[Haskell-cafe] BayHac '12

2012-02-17 Thread Mark Lentczner
Please join us for a weekend of Haskell hacking:

BayHac '12
April 20th ~ 22nd, 2012
Hacker Dojo
Mountain View, CA

This year will be concurrent with UHac in Utrecht, and technology
willing, we'll be liking up to share the Hac between the continents!

Full details on the Haskell Wiki: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/BayHac2012

 - Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] empty fields are dropped in bytestring csv

2012-02-17 Thread Tom Doris
the bytestring-csv package appears to have a bug whereby empty fields are
dropped completely from the row, which is different to Text.CSV , which
will return an empty field in the parse result. I'd argue this is a bug in
bytestring-csv, anyone know whether this has been raised before, or know of
a workaround?

Prelude Data.Maybe Data.List Text.CSV.ByteString Data.ByteString.Char8>
parseCSV $ pack "a,b,c\n1,2,3\n1,,9\n"
Just [["a","b","c"],["1","2","3"],["1","9"]]

-- the last row has two fields ^

Prelude Text.CSV> parseCSV "/tmp/err" "a,b,c\n1,2,3\n1,,9\n"
Right [["a","b","c"],["1","2","3"],["1","","9"],[""]]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unification-fd 0.6.0

2012-02-17 Thread wren ng thornton

On 2/17/12 2:51 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

Out of these FunctionalDependencies seems to be the most exotic (even in
GHC-oriented development there has been some shift towards type
families, it seems).

Is it used only for mtl stuff (and thus can be replaced by
'transformers' + some lifts), or is it necessary for your own API?

It is indeed used for the unification-fd API, mainly to assist type 
inference and to avoid the need to have type annotations everywhere (due 
to the use of MPTCs). The use of fundeps was largely because that's what 
I'd used when first writing it up a number of years ago, before 
understanding and implementation of type families had solidified and 
long before type families had gained much traction.

However, the type family variant should be straightforward. In 
particular the classes using MPTCs are:

class (Unifiable t, Variable v, Applicative m, Monad m)
=> BindingMonad v t m | m -> v t

class (BindingMonad v t m)
=> RankedBindingMonad v t m | m -> v t

AFAICT, those could be easily converted to the following without any 
loss in expressivity:

( Unifiable (BMTerm t)
, Variable (BMVar m)
, Applicative m -- should be implied by (Monad m), but alas!
, Monad m
=> BindingMonad m
type BMVar  m :: *
type BMTerm m :: * -> *

class (BindingMonad m)
=> RankedBindingMonad m

The type signatures may get a bit uglier (as they tend to, due to type 
equality constraints and the calls to associated types being longer than 
type variable names), but given that they're not especially pretty to 
begin with, that's not really a concern.

If the above does indeed work, then one nice thing is that it also gets 
rid of the need for MPTCs (except for the use of mtl's MonadError and 
MonadState), which brings it one step closer to being usable on JHC. I'm 
not sure what UHC's status is on implementing MPTCs, fundeps, and type 

The hesitation about releasing unification-tf with the above change 
implemented is just that I wanted to play around with the ranked 
unification stuff a bit more, to see if I could get it to a place I 
liked before forking the package. Also the lack of round tuits.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unification-fd 0.6.0

2012-02-17 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
* wren ng thornton  [2012-02-17 13:05:58-0500]
> An effort has been made to try to make this package as portable as
> possible.

That's a noble goal for libraries!

> However, because it uses the ST monad and the mtl-2 package
> it can't be H98 nor H2010. However, it only uses the following common
> extensions which should be well supported[3]:
> Rank2Types
> MultiParamTypeClasses
> FunctionalDependencies -- Alas, necessary for type inference
> FlexibleContexts   -- Necessary for practical use of MPTCs
> FlexibleInstances  -- Necessary for practical use of MPTCs
> UndecidableInstances   -- For Show instances due to two-level types

Out of these FunctionalDependencies seems to be the most exotic (even in
GHC-oriented development there has been some shift towards type
families, it seems).

Is it used only for mtl stuff (and thus can be replaced by
'transformers' + some lifts), or is it necessary for your own API?

Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [haskell-cafe] Some reflections on Haskell

2012-02-17 Thread wren ng thornton

On 2/14/12 11:41 AM, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

On 02/14/2012 04:13 PM, Doug McIlroy wrote:

Nevertheless, I share Jardine's concern about the central problem.
It is hard to find one's way in this ecosystem. It needn't be,
as Java illustrates.

As a professional Java developer this sounds really strange, but maybe I
just haven't found it yet.

Do you mean to suggest that it's easy to choose between e.g. Spring,
Guice, etc., the umpteen OSGi containers, the several logging
frameworks, etc. etc. etc.?

I'm not sure I'd call myself a "professional" Java programmer ---though 
I've been paid for writing Java on numerous occasions--- but I'm with 

The JavaDocs for the built-in libraries that come with Java are indeed 
excellent. However, once you move out of the built-in ecosystem and 
start using other people's projects, the quality of documentation 
degenerates rapidly. I can't recall how many opensource projects I've 
used for which the only thing provided by JavaDoc is the type signatures 
it could scrape off the code.

While the documentation of Hackage projects could certainly be improved, 
on the whole I find it's much better than what you get from non-core 
packages for Java. The one big thing I think Hackage needs is better 
top-level organization. Right now it's hard to browse and find new 
packages for some topic you're interested in, in part because we're 
blessed with so many packages, and in part because some packages are 
properly considered as a group (e.g., Yesod, Kmett's replacement for 
category-extras,...) but this isn't well-captured by the current system.

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: unification-fd 0.6.0

2012-02-17 Thread wren ng thornton

-- unification-fd 0.6.0

The unification-fd package offers generic functions for single-sorted 
first-order structural unification (think Prolog programming or 
Hindley--Milner type inference)[1][2]. I've had this laying around for a 
few years, so I figured I might as well publish it.

An effort has been made to try to make this package as portable as 
possible. However, because it uses the ST monad and the mtl-2 package it 
can't be H98 nor H2010. However, it only uses the following common 
extensions which should be well supported[3]:

FunctionalDependencies -- Alas, necessary for type inference
FlexibleContexts   -- Necessary for practical use of MPTCs
FlexibleInstances  -- Necessary for practical use of MPTCs
UndecidableInstances   -- For Show instances due to two-level types

-- Changes (since 0.5.0)

* The kind of variables has been changed from *->* to *. Thus, the 
definition of MutVar is now exactly the free monad generated by t on v:

data MutTerm v t
= MutVar  !v
| MutTerm !(t (MutTerm v t))

This is a major API-breaking change, however it only affects the type 
level, and should only affect you if you're using the functions 
class-polymorphically or if you've defined your own variable types.

-- Description

The unification API is generic in the type of the structures being 
unified and in the implementation of unification variables, following 
the two-level types pearl of Sheard (2001). This style mixes well with 
Swierstra (2008), though an implementation of the latter is not included 
in this package.

That is, all you have to do is define the functor whose fixed-point is 
the recursive type you're interested in:

-- The non-recursive structure of terms
data S a = ...

-- The recursive term type
type PureTerm = Fix S

And then provide an instance for Unifiable, where zipMatch performs one 
level of equality testing for terms and returns the one-level spine 
filled with pairs of subterms to be recursively checked (or Nothing if 
this level doesn't match).

class (Traversable t) => Unifiable t where
zipMatch :: t a -> t b -> Maybe (t (a,b))

The choice of which variable implementation to use is defined by 
similarly simple classes Variable and BindingMonad. We store the 
variable bindings in a monad, for obvious reasons. In case it's not 
obvious, see Dijkstra et al. (2008) for benchmarks demonstrating the 
cost of naively applying bindings eagerly.

There are currently two implementations of variables provided: one based 
on STRefs, and another based on a state monad carrying an IntMap. The 
former has the benefit of O(1) access time, but the latter is plenty 
fast and has the benefit of supporting backtracking. Backtracking itself 
is provided by the logict package and is described in Kiselyov et al. 

In addition to this modularity, unification-fd implements a number of 
optimizations over the algorithm presented in Sheard (2001)--- which is 
also the algorithm presented in Cardelli (1987).

* Their implementation uses path compression, which we retain. Though we 
modify the compression algorithm in order to make sharing observable.

* In addition, we perform aggressive opportunistic observable sharing, a 
potentially novel method of introducing even more sharing than is 
provided by the monadic bindings. Basically, we make it so that we can 
use the observable sharing provided by the previous optimization as much 
as possible (without introducing any new variables).

* And we remove the notoriously expensive occurs-check, replacing it 
with visited-sets (which detect cyclic terms more lazily and without the 
asymptotic overhead of the occurs-check). A variant of unification which 
retains the occurs-check is also provided, in case you really need to 
fail fast for some reason.

* Finally, a highly experimental branch of the API performs *weighted* 
path compression, which is asymptotically optimal. Unfortunately, the 
current implementation is quite a bit uglier than the unweighted 
version, and I haven't had a chance to perform benchmarks to see how the 
constant factors compare. Hence moving it to an experimental branch.

These optimizations pass a test suite for detecting obvious errors. If 
you find any bugs, do be sure to let me know. Also, if you happen to 
have a test suite or benchmark suite for unification on hand, I'd love 
to get a copy.

-- Notes and limitations

[1] At present it does not appear amenable for higher-rank structural 
unification (a la HMF, MLF, or other System F type sys

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "Best" FRP package for newbie

2012-02-17 Thread Edward Amsden
I got started in FRP with Yampa, and I currently "maintain" Animas,
which is a fork. AFAIK no one is really doing much with either
anymore. Yampa and Animas are both messy both in implementation and
the exposed interface. I did start with Yampa, but it was incredibly
frustrating because the abstraction is very leaky and thus things
often don't work as you'd expect. The only real changes to Animas are
the addition of some primitives for evaluation when you don't want a
tight loop.

I'm currently writing a Masters thesis on FRP which will hopefully
result in a much nicer signal function library, but of course you
don't want to wait that long. What I can offer though is to try to
answer any questions you might have as you're exploring FRP.

Netwire and reactive-banana both sound like good choices, though I
haven't really toyed much with either of them so I can't really make a
firm recommendation.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 2:50 AM, Arnaud Bailly  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interested in exploring more in depth FRP. I had a look at the wiki
> page and started to explore "reactive" which looked promising at first
> glance and backed by quite a few articles and tutorials, but 1) it did not
> install properly on my haskell platform and 2) from the mailing-list
> archives it seems to have died a couple of years ago.
> So my question is : What package would you recommend me to get my hands
> dirty with FRP? I am mostly interested in things related to music and
> network programming, if that matters.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Arnaud
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Edward Amsden
Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell implementation of a database?

2012-02-17 Thread Daniel Waterworth

I'm the author of Siege, see https://github.com/DanielWaterworth/siege
. It's not production ready, but it's in active development.


On 17 February 2012 06:56, Vasili I. Galchin  wrote:
> Hello,
>   I have been looking through Hackage database for a Haskell
> implementation of a database(not a binding) but couldn't find anything.
> Probably it was under my nose??
> Vasili
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "Good" Java book? (not off-topic)

2012-02-17 Thread Álvaro García Pérez
I've always found Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in Java" the best introductory
book to the practice of object oriented programming and Java. There's a
sample online http://www.mindviewinc.com/TIJ4/BookSampleDownload.php

Whether this is in concordance with FP principles or not is a different
thing, but the point is to introduce OO and Java, isn't it? Anyway, I don't
think it's damaging if you later get to use Haskell and formal methods (I
went myself through that as well).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "Best" FRP package for newbie

2012-02-17 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
"Gabríel A. Pétursson"  wrote:

> Netwire by Ertugrul Söylemez would be a good library to start with.
> If for some reason netwire doesn't quite suit your needs, take a look
> at Animas, a fork of Yampa.
> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/netwire-3.1.0
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Netwire

Even though Netwire seems to be the library of choice for your purposes,
it is not exactly beginner-friendly.  Heinrich Apfelmus' reactive-banana
library is much easier to get into, so you may want to start with that
one before approaching Netwire.

In any case, I can't really recommend Animas or Yampa.  They are a proof
of concept, but in real world applications they proved to be unfortunate
choices, which was the original motivation for me to write Netwire in
the first place.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "Best" FRP package for newbie

2012-02-17 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Arnaud Bailly wrote:

I am interested in exploring more in depth FRP. I had a look at the wiki
page and started to explore "reactive" which looked promising at first
glance and backed by quite a few articles and tutorials, but 1) it did not
install properly on my haskell platform and 2) from the mailing-list
archives it seems to have died a couple of years ago.

So my question is : What package would you recommend me to get my hands
dirty with FRP? I am mostly interested in things related to music and
network programming, if that matters.

Of course, I recommend my reactive-banana library.


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "Best" FRP package for newbie

2012-02-17 Thread Gabríel A. Pétursson
Netwire by Ertugrul Söylemez would be a good library to start with. If 
for some reason netwire doesn't quite suit your needs, take a look at 
Animas, a fork of Yampa.


On 17.2.2012 07:50, Arnaud Bailly wrote:

I am interested in exploring more in depth FRP. I had a look at the 
wiki page and started to explore "reactive" which looked promising at 
first glance and backed by quite a few articles and tutorials, but 1) 
it did not install properly on my haskell platform and 2) from the 
mailing-list archives it seems to have died a couple of years ago.

So my question is : What package would you recommend me to get my 
hands dirty with FRP? I am mostly interested in things related to 
music and network programming, if that matters.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list