Re: [Haskell-cafe] object oriented technique

2011-03-30 Thread Tad Doxsee

Thank you for your detailed reply.  It was a real eye opener.  I
hadn't seen anything like that before.

It seems that your ShapeClass is very similar to, and plays the same
role as, the Class ShapeC from my example.  I wonder if that was how
haskellers implemented shared functions before type classes were

One advantage that I see in your approach is that you only need one
function, "call", that can be used to dereference any method in
ShapeClass. In my example, I needed to define ShapeC ShapeD instances
for both draw and copyTo.

I suppose one nice aspect of using a type class is that the copyTo
method can be applied to a Rectangle to give another Rectangle, or to
a Circle, or to a generic ShapeD to give a generic ShapeD.  The copyTo
function in your example produces a generic shape.

Thanks again for your help.


On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Tillmann Rendel
> Hi,
> Steffen Schuldenzucker wrote:
>> data Shape = Shape {
>>    draw :: String
>>    copyTo :: Double ->  Double -> Shape
>> }
> Tad Doxsee wrote:
>> Suppose that the shape class has 100 methods and that 1000 fully
>> evaluated shapes are placed in a list.
> The above solution would store the full method table with each object.
> Instead, we could share the method tables between objects. An object would
> then uniformly contain two pointers: One pointer to the method table, and
> one poiner to the internal state.
>  {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, Rank2Types #-}
>  data Object methods = forall state . Object {
>    methods :: methods state,
>    state :: state
>  }
> Calling a method requires dereferencing both pointers.
>  call :: (forall state . methods state -> state -> a) ->
>          (Object methods -> a)
>  call method (Object methods state) = method methods state
> Using this machinery, we can encode the interface for shapes.
>  data ShapeClass state = ShapeClass {
>    draw :: state -> String,
>    copyTo :: state -> Double -> Double -> Shape
>  }
>  type Shape = Object ShapeClass
> An implementation of the interface consists of three parts: A datatype or
> the internal state, a method table, and a constructor.
>  data RectangleState = RectangleState {rx, ry, rw, rh :: Double}
>  rectangleClass :: ShapeClass RectangleState
>  rectangleClass = ShapeClass {
>    draw = \r ->
>      "Rect (" ++ show (rx r) ++ ", " ++ show (ry r) ++ ") -- "
>       ++ show (rw r) ++ " x " ++ show (rh r),
>    copyTo = \r x y -> rectangle x y (rw r) (rh r)
>  }
>  rectangle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
>  rectangle x y w h
>    = Object rectangleClass (RectangleState x y w h)
> The analogous code for circles.
>  data CircleState = CircleState {cx, cy, cr :: Double}
>  circleClass :: ShapeClass CircleState
>  circleClass = ShapeClass {
>    draw = \c ->
>      "Circ (" ++ show (cx c) ++ ", " ++ show (cy c)++ ") -- "
>      ++ show (cr c),
>    copyTo = \c x y -> circle x y (cr c)
>  }
>  circle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
>  circle x y r
>    = Object circleClass (CircleState x y r)
> Rectangles and circles can be stored together in usual Haskell lists,
> because they are not statically distinguished at all.
>  -- test
>  r1 = rectangle 0 0 3 2
>  r2 = rectangle 1 1 4 5
>  c1 = circle 0 0 5
>  c2 = circle 2 0 7
>  shapes = [r1, r2, c1, c2]
>  main = mapM_ (putStrLn . call draw) shapes
> While this does not nearly implement all of OO (no inheritance, no late
> binding, ...), it might meet your requirements.
>  Tillmann
> PS. You could probably use a type class instead of the algebraic data type
> ShapeClass, but I don't see a benefit. Indeed, I like how the code above is
> very explicit about what is stored where. For example, in the code of the
> rectangle function, it is clearly visible that all shapes created with that
> function will share a method table.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computational Physics in Haskell

2011-03-30 Thread David Sorokin

31.03.2011 08:57, Mihai Maruseac пишет:

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 1:50 AM, KC  wrote:

I'd also like to know of any Haskell programs for
theoretical/computational physics.


Maybe converting such programs to Haskell.

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Azeem -ul-Hasan  wrote:

I started learning Haskell a little while ago. Although I am a novice I am
still in love with it.
I am physics major and primarily interested in Theoretical Physics and would
like to use Haskell in this area. So, I just know to what has been done in
this area, are there any libraries for simulating physical process in
Haskell etc.

Don't know if this is what you're looking for but I found this pages:
[1], [2], [3]. Maybe one of them will contain what you're looking for.


I think that Aivika[3] doesn't suit this task, although it can integrate 
the ordinary differential equations but they are relatively slow as the 
focus was mainly on the hybrid simulation and DES. As far as I 
understand, the fields are quite different.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computational Physics in Haskell

2011-03-30 Thread Mihai Maruseac
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 1:50 AM, KC  wrote:
> I'd also like to know of any Haskell programs for
> theoretical/computational physics.
> H!
> Maybe converting such programs to Haskell.
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Azeem -ul-Hasan  wrote:
>> I started learning Haskell a little while ago. Although I am a novice I am
>> still in love with it.
>> I am physics major and primarily interested in Theoretical Physics and would
>> like to use Haskell in this area. So, I just know to what has been done in
>> this area, are there any libraries for simulating physical process in
>> Haskell etc.

Don't know if this is what you're looking for but I found this pages:
[1], [2], [3]. Maybe one of them will contain what you're looking for.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread John Millikin
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 21:07, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic <> wrote:

> On 31 March 2011 14:51, John Millikin  wrote:
> > Linux, OSX, and (probably?) FreeBSD use UTF8.
> For Linux, doesn't it depend upon the locale rather than forcing UTF-8?

In theory, yes. There are environment to specify the locale encoding, and
some applications attempt to obey them.

In practice, no. Both Qt and GTK+ use UTF8 internally, and react poorly when
run on a non-UTF8 system. Every major distribution sets the locale encoding
to UTF8. Setting a non-UTF8 encoding requires digging through various
undocumented configuration files, and even then many applications will
simply ignore it and use UTF8 anyway.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to optmize this code?

2011-03-30 Thread Gilberto Garcia
Thank you very much for the suggestions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 31 March 2011 14:51, John Millikin  wrote:
> Linux, OSX, and (probably?) FreeBSD use UTF8.

For Linux, doesn't it depend upon the locale rather than forcing UTF-8?

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to optmize this code?

2011-03-30 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Gilberto Garcia  wrote:
> fkSum :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> fkSum a [] = 0
> fkSum a (b) = foldl (+) 0 (filter (\x -> isMultiple x b) [1..a])

Daniel Fischer and Yves Parès gave you good suggestions about
implementing a different, better algorithm for you problem.  However,
there's one small thing about your current code.  Instead of foldl,
you should use foldl' (use "import Data.List"), which is strict in the
accumulator.  Most of the time you want foldl' instead of foldl.  You
can learn more about the list folds here [1].




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread John Millikin
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 9:07:45 AM UTC-7, Michael Snoyman wrote:
> Thanks to you (and everyone else) for the informative responses. For
> now, I've simply hard-coded in UTF-8 encoding for all non-Windows
> systems. I'm not sure how this will play with OSes besides Windows and
> Linux (especially Mac), but it's a good stop-gap measure.
> Linux, OSX, and (probably?) FreeBSD use UTF8. It's *possible* for a Linux 
file path to contain arbitrary bytes, but every application I've ever seen 
just gives up and writes [[invalid character]] symbols when confronted with 

OSX's chief weirdness is that its GUI programs swap ':' and '/' when 
displaying filenames. So the file "hello:world.txt" will show up as 
"hello/world.txt" in Finder. It also performs Unicode normalization on your 
filenames, which is mostly harmless but can have unexpected results on 
unicode-naïve applications like rsync.** I don't know how its normalization 
interacts with invalid file paths, or whether it even allows such paths to 
be written.

Window's weirdness is its multi-root filesystem, and also that it 
distinguishes between absolute and non-relative paths. The Windows path 
"/foo.txt" is *not* absolute and *not* relative. I've never been able to 
figure out how Windows does Unicode; it seems to have a half-dozen APIs for 
it, all subtly different, and not a single damn one displays anything but 
"???.txt" when I download anything east-Asian.

I *do* think it would be incredibly useful to provide alternatives to
> all the standard operations on FilePath which used opaque datatypes
> and properly handles filename encoding. I noticed John Millikin's
> system-filepath package[1]. Do people have experience with it? It
> seems that adding a few functions like getDirectoryContents, plus
> adding a version of toString which performs some character decoding,
> would get us pretty far.
system-filepath was my frustration with the somewhat bizarre behavior of 
some functions in "filepath"; I designed it to match the Python os.path API 
pretty closely. I don't think it has any client code outside of my ~/bin , 
so changing its API radically shouldn't cause any drama.

I'd prefer filesystem manipulation functions be put in a separate library 
(perhaps "system-directory"?), to match the current filepath/directory 

If it's to contain encoding-aware functions, I think they should be 
Text-only. The existing String-based are just to interact with legacy 
functions in System.IO, and should be either renamed to "toChar8/fromChar8" 
or removed entirely. My vote to the second -- if someone needs Char8 
strings, they can convert from the ByteString version explicitly.

-- | Try to decode a FilePath to Text, using the current locale encoding. If
-- the filepath is invalid in the current locale, it is decoded as ASCII and
-- any non-ASCII bytes are replaced with a placeholder.
-- The returned text is useful only for display to the user. It might not be
-- possible to convert back to the same or any 'FilePath'.
toText :: FilePath -> Text

-- | Try to encode Text to a FilePath, using the current locale encoding. If
-- the text cannot be represented in the current locale, returns 'Nothing'.
fromText :: Text -> Maybe FilePath
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread John Millikin
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:18:48 PM UTC-7, Bas van Dijk wrote:

> It would also be great to have a package which combines the proper
> encoding/decoding of filepaths of the system-filepath package with the
> type-safety of the pathtype package:
 Does that package actually work well? I don't see how it can; it's not 
possible to determine whether a path like "/foo/bar" or "C:\foo\bar" refers 
to a file or directory, so any user input has to be [[ Path ar fd ]]. And 
since the filesystem's out of our control, even functions like [[ checkType 
:: Path ar fd -> IO (Either (FilePath ar) (DirPath ar)) can't provide any 
meaningful result. And that's before getting into UNIX symlinks, which can 
be files and directories at the same time.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 175

2011-03-30 Thread Daniel Santa Cruz
   Welcome to issue 175 of the HWN, a newsletter covering developments in
   the [1]Haskell community. This release covers the week of March 20 -

   You can find the HTML version at:


   Wren Ng Thornton [2]announced the release of unix-bytestring:
   Unix/Posix-specific functions for ByteStrengs.

   John Lato [3]announced an incremental update to the ListLike package.
   "This version adds newtype wrappers for strict and lazy ByteString,
   CharString, and CharStringLazy..."

   Mario Blazevic [4]announced the release of incremental-parser, which
   provides the usual set of Applicative and monad combinators with a few
   twists that make it unique.

   Duncan Coutts [5]announced the release of version 0.16.3 of c2hs, the
   FFI preprocessor tool.

   Jeff Wheeler [6]announced a new release of Yi, the text editor written
   in and extensible in Haskell.

   Christiaan Baaij [7]announced an incremental upgrade to to

   Mario Blazevic [8]announced updates to monad-parallel, monad-coroutine,
   and SCC (Streaming Component Combinators).

   John Millikin [9]announced an update to enumerator to version 0.4.8.

Quotes of the Week

 * Squarism: wo utilizing any tricks, i want 20 miljon rabbits to mate
   with each other once.. how many mate event will there be

 * mm_freak: using combinators instead of explicit recursion can be
   justified with about the same reasoning as using 'while' instead of
   explicit 'goto' in imperative programming

 * monochrom: <$> is pronounced Jacquelin von Brionée

 * geheimdienst: what does a pirate say when starting a sentence, then
   suddenly being hit in the nadgers? arr- ow!

 * monochrom: 1985 is way more than a decade ago

 * copumpkin: matlab is horrible as far as language design goes[.]
   it's fairly convenient for doing stuff in but I need to shower
   after every time I use it

Top Reddit Stories

 * Debugging trick
   From (self.haskell), scored 60 with 11 comments.
   Read on [10]reddit.

 * Your friendly Haskell JSON library's encoding performance just got
   4x faster
   From (, scored 45 with 2 comments.
   Read on [12]reddit.
   Read the [13]original post.

 * A monad for deterministic parallelism (ICFP'2011 submission)
   From (, scored 41 with 8 comments.
   Read on [14]reddit.
   Read the [15]original post.

 * Haskell servers benchmarked against node/ruby/python/php/java.
   From (, scored 36 with 12 comments.
   Read on [16]reddit.
   Read the [17]original post.

 * The Yesod Framework and the Case of the Eight Level Monad
   Transformer Stack
   From (, scored 35 with 16 comments.
   Read on [18]reddit.
   Read the [19]original post.

 * Improving Persistent Performance (Yesod Blog)
   From (, scored 29 with 1 comments.
   Read on [20]reddit.
   Read the [21]original post.

 * Fast, clean Haskell bindings to Google's Snappy library
   From (, scored 22 with 8 comments.
   Read on [22]reddit.
   Read the [23]original post.

 * Open Quark on Github (Haskell like Lang on the JVM)
   From (, scored 15 with 3 comments.
   Read on [24]reddit.
   Read the [25]original post.

 * EclipseFP 2.0.4 released: supports GHC 7
   From (, scored 15 with 7 comments.
   Read on [26]reddit.
   Read the [27]original post.

 * Demonstrating a Time Leak in Arrowized FRP
   From (, scored 14 with 12 comments.
   Read on [28]reddit.
   Read the [29]original post.

Top StackOverflow Answers

 * [30]Reading large file in haskell ? votes: 19

 The construct "seq x x" is always useless.  If y = seq x x and I force
 y then this forces x then returns x.  This is equivalent to y=x and
 forcing y.  Thus "seq forceEval forceEval" does nothing more than

 The error with your use of a fold is a common one.

 You are using a fold to perform a count of the bytes in the
 input.  You should be using ...

 * [31]What to call a function that splits lists? votes: 12

 I believe the function you're describing is breakBefore from
 the list-grouping package.


 ghci:: breakBefore even

Top StackOverflow Questions

 * [32]Haskell record syntax
   votes: 16, answers: 1

 * [33]Reading large file in haskell?
   votes: 12, answers: 1

 * [34]Haskell laziness - how do I force the IO to happen sooner?
   votes: 9, answers: 3


[Haskell-cafe] pool, persistent, persistent-sqlite: Space leak

2011-03-30 Thread Ertugrul Soeylemez
Hello Michael, hello fellow Haskellers,

there seems to be a space leak in either 'pool', 'persistent' or
'persistent-sqlite'.  From the behaviour I suspect the bug to be in
'pool'.  When I run a transaction in an infinite loop, my program keeps
eating more and more memory, even if the transaction itself doesn't do

forever $ runSqlPool (return ()) pool

This doesn't happen for non-pooled connections, i.e. the following code
runs in constant space as expected:

forever $ runSqlConn (return ()) conn

Versions are pool-0.0.1, persistent-0.4.2, persistent-sqlite-0.4.0.  It
happens for both file and in-memory databases.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ghci] unknown symbol in base-unicode-symbols- ...

2011-03-30 Thread Roel van Dijk
I can reproduce the problem on my system with GHC-7.0.3.

The flag old-base is meant for base libraries before which
didn't export a Control.Category module. It looks like I accidentally
inverted the logic of the flag. What is weird is that is still builds
okay on my system. I would expect that, given the inverted flag logic,
Control.Category.Unicode would be missing from the installed package's
exposed module list.

I fixed the logic of the flag and the bug appears to be gone. I
uploaded the fixed version

Thanks for the bug report!

On 31 March 2011 00:05, John Obbele  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:37:47PM +0200, John Obbele wrote:
>> I'm having a problem in GHCi when loading modules relying on the
>> base-unicode-symbols package. My prompt gives me the following
>> message:
>> >> ghci $
>> Loading package base-unicode-symbols- ... linking ... : 
>> /home/john/.cabal/lib/base-unicode-symbols-
>>  unknown symbol 
>> `__stginit_basezmunicodezmsymbolszm0zi2zi1zi2_ControlziCategoryziUnicode_'
>> ghc: unable to load package `base-unicode-symbols-'
> Oki, so I'm answering to myself: the base-unicode-symbols cabal
> file introduces a quirk concerning 'base' version which hides the
> symbols in Control.Category.Unicode.
>>> base-unicode-symbols.cabal -- line 42-46
>  if !flag(old-base)
>    build-depends: base >= 3.0 && < 4.4
>  else
>    build-depends: base >= && < 4.4
>    exposed-modules: Control.Category.Unicode
> I should contact the maintainer about this …

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computational Physics in Haskell

2011-03-30 Thread KC
I'd also like to know of any Haskell programs for
theoretical/computational physics.


Maybe converting such programs to Haskell.

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Azeem -ul-Hasan  wrote:
> I started learning Haskell a little while ago. Although I am a novice I am
> still in love with it.
> I am physics major and primarily interested in Theoretical Physics and would
> like to use Haskell in this area. So, I just know to what has been done in
> this area, are there any libraries for simulating physical process in
> Haskell etc.
> Azeem Ul Hasan
> School of Science and Engineering,
> Lahore University of Management Sciences,
> Lahore, Pakistan
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Accessing to a Haskell type in C

2011-03-30 Thread Antoine Latter
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Yves Parès  wrote:
> Hello,
> To access a haskell type from C code, do we have to make this type instance
> of Storable (and so to also define an homomorph structure on the C side), or
> does FFI specifies some C function to enable C code to access the fields, or
> even some GHC-specific functions? (Even if I'd prefer a portable way)
> I mean, if I have the type:
> data Character = Character {
>     pos :: (Float, Float),
>     size :: Float,
>     sprite :: Image
> }
> Do I compulsorily have to double its definition on C side:
> stuct CCharacter {
>     float x;
>     float y;
>     float size;
>     Image sprite;
> }
> and then make Character instance of Storable, which will make the program
> *copy* Characters to CCharacters each time that I must call a C function to,
> say, draw a character?

I haven't needed to access Haskell data from C, but the way I see it
you have two choices:

* Write a Storable instance for your Haskell type, as you said. Be
sure to use the Haskell CTypes as intermediaries so you don't go crazy
on the other side.

* StablePtr magic and foreign-exported wrapper functions to do all of
your data-manipulation in Haskell. There's less duplication this way,
but perhaps more boiler-plate. Plus you need to manage the lifetime of
the StablePtr.

I don't know of anything else off-hand. Most people focus on going the
other way (using C types in Haskell).


> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Accessing to a Haskell type in C

2011-03-30 Thread Yves Parès

To access a haskell type from C code, do we have to make this type instance
of Storable (and so to also define an homomorph structure on the C side), or
does FFI specifies some C function to enable C code to access the fields, or
even some GHC-specific functions? (Even if I'd prefer a portable way)

I mean, if I have the type:

data Character = Character {
pos :: (Float, Float),
size :: Float,
sprite :: Image

Do I compulsorily have to double its definition on C side:

stuct CCharacter {
float x;
float y;
float size;
Image sprite;

and then make Character instance of Storable, which will make the program
*copy* Characters to CCharacters each time that I must call a C function to,
say, draw a character?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ArrowLoop and streamprocessors

2011-03-30 Thread Patai Gergely
> So loop really doesn't seem to help here, but I couldn't find another
> way either to feed outputs back into the system.
> What I need is:
> Either A B ~> Either C B -> A ~> C
> Does such a thing exist?
At this point you don't really have enough structure to define such a
feedback loop. Since you have streams of different rates, you need to
find some common ground to merge them. The path taken by Reactive is to
assign a timestamp to events, and ensure that merging preserves time
ordering. Of course you'll immediately run into the problem of
simultaneous occurrences, and it depends on the context how you want to
resolve them.

Also, what you're trying to achieve looks similar to Peakachu, so you
might want to check it out, especially the Program abstraction [1]. It
even has a feedback combinator with a slightly different signature.



-- - mmm... Fastmail...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ghci] unknown symbol in base-unicode-symbols- ...

2011-03-30 Thread John Obbele
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:37:47PM +0200, John Obbele wrote:
> I'm having a problem in GHCi when loading modules relying on the
> base-unicode-symbols package. My prompt gives me the following
> message:
> >> ghci $
> Loading package base-unicode-symbols- ... linking ... : 
> /home/john/.cabal/lib/base-unicode-symbols-
>  unknown symbol 
> `__stginit_basezmunicodezmsymbolszm0zi2zi1zi2_ControlziCategoryziUnicode_'
> ghc: unable to load package `base-unicode-symbols-'

Oki, so I'm answering to myself: the base-unicode-symbols cabal
file introduces a quirk concerning 'base' version which hides the
symbols in Control.Category.Unicode.

>> base-unicode-symbols.cabal -- line 42-46
  if !flag(old-base)
build-depends: base >= 3.0 && < 4.4
build-depends: base >= && < 4.4
exposed-modules: Control.Category.Unicode

I should contact the maintainer about this …


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ArrowLoop and streamprocessors

2011-03-30 Thread Mathijs Kwik
Hi all,

I'm playing around a bit with arrows (more specifically, something
like a CPS style streamprocessor as described in "Generalising Monads
to Arrows" by John Hughes).
A part of my program takes inputs/signals from 2 sources.
The sources don't produce output at the same rate, and this part is
able to handle inputs independently.
So I figured I need Either A B ~> O for this part.

handleA :: A ~> O
handleB :: B ~> O

someBox :: Either A B ~> O
someBox = handleA ||| handleB

So far so good.

Now, further downstream (someBox >>> otherBox) there is.

otherBox :: O ~> Either C B

Let's say C are "normal" outputs, and B are control signals that need
to get wired back to someBox.
Control signals are rare, so maybe there's 1000 C outputs and only 1 B
output in a certain timeframe.
Also note that in this CPS style streamprocessing, there's no 1-on-1
relation between input and output, so on 1 input (O), otherBox might
produce 2 outputs (2 times C), or 4 outputs (3 times C and 1 time B).

To "wire back" B's to someBox, I'm pretty sure I need to use ArrowLoop.
But (loop :: a (b, d) (c, d) -> a b c) uses tuples, which means the
processing will only continue when both inputs are available.
So if I turn someBox into (A, B) ~> O and otherBox into O ~> (C, B),
the processing will instantly halt, waiting for a B to arrive after
the A comes in.

I know about the 'delay' trick that usually works for loops, where an
output value is just inserted before the actual outputs, but that
won't help in my case, because otherBox doesn't produce B's at the
same rate that someBox receives A's, so by inserting a dummy B,
someBox will only "run" once.
Also, there's no relation between the number of A inputs someBox
receives and the number of inputs for otherBox, so I also can't have
otherBox just insert "noop" signals after every "run".

So loop really doesn't seem to help here, but I couldn't find another
way either to feed outputs back into the system.
What I need is:
Either A B ~> Either C B -> A ~> C

Does such a thing exist?


PS: I remember reading about (unfortunately didn't get the examples
working) Reactive (FRP), which has the concept of Events and Behaviors
I think Yampa has something like it too. A Behavior has a value at all
times, which was updated by Events. That sounds a bit like it might
solve my problem, since I need something that contains "Latest Control
Signal was X" that updates when B's are produced, but that doesn't
have to be put "on the wire" as a stream of events (because I can't
determine how many events to put to match incoming A's. However, I
hope there is another solution because I found Reactive and Yampa
quite hard to grasp.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ghci] unknown symbol in base-unicode-symbols- ...

2011-03-30 Thread John Obbele
Hi everyone !

I'm having a problem in GHCi when loading modules relying on the
base-unicode-symbols package. My prompt gives me the following

>> ghci $
GHCi, version 7.0.2:  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :m +System.USB
Prelude System.USB> newCtx
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package text- ... linking ... done.
Loading package base-unicode-symbols- ... linking ... : 
 unknown symbol 
ghc: unable to load package `base-unicode-symbols-'
Prelude System.USB> 

I thought this was due to me screwing around cabal/ghc-pkg caches
but after a fresh install of Fedora15-alpha / cabal update /
cabal install usb I'm still getting the same error.

Moreover, a quick `nm HSbase-unicode-symbols-*.o | grep
ControlziCategoryziUnicode` give me the following output.

>> nm HSbase-unicode-symbols- | grep -C 4 'ControlziCategoryziUnicode_'
0070 T 
0040 T 
0120 T 
00d8 T 
01b8 T 
0188 T 
0250 T 
0220 T 

Could someone please explain to me what's happening ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 30 March 2011 18:07, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Michael Snoyman 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I think this is a well-known issue: it seems that there is no
>>> character decoding performed on the values returned from the functions
>>> in System.Directory (getDirectoryContents specifically). I could
>>> manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
>>> that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
>>> questions:
>>> * Is there a package out there that handles all the gory details for
>>> me automatically, and simply returns a properly decoded String (or
>>> Text)?
>>> * If not, is there a standard way to determine the character encoding
>>> used by the filesystem, short of hard-coding in character encodings
>>> used by the major ones?
>> I started to write a thoughtful reply, but I found that the answers here sum
>> up everything I was going to say:
>> This same issue comes up from time to time for darcs and, if I recall
>> correctly, the solution has been to treat unix file paths as arbitrary bytes
>> whenever possible and to escape non-ascii compatible bytes when they occur.
>>  Otherwise it can be hard to encode them in textual patch descriptions or
>> xml (where an encoding is required and I believe utf8 is a standard
>> default).
>> I wish you luck.  It's not as easy problem, at least on unix.  I've heard
>> that windows has a much easier time here as MS has provided a standard for
>> it.
>> Jason
> Thanks to you (and everyone else) for the informative responses. For
> now, I've simply hard-coded in UTF-8 encoding for all non-Windows
> systems. I'm not sure how this will play with OSes besides Windows and
> Linux (especially Mac), but it's a good stop-gap measure.
> I *do* think it would be incredibly useful to provide alternatives to
> all the standard operations on FilePath which used opaque datatypes
> and properly handles filename encoding. I noticed John Millikin's
> system-filepath package[1]. Do people have experience with it? It
> seems that adding a few functions like getDirectoryContents, plus
> adding a version of toString which performs some character decoding,
> would get us pretty far.
> Michael
> [1]
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

It would also be great to have a package which combines the proper
encoding/decoding of filepaths of the system-filepath package with the
type-safety of the pathtype package:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Computational Physics in Haskell

2011-03-30 Thread Azeem -ul-Hasan

I started learning Haskell a little while ago. Although I am a novice I am 
still in love with it.
I am physics major and primarily interested in Theoretical Physics and would 
like to use Haskell in this area. So, I just know to what has been done in this 
area, are there any libraries for simulating physical process in Haskell etc.
Azeem Ul Hasan
School of Science and Engineering,
Lahore University of Management Sciences,
Lahore, Pakistan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Jason Dagit  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Michael Snoyman 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I think this is a well-known issue: it seems that there is no
>> character decoding performed on the values returned from the functions
>> in System.Directory (getDirectoryContents specifically). I could
>> manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
>> that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
>> questions:
>> * Is there a package out there that handles all the gory details for
>> me automatically, and simply returns a properly decoded String (or
>> Text)?
>> * If not, is there a standard way to determine the character encoding
>> used by the filesystem, short of hard-coding in character encodings
>> used by the major ones?
> I started to write a thoughtful reply, but I found that the answers here sum
> up everything I was going to say:
> This same issue comes up from time to time for darcs and, if I recall
> correctly, the solution has been to treat unix file paths as arbitrary bytes
> whenever possible and to escape non-ascii compatible bytes when they occur.
>  Otherwise it can be hard to encode them in textual patch descriptions or
> xml (where an encoding is required and I believe utf8 is a standard
> default).
> I wish you luck.  It's not as easy problem, at least on unix.  I've heard
> that windows has a much easier time here as MS has provided a standard for
> it.
> Jason

Thanks to you (and everyone else) for the informative responses. For
now, I've simply hard-coded in UTF-8 encoding for all non-Windows
systems. I'm not sure how this will play with OSes besides Windows and
Linux (especially Mac), but it's a good stop-gap measure.

I *do* think it would be incredibly useful to provide alternatives to
all the standard operations on FilePath which used opaque datatypes
and properly handles filename encoding. I noticed John Millikin's
system-filepath package[1]. Do people have experience with it? It
seems that adding a few functions like getDirectoryContents, plus
adding a version of toString which performs some character decoding,
would get us pretty far.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to optmize this code?

2011-03-30 Thread Yves Parès
If I'm not wrong :

sum [1..n] = (n² + n)/2

2011/3/30 Daniel Fischer 

> On Wednesday 30 March 2011 16:39:49, Gilberto Garcia wrote:
> > Hi Haskellers,
> >
> > I was solving this problem from project euler to study haskell.
> > I came up whit the following solution and I was wondering if there is
> > a more optimized and concise solution.
> Yes. There's a constant-time formula for summing the multiples of k <= a
> (those are [k, 2*k .. (a `quot` k) * k],
> so the sum is k* sum [1 .. (a `quot` k)],
> try to find a formula for sum [1 .. n]), then you need the
> If you're looking for multiples of any of few numbers, it's very simple
> then. For longer lists (say you want to sum the multiples of any of 30
> numbers), you have to be clever implementing the inclusion-exclusion
> algorithm to keep the running time low, sometimes other methods may be
> faster then (fkSum (10^7) [2 .. 30] for example).
> >
> > fkSum :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> > fkSum a [] = 0
> > fkSum a (b) = foldl (+) 0 (filter (\x -> isMultiple x b) [1..a])
> >
> > isMultiple :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
> > isMultiple a [] = False
> > isMultiple a (x:xs) = if (mod a x == 0) then True else isMultiple a xs
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > ggarcia
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] CURL and upload a file

2011-03-30 Thread oliver mueller
i had a very similar problem recently. thanks for posting the curl-
based solution.
if you are interested in a haskell-only version (at least without
curl), check out

the most of the code came from cabal since they have code to upload to
hackage. but their solution didn't quite work for me since my
webserver is kind a picky and always choked on some unexpected CRLF so
i had to adapt is somehow.

On Mar 29, 12:42 am, Evgeny Dzhurinsky  wrote:
> I found the solution - the header "expect" is not processed by the
> server well, so I have had to explicitly set it to empty value - and
> then it worked!
> --
> regards
> Eugene Dzhurinsky
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-C...@haskell.org

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to optmize this code?

2011-03-30 Thread Daniel Fischer
On Wednesday 30 March 2011 16:39:49, Gilberto Garcia wrote:
> Hi Haskellers,
> I was solving this problem from project euler to study haskell.
> I came up whit the following solution and I was wondering if there is
> a more optimized and concise solution.

Yes. There's a constant-time formula for summing the multiples of k <= a 
(those are [k, 2*k .. (a `quot` k) * k], 
so the sum is k* sum [1 .. (a `quot` k)], 
try to find a formula for sum [1 .. n]), then you need the–exclusion_principle

If you're looking for multiples of any of few numbers, it's very simple 
then. For longer lists (say you want to sum the multiples of any of 30 
numbers), you have to be clever implementing the inclusion-exclusion 
algorithm to keep the running time low, sometimes other methods may be 
faster then (fkSum (10^7) [2 .. 30] for example).

> fkSum :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> fkSum a [] = 0
> fkSum a (b) = foldl (+) 0 (filter (\x -> isMultiple x b) [1..a])
> isMultiple :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
> isMultiple a [] = False
> isMultiple a (x:xs) = if (mod a x == 0) then True else isMultiple a xs
> Thanks in advance
> ggarcia

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how to optmize this code?

2011-03-30 Thread Gilberto Garcia
Hi Haskellers,

I was solving this problem from project euler to study haskell.
I came up whit the following solution and I was wondering if there is
a more optimized and concise solution.

fkSum :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
fkSum a [] = 0
fkSum a (b) = foldl (+) 0 (filter (\x -> isMultiple x b) [1..a])

isMultiple :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
isMultiple a [] = False
isMultiple a (x:xs) = if (mod a x == 0) then True else isMultiple a xs

Thanks in advance

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Regarding two platforms build error.

2011-03-30 Thread Serguey Zefirov
Haskell Platform 2010.1 with ghc 6.12.1 worked quite well.

Problem solved. ;)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamically linked executables

2011-03-30 Thread Edward Amsden
I'm pretty sure it's not possible under OS X, and just as sure that it
would be really nice, because some OS X libraries I'd like to link to
(JACK OS X in particular), don't provide static libraries.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Anakim Border  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand if it's possible to build dynamically linked
> executables under Mac OS X (10.6) with GHC 7.
> Looking here:
> it seems like the support is already present.
> Inside ghc-7.1.20110325 sources (the latest development snapshots as I
> write), I find the following:
> # Do we support shared libs?
> PlatformSupportsSharedLibs = $(if $(filter $(TARGETPLATFORM),\
>       i386-unknown-linux x86_64-unknown-linux \
>       i386-unknown-freebsd x86_64-unknown-freebsd \
>       i386-unknown-openbsd x86_64-unknown-openbsd \
>       i386-unknown-mingw32 \
>       i386-unknown-solaris2 \
>       i386-apple-darwin powerpc-apple-darwin),YES,NO)
> which seems to indicate the contrary.
> GHC bug tracker, finally, doesn't show any open ticket on the matter.
> Anyone has more details about this?
> Thanks,
> AB
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Edward Amsden
Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Two Haskell Platforms on single machine.

2011-03-30 Thread Serguey Zefirov
I had to use two Haskell Platforms at once in the Windows environment.

We use Haskell Platform 2011.1 as our main build platform. It provide
real benefits for code with GADTs so we ported most of our code there.
Right now we cannot switch back or it would be quite a regress.

We also have some heavy type level computation code in one of our
programs so we have to use Haskell Platform 2010.2 with ghc 6.12.3 as
7.0.2 is quite slow at that.

And now I have some strange error (it didn't appear when I used only
one of Haskell platforms):
ghc-6.12.3 -O2 -odir objs -hidir objs -stubdir objs -o CGen.exe
-fcontext-stack=100 --make CGen.hs
Linking CGen.exe ...
realgcc.exe: USERNA: Invalid argument
C:\PROGRA~1\HASKEL~1\201020~1.0\lib\..\mingw\bin\windres: "C:\PROGRA~1\HASKEL~1\
201020~1.0\lib\..\mingw\bin\gcc exited with status 1

When I looked at the dump in hex, I encountered that "USERNA" string
contains "USERNAM^H" byte sequence, actually.

I cannot look at ghc -v5 as I get another error:
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 6.12.3, for Haskell 98, stage 2
booted by GHC version 6.10.4
Using binary package database:
... (I deleted much of the lines)
*** Deleting temp dirs:
: hPutChar: invalid argument (character is not in the code page)
I use localized version of Windows XP so it appears that ghc cannot
print some name with russian characters in it.

And here I stuck.

I cannot find source of one error because of another error. Could
anyone help me?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] object oriented technique

2011-03-30 Thread Gregory Collins
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Tad Doxsee  wrote:
> Greg,
> Thanks for your help.  Is there any significant difference between
> using existential quantification
> data ShapeD = forall s. ShapeC => ShapeD s
> versus a GADT
> data ShapeD  where
>  ShapeD :: ShapeC s => s -> ShapeD
> I'm not sure I understood what you meant by "You don't need to write
> more typeclass instances this way."

Sorry, I misspoke -- they're equivalent. Personally I find the
existential easier to read.

Gregory Collins 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 30 March 2011 10:20, Tako Schotanus  wrote:
>> I took from this discussion that FilePath really should be a pair of the
>> actual filename ByteString, and the printable String (decoded from the
>> ByteString, with encoding specified by the user's locale). The conversion
>> from ByteString to String (and vice versa) is not guaranteed to be lossless,
>> so you need to remember both.

My understanding is that the ByteString is the one "source of truth"
about what the file is called, and you can derive the String from that
by assuming some encoding, which is what I proposed in my earlier
message. I guess that as an optimisation you could cache the String
decoded with a particular encoding as well, but to my mind it's not
obviously worth it.

> I'm not sure that  I agree with that. Why does it have to be loss-less?
> The problem, more likely, is the fact that FilePath is just a simple string.
> Maybe we should go the way of Java where cross-platform file access is based
> upon a File (or the new Path) type?

An opaque Path type has been discussed before and would indeed help a
lot, but it would break backwards compatibility in a fairly major way.
It might be worth it, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] object oriented technique

2011-03-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Steffen Schuldenzucker wrote:

data Shape = Shape {
draw :: String
copyTo :: Double ->  Double -> Shape

Tad Doxsee wrote:

Suppose that the shape class has 100 methods and that 1000 fully
evaluated shapes are placed in a list.

The above solution would store the full method table with each object.
Instead, we could share the method tables between objects. An object 
would then uniformly contain two pointers: One pointer to the method 
table, and one poiner to the internal state.

  {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, Rank2Types #-}

  data Object methods = forall state . Object {
methods :: methods state,
state :: state

Calling a method requires dereferencing both pointers.

  call :: (forall state . methods state -> state -> a) ->
  (Object methods -> a)
  call method (Object methods state) = method methods state

Using this machinery, we can encode the interface for shapes.

  data ShapeClass state = ShapeClass {
draw :: state -> String,
copyTo :: state -> Double -> Double -> Shape

  type Shape = Object ShapeClass

An implementation of the interface consists of three parts: A datatype 
or the internal state, a method table, and a constructor.

  data RectangleState = RectangleState {rx, ry, rw, rh :: Double}

  rectangleClass :: ShapeClass RectangleState
  rectangleClass = ShapeClass {
draw = \r ->
  "Rect (" ++ show (rx r) ++ ", " ++ show (ry r) ++ ") -- "
   ++ show (rw r) ++ " x " ++ show (rh r),
copyTo = \r x y -> rectangle x y (rw r) (rh r)

  rectangle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
  rectangle x y w h
= Object rectangleClass (RectangleState x y w h)

The analogous code for circles.

  data CircleState = CircleState {cx, cy, cr :: Double}

  circleClass :: ShapeClass CircleState
  circleClass = ShapeClass {
draw = \c ->
  "Circ (" ++ show (cx c) ++ ", " ++ show (cy c)++ ") -- "
  ++ show (cr c),
copyTo = \c x y -> circle x y (cr c)

  circle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
  circle x y r
= Object circleClass (CircleState x y r)

Rectangles and circles can be stored together in usual Haskell lists, 
because they are not statically distinguished at all.

  -- test
  r1 = rectangle 0 0 3 2
  r2 = rectangle 1 1 4 5
  c1 = circle 0 0 5
  c2 = circle 2 0 7

  shapes = [r1, r2, c1, c2]

  main = mapM_ (putStrLn . call draw) shapes

While this does not nearly implement all of OO (no inheritance, no late 
binding, ...), it might meet your requirements.


PS. You could probably use a type class instead of the algebraic data 
type ShapeClass, but I don't see a benefit. Indeed, I like how the code 
above is very explicit about what is stored where. For example, in the 
code of the rectangle function, it is clearly visible that all shapes 
created with that function will share a method table.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Tako Schotanus
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:01, Alistair Bayley  wrote:

> On 30 March 2011 20:53, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
>> On 30 March 2011 07:52, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
>> > I could
>> > manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
>> > that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
>> > questions:
>> Funnily enough I have been thinking about this quite hard recently,
>> and the situation is kind of a mess and short of implementing PEP383
>> ( in GHC I can't see how to
>> make it easier on the programmer. As Jason points out the best you can
>> really do is probably:
>>  1. Treat Strings that represent filenames as raw byte sequences, even
>> though they claim to be strings
>>  2. When presenting such Strings to the user, re-decode them by using
>> the current locale encoding (which will typically be UTF-8). You
>> probably want to have some means of avoiding decoding errors here too
>> -- ignoring or replacing undecodable bytes -- but presently this is
>> not so straightforward. If you happen to be on a system with GNU Iconv
>> you can use it's "C//TRANSLIT//IGNORE" encoding to achieve this,
>> however.
> I took from this discussion that FilePath really should be a pair of the
> actual filename ByteString, and the printable String (decoded from the
> ByteString, with encoding specified by the user's locale). The conversion
> from ByteString to String (and vice versa) is not guaranteed to be lossless,
> so you need to remember both.
I'm not sure that  I agree with that. Why does it have to be loss-less?
The problem, more likely, is the fact that FilePath is just a simple string.
Maybe we should go the way of Java where cross-platform file access is based
upon a File (or the new Path) type? That way the internal representation
could use whatever necessary to ensure a unique reference to a file or
directory while at the same time providing a way to get a human-readable
Going from strings to file/path types would need the correct encodings to


PS: Just lurking here most of the time because I'm still a total Haskell
noob, you can ignore me without risk.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] object oriented technique

2011-03-30 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Tad Doxsee  wrote:
> Greg,
> Thanks for your help.  Is there any significant difference between
> using existential quantification
> data ShapeD = forall s. ShapeC => ShapeD s
> versus a GADT
> data ShapeD  where
>  ShapeD :: ShapeC s => s -> ShapeD

The difference is purely syntactical. Use whichever you like better.

(There may be portability ramifications. I'm not sure if other
compilers implement ExistentialQuantification and/or GADTs.)

> I'm not sure I understood what you meant by "You don't need to write
> more typeclass instances this way."
> Thanks for pointing out the Control.Exception library. It was very
> helpful.  Earlier, I was trying to figure out
> how to use Data.Dynamic for down-casting and couldn't get what I
> wanted. The Data.Typeable usage in Control.Exception is what I was
> looking for.
> Tad
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Gregory Collins
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:49 AM, Tad Doxsee  wrote:
>>> class ShapeC s where
>>>  draw :: s -> String
>>>  copyTo :: s -> Double -> Double -> s
>>> -- needs {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
>>> data ShapeD  where
>>>  ShapeD :: ShapeC s => s -> ShapeD
>>> Is the above the standard method in Haskell for creating an extensible
>>> heterogeneous list of "objects" that share a common interface?  Are there 
>>> better
>>> approaches?  (I ran into a possible limitation to this approach that I plan
>>> to ask about later if I can't figure it out myself.)
>> The usual way to do this is:
>>    {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
>>    data SomeShape = forall s . ShapeClass s => SomeShape s
>> You don't need to write more typeclass instances this way. If you give
>> "SomeShape" a "ShapeClass" instance also, you can treat them
>> uniformly. The downside to these approaches is that any additional
>> information about the original concrete type is obliterated -- to get
>> OO-style downcasting you need "Typeable" support, and it isn't free.
>> For an example of code which uses this idiom, see the exceptions
>> support from the base library:
>> G
>> --
>> Gregory Collins 
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Alistair Bayley
On 30 March 2011 20:53, Max Bolingbroke  wrote:

> On 30 March 2011 07:52, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
> > I could
> > manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
> > that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
> > questions:
> Funnily enough I have been thinking about this quite hard recently,
> and the situation is kind of a mess and short of implementing PEP383
> ( in GHC I can't see how to
> make it easier on the programmer. As Jason points out the best you can
> really do is probably:
>  1. Treat Strings that represent filenames as raw byte sequences, even
> though they claim to be strings
>  2. When presenting such Strings to the user, re-decode them by using
> the current locale encoding (which will typically be UTF-8). You
> probably want to have some means of avoiding decoding errors here too
> -- ignoring or replacing undecodable bytes -- but presently this is
> not so straightforward. If you happen to be on a system with GNU Iconv
> you can use it's "C//TRANSLIT//IGNORE" encoding to achieve this,
> however.

I took from this discussion that FilePath really should be a pair of the
actual filename ByteString, and the printable String (decoded from the
ByteString, with encoding specified by the user's locale). The conversion
from ByteString to String (and vice versa) is not guaranteed to be lossless,
so you need to remember both.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 30 March 2011 07:52, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
> I could
> manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
> that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
> questions:

Funnily enough I have been thinking about this quite hard recently,
and the situation is kind of a mess and short of implementing PEP383
( in GHC I can't see how to
make it easier on the programmer. As Jason points out the best you can
really do is probably:

 1. Treat Strings that represent filenames as raw byte sequences, even
though they claim to be strings

 2. When presenting such Strings to the user, re-decode them by using
the current locale encoding (which will typically be UTF-8). You
probably want to have some means of avoiding decoding errors here too
-- ignoring or replacing undecodable bytes -- but presently this is
not so straightforward. If you happen to be on a system with GNU Iconv
you can use it's "C//TRANSLIT//IGNORE" encoding to achieve this,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Tako Schotanus
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 09:26, Jason Dagit  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Michael Snoyman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I think this is a well-known issue: it seems that there is no
>> character decoding performed on the values returned from the functions
>> in System.Directory (getDirectoryContents specifically). I could
>> manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
>> that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
>> questions:
>> * Is there a package out there that handles all the gory details for
>> me automatically, and simply returns a properly decoded String (or
>> Text)?
>> * If not, is there a standard way to determine the character encoding
>> used by the filesystem, short of hard-coding in character encodings
>> used by the major ones?
> I started to write a thoughtful reply, but I found that the answers here
> sum up everything I was going to say:
> This same issue comes up from time to time for darcs and, if I recall
> correctly, the solution has been to treat unix file paths as arbitrary bytes
> whenever possible and to escape non-ascii compatible bytes when they occur.
>  Otherwise it can be hard to encode them in textual patch descriptions or
> xml (where an encoding is required and I believe utf8 is a standard
> default).
> I wish you luck.  It's not as easy problem, at least on unix.  I've heard
> that windows has a much easier time here as MS has provided a standard for
> it.

All the more reason it seems to make this available in the standard package,
so people don't have to figure out how to the conversions each time (for all
the different OSes with whcih they might not have any experience etc) .

All modern Linuxes use UTF8 by default anyway so in the beginning one could
assume UTF8 and later change the system to be able to make more intelligent
decisions (like checking environment variables for per-user settings). A way
to override the assumptions made would be necessary too I guess.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-03-30 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Michael Snoyman wrote:

> Hi all,
> I think this is a well-known issue: it seems that there is no
> character decoding performed on the values returned from the functions
> in System.Directory (getDirectoryContents specifically). I could
> manually do something like (utf8Decode . S8.pack), but that presumes
> that the character encoding on the system in question is UTF8. So two
> questions:
> * Is there a package out there that handles all the gory details for
> me automatically, and simply returns a properly decoded String (or
> Text)?
> * If not, is there a standard way to determine the character encoding
> used by the filesystem, short of hard-coding in character encodings
> used by the major ones?

I started to write a thoughtful reply, but I found that the answers here sum
up everything I was going to say:

This same issue comes up from time to time for darcs and, if I recall
correctly, the solution has been to treat unix file paths as arbitrary bytes
whenever possible and to escape non-ascii compatible bytes when they occur.
 Otherwise it can be hard to encode them in textual patch descriptions or
xml (where an encoding is required and I believe utf8 is a standard

I wish you luck.  It's not as easy problem, at least on unix.  I've heard
that windows has a much easier time here as MS has provided a standard for

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