[Haskell-cafe] Last CFP: 12th International Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA 2012)

2011-11-24 Thread Emilie Balland
 LDTA 2012 Call for Papers

 12th International Workshop on
Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications


  Tallinn, Estonia 
   March 31  April 1, 2012
an ETAPS workshop

LDTA is an application and tool-oriented workshop focused on
grammarware - software based on grammars in some form. Grammarware
applications are typically language processing applications and
traditional examples include parsers, program analyzers, optimizers
and translators. A primary focus of LDTA is grammarware that is
generated from high-level grammar-centric specifications and thus
submissions on parser generation, attribute grammar systems,
term/graph rewriting systems, and other grammar-related
meta-programming tools, techniques, and formalisms are encouraged.

LDTA is also a forum in which theory is put to the test, in many cases
on real-world software engineering challenges. Thus, LDTA also
solicits papers on the application of grammarware to areas including,
but not limited to, the following:
- program analysis, transformation, generation, and verification,
- implementation of Domain-Specific Languages,
- reverse engineering and re-engineering,
- refactoring and other source-to-source transformations,
- language definition and language prototyping, and
- debugging, profiling, IDE support, and testing.

Note that LDTA is a well-established workshop similar to other
conferences on (programming) language engineering topics such as SLE
and GPCE, but is solely focused on grammarware.

Paper Submission
LDTA solicits papers in the following categories.

- research papers: original research results within the scope of LDTA
  with a clear motivation, description, analysis, and evaluation.

- short research papers: new innovative ideas that have not been
  completely fleshed out.  As a workshop, LDTA strongly encourages
  these types of submissions.

- experience report papers: description of the use of a grammarware
  tool or technique to solve a non-trivial applied problem with an
  emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen approach
  to the problem.

- tool demo papers: discussion of a tool or technique that explains
  the contributions of the tool and what specifically will be

Each submission must clearly state in which of these categories it
falls, and must not be published or submitted elsewhere.  Papers are to use
the standard LaTeX article style and the authblk style for
affiliations; a sample of which is provided at www.ldta.info.
Research and experience papers are limited to 15 pages, tool
demonstration papers are limited to 10 pages, and short papers are
limited to 6 pages.  The final version of the accepted papers will,
pending approval, be published in the ACM Digital Library and will
also be made available during the workshop.

Please submit your abstract and paper using EasyChair at

The authors of each submission are required to give a presentation at
LDTA 2011 and tool demonstration paper presentations are intended to
include a significant live, interactive demonstration.

The authors of the best papers will be invited to write a journal
version of their paper which will be separately reviewed and, assuming
acceptance, be published in journal form.  As in past years this will
be done in a special issue of the journal Science of Computer
Programming (Elsevier Science).

Invited Speaker
Janis Voigtländer (University of Bonn, Germany).

Important Dates
Abstract submission: Nov. 28, 2011
Full paper submission: Dec. 5, 2011
Author notification: Jan. 20, 2012
Camera-ready papers: Feb. 05, 2012
LDTA Workshop: Mar. 31 - Apr. 1, 2012

LDTA Tool Challenge
The 2011 Workshop pioneered the LDTA Tool Challenge where tool
developers were invited to develop solutions to a range of language
processing tasks over a simple but evolving set of imperative
programming languages. We expect a challenge to form part of LDTA
every two years. The 2012 workshop will feature presentations devoted
to a de-brief of the 2011 challenge, based on the paper currently
being prepared by challenge participants.

Program Committee
Suzana Andova, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (co-chair)
Anya Helene Bagge, University of Bergen, Norway
Kyung-Goo Doh, Hanyang University, Ansan, South Korea
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Görel Hedin, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary 
Zhenjiang Hu, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Roberto Ierusalimschy, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 
Ivan Kurtev, University of Twente, The 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot?

2011-11-24 Thread Yves Parès

2011/11/24 Colin Adams colinpaulad...@gmail.com


 On 23 November 2011 19:11, heathmatlock heathmatl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Question: Do you want a mascot?


 This is an attempt to figure out if this idea is going anywhere.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FGL custom node identification (Label - Node lookup)

2011-11-24 Thread Thomas DuBuisson

The containers library has a somewhat primitive but certainly useful
Data.Graph library.  Building a graph with this library simultaneously
results in the lookup functions:

   m1 :: Vertex - (node, key, [key])
   m2 :: key - Maybe Vertex

(where 'key' is like FGL's 'label' but is assumed to be unique)

This is exactly what I wanted when building and analyzing a call graph
in FGL.  To that end, I started making a graph type that tracked label
to Node mappings, wrapping Data.Graph.Inductive.Gr,  and assuming the
labels are all unique.

The classes for such a graph actually aren't possible.  The ability to
build a mapping from a node's 'label' to the 'Node' requires extra
context (ex: Hashable, Ord, or at least Eq), but such context can not
be provided due to the typeclass construction.

Is there any chance we can change the Graph and DiaGraph classes to
expose the type variables 'a' and 'b'?

class Graph gr a b where ...
class (Graph gr) = DynGraph gr a b where ...

This would allow instances to provide the needed context:

instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) = Graph UniqueLabel a b where
  buildGraph = ... some use of containers libraries that
require context ...
lookupNode :: Hashable a = UniqueLabel a b - a - Node
-- etc


P.S.  Please do educate me if I simply missed or misunderstood some
feature of FGL.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FGL custom node identification (Label - Node lookup)

2011-11-24 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 24 November 2011 20:33, Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuis...@gmail.com wrote:

 The containers library has a somewhat primitive but certainly useful
 Data.Graph library.  Building a graph with this library simultaneously
 results in the lookup functions:

   m1 :: Vertex - (node, key, [key])
   m2 :: key - Maybe Vertex

 (where 'key' is like FGL's 'label' but is assumed to be unique)

 This is exactly what I wanted when building and analyzing a call graph
 in FGL.  To that end, I started making a graph type that tracked label
 to Node mappings, wrapping Data.Graph.Inductive.Gr,  and assuming the
 labels are all unique.

 The classes for such a graph actually aren't possible.  The ability to
 build a mapping from a node's 'label' to the 'Node' requires extra
 context (ex: Hashable, Ord, or at least Eq), but such context can not
 be provided due to the typeclass construction.

 Is there any chance we can change the Graph and DiaGraph classes to
 expose the type variables 'a' and 'b'?

    class Graph gr a b where ...
    class (Graph gr) = DynGraph gr a b where ...

 This would allow instances to provide the needed context:

    instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) = Graph UniqueLabel a b where
          buildGraph = ... some use of containers libraries that
 require context ...
    lookupNode :: Hashable a = UniqueLabel a b - a - Node
    -- etc


 P.S.  Please do educate me if I simply missed or misunderstood some
 feature of FGL.

Well, there *is* the NodeMap module, but I haven't really used it so
I'm not sure if it does what you want.

We did start upon a version of FGL which had these type variables in
the class, but it got a little fiddly; the ability to have superclass
constraints should solve this but I haven't touched FGL for a while,
as I've been working on some other graph library code for planar
graphs, with the plan to take my experience from writing this library
into a successor to FGL.

However, my experience with designing this planar graph library has
led me to using abstract (i.e. non-exported constructor) ID types for
nodes and edges and finding them rather useful, but then I'm more
concerned about the _structure_ of the graph rather than the items
stored within it.  As such, I'd appreciate you explaining to me
(off-list is OK) why you want/need such a label - node mapping so
that I can try and work out a way to incorporate such functionality.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FGL custom node identification (Label - Node lookup)

2011-11-24 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 24 November 2011 20:42, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 24 November 2011 20:33, Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuis...@gmail.com 

 The containers library has a somewhat primitive but certainly useful
 Data.Graph library.  Building a graph with this library simultaneously
 results in the lookup functions:

   m1 :: Vertex - (node, key, [key])
   m2 :: key - Maybe Vertex

 (where 'key' is like FGL's 'label' but is assumed to be unique)

 This is exactly what I wanted when building and analyzing a call graph
 in FGL.  To that end, I started making a graph type that tracked label
 to Node mappings, wrapping Data.Graph.Inductive.Gr,  and assuming the
 labels are all unique.

 The classes for such a graph actually aren't possible.  The ability to
 build a mapping from a node's 'label' to the 'Node' requires extra
 context (ex: Hashable, Ord, or at least Eq), but such context can not
 be provided due to the typeclass construction.

 Is there any chance we can change the Graph and DiaGraph classes to
 expose the type variables 'a' and 'b'?

    class Graph gr a b where ...
    class (Graph gr) = DynGraph gr a b where ...

 This would allow instances to provide the needed context:

    instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) = Graph UniqueLabel a b where
          buildGraph = ... some use of containers libraries that
 require context ...
    lookupNode :: Hashable a = UniqueLabel a b - a - Node
    -- etc


 P.S.  Please do educate me if I simply missed or misunderstood some
 feature of FGL.

 Well, there *is* the NodeMap module, but I haven't really used it so
 I'm not sure if it does what you want.

 We did start upon a version of FGL which had these type variables in
 the class, but it got a little fiddly; the ability to have superclass
 constraints should solve this but I haven't touched FGL for a while,
 as I've been working on some other graph library code for planar
 graphs, with the plan to take my experience from writing this library
 into a successor to FGL.

 However, my experience with designing this planar graph library has
 led me to using abstract (i.e. non-exported constructor) ID types for
 nodes and edges and finding them rather useful, but then I'm more
 concerned about the _structure_ of the graph rather than the items
 stored within it.  As such, I'd appreciate you explaining to me
 (off-list is OK) why you want/need such a label - node mapping so
 that I can try and work out a way to incorporate such functionality.

To be more clear: we wanted superclass constraints because we had the
main classes be of kind * with associated-types for the node and edge
labels (which could possibly just be `()'); but to be able to do
mapping over the nodes and edges we needed to be able to specify a
mapping from (g a b) to g a b (where g is of kind * - * - *).

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Munich Haskell Meeting

2011-11-24 Thread Heinrich Hördegen

Dear all,

next week on Tuesday, 29 November, our monthly Haskell get-together will 
be held at Cafe Puck in Munich. Starting time is 19h30. Please feel free 
to join us. We are always happy to see someone new.

There have been lots of people last time and we did not have enough 
tables. Therefore, if you plan to join us, please go to this page and 
hit the button. This well help to reserve places:


There is also the question, what to do in December. Any suggestions?

We hope to see you soon,




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type level strings?

2011-11-24 Thread oleg

Evan Laforge has defined
 data Thing {
   thing_id :: ThingId
   , thing_stuff :: Stuff
 newtype ThingId = ThingId String

and wishes to statically preclude binary operations with things that
have different ThingIds. However, Things and their Ids can be loaded
from files and so cannot be known to the compiler. He wished for
type-level strings -- which is what the enclosed code gives.

When we've got two Things loaded from two different files we must do a
run-time check to see if these two things have in fact the same
ThingId. That is inevitable. The question is how frequently do we have
to make such a test?

One approach is to do such a ruin-time test on each binary operation
on things.  The original Thing above was of that approach:

 instance Monoid Thing where
   mappend (Thing id1 stuff1) (Thing id2 stuff2)
 | id1 /= id2 = error ...
 | otherwise = Thing id1 (stuff1 `mappend` stuff2)

Every time we mappend things, we must check their ids.

It has been suggested to use existentials. We get the the following code:

 maybeAppend :: Exists Thing - Exists Thing - Maybe (Exists Thing)
 maybeAppend (Exists t1) (Exists t2) =
 case thing_id t1 `equal` thing_id t2 of
   Just Refl - Just $ Exists (t1 `mappend` t2)
   Nothing   - Nothing

How different is this from the original mappend? Every time we wish to
mappend two things, we have to do the run-time test of their ids!
We added phantom times, existentials, GADTs -- and got nothing in
return. No improvement to the original code, and no static guarantees.

When we have to mappend things several times, it seems optimal to do
the run-time ID check only once (we have to do that check anyway) and
then mappend the results without any checks, and with full static
assurance that only Identical things are mappended. The enclosed code
implements that approach. The instance for Monoid makes patent only
things with the same id may be mappended. Moreover, there is no
run-time id check, and we do not have to think up the id to give to
mempty. The test does read two things from a `file' (a string) and
does several operations on them. The run-time test is done only once.

The ideas of the code are described in the papers with Chung-chieh
Shan on lightweight static capabilities and implicit configurations.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Thing where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char

-- The data constructor Thing should not be exported
newtype Thing id = Thing{ thingStuff :: Stuff }

type Stuff = [Int]  -- or any monoid

class IDeal id where get_id :: id - String

-- The user should use make_thing
make_thing :: IDeal id = id - Stuff - Thing id
make_thing _ t = Thing t

-- It is statically assured that only things with the same id
-- may be mappended. Moreover, there is no run-time id check
-- And we do not have to think up the id to give to mempty

instance Monoid (Thing id) where
Thing t1 `mappend` Thing t2 = Thing (t1 `mappend` t2)
mempty = Thing mempty

instance IDeal id = Show (Thing id) where
show (Thing t) = show $ (get_id (undefined::id),t)

-- A statically-known Id (just in case)

data Id1 = Id1
instance IDeal Id1 where get_id _ = Id1

-- Reading a thing from a file (or at least, a string)

data DynId id = DynId
instance Nat id = IDeal (DynId id) where 
get_id _ = int_to_str $ nat (undefined::id)

read_thing :: String - (forall id. IDeal id = Thing id - w) - w
read_thing str k = reify_ideal i (\iD - k (make_thing iD t))
  where (i,t) = read str 

-- Run-time equality check
-- If id and id' are the same, cast the second to the same id

eqid_check :: forall id id'. (IDeal id, IDeal id') = 
  Thing id - Thing id' - Maybe (Thing id)
eqid_check _ (Thing t) | get_id (undefined::id) == get_id (undefined::id') 
= Just (Thing t)
eqid_check _ _ = Nothing

test file1 file2 =
read_thing file1 (\t1 -
read_thing file2 (\t2 -
  do_things t1 t2))
 -- A run-time test is inevitable, but it is done only once
 do_things t1 t2 | Just t2' - eqid_check t1 t2 = do_things' t1 t2'
 do_things _ _ = error bad things

 -- Now it is assured we have the same id
 -- we can do things many times
 do_things' :: IDeal id = Thing id - Thing id - String 
 do_things' t1 t2 = show $
   mempty `mappend` t1 `mappend` t2 `mappend` t2 `mappend` t1

t1 = test (\id1\,[1,2]) (\id1\,[3,4])
-- (\id1\,[1,2,3,4,3,4,1,2])

t2 = test (\id1\,[1,2]) (\id2\,[3,4])
-- *** Exception: bad things

-- Reifying strings to types
-- They say String kinds are already in a GHC branch.
-- Edward Kmett maintains a Hackage package for these sort of things

-- Assume ASCII for simplicity
str_to_int :: String - Integer
str_to_int  = 0
str_to_int (c:t) = fromIntegral (ord c) + 128 * str_to_int t

int_to_str :: Integer - String
int_to_str = loop 
  loop acc 0 = reverse acc
  loop acc n | (n',c) - quotRem n 128 = loop (chr (fromIntegral c) : acc) n'

data Z = Z
data S a = S a
data T a = T a

class Nat a where nat :: a - Integer

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, den 16.11.2011, 10:46 +0100 schrieb Bas van Dijk:
 Is ⊥ the right symbol to express the non-strict evaluation of the
 language? Is it true that non-strict evaluation requires that ⊥
 inhabits every type?

In typical strict languages, ⊥ also inhabits every type. The difference
is that the domains of all types except function types are flat. That
is, they don’t contain any partially defined values like ⊥ : ⊥, but
only ⊥ and completely defined values.

Where a Haskell expression would result in a partially defined value,
the same expression in a corresponding strict language would result
in ⊥. So strict languages are “more ⊥” than Haskell. Thus I cannot see
why ⊥ should be used as a symbol for non-strictness at all.

Best wishes,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot?

2011-11-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch

Am Mittwoch, den 23.11.2011, 13:11 -0600 schrieb heathmatlock:
 Question: Do you want a mascot? 
 This is an attempt to figure out if this idea is going anywhere.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot? -- please stop this

2011-11-24 Thread David Virebayre
2011/11/23 Giovanni Tirloni gtirl...@sysdroid.com:
 2. It floods people with email they don't care (unless they care to keep
 track of the results)

Not that I care that much about a mascot (I like the lamb though), but
a few threads about it hardly counts for a flooding.
Besides, a good email client would allows to group emails that belong
together (a thread) and mute them.

Also, this is café, right ? Aren't people subscribed to this list
supposed to expect a broad range of topics ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot?

2011-11-24 Thread Victor Nazarov
I have the same position. want a good mascot... Count this as yes.

2011/11/23 Gábor Lehel illiss...@gmail.com:
 I don't want a bad mascot. I do want a good mascot.

 If you must count me down for one side or the other, count this as a yes.

 On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 8:11 PM, heathmatlock heathmatl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Question: Do you want a mascot?

 This is an attempt to figure out if this idea is going anywhere.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Victor Nazarov

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot? -- please stop this

2011-11-24 Thread Ketil Malde
David Virebayre dav.vire+hask...@gmail.com writes:

 Also, this is café, right ? Aren't people subscribed to this list
 supposed to expect a broad range of topics ?

I don't mind a broad range of topics, but using it to collect polls is
IMHO abusing it.  I guess I can dust off the killfiling features in Gnus
to deal with this, but I still think it's very annoying.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

2011-11-24 Thread Luis Cabellos
I update the package to addid several changes from Elliott Hird, in
special a better install proccess with includes added to package tree.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Luis Cabellos cabel...@ifca.unican.eswrote:

 Hello, all.

 I update the OpenCL package with a better error handle using

 Thanks all comments in the previous version, and issues in github.

 # Where to get it

 * Hackage page (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/OpenCL)
 * Repository (https://github.com/zhensydow/opencl)
 * Bugs (https://github.com/zhensydow/opencl/issues)

 # Changes:

 * Changed LICENSE to BSD3
 * Changed error from 'IO (Either CLError a)'  to IO a + CLError exceptions
 * Added creation of programs using precompiled binaries (added example
 * Better documentation.

 Luis Cabellos

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform

2011-11-24 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Dear Gurus,

Why the Haskell Platform is still based on ghc 7.03?
(At least on WinXP)

Does anybody care about wxHaskell?


Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FGL custom node identification (Label - Node lookup)

2011-11-24 Thread Thomas DuBuisson
My thinking on this was that something akin to NodeMap should be
_part_ of the graph structure.  This would be more convenient and
allow the graph and nodemap operations to apply to a single data

Instead of:

insMapNode_ :: (Ord a, DynGraph g) = NodeMap a - a - g a b - g a b

You could have:

insMapNode_ :: (Ord a, DynGraph g) = a - g a b - g a b

The only think stopping us from making a product data type like this
is the inflexibility of the type classes, right?  Were we able to
define () to update the nodemap too then we could keep these to
structures in sync automatically instead of expecting the programmer
to keep them paired correctly.


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 1:42 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 24 November 2011 20:33, Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuis...@gmail.com 

 The containers library has a somewhat primitive but certainly useful
 Data.Graph library.  Building a graph with this library simultaneously
 results in the lookup functions:

   m1 :: Vertex - (node, key, [key])
   m2 :: key - Maybe Vertex

 (where 'key' is like FGL's 'label' but is assumed to be unique)

 This is exactly what I wanted when building and analyzing a call graph
 in FGL.  To that end, I started making a graph type that tracked label
 to Node mappings, wrapping Data.Graph.Inductive.Gr,  and assuming the
 labels are all unique.

 The classes for such a graph actually aren't possible.  The ability to
 build a mapping from a node's 'label' to the 'Node' requires extra
 context (ex: Hashable, Ord, or at least Eq), but such context can not
 be provided due to the typeclass construction.

 Is there any chance we can change the Graph and DiaGraph classes to
 expose the type variables 'a' and 'b'?

    class Graph gr a b where ...
    class (Graph gr) = DynGraph gr a b where ...

 This would allow instances to provide the needed context:

    instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) = Graph UniqueLabel a b where
          buildGraph = ... some use of containers libraries that
 require context ...
    lookupNode :: Hashable a = UniqueLabel a b - a - Node
    -- etc


 P.S.  Please do educate me if I simply missed or misunderstood some
 feature of FGL.

 Well, there *is* the NodeMap module, but I haven't really used it so
 I'm not sure if it does what you want.

 We did start upon a version of FGL which had these type variables in
 the class, but it got a little fiddly; the ability to have superclass
 constraints should solve this but I haven't touched FGL for a while,
 as I've been working on some other graph library code for planar
 graphs, with the plan to take my experience from writing this library
 into a successor to FGL.

 However, my experience with designing this planar graph library has
 led me to using abstract (i.e. non-exported constructor) ID types for
 nodes and edges and finding them rather useful, but then I'm more
 concerned about the _structure_ of the graph rather than the items
 stored within it.  As such, I'd appreciate you explaining to me
 (off-list is OK) why you want/need such a label - node mapping so
 that I can try and work out a way to incorporate such functionality.

 Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot?

2011-11-24 Thread philipp siegmantel
@Wolfgang Jeltsch: I'm sorry, that was indeed my intension.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Do you want a mascot?

2011-11-24 Thread philipp siegmantel
And also: Yes!
(sorry for double post)

On 24 November 2011 20:51, philipp siegmantel
philipp.siegman...@googlemail.com wrote:
 @Wolfgang Jeltsch: I'm sorry, that was indeed my intension.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform

2011-11-24 Thread Pascal Wittmann
On 11/24/2011 04:57 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
 Why the Haskell Platform is still based on ghc 7.03?
 (At least on WinXP)

IIRC 7.2 is some kind of technology preview. So it won't be included
in the haskell platform. The next version that is planed for the haskell
platform is 7.4

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FGL custom node identification (Label - Node lookup)

2011-11-24 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 25 November 2011 05:13, Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuis...@gmail.com wrote:
 My thinking on this was that something akin to NodeMap should be
 _part_ of the graph structure.  This would be more convenient and
 allow the graph and nodemap operations to apply to a single data

 Instead of:

    insMapNode_ :: (Ord a, DynGraph g) = NodeMap a - a - g a b - g a b

 You could have:

    insMapNode_ :: (Ord a, DynGraph g) = a - g a b - g a b

 The only think stopping us from making a product data type like this
 is the inflexibility of the type classes, right?  Were we able to
 define () to update the nodemap too then we could keep these to
 structures in sync automatically instead of expecting the programmer
 to keep them paired correctly.

My thinking is to (eventually) make more fine-grained classes, and
have newtype wrappers that would add this kind of functionality (which
would even let you choose the type of constraint); i.e. adding a node
to a `(Hashable (NodeLabel g)) = HashableNodeMap g` would also add a
`NodeLabel g - Node g` mapping to some internal lookup; is this what
you're after?

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-24 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 23/11/2011, at 4:40 AM, Karol Samborski wrote:

 And what about a cat? The cat is associated with elegance and a kind of magic.
 Please take a look: http://origami.bieszczady.pl/images/kot.png

I could never in my whole life draw as well as that.
But they are *skittles*, just like Lamb Da.
Cute.  Stiff. Lifeless.  Easy to knock over.
Reminds me of a salt shaker and pepper pot of my mother's.

The collar's good, but
the lambda is just pasted on for no intrinsic reason.

How about a relatively smart animal _in motion_ with the
lambda formed naturally by the positions of its limbs?
Maybe a leaping gelada with its hind legs forming the
\ of the lambda and its tail and back forming the / ?
Smart, social, moving, and of course, furry.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] blaze-textual-native and aeson-native are being deprecated

2011-11-24 Thread Michael Snoyman
Hi all,

In the last Yesod release, we created two new packages:
blaze-textual-native and aeson-native. These were direct forks of
their source packages, with just two changes: blaze-textual-native did
not include a double-conversion dependency, and aeson-native depended
on blaze-textual-native instead of blaze-textual. The reason for all
this is that there is a GHC bug which prevents C++ code from working
correctly with GHCi and Template Haskell[1].

Bryan recently released a new version of blaze-textual which no longer
uses double-conversion by default (it's still available with
compile-time flags if you want the extra speed and don't need
TH/GHCi), and as a result, we are very happy to be deprecating the
native siblings. Fortunately, there are not that many packages on
Hackage using these libraries; in fact, the only packages for which
I'm not a maintainer are dingo-core, dingo-widgets and hledger-web.
However, since these are Yesod dependencies, I'm guessing many Yesod
users reference aeson-native in their site cabal files.

Technically speaking, switching from aeson-native to aeson in a
library should constitute a major version bump. However, in this case,
I think we want these deprecated packages to die as quickly as
possible. So my plan is to switch all of my packages from using
aeson-native to aeson some time next week. The result will likely be
broken builds for some people; all you'll need to do is edit your
cabal file and replace aeson-native with aeson (likewise for

Are there any objections to this course of action, or better ideas on
how to handle the situation?


[1] Please don't ask me for details, I don't know them. And for all I
know, the bug has already be fixed in newer GHCs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-24 Thread Karol Samborski
2011/11/25 Richard O'Keefe o...@cs.otago.ac.nz:

 I could never in my whole life draw as well as that.
 But they are *skittles*, just like Lamb Da.
 Cute.  Stiff. Lifeless.  Easy to knock over.
 Reminds me of a salt shaker and pepper pot of my mother's.

 The collar's good, but
 the lambda is just pasted on for no intrinsic reason.

I agree with you but it was drawn by my sister and she thought that
the lambda and other expressions just must be on the mascot. I think
she didn't have any idea where to draw it :)

 How about a relatively smart animal _in motion_ with the
 lambda formed naturally by the positions of its limbs?
 Maybe a leaping gelada with its hind legs forming the
 \ of the lambda and its tail and back forming the / ?
 Smart, social, moving, and of course, furry.

OK, I will send her your idea.

Karol Samborski

Haskell-Cafe mailing list