[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Madrid meetup: Web development with Haskell. October 9th

2013-10-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Spanish haskellers.

Maybe it is too late for the announcement, but we will have a meetup the
9th  (next Tuesday).

Since the meetup group is devoted to functional programming in general, not
specifically Haskell, I will give an introduction to web programming in
Haskell: major platforms, libraries technologies coding examples etc.

Overall, it will be an opportunity to know  people interested in FP,
Haskell and Web programming near you.

This group meet up every second tuesday of each month. So if you can not
attend, perhaps the next month  you could.

Nos vemos!


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lifting IO actions into Applicatives

2013-10-01 Thread Alberto G. Corona
In MFow there is a Monad instance for formlets that make a lot of sense.
Apart from using liftIO inside an applicative formlets

it can do it that way also:

myBlogForm = do
 t - liftIO getTime
 Blog $ titleForm * return t * contentsForm

Which may look contrived, but instead of using return t, we can display for
the user something interesting in that place.
There are other  dynamic things, like asking different questions depending
on previous responses thanks to the monad instance :


2013/10/1 Michael Snoyman mich...@snoyman.com

 On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Alexey Uimanov s9gf4...@gmail.comwrote:

 Maybe this is needed new typeclass ApplicativeTrans?

 There's actually no problem with defining a MonadTrans instance for
 non-monads. Obviously this can't follow the laws directly (since they're
 defined in terms of monadic bind and return), but I think we could probably
 state Applicative versions of those laws (assuming I haven't made a stupid

 lift . pure = pure
 lift (x * y) = lift x * lift y


 2013/10/1 Michael Snoyman mich...@snoyman.com

 I'm wondering if anyone's run into this problem before, and if there's a
 common solution.

 In Yesod, we have applicative forms (based originally on formlets).
 These forms are instances of Applicative, but not of Monad. Let's consider
 a situation where we want to get some user input to fill out a blog post
 datatype, which includes the current time:

 data Blog = Blog Title UTCTime Contents

 myBlogForm :: Form Blog
 myBlogForm = Blog $ titleForm * something * contentsForm

  The question is: what goes in something? Its type has to be:

 something :: Form UTCTime

 Ideally, I'd call getCurrentTime. The question is: how do I lift that
 into a Form? Since Form is only an Applicative, not a Monad, I can't create
 a MonadIO instance. However, Form is in fact built on top of IO[1]. And
 it's possible to create a MonadTrans instance for Form, since it's entirely
 possible to lift actions from the underlying functor/monad into Form. So
 something can be written as:

 something = lift $ liftIO getCurrentTime

 This works, but is unintuitive. One solution would be to have an
 ApplicativeIO typeclass and then use liftIOA. My questions here are:

 1. Has anyone else run into this issue?
 2. Is there an existing solution out there?


 [1] Full crazy definition is at:

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: New syntax for Haskell

2013-09-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona
That was done around 100 years ago with COBOL.

2013/9/10 Vo Minh Thu not...@gmail.com

 The syntax is actually used by non-technical people to write tests.
 Using it to write Haskell code is a joke. (Using it for business
 specification is not, even if for technical people this seems


 2013/9/10 Ian Ross i...@skybluetrades.net:
  Me too, but I wasn't brave enough to say so after people seemed to be
  it seriously...
  On 10 September 2013 13:33, Roman Cheplyaka r...@ro-che.info wrote:
  * John Wiegley jo...@fpcomplete.com [2013-09-10 04:48:36-0500]
Niklas Hambüchen m...@nh2.me writes:
Code written in cucumber syntax is concise and easy to read
   concise |kənˈsīs|, adj.
   giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but
   Scenario: Defining the function foldl
 Given I want do define foldl
 Which has the type (in brackets) a to b to a (end of brackets),
to a, to list of b, to a
 And my arguments are called f, acc, and l
 When l is empty
 Then the result better be acc
 Otherwise l is x cons xs
 Then the result should be foldl f (in brackets) f acc x
   (end of brackets) xs
   foldl :: (a - b - a) - a - [b] - a
   foldl f z [] = z
   foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
   How is that more concise or preferable?
  I thought it was a joke.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  Ian Ross   Tel: +43(0)6804451378   i...@skybluetrades.net
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any Haskell events in Madrid next week?

2013-09-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
There is also a meetup of the FP group in Madrid the 11th


2013/9/6 Salvador Lucas slu...@dsic.upv.es


 There is a workshop on Functional Programming and also
 a conference on programming languages


 If interested, you can contact the organizers...



 El 06/09/13 22:59, Joachim Breitner escribió:


 I’ll be visiting Madrid next week (research visit) and I’m wondering if
 there are any Haskell or FP Group meeting or other events that might be
 interesting? I could possibly contribute a talk. (Both preferably in

 Wednesday or Thursday evening might would most convenient.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell / Functional Programmers Group in Madrid (Spain)?

2013-09-04 Thread Alberto G. Corona
There is one Functional Programming meetup in Madrid. The first meeting was
in August. The next meeting is the 11th September (this month) . I couldn't
 assist in September. I hope to see you in October!.


2013/9/4 Eduardo Basterrechea eba...@molinodeideas.es

 Alejandro Serrano Mena trupill at gmail.com writes:

  Hi,Is there any Haskell or functional programmers user group in the
 of Madrid?
  If not, I think it could be a great idea to get to know each other, and
 share experiences. Furthermore, we could try to organize some meetings with
 presentations, hackatons and so on (my personal ambition is to be able to
 organize another ekmett Workshop as the Japanese one
 - http://comonad.com/reader/2013/japanese-workshop-1/). I know there is
 locations along Madrid dedicated to open source promotion,
 like http://madridonrails.com/, and which we could use for these meetings.
  I'm really looking forward to hearing from you!
  PS: Maybe a bare Haskell group is not big enough (at least according to
 Haskellers.com), but a functional programmers one may well be.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org

 Let's do it!

 I think that two it's enough to begin!

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Yet Another Forkable Class

2013-08-22 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The paper is very interesting:


It seems that the approach is mature enough and it is better in every way
than monad transformers, while at the same time the syntax may become
almost identical to MTL for many uses.

I only expect to see the library in Hackage with all the blessings, and
with all the instances of the MTL classes in order to make the transition
form monad transformers  to ExtEff as transparent as possible

2013/8/22 o...@okmij.org

 Perhaps effect libraries (there are several to choose from) could be a
 better answer to Fork effects than monad transformers. One lesson from
 the recent research in effects is that we should start thinking what
 effect we want to achieve rather than which monad transformer to
 use. Using ReaderT or StateT or something else is an implementation
 detail. Once we know what effect to achieve we can write a handler, or
 interpreter, to implement the desired operation on the World, obeying
 the desired equations. And we are done.

 For example, with ExtEff library with which I'm more familiar, the
 Fork effect would take as an argument a computation that cannot throw
 any requests. That means that the parent has to provide interpreters
 for all child effects. It becomes trivially to implement:

  Another example would be a child that should not be able to throw errors
  opposed to the parent thread.
 It is possible to specify which errors will be allowed for the child
 thread (the ones that the parent will be willing to reflect and
 interpret). The rest of errors will be statically prohibited then.

  instance (Protocol p) = Forkable (WebSockets p) (ReaderT (Sink p) IO)
  fork (ReaderT f) = liftIO . forkIO . f = getSink

 This is a good illustration of too much implementation detail. Why do we
 need to know of (Sink p) as a Reader layer? Would it be clearer to
 define an Effect of sending to the socket? Computation's type will
 make it patent the computation is sending to the socket.
 The parent thread, before forking, has to provide a handler for that
 effect (and the handler will probably need a socket).

 Defining a new class for each effect is possible but not needed at
 all. With monad transformers, a class per effect is meant to hide the
 ordering of transformer layers in a monad transformer stack. Effect
 libraries abstract over the implementation details out of the
 box. Crutches -- extra classes -- are unnecessary. We can start by
 writing handlers on a case-by-case basis. Generalization, if any,
 we'll be easier to see. From my experience, generalizing from concrete
 cases is easier than trying to write a (too) general code at the
 outset. Way too often, as I read and saw, code that is meant to be
 reusable ends up hardly usable.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform and Leksah on Windows

2013-08-09 Thread Alberto G. Corona
For those who want to be productive rather than  talkative masoquists (thus
said with all my love ;)), there are windows installers for Leksah and they
work perfectly well.

2013/8/9 David Virebayre dav.vire+hask...@gmail.com


 If you go the EclipseFP approach, you may have installations troubles
 too. In my case, it was due to having a version of GHC and libraries
 that EclipseFP doesn't like.

 Once I got it to work,  I loved it.


 2013/8/8 Dorin Lazar dorin.la...@gmail.com:
  I understood what's wrong about my approach - and since I want to use
  an IDE to assist me, I will try both EclipseFP and Sublime Text, to
  see how that works. My feeling was that since the leksah website
  suggested that cabal is the way to do it and since when I search for a
  Haskell IDE that is it, then it was obvious that the recommended way
  doesn't work as it should. In my mind the platform was broken, I
  understand now that it's not the platform, just this special way of
  using it.
  I was also in awe of the fact that nobody really says anything about
  these difficulties, and felt like an estranged child that messed
  things up badly; however, it seems that the real issue is that nobody
  really does it that way, and I was wrong to actually try it like that.
  As I said (or haven't, but will) once I will get the hang of it I will
  recount my experience for others to follow, hopefully in better terms
  than this frustrating first experience.
  Many thanks for everyone's advice on the list,
  On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Carter Schonwald
  carter.schonw...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hey Dorin,
  I don't understand your claims.
  1) haskell has worked perfectly well on windows for quite some time. I
  HUGs nearly a decade ago, and in more recent time (2-3 years ago) I
  teach an introductory first computer science class using GHC where many
  students were doing great work using notepad++ and ghci.
   I don't understand your focus on emacs and make files.
  2)  if you want an IDE experience, Sublime Text with the right
 plugins, or
  perhaps EclipseFP are worth checking out.
  3) likewise, if you're finding tooling on windows unsatisfactory, help
  it! Bug reports, patches, or new tools and libraries are always welcome.
  Haskell is a relatively small community, and thusly limited manpower
  all volunteers), so way to fix any problem is help out!
  On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 3:30 AM, Dorin Lazar dorin.la...@gmail.com
   I am the original author of the post, and I finally received the
  emails from the mailman (probably there was an issue with the
  automated requests).
My answers are inlined.
   1) Leksah should not be considered an official haskell ide, but
   one of
   many community supported editing tools. And frankly one of the less
   used ones at that! Leksah is not used much at all by anyone, though
   probably a handful of folks who do use it.
Many folks use editors like Sublime Tex (2/3), Emacs, Vi(m),
   many more.  Its worth noting that the sublime-haskell plugin for
   text, and analogous packages for many other editors, provide haskell
   IDE-like powers, or at least a nice subset thereof.
Unfortunately, I think the problem with this is that we have a
  different vision on how development should be done. I have extensive
  experience of working from console, with a simple text editor and
  hand-made Makefiles or anything similar. However, an IDE should be a
  productivity tool, that can help you improve your understanding of the
  language, and can assist you in following the proper syntax for a new
  language. While learning by doing 'write, save, compile, examine error
  message' is ok with me, it is slow, and it limits the time I can
  dedicate to learning the language itself. A better cycle is the
  current 'write, examine error message' of most IDEs, since it's faster
  and requires no context switch. Sure, editors can help there. IDEs do
  this by default.
So it's normal of me to search for an IDE to better learn the
  language, I'll leave the emacs + console version for when I am
  productive in the language.
   2) There are people working on building better easily portable native
   toolkits, but in many respects, a nice haskelly gui toolkit is still
   something people are experimetning with how to do well. theres lots
   tools out as of the past year or two, many more in progress on
   scales, and gtk2hs is great for linux (and thats fine).
Unfortunately, this is not what's advertised. In fact, on the leksah
  site, the recommended method is to have the IDE installed via cabal.
  In another mail Mihai calls me unreasonable, but I think it's
  reasonable to think that the recommended method should be the one that
But the easy to tell truth is that the Haskell Platform for 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
One of the surprising things of Haskell is how little effort is done in
order to confer meaning to the names. That happens also in the case of the
mathematical language. Often they have a single letter. The reason is that
their meaning is completely defined by their signature and their
properties. And this is possible because Haskell has a strong and
polymorphic type system. In other languages, either this is not possible or
the libraries have little polymorphism, so the names can be more concrete.

return :: (Monad m) = a - m a

The meaning is in the signature. We can opt between keeping the name as a
short mnemonic of the signature or else we can adhere to the C tradition:

return === monad_m___a__m_a

or the Java Tradition


2013/8/7 Richard A. O'Keefe o...@cs.otago.ac.nz

 On 7/08/2013, at 2:10 PM, damodar kulkarni wrote:

  I bet you can find an abundance of C programmers who think that
  strcmp is an intuitive name for string comparison (rather than
 compression, say).
  But at least, 'strcmp' is not a common English language term, to have
 acquired some unintentional 'intuition' by being familiar with it even in
 our daily life. The Haskell terms, say, 'return' and 'lift', on the other
 hand, do have usage in common English, so even a person with _no_
 programming background would have acquired some unintentional 'intuition'
 by being familiar with them.

 Lift is - a brand of soft drink, the thing Americans call an elevator,
 a thing put in your shoes seem taller, and a free ride, amongst other
 As a verb, it can mean to kick something.

 To find lift intuitive, you have to be familiar with the *mathematical*
 idiom of lifting a value from one space to another via some sort of
 injection.  Fair enough, but this *still* counts as an example of
 intuitive = familiar, because this is *not* a sense of lift that is
 familiar to undergraduate and masters computing students unless they have
 taken rather more mathematics papers than most of them have.

 If you're familiar with *English* rather than, say, the C family of
 programming languages, return isn't _that_ bad, there is certainly
 nothing about the word that suggests providing a value.  I once tried
 to propose a C-style 'return' statement to some people who were
 designing a programming language, before I or they had ever heard of
 C, and they flatly rejected it.  Months later I found out that this
 was because they were looking for something that did not just resume
 the caller but also provided a value, and when I protested that that's
 exactly what 'return' did in the languages I proposed stealing from,
 they -- being familiar with Fortran -- said that it had never occurred
 to them that 'return' could have anything to with providing a value.

 It is intuitive has no other discernable meaning than *I* am familiar
 with it,
 or something very much like it.

 _That's_ the point I want to make.  *Whatever* anyone uses for Haskell's
 return, many people are bound to find it unintuitive.  Choose a name
 on any grounds but that.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Fine reasoning.

Pure means incorruptible. It means that a pure result can be reused again
and again -like the gold or silver- while an impure result must be
re-created whenever it must be used. The metaphor is natural and I guess
that the use of pure (rather than referential transparent) is informal, but
as unavoidable as useful.  By the way, there are deeper considerations
here: To deal with pure values, like incorruptible stuff, like gold implies
lower information costs and that´s one of the reasons why they are valuable.

In this sense, we can give a positive meaning to unsafePerformIO and change
its name to  purify or  even pasteurize or lyophilize ;)

2013/8/7 Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarc...@unicaen.fr

  Richard A. O'Keefe :

 Haskell has **trained** my intuition to
 see 'putStrLn Hi' as a pure value; it's not the thing itself that has 
 but its interpretation by an outer engine, just as my magnetic card key has by
 itself no power to open doors, but the magnetic reader that looks at the 

  I am the last here who would quarrel with Richard O'K., but I firmly
 believe that such reasoning is a Pandora box.

 The King, the government, the Pope, etc. have no power, only the
 interpretation of their decrees by outer agents _does_ things.

 Saying that the Justice of the country X is lousy is a harmful abuse. Our
 Justice is good, only its interpretation by some incompetent traitors gave
 rise to all these calamitous events.

 You see what I mean?... Are we going to switch now to the Mind-Body


 BTW. Saying that 5 is a pure value means only that the whole of the
 underlying system treats it as such. The object 5 couldn't care less. It
 even doesn't know that in some programming language it is equivalent to an
 action which puts it on the evaluation stack.

 That's why for me the purity (while teaching I try to avoid this word)
 means simply that whatever you do with the object, it won't fire a magic
 process. As Richard, I do not claim that this is right, but it surely
 facilitated my teaching of Haskell. My students have already more than
 enough of my /philosophie de pacotille/...

 Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamic and equality

2013-07-21 Thread Alberto G. Corona
You can define:

data EqDyn= forall a.(Typeable a, Eq a)= EqDyn a

instance Eq EqDyn where
(EqDyn x) == (EqDyn y)= typeOf x== typeOf y  x== unsafeCoerce y

unsafeCoerce is safe synce the expression assures that types are equal

2013/7/20 adam vogt vogt.a...@gmail.com

 On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Carter Schonwald
 carter.schonw...@gmail.com wrote:
  the tricky part then is to add support for other types.
  another approach to existentially package type classes with the data
  data HasEq  = forall a . HasEq ( Eq a = a)
  or its siblinng
  data HasEq a = Haseq (Eq a = a )
  note this requires more planning in how you structure your program, but
 is a
  much more pleasant approach than using dynamic when you can get it to
  your application needs.
  note its also late, so I've not type checked these examples ;)

 Hi Carter,

 It doesn't seem like the existential one will work as-is, since ghc
 rejects this:

 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
 data HEQ = forall a. Eq a = HEQ a
 usingHEQ :: HEQ - HEQ - Bool
 usingHEQ (HEQ a) (HEQ b) = a == b

 I think you were hinting at this option which is better than my first

 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
 import Data.Typeable
 data DYN = forall a. Typeable a = DYN (a, DYN - Bool)

 mkDyn :: (Eq a, Typeable a) = a - DYN
 mkDyn x = DYN (x, \(DYN (y, eq2)) - case cast y of
 Just y' - x == y'
 _ - False)

 mkDyn' :: Typeable a = a - DYN
 mkDyn' x = DYN (x, \_ - False)

 eqDyn :: DYN - DYN - Bool
 eqDyn x@(DYN (_, fx)) y@(DYN (_,fy)) = fx y || fy x

 Maybe there's some way to get mkDyn' and mkDyn as the same function,
 without having to re-write all of the Eq instances as a 2-parameter
 class like http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/GHC/AdvancedOverlap.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] List Monads and non-determinism

2013-07-20 Thread Alberto G. Corona

It is not return, but the bind the one that does the miracle of
By its definition for the list monad, it applies the second term once for
each element are in the first term.
So return is called many times. At the end, bind concat all the small
lists generated

2013/7/20 Matt Ford m...@dancingfrog.co.uk

 Hi All,

 I thought I'd have a go at destructing

 [1,2] = \n - [3,4] = \m - return (n,m)

 which results in [(1,3)(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)]

 I started by putting brackets in

 ([1,2] = \n - [3,4]) = \m - return (n,m)

 This immediately fails when evaluated: I expect it's something to do
 with the n value now not being seen by the final return.

 It seems to me that the return function is doing something more than
 it's definition (return x = [x]).

 If ignore the error introduced by the brackets I have and continue to
 simplify I get.

 [3,4,3,4] = \m - return (n,m)

 Now this obviously won't work as there is no 'n' value.  So what's
 happening here? Return seems to be doing way more work than lifting the
 result to a list, how does Haskell know to do this?  Why's it not in the
 function definition?  Are lists somehow a special case?

 Any pointers appreciated.



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Re: [Haskell-cafe] [web-devel] Automatic error traces

2013-07-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Greeg, All

I created a repository in gitHub with the necessary code for generating
execution traces in case of error:


the code is

{-# OPTIONS -F -pgmF MonadLoc #-}
module Demos.TraceExample (
) where
import Control.Monad.Loc
import Control.Monad.Supervisor.Trace
import Control.Monad.Trans
main= runTrace $ do
   liftIO $ print hello

   if True
  then  do
  liftIO $ print world
  liftIO $ undefined
  else liftIO $ print not there

run It with

 runghc  Demos/TraceExample.hs

TraceExample.hs: TRACE (error in the last line):
main, Demos.TraceExample(Demos\TraceExample.hs): (23, 18)
main, Demos.TraceExample(Demos\TraceExample.hs): (26, 4)
example, Demos.TraceExample(Demos\TraceExample.hs): (30, 13)
example, Demos.TraceExample(Demos\TraceExample.hs): (32, 15)
exception: Prelude.undefined

to show the generated trace. It is necessary to install the monadloc-pp and
the monadloc packages.

It uses Control.Monad.Supervisor which is the monad that execute the
backtracking that generate the error trace after the error. ( I will upload
it to Hackage soon).

It uses also Control.Monad.Supervisor.Trace,  that has a MonadLoc instance
for the Supervisor monad. You can create a MonadLogger instance taking as
example the MonadLoc one.

2013/7/17 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Hi Greeg.

 Nice I will publish the mechanism in a separate package once I clean it up

 At first sight, It is possible to use file-location and monad-logger with
 the traces  instead of monadloc. In the meantime, I will advance to you a
 copy of the details in a separate mail.

 2013/7/16 Greg Weber g...@gregweber.info

 That's great. We should collaborate on this. I wrote the file-location
 package and Michael Snoyman wrote monad-logger: both of these give file
 location information. I also added command tracing to Shelly (which could
 also benefit from this kind of thing) and recently released rollbar for
 error notification and would like to have as much line info as possible for

 On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Alberto G. Corona 

 It is important to have execution traces in case of error. specially in
 server applications that run 24/7 such are web applications

 Thanks to the wonderful package monadloc by Pepe Iborra, now MFlow can
 generate a complete execution trace in case of error.

 The control-monad-exception uses monadLoc to generate stack traces, but
 MFlow makes use of his backtracking mechanism to generate a complete
 execution trace.

 Here I explain what and how:


 The MFlow version that implements this is in gitHub. Not in hackage yet.


 I´m quite proud of it since it is one of the things closest to magic
 that I have done.


 I do not want to keep MFlow as a single person development. I think that
 it has many unique and nice features not available in other languages and
 frameworks, and it can be raised to a serious exploitation level by
 the Haskell community. This will attract people working in Industrial Web
 development to Haskell thanks to the edge in expressiveness and safety
 necessary for creating industrial solutions that Haskell has over other

 It uses most other Haskell web developments  blaze, wai, hamlet etc
 and there are many other things to come.

 monadLoc : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/monadloc


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] catching IO errors in a monad transformer stack

2013-07-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Eric:

The pattern may be the MonadCatchIO class:


2013/7/18 Eric Rasmussen ericrasmus...@gmail.com


 I am writing a small application that uses a monad transformer stack, and
 I'm looking for advice on the best way to handle IO errors. Ideally I'd
 like to be able to perform an action (such as readFile
 file_that_does_not_exist), catch the IOError, and then convert it to a
 string error in MonadError. Here's an example of what I'm doing now:

 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

 import Control.Monad.Error
 import Control.Monad.State

 import System.IO.Error (tryIOError)

 catcher :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) = IO a - m a
 catcher action = do
   result - liftIO $ tryIOError action
   case result of
 Left  e - throwError (show e)
 Right r - return r

 This does work as expected, but I get the nagging feeling that I'm missing
 an underlying pattern here. I have tried catch, catchError, and several
 others, but (unless I misused them) they don't actually help here. The
 tryIOError function from System.IO.Error is the most helpful, but I still
 have to manually inspect the result to throwError or return to my
 underlying monad.

 Since this has come up for me a few times now, I welcome any advice or
 suggestions on alternative approaches or whether this functionality already
 exists somewhere.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [web-devel] Automatic error traces

2013-07-17 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Greeg.

Nice I will publish the mechanism in a separate package once I clean it up

At first sight, It is possible to use file-location and monad-logger with
the traces  instead of monadloc. In the meantime, I will advance to you a
copy of the details in a separate mail.

2013/7/16 Greg Weber g...@gregweber.info

 That's great. We should collaborate on this. I wrote the file-location
 package and Michael Snoyman wrote monad-logger: both of these give file
 location information. I also added command tracing to Shelly (which could
 also benefit from this kind of thing) and recently released rollbar for
 error notification and would like to have as much line info as possible for

 On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.comwrote:

 It is important to have execution traces in case of error. specially in
 server applications that run 24/7 such are web applications

 Thanks to the wonderful package monadloc by Pepe Iborra, now MFlow can
 generate a complete execution trace in case of error.

 The control-monad-exception uses monadLoc to generate stack traces, but
 MFlow makes use of his backtracking mechanism to generate a complete
 execution trace.

 Here I explain what and how:


 The MFlow version that implements this is in gitHub. Not in hackage yet.


 I´m quite proud of it since it is one of the things closest to magic that
 I have done.


 I do not want to keep MFlow as a single person development. I think that
 it has many unique and nice features not available in other languages and
 frameworks, and it can be raised to a serious exploitation level by
 the Haskell community. This will attract people working in Industrial Web
 development to Haskell thanks to the edge in expressiveness and safety
 necessary for creating industrial solutions that Haskell has over other

 It uses most other Haskell web developments  blaze, wai, hamlet etc
 and there are many other things to come.

 monadLoc : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/monadloc


 web-devel mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Automatic error traces

2013-07-16 Thread Alberto G. Corona
It is important to have execution traces in case of error. specially in
server applications that run 24/7 such are web applications

Thanks to the wonderful package monadloc by Pepe Iborra, now MFlow can
generate a complete execution trace in case of error.

The control-monad-exception uses monadLoc to generate stack traces, but
MFlow makes use of his backtracking mechanism to generate a complete
execution trace.

Here I explain what and how:


The MFlow version that implements this is in gitHub. Not in hackage yet.


I´m quite proud of it since it is one of the things closest to magic that I
have done.


I do not want to keep MFlow as a single person development. I think that it
has many unique and nice features not available in other languages and
frameworks, and it can be raised to a serious exploitation level by
the Haskell community. This will attract people working in Industrial Web
development to Haskell thanks to the edge in expressiveness and safety
necessary for creating industrial solutions that Haskell has over other

It uses most other Haskell web developments  blaze, wai, hamlet etc
and there are many other things to come.

monadLoc : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/monadloc

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 3.0

2013-07-13 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I factored out the submit buttons.

Now the three text boxes appear in succession above a unique button below.


This is the new code:

sumWidget=  pageFlow sum $ do

  n ←  (do
   n1 ←  p  Enter first number   ++ getInt Nothing ++ br
   n2 ←  p  Enter second number ++ getInt Nothing ++ br
   n3 ←  p  Enter third number  ++ getInt Nothing ++ br
   return (n1+ n2 + n3))

  **  pageFlow button (submitButton submit)

   p   (The result is: ++show n)  ++  wlink ()  b   menu
   ++ p  you can change the numbers in the boxes to see how the
result changes

2013/7/10 Adrian May adrian.alexander@gmail.com

 Oh how nice!

 I have been looking at MFlow a lot lately and I think it's got something
 quite special that Yesod, Happstack, etc don't seem to have, at least, not
 as far as I know. I mean, look at this:

 sumWidget= pageFlow sum $ do

   n1 - p  Enter first number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n2 - p  Enter second number ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n3 - p  Enter third number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   p   (The result is: ++show (n1 + n2 + n3))  ++  wlink ()  b   

   ++ p  you can change the numbers in the boxes to see how the result 

 Is that pretty or what? That's the code for this:


 To me that's a real technological step over and above the usual servlets
 paradigm and I'd love to see more people getting involved. It seems like
 Yesod and Happstack have a lot more manpower behind them, but unless I've
 missed something, MFlow is going somewhere new and should be helped along.


 PS. Besides Seaside, Racket is playing with the same ideas. They (Jay
 McCarthy) have something to say about performance but I didn't quite
 understand it.

 On 10 July 2013 06:41, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

 The third version of MFlow is out.


 MFlow is an all-heterodox web application framework, but very haskellish.

 Now MFlow support restful URLs.  It is the first stateful web framework
 to my knowledge that supports it. The type safe routes are implicitly
 expressed as normal monadic code within a navigation monad. The application
 look as a normal imperative console application, but the navigation monad
 goes back and forth to match the path of the URL. The user has control of
 the state, that can roll-back or not when the navigation goes back
 depending on the application needs. The state is in the form of normal
 Haskell variables In a monadic computation, with the weird addition of

 The menu of the application below is implemented as an imperative-like
 syntax, but the application navigate forward and backward to synchronize
 with the requests of the web browser:

 This version support  in-page flows.
  What is that? look at this example:


 These flows are implemented as formlets with a monad instance, and
 callbacks which change the look. I call them widgets:


 Each page may have many  of these active widgets, each one running their
 own flow. These widgets refresh themselves trough Ajax if they are enclosed
 in the primitive autoRefresh. If there is no Ajax or JavaScript
 available, they gracefully degrade by refreshing the entire page:



 The page flows and the multiflow idea was inspired in 
 a great Smalltalk web framework and adapted to the pure recursive nature of
 Haskell and the formlets.

 It also support some JQuery widgets integrated: modal and not modal
 dialogs, datePicker and other active widgets that handle other widgets.

 It also support the older features: persistent state, WAI, blaze-html and
 others integration, server process timeouts, Ajax, requirements,
  content management, caching of widget rendering and all the other
 previous stuff.

 I wish to thank some people for their feedback. Specially Adrian May for
 his feedback and interest


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 3.0

2013-07-13 Thread Alberto G. Corona
However, besides state synchronization is under development, state
persistence in MFlow is optional,  by using  the workflow monad instead of
the IO monad.  See for example this:


2013/7/10 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 My plan is to synchronize MFlow servers using cloud Haskell since the
 state serialization is small. I´m working on it.  However continuation
 based frameworks can not synchronize state.  There is swarm in scala that
 generate portable continuations but this is not used in the context of web
 application since the state in a continuation is big and can not be
 synchronized fast enough. In other languages these states are not even
 portable between machines.

 2013/7/10 Alexander Kjeldaas alexander.kjeld...@gmail.com

 Here are some common-lisp web frameworks using continuations:


 What always worried me with these frameworks is how they could be made
 robust in case of failures.  Storing all state in a database backend often
 makes it possible to isolate failures.  However, it seems to me that it is
 be possible to solve this in Haskell where state can be serialized and
 synchronized between multiple machines using Cloud Haskell, something that
 is error-prone or impossible in other languages.  But that step has never
 been taken.


 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Alberto G. Corona 

 Thanks Adrian. The racket people where pioneers in this idea I think.

 There is another web framework in Ocaml, Osigen that it is also
 continuation based. MFlow is not continuation-based but it also define the
 navigation as a sequence. But only Seaside (and now MFlow) supports many
 flows in the same page. See for example this:

 [PDF] *Seaside* – A *Multiple* Control *Flow* Web Application 

 There is also other: Apache Coccoon that run in a special kind of
 JavaScript. The continuation-based frameworks have the reputation of
 storing a lot of application state and to be non  scalable. MFlow
 uses backtracking and It does not have these problems.

 2013/7/10 Adrian May adrian.alexander@gmail.com

 Oh how nice!

 I have been looking at MFlow a lot lately and I think it's got
 something quite special that Yesod, Happstack, etc don't seem to have, at
 least, not as far as I know. I mean, look at this:

 sumWidget= pageFlow sum $ do

   n1 - p  Enter first number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n2 - p  Enter second number ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n3 - p  Enter third number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   p   (The result is: ++show (n1 + n2 + n3))  ++  wlink ()  b 

   ++ p  you can change the numbers in the boxes to see how the 
 result changes

 Is that pretty or what? That's the code for this:


 To me that's a real technological step over and above the usual
 servlets paradigm and I'd love to see more people getting involved. It
 seems like Yesod and Happstack have a lot more manpower behind them, but
 unless I've missed something, MFlow is going somewhere new and should be
 helped along.


 PS. Besides Seaside, Racket is playing with the same ideas. They (Jay
 McCarthy) have something to say about performance but I didn't quite
 understand it.

 On 10 July 2013 06:41, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

 The third version of MFlow is out.


 MFlow is an all-heterodox web application framework, but very

 Now MFlow support restful URLs.  It is the first stateful web
 framework to my knowledge that supports it. The type safe routes are
 implicitly expressed as normal monadic code within a navigation monad. The
 application look as a normal imperative console application, but the
 navigation monad goes back and forth to match the path of the URL. The 
 has control of the state, that can roll-back or not when the navigation
 goes back depending on the application needs. The state is in the form of
 normal Haskell variables In a monadic computation, with the weird addition
 of backtracking.

 The menu of the application below is implemented as an imperative-like
 syntax, but the application navigate forward and backward to synchronize
 with the requests of the web browser:

 This version support  in-page flows.
  What is that? look at this example:


 These flows are implemented as formlets with a monad instance, and
 callbacks which change

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-recursive let [Was: GHC bug? Let with guards loops]

2013-07-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I think that a non-non recursive let could be not compatible with the pure
nature of Haskell.

Let is recursive because, unlike in the case of other
languages, variables are not locations for storing values, but the
expressions on the right side of the equality themselves. And obviously it
is not possible for a variable-expression to be two expressions at the same
time. The recursiveness is buildt-in. It comes from its pure nature.

For a non recursive version of let, it would be necessary to create a new
closure on each line, to create a new variable-expression with the same
name, but within the new closure. A different variable after all. That is
what the example with the Identity (and the state monad) does.

So I think that the ugly return example or the more elegant state monad
alternative is the right thing to do.

2013/7/10 Ertugrul Söylemez e...@ertes.de

 o...@okmij.org wrote:

  Hear, hear! In OCaml, I can (and often do) write
  let (x,s) = foo 1 [] in
  let (y,s) = bar x s in
  let (z,s) = baz x y s in ...
  In Haskell I'll have to uniquely number the s's:
  let (x,s1)  = foo 1 [] in
  let (y,s2)  = bar x s1 in
  let (z,s3)  = baz x y s2 in ...

 This isn't a case for non-recursive let.  It is one of the rare cases
 where you might actually consider using a state monad.


 Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
 (not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Correct way to catch all exceptions

2013-07-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Don´t tried it and probably it does not even compile, but a possibility
could be along these lines:

catchExcept excepts handle e= do
   if not . null $ filter ( \(SomeException e') - typeOf e= typeOf e')
then throw e
else handle e


u= undefined

excluded=  [SomeException (u :: AsyncException), SomeException (u

sample= expr `catchExcept` excluded $ do

2013/7/10 Erik Hesselink hessel...@gmail.com

 Hi Michael,

 We do this as well. In addition to AsyncException, we ignore
 BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM, BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar and Deadlock. I'm
 not sure you can ignore Timeout, since the type is not exported from
 System.Timeout. I'm not sure how to classify these, though. They are
 in some sense non-recoverable: restarting whatever the thread was
 doing is not the right thing to do.


 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Michael Snoyman mich...@snoyman.com
  There's a pattern that arises fairly often: catching every exception
  by code. The naive approach is to do something like:
  result - try someCode
  case result of
  Left (e :: SomeException) - putStrLn $ It failed:  ++ show e
  Right realValue - useRealValue
  This seems perfectly valid, except that it catches a number of exceptions
  which seemingly should not be caught. In particular, it catches the async
  exceptions used by both killThread and timeout.
  I think it's fair to say that there's not going to be a single function
  solves all cases correctly, but it is a common enough situation that
  need to write code that resumes work in the case of an exception that I
  think we need to either have some guidelines for the right approach
 here, or
  perhaps even a utility function along the lines of:
  shouldBeCaught :: SomeException - Bool
  One first stab at such a function would be to return `False` for
  AsyncException and Timeout, and `True` for everything else, but I'm not
  convinced that this is sufficient. Are there any thoughts on the right
  approach to take here?
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 3.0

2013-07-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Thanks Adrian. The racket people where pioneers in this idea I think.

There is another web framework in Ocaml, Osigen that it is also
continuation based. MFlow is not continuation-based but it also define the
navigation as a sequence. But only Seaside (and now MFlow) supports many
flows in the same page. See for example this:

[PDF] *Seaside* – A *Multiple* Control *Flow* Web Application

There is also other: Apache Coccoon that run in a special kind of
JavaScript. The continuation-based frameworks have the reputation of
storing a lot of application state and to be non  scalable. MFlow
uses backtracking and It does not have these problems.

2013/7/10 Adrian May adrian.alexander@gmail.com

 Oh how nice!

 I have been looking at MFlow a lot lately and I think it's got something
 quite special that Yesod, Happstack, etc don't seem to have, at least, not
 as far as I know. I mean, look at this:

 sumWidget= pageFlow sum $ do

   n1 - p  Enter first number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n2 - p  Enter second number ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n3 - p  Enter third number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   p   (The result is: ++show (n1 + n2 + n3))  ++  wlink ()  b   

   ++ p  you can change the numbers in the boxes to see how the result 

 Is that pretty or what? That's the code for this:


 To me that's a real technological step over and above the usual servlets
 paradigm and I'd love to see more people getting involved. It seems like
 Yesod and Happstack have a lot more manpower behind them, but unless I've
 missed something, MFlow is going somewhere new and should be helped along.


 PS. Besides Seaside, Racket is playing with the same ideas. They (Jay
 McCarthy) have something to say about performance but I didn't quite
 understand it.

 On 10 July 2013 06:41, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

 The third version of MFlow is out.


 MFlow is an all-heterodox web application framework, but very haskellish.

 Now MFlow support restful URLs.  It is the first stateful web framework
 to my knowledge that supports it. The type safe routes are implicitly
 expressed as normal monadic code within a navigation monad. The application
 look as a normal imperative console application, but the navigation monad
 goes back and forth to match the path of the URL. The user has control of
 the state, that can roll-back or not when the navigation goes back
 depending on the application needs. The state is in the form of normal
 Haskell variables In a monadic computation, with the weird addition of

 The menu of the application below is implemented as an imperative-like
 syntax, but the application navigate forward and backward to synchronize
 with the requests of the web browser:

 This version support  in-page flows.
  What is that? look at this example:


 These flows are implemented as formlets with a monad instance, and
 callbacks which change the look. I call them widgets:


 Each page may have many  of these active widgets, each one running their
 own flow. These widgets refresh themselves trough Ajax if they are enclosed
 in the primitive autoRefresh. If there is no Ajax or JavaScript
 available, they gracefully degrade by refreshing the entire page:



 The page flows and the multiflow idea was inspired in 
 a great Smalltalk web framework and adapted to the pure recursive nature of
 Haskell and the formlets.

 It also support some JQuery widgets integrated: modal and not modal
 dialogs, datePicker and other active widgets that handle other widgets.

 It also support the older features: persistent state, WAI, blaze-html and
 others integration, server process timeouts, Ajax, requirements,
  content management, caching of widget rendering and all the other
 previous stuff.

 I wish to thank some people for their feedback. Specially Adrian May for
 his feedback and interest


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 3.0

2013-07-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona
My plan is to synchronize MFlow servers using cloud Haskell since the state
serialization is small. I´m working on it.  However continuation based
frameworks can not synchronize state.  There is swarm in scala that
generate portable continuations but this is not used in the context of web
application since the state in a continuation is big and can not be
synchronized fast enough. In other languages these states are not even
portable between machines.

2013/7/10 Alexander Kjeldaas alexander.kjeld...@gmail.com

 Here are some common-lisp web frameworks using continuations:


 What always worried me with these frameworks is how they could be made
 robust in case of failures.  Storing all state in a database backend often
 makes it possible to isolate failures.  However, it seems to me that it is
 be possible to solve this in Haskell where state can be serialized and
 synchronized between multiple machines using Cloud Haskell, something that
 is error-prone or impossible in other languages.  But that step has never
 been taken.


 On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks Adrian. The racket people where pioneers in this idea I think.

 There is another web framework in Ocaml, Osigen that it is also
 continuation based. MFlow is not continuation-based but it also define the
 navigation as a sequence. But only Seaside (and now MFlow) supports many
 flows in the same page. See for example this:

 [PDF] *Seaside* – A *Multiple* Control *Flow* Web Application 

 There is also other: Apache Coccoon that run in a special kind of
 JavaScript. The continuation-based frameworks have the reputation of
 storing a lot of application state and to be non  scalable. MFlow
 uses backtracking and It does not have these problems.

 2013/7/10 Adrian May adrian.alexander@gmail.com

 Oh how nice!

 I have been looking at MFlow a lot lately and I think it's got something
 quite special that Yesod, Happstack, etc don't seem to have, at least, not
 as far as I know. I mean, look at this:

 sumWidget= pageFlow sum $ do

   n1 - p  Enter first number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n2 - p  Enter second number ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   n3 - p  Enter third number  ++ getInt Nothing ** submitButton 
 enter ++ br

   p   (The result is: ++show (n1 + n2 + n3))  ++  wlink ()  b  

   ++ p  you can change the numbers in the boxes to see how the 
 result changes

 Is that pretty or what? That's the code for this:


 To me that's a real technological step over and above the usual servlets
 paradigm and I'd love to see more people getting involved. It seems like
 Yesod and Happstack have a lot more manpower behind them, but unless I've
 missed something, MFlow is going somewhere new and should be helped along.


 PS. Besides Seaside, Racket is playing with the same ideas. They (Jay
 McCarthy) have something to say about performance but I didn't quite
 understand it.

 On 10 July 2013 06:41, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

 The third version of MFlow is out.


 MFlow is an all-heterodox web application framework, but very

 Now MFlow support restful URLs.  It is the first stateful web framework
 to my knowledge that supports it. The type safe routes are implicitly
 expressed as normal monadic code within a navigation monad. The application
 look as a normal imperative console application, but the navigation monad
 goes back and forth to match the path of the URL. The user has control of
 the state, that can roll-back or not when the navigation goes back
 depending on the application needs. The state is in the form of normal
 Haskell variables In a monadic computation, with the weird addition of

 The menu of the application below is implemented as an imperative-like
 syntax, but the application navigate forward and backward to synchronize
 with the requests of the web browser:

 This version support  in-page flows.
  What is that? look at this example:


 These flows are implemented as formlets with a monad instance, and
 callbacks which change the look. I call them widgets:


 Each page may have many  of these active widgets, each one running
 their own flow. These widgets refresh themselves trough Ajax if they are

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 3.0

2013-07-09 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The third version of MFlow is out.


MFlow is an all-heterodox web application framework, but very haskellish.

Now MFlow support restful URLs.  It is the first stateful web framework to
my knowledge that supports it. The type safe routes are implicitly
expressed as normal monadic code within a navigation monad. The application
look as a normal imperative console application, but the navigation monad
goes back and forth to match the path of the URL. The user has control of
the state, that can roll-back or not when the navigation goes back
depending on the application needs. The state is in the form of normal
Haskell variables In a monadic computation, with the weird addition of

The menu of the application below is implemented as an imperative-like
syntax, but the application navigate forward and backward to synchronize
with the requests of the web browser:

This version support  in-page flows.
 What is that? look at this example:


These flows are implemented as formlets with a monad instance, and
callbacks which change the look. I call them widgets:


Each page may have many  of these active widgets, each one running their
own flow. These widgets refresh themselves trough Ajax if they are enclosed
in the primitive autoRefresh. If there is no Ajax or JavaScript
available, they gracefully degrade by refreshing the entire page:



The page flows and the multiflow idea was inspired in
a great Smalltalk web framework and adapted to the pure recursive nature of
Haskell and the formlets.

It also support some JQuery widgets integrated: modal and not modal
dialogs, datePicker and other active widgets that handle other widgets.

It also support the older features: persistent state, WAI, blaze-html and
others integration, server process timeouts, Ajax, requirements,
 content management, caching of widget rendering and all the other previous

I wish to thank some people for their feedback. Specially Adrian May for
his feedback and interest

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [web-devel] The promising world of Monadic formlets

2013-06-22 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I have a similar problema with the ids of formlets of different branches of
execution. For example in the first case statement the branch represented
can be one or the other depending on the previous user response.
The identifiers of each branch must be different or else, the
server application will be confused by misreading states (values in my
case) of different branches. For this purpose each branch has a pageflow
call that add a new prefix to the identifiers and initialize a counter used
to compose a sequence of suffixes for each branch, so that each element has
an unique identifier and the identifiers of one branch do not collide with
the ones of the other branch. Is this  similar and hopefully applicable to
your problema?

2013/6/22 Anton Tayanovskyy anton.tayanovs...@gmail.com

 Our team at IntelliFactory has worked with monadic formlets for a while,
 we call them flowlets, in the context of WebSharper/F#. We even have an
 obscure paper out there about it. The difference with your approach is that
 we are working directly with DOM nodes and imperative widgets to execute
 entirely in the browser in JavaScript.  This makes for nice looking demos,
 but unfortunately comes with a price. With imperative widgets, identity
 matters. If you work with console text output or re-creating an HTML
 document, you simply model what you present to the user with a tree, with
 inductively defined equivalence. In DOM world, however, two HTML trees with
 an input textbox may serialize equivalently but be distinct, in a sense
 that the textboxes have distinct identity and hidden state (such as focus),
 and substituting one for another will be noticed by the user. To this day I
 have not been able to come up with a convincing simple model and a notion
 of equivalence that would take that into account and allow to prove monadic
 laws to hold for the flowlet combinators. I suspect it should be possible
 though and even likely done already :)



 On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Daniel Frumin difru...@gmail.comwrote:

 This looks interesting. I'll be following the development of it

 On Jun 20, 2013, at 2:56 PM, Alberto G. Corona  agocor...@gmail.com

 Here is the example with better rendering and additional information as
 well as some identifies issues to be solved.


 And  I made strong statements there.

 What do you think? If you have questions or want to be involved in
 the development of this and other related concepts, please send me a

 2013/6/20 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 I don´t know how, but the google mail has changed the applicative
 functor operator after (,) Left and Rigth by  -.

 2013/6/19 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com


 This is just to let you know the promising results of some

 Formlets are about applicative instances, but what about monadic
 instances? What a Monad instance of formlets means? I recently experimented
 with this and the results are very interesting and powerful- It mixes the
 best of web forms, with the flexibility of console applications. ???!!

 Althoug this example is for the formlets of the MFlow
 https://github.com/agocorona/MFlowframework , it can be ported to
 other formlet implementations. Although the MFLow formlets include web
 formatting that is not supported in other formlets implementations. Static
 HTML templating don´t work well with monadic formlets, so it is important
 to include the formatting as a  part of the computation:

 import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All

 dynamicForm= wform $ do
   (n,s) - (,) - p  Who are you?
++ getString Nothing  ! hint name ++ br
* getString Nothing  ! hint surname  ++ br
** submitButton ok ++ br

   flag - b  do you  ++ getRadio[radiob work?,radiob
 study?] ++ br

   r-case flag of
  work - pageFlow l
  $ Left  - b  do you enjoy your work? 
 ++ getBool True yes no
 ** submitButton ok  ++ br

  study- pageFlow r
  $ Right - b  do you study in 
   ++ getRadio[radiob University
  ,radiob High School]

   p  (You are ++n++ ++s) ++
case r of
  Left fl -   p  (You work and it is  ++ show fl ++  that
 you enjoy your work)
 ++ noWidget

  Right stu - p  (You study at the  ++ stu)
 ++ noWidget

 hint s= [(placeholder,s)]
 onClickSubmit= [(onclick,this.form.submit())]
 radiob s n= text s ++ setRadio s n ! onClickSubmit

 Here wform, getBool, getString , getRadio etc are formlet elements

 The first sentence is an applicative composition that generate a 2
 tuple, to show that applicative and monadic can be mixed.  the operations
 ++ add

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The promising world of Monadic formlets

2013-06-20 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Here is the example with better rendering and additional information as
well as some identifies issues to be solved.


And  I made strong statements there.

What do you think? If you have questions or want to be involved in
the development of this and other related concepts, please send me a

2013/6/20 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 I don´t know how, but the google mail has changed the applicative functor
 operator after (,) Left and Rigth by  -.

 2013/6/19 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com


 This is just to let you know the promising results of some

 Formlets are about applicative instances, but what about monadic
 instances? What a Monad instance of formlets means? I recently experimented
 with this and the results are very interesting and powerful- It mixes the
 best of web forms, with the flexibility of console applications. ???!!

 Althoug this example is for the formlets of the MFlow
 https://github.com/agocorona/MFlowframework , it can be ported to
 other formlet implementations. Although the MFLow formlets include web
 formatting that is not supported in other formlets implementations. Static
 HTML templating don´t work well with monadic formlets, so it is important
 to include the formatting as a  part of the computation:

 import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All

 dynamicForm= wform $ do
   (n,s) - (,) - p  Who are you?
++ getString Nothing  ! hint name ++ br
* getString Nothing  ! hint surname  ++ br
** submitButton ok ++ br

   flag - b  do you  ++ getRadio[radiob work?,radiob study?]
 ++ br

   r-case flag of
  work - pageFlow l
  $ Left  - b  do you enjoy your work? 
 ++ getBool True yes no
 ** submitButton ok  ++ br

  study- pageFlow r
  $ Right - b  do you study in 
   ++ getRadio[radiob University
  ,radiob High School]

   p  (You are ++n++ ++s) ++
case r of
  Left fl -   p  (You work and it is  ++ show fl ++  that
 you enjoy your work)
 ++ noWidget

  Right stu - p  (You study at the  ++ stu)
 ++ noWidget

 hint s= [(placeholder,s)]
 onClickSubmit= [(onclick,this.form.submit())]
 radiob s n= text s ++ setRadio s n ! onClickSubmit

 Here wform, getBool, getString , getRadio etc are formlet elements

 The first sentence is an applicative composition that generate a 2 tuple,
 to show that applicative and monadic can be mixed.  the operations ++ add
 html to the formlet. the operatior ! add attributes to the formlet
 element.. noWidget is a dumb formlet that does not validate.

 The second monadic statement is an election between two options. The
 beauty of the monadic instance is that the rest of the form can vary
 depending on the previous answers.  Since the formlets validate the input,
 unless the election is made, the radio will not validate, so the monadic
 execution will be aborted beyond any unanswered question, so nothing will
 appear after the question. The rest of the form will appear when the user
 choose one of the two options. once one or the other option is chosen, then
 another binary question is presented. (either he likes his work or where he
 study).  When the questions are finised, the results are presented.
 I hope that you get the idea. The benefit is not only the familiar coding
 and presentation of a sequential console application: Since the form
 encloses all the fields, At any time the user can change previous inputs
 and the form will reflect these changes. For example if the user change
 from work to study (second statements) the where do you study will appear
 and the work related questions and answers will disappear. That is
 wonderfully useful for heavily interactive applications.

 There is  a problem however and it is the issue of the formlet
 identifiers. Unlike in an applicative presentation, now the number and type
 of the formlets will vary, so the response to a previous form create a new
 kind of form, and the post response can be misinterpreted. To avoid that ,
 the  pageFlow call creates fixed field labels for each branch of execution.

 I will release a version of MFlow that support this kind of monadic
 composition of fomlets, but In essence it is nothing but to add Monad
 instance to formlets. A single server procedure, that executes the formlet
 code can support all the interaction so any framework can do it. The
 usability of that is huge:It is possible to interact in a web page in a
 console style with questions and answers with the versatitly of a dynamic
 foms: Any modification in the form change the subsequent flow of
 interaction. Another application of this monadic

[Haskell-cafe] The promising world of Monadic formlets

2013-06-19 Thread Alberto G. Corona

This is just to let you know the promising results of some experimentation:

Formlets are about applicative instances, but what about monadic instances?
What a Monad instance of formlets means? I recently experimented with this
and the results are very interesting and powerful- It mixes the best of web
forms, with the flexibility of console applications. ???!!

Althoug this example is for the formlets of the MFlow
https://github.com/agocorona/MFlowframework , it can be ported to other
formlet implementations. Although the MFLow formlets include web formatting
that is not supported in other formlets implementations. Static HTML
templating don´t work well with monadic formlets, so it is important to
include the formatting as a  part of the computation:

import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All

dynamicForm= wform $ do
  (n,s) - (,) - p  Who are you?
   ++ getString Nothing  ! hint name ++ br
   * getString Nothing  ! hint surname  ++ br
   ** submitButton ok ++ br

  flag - b  do you  ++ getRadio[radiob work?,radiob study?]
++ br

  r-case flag of
 work - pageFlow l
 $ Left  - b  do you enjoy your work? 
++ getBool True yes no
** submitButton ok  ++ br

 study- pageFlow r
 $ Right - b  do you study in 
  ++ getRadio[radiob University
 ,radiob High School]

  p  (You are ++n++ ++s) ++
   case r of
 Left fl -   p  (You work and it is  ++ show fl ++  that you
enjoy your work)
++ noWidget

 Right stu - p  (You study at the  ++ stu)
++ noWidget

hint s= [(placeholder,s)]
onClickSubmit= [(onclick,this.form.submit())]
radiob s n= text s ++ setRadio s n ! onClickSubmit

Here wform, getBool, getString , getRadio etc are formlet elements

The first sentence is an applicative composition that generate a 2 tuple,
to show that applicative and monadic can be mixed.  the operations ++ add
html to the formlet. the operatior ! add attributes to the formlet
element.. noWidget is a dumb formlet that does not validate.

The second monadic statement is an election between two options. The beauty
of the monadic instance is that the rest of the form can vary depending on
the previous answers.  Since the formlets validate the input, unless the
election is made, the radio will not validate, so the monadic
execution will be aborted beyond any unanswered question, so nothing will
appear after the question. The rest of the form will appear when the user
choose one of the two options. once one or the other option is chosen, then
another binary question is presented. (either he likes his work or where he
study).  When the questions are finised, the results are presented.
I hope that you get the idea. The benefit is not only the familiar coding
and presentation of a sequential console application: Since the form
encloses all the fields, At any time the user can change previous inputs
and the form will reflect these changes. For example if the user change
from work to study (second statements) the where do you study will appear
and the work related questions and answers will disappear. That is
wonderfully useful for heavily interactive applications.

There is  a problem however and it is the issue of the formlet identifiers.
Unlike in an applicative presentation, now the number and type of the
formlets will vary, so the response to a previous form create a new kind
of form, and the post response can be misinterpreted. To avoid that ,
the  pageFlow call creates fixed field labels for each branch of execution.

I will release a version of MFlow that support this kind of monadic
composition of fomlets, but In essence it is nothing but to add Monad
instance to formlets. A single server procedure, that executes the formlet
code can support all the interaction so any framework can do it. The
usability of that is huge:It is possible to interact in a web page in a
console style with questions and answers with the versatitly of a dynamic
foms: Any modification in the form change the subsequent flow of
interaction. Another application of this monadic style is to ease multistep
processes such are registration, check-out and payment ad so on. Even a
entire interactive dynamic application can be coded in a single page.

And no javascript is needed!.

To run this formlet in MFlow:

   [(, transient $ runFlow  $ ask dynamicForm )]

   wait $ run port waiMessageFlow

This video show how the presentation of this example vary with the user


I hope that you find the idea interesting.  If you want to experiment
with this in MFlow, I have to say that the implementation of this feature
is in an early stage. The code is in the head branch

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The promising world of Monadic formlets

2013-06-19 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I don´t know how, but the google mail has changed the applicative functor
operator after (,) Left and Rigth by  -.

2013/6/19 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com


 This is just to let you know the promising results of some experimentation:

 Formlets are about applicative instances, but what about monadic
 instances? What a Monad instance of formlets means? I recently experimented
 with this and the results are very interesting and powerful- It mixes the
 best of web forms, with the flexibility of console applications. ???!!

 Althoug this example is for the formlets of the MFlow
 https://github.com/agocorona/MFlowframework , it can be ported to other
 formlet implementations. Although the MFLow formlets include web formatting
 that is not supported in other formlets implementations. Static HTML
 templating don´t work well with monadic formlets, so it is important to
 include the formatting as a  part of the computation:

 import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All

 dynamicForm= wform $ do
   (n,s) - (,) - p  Who are you?
++ getString Nothing  ! hint name ++ br
* getString Nothing  ! hint surname  ++ br
** submitButton ok ++ br

   flag - b  do you  ++ getRadio[radiob work?,radiob study?]
 ++ br

   r-case flag of
  work - pageFlow l
  $ Left  - b  do you enjoy your work? 
 ++ getBool True yes no
 ** submitButton ok  ++ br

  study- pageFlow r
  $ Right - b  do you study in 
   ++ getRadio[radiob University
  ,radiob High School]

   p  (You are ++n++ ++s) ++
case r of
  Left fl -   p  (You work and it is  ++ show fl ++  that you
 enjoy your work)
 ++ noWidget

  Right stu - p  (You study at the  ++ stu)
 ++ noWidget

 hint s= [(placeholder,s)]
 onClickSubmit= [(onclick,this.form.submit())]
 radiob s n= text s ++ setRadio s n ! onClickSubmit

 Here wform, getBool, getString , getRadio etc are formlet elements

 The first sentence is an applicative composition that generate a 2 tuple,
 to show that applicative and monadic can be mixed.  the operations ++ add
 html to the formlet. the operatior ! add attributes to the formlet
 element.. noWidget is a dumb formlet that does not validate.

 The second monadic statement is an election between two options. The
 beauty of the monadic instance is that the rest of the form can vary
 depending on the previous answers.  Since the formlets validate the input,
 unless the election is made, the radio will not validate, so the monadic
 execution will be aborted beyond any unanswered question, so nothing will
 appear after the question. The rest of the form will appear when the user
 choose one of the two options. once one or the other option is chosen, then
 another binary question is presented. (either he likes his work or where he
 study).  When the questions are finised, the results are presented.
 I hope that you get the idea. The benefit is not only the familiar coding
 and presentation of a sequential console application: Since the form
 encloses all the fields, At any time the user can change previous inputs
 and the form will reflect these changes. For example if the user change
 from work to study (second statements) the where do you study will appear
 and the work related questions and answers will disappear. That is
 wonderfully useful for heavily interactive applications.

 There is  a problem however and it is the issue of the formlet
 identifiers. Unlike in an applicative presentation, now the number and type
 of the formlets will vary, so the response to a previous form create a new
 kind of form, and the post response can be misinterpreted. To avoid that ,
 the  pageFlow call creates fixed field labels for each branch of execution.

 I will release a version of MFlow that support this kind of monadic
 composition of fomlets, but In essence it is nothing but to add Monad
 instance to formlets. A single server procedure, that executes the formlet
 code can support all the interaction so any framework can do it. The
 usability of that is huge:It is possible to interact in a web page in a
 console style with questions and answers with the versatitly of a dynamic
 foms: Any modification in the form change the subsequent flow of
 interaction. Another application of this monadic style is to ease multistep
 processes such are registration, check-out and payment ad so on. Even a
 entire interactive dynamic application can be coded in a single page.

 And no javascript is needed!.

 To run this formlet in MFlow:

[(, transient $ runFlow  $ ask dynamicForm )]

wait $ run port waiMessageFlow

 This video show how the presentation of this example vary with the user

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2013-06-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I have ever wondered how a committee could have made Haskell.

My conclusion is the following:

For one side there were many mathematicians involved, the authors of the
most terse language(s) existent: the math notation.

For the other, the lemma avoid success at all costs which  kept the
committee away of pressures for doing it quick and dirty and also freed it
from deleterious individualities

2013/6/10 Tobias Dammers tdamm...@gmail.com

 On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 05:41:05PM +0530, Zed Becker wrote:
   Haskell, is arguably the best example of a design-by-committee language.

 You do realize that design-by-committee is generally understood to
 refer to the antipattern where a committee discusses a design to death
 and delivers an inconsistent, mediocre spec, as opposed to a situation
 where a leader figure takes the loose ends, runs with them, and turns
 them into a coherent, inspiring whole?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] voting sytem DSL

2013-06-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
In the package Workflow there is a DSL for workflow patterns that include
a very broad notion of voting using monoids.  The other workflow
combinators resemble a lot the async package, but applied to workflows.
Maybe you can draw something from that to construct higuer level votation

The reason to use the workflow monad is because during a votation process
there may be machine  failures. Decisions with various votation steps can
stay running for months, so it is necessary to save and recover the state
of the computation.


2013/6/5 AlanKim Zimmerman alan.z...@gmail.com

 Have you looked at http://frictionfreedemocracy.org/

 They are using https://github.com/agocorona/Workflow amongst other things
 to define election work flows.

 On Jun 5, 2013 11:25 PM, Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 Hi haskellers!
 I am trying to make a DSL able to describe a voting system. That DSL
 should be able to describe many different voting procedures:
 unanimity or majority, open or secret ballot, one or two turns... It
 should also work for referendums (yes/no question) or elections (electing
 one or several people)...
 Are you aware of any such DSL? In Haskell I haven't see it, maybe in
 another language?


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HTML framework for web-ui

2013-05-21 Thread Alberto G. Corona
If you like to create a stand alone application I know that happstack was
created for stand-alone applications with no database, although Yesod and
Snap can do it as well. If your application is a-single-page-doit-all by
using a lot of JavaScript (or Fay) , then any of these restful frameworks
will work well.

In the other side, if you application has different pages and need to
manage state in the server, then you may consider MFlow . It can make
things easier a lot.  The application flow  is codified just like in a
console application. It uses formlets, blaze-html and WAI-warp


you can find examples here:


2013/5/21 Vlatko Basic vlatko.ba...@gmail.com


 I'd like to start using web pages as the UI for apps. I found out for
 yesod, snapp and happstack as the candidates.
 Would you recommend any of them as better for app ui (not classical web
 pages)? Or maybe another one?


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Propositions in Haskell

2013-05-15 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Not exactly what you ask, but it is noteworthy that the mind has different
logic processors. The fastest one work with IF THEN ELSE rules applied
specifically to deals. This is why your example (and most examples of
logic) involves a kind of deal expressed in the first person. This trigger
a fast mental evaluation, while an equivalent but more general case is
harder to process and need some paper work.  (That special treatment of
first person deals logic respond to the need to detect breaks of deals as
fast as possible)


That's why higher level languages have redundant logical structures and do
not follow a general abstract and short mathematical notation. Therefore
higher level, in programming languages, does not mean higher
mathematical abstraction, but to be closer to the way the mind works.

2013/5/15 Patrick Browne patrick.bro...@dit.ie

 -- Hi
 -- I am trying to show that a set of propositions and a conclusion the
 form a valid argument.
 -- I used two approaches; 1) using if-then-else, 2) using pattern matching.
 -- The version using if-then-else seems to be consistent with my knowledge
 of Haskell and logic (either of which could be wrong).
 -- Can the second approach be improved to better reflect the propositions
 and conclusion? Maybe type level reasoning could be used?
 -- Valid argument?
 -- 1. I work hard or I play piano
 -- 2. If I work hard then I will get a bonus
 -- 3. But I did not get a bonus
 -- Therefore I played piano
 -- Variables: p = Piano, w = worked hard, b = got a bonus
 --(w \/ p) /\ (w = b) /\ ¬(b)
 --   ---

 -- First approach using language control structure if-then-else
 w, p, b::Bool
 -- Two equivalences for (w \/ p) as an implication.
 -- 1. (w \/ p) =equivalent-to= (not p) = w
 -- 2. (w \/ p) =equivalent-to= (not w) = p
 -- Picked 2
 p = if (not w) then True else False
 -- Contrapositive:  (w = b)  =equivalent-to=  ~b = ~w
 w = if (not b) then False else True
 b = False
 -- gives p is true and w is false

 -- Second approach using pattern matching
 -- I think the rewriting goes from left to right but the logical inference
 goes in the opposite direction.
 w1, p1, b1::Bool
 p1 = (not w1)
 w1 = b1 -- Not consistent with statements, but I do not know how to write
 ~b1 = ~w1 in Haskell
 b1 = False
 -- Again gives p1 is true and w1 is false

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 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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[Haskell-cafe] I wish cabal-dev to travel back in time

2013-05-11 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Café:

I created just now an issue in cabal-dev:


When compiling old developments, I wish cabal-dev to install and build
dependencies that were available at a that time

I don't know if  there are alternatives to solving this issue. I think that
this is very useful and necessary, specially now when library updates are
increasingly frequent.

Maybe this problem is already solved and I just don´t know (as is often the
case, for example when, in a sudden aha moment, I reinvented cabal-install
months after the release). That is the reason why I tell you about it here
in order to discuss it.


I´m installing now an old soft development. Since many of my dependencies
were labeled with -any or with  , neither I neither cabal know which
library versions are the right ones. By taking into account a date
parameter, cabal-dev can figure out which libraries were the latest and the
right ones at that time.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Backward compatibility

2013-05-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The case of WASH is a pity. Architecturally It was more advanced that many
recent haskell web frameworks.  The package would have been a success with
little changes in the DSL syntax.

I suspect that there are many outstanding packages with great ideas
abandoned, like WASH

2013/5/5 Brandon Allbery allber...@gmail.com

 On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Raphael Gaschignard dasur...@gmail.comwrote:

 Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I've seen such suggestions in
 GHC errors before.

 If so, does that mean there's some sort of mechanism in the compiler
 already in place for such error recognition? Like some simple pattern
 stuff?  If not, I think that it might not be bad to consider this stuff
 (misused packaged, changed semantics that create compiler errors), and to
 put something into place for future modifications. This could make it a lot
 easier to deal with unmaintained code.

 There's some very limited capability now; the GHC folks are tossing around
 ideas for something more general like that.

 brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine
 unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Follow up on type error diagnosis for DSLs in Haskell

2013-05-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona

That is very good news for the people that create DSLs for industry, for
haskell teaching and in general for the Haskell comunity.

For a context, I add here the ticket


and the discussion:




2013/5/5 Jurriaan Hage j.h...@uu.nl

 Dear all (and in particular Alberto G. Corona and Stephen Tetley),

 First of all, thanks Stephen for pointing out our work to Alberto.

 Second, you may be interested to know that I just (as in two weeks ago)
 obtained a
 grant to hire a PhD student to scale the work of the ICFP '03 paper (as
 mentioned by
 Stephen) up to Haskell 2011 (or whatever variant will be appropriate). The
 plan is to
 first prototype this work in the UHC compiler, and, if succesful, build it
 into the GHC.

 I shall surely send out a job vancancy on some of the Haskell mailing

 Jurriaan Hage

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Backward compatibility

2013-05-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Well, the main one is  that is in the group of continuation based
frameworks, like other advanced web frameworks such are seaside (smalltalk)
ocsigen (ocaml) or coccoon (JavaScript)  . That means that it is not based
on the event model, and the  flow is in a single procedure. This makes the
navigation much more readable, as a console application. But WASH is  not
continuation based, but log based, and the log was stored in the client,
that means that it was also restful to a certain level. That approach
solved the big problems of memory usage and serialization of continuation
based frameworks.

It also solved the problem of form safety before the development of
formlets and the widespread of applicative functors.

But I do not pretend to resucitate WASH. I just miss a continuation of this
line of work , but this was not the case.

I  took a deeper look at WASH after developping MFlow, years after the
discontinuation of WASH. MFlow coincidentally, is log based in a different
way. I supposed that it was based on continuations, and I didn't like them,
but it was not. If the project would have been prosecuted, who knows...It
had a edge over other web developments in other languages, but it was hard
to understand, just because the approach was original and unique.

I consider MFlow as a continuation of WASH in philosophical terms.

2013/5/6 Tom Ellis tom-lists-haskell-cafe-2...@jaguarpaw.co.uk

 On Sun, May 05, 2013 at 10:46:23PM +0200, Alberto G. Corona  wrote:
  The case of WASH is a pity. Architecturally It was more advanced that
  recent haskell web frameworks.  The package would have been a success
  little changes in the DSL syntax.

 Could you briefly summarise the difference between WASH's approach and that
 of the more recent frameworks?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A three page web application in a tweet (in Haskell)

2013-05-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona

Just to share my excitement with you:

See the link in the tweet for an explanation

Best Regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell compilation errors break the complexity encapsulation on DSLs

2013-04-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I hope that the GHC people will give to this a high priority. Specially for
the people of FP Complete for which this should be a first target.

I know that Simon Peyton Jones gave up in avoid success at all costs and
not it invest in the industry. Isn't?


2013/4/27 Ozgur Akgun ozgurak...@gmail.com


 On 27 April 2013 10:07, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

 I created a ticket for the feature request:

 Ticket #7870

 Teachers, newbies and people working in Industry: Please push it!

 A link to the ticket may be helpful for the lazy.


 I quite like this idea, and I think this is one thing people use TH for
 now instead.
 (Using quasi-quotes, you can produce any compilation error you like...)
 It would be great if we didn't have to pull in the full power of TH (or
 QQ) for this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell compilation errors break the complexity encapsulation on DSLs

2013-04-27 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I created a ticket for the feature request:

Ticket #7870

Teachers, newbies and people working in Industry: Please push it!

2013/4/24 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Maybe it is possible to do something In a google summer of code. Nothing
 as sophisticated as  the Helium paper (Scripting the Type Inference
 Process, but maybe a partial implementation of the techniques mentioned,
 so that the development can be enhanced in the future.

 Maybe some kind of  library that permits postprocessing of GHC errors
 and/or the identification of points in the current type checker where some
 kind of rules can be defined by the programmer can be the first step.

 2013/4/23 Brent Yorgey byor...@seas.upenn.edu

 On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:49:59PM +0200, Alberto G. Corona  wrote:
  I ever was worried about the barrier that the complexity of the Haskell
  errors impose to users of DSLs. Many DSLs look so simple that even
  without knowledge of Haskell can make use of them for some domains.
  However when the program is compiled then al the monsters of the
  deep appear in the surface: polymorphisms, undefined instances, type
  reported in a line produced by a type assumption in another,  etc. This
  a problem for an industrial use of Haskell in the large scale. For

 Indeed.  For example, in my experience this is a big problem for diagrams.

  The question: Is it possible to develop a GHC extension that attach (or
  prepend) such an explanation to the ghc error?
  Or any other alternative that carry out the same functionality.

 Surely it is possible.  I have wanted this too.  I guess the majority
 of the work would just be in coming up with a good, general design
 which is useful but not too difficult to implement.  If anyone wanted
 to undertake such a project I would be happy to contribute some ideas.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell compilation errors break the complexity encapsulation on DSLs

2013-04-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Maybe it is possible to do something In a google summer of code. Nothing as
sophisticated as  the Helium paper (Scripting the Type Inference
Process, but maybe a partial implementation of the techniques mentioned,
so that the development can be enhanced in the future.

Maybe some kind of  library that permits postprocessing of GHC errors
and/or the identification of points in the current type checker where some
kind of rules can be defined by the programmer can be the first step.

2013/4/23 Brent Yorgey byor...@seas.upenn.edu

 On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:49:59PM +0200, Alberto G. Corona  wrote:
  I ever was worried about the barrier that the complexity of the Haskell
  errors impose to users of DSLs. Many DSLs look so simple that even
  without knowledge of Haskell can make use of them for some domains.
  However when the program is compiled then al the monsters of the
  deep appear in the surface: polymorphisms, undefined instances, type
  reported in a line produced by a type assumption in another,  etc. This
  a problem for an industrial use of Haskell in the large scale. For

 Indeed.  For example, in my experience this is a big problem for diagrams.

  The question: Is it possible to develop a GHC extension that attach (or
  prepend) such an explanation to the ghc error?
  Or any other alternative that carry out the same functionality.

 Surely it is possible.  I have wanted this too.  I guess the majority
 of the work would just be in coming up with a good, general design
 which is useful but not too difficult to implement.  If anyone wanted
 to undertake such a project I would be happy to contribute some ideas.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Instances for continuation-based FRP

2013-04-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
If you are not looking for the full reactive formalism but to treat event
driven applications in a procedural ,sequential, imperative way (whatever
you may  call it) by means o continuations, then this is a good paper in
the context of web applications:

inverting back the inversion of control


2013/4/24 Conal Elliott co...@conal.net

 Hi Hans.

 I'm delighted to hear that you have a precise denotation to define
 correctness of your implementation. So much of what gets called FRP these
 days abandons any denotational foundation, as well as continuous time,
 which have always been the two key properties of 
 FRPhttp://stackoverflow.com/a/5878525/127335for me.

 I like your goal of finding a provably correct (perhaps correct by
 construction/derivation) implementation of the simple denotational
 semantics. I'm happy to give feedback and pointers if you continue with
 this goal.

 While I like the idea of TCMs very much, they do not seem to be applicable
 for things that lack a denotation, such as IO

 I suppose so, although I'd say it the other way around: things that lack
 denotation are not applicable for fulfilling denotational principles. Which
 suggests to me that IO will not get you to your goal. Instead, I recommend
 instead looking for a subset of imperative computation that suffices to
 implement the denotation you want, but is well-defined denotationally and
 tractable for reasoning. IO (general imperative computation) is neither,
 which is why we have denotative/functional programming in the first place.

 Regards, - Conal

 On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Hans Höglund h...@hanshoglund.se wrote:

 Hi Conal,

 Thank you for replying.

  My aim is to find the simplest possible implementation of the semantics
 you describe in Push-pull FRP http://conal.net/papers/push-pull-frp/,
 so the denotational semantics are already in place. I guess what I am
 looking for is a simple translation of a denotational program into an
 imperative one. My intuition tells me that such a translation is possible,
 maybe even trivial, but I am not sure how to reason about correctness.

 While I like the idea of TCMs very much, they do not seem to be
 applicable for things that lack a denotation, such as IO. Maybe it is a
 question of how to relate denotational semantics to operational ones?


 On 24 apr 2013, at 02:18, Conal Elliott wrote:

 Hi Hans,

 Do you have a denotation for your representation (a specification for
 your implementation)? If so, it will likely guide you to exactly the right
 type class instances, via the principle of type class 
 morphismshttp://conal.net/papers/type-class-morphisms/(TCMs). If you don't 
 have a denotation, I wonder how you could decide what
 correctness means for any aspect of your implementation.

 Good luck, and let me know if you want some help exploring the TCM

 -- Conal

 On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 6:22 AM, Hans Höglund h...@hanshoglund.sewrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am experimenting with various implementation styles for classical FRP.
 My current thoughts are on a continuation-style push implementation, which
 can be summarized as follows.

  newtype EventT m r a= E { runE :: (a - m r) - m r - m r }
  newtype ReactiveT m r a = R { runR :: (m a - m r) - m r }
  type Event= EventT IO ()
  type Reactive = ReactiveT IO ()

 The idea is that events allow subscription of handlers, which are
 automatically unsubscribed after the continuation has finished, while
 reactives allow observation of a shared state until the continuation has

 I managed to write the following Applicative instance

  instance Applicative (ReactiveT m r) where
  pure a  = R $ \k - k (pure a)
  R f * R a = R $ \k - f (\f' - a (\a' - k $ f' * a'))

 But I am stuck on finding a suitable Monad instance. I notice the
 similarity between my types and the ContT monad and have a feeling this
 similarity could be used to clean up my instance code, but am not sure how
 to proceed. Does anyone have an idea, or a pointer to suitable literature.

 Best regards,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell compilation errors break the complexity encapsulation on DSLs

2013-04-23 Thread Alberto G. Corona

I ever was worried about the barrier that the complexity of the Haskell
errors impose to users of DSLs. Many DSLs look so simple that even someone
without knowledge of Haskell can make use of them for some domains.

However when the program is compiled then al the monsters of the
deep appear in the surface: polymorphisms, undefined instances, type errors
reported in a line produced by a type assumption in another,  etc. This is
a problem for an industrial use of Haskell in the large scale. For obvious

I would like to know

1) which techniques are used to minimize the problem
2) To suggest some kind of extension that would allow for example to add
extra information to the error messages by the library developer.. For
example, in


There is a nice documentation about two kind of errors that are frequent
when using that library:

*A type error of the form: *

*No instance for (UncaughtException MyException)
  arising from a use of `g' at examples/docatch.hs:21:32-35
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (UncaughtException MyException)
In the expression: g ()*

*is the type checker saying: *

*hey, you are trying to run a computation which throws a
MyExceptionwithout handling it, and I won't let you

*Either handle it or declare MyException as an

The question: Is it possible to develop a GHC extension that attach (or
prepend) such an explanation to the ghc error?

Or any other alternative that carry out the same functionality.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell compilation errors break the complexity encapsulation on DSLs

2013-04-23 Thread Alberto G. Corona

The paper is very interesting. We need something like that:

... As a result, the beginning programmer is likely to be discouraged from
pro-gramming in a functional language, and may see the rejection of
programs as a nuisance instead of a blessing. The experienced user might
not look at the messages at all.

*The problem is exacerbated in the case of combinator languages. Combinator
languages are a means of defining domain specific lan-guages embedded within
an existing programming language, using the abstraction facilities present
in the latter. However, since the domain specific extensions are mapped to
constructs present in the underlying language, all type errors are reported
in terms of the host language, and not in terms of concepts from the
combinator library. In addition, the developer of a combinator library may
be aware of various mistakes which users of the library can make, something
which he can explain in the documentation for the library, but which he
cannot make part of the library itself.*
In the meantime maybe we can have a simpler solution like a postprocessing
of errors in some way

2013/4/23 Stephen Tetley stephen.tet...@gmail.com

 Helium - Utrecht University's simplified Haskell - had scriptable
 Type inference directives so the creator of an EDSL was able to
 augment the type checker to provide better error messages, see:

 Scripting the Type Inference Process
 Bastiaan Heeren Jurriaan Hage S. Doaitse Swierstra

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: monoid-subclasses-0.1.1, incremental-parser-0.2.2, and SCC-0.8

2013-04-13 Thread Alberto G. Corona

The cancelative monoid is the right class for rolling back transactions, by
the way.

2013/3/22 Mario Blažević blama...@acanac.net

 The new package monoid-subclasses [1] exports a number of classes that
 sit between monoids and groups: ReductiveMonoid, CancellativeMonoid,
 GCDMonoid, MonoidNull, and FactorialMonoid among others. The package also
 comes with class instances for all applicable data types from base, vector,
 containers, bytestring, and text packages.

 These classes were initially a part of the incremental-parser package
 [2] but they've moved, so incremental-parser-0.2.2 now depends on
 monoid-subclasses which has added more class methods and instances. The
 parsers constructed using the incremental-parser library generally work on
 any ReductiveMonoid, FactorialMonoid or TextualMonoid. You can thus
 construct a generic parser that operates on String, ByteString, or Text
 input, or even on Product Integer or a Map if you are so inclined.

 The version 0.8 of Streaming Component Combinators (a.k.a. SCC) has
 also been re-designed from the ground up. In the earlier versions, as in
 the pipes and conduit packages, the types of streams and stream-processing
 components were
 parametrized by the type of the individual items flowing through. All
 sources and sinks are now parametrized instead by the type of the monoid
 they produce or consume. As a consequence, SCC coroutines can now
 communicate in chunks of
 ByteString or Text instead of just lists, and these chunks can be of
 arbitrary size. The boundaries of producer's chunks are invisible to the
 consumer (excepting some low-level functions), which must specify the
 amount of data it wants to receive using a ReadRequest. This change at the
 heart of SCC has had a positive impact on outer layers, and especially on
 the Splitter component type which has become much simpler.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] N-ANN: HBlog-0.1

2013-04-02 Thread Alberto G. Corona
No responses, but I'm sure that, like me, many laughed at this ;)

2013/4/2 Tom Murphy amin...@gmail.com

 Oh, and happy April 1!

 On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 6:16 AM, Tom Murphy amin...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi All,
  Not particularly happy to announce the non-release of my latest
 library, HBlog 0.1. I've been working on it steadily for a long time now,
 but it's still not ready.

  The library -- when it's finished -- will be a 100% Haskell
 representation of blogs, from authors and posts up to the most abstract
 notion of an entire blog as a Haskell data type.

  I'd like to finish the library sometime, but I've been so busy! Any
 spare time I've had, I've just ended up watching TV. I've been so caught up
 with the final season of The Office, I didn't realize how much time had
 passed since I originally had the idea! (2 years.) Didn't it seem like Jim
 and Pam were going to break up a couple
 weeks ago?!

  Anyway, here's the code I've definitely settled on so far:

 data Author = Author { name :: String }
deriving (Show, Eq)

 data Post = Post { title   :: String
  , body:: String
  , authors :: [Author] }
deriving (Show)

 data Blog = Blog [Post]

 hasSingleAuthor :: Post - Bool
 hasSingleAuthor post = 1 == (length $ authors post)

  Feel free to use portions of this code in your own projects! Just be
 sure to put at the top of all your source files: Portions of this code (c)
 2013 Tom Murphy. All rights reserved.

  -- Lenses sound pretty cool, so I've started writing lenses for the
 Author type, as well as finding out what a lens is. Maybe one day there'll
 be lenses for the Post type, too -- keep your fingers crossed!
  -- One time when I was walking home from work, I had the idea for blogs
 being modeled as monads. Wouldn't that be awesome?: The Blog Monad. I
 haven't done it yet, though, because I haven't figured out what bind would
 do. If you figure out how to model blogs as monads, just be sure to include
 this in all of your sourcefiles: Idea for blog monad (c) 2013 Tom Murphy.
 All rights reserved.

 Happy hacking!

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Make a DSL serializable

2013-03-26 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Luc,

I really don't know what exactly what FRP is. Every time i read about it, I
figure out different things depending on the library.

  I used the term event in a wider way as something that happens in the
computation no matter if it is generated inside or outside. Workflow
does not handle  -external- events althout it can be used in this context,
like the example loop that I wrote above.

I think that it can be used to recover the state of a FRP program after
restart, in the same ortogonal way than in the example above, lifting the
computation with the workflow transformer

2013/3/26 luc taesch luc.tae...@gmail.com

 On 2013-03-25 19:00:42 +, Alberto G. Corona said:

  It is  possible as long as there is a empty event and there is a
 operation that mix two events to créate an state and an operation that mix
 an state and a event to créate an state.

 I just read thisat a time I am learning FRP Reactive banana
 and these two collides :  Workflow (Event, state) ~ FRP (Event, bahavior)

 is that anyway connected, Alberto ? ( workflow and FRP )
 ( are worflow are serializable persitent FRP Network ?)


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Make a DSL serializable

2013-03-25 Thread Alberto G. Corona
It is  possible as long as there is a empty event and there is a operation
that mix two events to créate an state and an operation that mix an state
and a event to créate an state.

Then, if the events are serializable, the deserialization of the state from
a  serialized list of events would be

 deserialize list=  mconcat . read $ list

it is a way to have a general expression for the deserialization instead of
a ad-hoc loop.

2013/3/25 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 What do you mean by monoid? It's not clear to me how a state (essentially
 a structure with many fields) can be a monoid...
 I figured out that the Writer monad may be good for that purpose.

 On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 1:50 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.comwrote:

 That is the advantage of recording the sequence of events instead of the
 final state: that the  state don´t need to be seriallizable. And this
 indeed the way to serlize something that can be decomposed in events. I
 think that this is elegant.. Specially if the events  and the state are
 elements of a Monoid instance.

 2013/3/24 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

  Hi Brandon,
 in fact, that's what I'm doing. I record the list of actions performed
 by the players, including the submission of the code. I serialize this list
 of actions instead of the state of the game. When deserializing, I replay
 all the players actions from scratch to get back to the same state than
 before. This is the only way to do it (replaying from scratch), since the
 pieces of code submitted can interact with other pieces of code submitted
 earlier: they are not independant.
 But I always bothered me that this state is not serializable...

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Brandon Allbery 

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Corentin Dupont 
 corentin.dup...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Daniel,
 in my game the handlers are supplied by the players as part of little
 programs that they submit. An haskell interpreter is reading the program
 code submitted and inserts it in the game.
 So there is an infinite number of handlers...

 You might store both the compiled code and the originally submitted
 code, and serialize the latter in a form that restart can recompile. I
 don't think that can be any less safe than the original

 brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine
 unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Make a DSL serializable

2013-03-25 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Thanks. It is not exactly the serialization of IO state computations,
but when re-started,  the IO state is recreated from
the serialized intermediate results.  It makes use of a simple idea,
although it is not easy to realize it practically.

I suppose that scala does something similar for their
serializable delimited continuations.

2013/3/25 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 Workflow is impressive! I didn't know you could serialize IO

 On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:06 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.comwrote:

 the package Workflow  serialize also the state of a computation, so it
 can be re-started and continued. It uses also the above mentioned event
 trick to serialize the state.

 By the way you can use the workflow monad transformer to recover the
 state of the game. You don´t need to serialize anything explicitly, the
 transformer will do it, but your step results must be serializable.

  If you have this code:

   loop= do
eventhandlercode - receive
handler - compile eventhandlercode
execute handler

 then the lifted process in the workflow monad would be:

eventhandlercode - step receive
handler - liftIO $ compile eventhandlercode
liftIO $ execute handler

 step will store the result and will recover the execution state.
 Only the step result should be serializable.

 2013/3/24 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 I also came across Scala's Swarm, making use serializable delimited
 continuations. Looks good!

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:13 PM, Michael Better mbet...@gmail.comwrote:

 Isn't this similar to the problem Cloud Haskell had to solve to send
 code to another process to run?

 On Mar 24, 2013 5:06 PM, Brandon Allbery allber...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Corentin Dupont 
 corentin.dup...@gmail.com wrote:

 But I always bothered me that this state is not serializable...

 I am not quite sure how to respond to that. You seem to be asking for

 That kind of state has never been sanely serializeable. Not in
 Haskell, not anywhere else. The usual hack is to dump an entire memory
 image to disk, either as an executable (see gcore and undump; also see
 how the GNU emacs build dumps a preloaded emacs executable) or by 
 the data segment as raw bytes and reloading it as such (which doesn't work
 so well in modern demand paged executables; it can work better with a
 virtual machine environment, and various Lisp and Smalltalk 
 dump and reload their raw VM images this way).

 I would not be surprised if what you seem to be asking for turns out
 to be yet another guise of the halting problem.

 brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine
 unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Make a DSL serializable

2013-03-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
That is the advantage of recording the sequence of events instead of the
final state: that the  state don´t need to be seriallizable. And this
indeed the way to serlize something that can be decomposed in events. I
think that this is elegant.. Specially if the events  and the state are
elements of a Monoid instance.

2013/3/24 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 Hi Brandon,
 in fact, that's what I'm doing. I record the list of actions performed by
 the players, including the submission of the code. I serialize this list of
 actions instead of the state of the game. When deserializing, I replay all
 the players actions from scratch to get back to the same state than before.
 This is the only way to do it (replaying from scratch), since the pieces of
 code submitted can interact with other pieces of code submitted earlier:
 they are not independant.
 But I always bothered me that this state is not serializable...

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Brandon Allbery allber...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Corentin Dupont 
 corentin.dup...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Daniel,
 in my game the handlers are supplied by the players as part of little
 programs that they submit. An haskell interpreter is reading the program
 code submitted and inserts it in the game.
 So there is an infinite number of handlers...

 You might store both the compiled code and the originally submitted code,
 and serialize the latter in a form that restart can recompile. I don't
 think that can be any less safe than the original

 brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine
 unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Make a DSL serializable

2013-03-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
the package Workflow  serialize also the state of a computation, so it can
be re-started and continued. It uses also the above mentioned event trick
to serialize the state.

By the way you can use the workflow monad transformer to recover the state
of the game. You don´t need to serialize anything explicitly, the
transformer will do it, but your step results must be serializable.

 If you have this code:

  loop= do
   eventhandlercode - receive
   handler - compile eventhandlercode
   execute handler

then the lifted process in the workflow monad would be:

   eventhandlercode - step receive
   handler - liftIO $ compile eventhandlercode
   liftIO $ execute handler

step will store the result and will recover the execution state.
Only the step result should be serializable.

2013/3/24 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 I also came across Scala's Swarm, making use serializable delimited
 continuations. Looks good!

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:13 PM, Michael Better mbet...@gmail.comwrote:

 Isn't this similar to the problem Cloud Haskell had to solve to send code
 to another process to run?

 On Mar 24, 2013 5:06 PM, Brandon Allbery allber...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Corentin Dupont 
 corentin.dup...@gmail.com wrote:

 But I always bothered me that this state is not serializable...

 I am not quite sure how to respond to that. You seem to be asking for

 That kind of state has never been sanely serializeable. Not in Haskell,
 not anywhere else. The usual hack is to dump an entire memory image to
 disk, either as an executable (see gcore and undump; also see how the
 GNU emacs build dumps a preloaded emacs executable) or by dumping the
 data segment as raw bytes and reloading it as such (which doesn't work so
 well in modern demand paged executables; it can work better with a virtual
 machine environment, and various Lisp and Smalltalk implementations dump
 and reload their raw VM images this way).

 I would not be surprised if what you seem to be asking for turns out to
 be yet another guise of the halting problem.

 brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine
 unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

2013-03-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Additionally, Another  way to include line number information and to
improve readability of the degugging code  is to add verify  as an
 assert with flipped parameters so we can write:

let x= head xs `verify` (not $ null xs)

So the assertions appear on the right , separated from the  rest of the

instead of

let x= assert (not $ null xs) xs

2013/2/26 Gershom Bazerman gersh...@gmail.com

  On 2/25/13 9:42 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

  I’m afraid the rewrite-rule idea won’t work.  RULES are applied during
 optimisation, when tons of inlining has happened and the program has been
 shaken around a lot. No reliable source location information is available

 ** **

 See http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/ExplicitCallStack; and
 please edit it.

 ** **

 One idea I had, which that page does not yet describe, is to have an
 implicit parameter,
 something like ?loc::Location, with

   errLoc :: ?loc:Location = String - a

   errLoc s = error (“At “ ++ ?loc ++ “\n” ++ s)

 ** **

 This behave exactly like an ordinary implicit parameter, EXCEPT that if
 there is no binding for ?loc::Location, then the current location is used.

 I like the general approach of this proposal quite a bit. I'd very much
 like Location to be not just a string, but a record type. Ideally we could
 recover not just module name, line and character, but also the name of the
 function that takes the location. This would eliminate an entire swath of
 use-cases for Template Haskell. For example, I've worked out a
 template-haskell-free version of the Cloud Haskell closure API, which
 hopefully is getting merged in at some point. The major drawback it has is
 that the user is required to provide a globally-unique identifier for each
 closure, ideally stable across compilations. The current TH code solves
 this by grabbing the function and module name. If we could get direct
 access to these things without requiring template haskell, that would be
 quite nice. Other types of RPC libraries I've worked on could similarly
 benefit from this.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: MFlow 0.2

2013-01-21 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The template look is very simple but it uses a lot of dynamic code behind

I changed the template to something more light.


2013/1/20 bri...@aracnet.com

 On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 16:07:41 +0100
 Alberto G. Corona  agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

  The entry in my blog, with the announcement and the philosophy behind

 That page never comes up for me.  I just see spinning gears.
 iceweasel 10.0.7


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] hackage builds stopped?

2013-01-15 Thread Alberto G. Corona
What is the schedule of the hackage builds?.

My package has been uploaded  since three days ago, and it has not been
compiled yet...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] hackage builds stopped?

2013-01-15 Thread Alberto G. Corona
It seems that other packages have been build.

Mine is


the previous uploads that I sent the past week have been compiled (error
logs produced).  But this last version don't. Are there some processing
policy that I may don´t know?

2013/1/15 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 What is the schedule of the hackage builds?.

 My package has been uploaded  since three days ago, and it has not been
 compiled yet...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Object Oriented programming for Functional Programmers

2013-01-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Anyway, Type checking is essentially an application of set theory : (I did
no search in te literature for this, It is just my perception). When I say
  (+) :: Num a = a - a - a . I mean that (+) takes two elements of the
set of Num typeclass and return another. This is in principle a weak
restriction, because many functions do it as well, for example (*).

A propery check or a contract would be much more restrictive and thus would
detect much more program errors. But it seems that no other language but
haskell took this set theoretical analysis so exhaustively, and without it,
a property check is like detecting microscopic cracks in nuclear waste
vessel without first making sure that the cover has been sealed.

2013/1/2 MigMit miguelim...@yandex.ru

 On Jan 3, 2013, at 2:09 AM, Gershom Bazerman gersh...@gmail.com wrote:

  On 1/2/13 4:29 PM, MigMit wrote:
  BTW. Why you think that Eiffel type system is unsafe?
  Well, if I remember correctly, if you call some method of a certain
 object, and this call compiles, you can't be certain that this object
 actually has this method. Could be that this object belongs to some
 subclass which removes this method.
  Eiffel doesn't handle the relationship of co- and contra-variance of
 arguments with subtyping in a principled way. This is apparently known as
 the catcall problem. See, e.g., this article:

 Yes, variance is another big source of unsafety, that's for sure. And
 another reason I think there is no real theory behind Eiffel, just a
 bunch of features (or concepts) boiled together.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle index completeness

2012-12-19 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hayoo has them all:

2012/12/19 Radical radi...@google.com

 Thanks, Petr.

 I see that the comments are from years ago. Are there any ongoing efforts
 to expand the default search set? (Or alternatively, to implement the
 +hackage modifier mentioned.)

 Is there interest in either of these things happening?


 On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Petr P petr@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Alvaro,

 by default Hoogle only searches some standard set of packages, which is
 only a relatively small subset of all Hackage content. From
 http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hoogle#Scope_of_Web_Searches :

  Using the standard web interface, Hoogle searches: array, arrows, base,
 bytestring, Cabal, cgi, containers, directory, filepath, haskell-src,
 HUnit, mtl, old-locale, old-time, packedstring, parallel, parsec, pretty,
 process, QuickCheck, random, stm, template-haskell, time, xhtml.

 See http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hoogle/Packages

 One solution is to install Hoogle locally and let it index all packages
 you have installed.

 Best regards,

 2012/12/19 Radical radi...@google.com

 Searching Hoogle for symbols like `rstrip` or `lstrip` produces No
 results found for me, even though they exist in the MissingH library.
 To wit:

 Is this behavior intentional, or a regression of some sort? I could
 have sworn the above symbols showed up at some point.



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 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hoogle index completeness

2012-12-19 Thread Alberto G. Corona

2012/12/19 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Hayoo has them all:

 2012/12/19 Radical radi...@google.com

 Thanks, Petr.

 I see that the comments are from years ago. Are there any ongoing efforts
 to expand the default search set? (Or alternatively, to implement the
 +hackage modifier mentioned.)

 Is there interest in either of these things happening?


 On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Petr P petr@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Alvaro,

 by default Hoogle only searches some standard set of packages, which is
 only a relatively small subset of all Hackage content. From
 http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hoogle#Scope_of_Web_Searches :

  Using the standard web interface, Hoogle searches: array, arrows,
 base, bytestring, Cabal, cgi, containers, directory, filepath, haskell-src,
 HUnit, mtl, old-locale, old-time, packedstring, parallel, parsec, pretty,
 process, QuickCheck, random, stm, template-haskell, time, xhtml.

 See http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hoogle/Packages

 One solution is to install Hoogle locally and let it index all packages
 you have installed.

 Best regards,

 2012/12/19 Radical radi...@google.com

 Searching Hoogle for symbols like `rstrip` or `lstrip` produces No
 results found for me, even though they exist in the MissingH library.
 To wit:

 Is this behavior intentional, or a regression of some sort? I could
 have sworn the above symbols showed up at some point.



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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Motion to unify all the string data types

2012-11-10 Thread Alberto G. Corona

There is a ListLike package, which does this nice abstraction. but
I don't know if it is ready for and/or enough complete for serious usage.
I´m thinking into using it for the same reasons.

Anyone has some experiences to share about it?

2012/11/10 Andrew Pennebaker andrew.penneba...@gmail.com

 Frequently when I'm coding in Haskell, the crux of my problem is
 converting between all the stupid string formats.

 You've got String, ByteString, Lazy ByteString, Text, [Word], and on and
 on... I have to constantly lookup how to convert between them, and the
 overloaded strings GHC directive doesn't work, and sometimes
 ByteString.unpack doesn't work, because it expects [Word8], not [Char].

 Haskell is a wonderful playground for experimentation. I've started to
 notice that many Hackage libraries are simply instances of typeclasses
 designed a while ago, and their underlying implementations are free to play
 around with various optimizations... But they ideally all expose the same
 interface through typeclasses.

 Can we do the same with String? Can we pick a good compromise of lazy vs
 strict, flexible vs fast, and all use the same data structure? My vote is
 for type String = [Char], but I'm willing to switch to another data
 structure, just as long as it's consistently used.


 Andrew Pennebaker

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] network-bitcoin

2012-11-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Thanks. I like the idea of BitCoin very much

I'll l try to integrate it in MFlow

2012/11/5 Clark Gaebel cgae...@uwaterloo.ca

 Hello Cafe,

 You've heard of the neat crypto-currency bitcoin[1], haven't you?

 Well, I've just released network-bitcoin[2] which provides Haskell
 bindings to the bitcoin daemon. Hopefully, this will make your
 bitcoin-related goals easier to achieve. Who knows, it might even make
 bitcoin integration for the various web frameworks a bit easier.

 Special thanks to Michael Hendricks who wrote the original version of
 network-bitcoin, which I used as a base for this release.

   - Clark

 [1] http://bitcoin.org
 [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/network-bitcoin-1.0.1

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: btree-concurrent

2012-10-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
That´s fine. I missed an implementation of a  persistent b-tree in haskell.
I planned to do my own, but it is not trivial task.

how the IO and STM is managed? . The serialization- deserialization is
automatic  or programmer must write the cached blocks?  (i suppose that the
block reads are automatic on data requests).

The state in the disk is coherent at every moment?. I mean, if there is a
program failure, the state in the btree in the file would be coherent?

For example, if I write two TVars in two different blocks within the same
STM transaction, do I have the guarantee that either both updated values
will be in the file storage or none of them  will be?


2012/10/30 Johan Brinch brin...@gmail.com

 Greetings Haskellers,

 We are pleased to announce this new package, featuring a concurrent
 b-tree developed as part of our master's thesis on backup systems. The
 package features code related to STM, caching, QuickCheck and of
 course concurrency and parallelism.

 And it's also on Hackage:

 In case the build fails on Hackage and the documentation doesn't work,
 it's also available here:

 Credits to Thomas Conway of Melbourne University, for discussions
 related to the implementation, and to our supervisor Ken Friis Larsen
 of University of Copenhagen.

 And now, the description of the package:

 A backend agnostic, concurrent BTree with relaxed balance[1] written
 in Haskell using a mix of IO operations and pure STM.

 Although the code does work, it is neither production-ready nor complete.

 Features include:
 * Caching: While nodes are periodically saved on persistent storage
 (e.g. disk) they are cached in-memory during operations.

 * Live flushing: It is possible to save the current version of the
 tree to disk and run modifying operations at the same time. The nodes
 are updated buttom-up to ensure a valid tree in the case of a crash.

 * Backend agnosticism: A simple API is used as an abstraction for the
 persistent storage.

 * Verification: The test-suite uses QuickCheck to compare the trees
 behaviour to that of Data.Map.

 Deficients include:
 * Memory greedy. Nodes are not stored in a compact fashion and are
 constantly being serialised/deserialised.

 * findMin and findMax are incomplete and may fail (see the TODO for

 * The implementation does not parallelise well.

 [1] B-trees with relaxed balance, K. S. Larsen  R. Fagerberg,
 Parallel Processing Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., 9th International

 Johan Brinch  Morten Brøns-Pedersen

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-10-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
What hiders according with my experience, the understanding of this
generalization are some mistakes. two typical mistakes from my side was to
consider an arrow as a function, and the consideration of  m  as a kind of
container, which it is not from the point of view of category theory.

a - m b

instead of as a container, 'm b' must be considered as the set of elements
of type b (wrapped within some constructor) plus zero or more null elements
of the monad 'm', Such are elements like, for example, Nothing, the empty
list or Left .  so that:

null = f= nulland
f = \x - null= null

in the other side (-) is an arrow of category theory, not a function.That
means that  there may be weird additional things that functions are not be
permitted to have. For example, from an element in the set of 'a' may
depart many arrows to elements of 'b'. This permits the nondeterminism of
the list monad.

A function like this:

repeatN :: Int - a - [a]

can have two interpretations: one functional interpretation, where repeatN
is a pure function with results in the list container. The other is the
category interpretation, where 'repeatN n' is a morphism that produces n
arrows from the set of the Strings to the set of String plus the empty set,
The list container is a particular case of container that hold the result
of this nondeterministic morphism (other instantiations of this
nondeterministic monad would be a set monad or whatever monad build using a
multielement container. The container type is not the essence. the essence
it is the nondeterministic nature, which, in haskell practical terms, needs
a multielement container to hold the multiple results).

so the monadic re-ínterpretation of the repeatN signature is:

repeatN ::Int - a - a + {[]}

Here the empty list is the null element of the list monad

in the same way:
functional signature:  a - Maybe b
monadic interpretation:  a - b + {Nothing}

functional signature:  a - Either c b
monadic interpretation:   a - b + {Left c}

So when i see m b in the context of a monad, I think on nothing more that
the set of values of type b (wrapped within some constructor) plus some
null elements (if they exist).

so in essence

a - m b

is a - (b + some null elements)

that´s a generalisation of  a - b

where - is an arrow, not a function (can return more than one result, can
return different things on each computation etc)

And this instance of monoid show how kleisly is the composition and return
is the identity element

*instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where*
*mappend = (=)*
*mempty  = return*

According with the above said,   'a - m a' must be understood as the set
of monadic endomorphisms in a:

a - a +{null elements of the monad m}

Which is, in essence, a - a

2012/10/16 Simon Thompson s.j.thomp...@kent.ac.uk

 Not sure I really have anything substantial to contribute, but it's
 certainly true that if you see

   a - m b

 as a generalisation of the usual function type, a - b, then return
 generalises the identity and
 kleisli generalises function composition. This makes the types pretty
 memorable (and often the
 definitions too).


 On 16 Oct 2012, at 20:14, David Thomas davidleotho...@gmail.com wrote:

  class Monad m where
   return :: a - m a
   kleisli :: (a - m b) - (b - m c) - (a - m c)

 Simon Thompson | Professor of Logic and Computation
 School of Computing | University of Kent | Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK
 s.j.thomp...@kent.ac.uk | M +44 7986 085754 | W www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~sjt

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-10-24 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The particular case from which the former is a generalization:

*instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - a) where*
*mappend = (.)*
*mempty  = id*
Here the monoid is defined for the functions within the set of values of
type a. There are no null elements.

2012/10/24 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 What hiders according with my experience, the understanding of this
 generalization are some mistakes. two typical mistakes from my side was to
 consider an arrow as a function, and the consideration of  m  as a kind of
 container, which it is not from the point of view of category theory.

 a - m b

 instead of as a container, 'm b' must be considered as the set of elements
 of type b (wrapped within some constructor) plus zero or more null elements
 of the monad 'm', Such are elements like, for example, Nothing, the empty
 list or Left .  so that:

 null = f= nulland
 f = \x - null= null

 in the other side (-) is an arrow of category theory, not a function.That
 means that  there may be weird additional things that functions are not be
 permitted to have. For example, from an element in the set of 'a' may
 depart many arrows to elements of 'b'. This permits the nondeterminism of
 the list monad.

 A function like this:

 repeatN :: Int - a - [a]

 can have two interpretations: one functional interpretation, where repeatN
 is a pure function with results in the list container. The other is the
 category interpretation, where 'repeatN n' is a morphism that produces n
 arrows from the set of the Strings to the set of String plus the empty set,
 The list container is a particular case of container that hold the result
 of this nondeterministic morphism (other instantiations of this
 nondeterministic monad would be a set monad or whatever monad build using a
 multielement container. The container type is not the essence. the essence
 it is the nondeterministic nature, which, in haskell practical terms, needs
 a multielement container to hold the multiple results).

 so the monadic re-ínterpretation of the repeatN signature is:

 repeatN ::Int - a - a + {[]}

 Here the empty list is the null element of the list monad

 in the same way:
 functional signature:  a - Maybe b
 monadic interpretation:  a - b + {Nothing}

 functional signature:  a - Either c b
 monadic interpretation:   a - b + {Left c}

 So when i see m b in the context of a monad, I think on nothing more that
 the set of values of type b (wrapped within some constructor) plus some
 null elements (if they exist).

 so in essence

 a - m b

 is a - (b + some null elements)

 that´s a generalisation of  a - b

 where - is an arrow, not a function (can return more than one result, can
 return different things on each computation etc)

 And this instance of monoid show how kleisly is the composition and return
 is the identity element

 *instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where*
 *mappend = (=)*
 *mempty  = return*

 According with the above said,   'a - m a' must be understood as the set
 of monadic endomorphisms in a:

 a - a +{null elements of the monad m}

 Which is, in essence, a - a

 2012/10/16 Simon Thompson s.j.thomp...@kent.ac.uk

 Not sure I really have anything substantial to contribute, but it's
 certainly true that if you see

   a - m b

 as a generalisation of the usual function type, a - b, then return
 generalises the identity and
 kleisli generalises function composition. This makes the types pretty
 memorable (and often the
 definitions too).


 On 16 Oct 2012, at 20:14, David Thomas davidleotho...@gmail.com wrote:

  class Monad m where
   return :: a - m a
   kleisli :: (a - m b) - (b - m c) - (a - m c)

 Simon Thompson | Professor of Logic and Computation
 School of Computing | University of Kent | Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK
 s.j.thomp...@kent.ac.uk | M +44 7986 085754 | W www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~sjt

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] serialize an unknown type

2012-10-21 Thread Alberto G. Corona
You can include the type in the serialized string. When recovering you can
read the type and use to look for the appropriate deserializer in a lookup
table where you have registered the deserializer.

I use this trick in the IDynamic package,. that serializes-deserializes
dynamic types:


2012/10/20 Corentin Dupont corentin.dup...@gmail.com

 Hi the list!
 I have a simple question, how can I serialize/deserialize a structure like

 data InputChoice c  deriving Typeable
 data Event a where
 InputChoice :: (Eq c, Show c) = [c] - c - Event (InputChoice c)

 I'd like that the values of type c get serialized to a String... That's
 the easy part, but for deserializing, oops!


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] One of the new buzz phrases is Event-Sourcing; is Haskell suitable for this?

2012-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
No. .Acid state is  explcitly managed by the process by means of state
management primitives

In Control.Workflow the state is managed in a implicit way.

It is a monad transformer mainly  is designed for wrapping IO computations.

the lifting primitive, step, store the intermediate result and recover the
application state.

in acid state the process choose what to write in the state

in workflow the state written is the complete state of the process.

See the example in the documentation. the process ,


import Control.Workflow
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
import System.IO (hFlush,stdout)

mcount n= do step
$  do
   putStr (show n ++  )
   hFlush stdout
   threadDelay 100
 mcount (n+1)
 return () -- to disambiguate the return type

main= exec1 
 count  $ mcount (0 :: Int)

 *runghc demos\sequence.hs*0 1 2 3
CTRL-C Pressed *runghc demos\sequence.hs*3 4 5 6 7
CTRL-C Pressed *runghc demos\sequence.hs*7 8 9 10 11

in subsequent executions the process start to execute IO computations from
the last point logged:

As the documentation says  some side effect can be re-executed after
recovery if the log is not complete. This may happen after an unexpected
shutdown (in this case Contro-C has been pressed) or due to an asynchronous
log writing policy. (see
) (writing is cached).

Althoug this is not event sourcing, The logging and recovery facilities can
be used for even sourcing.


2012/9/30 Marcelo Sousa dipyt...@gmail.com


 On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  It´´s a very iteresting concept.
  The Workflow Monad transformer [1], in Control.Workflow perform
  logging and recovery of application istate from the log created.
  It has no implementation of roll-back or limited recovery upto a
  point, but this is easy to implement.

 Is Control.Workflow similar with acid-state with respect to the way
 you recovery the current state?

  It also has many inspection and synchronization primitives. It has
  been used also for translating the log of a program and recovering the
  state in another machine. The log  can be pretty-printed for

 Can you somehow recover impure (IO) computations?

  [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/Workflow


  2012/9/30 KC kc1...@gmail.com:
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] One of the new buzz phrases is Event-Sourcing; is Haskell suitable for this?

2012-09-29 Thread Alberto G. Corona
It´´s a very iteresting concept.

The Workflow Monad transformer [1], in Control.Workflow perform
logging and recovery of application istate from the log created.
It has no implementation of roll-back or limited recovery upto a
point, but this is easy to implement.

It also has many inspection and synchronization primitives. It has
been used also for translating the log of a program and recovering the
state in another machine. The log  can be pretty-printed for

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/Workflow

2012/9/30 KC kc1...@gmail.com:



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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: MFlow-0.1.5

2012-09-25 Thread Alberto G. Corona

This is an difficult problem in which the design principles of MFlow can
help to creare a solution amazingly easily.

I forward this message from, Web-devel because I think that it may be of

A Web app. that creates Haskel computations from form responses. Store
them, retrieve and execute them



2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 However if in a tab out of sync the user press refresh, the tab will
refresh to the current state.
 I took care not to try to synchronize back as a consequence of a page
that is in a  forward state in one tab, as a consequence of navigating back
in other tab.  However I may have not considered all the edge extreme

 There is a back detection primitive goingBack that allow the programmer
to control the back behaviour in some special cases.

 For example if i want to step over  a menu and present a default page,
But if when the user go back i want to present the menu, I can detect this
condition and present this menu, that did not appeared in a normal

 This code sets and get a default option  in the menu, so the menu is not
shown again in the navigation, except in the case that the user press the
back button. Otherwise, the menu would be never accessible.

 However this is very specialized. normally the back button detection is
not necessary. In a persistent flow even this default entry option would be
completely automatic, since the process would restar at the last page
visited. No setting is necessary.

 menu= do
mop - getGoStraighTo
back - goingBack
case (mop,back) of
 (Just goop,False) - goop
 _ - do
r - ask option1 | option2
case r of
 op1 - setGoStraighTo (Just goop1)  goop1
 op2 - setGoStraighTo (Just goop2)  goop2

 2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Hi Jake,
 right, it depends on the identification of the session:

 iAll the tabs share the same state because they share the same cookies.
so if in one tab the use continue the interaction then the other tabs are
out of sync. If the user goes to these other tabs and press any widget, the
application will  synchronize back to this page.

 This happens also if the user is logged in different computers.


 2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com

 Actually, I meant users that spawn multiple tabs from a single root
 session. You mentioned that you have some special support for the back
 button. What happens if I open a couple new tabs in which I may or may
 not go forward and backward. Do they all share the same state?
 Different states (how?)? Partially shared states?

 On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  Oh,  I´m stupid. You mean web pages with multiple tabs
   I have not tested it. but each tab can be handled easily by a
  server process.. or it can be handled in a single server process,
like in a
  menu. For example, this code present different options, and the
  renders different things depending on the response.
  The last option is a link to a different process, while the others(
  are links that return back to the same process.
  The operator | is the applicative operator.  a breakline is
prepended to
  each link:
  data Ops= Ints | Strings | Actions | Ajax | Opt
   mainf=   do
  r - ask $   wlink Ints (bold  increase an Int)
  |  br ++ wlink Strings (bold  increase a
  |  br ++ wlink Actions (bold  Example of a
  widget with an action)
  |  br ++ wlink Ajax (bold  Simple AJAX example)
  |  br ++ wlink Opt (bold  select options)
  ++ (br +++ linkShop) -- this is an ordinary XHtml
  case r of
Ints-  clickn 0
Strings -  clicks 1
Actions -  actions 1
Ajax-  ajaxsample
Opt -  options
   linkShop= toHtml $ hotlink  shop  shopping
  2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:
  Hi Jake
  I don´t know what you mean with multiple tabs. The user management is
  simple, anonymous clients are identified with  a cookie. if the user
  is logged (MFlow has widgets for logging-validation) the user is the
  The state of a process is associated to the client identifier and to
  the path invoked in the url requested.
  I don´t know if this answer your question
  2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com:
  This sounds really cool.
  How do you handle users having multiple tabs?
  On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Alberto G. Corona 
  Hi haskellers and specially the web developers.
  MFlow is a is a Web

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Platform Versioning Policy: upper bounds are not our friends

2012-09-23 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Just thinking  aloud:

What if  we add  -current  ?

pacage -current

Would select the versions of the package that were current art the time the
cabal file was uploaded and sucessfully compiled in hackage,  if the packae
is installed from hackage

If the cabal file is local then current == any.

This option would eliminate the need to guess bounds for package
dependencies. It would also give more guaranties that the package will
compile sucessfully when downloaded from hackage.

Certainly,it would not guarantee it if your version of ghc differs from the
one in Hackage, but it would make things more simple and would reduce the
spectrum of possible failures

2012/8/24 wren ng thornton w...@freegeek.org

 On 8/22/12 12:35 PM, David Menendez wrote:

 As I see it, there are four possibilities for a given version of

 1. The version DOES work. The author (or some delegate) has compiled
 the package against this version and the resulting code is considered
 2. The version SHOULD work. No one has tested against this version,
 but the versioning policy promises not to break anything.
 3. The version MIGHT NOT work. No one has tested against this version,
 and the versioning policy allows breaking changes.
 4. The version DOES NOT work. This has been tested and the resulting
 code (if any) is considered not good.

 Obviously, cases 1 and 4 can only apply to previously released
 versions. The PVP requires setting upper bounds in order to
 distinguish cases 2 and 3 for the sake of future compatibility.
 Leaving off upper bounds except when incompatibility is known
 essentially combines cases 2 and 3.


  So there are two failure modes:

 I. A version which DOES work is outside the bounds (that is, in case
 3). I think eliminating case 3 is too extreme. I like the idea of
 temporarily overriding upper bounds with a command-line option. The
 danger here is that we might actually be in case 4, in which case we
 don't want to override the bounds, but requiring an explicit override
 gives users a chance to determine if a particular version is
 disallowed because it is untested or because it is known to be

 There are two failure modes with overriding stated bounds, however. On the
 one hand, the code could fail to compile. Okay, we know we're in case 4;
 all is well. On the other hand the code could successfully compile in ways
 the package designer knows to be buggy/wrong; we're actually in case 4, but
 the user does not know this. This is why it's problematic to simply allow
 overriding constraints. The package developer has some special knowledge
 that the compiler lacks, but if all constraints are considered equal then
 the developer has no way to convey that knowledge to the user (i.e., in an
 automated machine-checkable way). Consequently, the user can end up in a
 bad place because they thought this second failure mode was actually the
 success mode.

 This is why I advocate distinguishing hard constraints from soft
 constraints. By making this distinction, the developer has a means of
 conveying their knowledge to users. A soft bound defines an explicit
 boundary between case 1 and cases 2--4, which can be automatically (per
 PVP) extended to an implicit boundary between cases 1--2 and cases 3--4; a
 boundary which, as you say, can only be truly discovered after the code has
 been published. Extending soft boundaries in this way should be safe; at
 least it's as safe as possible with the foresight available to us. On the
 other hand, a hard bound defines an explicit boundary between case 4 and
 cases 1--3. If these are overridable, things may break silently as
 discussed above--- but the important thing is, in virtue of distinguishing
 hard and soft bounds, the user is made aware of this fact. By
 distinguishing hard and soft bounds, the developer can convey their special
 knowledge to the user. The user can ignore this information, but at least
 they'll do so in an informed way.

 Live well,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: MFlow-0.1.5

2012-09-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi haskellers and specially the web developers.


MFlow is a is a Web framework with some unique, and I mean unique,
characteristics that I find exciting:

- It is a Web application server that start and restart on-demand
stateful web server processes (not request.-response)
  This means that all the page navigation can be coded in a single
procedure. This increases readability of the programmer code. I woul
call it
a anti-node.js.  Buit usual request-response (stateless) server
processes are also allowed

- When the process is invoqued as result of an URL request, the Web
app server not only restart the process but also recover its execution
state. The enclosing Workflow monad provides the thread state
persistence. There are state timeouts and process timeouts defined by
the programmer. Processes with no persistent state (transient) are

-The user interface is made of widgets. They are  formlets with added
formatting,   attributes, validations, modifiers and callbacks, that
are composable, so the pieces are reusable and return type safe
responses to the calling process. Even the links are part of widgets
and return back type safe inputs at compile time to the calling server
process. Tho glue these components, ordinary applicative combinators
and other extra combinators are used.

- The widgets and the communication don´t make assumptions about the
architecture, so it can be adapted to non-web environments. This
versions has interface for WAI-warp, Hack, Text.XHtml (xhtml) , and
Haskell Server Pages.

-The widget rendering can be converted to ByteStrings automatically
with special combinators. A mix of widgets with different formats can
be combined in the same source file. For example Text.Html and HSP
(Haskell server pages)

-These widgets can be cached, to avoid widget rendering on every interaction.

-To handle the back button, and because the processes are stateful,
they can run backwards until the response match. This is transparent
for the programmer, thanks to the embedded FlowM monad.

-All the code is in pure Haskell. No deployment, special scripts,
formats etc are necessary.

-Besides automatic state persistence, TCache provides transactions and
user data persistence, that can be configured for SQL databases.
Default persistence in files permit very rapid prototyping. Just code
and run it with runghc.

-Has AJAX support

All of this sounds very complicated, but really it is simple!. Most of
these things are transparent. The resulting code is quite readable and
has very little plumbing!

There is a non trivial example that some of these functionalities
embedded here that you can run:


Take a look and tell me your opinion.  I hope that you find it as
exciting as me.

 I´m looking for people  to collaborate in the development of MFlow.

Although still it is experimental, it is being used in at least one
future commercial project. So I have te commitment to continue its
development. There are many examples in the documentation and in the


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: MFlow-0.1.5

2012-09-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Oh,  I´m stupid. You mean web pages with multiple tabs

 I have not tested it. but each tab can be handled easily by a different
server process.. or it can be handled in a single server process, like in a
menu. For example, this code present different options, and the process
renders different things depending on the response.

The last option is a link to a different process, while the others( wlinks)
are links that return back to the same process.
The operator | is the applicative operator.  a breakline is prepended to
each link:

data Ops= Ints | Strings | Actions | Ajax | Opt deriving(Typeable,Read,

 mainf=   do
r - ask $   wlink Ints (bold  increase an Int)
|  br ++ wlink Strings (bold  increase a String)
|  br ++ wlink Actions (bold  Example of a string
widget with an action)
|  br ++ wlink Ajax (bold  Simple AJAX example)
|  br ++ wlink Opt (bold  select options)
++ (br +++ linkShop) -- this is an ordinary XHtml link

case r of
  Ints-  clickn 0
  Strings -  clicks 1
  Actions -  actions 1
  Ajax-  ajaxsample
  Opt -  options
 linkShop= toHtml $ hotlink  shop  shopping


2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:

 Hi Jake

 I don´t know what you mean with multiple tabs. The user management is
 simple, anonymous clients are identified with  a cookie. if the user
 is logged (MFlow has widgets for logging-validation) the user is the

 The state of a process is associated to the client identifier and to
 the path invoked in the url requested.

 I don´t know if this answer your question


 2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com:
 This sounds really cool.

 How do you handle users having multiple tabs?

 On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
 Hi haskellers and specially the web developers.


 MFlow is a is a Web framework with some unique, and I mean unique,
 characteristics that I find exciting:

 - It is a Web application server that start and restart on-demand
 stateful web server processes (not request.-response)
   This means that all the page navigation can be coded in a single
 procedure. This increases readability of the programmer code. I woul
 call it
 a anti-node.js.  Buit usual request-response (stateless) server
 processes are also allowed

 - When the process is invoqued as result of an URL request, the Web
 app server not only restart the process but also recover its execution
 state. The enclosing Workflow monad provides the thread state
 persistence. There are state timeouts and process timeouts defined by
 the programmer. Processes with no persistent state (transient) are

 -The user interface is made of widgets. They are  formlets with added
 formatting,   attributes, validations, modifiers and callbacks, that
 are composable, so the pieces are reusable and return type safe
 responses to the calling process. Even the links are part of widgets
 and return back type safe inputs at compile time to the calling server
 process. Tho glue these components, ordinary applicative combinators
 and other extra combinators are used.

 - The widgets and the communication don´t make assumptions about the
 architecture, so it can be adapted to non-web environments. This
 versions has interface for WAI-warp, Hack, Text.XHtml (xhtml) , and
 Haskell Server Pages.

 -The widget rendering can be converted to ByteStrings automatically
 with special combinators. A mix of widgets with different formats can
 be combined in the same source file. For example Text.Html and HSP
 (Haskell server pages)

 -These widgets can be cached, to avoid widget rendering on every

 -To handle the back button, and because the processes are stateful,
 they can run backwards until the response match. This is transparent
 for the programmer, thanks to the embedded FlowM monad.

 -All the code is in pure Haskell. No deployment, special scripts,
 formats etc are necessary.

 -Besides automatic state persistence, TCache provides transactions and
 user data persistence, that can be configured for SQL databases.
 Default persistence in files permit very rapid prototyping. Just code
 and run it with runghc.

 -Has AJAX support

 All of this sounds very complicated, but really it is simple!. Most of
 these things are transparent. The resulting code is quite readable and
 has very little plumbing!

 There is a non trivial example that some of these functionalities
 embedded here that you can run:


 Take a look and tell me your opinion.  I hope that you find it as
 exciting as me.

  I´m looking for people  to collaborate in the development of MFlow.

 Although still it is experimental, it is being used

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: MFlow-0.1.5

2012-09-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Jake,
right, it depends on the identification of the session:

iAll the tabs share the same state because they share the same cookies. so
if in one tab the use continue the interaction then the other tabs are out
of sync. If the user goes to these other tabs and press any widget, the
application will  synchronize back to this page.

This happens also if the user is logged in different computers.


2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com

 Actually, I meant users that spawn multiple tabs from a single root
 session. You mentioned that you have some special support for the back
 button. What happens if I open a couple new tabs in which I may or may
 not go forward and backward. Do they all share the same state?
 Different states (how?)? Partially shared states?

 On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  Oh,  I´m stupid. You mean web pages with multiple tabs
   I have not tested it. but each tab can be handled easily by a different
  server process.. or it can be handled in a single server process, like
 in a
  menu. For example, this code present different options, and the process
  renders different things depending on the response.
  The last option is a link to a different process, while the others(
  are links that return back to the same process.
  The operator | is the applicative operator.  a breakline is prepended
  each link:
  data Ops= Ints | Strings | Actions | Ajax | Opt deriving(Typeable,Read,
   mainf=   do
  r - ask $   wlink Ints (bold  increase an Int)
  |  br ++ wlink Strings (bold  increase a String)
  |  br ++ wlink Actions (bold  Example of a string
  widget with an action)
  |  br ++ wlink Ajax (bold  Simple AJAX example)
  |  br ++ wlink Opt (bold  select options)
  ++ (br +++ linkShop) -- this is an ordinary XHtml link
  case r of
Ints-  clickn 0
Strings -  clicks 1
Actions -  actions 1
Ajax-  ajaxsample
Opt -  options
   linkShop= toHtml $ hotlink  shop  shopping
  2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:
  Hi Jake
  I don´t know what you mean with multiple tabs. The user management is
  simple, anonymous clients are identified with  a cookie. if the user
  is logged (MFlow has widgets for logging-validation) the user is the
  The state of a process is associated to the client identifier and to
  the path invoked in the url requested.
  I don´t know if this answer your question
  2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com:
  This sounds really cool.
  How do you handle users having multiple tabs?
  On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Alberto G. Corona 
  Hi haskellers and specially the web developers.
  MFlow is a is a Web framework with some unique, and I mean unique,
  characteristics that I find exciting:
  - It is a Web application server that start and restart on-demand
  stateful web server processes (not request.-response)
This means that all the page navigation can be coded in a single
  procedure. This increases readability of the programmer code. I woul
  call it
  a anti-node.js.  Buit usual request-response (stateless) server
  processes are also allowed
  - When the process is invoqued as result of an URL request, the Web
  app server not only restart the process but also recover its execution
  state. The enclosing Workflow monad provides the thread state
  persistence. There are state timeouts and process timeouts defined by
  the programmer. Processes with no persistent state (transient) are
  -The user interface is made of widgets. They are  formlets with added
  formatting,   attributes, validations, modifiers and callbacks, that
  are composable, so the pieces are reusable and return type safe
  responses to the calling process. Even the links are part of widgets
  and return back type safe inputs at compile time to the calling server
  process. Tho glue these components, ordinary applicative combinators
  and other extra combinators are used.
  - The widgets and the communication don´t make assumptions about the
  architecture, so it can be adapted to non-web environments. This
  versions has interface for WAI-warp, Hack, Text.XHtml (xhtml) , and
  Haskell Server Pages.
  -The widget rendering can be converted to ByteStrings automatically
  with special combinators. A mix of widgets with different formats can
  be combined in the same source file. For example Text.Html and HSP
  (Haskell server pages)
  -These widgets can be cached, to avoid widget rendering on every
  -To handle the back button, and because the processes are stateful,
  they can run backwards until

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: MFlow-0.1.5

2012-09-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
However if in a tab out of sync the user press refresh, the tab will
refresh to the current state.
I took care not to try to synchronize back as a consequence of a page that
is in a  forward state in one tab, as a consequence of navigating back in
other tab.  However I may have not considered all the edge extreme cases.

There is a back detection primitive
that allow the programmer to control the back behaviour in some special

For example if i want to step over  a menu and present a default page, But
if when the user go back i want to present the menu, I can detect this
condition and present this menu, that did not appeared in a normal

This code sets and get a default option  in the menu, so the menu is not
shown again in the navigation, except in the case that the user press the
back button. Otherwise, the menu would be never accessible.

However this is very specialized. normally the back button detection is not
necessary. In a persistent flow even this default entry option would be
completely automatic, since the process would restar at the last page
visited. No setting is necessary.

menu= do
   mop - getGoStraighTo
   back - goingBack
   case (mop,back) of
(Just goop,False) - goop
_ - do
   r - ask
option1 | option2
   case r of
op1 - setGoStraighTo (Just goop1)  goop1
op2 - setGoStraighTo (Just goop2)  goop2

2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Hi Jake,
 right, it depends on the identification of the session:

 iAll the tabs share the same state because they share the same cookies. so
 if in one tab the use continue the interaction then the other tabs are out
 of sync. If the user goes to these other tabs and press any widget, the
 application will  synchronize back to this page.

 This happens also if the user is logged in different computers.


 2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com

 Actually, I meant users that spawn multiple tabs from a single root
 session. You mentioned that you have some special support for the back
 button. What happens if I open a couple new tabs in which I may or may
 not go forward and backward. Do they all share the same state?
 Different states (how?)? Partially shared states?

 On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  Oh,  I´m stupid. You mean web pages with multiple tabs
   I have not tested it. but each tab can be handled easily by a different
  server process.. or it can be handled in a single server process, like
 in a
  menu. For example, this code present different options, and the process
  renders different things depending on the response.
  The last option is a link to a different process, while the others(
  are links that return back to the same process.
  The operator | is the applicative operator.  a breakline is prepended
  each link:
  data Ops= Ints | Strings | Actions | Ajax | Opt deriving(Typeable,Read,
   mainf=   do
  r - ask $   wlink Ints (bold  increase an Int)
  |  br ++ wlink Strings (bold  increase a String)
  |  br ++ wlink Actions (bold  Example of a string
  widget with an action)
  |  br ++ wlink Ajax (bold  Simple AJAX example)
  |  br ++ wlink Opt (bold  select options)
  ++ (br +++ linkShop) -- this is an ordinary XHtml link
  case r of
Ints-  clickn 0
Strings -  clicks 1
Actions -  actions 1
Ajax-  ajaxsample
Opt -  options
   linkShop= toHtml $ hotlink  shop  shopping
  2012/9/18 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:
  Hi Jake
  I don´t know what you mean with multiple tabs. The user management is
  simple, anonymous clients are identified with  a cookie. if the user
  is logged (MFlow has widgets for logging-validation) the user is the
  The state of a process is associated to the client identifier and to
  the path invoked in the url requested.
  I don´t know if this answer your question
  2012/9/18 Jake McArthur jake.mcart...@gmail.com:
  This sounds really cool.
  How do you handle users having multiple tabs?
  On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Alberto G. Corona 
  Hi haskellers and specially the web developers.
  MFlow is a is a Web framework with some unique, and I mean unique,
  characteristics that I find exciting:
  - It is a Web application server that start and restart

Re: [Haskell-cafe] From monads to monoids in a small category

2012-09-06 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Moreover, `m a`  is  'a' plus some  terminal element , for example
Nothing, [], Left _  etc, So a morphism (a - m a)   contains all the
morphisms of (m a - m a).

2012/9/5 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:

 In my post (excuses for my dyslexia)  I try to demonstrate that  the
 codomain (m a), from the point of view of C. Theory,  can be seen as
 'a' plus, optionally, some additional element,  so  a monadic morphism
 (a - m a) is part of a endofunctor in (m a - m a)

 When considering the concept of arrow from category theory,  (not the
 concept of function), a point in the domain can send more than one
 arrow to the codomain, while a function do not.  I think that this is
 the most interesting part of the interpretation, if I´m right.

 About this, I found this article revealing:


 Therefore, codomains of (a - m a) which are containers with multiple
 a elements can be considered as multi-arrow morphisms from 'a' to 'a'
 with the optional addition of some special elements that denote
 special conditions.

 For example

 (a - [a])

 May be considered as the general signature of the morphisms from the
 set 'a' to the set  ('a' + [])

 So a monadic transformation  (a - [a])  can be considered as a point
 transformation of a endofunctor within the set (a + []).


 2012/9/5 Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com:

 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 3:39 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors

 This Monoid instance for the endofunctors of the set of all  elements
 of (m a)   typematch in Haskell with FlexibleInstances:

 instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where
mappend = (=)   -- kleisly operator
mempty  = return

 The objects of a Kliesli category for a monad m aren't endofunctors.  You
 want something like:

 instance Monad m = Monoid (m a - m (m a)) where ...

 /These/ are endofunctors, in virtue of join transforming an m (m a) into
 an (m a).

 Actually, even these aren't endofunctors, for a similar reason that :  you
 really want something like

 instance Monad m = Monoid (m a - m a) where
 mempty = id
 mappend = undefined -- exercise left to the reader

 (i.e., you want to do plumbing through the Eilenberg-Moore category for a
 monad, instead of the Kliesli category for a monad -- my last message
 exposes the kind of plumping you want, but not the right types.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] From monads to monoids in a small category

2012-09-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Thanks, Kristopher

2012/9/4 Kristopher Micinski krismicin...@gmail.com:
 Your post feels similar to another one posted recently...


 just fyi, :-),


 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:
 Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors

 This Monoid instance for the endofunctors of the set of all  elements
 of (m a)   typematch in Haskell with FlexibleInstances:

 instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where
mappend = (=)   -- kleisly operator
mempty  = return

 The article can be found here:


 I would appreciate some comments.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] From monads to monoids in a small category

2012-09-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona

In my post (excuses for my dyslexia)  I try to demonstrate that  the
codomain (m a), from the point of view of C. Theory,  can be seen as
'a' plus, optionally, some additional element,  so  a monadic morphism
(a - m a) is part of a endofunctor in (m a - m a)

When considering the concept of arrow from category theory,  (not the
concept of function), a point in the domain can send more than one
arrow to the codomain, while a function do not.  I think that this is
the most interesting part of the interpretation, if I´m right.

About this, I found this article revealing:


Therefore, codomains of (a - m a) which are containers with multiple
a elements can be considered as multi-arrow morphisms from 'a' to 'a'
with the optional addition of some special elements that denote
special conditions.

For example

(a - [a])

May be considered as the general signature of the morphisms from the
set 'a' to the set  ('a' + [])

So a monadic transformation  (a - [a])  can be considered as a point
transformation of a endofunctor within the set (a + []).


2012/9/5 Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com:

 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Alexander Solla alex.so...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 3:39 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors

 This Monoid instance for the endofunctors of the set of all  elements
 of (m a)   typematch in Haskell with FlexibleInstances:

 instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where
mappend = (=)   -- kleisly operator
mempty  = return

 The objects of a Kliesli category for a monad m aren't endofunctors.  You
 want something like:

 instance Monad m = Monoid (m a - m (m a)) where ...

 /These/ are endofunctors, in virtue of join transforming an m (m a) into
 an (m a).

 Actually, even these aren't endofunctors, for a similar reason that :  you
 really want something like

 instance Monad m = Monoid (m a - m a) where
 mempty = id
 mappend = undefined -- exercise left to the reader

 (i.e., you want to do plumbing through the Eilenberg-Moore category for a
 monad, instead of the Kliesli category for a monad -- my last message
 exposes the kind of plumping you want, but not the right types.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] From monads to monoids in a small category

2012-09-04 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors

This Monoid instance for the endofunctors of the set of all  elements
of (m a)   typematch in Haskell with FlexibleInstances:

instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where
   mappend = (=)   -- kleisly operator
   mempty  = return

The article can be found here:


I would appreciate some comments.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] From monads to monoids in a small category

2012-09-04 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Not to mention the ugly formatting ;)

2012/9/5 Richard O'Keefe o...@cs.otago.ac.nz:

 On 4/09/2012, at 10:39 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

 Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors

 This Monoid instance for the endofunctors of the set of all  elements
 of (m a)   typematch in Haskell with FlexibleInstances:

 instance Monad m = Monoid  (a - m a) where
   mappend = (=)   -- kleisly operator
   mempty  = return

 The article can be found here:


 I would appreciate some comments.

 In the article,
 /Here 'm b' as/ s/as/is/
 s/this_are/this are/
 s/first, is/first is/
 s/x=/x =/
 s/condition, associativity/condition, associativity,/
 /if not where that way, .* guess/
 I *think* you mean to say something like
 (If it were not so, it would be impossible to
 define the denotational semantics of imperative
 languages in terms of monads, I guess.)
 Generally, it's according TO, not according WITH,
 and associated WITH, not associated TO.

 instance Functor a
 doesn't seem to be legal Haskell.

 At this point I stopped reading.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: persistent-vector-

2012-08-29 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Where the persistent part of the name comes from?. It can be
serialized/deserialized from a persistent storage automatically or on

2012/8/29 Tristan Ravitch travi...@cs.wisc.edu

 I uploaded a package implementing persistent vectors using array
 mapped tries (based on the implementation in clojure).  Version was broken, so I am starting off with


 Persistent vectors are a sequence container offering efficient and
 purely functional append (snoc), indexing, and updates.  This is
 similar to Data.Sequence from containers.  The array mapped trie
 is closely related to the data structure used in the
 unordered-containers package.

 Comparison to Sequence:

  * Faster indexing and append

  * Slightly slower updates to existing elements

  * O(1) slicing

  * Sequence offers efficient prepend and concatenate
(persistent-vector does not implement prepend, while concatenate is

 I tried to model the API after Sequence as much as was reasonable, but
 a few functions are still missing.  Some are reasonable to implement
 and some would be difficult to make efficient.  The results from
 criterion (mostly comparing against Sequence and IntMap) are posted


 The *Vec* runs are the vectors from this package and IM and Seq are
 IntMap and Sequence from containers.

 Hopefully someone will find this useful.  Comments and suggestions are
 definitely welcome for anything: API, implementation, test suite, or

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] OS-independent auto-monitoring of a program to do things depending on resource usage at runtime

2012-08-27 Thread Alberto G. Corona
For a caching library, I need to know the runtime usage of memory of the
 program and the total amount of memory, the total memory used by all the
programs etc.

 I need not do profiling or monitoring but to do different things inside my
program depending on memory usage.

The search is difficult because all searches go to profiling utilities
which I don´t need.

Are there some  portable way to to this? . The various monitoring libraries
indicates that there are ways to do it, but they seem not to allow  runtime
internal automonitoring
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS-independent auto-monitoring of a program to do things depending on resource usage at runtime

2012-08-27 Thread Alberto G. Corona

Thanks a lot

2012/8/27 Joachim Breitner m...@joachim-breitner.de


 Am Montag, den 27.08.2012, 18:20 +0200 schrieb Alberto G. Corona :
  For a caching library, I need to know the runtime usage of memory of
  the  program and the total amount of memory, the total memory used by
  all the programs etc.
   I need not do profiling or monitoring but to do different things
  inside my program depending on memory usage.
  The search is difficult because all searches go to profiling utilities
  which I don´t need.
  Are there some  portable way to to this? . The various monitoring
  libraries indicates that there are ways to do it, but they seem not to
  allow  runtime internal automonitoring

 you can use the GHC.Stats module, see
 and remember to pass +RTS -T to the program, or -with-rtsopts=-T to the


 Joachim nomeata Breitner
   m...@joachim-breitner.de  |  nome...@debian.org  |  GPG: 0x4743206C
   xmpp: nome...@joachim-breitner.de | http://www.joachim-breitner.de/

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Martin Odersky on What's wrong with Monads

2012-06-28 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The problem of monads is that it defines different execution models,
 besides the funcional,/lazy/declarative mode. There is no such problem in
imperative languages, which work ever in an hardwired IO monad. But this
means that the programmer has to code  the extra behaviour needed in each
application  to do the same.

I summarized this here:

It pretend to be intuitive, not accurate. (See disclaimer ;)  . Comments

2012/6/27 Yves Parès yves.pa...@gmail.com

  I'm not happy with any of these options.

 Why are you unhappy with the ImplicitParams option?

 It's pretty much like resorting to a newtype, as it's been suggested

 2012/6/27 Tillmann Rendel ren...@informatik.uni-marburg.de

 Hi Rico,

 Rico Moorman wrote:

  data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch (Tree Integer) (Tree Integer)

  amount:: Tree - Integer
  amount (Leaf x) = x
  amount (Branch t1 t2) = amountt1 + amountt2

 [...] additional requirement: If the command-line flag --multiply is

 the function amount computes the product instead of the sum.

 How would you implement this requirement in Haskell without changing the
 line amount (Leaf x) = x?

  The (for me at least) most obvious way to do this would be, to make the
 operation to be applied to determine the amount (+ or *) an explicit
 parameter in the function's definition.

  data Tree a = Leaf a
  | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
  amount :: (a - a - a) - Tree a - a
  amount fun (Leaf x) = x
  amount fun (Branch t1 t2) = amount fun t1 `fun` amount fun t2

 I agree: This is the most obvious way, and also a very good way. I would
 probably do it like this.

  Which drawbacks do you see besides increased verbosity?

 Well, you did change the equation amount (Leaf x) = x to amount fun
 (Leaf x) = x. In a larger example, this means that you need to change many
 lines of many functions, just to get the the value of fun from the point
 where it is known to the point where you need it.

  [...] I am wondering which ways of doing this in Haskell you mean.

 I thought of the following three options, but see also Nathan Howells
 email for another alternative (that is related to my option (1) below):

 (1) Implicit parameters:

 {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
 data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

 amount :: (?fun :: Integer - Integer - Integer) = Tree - Integer

 amount (Leaf x) = x
 amount (Branch t1 t2) = ?fun (amount t1) (amount t2)

 (2) Lexical Scoping:

 data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

 amount :: (Integer - Integer - Integer) - Tree - Integer
 amount fun = amount where {

 amount (Leaf x) = x
 ; amount (Branch t1 t2) = fun (amount t1) (amount t2) }

 (3) UnsafePerformIO:

 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

 data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

 amount :: Tree - Integer
 amount (Leaf x) = x
 amount (Branch t1 t2) = fun (amount t1) (amount t2)
  where fun = unsafePerformIO ...

 I'm not happy with any of these options. Personally, I would probably go
 ahead and transform the whole program just to get the value of fun to where
 it is needed. Nevertheless, having actually done this before, I understand
 why Martin Odersky doesn't like doing it :)


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Martin Odersky on What's wrong with Monads

2012-06-25 Thread Alberto G. Corona
My pocket explanation:

While e a function gives one only value of the codomain for each element of
the domain set (and thus it can be evaluated a single time), a category is
a generalization that accept many graphs that goes from each element of the
domain to the codomain. For that matter getChar can be understood
mathematically only using cathegory theory. To discover where the chain of
graphs goes each time, it is necessary to execute the chain of sentences.

Imperative languages works categorically every time, so they don´t need
an special syntax for doing so. Haskell permits to discriminate functional
code from normal categorical/imperative code, so the programmer and the
compiler can make use of the mathematical properties of functions. For
example, graph reduction thank to the uniqueness of  the paths.

Besides that, everything, functional or monadic is equally beatiful and
polimorphic. i don´t think that monadic code is less fine. It is
unavoidable and no less mathematical.

2012/6/25 Anton Kholomiov anton.kholom...@gmail.com

 The class you're looking for is Applicative. The (*) operator handles
 application of effectful things to effectful things, whereas ($)
 handles the application of non-effectful things to effectful things.
 This situation is interesting because it highlights the fact that there is
 a distinction between the meaning of whitespace between function and
 argument vs the meaning of whitespace between argument and argument.

 `Applicative` is not enough for monads.
 `Applicative` is like functor only for functions
 with many arguments. It's good for patterns:

 (a - b - c - d) - (m a - m b - m c - m d)

 Monads are good for patterns

 (a - b - c - m d) - (m a - m b - m c - m d)

 So I can not express it with `Applicative`. My
 analogy really breaks down on functions with
 several arguments, since as you have pointed out there are
 two white spaces. But I like the idea of using
 one sign for normal and monadic  and maybe applicative


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskellonline.org, a web frontend for ghc

2012-05-05 Thread Alberto G. Corona
That´s very good.

What tecnology, libraries etc did you use?

2012/5/3 Gintautas Miliauskas gintau...@miliauskas.lt:

 check out http://haskellonline.org, an online Haskell typechecker. It
 is essentially a thin web wrapper over ghc, but it takes some friction
 out of learning Haskell, if only because no local setup is required.
 It is a weekend's work, so do not be too harsh, but feedback is

 I have also written up an accompanying blog post [1].

 [1] http://blog.miliauskas.lt/2012/05/online-haskell-typechecker.html

 Best regards,
 Gintautas Miliauskas

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generalizing (++) for monoids instead of using ()

2012-05-04 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Thinking aloud, I dónt know if the transition to more abstract type
signatures can be aleviated using language directives.
Someting like:

Restrict (++)  String - String - String

that locally would restrict the type within the module.

Althoug it does not avoid breaking the old code, It permits an easy fix.

Moreover, This may have applications in other contexts, for example
teaching, because the wild abstraction of the error messages is the
most difficult barrier in haskell learning.



2012/4/1 Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuis...@gmail.com:
 On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 1:58 PM, aditya bhargava
 bluemangrou...@gmail.com wrote:
 After asking this question:

 I found out that the new infix operator for `mappend` is (). I'm wondering
 why ghc 7.4 didn't generalize (++) to work on monoids instead.

 Such decisions should really be made by the Haskell Prime committee
 (vs GHC HQ).  In Haskell there is a continuing tension between making
 things polymorphic and to keep the prelude functions monomorphic so
 they generate simple error messages (among other arguments).  At the
 point, the additional argument of any new definition of Haskell
 remaining backwards compatible also holds weight and this slows the

 This is not a new issue, there are a number of functions that could be
 defined more generally (common example: map/fmap).  The problem making
 such changes is a matter of consensus and will to see things though.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generalizing (++) for monoids instead of using ()

2012-05-04 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Fine ;)

So the transition should not be so problematic. An OldPrelude.hs may
be created easily with this.

Once again, thinking aloud.

2012/5/4 Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wall...@me.com:

 On 4 May 2012, at 10:02, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

 Restrict (++)  String - String - String

 that locally would restrict the type within the module.

 import qualified Prelude
 import Prelude hiding ((++))

 (++) :: String - String - String
 (++) = Prelude.(++)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-04-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Thaks Oleg for your clarification.
I thoutgh on the use or ErrorT or something similar but the fact is
that i need many bacPoints, not just one. That is, The user can go
many pages back in the navigation pressing many times te back
buttton.,. My code has a failure detection in each backPoint , so the
computation can fail-back to the previous backpoint and so on.  Doing
this with errorT result in a ugly syntax.

2012/3/29  o...@okmij.org:

 Alberto G. Corona wrote about a monad to set a checkpoint and be able
 to repeatedly go to that checkpoint and re-execute the computations
 following the checkpoint.

 The typical example is as follows.

 test= runBackT $ do
        lift $ print will not return back here
         liftBackPoint $ print will return here
         n2  - lift $ getLine
         lift $ print second input
         n3  - lift $  getLine
         if n3 == back
                    then  fail 
                    else lift $ print  $ n2++n3

 Let us first consider a slightly simplified problem, with a different
 signature for liftBackPoint. Rather than writing
        liftBackPoint $ print will return here

 we will write

        backPoint $ do
          lift $ print will return here

 In that case, backPoint will be implemented with the Exception or
 Error monad. For example,

 backPoint :: Monad m =
   ErrorT SomeException m a - ErrorT SomeException m a
 backPoint m = catchError m handler
  handler e | Just RestartMe - fromException e = backPoint m
  handler e = throwError e             -- other errors propagate up

 We designate one exception RestartMe as initiating the restart from
 the checkpoint. Other exceptions will propagate as usual.

 Obviously, if we are in IO or some MonadIO, we could use the regular
 exception-handling facilities: throw/catch.

 Suppose however that marking of the checkpoint should be a single
 action rather that exception-like handling form. Then we need the
 continuation monad:

 type BackT r m a = ContT r (ErrorT SomeException m) a

 backPointC :: Monad m = ContT e (ErrorT SomeException m) ()
 backPointC = ContT (\k - backPoint (k ()))

 (we have re-used the earlier backPoint). Incidentally, the
 continuation monad will be faster than BackT in the original article.
 Attentive reader must have noticed that backPointC is shift in disguise.

 Here is the complete code.

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

 module BackT where

 import Control.Monad.Trans
 import Control.Monad.Error
 import Control.Monad.Cont
 import Control.Exception
 import Data.Typeable

 data RestartMe = RestartMe deriving (Show, Typeable)
 instance Exception RestartMe
 instance Error SomeException

 -- Make a `restartable' exception
 -- (restartable from the beginning, that is)
 -- We redo the computation once we catch the exception RestartMe
 -- Other exceptions propagate up as usual.

 -- First, we use ErrorT

 backPoint :: Monad m =
   ErrorT SomeException m a - ErrorT SomeException m a
 backPoint m = catchError m handler
  handler e | Just RestartMe - fromException e = backPoint m
  handler e = throwError e               -- other errors propagate up

 test1 = runErrorT $ do
   lift $ print will not return back here
   backPoint $ do
     lift $ print will return here
     n2  - lift $ getLine
     lift $ print second input
     n3  - lift $  getLine
     if n3 == back
        then  throwError (toException RestartMe)
        else lift $ print  $ n2++n3

 -- Obviously we can use error handling in the IO monad...

 -- Suppose we don't want backPoint that takes monad as argument.
 -- We wish backPoint that is a simple m () action.

 -- We will use Cont monad then: That is, we use Cont + Error Monad
 -- We reuse the old backPoint

 type BackT r m a = ContT r (ErrorT SomeException m) a

 backPointC :: Monad m = ContT e (ErrorT SomeException m) ()
 backPointC = ContT (\k - backPoint (k ()))

 abort e = ContT(\k - e)

 test2 :: BackT r IO ()
 test2 =  do
   liftIO $ print will not return back here
   backPointC                            -- This line differs
   liftIO $ print will return here     -- (and the indentation on here)
   n2  - liftIO $ getLine
   liftIO $ print second input
   n3  - liftIO $  getLine
   if n3 == back
        then  abort $ throwError (toException RestartMe)
        else liftIO $ print  $ n2++n3

 test2r = runErrorT $ runContT test2 return

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-04-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona
But, on my side,
 BackT [BackPoint 1]
 BackT [NoBack 1]

can be made indistinguishable outside the code where the monad is
defined.  Probably the effect required is not possible without
breaking the law

2012/3/31 Ross Paterson r...@soi.city.ac.uk:
 On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 01:34:29AM +0100, Alberto G. Corona  wrote:
 In my package MFlow [1] I program an entire web  navigation in a
 single procedure. That happened  in the good-old WASH web application
 The problem is the back button in the Browser.
 To go back in the code to the previous interactions when the data
 input does not match the expected because the user pressed the back
 button one or more times, i came across this Monad specimen,: that
 solves the problem.

 This definition does not satisfy the right identity law (m = return = m)
 included in the monad definition:

 *FailBack BackT [BackPoint 1] = return
 BackT [NoBack 1]

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-03-28 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Sorry, the text example again without HTML formatting:

test= runBackT $ do
   lift $ print will not return back here
liftBackPoint $ print will return here
n2  - lift $ getLine
lift $ print second input
n3  - lift $  getLine
if n3 == back
   then  fail 
   else lift $ print  $ n2++n3

I wrote a blog entry about this :


2012/3/28 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:
 Hi Haskellers.

 In my package MFlow [1] I program an entire web  navigation in a
 single procedure. That happened  in the good-old WASH web application
 The problem is the back button in the Browser.
 To go back in the code to the previous interactions when the data
 input does not match the expected because the user pressed the back
 button one or more times, i came across this Monad specimen,: that
 solves the problem.

 data FailBack a = BackPoint a   -- will go back to this point
                             | NoBack a       . -- Normal outcome
                             | GoBack            -- exception:: must
 go to the last backPoint

 newtype BackT m a = BackT { runBackT :: m (FailBack a ) }

 -- this monad nas a loop

 instance Monad m = Monad (BackT  m) where
    fail   _ = BackT $ return GoBack
    return x = BackT . return $ NoBack x
    x = f  = BackT $ loop
     loop = do
        v - runBackT x
        case v of
            NoBack y  - runBackT (f y)  -- business as usual
            BackPoint y  - do
                 z - runBackT (f y)
                 case z of
                  GoBack  - loop          -- if x was a backpoint,
 then redirects the flow to this backpoint
                  other - return other
            GoBack - return  GoBack --propagate the signal back

  This monad does not perform exploration of alternatives as is the
 case of MonadPlus instances. It does not perform the kind of
 backtracking of nondeterministic  three navigations in the Prolog
 style. It just go back to the last point where the computation can
 restart again in a  sequence of actions.

 In this example:

 liftBackPoint f= BackT $ f = \x - return $ BackPoint x

 test= runBackT $ do
       lift $ print will not return back here
        liftBackPoint $ print will return here
        n2  lt;- lift $ getLine
        lift $ print second input
        n3  lt;- lift $  getLine
        if n3 == back
                   then  fail 
                   else lift $ print  $ n2++n3

 Whenever the second input is back The procedure will go back to
 where liftBackPoint is. Otherwise, it will return the concatenation of
 the two inputs. If the underlying monad is an instance of MonadState,
 it can transport the state that caused the failure to the backpoint.

 Are there something similar? May it be functionally equivalent to
 something simpler or with more grounds?
  I looked at some exception monads out there, but they did not seems
 to share the same idea


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-03-28 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Stephen:

It could be:

It performs a rollback indeed.
 I guess that this monad can be used in something similar to
nonblocking (multilevel)  transactions.

if GoBack is changed to Goback String, and  a trace string is
added to each NoBack step, then each NoBack step could sum the traces
of all the  previous steps. The when GoBack condition is reached, it
can transport back the entire trace of the failed execution. to the

2012/3/28 Stephen Tetley stephen.tet...@gmail.com:
 Maybe this is a version of William Harrison's DebugT monad with
 rollback, listed in his periodic table of effects?


 I've never seen a definition of the monad itself...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-03-27 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Haskellers.

In my package MFlow [1] I program an entire web  navigation in a
single procedure. That happened  in the good-old WASH web application
The problem is the back button in the Browser.
To go back in the code to the previous interactions when the data
input does not match the expected because the user pressed the back
button one or more times, i came across this Monad specimen,: that
solves the problem.

data FailBack a = BackPoint a   -- will go back to this point
 | NoBack a   . -- Normal outcome
 | GoBack-- exception:: must
go to the last backPoint

newtype BackT m a = BackT { runBackT :: m (FailBack a ) }

-- this monad nas a loop

instance Monad m = Monad (BackT  m) where
fail   _ = BackT $ return GoBack
return x = BackT . return $ NoBack x
x = f  = BackT $ loop
 loop = do
v - runBackT x
case v of
NoBack y  - runBackT (f y)  -- business as usual
BackPoint y  - do
 z - runBackT (f y)
 case z of
  GoBack  - loop  -- if x was a backpoint,
then redirects the flow to this backpoint
  other - return other
GoBack - return  GoBack --propagate the signal back

 This monad does not perform exploration of alternatives as is the
case of MonadPlus instances. It does not perform the kind of
backtracking of nondeterministic  three navigations in the Prolog
style. It just go back to the last point where the computation can
restart again in a  sequence of actions.

In this example:

liftBackPoint f= BackT $ f = \x - return $ BackPoint x

test= runBackT $ do
   lift $ print will not return back here
liftBackPoint $ print will return here
n2  lt;- lift $ getLine
lift $ print second input
n3  lt;- lift $  getLine
if n3 == back
   then  fail 
   else lift $ print  $ n2++n3

Whenever the second input is back The procedure will go back to
where liftBackPoint is. Otherwise, it will return the concatenation of
the two inputs. If the underlying monad is an instance of MonadState,
it can transport the state that caused the failure to the backpoint.

Are there something similar? May it be functionally equivalent to
something simpler or with more grounds?
 I looked at some exception monads out there, but they did not seems
to share the same idea


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] An idea to document inter department dependencies in Haskell

2012-03-13 Thread Alberto G. Corona

Just thinking aloud :

A way  to start is to define concrete workflows for concrete events. What
It is necessary to do if. This may make things more explicit and to
clarify the problems. .Later, .maybe. these concrete workflows can be
abstracted away from procedural/imperative to declarative and from concrete
events to categories of events and tasks..

The declarative abstract description  then could create concrete workflows.
The best way to express the abstract description, and the way to transform
the description in a concrete set of instructions depend on what is needed
 (The workflows produced can be just informative, in the form of a textual
description of activities).

Thus, the power users should  handle the abstract descriptions, and the
ordinary users could run the engine, perhaps they should answer some
questions to obtain the concrete workflows for their intended tasks

Not very informative, but better than nothing ;)


2012/3/13 C K Kashyap ckkash...@gmail.com

 My dear Haskell folks,

 I work in a software company where I develop components that go into a
 really complex system that's built of several components developed by
 different teams that are geographically distributed. The components
 themselves run in a distributed manner across client and several servers.
 All our design documents are in wiki's (fashionably so). As a result of the
 above situation and the fact that our code base is not in Haskell, we are
 almost always dealing with Oh I did not know this would effect that and
 Oh I have no clue what all this change will impact.

 I've been wondering if it would be a good idea to try and create a spec
 for the system in Haskell, such that would could get a better handle on the
 dependencies. Perhaps an EDSL, that would allow Product Managers to
 introduce new requirements - compilation failures would indicate the areas
 that would need to be touched. How is it different from having a spec in a
 diagram - well, in that case, we are requiring humans to look at the
 diagram to detect dependencies instead of the compiler telling me about the
 dependencies. I am about to start off with some implementation to capture
 my idea - I can articulate it better then. However, I just wanted to throw
 it out there to check if anyone's had some thought in this direction or if
 there is some prior art here.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-22 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Theoretically you only have to exec cabal install at the directory where
setup.hs is located.  It is not necessary neither cygwin neither mingw
I guess
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-14 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I put Network Version compiled for ghc.7.4.1 Windows (this
time without runtime errors) in the address refereed above. Just in
case someone want to avoid cabal configure-build and just want to
cabal install.

2012/2/13 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
 Resending as the last message got held for moderation:

 On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com

 Version released.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-08 Thread Alberto G. Corona
yes i did it,.

the error is as follows:

shop.exe: NetworkSocket.hsc:(948,3)-(1007,23): Non-exhaustive patterns in case

I will download network form hackage and will do it form the beginning. .

2012/2/8 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
 Did you run cabal clean before rebuilding with Git Bash? And can you post
 the exact runtime error you get?

 2012/2/8 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 I switched to Git bash and the runtime error produced by the library
 is the same.
 This error may be produced because  the configuration it does not
 detect the netwiorkin related includes such is socket.h. This does not
 exist neither in the ghc installation neither in GIT/Mingw

 2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
  I just use the version of MSys that is included with Git [1]. This puts
  Git bash icon on your desktop which you can then use to build the
  [1] http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/
  2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  Nothing bur a long history of failures. The problem is the
  configuration and versioning of MinGW and MSys. This  is a nighmare.
  2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
   Oh you are using Cygwin. I'm using MSys so this is why I cannot
   your problem. Is there anything preventing you from using MSys?
   2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
   The problem this time is in Configure :
   case $host in
          EXTRA_SRCS=cbits/initWinSock.c, cbits/winSockErr.c,
          CALLCONV=stdcall ;;
          EXTRA_LIBS=nsl, socket
          CALLCONV=ccall ;;
          CALLCONV=ccall ;;
   Since I´m cross-compiling with cygwin, the variable Host does not
   contain ¨*-muingw32  but i686-pc-cygwin
   changing the case , the library incorporates the lost C coded files.
   Now the library links fine win imported, but there is a runtime
   NetworkSocket.hsc:(948,3)-(1007,23): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
   maybe it is due to some other preprocessor directive mismatch
   2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
Did you also change the files in the /cbits/ folder? Because they
2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
The code is evolving and none of the versions match exactily with
patch, but substituting HAVE_WINSOCK by HAVE WINSOCK2 in these
solves the compilation problem at least in the network
version from hackage.
However it produces the same undefined references when this
imported in my application. It seems that some object code is not
included in the final library.  I verified that at least some of
undefined references correspond with  C code in the source, but
somehow this is not included in the object library
2012/2/7 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
 Note that there are two branches on github, master and stable.

 On Feb 7, 2012 8:23 AM, Alberto G. Corona

 This is quite different.
 I don´t know how but I was looking at some other older patch
 the same issue and I supposed that it was the one refered by

 I´ll try your patch.


 2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
  (I submitted the patch that Johan linked to)
  Network/Socket/Internal.hsc has the following code:
  #if defined(WITH_WINSOCK) || defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
  type CSaFamily = (#type unsigned short)
  #elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
  type CSaFamily = (#type u_char)
  type CSaFamily = (#type sa_family_t)
  You have patched this part to always use 'unsigned short'.
  issue is that WITH_WINSOCK is not defined, even though it
  be. The
  reason for this lies in include/HsNet.h:
  #if defined(HAVE_WINSOCK_H)  !defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
  # define WITH_WINSOCK  1
  The problem here is that it checks for HAVE_WINSOCK_H, but
  script never defines this variable. Instead it
  defines HAVE_WINSOCK2_H.
  seems that the network library used Winsock1 in the past and
  transition to Winsock2 someone forgot to change a few of the
  My patch just changes all occurences of HAVE_WINSOCK_H
  You might want to try that and report back if it works for
  2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  Hi Johan

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE MFlow-0.0.3 an Application Server for stateful web apps with statically typed widget combinators

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi  Haskellers

I I´m happy to announce the first version of MFlow


MFlow permits the execution of web applications in a procedural form,
that is, with multiple requests-response interactions in a single
procedure. MFlow stores the execution state, manage timeouts, shutdown
and restart the procedure on demand at the point of execution, even
after server stop. These services are transparent for the programmer.

The other aspect of MFlow are combinators for the definition of
widgets and formlets that can be mixed freely with HTML formatting and
produce statically typed values using  the traditional
formlet/applicative approach. There are bindings for the package
XHtml, so no need to learn new  paradigms/scripting/formatting..

Console and window oriented apps are possible.

Out of te box serialization in files permits very rapid prototyping,
but any backend can be used .

MFlow (MessageFlow) was created initially as the user interface for
the Workflow package . Currently is an alpha version. It has only
basic authentication but I plan to inprove it for serious
applications. I upload this version just in case anyone wants to play
with it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE MFlow-0.0.3 an Application Server for stateful web apps with statically typed widget combinators

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Here you can take a look at a complete example included in the package:


This snippet is the web page in declarative form:

shopProds :: V.Vector Int - [Prod]
  - View Html IO  (Either Int Prod)shopProds cart products=
  ++-- add Html to the first widget
  p  -Shopping List-
   stitle = bold  choose an item,
   sheader= [ bold  item   , bold  price, bold  times chosen],
   sbody= [([toHtml pname, toHtml $ show pprice, toHtml $ show $
cart V.! i],i )
  | (Prod{..},i ) - zip products [1..]]})

  +-- operator to mix two wdigets

  ++-- add Html to the second widget
  p  ---Add a new product---
  table   --  encloses a widget in HTML tags
(tr  td ! [valign top]
   widget (Form (Nothing :: Maybe Prod) )

 ++ -- append Html after the widget

 tr  td ! [align center]
   hotlink  hello
  (bold  Hello World))

2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com:
 Hi  Haskellers

 I I´m happy to announce the first version of MFlow


 MFlow permits the execution of web applications in a procedural form,
 that is, with multiple requests-response interactions in a single
 procedure. MFlow stores the execution state, manage timeouts, shutdown
 and restart the procedure on demand at the point of execution, even
 after server stop. These services are transparent for the programmer.

 The other aspect of MFlow are combinators for the definition of
 widgets and formlets that can be mixed freely with HTML formatting and
 produce statically typed values using  the traditional
 formlet/applicative approach. There are bindings for the package
 XHtml, so no need to learn new  paradigms/scripting/formatting..

 Console and window oriented apps are possible.

 Out of te box serialization in files permits very rapid prototyping,
 but any backend can be used .

 MFlow (MessageFlow) was created initially as the user interface for
 the Workflow package . Currently is an alpha version. It has only
 basic authentication but I plan to inprove it for serious
 applications. I upload this version just in case anyone wants to play
 with it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Johan,
The patch is not for the current version of network and the code is
quite different. Basically it is necesary to  define this variable as
unsigned short that is the thing intended in the patch. however I
put it by brute force, without regard of the prerpocessor directives.
With this change the code compiles well with:


However my compiled library lack the methods defined as foreign. I´ll
keep trying.

2012/2/6 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:

 Someone recently contributed a fix that should make network build with
 7.4: https://github.com/haskell/network/pull/25

 Can you see if that works for you? I haven't yet had time to merge and
 release that fix (I'm on vacation.)

 -- Johan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
This is quite different.
I don´t know how but I was looking at some other older patch around
the same issue and I supposed that it was the one refered by Yohan

I´ll try your patch.


2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:

 (I submitted the patch that Johan linked to)
 Network/Socket/Internal.hsc has the following code:

 #if defined(WITH_WINSOCK) || defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
 type CSaFamily = (#type unsigned short)
 #elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
 type CSaFamily = (#type u_char)
 type CSaFamily = (#type sa_family_t)

 You have patched this part to always use 'unsigned short'. But the real
 issue is that WITH_WINSOCK is not defined, even though it should be. The
 reason for this lies in include/HsNet.h:

 #if defined(HAVE_WINSOCK_H)  !defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
 # define WITH_WINSOCK  1

 The problem here is that it checks for HAVE_WINSOCK_H, but the configure
 script never defines this variable. Instead it defines HAVE_WINSOCK2_H. It
 seems that the network library used Winsock1 in the past and in the
 transition to Winsock2 someone forgot to change a few of the #ifdefs.

 My patch just changes all occurences of HAVE_WINSOCK_H to HAVE_WINSOCK2_H.
 You might want to try that and report back if it works for you.

 2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Hi Johan,
 The patch is not for the current version of network and the code is
 quite different. Basically it is necesary to  define this variable as
 unsigned short that is the thing intended in the patch. however I
 put it by brute force, without regard of the prerpocessor directives.
 With this change the code compiles well with:


 However my compiled library lack the methods defined as foreign. I´ll
 keep trying.

 2012/2/6 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
  Someone recently contributed a fix that should make network build with
  7.4: https://github.com/haskell/network/pull/25
  Can you see if that works for you? I haven't yet had time to merge and
  release that fix (I'm on vacation.)
  -- Johan

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The code is evolving and none of the versions match exactily with the
patch, but substituting HAVE_WINSOCK by HAVE WINSOCK2 in these files
solves the compilation problem at least in the network
version from hackage.

However it produces the same undefined references when this library is
imported in my application. It seems that some object code is not
included in the final library.  I verified that at least some of these
undefined references correspond with  C code in the source, but
somehow this is not included in the object library

2012/2/7 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
 Note that there are two branches on github, master and stable. You want the

 On Feb 7, 2012 8:23 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is quite different.
 I don´t know how but I was looking at some other older patch around
 the same issue and I supposed that it was the one refered by Yohan

 I´ll try your patch.


 2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
  (I submitted the patch that Johan linked to)
  Network/Socket/Internal.hsc has the following code:
  #if defined(WITH_WINSOCK) || defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
  type CSaFamily = (#type unsigned short)
  #elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
  type CSaFamily = (#type u_char)
  type CSaFamily = (#type sa_family_t)
  You have patched this part to always use 'unsigned short'. But the real
  issue is that WITH_WINSOCK is not defined, even though it should be. The
  reason for this lies in include/HsNet.h:
  #if defined(HAVE_WINSOCK_H)  !defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
  # define WITH_WINSOCK  1
  The problem here is that it checks for HAVE_WINSOCK_H, but the configure
  script never defines this variable. Instead it defines HAVE_WINSOCK2_H.
  seems that the network library used Winsock1 in the past and in the
  transition to Winsock2 someone forgot to change a few of the #ifdefs.
  My patch just changes all occurences of HAVE_WINSOCK_H
  You might want to try that and report back if it works for you.
  2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  Hi Johan,
  The patch is not for the current version of network and the code is
  quite different. Basically it is necesary to  define this variable as
  unsigned short that is the thing intended in the patch. however I
  put it by brute force, without regard of the prerpocessor directives.
  With this change the code compiles well with:
  However my compiled library lack the methods defined as foreign. I´ll
  keep trying.
  2012/2/6 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
   Someone recently contributed a fix that should make network build
   7.4: https://github.com/haskell/network/pull/25
   Can you see if that works for you? I haven't yet had time to merge
   release that fix (I'm on vacation.)
   -- Johan
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
The problem this time is in Configure :

case $host in
EXTRA_SRCS=cbits/initWinSock.c, cbits/winSockErr.c, 
CALLCONV=stdcall ;;
EXTRA_LIBS=nsl, socket
CALLCONV=ccall ;;
CALLCONV=ccall ;;

Since I´m cross-compiling with cygwin, the variable Host does not
contain ¨*-muingw32  but i686-pc-cygwin

changing the case , the library incorporates the lost C coded files.

Now the library links fine win imported, but there is a runtime error:

NetworkSocket.hsc:(948,3)-(1007,23): Non-exhaustive patterns in case

maybe it is due to some other preprocessor directive mismatch

2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
 Did you also change the files in the /cbits/ folder? Because they also check

 2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 The code is evolving and none of the versions match exactily with the
 patch, but substituting HAVE_WINSOCK by HAVE WINSOCK2 in these files
 solves the compilation problem at least in the network
 version from hackage.

 However it produces the same undefined references when this library is
 imported in my application. It seems that some object code is not
 included in the final library.  I verified that at least some of these
 undefined references correspond with  C code in the source, but
 somehow this is not included in the object library

 2012/2/7 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
  Note that there are two branches on github, master and stable. You want
  On Feb 7, 2012 8:23 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is quite different.
  I don´t know how but I was looking at some other older patch around
  the same issue and I supposed that it was the one refered by Yohan
  I´ll try your patch.
  2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
   (I submitted the patch that Johan linked to)
   Network/Socket/Internal.hsc has the following code:
   #if defined(WITH_WINSOCK) || defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
   type CSaFamily = (#type unsigned short)
   #elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
   type CSaFamily = (#type u_char)
   type CSaFamily = (#type sa_family_t)
   You have patched this part to always use 'unsigned short'. But the
   issue is that WITH_WINSOCK is not defined, even though it should
   be. The
   reason for this lies in include/HsNet.h:
   #if defined(HAVE_WINSOCK_H)  !defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
   # define WITH_WINSOCK  1
   The problem here is that it checks for HAVE_WINSOCK_H, but the
   script never defines this variable. Instead it
   defines HAVE_WINSOCK2_H.
   seems that the network library used Winsock1 in the past and in the
   transition to Winsock2 someone forgot to change a few of the #ifdefs.
   My patch just changes all occurences of HAVE_WINSOCK_H
   You might want to try that and report back if it works for you.
   2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
   Hi Johan,
   The patch is not for the current version of network and the code is
   quite different. Basically it is necesary to  define this variable
   unsigned short that is the thing intended in the patch. however I
   put it by brute force, without regard of the prerpocessor
   With this change the code compiles well with:
   However my compiled library lack the methods defined as foreign.
   keep trying.
   2012/2/6 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
Someone recently contributed a fix that should make network build
7.4: https://github.com/haskell/network/pull/25
Can you see if that works for you? I haven't yet had time to merge
release that fix (I'm on vacation.)
-- Johan
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-07 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I switched to Git bash and the runtime error produced by the library
is the same.
This error may be produced because  the configuration it does not
detect the netwiorkin related includes such is socket.h. This does not
exist neither in the ghc installation neither in GIT/Mingw

2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
 I just use the version of MSys that is included with Git [1]. This puts a
 Git bash icon on your desktop which you can then use to build the network

 [1] http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/

 2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Nothing bur a long history of failures. The problem is the
 configuration and versioning of MinGW and MSys. This  is a nighmare.

 2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
  Oh you are using Cygwin. I'm using MSys so this is why I cannot
  your problem. Is there anything preventing you from using MSys?
  2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
  The problem this time is in Configure :
  case $host in
         EXTRA_SRCS=cbits/initWinSock.c, cbits/winSockErr.c,
         CALLCONV=stdcall ;;
         EXTRA_LIBS=nsl, socket
         CALLCONV=ccall ;;
         CALLCONV=ccall ;;
  Since I´m cross-compiling with cygwin, the variable Host does not
  contain ¨*-muingw32  but i686-pc-cygwin
  changing the case , the library incorporates the lost C coded files.
  Now the library links fine win imported, but there is a runtime error:
  NetworkSocket.hsc:(948,3)-(1007,23): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
  maybe it is due to some other preprocessor directive mismatch
  2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:
   Did you also change the files in the /cbits/ folder? Because they
   2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
   The code is evolving and none of the versions match exactily with
   patch, but substituting HAVE_WINSOCK by HAVE WINSOCK2 in these files
   solves the compilation problem at least in the network
   version from hackage.
   However it produces the same undefined references when this library
   imported in my application. It seems that some object code is not
   included in the final library.  I verified that at least some of
   undefined references correspond with  C code in the source, but
   somehow this is not included in the object library
   2012/2/7 Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.com:
Note that there are two branches on github, master and stable. You
On Feb 7, 2012 8:23 AM, Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com
This is quite different.
I don´t know how but I was looking at some other older patch
the same issue and I supposed that it was the one refered by
I´ll try your patch.
2012/2/7 Holger Reinhardt hreinha...@gmail.com:

 (I submitted the patch that Johan linked to)
 Network/Socket/Internal.hsc has the following code:

 #if defined(WITH_WINSOCK) || defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
 type CSaFamily = (#type unsigned short)
 #elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
 type CSaFamily = (#type u_char)
 type CSaFamily = (#type sa_family_t)

 You have patched this part to always use 'unsigned short'. But
 issue is that WITH_WINSOCK is not defined, even though it
 be. The
 reason for this lies in include/HsNet.h:

 #if defined(HAVE_WINSOCK_H)  !defined(cygwin32_HOST_OS)
 # define WITH_WINSOCK  1

 The problem here is that it checks for HAVE_WINSOCK_H, but the
 script never defines this variable. Instead it
 defines HAVE_WINSOCK2_H.
 seems that the network library used Winsock1 in the past and in
 transition to Winsock2 someone forgot to change a few of the

 My patch just changes all occurences of HAVE_WINSOCK_H
 You might want to try that and report back if it works for you.

 2012/2/7 Alberto G. Corona agocor...@gmail.com

 Hi Johan,
 The patch is not for the current version of network and the
 quite different. Basically it is necesary to  define this
 unsigned short that is the thing intended in the patch.
 put it by brute force, without regard of the prerpocessor
 With this change the code compiles well with:


 However my compiled library lack the methods defined as

[Haskell-cafe] network- compiled for ghc 7.4.1 windows

2012-02-06 Thread Alberto G. Corona

After some pains, I compiled the package Network.

sa_family_t is needed in  network.Socket.Internal.asc and MinGW seems
that it has no such variable defined.

I share here  the package with the  compiled binaries included:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Adding Html formatting to formlets

2012-02-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Hi Jeremy

If  the signature of a formlet or digestive functor is

View *format m a *

with `*m*` a monad,  `*a*` the resulting value  and `*format*` the
formatting (Usually HTML)

then the signatures of the operators for Text.XHtml format are:

*() :: Monad m = (Html - Html) - View Html m a - View Html m a

(++) :: Monad m = Html - View Html m a - View Html m a

(++) :: Monad m = View Html m a - Html - View Html m a

(+) ::  Monad m  = View Html m a- View Html m b - View Html m
(Either a' b')*

My mplementation is tightly integrated with other non  related
functionalities in an app server that I´m developing so a translation to
diggestive functors is not trivial, but I too would love to have this
integrated in digestive functors for the shake of modularity.

2012/2/3 Jeremy Shaw jer...@n-heptane.com:

 Formlets is deprecated in favor of digestive functors. If you have not
looked at the digestive-functors package I highly recommend that you do. It
fixes a lot of little issues that formlets had -- but is basically the same

 The () operator is a already a standard operator in Control.Category /
Control.Arrow. So, it is probably confusing to reuse that symbol for
something else…

 The digestive functors library defines two new operators (++) and (++)
which are somewhat related to what you are trying to do.

 In HTML, the label tag is supposed to reference the 'id' of the field
is it labeling. For example, you might have:

  label for=usernameUsername: /labelinput text=text id=username
name=username value=

 In formlets, there was no way to do that because the 'ids' are not
accessible to the user. In digestive functors you can use the ++ operator
to 'share' an id between to elements. That allows you to write:

 label Username : ++  inputText Nothing

 Anyway, I would  love to see:

  a) your new combinators renamed and reimplemented for digestive-functors
  b) the type signatures of these new operators

 With out the type signatures it is a bit hard to decipher what your new
operators are actually doing..

 But, I love seeing any new improvements to the
formlets/digestive-functors concept!

 - jeremy

 On Feb 2, 2012, at 6:50 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

 I came across the idea that is easy to define additional operators to
 Text.FormLets for adding custom HTML formatting.
 Had anyone tried that?

 For example to enclose the Prod formulary in a Table using Text.XHtml
 tags. I defined additional operators  and ++ for enclosing and
 Html to a formLet, respectively:

 data Prod= Prod{pname :: String, pprice :: Int}

 getProd= table  (
  Prod $ tr  (td  enter the name  ++ td  getString
(pname $ mp))
* tr  (td  enter the price   ++ td  getInt
( pprice $ mp)))


 p  paragraph ++ getProd   ++ (more Html stuff)

  is possible

 or even it is possible an operator +

 getProd + someOtherStuff

 to return  Either Prod OtherStuff

 I did it in my own version of FormLets. So It is too heavy to put
 here a running example. It is part of a package that I will upload
 soon to hackage.

 This also may work for embedding formLets in other haskell HTML
 formats besides Text.XHtml.

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