Re: [Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-27 Thread Alex Young

Isaac Dupree wrote:

Derek Elkins wrote:

and you can have
unboxed values in dynamically typed languages.

really? Sure that's possible as an optimization, but I thought that to 
explicitly specify that would require a known static type.  Or perhaps 
the bit-tagging by which some Scheme implementations are able to hold 
small integers without a pointer (IIRC)?
That's exactly what Ruby does - symbols, Fixnums (integers that fit into 
a single machine word), bools and nil are unboxed, distinguished from 
boxed types by the lowest 2 bits.  That's undistinguishable at runtime, 
though - everything Just Works as though they're ordinary objects, 
including flipping integer class to Bignum (which is boxed) as necessary.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Evolutionary Computing

2008-01-25 Thread Alex Young

Dusan Kolar wrote:


I don't know about math, but a practical usage seems to be in the 
reconfigurable hardware (FPGA). See web-page of my colleague, where is 
list of his papers on the topic.
These people use GAs for optimising water networks (and, more 
importantly, maintenance of water networks):

Their tools are all C++, though.



PR Stanley wrote:

What does the list think of EC? Genetic algorithm is apparently the 
latest thing.

Is EC mathematically reasonable?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: suggestion: add a .ehs file type

2007-11-28 Thread Alex Young

Alex Jacobson wrote:
My original point (refined) was that I'd like a file extension (.ehs) 
that defaults to including all extensions that don't change the meaning 
of a .hs program but that may cause a small subset of them not to 
compile (e.g. ones that use forall as a type variable, foreign as a 
function, or 'd' as the result value of a list comprehension)

This does not seem like a major change, does not break any existing 
code, and has the advantage of making it really obvious when people are 
going beyond haskell98.

It'll break all sorts of things when .ehs has to get merged into .hs the
next time this conversation comes around, unless it's guaranteed that
all .hs processors will eventually be upgraded to cope with .ehs
semantics.  I don't think anyone's arguing for that...



Simon Marlow wrote:

I see, all you're saying is you'd like the default to be different.

(That's not the same as saying Extensions that change syntax are 
effectively declared by the use of that syntax, which is what you 
said earlier, BTW.)

Well, we could change the default.  I don't think it's a great idea 
personally - I think we should default to compiling whatever is the 
most recent standard, i.e. Haskell 98.  But you're arguing that the 
proportion of Haskell 98 code that would fail to compile is relatively 
small; that might well be true.  This isn't a decision we could take 
lightly, though.

Furthermore, it's only something we could change in 6.10, by which 
time it is likely that we'll have a clearer idea of what Haskell' is, 
so there might well be a -fhaskell-prime flag (or it might even be the 


Alex Jacobson wrote:

Simon, I think we've been trying to be too clever...

The simple question is: for a given extension, what is the risk of 
leaving it turned on by default?

Clearly we don't want extensions turned on that causes code to 
compile but with a different meaning.  We may not want extensions 
turned on that cause most reasonable code not to compile.

But I would say neither risk is significant in the case of most 
extensions.  To use your examples:

* FFI doesn't not cause h98 code to compile to a different meaning.  
The worst case is that code that uses 'foreign' as a function name 
doesn't compile.  That seems okay in that more code probably uses FFI 
than uses foreign as a function name and the user can apply a 
language pragma to turn it off if really desired.

* Existential types won't cause h98 code to compile with a different 
meaning.  The worst case is that code that uses 'forall' as a type 
variable won't compile.  That seems ok

* TemplateHaskell also not compatible with h98.  The worst case is 
the loss [d| in list comprehensions.

* MagicHash: Does not appear in the ToC or the Index of the user's 
guide so should probably be turned off.  I have no idea what it does.

Note, in all cases where the extension is turned on by default, there 
should be a language pragma to turn it off.


Simon Marlow wrote:

Alex Jacobson wrote:

Simon, from what I can tell, with GHC 6.8.1, use of foreign as a 
function name or forall as a type variable or leaving out a space 
in a list-comprehension doesn't parse differently when the 
relevant extensions are enabled, it causes a parse error.

Extensions allow the same code to parse but with different meanings 
need to be declared explicitly.  But, extensions that are obvious 
from syntax should be allowed to be declared simply from the use of 
that syntax.

So for the first example I gave,

f x y = x 3# y

the MagicHash extension is one that you'd require to be explicitly 
declared, because the expression parses both with and without the 

Now, Let's take the Template Haskell example:

f x = [d|d-xs]

So this is valid Haskell 98, but invalid H98+TH.  You would 
therefore like this example to parse unambiguously as H98, correct?  
But in order to do that, our parser would need arbitrary lookahead: 
it can't tell whether the expression is legal H98+TH until it gets 
to the '-' in this case. Certainly it's possible to implement this 
using a backtracking parser, but Haskell is supposed to be parsable 
with a shift-reduce parser such as the one GHC uses.  Or we could 
try parsing the whole module with various combinations of extensions 
turned on or off, but I'm sure you can see the problems with that.

So basically the problem is that you need a parser that parses a 
strict superset of Haskell98 - and that's hard to achieve.


I am not taking a position here on the merits of any extensions.


Simon Marlow wrote:

Alex Jacobson wrote:

Extensions that change syntax are effectively declared by the use 
of that syntax.  If you can parse the source, then you know which 
extensions it uses.

I thought we'd already established that this isn't possible.  Here 
are some code fragments that parse differently depending on which 
extensions are enabled:

Re: [Haskell-cafe] More problems [Tetris]

2007-11-21 Thread Alex Young

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

No GLUT is not bundled with GHC 6.8.1 anymore. Yes, that is weird.

It was bundled with GHC 6.6.1. But installing it for GHC 6.8.1 is really
easy, but you have to install msys/mingw first. 

This is handled in Ruby-land by having binary packages available for
Windows, either cross-compiled or donated by someone with an appropriate
compiler.  Would that be a possible here?  Just a thought.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] expanded standard lib

2007-11-21 Thread Alex Young

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 12:33:21 +, Vladimir Zlatanov wrote:

Yes, those are good points. Maybe adding functionality similar to plt's
planet and

In plt scheme including a module, not present in the local repository ,
but included via planet, resolves the module, including version,
etc..., downloads it from planet, and uses it appropriately. It makes
following various dependencies extremely easy. Updating with a new
version is updating the appropriate local module definitions.

I have no clue how it would be best to implement this for haskell, but
it is a very user friendly no hassle way to work, so I reckon worth

Many other programming languages have packaging strategies that sound
very similar.  Several of them have managed to have a negative impact on
platforms that already have good packaging technologies (i.e. almost
every platform apart from Windows ;-).  I'd hate to see Haskell go in a
direction where packaging for e.g. Debian is made more difficult than it
is at the moment.

See [1] for the Debian Ruby packagers' opinion of RubyGems.  IIRC
similar concerns have been raised for Python's eggs.



Much of that's either outdated or just plain wrong, as I understand it.
In the interest of balance, note the following thread on ruby-talk,
which devolved fairly rapidly into a bunfight over Debian's policies
(and a comparison with Apple's approach to the same problem):

There are arguments on both sides, but the utility of having RubyGems
available far outweighs the minor inconvenience of having to install
RubyGems outside apt as far as I'm concerned.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] expanded standard lib

2007-11-21 Thread Alex Young

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 20:40:01 +, Alex Young wrote:

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 12:33:21 +, Vladimir Zlatanov wrote:

Yes, those are good points. Maybe adding functionality similar to plt's
planet and

In plt scheme including a module, not present in the local repository ,
but included via planet, resolves the module, including version,
etc..., downloads it from planet, and uses it appropriately. It makes
following various dependencies extremely easy. Updating with a new
version is updating the appropriate local module definitions.

I have no clue how it would be best to implement this for haskell, but
it is a very user friendly no hassle way to work, so I reckon worth

Many other programming languages have packaging strategies that sound
very similar.  Several of them have managed to have a negative impact on
platforms that already have good packaging technologies (i.e. almost
every platform apart from Windows ;-).  I'd hate to see Haskell go in a
direction where packaging for e.g. Debian is made more difficult than it
is at the moment.

See [1] for the Debian Ruby packagers' opinion of RubyGems.  IIRC
similar concerns have been raised for Python's eggs.



Much of that's either outdated or just plain wrong, as I understand
it.  In the interest of balance, note the following thread on
ruby-talk, which devolved fairly rapidly into a bunfight over Debian's
policies (and a comparison with Apple's approach to the same problem):

There are arguments on both sides, but the utility of having RubyGems
available far outweighs the minor inconvenience of having to install
RubyGems outside apt.

All I was trying to say is that if discussions like the one you link to
can be avoided altogether then that would be good.

Indeed it would.

I have never been heavy into Ruby programming, but I thought that the
location for gems was the least of the problems they list.  The major
one, IFAIU is:

 “Rubygems is source-intrusive. The require instruction is replaced by a
 require_gem instruction to allow for versioned dependencies. Debian and
 most other systems think that dealing with versioned dependencies
 outside of the source is a better idea.”
This particular objection has the distinction of being both wrong and 
outdated.  The require_gem method was deprecated some time ago, and 
versioned dependency control has always been available to package 
management outside the source, in the gemspec, as well as having a 
runtime check available to the software author.

And it's not only a problem for Ruby in Debian:

 “There are currently no plans to improve RubyGems to ease the work of
 Debian and RPM packagers.”
It's the position of the RubyGems team that all the functionality that 
should be needed has been implemented, but they've made it quite plain 
that they're willing to accept reasonable patches (as they have done 
from Apple).

I think that making it easy to package Haskell libraries, and programs,
for any OS/distribution (Debian, Gentoo, PC-BSD, windows, etc) is
/extremely/ important.  I for one would like to see programs written in
Haskell make it into as many places as possible.  I'd hate to see a
Haskell-specific packaging system prevent that in a similar way that
RubyGems does.
I am yet to be convinced that RubyGems prevents anything, but then I'm 
not a maintainer on either end.  I certainly believe that it's possible 
to avoid inconvenience.

From the Debian Ruby team again:

 “[Users can] continue to install their apps the way they are used to
 (using apt-get), since most of them do not care about the language
 their apps are written in or about other ways this application/library
 is made available.”
That section specifically refers to libraries and applications that are 
not distributed as RubyGems, and that therefore can't take advantage of 
the cross-platform distribution and dependency management system. 
That's a (relatively) shrinking number.

Again, I'm not convinced that the two can't be made to co-exist; that 
is, that an apt-get installed library should be gem update'able, and 
vice versa, and have everything still work.  The upshot of the current 
situation of Ruby on Debian is that the standard advice seems to be to 
build everything from source; luckily, that works extremely well.

We're in danger of drifting OT here, but I think the lessons are important.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] c2hs on Windows?

2007-11-11 Thread Alex Young

Hi all,

Does anyone know if c2hs should be working on Windows?  I'm trying to 
build it under ghc 6.8.0, but this happens:

C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Plugins\c2hs\c2hs-0.15.0runghc Setup.hs configure
Configuring c2hs-0.15.0...
Setup.hs: Error: Non-empty library, but empty exposed modules list. 
Cabal may not build this library correctly

C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Plugins\c2hs\c2hs-0.15.0runghc Setup.hs build
Setup.hs: error reading dist\setup-config; run setup configure command?

Apologies if I'm being dense...  Thanks,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monte Carlo Pi calculation (newbie learnings)

2007-11-05 Thread Alex Young

Hi all,

I'm new to Haskell, and don't quite understand how IO and lazy 
evaluation work together yet.  In order to improve my understanding, I 
thought I'd try to knock together a translation of a fairly simple 
problem I can code up in C, that of calculating pi by throwing random 
numbers about.  The C code I started with is as follows:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include time.h

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if(argc != 2)
printf(usage: %s iteration_count, argv[0]);
return 1;

  int total;
  if(sscanf(argv[1], %d, total) != 1)
return 1;

  int count = 0;
  int unit_radius = RAND_MAX * RAND_MAX;
  int i;


  for(i = 0; i  total; i++)
int x, y;
x = rand();
y = rand();
count += x*x + y*y  unit_radius;

  double pi = (count  2) / (double)total;

  printf(Count: %d\nTotal: %d\n, count, total);
  printf(%f, pi);

  return 0;

All very simple - the key is that I'm counting the result of a 
conditional evaluated inside a loop.  Ignore whether it's correct, or 
accurate, for now; it happily runs and gives an accurate-looking result 
when run with an argument of 1000.  My (thoroughly ugly, not 
currently working) Haskell version looks like this:

module Main where

import Random
import System.Environment
import List
import Monad

randMax = 32767
unitRadius = randMax * randMax

rand :: IO Int
rand = getStdRandom (randomR (0, randMax))

randListTail accum 0 = accum
randListTail accum n = randListTail (rand : accum) (n - 1)

randList :: Int - [IO Int]
randList n = randListTail [] n

randPairs :: Int - [(IO Int, IO Int)]
randPairs n = zip (randList n) (randList n)

pairIsInside x y = if x*x + y*y  unitRadius then 1 else 0

doCountPair :: (IO Int, IO Int) - IO Int
doCountPair (a, b) = do
  x - a
  y - b
  return (pairIsInside x y)

fSumListTail :: Int - [(IO Int, IO Int)] - IO Int
fSumListTail total [] = do
  return total
fSumListTail total (x:xs) = do
  y - doCountPair x
  fSumListTail (total+y) xs

fSumList :: [(IO Int, IO Int)] - IO Int
fSumList l = fSumListTail 0 l

piAsDouble :: Int - Int - Double
piAsDouble a b =
  (fromInteger (toInteger a)) / (fromInteger (toInteger b))

calculatePi total = do
  count - fSumList (randPairs total)
  return (piAsDouble (4*count) total)

main = do
  args - getArgs
  (calculatePi (read (args !! 0))) = (putStr . show)

Now, I have two questions.  The easy question is, how can I make this 
more idiomatic?  I seem to be jumping through hoops rather a lot to 
achieve what should be rather simple operations.  The piAsDouble and 
fSumListTail functions are perfect examples, but I'm not wildly keen on 
doCountPair either.

The second question is performance-related.  The Haskell code above 
overflows the stack when run with an argument of 100, so either 
somewhere a list I'm intending to be lazily evaluated and chucked away 
is being retained, or one of my recursive functions isn't 
tail-optimising.  Is it obvious to a more trained eye where the problem 
is?  If not, how should I start to diagnose this?  I'm not really sure 
where I should look for more information.

More information, if it's relevant:
  Haskell: Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version, for 
Haskell 98, stage 3 booted by GHC version 6.6

  OS: Windows Vista, 32bit

Any guidance gratefully appreciated...

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