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads are easy to
understand, but for me they are not.

Monads are very general, which means they're not easily learned by the 
common style of extrapolating from examples.  They're easy to understand 
in hindsight though!  :-}


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel


I wrote:

There is nothing special about monads!

Kevin Jardine wrote:

I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads are easy to
understand, but for me they are not.

My point was that monads are not a language feature whith special 
treatment of the compiler, but more like a design pattern or a standard 
interface, a way of using the language. There is no compiler magic about 
monads. Therefore, they can, in principle, be understand by reading 
their definition in Haskell.

Nevertheless, I agree that it is hard to understand monads, because they 
are a clever way of using Haskell and use several of Haskell's more 
advanced features.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Martijn van Steenbergen  writes:

> On 7/30/10 12:29, Tillmann Rendel wrote:
>> C K Kashyap wrote:
>>> I am of the
>>> understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it?
>> That's not correct.
>> There are many monads, including Maybe, [], IO, ... All of these monads
>> provide operations (>>=), return and fail, and do notation implemented
>> in terms of these functions, as a common interface. Using just this
>> common interface, you cannot "get out of the monad".
>> But most if not all monads also provide additional operations, specific
>> to the monad in question. Often, these operations can be used to "get
>> out of that monad". For example, with Maybe, you can use pattern matching:
> In fact, I would argue that a monad which you cannot escape from is
> not very useful at all. IO is the only exception I know of.

True; all other monads allow you to at least get into IO (STM, etc.).

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

On 7/30/10 12:29, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

C K Kashyap wrote:

I am of the
understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it?

That's not correct.

There are many monads, including Maybe, [], IO, ... All of these monads
provide operations (>>=), return and fail, and do notation implemented
in terms of these functions, as a common interface. Using just this
common interface, you cannot "get out of the monad".

But most if not all monads also provide additional operations, specific
to the monad in question. Often, these operations can be used to "get
out of that monad". For example, with Maybe, you can use pattern matching:

In fact, I would argue that a monad which you cannot escape from is not 
very useful at all. IO is the only exception I know of.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

On 7/30/10 9:29, Stefan Holdermans wrote:


There is one case where you can break out of a monad without knowing which 
monad it is.  Well, kind of.  It's cheating in a way because it does force the 
use of the Identity monad.  Even if it's cheating, it's still very clever and 

How is this cheating?  Or better, how is this breaking out of a monad "without 
knowing which monad it is"?  It isn't. You know exactly which monad you're breaking 
out: it's the identity monad.  That's what happens if you put quantifiers in negative 
positions: here, you are not escaping out of an arbitrary monad (which you can't), but 
escaping out of a very specific monad.

Also, the only monadic functions the argument may use are return, bind 
and fail. It's hard to do something useful with only those functions.

The specific function is:
  >  purify :: (forall m. Monad m =>  ((a ->  m b) ->  m b)) ->  ((a->b)->b)
  >  purify f = \k ->  runIdentity (f (return . k))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
On Jul 30, 1:11 pm, Brent Yorgey  wrote:

> Monads are hard to understand.  But they are *worth understanding*.

That's the most inspiring and encouraging statement I've seen all


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Brent Yorgey
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 03:46:09AM -0700, Kevin Jardine wrote:
> When I plunged into Haskell earlier this year, I had no problem with
> understanding static typing, higher level functions and even
> separating pure functions from IO functions.
> The more I learn about monads, however, the less I understand them.
> I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads are easy to
> understand, but for me they are not.

Lies.  Monads are not easy to understand.  Anyone who says otherwise
is selling something (likely a monad tutorial that they wrote).  Or
else they are saying it out of a well-meaning but misguided idea that
telling people that monads are easy will make it so, because the real
problem with monads is only that people THINK they are hard.  So if
only everyone stopped freaking out and realized that learning about
monads is actually easy, perhaps helped by a playing a recorded voice
at night crooning to you in soothing tones that you can achieve
anything you like by just visualizing your success and realizing that
you have already had the power within you all along, then learning
monads will be a snap!


Even worse, this misguided but common insistence that monads are easy
to understand inevitably makes people feel stupid when they discover
that they aren't.

Monads are hard to understand.  But they are *worth understanding*.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail to install SDL with Cabal

2010-07-30 Thread Stephen Tetley
Hi Eitan

You will probably need to do a manual install.

If you download and extract the SDL binding there is a file - WIN32 -
in the top level directory describing how to install on Windows.
Unfortunately this file might now be out-of-date. I haven't used the
Haskell SDL binding myself since version 0.5.3 which was quite a while
ago, and then the WIN32 file was a message describing Bit Connor's
successful install - it might still be the same file.

As the SDL developers distribute a DLL of the C library, you can build
the binding with either Cygwin or MinGW. MinGW is probably the better
choice these days though. Again, unfortunately I don't have experience
of building it with MinGW to share, you might have to do some
improvisation to get it to work.

Best wishes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Kevin Jardine  writes:

> The more I learn about monads, however, the less I understand them.
> I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads are easy to
> understand, but for me they are not.

How did you learn monads?

More and more people seem to be getting away from trying to say that
monads are containers/burritos/etc. and just teaching them by way of the
definition, either >>= and return or just join (ignoring that wart known
as "fail"); Tillman alluded to this approach earlier.

One way of doing so (e.g. by RWH) is to use these definitions in a
specific (non-IO) monad (usually a parser) and then generalise them.  If
you want an alternative to RWH that takes this approach, I've found Tony
Morris' take on this to be reasonable:

Slides (currently seem to be down):


Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Anton van Straaten  writes:

> Ivan Miljenovic has already given a good response

Why thank you, kind sir!

/me bows

> I suspect that your idea of the meaning of purity came from
> over-generalization from the IO monad.  IO actions may be impure, but
> that's not true of all other monad types.  (Most are actually pure.)
> Really, the IO monad is a horrible exception to normal monadic
> behavior, and in an ideal world it should only be introduced as a
> special case after gaining a good understanding of monads in general.

Actually, the general consensus seems to be nowadays that people should
be taught IO without any mentions to monads at all (there are various
tutorials around, and if memory serves RWH does this as well), then
introduce the concept of monads and then say "oh, btw, that IO thing
we've been using all this time?  It's also one of these weird monad

> It's a bit like teaching a new carpenter about the concept of "tools",
> and then starting them out with a chainsaw, leading to the natural
> conclusion that tools are loud, insanely dangerous things.

Heh, I like this analogy.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Kevin" == Kevin Jardine  writes:

Kevin> The more I learn about monads, however, the less I understand
Kevin> them.  I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads
Kevin> are easy to understand, but for me they are not.

I used to have the same problem.

Then I read:

and after that it was very clear.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\   - against proprietary attachments
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
So far the comments here only increase my confusion (which as I say,
is not bad because it means that I am learning something!).

As a Haskell newbie, the first thing I learned about monads is that
they have a type signature that creates a kind of mud you can't wash


f :: String -> MyMonad String

By mentioning the monad, you get to use its special functions but as a
hard price, you must return a value with a type signature that locks
it within the monad (although you can remove the signature within
other monads using "<-").

As some people have hinted, perhaps the problem is that most Haskell
newbies are introduced to monads through the IO monad and other monads
are different.

When I plunged into Haskell earlier this year, I had no problem with
understanding static typing, higher level functions and even
separating pure functions from IO functions.

The more I learn about monads, however, the less I understand them.
I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads are easy to
understand, but for me they are not.


On Jul 30, 12:29 pm, Tillmann Rendel  wrote:
> C K Kashyap wrote:
> > I am of the
> > understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it?
> That's not correct.
> There are many monads, including Maybe, [], IO, ... All of these monads
> provide operations (>>=), return and fail, and do notation implemented
> in terms of these functions, as a common interface. Using just this
> common interface, you cannot "get out of the monad".
> But most if not all monads also provide additional operations, specific
> to the monad in question. Often, these operations can be used to "get
> out of that monad". For example, with Maybe, you can use pattern matching:
>    case do x <- return 5
>            fail "some message"
>            return (x + 3) of
>      Just a   ->  a
>      Nothing  ->  0
> So we can get out of many monads, but we need to know which one it is to
> use the appropriate operation.
> Kevin Jardine wrote:
> > I'm still trying to understand how monads interact with types so I am
> > interested in this as well.
>  From my point of view, the most important fact about monads is:
>    There is nothing special about monads!
> The type class Monad behaves like very other type class. A monadic type
> constructor behaves like every other type constructor. The type class
> methods (>>=), return and fail behave like every other type class
> method. There is nothing special about monads.
> The only speciality of monads is do notation, but do notation is only a
> syntactic convenience, and can be translated into calls of (>>=), return
> and fail, which, as noted above, are not special in any way.
> So, back to your question, since there is nothing special about monads,
> monads do not interact with types in any special way.
>    Tillmann
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> haskell-c...@haskell.org
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Anton van Straaten

Kevin Jardine wrote:

I think that we are having a terminology confusion here. For me, a
pure function is one that does not operate inside a monad. Eg. ++,
map, etc.

Ivan Miljenovic has already given a good response, to which I'll only 
add this:

I suspect that your idea of the meaning of purity came from 
over-generalization from the IO monad.  IO actions may be impure, but 
that's not true of all other monad types.  (Most are actually pure.)

Really, the IO monad is a horrible exception to normal monadic behavior, 
and in an ideal world it should only be introduced as a special case 
after gaining a good understanding of monads in general.

Of course in practice, people like their programs to be able to do I/O, 
so the IO monad ends up being one of the first things learned.

It's a bit like teaching a new carpenter about the concept of "tools", 
and then starting them out with a chainsaw, leading to the natural 
conclusion that tools are loud, insanely dangerous things.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel

C K Kashyap wrote:

I am of the
understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? 

That's not correct.

There are many monads, including Maybe, [], IO, ... All of these monads 
provide operations (>>=), return and fail, and do notation implemented 
in terms of these functions, as a common interface. Using just this 
common interface, you cannot "get out of the monad".

But most if not all monads also provide additional operations, specific 
to the monad in question. Often, these operations can be used to "get 
out of that monad". For example, with Maybe, you can use pattern matching:

  case do x <- return 5
  fail "some message"
  return (x + 3) of
Just a   ->  a
Nothing  ->  0

So we can get out of many monads, but we need to know which one it is to 
use the appropriate operation.

Kevin Jardine wrote:

I'm still trying to understand how monads interact with types so I am
interested in this as well.

From my point of view, the most important fact about monads is:

  There is nothing special about monads!

The type class Monad behaves like very other type class. A monadic type 
constructor behaves like every other type constructor. The type class 
methods (>>=), return and fail behave like every other type class 
method. There is nothing special about monads.

The only speciality of monads is do notation, but do notation is only a 
syntactic convenience, and can be translated into calls of (>>=), return 
and fail, which, as noted above, are not special in any way.

So, back to your question, since there is nothing special about monads, 
monads do not interact with types in any special way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Kevin Jardine  writes:

> I think that we are having a terminology confusion here. For me, a
> pure function is one that does not operate inside a monad. Eg. ++,
> map, etc.

No, a pure function is one without any side effects.

> It was at one point my belief that although code in monads could call
> pure functions, code in pure functions could not call functions that
> operated inside a monad.

Not at all.  I can do something like "map (liftM succ) [Just 2,
Nothing]", where liftM is a monadic function.  The thing is that I'm
applying it to a "pure" monad (i.e. the Maybe monad doesn't have side

> I was then introduced to functions such as execState and
> unsafePerformIO which appear to prove that my original belief was
> false.

unsafePerformIO is the wild-card here; it's whole purpose is to be able
to say that "this IO action (usually linking to a C library or some
such) is pure, promise!!!".

> Currently I am in a state of deep confusion, but that is OK, because
> it means that I am learning something new!

The big point here that you seem to be tied up in is that Monad /=

I see three broad classifications of Monads:

1) Data structures that can be used as monads, such as [a] and Maybe a.

2) Special monadic wrappers/transformers such as State, Reader,
   etc. which allow you to act as if something is being done
   sequentially (which is the whole point of >>=) but is actually a pure
   function.  The ST monad also appears to be able to be used like this
   if you use runST.

3) Side-effect monads: IO, STM, ST (used with stToIO), etc.  The
   "classical" monads, so to speak which you seem to be thinking about.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Daniel Díaz
I don't understand why to call "impure" to the types instances of a class.
Monad is simply a class with their methods. Even the "pure" list is a monad.
The only difference between Monad and other classes is do notation, and only
affects notation.

The "impure" side is a type, not a class: IO.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
I think that we are having a terminology confusion here. For me, a
pure function is one that does not operate inside a monad. Eg. ++,
map, etc.

It was at one point my belief that although code in monads could call
pure functions, code in pure functions could not call functions that
operated inside a monad.

I was then introduced to functions such as execState and
unsafePerformIO which appear to prove that my original belief was

Currently I am in a state of deep confusion, but that is OK, because
it means that I am learning something new!


On Jul 30, 11:55 am, Anton van Straaten 
> Kevin Jardine wrote:
> > I think that these are therefore the responses to the original
> > questions:
> >> I am of the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of 
> >> it?
> > You can run monadic functions and get pure results.
> Some clarifications:
> First, many monads (including State) are completely pure in a
> referential transparency sense, so the issue we're discussing is not a
> question of whether results are pure (in general) but rather whether
> they're monadic or not, i.e. whether the type of a result is something
> like "Monad m => m a", or just "a".
> Second, what I was calling a "monadic function" is a function of type:
>    Monad m => a -> m b
> These are the functions that bind (>>=) composes.  When you apply these
> functions to a value of type a, you always get a monadic value back of
> type "m b", because the type says so.
> These functions therefore *cannot* do anything to "escape the monad",
> and by the same token, a chain of functions composed with bind, or the
> equivalent sequence of statements in a 'do' expression, cannot escape
> the monad.
> It is only the monadic values (a.k.a. actions) of type "m b" that you
> can usually "run" using a runner function specific to the monad in
> question, such as execState (or unsafePerformIO).
> (Note that as Lyndon Maydwell pointed out, you cannot escape a monad
> using only Monad type class functions.)
> > So it looks like in that sense you can "get out of it".
> At this level, you can think of a monad like a function (which it often
> is, in fact).  After you've applied a function to a value and got the
> result, you don't need the function any more.  Ditto for a monad, except
> that for monads, the applying is usually done by a monad-specific runner
> function.
> Anton
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> haskell-c...@haskell.org
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Anton van Straaten

Kevin Jardine wrote:

I think that these are therefore the responses to the original

I am of the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it?

You can run monadic functions and get pure results. 

Some clarifications:

First, many monads (including State) are completely pure in a 
referential transparency sense, so the issue we're discussing is not a 
question of whether results are pure (in general) but rather whether 
they're monadic or not, i.e. whether the type of a result is something 
like "Monad m => m a", or just "a".

Second, what I was calling a "monadic function" is a function of type:

  Monad m => a -> m b

These are the functions that bind (>>=) composes.  When you apply these 
functions to a value of type a, you always get a monadic value back of 
type "m b", because the type says so.

These functions therefore *cannot* do anything to "escape the monad", 
and by the same token, a chain of functions composed with bind, or the 
equivalent sequence of statements in a 'do' expression, cannot escape 
the monad.

It is only the monadic values (a.k.a. actions) of type "m b" that you 
can usually "run" using a runner function specific to the monad in 
question, such as execState (or unsafePerformIO).

(Note that as Lyndon Maydwell pointed out, you cannot escape a monad 
using only Monad type class functions.)

So it looks like in that sense you can "get out of it".

At this level, you can think of a monad like a function (which it often 
is, in fact).  After you've applied a function to a value and got the 
result, you don't need the function any more.  Ditto for a monad, except 
that for monads, the applying is usually done by a monad-specific runner 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
I think that these are therefore the responses to the original

> I am of the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it?

You can run monadic functions and get pure results. So it looks like
in that sense you can "get out of it".

>  Is this breaking the "monad" scheme?

Apparently not. Although functions that do this for monads that have
side effects are unsafe, so use them carefully.


On Jul 30, 11:17 am, Anton van Straaten 
>  >> On Jul 30, 9:59 am, Kevin Jardine  wrote:
>  >>
>  >>> The original poster states that the type of modifiedImage is "simply
>  >>> ByteString" but given that it calls execState, is that possible?
>  >>> Would it not be State ByteString?
>  >> Oops, I should have written
>  >>
>  >> IO ByteString
>  >>
>  >> as the State stuff is only *inside* execState.
>  >>
>  >> But a monad none the less?
> State is a pure monad that doesn't involve IO.  It works by threading a
> state value through the monadic computation, so old states are discarded
> and new states are passed on, and no actual mutation is involved.  This
> means there's no need to bring IO into it.
> If you look at the type signature of execState, you'll see that unless
> the state type 's' involves IO, the return type can't involve IO.
> It can help to run little examples of this.  Here's a GHCi transcript:
> Prelude> :m Control.Monad.State
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> let addToState :: Int -> State Int ();
> addToState x = do s <- get; put (s+x)
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> let mAdd4 = addToState 4
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t mAdd4
> m :: State Int ()
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> let s = execState mAdd4 2
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t s
> s :: Int
> Prelude Control.Monad.State> s
> 6
> In the above, addToState is a monadic function that adds its argument x
> to the current state.  mAdd4 is a monadic value that adds 4 to whatever
> state it's eventually provided with.  When execState provides it with an
> initial state of 2, the monadic computation is run, and the returned
> result is 6, which is an Int, not a monadic type.
> > Or is it possible to call a function in a monad and return a pure
> > result? I think that is what the original poster was asking?
> If you use a function like execState (depending on the monad), you can
> typically run a monadic computation and get a non-monadic result.
> However, if you're doing that inside a monadic function, you still have
> to return a value of monadic type - so typically, you use 'return',
> which lifts a value into the monad.
> > I know that unsafePerformIO can do this, but I thought that was a bit
> > of a hack.
> IO is a special monad which has side effects.  unsafePerformIO is "just"
> one of the functions that can run IO actions, but because the monad has
> side effects, this is unsafe in general.  With a pure monad like State,
> there's no such issue.
> Anton
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> haskell-c...@haskell.org
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Anton van Straaten

>> On Jul 30, 9:59 am, Kevin Jardine  wrote:
>>> The original poster states that the type of modifiedImage is "simply
>>> ByteString" but given that it calls execState, is that possible?
>>> Would it not be State ByteString?

>> Oops, I should have written
>> IO ByteString
>> as the State stuff is only *inside* execState.
>> But a monad none the less?

State is a pure monad that doesn't involve IO.  It works by threading a 
state value through the monadic computation, so old states are discarded 
and new states are passed on, and no actual mutation is involved.  This 
means there's no need to bring IO into it.

If you look at the type signature of execState, you'll see that unless 
the state type 's' involves IO, the return type can't involve IO.

It can help to run little examples of this.  Here's a GHCi transcript:

Prelude> :m Control.Monad.State
Prelude Control.Monad.State> let addToState :: Int -> State Int (); 
addToState x = do s <- get; put (s+x)

Prelude Control.Monad.State> let mAdd4 = addToState 4
Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t mAdd4
m :: State Int ()
Prelude Control.Monad.State> let s = execState mAdd4 2
Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t s
s :: Int
Prelude Control.Monad.State> s

In the above, addToState is a monadic function that adds its argument x 
to the current state.  mAdd4 is a monadic value that adds 4 to whatever 
state it's eventually provided with.  When execState provides it with an 
initial state of 2, the monadic computation is run, and the returned 
result is 6, which is an Int, not a monadic type.

Or is it possible to call a function in a monad and return a pure
result? I think that is what the original poster was asking?

If you use a function like execState (depending on the monad), you can 
typically run a monadic computation and get a non-monadic result. 
However, if you're doing that inside a monadic function, you still have 
to return a value of monadic type - so typically, you use 'return', 
which lifts a value into the monad.

I know that unsafePerformIO can do this, but I thought that was a bit
of a hack.

IO is a special monad which has side effects.  unsafePerformIO is "just" 
one of the functions that can run IO actions, but because the monad has 
side effects, this is unsafe in general.  With a pure monad like State, 
there's no such issue.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
Or is it possible to call a function in a monad and return a pure
result? I think that is what the original poster was asking?

I know that unsafePerformIO can do this, but I thought that was a bit
of a hack.

I'm still trying to understand how monads interact with types so I am
interested in this as well.


On Jul 30, 10:11 am, Kevin Jardine  wrote:
> Oops, I should have written
> IO ByteString
> as the State stuff is only *inside* execState.
> But a monad none the less?
> Kevin
> On Jul 30, 9:59 am, Kevin Jardine  wrote:
> > The original poster states that the type of modifiedImage is "simply
> > ByteString" but given that it calls execState, is that possible?
> > Would it not be State ByteString?
> > Kevin
> > On Jul 30, 9:49 am, Anton van Straaten  wrote:
> > > C K Kashyap wrote:
> > > > In the code here -
> > > >
> > > > If I look at the type of modifiedImage, its simply ByteString - but
> > > > isn't it actually getting into and back out of the state monad? I am of
> > > > the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? Is
> > > > this breaking the "monad" scheme?
> > > modifiedImage uses the execState function, which has the following type:
> > >    execState :: State s a -> s -> s
> > > In other words, it applies a State monad value to a state, and returns a
> > > new state.  Its entire purpose is to "run" the monad and obtain the
> > > resulting state.
> > > A monadic value of type "State s a" is a kind of delayed computation
> > > that doesn't do anything until you apply it to a state, using a function
> > > like execState or evalState.  Once you do that, the computation runs,
> > > the monad is "evaluated away", and a result is returned.
> > > The issue about not being able to escape that (I think) you're referring
> > > to applies to the functions "within" that computation.  A State monad
> > > computation typically consists of a chain of monadic functions of type
> > > (a -> State s b) composed using bind (>>=).  A function in that composed
> > > chain has to return a monadic value, which constrains the ability of
> > > such a function to escape from the monad.
> > > Within a monadic function, you may deal directly with states and
> > > non-monadic values, and you may run functions like evalState or
> > > execState which eliminate monads, but the function still has to return a
> > > monadic value in the end, e.g. using "return" to lift an ordinary value
> > > into the monad.
> > > Anton
> > > ___
> > > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> > > haskell-c...@haskell.org
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> > haskell-c...@haskell.org
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> haskell-c...@haskell.org
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
Oops, I should have written

IO ByteString

as the State stuff is only *inside* execState.

But a monad none the less?


On Jul 30, 9:59 am, Kevin Jardine  wrote:
> The original poster states that the type of modifiedImage is "simply
> ByteString" but given that it calls execState, is that possible?
> Would it not be State ByteString?
> Kevin
> On Jul 30, 9:49 am, Anton van Straaten  wrote:
> > C K Kashyap wrote:
> > > In the code here -
> > >
> > > If I look at the type of modifiedImage, its simply ByteString - but
> > > isn't it actually getting into and back out of the state monad? I am of
> > > the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? Is
> > > this breaking the "monad" scheme?
> > modifiedImage uses the execState function, which has the following type:
> >    execState :: State s a -> s -> s
> > In other words, it applies a State monad value to a state, and returns a
> > new state.  Its entire purpose is to "run" the monad and obtain the
> > resulting state.
> > A monadic value of type "State s a" is a kind of delayed computation
> > that doesn't do anything until you apply it to a state, using a function
> > like execState or evalState.  Once you do that, the computation runs,
> > the monad is "evaluated away", and a result is returned.
> > The issue about not being able to escape that (I think) you're referring
> > to applies to the functions "within" that computation.  A State monad
> > computation typically consists of a chain of monadic functions of type
> > (a -> State s b) composed using bind (>>=).  A function in that composed
> > chain has to return a monadic value, which constrains the ability of
> > such a function to escape from the monad.
> > Within a monadic function, you may deal directly with states and
> > non-monadic values, and you may run functions like evalState or
> > execState which eliminate monads, but the function still has to return a
> > monadic value in the end, e.g. using "return" to lift an ordinary value
> > into the monad.
> > Anton
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> > haskell-c...@haskell.org
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> haskell-c...@haskell.org
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin Jardine
The original poster states that the type of modifiedImage is "simply
ByteString" but given that it calls execState, is that possible?

Would it not be State ByteString?


On Jul 30, 9:49 am, Anton van Straaten  wrote:
> C K Kashyap wrote:
> > In the code here -
> >
> > If I look at the type of modifiedImage, its simply ByteString - but
> > isn't it actually getting into and back out of the state monad? I am of
> > the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? Is
> > this breaking the "monad" scheme?
> modifiedImage uses the execState function, which has the following type:
>    execState :: State s a -> s -> s
> In other words, it applies a State monad value to a state, and returns a
> new state.  Its entire purpose is to "run" the monad and obtain the
> resulting state.
> A monadic value of type "State s a" is a kind of delayed computation
> that doesn't do anything until you apply it to a state, using a function
> like execState or evalState.  Once you do that, the computation runs,
> the monad is "evaluated away", and a result is returned.
> The issue about not being able to escape that (I think) you're referring
> to applies to the functions "within" that computation.  A State monad
> computation typically consists of a chain of monadic functions of type
> (a -> State s b) composed using bind (>>=).  A function in that composed
> chain has to return a monadic value, which constrains the ability of
> such a function to escape from the monad.
> Within a monadic function, you may deal directly with states and
> non-monadic values, and you may run functions like evalState or
> execState which eliminate monads, but the function still has to return a
> monadic value in the end, e.g. using "return" to lift an ordinary value
> into the monad.
> Anton
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> haskell-c...@haskell.org
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Anton van Straaten

C K Kashyap wrote:
In the code here -
If I look at the type of modifiedImage, its simply ByteString - but 
isn't it actually getting into and back out of the state monad? I am of 
the understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? Is 
this breaking the "monad" scheme?

modifiedImage uses the execState function, which has the following type:

  execState :: State s a -> s -> s

In other words, it applies a State monad value to a state, and returns a 
new state.  Its entire purpose is to "run" the monad and obtain the 
resulting state.

A monadic value of type "State s a" is a kind of delayed computation 
that doesn't do anything until you apply it to a state, using a function 
like execState or evalState.  Once you do that, the computation runs, 
the monad is "evaluated away", and a result is returned.

The issue about not being able to escape that (I think) you're referring 
to applies to the functions "within" that computation.  A State monad 
computation typically consists of a chain of monadic functions of type 
(a -> State s b) composed using bind (>>=).  A function in that composed 
chain has to return a monadic value, which constrains the ability of 
such a function to escape from the monad.

Within a monadic function, you may deal directly with states and 
non-monadic values, and you may run functions like evalState or 
execState which eliminate monads, but the function still has to return a 
monadic value in the end, e.g. using "return" to lift an ordinary value 
into the monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] couchDB

2010-07-30 Thread Andrew U. Frank
a few weeks ago a question was posed on this list for examples how to
use couchDB. i post the 'hello world' for couchDB using the haskell
interface - perhaps it helps other to start! 

a more extensive and complicate example is found at

I created with Futon a db names "first" (i had no luck with names
containing a - or a _ , but have not investigated further). the
runcouchDB' affects the couchDB at localhost.


ps: if there is a better place to document examples? a wiki on would be nice and should be available for any project in

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Main ( ) where

import Database.CouchDB
import Data.Data (Typeable)

import Text.JSON

s1 = JSString $ toJSString "Peter"

m1 = makeObj [("FirstName", s1), ("FamilytName", JSString . toJSString
$ "Miller")]

mydb1 = db "first"-- convert db name to checked couchdb
-- problem with "-" or "_" in db names in haskell??

main = do
putStrLn "start couchdb tests"
(doc, rev) <- runCouchDB' $ newDoc mydb1 m1 -- works 

return ()

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Stefan Holdermans

> There is one case where you can break out of a monad without knowing which 
> monad it is.  Well, kind of.  It's cheating in a way because it does force 
> the use of the Identity monad.  Even if it's cheating, it's still very clever 
> and interesting.

How is this cheating?  Or better, how is this breaking out of a monad "without 
knowing which monad it is"?  It isn't. You know exactly which monad you're 
breaking out: it's the identity monad.  That's what happens if you put 
quantifiers in negative positions: here, you are not escaping out of an 
arbitrary monad (which you can't), but escaping out of a very specific monad.

> The specific function is:
>  > purify :: (forall m. Monad m => ((a -> m b) -> m b)) -> ((a->b)->b)
>  > purify f = \k -> runIdentity (f (return . k))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fail to install SDL with Cabal

2010-07-30 Thread Eitan Goldshtrom
I'm trying to install SDL through Cabal -- I don't know another way to 
install it. However, I'm getting this:

setup.exe: The package has a './configure' script. This requires a Unix
compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
SDL-0.5.10 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
exit: ExitFailure 1

I have MinGW and MSYS, so I don't understand why I'm having this 
problem. Do I need to set something special up so that Cabal can access 
their tools?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:48 PM, Lyndon Maydwell wrote:

> You cannot break out of a monad if all you have available to use are
> the monad typeclass functions, however there is nothing preventing an
> instance from being created that allows escape. Many of these escape
> methods come in the form of runX functions, but you can use
> constructors to break out with pattern matching if they are exposed.

There is one case where you can break out of a monad without knowing which
monad it is.  Well, kind of.  It's cheating in a way because it does force
the use of the Identity monad.  Even if it's cheating, it's still very
clever and interesting.

The specific function is:

 > purify :: (forall m. Monad m => ((a -> m b) -> m b)) -> ((a->b)->b)
 > purify f = \k -> runIdentity (f (return . k))

We take some arbitrary monad 'm' and escape from it.  Actually, the trick is
that f must work for ALL monads.  So we pick just one that allows escape and
apply f to it.  Here we picked Identity.  You could have picked Maybe,
lists, and any of the others that allow escaping.

> As far as I can tell, IO is more of an outlier in this regard.

Yes I agree there.  And even with IO we have unsafePerformIO that lets you

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