Re: [Haskell-cafe] A weird bug of regex-pcre

2012-12-18 Thread José Romildo Malaquias
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 02:28:26PM +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 Attachment is the test text file.
 And I tested my regexp as this:
 Prelude :m + Text.Regex.PCRE
 Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE z - readFile test.html
 Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE let (b, m ,a, ss) = z =~ a
 href=\(.*?)\.*?img class=\article-image\ :: (String, String, String,
 Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE b
 n of the Triumvirate/td\r\ntd class=\small\David Rapoza/td\r\n
td class=\small\\r\n  iReturn to Ravnica/i\r\n/td\r\n
td class=\small\10/31/2012/td\r\n  /trtr\r\n  td
 Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE m
 a href=\/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/activity/1088\img
 From the value of b and m, it was weird that the matching was moved forward
 by 1 char ( the ss (sub matching) was even worse, 2 chars ). Rematch to a
 and so on gave correct results. It was only the first matching that was
 Tested with regex-posix (with modified regexp), everything is OK.

I have a similar issue with non-ascii strings. It seems that the
internal representation used by Haskell and pcre are different and one
of them is counting bytes and the other is counting code points. So they
diverge when a multi-byte representation (like utf8) is used.

It has been reported previously. See these threads:

I am still waiting for a new release of regex-pcre that fixes this


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A weird bug of regex-pcre

2012-12-18 Thread Rico Moorman
I had similar issues a while ago. It had to do with UTF-8 encoding as far
as I can recall.

I wanted to wrap a multiline string (code listings) within some pandoc
generated HTML of a hakyll page with a container div. The text to wrap
would be determined using a PCRE regex.

Here the (probably inefficient) implementation:

module Transformations where

import Hakyll
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as RE
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

-- Wraps numbered code listings within the page body with a div
-- in order to be able to apply some more specific styling.
wrapNumberedCodelistings (Page meta body) =
Page meta newBody
newBody = regexReplace' regex wrap body
regex = table\\s+class=\sourceCode[^]+.*?/table-
wrap x = div class=\sourceCodeWrap\ ++ x ++ /div

-- Replace the whole string matched by the given
-- regex using the given replacement function (hopefully UTF8-aware)
regexReplace' :: String - (String - String) - String - String
regexReplace' pattern replace text = BSU.toString $ go textUTF8
patternUTF8 = BSU.fromString pattern
textUTF8 = BSU.fromString text
replaceUTF8 x = BSU.fromString $ replace $ BSU.toString x
regex = RE.makeRegexOpts compOpts RE.defaultExecOpt $
BSU.fromString pattern
compOpts = RE.compMultiline + RE.compDotAll + RE.compUTF8 +
go part = case RE.matchM regex part of
Just (before, match, after) -
BS.concat [before, replaceUTF8 match, go after]
_ - part

The discussion back then was

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Rico Moorman

P.S. Sorry for the double email Magicloud ... didn't hit reply all at first

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:43 AM, José Romildo Malaquias wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 02:28:26PM +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
  Attachment is the test text file.
  And I tested my regexp as this:
  Prelude :m + Text.Regex.PCRE
  Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE z - readFile test.html
  Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE let (b, m ,a, ss) = z =~ a
  href=\(.*?)\.*?img class=\article-image\ :: (String, String,
  Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE b
  n of the Triumvirate/td\r\ntd class=\small\David
 td class=\small\\r\n  iReturn to Ravnica/i\r\n
 td class=\small\10/31/2012/td\r\n  /trtr\r\n  td
  Prelude Text.Regex.PCRE m
  a href=\/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/activity/1088\img
  From the value of b and m, it was weird that the matching was moved
  by 1 char ( the ss (sub matching) was even worse, 2 chars ). Rematch to a
  and so on gave correct results. It was only the first matching that was
  Tested with regex-posix (with modified regexp), everything is OK.

 I have a similar issue with non-ascii strings. It seems that the
 internal representation used by Haskell and pcre are different and one
 of them is counting bytes and the other is counting code points. So they
 diverge when a multi-byte representation (like utf8) is used.

 It has been reported previously. See these threads:

 I am still waiting for a new release of regex-pcre that fixes this


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] TAP 2013: 2nd Call for Papers

2012-12-18 Thread Achim D. Brucker
(Apologies if you receive this announcement multiple times.)

***  ***
***  TAP 2013***
***  ***
***  Abstract submission: January 25, 2013   ***
***  Paper submission:February 1, 2013   ***

***  TAP 2013 solicits both full papers and  ***
***  (industrial) experience/tool papers ***
***  in combining proofs and (security) testing  ***



Budapest, Hungary, June 18-19, 2013

The TAP conference is devoted to the synergy of proofs and tests, to the
application of techniques from both sides and their combination for the
advancement of software quality.
Testing and proving seem to be contradictory techniques: once you have
proved your program to be correct then additional testing seems
pointless; on the other hand, when such a proof in not feasible, then
testing the program seems to be the only option. This view has dominated
the research community since the dawn of computer science, and has
resulted in distinct communities pursuing the seemingly orthogonal
research areas.

However, the development of both approaches has lead to the discovery of
common issues and to the realization of potential synergy. Perhaps, use
of model checking in testing was one of the first signs that a
counterexample to a proof may be interpreted as a test case. Recent
breakthroughs in deductive techniques such as satisfiability modulo
theories, abstract interpretation, and interactive theorem proving, have
paved the way for new and practically effective methods of powering
testing techniques. Moreover, since formal, proof-based verification is
costly, testing invariants and background theories can be helpful to
detect errors early and to improve cost effectiveness. Summing up, in
the past few years an increasing number of research efforts have
encountered the need for combining proofs and tests, dropping earlier
dogmatic views of incompatibility and taking instead the best of what
each of these software engineering domains has to offer.

The TAP conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
working in the converging fields of testing and proving, and will offer
a generous allocation of papers, panels and informal discussions.

Topics of interest cover theory definitions, tool constructions and
experimentations, and include (other topics related to TAP are welcome):
- Bridging the gap between concrete and symbolic techniques, e.g. using
  proof search in satisfiability modulo theories solvers to enhance
  various testing techniques
- Transfer of concepts from testing to proving (e.g., coverage criteria)
  and from proving to testing
- Program proving with the aid of testing techniques
- New problematics in automated reasoning emerging from specificities of
  test generation
- Verification and testing techniques combining proofs and tests
- Generation of test data, oracles, or preambles by deductive techniques
  such as: theorem proving, model checking, symbolic execution,
  constraint logic programming
- Model-based testing and verification
- Generation of specifications by deduction
- Automatic bug finding
- Debugging of programs combining static and dynamic analysis
- Formal frameworks
- Tool descriptions and experience reports
- Case studies combining tests and proofs
- Domain specific applications of testing and proving to new application
  domains such as validating security protocols, vulnerability detection
  of programs, security

Important Dates:

Abstract submission:   January 25, 2013
Paper submission:  February 1, 2013
Notification:  March 3, 2013
Camera ready version:  April 5, 2013
TAP conference:June 17-21, 2013

Program Chairs:
Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research, USA)
Luca Vigano` (University of Verona, Italy)

Program Committee:
Paul Ammann
Dirk Beyer
Achim D. Brucker
Robert Clarisò
Marco Comini
Catherine Dubois
Gordon Fraser
Angelo Gargantini
Christoph Gladisch
Martin Gogolla
Arnaud Gotlieb
Wolfgang Grieskamp
Reiner Hähnle
Bart Jacobs
Thiérry Jeron
Jacques Julliand
Gregory Kapfhammer
Nikolai Kosmatov
Victor Kuliamin
Michael Leuschel
Karl Meinke
Alexandre Petrenko
Holger Schlingloff
T.H. Tse
Margus Veanes (co-chair)
Luca Viganò (co-chair)
Burkhart Wolff
Fatiha Zaidi

Please submit your papers via easychair

TAP 2013 will
accept two types of papers:

- Research papers: full papers with at most 16 pages in LNCS format
  (pdf), which have to be original, unpublished and not submitted

- Short contributions: work in progress, (industrial) 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A weird bug of regex-pcre

2012-12-18 Thread Rico Moorman

 regex = table\\s+class=\sourceCode[^]+.*?/table-

And mind the sneaky single - ... it doe not belong there ;-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HTF Quickcheck

2012-12-18 Thread graham
Are there any libraries that define various common generators ?

What would be the cleanest way to define two positive integers below
1000 that are different ? Seems relatively easy with conditionals.


On Tue, Dec 18, 2012, at 07:01 AM, wrote:
 So what use are conditional properties meant to be used for ??
 If you just want 2 integers that are not equal, it would seem a lot
 simpler to do this as a conditional rather than constructing some pair
 in an arbitrary instance ?!?
 On Mon, Dec 17, 2012, at 11:20 PM, Simon Hengel wrote:
  On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 06:04:15PM +0200, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
   Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question.
   However, if you don't find a solution, I suggest using SmallCheck
   instead of QuickCheck — it works better when you have many unsuitable
   As far as I know, SmallCheck is not supported by HTF, but it is
   supported by test-framework.
  test-framework also sometimes thinks a Gave up! is not a fail, which I
  think is a bug.  But I gave up on trying to get that fixed [1], e.g.
  this (admittedly contrived) property is still a pass with
  defaultMain [testProperty foo $ \x - x == 23 == True]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Race Condition in threads

2012-12-18 Thread mukesh tiwari
Hello All
I have two questions.
1. I wrote this code to create 10  simultaneous threads. Could some one
please tell me if this is correct or not ?

incr_count :: MVar () - MVar Int - IO ()
incr_count m n = ( forM_ [ 1..1 ] $ \_ - modifyMVar_ n ( return . ( +
10 ) ) )  putMVar m ()

main :: IO()
main = do
  count - newMVar 0
  list - forM [1..10] $ \_ - newEmptyMVar
  forM_ list $ \var - forkIO . incr_count var $ count
  forM_ list $ \var -  takeMVar var
  val - takeMVar count
  print val

2. I am trying to create  race condition which makes the variable in
inconsistent state. Could some one please tell me how to achieve this ? I
look at IORef but it does not have function like modifyMVar_.

Mukesh Tiwari
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HTF Quickcheck

2012-12-18 Thread Simon Hengel
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 05:25:41PM +, wrote:
 Are there any libraries that define various common generators ?
 What would be the cleanest way to define two positive integers below
 1000 that are different ? Seems relatively easy with conditionals.

You can still use (==) to ensure that two numbers are different.  I
would use something like this:

newtype Small = Small Int
  deriving Show

instance Arbitrary Small where
  arbitrary = Small . (`mod` 1000) $ arbitrary

prop_foo (Small x) (Small y) = x /= y == ...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Race Condition in threads

2012-12-18 Thread Serguey Zefirov
2012/12/18 mukesh tiwari
 Hello All
 I have two questions.
 1. I wrote this code to create 10  simultaneous threads. Could some one
 please tell me if this is correct or not ?

 incr_count :: MVar () - MVar Int - IO ()
 incr_count m n = ( forM_ [ 1..1 ] $ \_ - modifyMVar_ n ( return . ( +
 10 ) ) )  putMVar m ()

 main :: IO()
 main = do
   count - newMVar 0
   list - forM [1..10] $ \_ - newEmptyMVar
   forM_ list $ \var - forkIO . incr_count var $ count
   forM_ list $ \var -  takeMVar var
   val - takeMVar count
   print val

It is pretty much correct (some comments would be nice, though).

 2. I am trying to create  race condition which makes the variable in
 inconsistent state. Could some one please tell me how to achieve this ? I
 look at IORef but it does not have function like modifyMVar_.

MVars are atomic in the sense that they have empty state and mutator
can wait until variable will have a value. So you have to operate with
something else, either IORef or with readMVar instead of takeMVar or

 Mukesh Tiwari

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Race Condition in threads

2012-12-18 Thread mukesh tiwari
Hi Serguey
Thank you for reply. I tried with IORef but I am missing a  function which
modify it.

In this case every thread just write value 10 to variable n.
incr_count :: MVar () - IORef Int  - IO ()
incr_count m n = ( forM_ [ 1 .. 1 ] $ \_ - writeIORef n 10  ) 
putMVar m ()

main :: IO ()
main = do
  count - newIORef 0
  list - forM [1..10] $ \_ - newEmptyMVar
  forM_ list $ \var - forkIO . incr_count var $ count
  forM_ list $ \var -  takeMVar var
  val - readIORef count
  print val

ghci:t atomicModifyIORef
atomicModifyIORef :: IORef a - (a - (a, b)) - IO b
ghci:t readIORef
readIORef :: IORef a - IO a
ghci:t writeIORef
writeIORef :: IORef a - a - IO ()

I have atomicModifyIORef but it puts it into IO. I am missing some thing
like this
ghci:t modifyMVar_
modifyMVar_ :: MVar a - (a - IO a) - IO ()

modifyIORef_:: IORef a - ( a - IO a ) - IO ()

Mukesh Tiwari

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Serguey Zefirov sergu...@gmail.comwrote:

 2012/12/18 mukesh tiwari
  Hello All
  I have two questions.
  1. I wrote this code to create 10  simultaneous threads. Could some one
  please tell me if this is correct or not ?
  incr_count :: MVar () - MVar Int - IO ()
  incr_count m n = ( forM_ [ 1..1 ] $ \_ - modifyMVar_ n ( return . (
  10 ) ) )  putMVar m ()
  main :: IO()
  main = do
count - newMVar 0
list - forM [1..10] $ \_ - newEmptyMVar
forM_ list $ \var - forkIO . incr_count var $ count
forM_ list $ \var -  takeMVar var
val - takeMVar count
print val

 It is pretty much correct (some comments would be nice, though).

  2. I am trying to create  race condition which makes the variable in
  inconsistent state. Could some one please tell me how to achieve this ? I
  look at IORef but it does not have function like modifyMVar_.

 MVars are atomic in the sense that they have empty state and mutator
 can wait until variable will have a value. So you have to operate with
 something else, either IORef or with readMVar instead of takeMVar or

  Mukesh Tiwari
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HTF Quickcheck

2012-12-18 Thread graham
Thanks, how does using /= not cause test failures ? Just the sample rate
will be high enough ?

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012, at 06:04 PM, Simon Hengel wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 05:25:41PM +, wrote:
  Are there any libraries that define various common generators ?
  What would be the cleanest way to define two positive integers below
  1000 that are different ? Seems relatively easy with conditionals.
 You can still use (==) to ensure that two numbers are different.  I
 would use something like this:
 newtype Small = Small Int
   deriving Show
 instance Arbitrary Small where
   arbitrary = Small . (`mod` 1000) $ arbitrary
 prop_foo (Small x) (Small y) = x /= y == ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] my Fasta is slow ;(

2012-12-18 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

This time I have tried fasta benchmark since current entries does notdisplay 
correct output.Program is copy of mine
 benchmark, but unfortunately executes more than twice time.
Seems to me that culprit  is in function random as I have tested rest of 
codeand didn't found speed related  problems.
bmaxa@maxa:~/shootout/fasta$ time ./fastahs 2500  /dev/null
real0m5.262suser0m5.228ssys 0m0.020s
bmaxa@maxa:~/shootout/fasta$ time ./fastacpp 2500  /dev/null
real0m2.075suser0m2.056ssys 0m0.012s
Since I am planning to contribute program, perhaps someone cansee a problem to 
speed it up at least around 3.5 secs which is speed of bench that display 
incorrect result  (in 7.6.1).
Program follows:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}{-  The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Branimir Maksimovic-}
import System.Environmentimport System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.IORefimport Data.Array.Unboxedimport Data.Array.Storableimport 
Data.Array.Baseimport Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptrimport Foreign.C.Types
type A = UArray Int Word8type B = StorableArray Int Word8type C = (UArray Int 
Word8,UArray Int Double)
foreign import ccall unsafe stdio.h  puts  :: Ptr a - IO ()foreign 
import ccall unsafe string.h  strlen :: Ptr a - IO CInt
main :: IO () main = don - getArgs = readIO.head
let !a = (listArray (0,(length alu)-1)  $ map (fromIntegral. 
fromEnum) alu:: A)make ONE Homo sapiens alu (n*2) $ Main.repeat a 
(length alu)make TWO  IUB ambiguity codes (n*3) $ random iubmake 
THREE Homo sapiens frequency (n*5) $ random homosapiens
make :: String - String - Int - IO Word8 - IO (){-# INLINE make #-}make id 
desc n f = dolet lst =  ++ id ++   ++ desca - (newListArray 
(0,length lst) $ map (fromIntegral. fromEnum) lst:: IO B)
unsafeWrite a (length lst) 0pr amake' n 0where make' :: Int 
- Int - IO ()make' !n !i = dolet line = (unsafePerformIO 
$ newArray (0,60) 0 :: B)if n  0   
 then do!c - funsafeWrite line i c 
   if i+1 = 60 then do 
   pr linemake' (n-1) 0 
   else make' (n-1) (i+1)else do
unsafeWrite line i 0l - len line   
 if l /= 0then pr line
else return ()
pr :: B - IO ()pr line = withStorableArray line (\ptr - puts ptr)len :: B - 
IO CIntlen line  = withStorableArray line (\ptr - strlen ptr)
repeat :: A - Int - IO Word8repeat xs !n = dolet v = unsafePerformIO 
$ newIORef 0!i - readIORef vif i+1 = nthen 
writeIORef v 0else writeIORef v (i+1)return $ xs `unsafeAt` 
random :: C - IO Word8random (a,b) = do !rnd - randlet
 find :: Int - IO Word8find !i = let   
  !c = a `unsafeAt` i!p = b `unsafeAt` i
in if p = rndthen return celse 
find (i+1)find 0
rand :: IO Double{-# INLINE rand #-}rand = do!seed - readIORef lastlet 
   newseed = (seed * ia + ic) `rem` imnewran  =  fromIntegral 
newseed * rimdrimd  = 1.0 / (fromIntegral im)im, ia, ic :: 
Intim  = 139968ia  = 3877ic  = 29573writeIORef last 
newseedreturn newranwhere last = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 42  
mkCum :: [(Char,Double)] - [(Word8,Double)]mkCum lst = map (\(c,p) - 
((fromIntegral.fromEnum) c,p)) $  scanl1 (\(_,p) (c',p') - (c', 
p+p')) lst
homosapiens, iub :: C
iub' = mkCum [('a',0.27),('c',0.12),('g',0.12),('t',0.27),('B',0.02)
homosapiens' = mkCum [('a',0.3029549426680),('c',0.1979883004921)   
iub = (listArray (0, (length iub')-1) $ map fst iub',listArray (0, 
(length iub')-1) $ map snd iub')
homosapiens = (listArray (0, (length homosapiens')-1) $ map fst homosapiens',   
 listArray (0, (length homosapiens')-1) $ map snd homosapiens')

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Observer pattern in haskell FRP

2012-12-18 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Nathan Hüsken wrote:

On 12/08/2012 10:32 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Fair enough, but I don't see how this can be fitted into a general
pattern. If the animation state is coupled tightly to the game logic
state, then the question whether the animation is part of the game
logic or not does not have a clear answer anymore. Hm.

I see it like this: The logic state may not depend on the rendering
state. If for example the animation of an asteroid changes how or when
objects collide with it, than the animation is part of the logic.
If however the physics of the game treat the asteroid as a object whose
shape does not change depending in the animation, than the animation is
part of the rendering state.
So the coupling may only be logic-rendering.

Maybe discussing a concrete example could be very helpful. Could you
give a minimal example that still contains the key difficulties?

I put a pseudo C++ example below the mail. I use the terms model and
view for the game logic and rendering respectively.
The example is a little different. Asteroids explode when they collide.
The moment asteroids explode, they are removed from the model (the game
logic) while in the view (rendering) they still exist until the
explosion animation is over.

(Sorry for the late reply.)

I see, that's a nice example.

Indeed, if you try to model this situation with dynamic collections

  galaxyModel :: Behavior [AsteroidModel]
  galaxyView  :: Behavior [AsteroidView]

then you have to keep track of IDs in some way, because a change in the 
collection of asteroid models needs to be reflected in a corresponding 
change in the collection of asteroid views.

  identifier :: AsteroidModel - ID

  eCollisions :: Event [ID]
  eCollisions = collisions $ galaxyModel @ eTick
  collisions asteroids = [identifier a | a - asteroids,
  b - asteroids, a `collides` b]

  galaxyModel = accumB initialAsteroidModels
  $ removeFromList $ eCollisions

  galaxyView  = accumB initialAsteroidViews
  $ startExplosions $ eCollisions

That said, do note that any significant use of pointers in an imperative 
program translates to the use of identifiers in the purely functional 
variant. This is very much *independent* of FRP! In other words, if you 
find that giving certain game objects an identity is a good way to 
structure your code, then you need to use identifiers, regardless of 
whether you use FRP or not.

Of course, as you note in another message, there are other ways to 
structure this code. For instance, the second idea would be to use a 
data type

   type Asteroid = (Maybe AsteroidModel, AsteroidView)

which represents live asteroids as  (Just positionEtc, view)  and dead 
asteroids as  (Nothing, explosionView) . Then again, one unsatisfactory 
point about this approach is that an exploding asteroid is now 
represented explicitly in the game logic as a  Nothing  value.

A third approach would be to keep an explicit list of explosions.

   data AsteroidModel =
AsteroidModel { view :: AsteroidView, pos :: Position }
   data AsteroidView  =
AsteroidView  { rotation :: Angle }
   data Explosion =
Explosion { posExp :: Position }

   galaxyView :: Behavior ([AsteroidView], [Explosion])
   galaxyView = (,) $ (map view $ galaxyModel) $ explosions

   explosions = accumB [] $ startExplosions $ eCollisions

You do need an event to communicate which asteroids have exploded, but 
an exploding asteroid will not appear in  galaxyModel  anymore. Instead, 
it will be added as an anonymous explosion to the rendering logic. (In 
a sense, the asteroid views with the state variables  dead = false  and 
 dead = true  have been split into different types.)

I find the third approach to be quite satisfactory. What is your opinion?

The more I think about this example, the more I think that the 
underlying difficulty is not FRP, but the use of pointers / identities.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Christopher Howard
On 12/17/2012 06:30 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
 On 18/12/2012, at 3:45 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:
 It's basically the very old idea that an Abstract Data Type
 should be a nice algebra: things that look as though they
 ought to fit together should just work, and rearrangements
 of things ought not to change the semantics in surprising
 ways (i.e., Don't Be SQL).
 Categories contain two things:
 and arrows that connect objects.  Some important things about arrows:
  - for any object x there must be an identity idx : x - x
  - any two compatible arrows must compose in one and only one way:
f : x - y  g : y - z  =  g . f : x - z
  - composition must be associative (f . g) . h = f . (g . h)
when the arrows fit together.
 Of course for any category there is a dual category,
 so what I'm about to say doesn't really make sense,
 but there's sense in it somewhere:  the things you are
 trying to hook together with your . operator seem to me more
 like objects than arrows, and it does not seem as if
 they hook together in one and only one way, so it's not so
 much _associativity_ being broken, as the idea of . being
 a composition in the first place.

Since I received the two responses to my question, I've been trying to
think deeply about this subject, and go back and understand the core
ideas. I think the problem is that I really don't have a clear
understanding of the basics of category theory, and even less clear idea
of the connection to Haskell programming. I have been reading every link
I can find, but I'm still finding the ideas of objects and especially
morphisms to be quite vague.

The original link I gave purposely skipped
over any discussion of objects, morphisms, domains, and codomains. The
author stated, in his first example, that Haskell functions are a
category, and proceeded to describe function composition. But here I am
confused: If functions are a category, this would seem to imply (by
the phrasing) that functions are the objects of the category. However,
since we compose functions, and only morphisms are composed, it would
follow that functions are actually morphisms. So, in the function
category, are functions objects or morphisms? If they are morphisms,
then what are the objects of the category?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Incremental regular expressions - article and library

2012-12-18 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
Hi Haskellers,

I just published an article that can be interesting to lovers of functional
programming, even though it's not directly relevant to Haskell per se.

It's based on Dan Piponi's blogpost Fast incremental regular expression
matching with monoids but
expands Dan's ideas to include *locating* matches, matching multiple
regular expressions at once, using a more compact datastructure than
fingertrees, etc.

And - sorry - the implementation is in Java, for reasons explained in the
article :)

Eugene Kirpichov
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Christopher Howard

 The original link I gave purposely skipped
 over any discussion of objects, morphisms, domains, and codomains. The
 author stated, in his first example, that Haskell functions are a
 category, and proceeded to describe function composition. But here I am
 confused: If functions are a category, this would seem to imply (by
 the phrasing) that functions are the objects of the category. However,
 since we compose functions, and only morphisms are composed, it would
 follow that functions are actually morphisms. So, in the function
 category, are functions objects or morphisms? If they are morphisms,
 then what are the objects of the category?


(P.S. Thanks Ertugrul, for giving me a way to latch onto the meaning
of profunctors - now I'll have to go back to that package again and
see if it makes more sense...)

Your ship was destroyed in a monadic eruption.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Jay Sulzberger

On Tue, 18 Dec 2012, Christopher Howard wrote:

On 12/17/2012 06:30 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

On 18/12/2012, at 3:45 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:

It's basically the very old idea that an Abstract Data Type
should be a nice algebra: things that look as though they
ought to fit together should just work, and rearrangements
of things ought not to change the semantics in surprising
ways (i.e., Don't Be SQL).

Categories contain two things:
and arrows that connect objects.  Some important things about arrows:
 - for any object x there must be an identity idx : x - x
 - any two compatible arrows must compose in one and only one way:
   f : x - y  g : y - z  =  g . f : x - z
 - composition must be associative (f . g) . h = f . (g . h)
   when the arrows fit together.

Of course for any category there is a dual category,
so what I'm about to say doesn't really make sense,
but there's sense in it somewhere:  the things you are
trying to hook together with your . operator seem to me more
like objects than arrows, and it does not seem as if
they hook together in one and only one way, so it's not so
much _associativity_ being broken, as the idea of . being
a composition in the first place.

Since I received the two responses to my question, I've been trying to
think deeply about this subject, and go back and understand the core
ideas. I think the problem is that I really don't have a clear
understanding of the basics of category theory, and even less clear idea
of the connection to Haskell programming. I have been reading every link
I can find, but I'm still finding the ideas of objects and especially
morphisms to be quite vague.

Much discussion that I have seen of categories and Haskell is
imprecise.  It is often possible to convey some fact, or point of
view, using imprecise language, but in many cases, the
communication will fail, unless the reader has a solid
understanding of the basics.  Getting this understanding requires
studying harsh and, often, off putting, textbooks.

I will say two things:

1. Usually, to understand category theory a firm grasp of the
concept structure is required.

2. To connect categories with Haskell requires some apparatus,
which apparatus should be laid out precisely, at least once in
the exposition.

ad 1: By a structure I mean what Bourbaki calls a structure.
  [page was last modified on 7 August 2012 at 17:15]
  [page was last modified on 15 December 2012 at 19:36]
  [page was last modified on 11 December 2012 at 02:51]

ad 2: The tutorial should carefully distinguish these different

  a. the text of a Haskell program
  b. the binary of the now compiled program
  c. the running of the program
  d. the input output behavior of the program

Each of these gives rise to at least one category, and there are
various functors among these categories.

Set theory, say ZFC style, and New Crazy Type Theory, offer two
different Backround Mechanisms to explicate the notion of
structure.  There are similarities between these two Grand
Theories, but there are also political differences.

ad seeming vagueness of the notions object and morphism: This
vagueness, which is felt by all students at first, is often
explicated/excused by saying that the notions are more abstract
than say, the notions of integer and addition of integers and
multiplication of integers.  This way of speaking is not
entirely wrong, but I think it mainly wrong and misleading.
Bourbaki somewhere says something like:

  Recent mathematics characteristically differs from older
  mathematics in that our axiom systems usually have more than
  one model, whereas in the old mathematics, theories usually had
  only one model.

Here is how this explicates the sentence:

   The theory of rings is more abstract than the theory of
   addition and multiplication of the integers.

We all know the integers.  The integers form a set, with such
elements as 0, 1, 17, -345, and so on.  We have learned two
operations on this single set: addition and multiplication.  This
understanding is a concrete understanding of a single concrete
object, which does indeed have parts, such as -345, and the
operation +, for example, but all the statements we might make
can, in some sense, be settled by looking at this single
structure and its various parts.  Or so we feel.  (Note in the
sentence in which there are two occurences of the word
concrete, the two occurences must have different sense.)

But the theory of rings is quite a different theory.  There are
many different structures which are studied in the theory of
rings.  For example the ring of integers is one such structures.
There is also the ring of complex numbers.  There is also the
ring of 2 x 2 matrices over the integers.  Another ring is the
ring of 3 x 3 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Christopher Howard wrote:

 Since I received the two responses to my question, I've been trying to
 think deeply about this subject, and go back and understand the core
 ideas. I think the problem is that I really don't have a clear
 understanding of the basics of category theory, and even less clear
 idea of the connection to Haskell programming. I have been reading
 every link I can find, but I'm still finding the ideas of objects
 and especially morphisms to be quite vague.

It's vague on purpose, or in better words it's abstract.  A category C
is a collection of objects called ob(C) and a collection of morphisms
hom(C) together with morphism composition that satisfies a few laws.
That's it.  It's up to you to interpret the objects and morphisms.
Different categories give rise to completely different interpretations.

What makes category theory interesting for programming is the set of
laws, because unlike the unspecified nature of objects and morphisms,
the laws are very specific.  They establish a rigorous notion of
soundness and locality.  Let's review these laws:

  * For all f : A - B, g : B - A:
id A . g = g
f . id A = f

This law is often understated.  It means that identity morphisms are
free of effects that could disturb composition.  It also means that the
composition does not change the nature of the component morphisms and is
free of effects that could disturb the neutrality of identity morphisms.

  * f . (g . h) = (f . g) . h

Not much to be said about this one, except that it makes composition
'lightweight' in a sense.  This basically means that you don't care how
compositions are grouped.

These laws make morphisms isolated and composition lightweight as well
as undisturbing.  Now try to transfer these notions to a concrete
category, for example the category of web servers:  The objects are sets
and a morphism f : A - B is a function from A × Request to B.

 The original link I gave purposely
 skipped over any discussion of objects, morphisms, domains, and
 codomains. The author stated, in his first example, that Haskell
 functions are a category, and proceeded to describe function
 composition. But here I am confused: If functions are a category,
 this would seem to imply (by the phrasing) that functions are the
 objects of the category. However, since we compose functions, and only
 morphisms are composed, it would follow that functions are actually
 morphisms. So, in the function category, are functions objects or
 morphisms? If they are morphisms, then what are the objects of the

You are absolutely right there.  The category is common called Hask, the
category of types and functions in Haskell.  It is strongly related to
the category of sets and functions, because Haskell types are actually
just sets, where every set has one additional member: bottom.  We say
that the set is 'lifted'.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 19/12/2012, at 11:03 AM, Christopher Howard wrote:
 Since I received the two responses to my question, I've been trying to
 think deeply about this subject, and go back and understand the core
 ideas. I think the problem is that I really don't have a clear
 understanding of the basics of category theory, and even less clear idea
 of the connection to Haskell programming. I have been reading every link
 I can find, but I'm still finding the ideas of objects and especially
 morphisms to be quite vague.

Roughly speaking, Category Theory is the study of mathematical analogies
that work.  You notice that the symmetries of a cube have properties that
remind you of the properties of integer addition, and end up constructing
Group Theory to describe a huge range of things that can be modelled as
things acted on by operations to give other things, where the operations
follow particular laws.  And you get this astonishing range of theorems that
have lots of not-obviously-related applications.  Then you notice that
Group Theory and Lattice Theory and a bunch of other things seem to have
more analogies than you expected, and you abstract out what they have in
common (structured collections of things with transformations from one
structure to another that preserve various properties of the structured

What's the connection to Haskell programming?


Both Category Theory and Haskell push rather harder on abstraction than
most people are comfortable with, in order to get mathematical results in
the one case and functional code in the other that can be applied to lots
of problems.

The price of reusability is vagueness.

Let me offer an analogy.   At primary school I was introduced to the
greatest common divisor and Euclid's algorithm.  Here's this algorithm
that applies to integers and this is what it tells you.  And in a
program you might write gcd(x,y).  These days, I look at gcd and see
oh yes, the meet in the 'divides' lattice and write x/\y, where
the same symbol (meet, /\) can be used for gcd, set intersection,
bitwise and, unification, ...) and I know more _laws_ that /\ obeys
than I did back then, but the integers have receded from view.

 The original link I gave purposely skipped
 over any discussion of objects, morphisms, domains, and codomains. The
 author stated, in his first example, that Haskell functions are a
 category, and proceeded to describe function composition.

This mailing list often talks about the Hask category.
For example, in Orchard's blog ( we find

The Hask category

The starting point of the idea is that programs in Haskell
can be understood as providing definitions within some
category, which we will call Hask.  Categories comprise
a collection of objects and a collection of morphisms
which are mappings between objects.  Categories come
equipped with identity morphisms for every object and
an associative composition operation for morphisms
(see Wikipedia for a more complete, formal definition).
For Hask, the objects are Haskell types, morphisms are
functions in Haskell, identity morphisms are provided
by the identity function, and composition is the usual
function composition operation.

In Hask, Haskell functions are the *morphisms* of a category, not its
objects.  That's not to say that you couldn't have a category whose
objects were (in some sense) Haskell functions, just that it would be
a different category.  Rather confusingly, the objects of Hask are
*not* data values, they are data *types*.  This is just like the way
that in the category of sets, the objects are *sets*, not their

But of course category theory is too general for a neat summary like
objects are sets or types and morphisms are functions between them.
No, objects are _whatever_ you choose to model as not-further-analysed
objects, and morphisms are _whatever_ connections between your objects
you choose to model as morphisms, so long as they obey the laws.

I am struggling with category theory myself.  I'll be learning about
some kind of mathematical structure, getting to grips with the elements
and the operations on the elements, and suddenly the book will move up
a level and instead of looking at patterns between elements, will look
at patterns of morphisms.  And to add insult to injury, the book will
claim that moving from one large space to an exponentially larger
(if not worse) space remote from the things I'm trying to understand
actually makes things _simpler_ to think about.  One of my colleagues
here divides people into set theory people and category theory
people.  He and I both classify ourselves as set theory people.
Maybe in another 50 years I'll be comfortable with category theory,
but by then I'll be dead.

Right now, the issues for you are

 - Haskell people care about 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Alexander Solla
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

 These laws make morphisms isolated and composition lightweight as well
 as undisturbing.  Now try to transfer these notions to a concrete
 category, for example the category of web servers:  The objects are sets
 and a morphism f : A - B is a function from A × Request to B.

Expanding on this point, we can refactor how we present this category,
using laws from basic category theory, so that

   f :: (A, Request) - B
   f :: A - Request - B
   f :: A - (Request - B)
   f :: (A - Request) - B (this one isn't very useful to a programmer)
   f :: a - Request B (by lifting a concrete Request object into a functor
of the form (Request a))

etc, are all equivalent, insofar as they merely present different
interfaces to the same data.  Note that these are distinct as
presentations, but equivalent as categories (isomorphic, up to
decidability -- the one I said wasn't useful really isn't, because as a
matter of fact, we can't decidably analyze/deconstruct a function (g :: A
- Request) to produce a B).

This should make architectural decisions easy (or hard) -- once you have
decided to use a category at all, you merely have to choose the
presentation for the category that satisfies other requirements.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] efficient data structure: column with repeating values

2012-12-18 Thread Christopher Howard
Is there some good data type out there that basically provides a simple
table, but with optimization for repeating values on one column?
Something like:

Data Table a b

...where it assumes that 'a' values will usually be unique, while 'b'
values will usually be repeated from a small set? (But not needing to be
fixed beforehand.)

Like in...

client | patron
Bob| Tom
Sarah  | Tom
Dick   | Tom
George | Harry
Moe| Harry


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Gershom Bazerman

On 12/17/12 9:45 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:

However, what I'm wondering about is ideas that can be composed but
that don't seem to fit the idea of category, because they don't obey
the associativity law. To give a specific example (pseudo code like,
without any idea here of implementation or proper syntax):

Say you created a type called Component (C for short), the idea being
to compose Components out of other Components. Every C has zero or more
connectors on it. Two Cs can be connected to form a new C using some
kind of composition operator (say, .), provided there are enough
connectors (one on each). Presumably you would need a Fail constructor
of some kind to represent the situation when there is not enough connectors.

Say you had a C (coupler) with two connectors, a C (thing) with one
connector, and a C (gadget) with one connector.

So you could have...

(coupler . thing) . gadget

Because the coupler and the thing would combine to create a component
with one spare connector. This would then combine with the gadget to
make the final component. However, if you did...

coupler . (thing . gadget)

Then thing and gadget combine to make a component with no spare
connectors. And so the new component and the coupler then fail to
combine. Associativity law broken.

So, can I adjust my idea to fit the category concept? Or is it just
not applicable here? Or am I just misunderstanding the whole concept?

I don't think you're describing a Category in the sense of the Haskell 
Category typeclass. But that's ok! Just because some things are 
categories and are nice doesn't mean that we can't have other nice 
things that aren't necessarily categories. My first thought was 
something with multiple inputs and one output is often an Operad 
( but associativity is still 
an issue. Also bear in mind that operads and categories are both 
*directional* whereas your notion of coupling doesn't seem to be (which 
has something to do with associativity failing, I'd imagine).

I also don't understand, e.g., what happens if I couple a thing with two 
connectors and one connector -- which connector from the first gets 
used, or are they interchangeable?

Going back even further, you've suggested a Fail to represent when the 
connectors don't match. Why not start with encoding connectors in types 
to begin with, so that it is a type error to not have matching 
connectors? Follow the logic of your idea, shape your types to match 
your representable states, and then see what algebraic structures 
naturally emerge.


P.S. I think you're right to be confused by that article. It's 
confusingly written, and I think is a poor entry point into either 
category theory as such or even the proper use of the Category typeclass 
in Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] efficient data structure: column with repeating values

2012-12-18 Thread Petr P

just an idea (using Seq from Data.Seq and Map from Data.Map):

 newtype DataTable a b = DataTable (Map b (Seq a))

or if you know you won't have repeated values, you could have

 newtype DataTable a b = DataTable (Map b (Set a))

Both those ideas sort the data (partially or fully). If you need to
preserve the ordering, you could do something like

 new DataTable a b = DataTable (Seq (a, Seq b))

Best regards,
Petr Pudlak

2012/12/19 Christopher Howard

 Is there some good data type out there that basically provides a simple
 table, but with optimization for repeating values on one column?
 Something like:

 Data Table a b

 ...where it assumes that 'a' values will usually be unique, while 'b'
 values will usually be repeated from a small set? (But not needing to be
 fixed beforehand.)

 Like in...

 client | patron
 Bob| Tom
 Sarah  | Tom
 Dick   | Tom
 George | Harry
 Moe| Harry


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A weird bug of regex-pcre

2012-12-18 Thread Magicloud Magiclouds
I see. A known bug. Thank you all.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:11 PM, Rico Moorman rico.moor...@gmail.comwrote:

 regex = table\\s+class=\sourceCode[^]+.*?/table-

 And mind the sneaky single - ... it doe not belong there ;-)


And for G+, please use
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] category design approach for inconvenient concepts

2012-12-18 Thread Christopher Howard
On 12/18/2012 08:02 PM, Gershom Bazerman wrote:
 On 12/17/12 9:45 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:
 I don't think you're describing a Category in the sense of the Haskell
 Category typeclass. But that's ok! Just because some things are
 categories and are nice doesn't mean that we can't have other nice
 things that aren't necessarily categories. My first thought was
 something with multiple inputs and one output is often an Operad
 ( but associativity is still
 an issue. Also bear in mind that operads and categories are both
 *directional* whereas your notion of coupling doesn't seem to be (which
 has something to do with associativity failing, I'd imagine).

I think the example I gave was pretty messed up anyway, because I was
trying to compose objects rather than morphisms. But that directional
aspect you mentioned does seem significant... so I guess my main
question is how that things that are more complex (like a
multi-directional system built from pluggable components) could be
represented in the Categorical manner. I'm looking for the Grand
Unifying Theory to follow, if you will; I really like the idea that all
parts of my program could be cleanly and systematically composed from
smaller pieces, in some beautiful design patter. Many of the problems in
my practical programming, however, are not like the examples I have seen
(nice pipes or unidirectional calculations) but rather complex fitting
together of components. E.g., space ships are made up of guns + engines
+ shields + ammo. Different kinds of space ships may use the same kind
of guns (reusable components) but some wont. Some will have many guns,
some will have none. And such like issues.

Soylemez seems to have answered this issue directly in his reply.
Unfortunately, I didn't understand most of what he wrote. :|

 I also don't understand, e.g., what happens if I couple a thing with two
 connectors and one connector -- which connector from the first gets
 used, or are they interchangeable?

The example I gave was hastily put together and not well thought out. I
was Just trying to come up with something that would convey the general
idea. But perhaps each component would have a list of connectors, and
the first ones in the list would be used first. When a new component was
created from other components, the new list would be taken from the
leftover connectors (if any). In real world use I would probably have
multiple types of connectors, but I haven't thought that far ahead.

 Going back even further, you've suggested a Fail to represent when the
 connectors don't match. Why not start with encoding connectors in types
 to begin with, so that it is a type error to not have matching
 connectors? Follow the logic of your idea, shape your types to match
 your representable states, and then see what algebraic structures
 naturally emerge.

Sounds good. Of course, I still haven't figured out what design pattern
to fit said types into. :(


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