Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

2011-07-10 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Could you expand a little on your arrow-like stream processors? What 
do the arrows look like,

   data SF a b = SF (a - (b, SF a b))


My stream processors are not Arrows, because 'first' cannot be 
implemented. However, 'arr' and '.' can be implemented.


For example, an arpeggiator stream processor consists of two functions:
 1. Receive key up/down events and keep track of the currently pressed 

 2. Receive a MIDI controller that controls the tempo of the arpeggiator.
The stream processor sets the alarm according the current tempo
and at every alarm event it sends a single key
chosen from the set of the currently pressed keys.

This example shows, that a stream processor cannot support Arrow.first, 
that is extending (arrow a b) to (arrow (a,c) (b,c)), since for an alarm 
event, we have no input of type c that could be passed through.

Ok, that sounds nasty.

And of course, I am particularly interested in the nasty examples that 
you came up with. :)

For example I want to write a Guitar simulator: You press a set of keys 
together and the processor converts this into successive tones on a guitar.

Technically I like to do it this way: When a key is pressed, collect 
all key press events in the following 10ms. After this period emit all 
pressed keys according to a certain pattern. When one of the pressed 
keys is released, then send key-press(!) events for all currently 
pressed keys according to another pattern. Repeat this cycle. Manage 
somehow the keys that are pressed after the first key-down-collecting 
phase and the keys that are released during this initial phase. Ignore 
them or do something more sensible about them, but make sure that in the 
output all key-down events are eventually matched with a key-up event 
and that for the same key you never send two successive key-down events 
or two successive key-up events. That is, for the same key, key-up and 
key-down events must alternate. An exception might be if you receive 
bogus input. But even then, the number of key-up and key-down events for 
one note in the output shall match, whenever this is true for the input.

The guitar simulator is a great example! And much to my surprise, it's 
already possible to implement (parts of) it in reactive-banana 0.4.1! At 
least in the real-time version, where we have access to timers from 

In particular, have a look at the new  Wave.hs  example, to be found at 
the bottom of

It generates a wave-like pattern whenever you click on of the buttons 
(strum a chord). When you click two buttons in rapid succession (think 
left = key-down, right = key-up), the second wave will not start after 
the first one has completed.

(I think this example also makes it clear that it's already to possible 
to implement the arpeggiator as you described with timers.)

Of course, the code is not particularly high-level; after all, I am 
essentially duplicating event streams as [(Duration,a)]. Then again, we 
cannot describe each wave as  Event a  because we need a notion of this 
event stream has finished in order to be able to stall the second wave. 
 In other words, the vanilla  Event a  is potentially infinite, there 
is no way to test whether it has finished, so *some* other notion is 
needed anyway.

Question: how would you actually like to describe the guitar simulator 
at a high-level? Did you already wish for some specific combinators? 
Assume that you had something like reactive-banana available and imagine 
that there were a benevolent djinn granting you three new primitive 
combinators of your choice.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] PAM library, Iptables web-interface

2011-07-10 Thread Evgeny Tarasov


I'd like to announce my project called Iptadmin. It's a web interface for
linux Iptables firewall [1]. It supports just few Iptables options by now.
The main feature of Iptadmin is user friendly help messages.

Iptadmin works in a daemon mode. It doesn't keep any auxiliary information
in a system, firewall configuration is taken from the «iptables-save» 
All changes is made by Iptables calling. Firewall rules are saved by 
«/etc/init.d/iptables save»
script. Several linux distributions such as Debian require additional 
Iptables configuration.

Iptadmin uses PAM [2] authentication. Access is granted for root and
for any other user with membership in «iptadmin» system group.

Iptadmin is written using Happstack, so it doesn't support https yet.
To prevent sending system password by network in plain text, the web
interface is listening only on loopback network interface. In order to
access Iptadmin remotely user should setup https proxying using external 
web server.

There is also dedicated library for parsing and printing Iptables rules [3].
While working on Iptadmin I've implemented library with subset of PAM 
api bindings[4].

A code of my project is licensed under BSD3. Sources are uploaded to
hackage [3,4,5]. More information can be found on a project homepage[6].


Best regards,
Evgeny Tarasov

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] NLP libraries and tools?

2011-07-10 Thread Ketil Malde

Perhaps this is interesting?  On the relationship between exploratory
(a.k.a. sloppy or theoretical) and rigorous math.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HaskellDB DB Layout Description

2011-07-10 Thread Mats Rauhala
On 18:12 Sat 09 Jul , Tom Murphy wrote:
  I've found good explanations of the HaskellDB combinators, but I
 can't find good information about how to correctly define the database
 layout. Can anyone point me to a resource, or give a quick example?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

I don't have any examples at hand, but I'll look through the api with

There are three ways to create the dblayout interface, manually, through
dbinfo or through template haskell.

The vanilla way is to use the DBInfo(3) module to describe your database
layout. It can also be used to create the database schema, but as the
dbinfo language is very restricted, I don't recommend it.

DBInfo {
dbName DatabaseName
opts = DBOptions {
useBString = False
  , makeIdent = mkIdentPreserving }
tbls = [TInfo {tname = tablename
   cols = [CInfo {cname = columnname,
  descr = (IntT, False)}]

This would create a layout describing a database called DatabaseName
with one table tablename with one column columnname which is of type
int and can't be null. The mkIdentPreserving is an undocumented function
in (5)

The description then needs to be created into module files with
dbInfoToModuleFiles(4). This creates a root DatabaseName.hs file and
DatabaseName directory. The root file is uncompilable and can be safely

The fact that there is two stages for the compilation, makes it
difficult to compile. I believe this restriction is because haskelldb
was created when there was no template haskell. With template haskell
(2) you could do the following:

$(mkDbDirectTable tablename [(columnname, [t|Int|])]

I don't know how to specify whether the field can be null or not, but at
least this way you get your dblayout descriptions at compile time.


Mats Rauhala

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haddock and the type inference

2011-07-10 Thread Yves Parès
Hello Café,

As far as I know, there is currently no way to tell haddock to run the type
inferer to document functions without explicit type signature.
Is that done on purpose (e.g. to force the developpers to write at least the
type signatures of the public API, which is a fair reason) or is it a
Is it planned to add that support to haddock?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] class and instance

2011-07-10 Thread Patrick Browne
I am trying to understand the following code.
I have written my current (mis-)understanding and questions below.
I do not wish to improve the code, it is from a research paper[1] that I
am trying to understand.


-- A specification. The class Points takes two type variables.
-- The functions take variables of type p, a; return a value of type a.
 class Points p a where
  getX :: p a - a
  getY :: p a - a

-- A parameterized representation
-- One constructor takes two elements of type a and produces a Point.
 data Point a = Pt a a

-- An implementation of the class Points on the data type (Point a)
-- In  Pt b c constructor the variables b and c areboth of type a.
-- The type a is left undefined until evaluation
 instance Points Point a where
  getX (Pt b c) = b
  getY (Pt b c) = c

-- This runs with any type e.g. Integers
-- getX(Pt 1 2)
-- :t getX(Pt 1 2)
-- getX(Pt 1 2) :: forall t. (Num t) = t

My main question is in understanding the relationship between the
arguments of the functions getX and getY in the class and in the
instance. It seems to me that the constructor Pt 1 2 produces one
element of type Point which has two components. How does this square
with the class definition of getX which has two arguments?
Is there a difference between:
getX :: p a - a
getX :: p - a - a

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] class and instance

2011-07-10 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:49, Patrick Browne wrote:
 My main question is in understanding the relationship between the
 arguments of the functions getX and getY in the class and in the
 instance. It seems to me that the constructor Pt 1 2 produces one
 element of type Point which has two components. How does this square
 with the class definition of getX which has two arguments?

One argument.  But your main confusion is between the data constructor
which takes two arguments, and the type constructor which takes one.

Point a -- type constructor, takes a type a and produces a new type Point a
Pt a a  -- data constructor, takes two values of some type a and
produces a new value of type Point a

Type constructors are used in type signatures; data constructors are
used in code.  You can't use Pt a a as a type; it's a (polymorphic)
value.  Conversely, you can't use Point a as a value (that is, foo
(Point a) is an error, because foo requires a value, not a type).

brandon s allbery                            
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] class and instance

2011-07-10 Thread Steffen Schuldenzucker

On 07/10/2011 12:49 PM, Patrick Browne wrote:

I am trying to understand the following code.
I have written my current (mis-)understanding and questions below.
I do not wish to improve the code, it is from a research paper[1] that I
am trying to understand.


-- A specification. The class Points takes two type variables.
-- The functions take variables of type p, a; return a value of type a.

No. The class 'Points' takes two type variables, 'p' of kind (* - *) 
(that is, p is a type constructor: it can be applied to a type, yielding 
a type), and 'a' of kind *.
Then 'p a' is a type and getX, getY take /one/ argument respectively, of 
this type.

  class Points p a where
   getX :: p a -  a
   getY :: p a -  a

-- A parameterized representation
-- One constructor takes two elements of type a and produces a Point.
  data Point a = Pt a a

-- An implementation of the class Points on the data type (Point a)

Actually, it's an implementation (we say instance) of the class Points 
for the type constructor 'Point' and any type 'a'.

-- In  Pt b c constructor the variables b and c areboth of type a.
-- The type a is left undefined until evaluation

I would say 'arbitrary' instead of 'undefined': The code below says that 
for any type of your choice, which we call 'a', you get an instance 
Points Point a.

  instance Points Point a where
   getX (Pt b c) = b
   getY (Pt b c) = c

-- This runs with any type e.g. Integers
-- getX(Pt 1 2)
-- :t getX(Pt 1 2)
-- getX(Pt 1 2) :: forall t. (Num t) =  t

My main question is in understanding the relationship between the
arguments of the functions getX and getY in the class and in the
instance. It seems to me that the constructor Pt 1 2 produces one
element of type Point which has two components. How does this square
with the class definition of getX which has two arguments?
Is there a difference between:
getX :: p a -  a
getX :: p -  a -  a

Yes, the first version takes one argument of type 'p a', and the second 
takes two of types 'p' and 'a'. See above. This seemed to be you main issue.

As a last note, if you always have instances like the one above, where 
the second parameter is arbitrary, your definition of the class 'Points' 
could be simplified to

 class Points p where
   -- forall a is added implicitly.
   getX :: p a - a
   getY :: p a - a

 instance Points Point where
   -- copy'n'paste from above

-- Steffen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] class and instance

2011-07-10 Thread Daniel Schoepe
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011 11:49:44 +0100, Patrick Browne 
 My main question is in understanding the relationship between the
 arguments of the functions getX and getY in the class and in the
 instance. It seems to me that the constructor Pt 1 2 produces one
 element of type Point which has two components. How does this square
 with the class definition of getX which has two arguments?
 Is there a difference between:
 getX :: p a - a

This applies the type constructor p, in this case Point to the type
variable a. It is not a function that takes two arguments.

A minor clarification: Pt 1 2 produces a value of type (Num a) = Point
a, so a type where the type constructor Point is already applied to
something. Just Point is not a valid type a value can have, but
something that you have to apply to another type, called a type

 getX :: p - a - a

This is a function that takes two arguments.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

2011-07-10 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 7:58 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 My stream processors are not Arrows, because 'first' cannot be implemented.
 However, 'arr' and '.' can be implemented.
 Since I have no Arrow instance I even have to write my own combinators that
 are counterparts to () and friends.

If you have arr, (.) and (), then you have first as well:

  f  g = (arr fst  f)  (arr snd  g)

  first' f = f  arr id

Am I missing something here? =)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

2011-07-10 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 7:58 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

My stream processors are not Arrows, because 'first' cannot be implemented.
However, 'arr' and '.' can be implemented.


Since I have no Arrow instance I even have to write my own combinators that
are counterparts to () and friends.

If you have arr, (.) and (), then you have first as well:

 f  g = (arr fst  f)  (arr snd  g)

 first' f = f  arr id

Am I missing something here? =)

I have only something like (), but not precisely ().

I have for instance

parallel :: (Monoid b) = T a b - T a b - T a b

The arrow (T a b) emits a value of type 'b' for every incoming event of 
type 'a', but may also emit a 'b' without any input trigger. 
Monoid.mappend is used to merge the events if both input arrows generate 
an output at the same time.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

2011-07-10 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Question: how would you actually like to describe the guitar simulator at a 
high-level? Did you already wish for some specific combinators? Assume that 
you had something like reactive-banana available and imagine that there were 
a benevolent djinn granting you three new primitive combinators of your 

If I would know of appropriate combinators, I would just implement them 
and not ask the djinn. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] JSON Querry examples

2011-07-10 Thread Dmitri O.Kondratiev
I am trying to search known-in-advance fields in JSON object with unknown
structure. It looks like Data.JSON2.Query is most appropriate for this task.
Yet, I can not figure out how to use filters this package provides to filter
JSON arrays and objects.
Are there any end-to-end examples of making queries of unknown JSON objects?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] error with nanocurses-1.5.2

2011-07-10 Thread José Romildo Malaquias
On Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 01:59:12PM -0300, José Romildo Malaquias wrote:
 When trying to install nanocurses-1.5.2 on my Fedora Linux system, I am
 getting the following error:
 $ cabal install nanocurses
 Resolving dependencies...
 Configuring nanocurses-1.5.2...
 Preprocessing library nanocurses-1.5.2...
 In file included from Curses.hsc:42:0:
 cbits/utils.h:7:20: fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory
 compilation terminated.
 compiling dist/build/UI/Nanocurses/Curses_hsc_make.c failed (exit code 1)
 command was: /usr/bin/gcc -c dist/build/UI/Nanocurses/Curses_hsc_make.c
 -o dist/build/UI/Nanocurses/Curses_hsc_make.o -fno-stack-protector
 -fno-stack-protector -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=700 -Dlinux_BUILD_OS
 -Dlinux_HOST_OS -Dx86_64_BUILD_ARCH -Dx86_64_HOST_ARCH -Icbits
 -I/usr/lib64/ghc-7.0.2/include -I/usr/lib64/ghc-7.0.2/include/
 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
 nanocurses-1.5.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
 ExitFailure 1
 It would be nice to have this buf fixed.

The attached patch fixes the compilation issues. Basically it changes
the build type from simple to configure in the cabal file, and it
renames the function getline in cbits/utils.{h,c} to mygetline.

If appropriate, please release a new version with the fixes.

diff -ur nanocurses-1.5.2.orig/cbits/utils.c nanocurses-1.5.2/cbits/utils.c
--- nanocurses-1.5.2.orig/cbits/utils.c 2008-05-18 18:09:23.0 -0300
+++ nanocurses-1.5.2/cbits/utils.c  2011-07-10 11:23:02.082418889 -0300
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 /* sometimes we write to the wrong spot after a refresh */
-int getline(char *buf, FILE *hdl) { 
+int mygetline(char *buf, FILE *hdl) { 
 char *p;
 int c;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 while (c != '\n') 
 c = getc(hdl);
-return getline(buf,hdl);/* read another line */
+return mygetline(buf,hdl);/* read another line */
 /* normal packet */
 } else {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 p = fgets(buf+1, BUFLEN-1, hdl);  /* read rest of line */
 if (p == NULL) {
-//  perror(getline failed\n);
+//  perror(mygetline failed\n);
 return (-1);
 buf[0] = c; /* drop the '@' */
diff -ur nanocurses-1.5.2.orig/cbits/utils.h nanocurses-1.5.2/cbits/utils.h
--- nanocurses-1.5.2.orig/cbits/utils.h 2008-05-18 18:09:23.0 -0300
+++ nanocurses-1.5.2/cbits/utils.h  2011-07-10 11:22:18.180418821 -0300
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
 /* packed string IO */
 FILE *openfd(int fd);
-int getline(char *buf, FILE *hdl);
+int mygetline(char *buf, FILE *hdl);
 void forcenext(void);
diff -ur nanocurses-1.5.2.orig/nanocurses.cabal 
--- nanocurses-1.5.2.orig/nanocurses.cabal  2008-05-18 18:09:23.0 
+++ nanocurses-1.5.2/nanocurses.cabal   2011-07-10 11:21:43.256418788 -0300
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  (It does not differ significantly from Hmp3's Curses 
binding, as the Curses.hsc
  in Nanocurses is essentially extracted from Hmp3.)
-build-type: Simple
+build-type: Configure
 build-depends:  base3, unix, bytestring
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

2011-07-10 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Question: how would you actually like to describe the guitar simulator 
at a high-level? Did you already wish for some specific combinators? 
Assume that you had something like reactive-banana available and 
imagine that there were a benevolent djinn granting you three new 
primitive combinators of your choice.

If I would know of appropriate combinators, I would just implement them 
and not ask the djinn. :-)

Fair enough. :D

How did you do it with lazy lists? The more I think about it, the more I 
come to the conclusion that it's impossible to implement this without 
duplicating the event data type. As said, the main problem is that you 
want a combinator

   append :: Pattern - Pattern - Pattern

that plays the second pattern (event sequence, the guitar strum) right 
after the first one. This means that patterns are *finite*, but this 
seems to collide with the requirement that any FRP style  Event  must be 
potentially infinite.

Once you do implement a small DSL for patterns, everything is fine, 
though, as the Wave.hs example demonstrates.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] unbuffered raw keyboard input on Windows

2011-07-10 Thread José Romildo Malaquias
On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 02:48:47PM -0700, David Barbour wrote:
 You could try the SDL package to support user input.

Unfortunatly it does not run on a terminal.

 2011/7/6 José Romildo Malaquias
  I want to write a Haskell console application (a game) in ghc where the
  user will interact using the keyboard. I need to read the keys as soon
  as they are typed and without echoing to the console.
  Although Haskell provides this capability in the standard libraries
  (using hSetEcho and hSetBuffering from System.IO), it does not work on
  Windows due to a bug (
  I have tried installing packages like vty, hscurses, and ncurses, but
  they did not install on Windows.
  Which workarounds are available for that?
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] unbuffered raw keyboard input on Windows

2011-07-10 Thread José Romildo Malaquias
On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 06:46:32PM -0300, José Romildo Malaquias wrote:
 I want to write a Haskell console application (a game) in ghc where the
 user will interact using the keyboard. I need to read the keys as soon
 as they are typed and without echoing to the console.
 Although Haskell provides this capability in the standard libraries
 (using hSetEcho and hSetBuffering from System.IO), it does not work on
 Windows due to a bug (
 I have tried installing packages like vty, hscurses, and ncurses, but
 they did not install on Windows.

Considering that there are curses for Windows (pdcurses[1] and the
latest ncurses[2]), would it be too difficult to port such libraries to



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] unbuffered raw keyboard input on Windows

2011-07-10 Thread David Barbour
2011/7/10 José Romildo Malaquias

 On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 02:48:47PM -0700, David Barbour wrote:
  You could try the SDL package to support user input.

 Unfortunatly it does not run on a terminal.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Richard Wallace
Hello all,

I'm trying to understand how to properly structure a connection to an
external system.  I'm writing an application that processes requests
(it's an IRC bot - ya, I've looked at lambabot but it's a bit beyond
my current understanding and I'm really trying to learn this stuff and
find the best way to do that is to write it myself) and sends requests
to an external system, via SOAP.  The SOAP requests should be sent on
separate threads.  The SOAP server requires an initial request for
authentication be made to obtain a token used on subsequent requests.

There are three ways I can structure this.  One is to do the
authentication with the SOAP server when the application starts up and
just use that token for all subsequent requests.  This will fall over
if the token times out and I'd have to restart the application.
Another way is to do authenticate with the server and get a new token
for each request.  This is obviously really inefficient.

What I'd like to do is something a bit smarter.  When a request to the
SOAP server is to be made, if we have a token then we try and use it.
If it fails, we reauthenticate and get a new token.  When establishing
a new token, other threads trying to send SOAP requests should block
until a new token is available.  There are other conditions that
should be handled - such as an exponential back-off when the SOAP
server can't be reached - but I feel like reestablishing the
authentication token is really the key concern here.  Unfortunately, I
have no idea right now how to write this in Haskell.

Any pointers would be awesome.  Thanks!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
You don't need to do it, it is already done =).  See the pool package
by Michael Snoyman on Hackage [1].  More specifically, see
createPoolCheckAlive [2].




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 15:04, Richard Wallace wrote:
 What I'd like to do is something a bit smarter.  When a request to the
 SOAP server is to be made, if we have a token then we try and use it.
 If it fails, we reauthenticate and get a new token.  When establishing
 a new token, other threads trying to send SOAP requests should block
 until a new token is available.  There are other conditions that

Typically you'd use a Chan or TChan for communication with the SOAP
thread.  Other threads write to the Chan and block if the reading
thread is busy.  There's also a non-blocking version.  (TChan uses
STM, which provides atomic transactions; in this case it may be
overkill, especially if you're just getting started.)  I wouldn't be
surprised if there's already a (or several) package on Hackage for

brandon s allbery                            
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] NLP libraries and tools?

2011-07-10 Thread ivan vadovic

Also a library for string normalization in the sense of stripping diacritical
marks would be handy too. Does anything in this respect exist that would be
usable from haskell?


On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 02:31:34PM +0400, Dmitri O.Kondratiev wrote:
 Please advise on NLP libraries similar to Natural Language Toolkit (
 First of all I need:
 - tools to construct 'bag of words' (, which is a list of words
 in the
 - tools to prune common words, such as prepositions and conjunctions, as
 well as extremely rare words, such as the ones with typos.
 - stemming tools
 - Naive Bayes classifier
 - SVM classifier
 -  k-means clustering

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] NLP libraries and tools?

2011-07-10 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 12:59 PM, ivan vadovic wrote:

 Also a library for string normalization in the sense of stripping diacritical
 marks would be handy too. Does anything in this respect exist that would be
 usable from haskell?

The closest thing I know of is this:

You still have to install ICU separately, that library is just a
binding for working with it from Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for GUI examples - Functional Reactive Programming

2011-07-10 Thread Tom Murphy
Oh! I have a good, small (single-purpose; reusable), useful one!

A text field which tab-completes words or phrases from a dictionary.

Haskeline provides useful (non-FRP) for implementing this, but it
seems like FRP could handle this in an interesting way.


On 7/10/11, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
 Henning Thielemann wrote:
 Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

 Question: how would you actually like to describe the guitar simulator
 at a high-level? Did you already wish for some specific combinators?
 Assume that you had something like reactive-banana available and
 imagine that there were a benevolent djinn granting you three new
 primitive combinators of your choice.

 If I would know of appropriate combinators, I would just implement them
 and not ask the djinn. :-)

 Fair enough. :D

 How did you do it with lazy lists? The more I think about it, the more I
 come to the conclusion that it's impossible to implement this without
 duplicating the event data type. As said, the main problem is that you
 want a combinator

 append :: Pattern - Pattern - Pattern

 that plays the second pattern (event sequence, the guitar strum) right
 after the first one. This means that patterns are *finite*, but this
 seems to collide with the requirement that any FRP style  Event  must be
 potentially infinite.

 Once you do implement a small DSL for patterns, everything is fine,
 though, as the Wave.hs example demonstrates.

 Best regards,
 Heinrich Apfelmus


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Richard Wallace
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 17:34, Richard Wallace wrote:
 Rather than a single separate thread that makes requests I was hoping to
 make several soap requests concurrently, rather than have them be made
 serially.  I would only want to block other threads making soap request if
 one of them returns a response indicating the token they were using is no
 longer valid.

 Is there one shared token, or one per requesting thread, or some other

There should be one shared token.

 In either case, separation of concerns makes me think
 the token handling belongs on the other end:  a thread writes a
 request down a Chan, a queue dispatcher thread reads it if there are
 available workers and the token is available (with callers blocking
 otherwise), dispatcher sends request to available worker.  If the
 worker finds the token is invalid, it calls back in to the dispatcher
 with a token renewal request, which causes anything else that needs
 that token to block as above, and itself blocks until a valid token is

Ahhh... I see.  That sounds like a much better plan.  It also keeps
the fact that the token is mutable confined to a single thread, the
dispatcher thread.

One thing I'd have to be careful to handle is iIf multiple worker
threads find that the token is now invalid.  In that case they would
all send the token renewal request to the dispatcher and they would
each try and do the re-auth.  To avoid that, part of the token renewal
request could be the used token.  When the dispatcher does the token
renewal, it checks if the used token is the same as the current token.
 If so, it does the token renewal.  If not, it dispatches to the SOAP
worker thread with the new token.

 Another advantage of this is that adding more workers is
 done in an obvious place (the queuer thread).

 That said, I still don't know enough details to say if that token
 management implementation actually makes sense.  I'd still go with the
 worker/queuer thread setup, which is I think what you were pointed to
 (the pool hackage).

Ok, I still don't see how the Pool package helps.  I had assumed the
pooled resource would be the token, so the size of the pool would be
1.   Now that I rethink it, it seems like you are suggesting the
resource is the worker threads.  Is that right?  When I read what you
were talking about above with the dispatcher thread I had thought it
would use forkIO to start the worker threads.  The worker threads
would read from a Chan that the dispatcher wrote to.In that way,
the dispatcher doesn't have to worry about worker threads being
available.  Am I misunderstanding something?


 brandon s allbery                            
 wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 19:16, Richard Wallace wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 One thing I'd have to be careful to handle is iIf multiple worker
 threads find that the token is now invalid.  In that case they would
 all send the token renewal request to the dispatcher and they would
 each try and do the re-auth.  To avoid that, part of the token renewal

One of the reasons to send the request back to the dispatcher instead
of doing it inline is so that the dispatcher can note that a renewal
request is already in flight (which it needs to know anyway, so it can
block other requests) and wake all threads waiting on it when it's
done, instead of having multiple renewals in flight.

 1.   Now that I rethink it, it seems like you are suggesting the
 resource is the worker threads.  Is that right?  When I read what you
 were talking about above with the dispatcher thread I had thought it
 would use forkIO to start the worker threads.  The worker threads
 would read from a Chan that the dispatcher wrote to.    In that way,
 the dispatcher doesn't have to worry about worker threads being
 available.  Am I misunderstanding something?

The point of a pool is so (a) you can throttle it in special cases,
such as when you need to renew the token, and (b) so you don't find
yourself juggling a couple thousand threads if things get unexpectedly
busy (or buggy).  You can limit the pool to something sensible
(probably something like 4 during development and debugging so things
can't get too out of hand) and increased later; plus, the pool manager
will provide the primitives to deal with managing shared resources
(such as your token) within the pool.

brandon s allbery                            
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Richard Wallace
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 One of the reasons to send the request back to the dispatcher instead
 of doing it inline is so that the dispatcher can note that a renewal
 request is already in flight (which it needs to know anyway, so it can
 block other requests) and wake all threads waiting on it when it's
 done, instead of having multiple renewals in flight.

Ok, I can see that.  Though I was thinking that the worker threads
would send the request back to the dispatcher by way of the same Chan
the dispatcher reads requests from.  Obviously I was thinking the
dispatcher would use the original token to filter requests in the
Chan.  If I understand what you are talking about, the dispatcher
would do the token renewal in a separate thread, continuing to process
it's incoming Chan while that is going on, accumulating incoming
requests somewhere, perhaps in another Chan.  Then, when the token
renewal is complete, the dispatcher stops forwarding incoming requests
to the secondary Chan, processes the accumulated requests using the
new token, and, when done with those, the switches back to processing
the incoming Chan.

Is that something like what you had in mind, or did I make it more
complicated than necessary?

 The point of a pool is so (a) you can throttle it in special cases,
 such as when you need to renew the token, and (b) so you don't find
 yourself juggling a couple thousand threads if things get unexpectedly
 busy (or buggy).  You can limit the pool to something sensible
 (probably something like 4 during development and debugging so things
 can't get too out of hand) and increased later; plus, the pool manager
 will provide the primitives to deal with managing shared resources
 (such as your token) within the pool.

Hmm.  I'm still not entirely seeing it and I think the problem is just
my lack of knowledge of Haskell concurrency.

If the pool is of threads, how do you start the threads?  How do you
submit work to the threads?  The only way I know of in Haskell of
creating threads to do work is forkIO.  That takes a function and runs
to completion.  Would a worker thread just be one that loops forever
and checks a MVar for something to do?  So the pool would really
consist of (MVar, ThreadId) pairs.  When we speak of getting a thread
out of a pool and giving it work to do, are we really talking about
sticking a value in an MVar that the thread is blocking on, waiting
for data to be available to do something with, so that it can go and
do some work?  And when we are done with the thread we return it to
the pool?


P.S. Thanks for talking me through this!  I'm learning a ton about
concurrency in Haskell.

 brandon s allbery                            
 wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 20:19, Richard Wallace wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 Ok, I can see that.  Though I was thinking that the worker threads
 would send the request back to the dispatcher by way of the same Chan
 the dispatcher reads requests from.  Obviously I was thinking the
 dispatcher would use the original token to filter requests in the
 Chan.  If I understand what you are talking about, the dispatcher
 would do the token renewal in a separate thread, continuing to process

The same Chan is used to send a request; the thread processing token
renewal might or might not be otherwise a normal worker thread, but
it's separated out as a Maybe ThreadId instead of being in a pool,
because (a) there can only be zero or one of them, and (b) if it's not
Nothing then the dispatcher thread accepts only token renewals.  (This
actually requires either multiple Chans or something more complex than
a normal Chan, since you can't filter a Chan based on the type of
message.)  You also need some way to block the sender, which suggests
that a message written down a Chan must include an MVar which will be
signaled when the operation is complete.  This suggests to me
something along the lines of

 data WorkRequest = SOAPData ... (MVar Bool)
  | TokenRequest Token (MVar Token)
 --   | ReadyForWork (MVar WorkRequest)

where the requestor allocates an MVar, writes it as part of the
WorkRequest, and then does a takeMVar to wait for the response.  The
dispatcher reads WorkRequests, dispatches any it can to available
workers, and queues the rest internally; if it's a TokenRequest then
it's queued separately and all SOAPData requests get queued regardless
of whether there are free workers.  When the single token processor
returns, all entries in the TokenRequest queue get awakened (putMVar
threadMVar newToken) and normal processing of the standard request
queue resumes.

Or you can see if the pool hackage handles the ugly details here
automatically; I haven't looked.

 If the pool is of threads, how do you start the threads?  How do you
 submit work to the threads?  The only way I know of in Haskell of
 creating threads to do work is forkIO.  That takes a function and runs
 to completion.  Would a worker thread just be one that loops forever

Yes; the dispatcher keeps a list of workers, which are forkIO-d
threads that are waiting on an MVar or Chan for work to do.  When they
receive something, they go off and do it, write the result into
another MVar or Chan which was specified in the request, and go back
to waiting on the initial MVar/Chan for something to do.  If the list
is shorter than the maximum, more workers are forkIO-d to fill it as
needed; if longer, idle workers are sent shut down requests.  (The
latter is polite handling of program shutdown, and also allows for
the pool size to be modified dynamically if needed.)  I think doing
this right also requires that a worker that's ready for more work
explicitly check in, so the dispatcher knows it's available; that
could be handled by an additional WorkRequest type (see commented-out
line above, where a worker that's ready to handle another request
passes its input MVar to the dispatcher)... but there may be better
ways; I have some grasp of concurrency, but my Haskell library fu is
still somewhat weak.  Hopefully someone else will jump in if

(You can see how quickly this becomes complex, though; if the canned
solution does what you need, you might want to avoid reinventing this
particular wheel unless you're doing it for educational purposes.)

brandon s allbery                            
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] External system connections

2011-07-10 Thread Richard Wallace
Alright, I'll have to think on this some more but I think we're
speaking the same language now - and what's more I even understand it!

Thanks again for all your help,

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 20:19, Richard Wallace wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 Ok, I can see that.  Though I was thinking that the worker threads
 would send the request back to the dispatcher by way of the same Chan
 the dispatcher reads requests from.  Obviously I was thinking the
 dispatcher would use the original token to filter requests in the
 Chan.  If I understand what you are talking about, the dispatcher
 would do the token renewal in a separate thread, continuing to process

 The same Chan is used to send a request; the thread processing token
 renewal might or might not be otherwise a normal worker thread, but
 it's separated out as a Maybe ThreadId instead of being in a pool,
 because (a) there can only be zero or one of them, and (b) if it's not
 Nothing then the dispatcher thread accepts only token renewals.  (This
 actually requires either multiple Chans or something more complex than
 a normal Chan, since you can't filter a Chan based on the type of
 message.)  You also need some way to block the sender, which suggests
 that a message written down a Chan must include an MVar which will be
 signaled when the operation is complete.  This suggests to me
 something along the lines of

 data WorkRequest = SOAPData ... (MVar Bool)
                  | TokenRequest Token (MVar Token)
 --               | ReadyForWork (MVar WorkRequest)

 where the requestor allocates an MVar, writes it as part of the
 WorkRequest, and then does a takeMVar to wait for the response.  The
 dispatcher reads WorkRequests, dispatches any it can to available
 workers, and queues the rest internally; if it's a TokenRequest then
 it's queued separately and all SOAPData requests get queued regardless
 of whether there are free workers.  When the single token processor
 returns, all entries in the TokenRequest queue get awakened (putMVar
 threadMVar newToken) and normal processing of the standard request
 queue resumes.

 Or you can see if the pool hackage handles the ugly details here
 automatically; I haven't looked.

 If the pool is of threads, how do you start the threads?  How do you
 submit work to the threads?  The only way I know of in Haskell of
 creating threads to do work is forkIO.  That takes a function and runs
 to completion.  Would a worker thread just be one that loops forever

 Yes; the dispatcher keeps a list of workers, which are forkIO-d
 threads that are waiting on an MVar or Chan for work to do.  When they
 receive something, they go off and do it, write the result into
 another MVar or Chan which was specified in the request, and go back
 to waiting on the initial MVar/Chan for something to do.  If the list
 is shorter than the maximum, more workers are forkIO-d to fill it as
 needed; if longer, idle workers are sent shut down requests.  (The
 latter is polite handling of program shutdown, and also allows for
 the pool size to be modified dynamically if needed.)  I think doing
 this right also requires that a worker that's ready for more work
 explicitly check in, so the dispatcher knows it's available; that
 could be handled by an additional WorkRequest type (see commented-out
 line above, where a worker that's ready to handle another request
 passes its input MVar to the dispatcher)... but there may be better
 ways; I have some grasp of concurrency, but my Haskell library fu is
 still somewhat weak.  Hopefully someone else will jump in if

 (You can see how quickly this becomes complex, though; if the canned
 solution does what you need, you might want to avoid reinventing this
 particular wheel unless you're doing it for educational purposes.)

 brandon s allbery                            
 wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Good XML-Enumerator Examples

2011-07-10 Thread Michael Xavier
Hi Cafe.

I'm writing a library which will be parsing XML data from a web API. I'm
fairly well versed at this point in parsing JSON (aeson being my library of
choice). For XML, I like the API of xml-enumerator over hxt because it
appears to be nice and simple .The problem is that the example in the
documentation isn't really sufficient for me to get a grasp of how to
traverse XML and parse elements with multiple child nodes into a record.

My first question: Am I barking up the wrong tree using xml-enumerator for
anything beyond fairly flat, basic XML? If not, can anyone direct me to some
good code samples using xml-enumerator to parse more complicated data?

If I am indeed barking up the wrong tree, what would you all suggest?

Michael Xavier
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Good XML-Enumerator Examples

2011-07-10 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Michael Xavier wrote:
 Hi Cafe.
 I'm writing a library which will be parsing XML data from a web API. I'm
 fairly well versed at this point in parsing JSON (aeson being my library of
 choice). For XML, I like the API of xml-enumerator over hxt because it
 appears to be nice and simple .The problem is that the example in the
 documentation isn't really sufficient for me to get a grasp of how to
 traverse XML and parse elements with multiple child nodes into a record.
 My first question: Am I barking up the wrong tree using xml-enumerator for
 anything beyond fairly flat, basic XML? If not, can anyone direct me to some
 good code samples using xml-enumerator to parse more complicated data?
 If I am indeed barking up the wrong tree, what would you all suggest?

I think you're not barking up the wrong tree. I use xml-enumerator
extensively for some internal XML parsing, and some of it is very
complicated. Unfortunately, I can't share that code ;). However, there
are a few examples out there of some significant XML parsing: (Aristid would have more info here)

I would recommend using either the Cursor or Resolved modules for
development, unless you really need more control over unresolved
entities. As a side point, I was just thinking this morning that I
should really write a tutorial on xml-enumerator. If you have some
specific questions, please pass them on, maybe I'll put together a


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