[Haskell-cafe] better error message for "undefined"

2009-09-10 Thread Andrew U. Frank
the haskell prelude introduces the type undefined and contains a remark to the 
effect that compilers are expected to intrudocue a meaningful error message. 
GHC just prints 'Prelude undefined' which is not very informativ.

is there a way to have different kinds of undefined? such that i get a message 
which one was hit. something like writing in the code 'unefined 'my error 123' 
which prints 'undefined - my error 123' when it is accidentally hit.

i searched the web, but found nothing. any suggestions? 
thanks a lot!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] retrieving arguments for functions from a heterogenous list (HList)

2009-09-10 Thread Andrew U. Frank
I have a number of functions which have some arguments and produce a single 
result. all the arguments are in a heterogenous list and the results should 
update the list. this appears somewhat similar to the keyword-argument 
solution for functions proposed by oleg kiselyov in 2004.

i would like to have a method to convert the functions
f :: A -> B -> C
g:: A -> D -> C -> B(for example)
f' :: argTypes ->  H -> H
g' :: argTypes ->  H -> H 

where H is a heterogenous list containing A, B, C, D  (and others) and 
argTypes is another heterogenous list containing the types of the arguments, 
which are used to retrieve the data from the list (with .!!.) - the result has 
the correct type and is updated in the list with .@@.  .

naively this could be done by some functins fx (recursing over the list of 
arguments)  storing the last argument in the HList:

fx :: (HList l) => op -> HCons e l -> H -> H

fx op HNil uod = uod .@@. op
fx op (HCons a as) uod = fx (op arg) as uod
where arg = uod .!!. a

this code does not compile, because HNil and HCons do not match (they are 
different data types, not a union type).

code that compiles looks like

class (HList l, HList k
, HUpdateAtHNat n e k k, HType2HNat e k n
, HLookupByHNat n k e
) => HCall e n f l k  | l k -> n where
hcall ::  f -> l -> k -> k -- not general

instance ( HNat n
, HUpdateAtHNat n e UoD UoD, HType2HNat e UoD n
, HLookupByHNat n UoD e
) => HCall e n e HNil UoD where

hcall opv HNil k = hcall0 opv k

instance (HCall e n f l UoD
, HLookupByHNat n UoD e, HType2HNat e n UoD
) => HCall e n (e -> f) (HCons a l) UoD where

hcall op (HCons a l) k = hcall (op arg) l k
where   arg = hLookupByHNat n k
n = hType2HNat (toProxy arg) k :: n

hcall0 :: ( HUpdateAtHNat n f UoD UoD, HType2HNat f H n,
HCall e n f HNil UoD) =>  f  -> H -> H 

hcall0 op k = hUpdateAtHNat n (const op undefined) k `asTypeOf` k
where  n = hType2HNat (toProxy op) k

where i factored out the terminating call, which is probably wrong. 
i would like to use it as:

showPop4 :: (HList hNil,
HCall Population n (District -> Population) (hConst District hNil) UoD) 
=> (hCons District hNil) -> UoD -> UoD

showPop4 arg uod = hcall showPop2 arg uod

unfortunately, calls to this function result in 'cannot deduce' compilation 
error; it seems that some of the intermediate types are not known.

i appreciate any help!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] dsl and gui toolkit

2009-10-05 Thread Andrew U. Frank
writing a gui is a mess (independent of wx or gtk) - too much detail is shown 
and not enough abstraction is done. haskell can help.

i have written an experimental way of producing the GUI  automatically with a 
description of the semantics of the types and operations involved (a la 
ontology, evnetually comparable what protege produces).
the input is a descriptionof the entity ypes, the fields used, the functional 
dependencies between the fiels, plus the operations used. 
the division in screens and their layout.

the rest ist automatic.
the result is a GUI (with preferably gtk but i had also a wx version running). 

the ideas were inspired by eliot conal's work and wxgeneric, which seemed for 
administrative applications either too restricted or to specific.

if somebody wants to try it out for his application, please write

(there is not much documentation and the code is not yet completely clean - 
testing by somebody else would be very valuable!)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] dsl and gui toolkit

2009-10-06 Thread Andrew U. Frank
thanks for the connection to the gui runner - it is interesting and worthwile, 
but a different approach. my approach is strictly declarative and does not 
describe sequences of process. it describes screens and links operations to 
buttons. then it takes inputs from the screen and runs the operations and 
posts the result on the screen. some operations open new screens etc.

i started with the idea that ontologies describe the semantics of data in a 
static way; this should be (nearly) enough to create the user interface - 
which is all about semantics of the data.
of course, you have to include in the ontology the semantics of the operations 
(as class with functions). 

the implementation is close to a reactive framework - adding a representation 
of all what is visible on the screen (the universer of discourse) in a format 
usable by the operations. then you have only to connect this 'universe of 
discourse' to the programs which operate on the data and post their reaction 
in the UoD and map the UoD to the screen 

the details are messy as i attempted to construct the internal data structures 
etc. as automatically as possible and with minimal designer input

I did not use template haskell, yet, but will need to (i think).

i am happy to share it with interested parties and hear the comments and 
perhaps somebody can help me with using templates to reduce the . it is IMHO 
not yet ready for posting in a library - but this is certainly the goal. 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how to determine the dependency versions before packaging and submitting to hackage

2009-10-11 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i plan to submit a package to hackage. i run it on my machine with a cabal file 
which has for all dependencies "any" (except for base, where it says >=4.0 -- 
see previous discussion on haskell-cafe). 
i am not certain, if my code runs agains any version, but i fear it is too 
restrictive to say >= "current version", which could exclude too much? testing 
against all previous versions of the packages seems complicated and very time 

what is the advice in this case?
thank you

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] graphics Windows Programming

2006-01-26 Thread Andrew U. Frank
There are several graphics packages to select from... But which one is
the easiest to work  with for students for a ghci - windows environment.

I sense that cairo / gtk2hs does not support ghci. 
>From the HOpenGL home page I cannot find out what I would need to
download for a windows environment (can somebody point me to the right

We have used SOE under hugs but I sense it is not working with ghci? We
found it also somewhat deficient for graphics beyond the content of the
book - has it been extended and improved?

Any advice greatly appreciated!

Andrew Frank 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Proposal for restructuring Number classes

2006-04-10 Thread Andrew U. Frank
there has been discussions on and off indicating problems with the structure
of the number classes in the prelude. i have found a discussion paper by
mechveliani but i have not found a concrete proposal on the haskell' list of
tickets. i hope i can advance the process by making a concrete proposal for
which i attach Haskell code and a pdf giving the rational can be found at

if i have not found other contributions, i am sorry and hope to hear about

i try a conservative structure, which is more conservative than the
structure we have used here for several years (or mechveliani's proposal).
It suggests classes for units (Zeros, Ones) and CommGroup (for +, -),
OrdGroup (for abs and difference), CommRing (for *, sqr), EuclideanRing (for
gdc, lcm, quot, rem, div...) and Field (for /). I think the proposed
structure could be a foundation for mathematically strict approaches (like
mechveliani's) but still be acceptable to 'ordinary users'.

i put this proposal for discussion here and hope for suggestions how it can
be improved before i put it to haskell'!

andrew frank

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal for restructuring Number classes

2006-04-19 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i am most grateful to henning and dylan for their effort in restructuring
the number classes. there seems to be agreement, that the current classes
are not optimal. the decision what goes in a class depends enormously on
what axioms one is assuming for an operation symbol. should * always be
commutative or is its use for non-commutative types acceptable? 

i will now make an effort to use the proposed classes by dylan and hennig
and adapt my code to it and then come back and report how it suited my

thank you for the help!

andrew frank

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] recursive matrix computations

2006-04-19 Thread Andrew U. Frank
it appears possible to define matrix operations like LU-decomposition, SVD,
inverse etc. in a recursive fashion (see transpose in the prelude).

is this possible? has anybody code in haskell which does this (not asking
for high performance here, more instructive value).

thank you!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] duplicate symbols for ODBC- when running with GHCi

2008-08-17 Thread Andrew U. Frank
when i run a program (which works with GHC) under GHCi (in eclipse with
FP support) then i get 

GHCi linker
duplicate definition for symbol _sqlSucceeded
whilst processing  HSHDBC-odbc-

what is wrong here? any suggestion what i can change?

thank you

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] duplicate symbols for ODBC- when running with GHCi

2008-08-17 Thread Andrew U. Frank
additional information - the problem occurs only under windows (with ghc
6.8.3), not under linux (ubuntu) - with ghc 6.8.2

with linux (ghc 6.8.2) it executes under ghci.

On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 12:21 +0200, Andrew U. Frank wrote:
> when i run a program (which works with GHC) under GHCi (in eclipse with
> FP support) then i get 
> GHCi linker
> duplicate definition for symbol _sqlSucceeded
> whilst processing  HSHDBC-odbc-
> what is wrong here? any suggestion what i can change?
> thank you
> andrew
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] missingH 0.18.6 - problems with cabal configure

2008-08-18 Thread Andrew U. Frank
when i run cabal i get an error message:
:~/haskellSources/packages/MissingH-0.18.6$ runhaskell Setup configure

Couldn't match expected type `(Either
   against inferred type `PackageDescription'
In the first argument of `(confHook defaultUserHooks)', namely
In the expression:
  mydescrip = case os of
"mingw32" -> ...
_ -> ...
in (confHook defaultUserHooks) mydescrip flags
In the definition of `customConfHook':
customConfHook descrip flags
 = let mydescrip = ...
   in (confHook defaultUserHooks) mydescrip

what is wrong? i use ghc 6.8.2 and cabal

thanks for help!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] problem with cabal for syb-with-class

2008-08-25 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i tried to install wxGeneric and need syb-with-class.
i got the package from hackage.
configure runs fine, but when i build i get:

Could not find module `Data.Array':
  it is a member of package array-, which is hidden

but array- is installed, as shown later.
what can be wrong? why is an installed package complained about as

thanks for help!


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/haskellSources/packages/syb-with-class-0.3$ ghc-pkg
describe array
name: array
license: BSD3
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
description: This package defines the classes @IArray@ of immutable
arrays and
 @MArray@ of arrays mutable within appropriate monads, as
well as
 some instances of these classes.
exposed: True
exposed-modules: Data.Array Data.Array.Base Data.Array.Diff
 Data.Array.IArray Data.Array.IO Data.Array.MArray
 Data.Array.Storable Data.Array.Unboxed
hidden-modules: Data.Array.IO.Internals
import-dirs: /usr/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/array-
library-dirs: /usr/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/array-
hs-libraries: HSarray-
depends: base-
haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/libraries/array/array.haddock
haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/libraries/array

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: problem with cabal for syb-with-class

2008-08-26 Thread Andrew U. Frank
in fairness, i have to add that i did inadvertetly install version 0.3.
of syb-with-class and got the error i still cannot understand.

installing version 0.4 did work flawlessly!

nevertheless, i would be interested to understand the problem i


On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 18:08 +0200, Andrew U. Frank wrote:
> i tried to install wxGeneric and need syb-with-class.
> i got the package from hackage.
> configure runs fine, but when i build i get:
> Data/Generics/SYB/WithClass/Instances.hs:11:7:
> Could not find module `Data.Array':
>   it is a member of package array-, which is hidden
> but array- is installed, as shown later.
> what can be wrong? why is an installed package complained about as
> hidden?
> thanks for help!
> andrew
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/haskellSources/packages/syb-with-class-0.3$ ghc-pkg
> describe array
> name: array
> version:
> license: BSD3
> copyright:
> maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> stability:
> homepage:
> package-url:
> description: This package defines the classes @IArray@ of immutable
> arrays and
>  @MArray@ of arrays mutable within appropriate monads, as
> well as
>  some instances of these classes.
> category:
> author:
> exposed: True
> exposed-modules: Data.Array Data.Array.Base Data.Array.Diff
>  Data.Array.IArray Data.Array.IO Data.Array.MArray
> Data.Array.ST
>  Data.Array.Storable Data.Array.Unboxed
> hidden-modules: Data.Array.IO.Internals
> import-dirs: /usr/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/array-
> library-dirs: /usr/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/array-
> hs-libraries: HSarray-
> extra-libraries:
> extra-ghci-libraries:
> include-dirs:
> includes:
> depends: base-
> hugs-options:
> cc-options:
> ld-options:
> framework-dirs:
> frameworks:
> haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/libraries/array/array.haddock
> haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/ghc6-doc/libraries/array
> f

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: problem with cabal for syb-with-class

2008-08-26 Thread Andrew U. Frank
thank you very much for the explanation!
i take that in this case, the error is in the cabal, which does not list
the required package.


On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 15:09 +0100, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 14:30 +0100, Dougal Stanton wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Duncan Coutts
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > So when ghc finds that one of your modules needs to import something
> > > that is not in one of the given packages it says that it's in another
> > > package that is 'hidden'. Of course it's only hidden because Cabal told
> > > ghc to hide them.
> > 
> > Yes, it is one of those unfortunate error messages that says "I know
> > what the problem is *and* how to fix it, but I'm not going to". ;-)
> Actually it's more like: "I know what the problem is but I cannot fix
> it. He knows how to fix it, but doesn't know there's a problem!" :-)
> GHC knows what the problem is but it's just following orders. Cabal gave
> the orders but doesn't know there is a problem.
> That's why it'll be fixed when Cabal does the dep chasing rather than
> delegating that to ghc --make. Cabal will then be able to either just
> pull in the (probably) right packages, or report the problem using the
> language of the problem domain and not the implementation.
> Duncan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] best runProcess solution to work with windows and linux

2008-08-27 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i use System.POSIX.IO to run a process and access the handles (after due
transformation) to get the values back.
this solution is unfortunately not portable and works only on unix (or
cygwin) but not for plain windows. there seems to be a somewhat
comparable package in system.win32.process.
is there a solution independent of OS? what is the best approach to use
to run a process and read the result back which works in both unix and

any suggestion highly appreciated!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] couchDB

2010-07-30 Thread Andrew U. Frank
a few weeks ago a question was posed on this list for examples how to
use couchDB. i post the 'hello world' for couchDB using the haskell
interface - perhaps it helps other to start! 

a more extensive and complicate example is found at

I created with Futon a db names "first" (i had no luck with names
containing a - or a _ , but have not investigated further). the
runcouchDB' affects the couchDB at localhost.


ps: if there is a better place to document examples? a wiki on
haskell.org would be nice and should be available for any project in

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Main ( ) where

import Database.CouchDB
import Data.Data (Typeable)

import Text.JSON

s1 = JSString $ toJSString "Peter"

m1 = makeObj [("FirstName", s1), ("FamilytName", JSString . toJSString
$ "Miller")]

mydb1 = db "first"-- convert db name to checked couchdb
-- problem with "-" or "_" in db names in haskell??

main = do
putStrLn "start couchdb tests"
(doc, rev) <- runCouchDB' $ newDoc mydb1 m1 -- works 

return ()

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] subversion with haskell

2010-08-05 Thread Andrew U. Frank
hackage contains a package Hs2SVN

HsSVN seems to do what i need, but unfortunately, i cannot install it -
i have the error :

checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking svn_error.h usability... no
checking svn_error.h presence... no
checking for svn_error.h... no
configure: error: SVN headers are required. Hint: EXTRA_CPPFLAGS
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
HsSVN-0.4.3 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

i installed all development packages i could see related to svn
- which
one is really needed? can you clarify and point me in the right
direction? (and put the information in the package cabal file so
it is copied to hackage)

thank you

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] packages on hackage: how to download files which are not included in the darcs inventory

2010-08-05 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i try to use jsmw. i see that there are multiple example files in a
directory. this directory is not included in darcs and does not download
automatically. is there an easy way to download directories (i can get
the files individually with curl - but this is slow and errorprone)?

help is appreciated!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] jswm - how to manipulate strings?

2010-08-05 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i try to use jswm to build some web applications, but i got quickly
stuck. I used the example programs provided and tried to change
starting with the calculator, i would like to use the string
that the
user puts in and apply a function to it (say transform it to
later i want to do more complex operations). now i cannot find a
way to
apply a function to the type returned from the input: 

get'value ::
  (Monad mn, CHTMLTextAreaElement this) =>
Expression this -> mn (Expression String)

how can i apply some function to the string in the input : mn
(Expression String) ? or how can i get the string out such that
i can
change it and later put it back into an expression?

help is appreciated - there seems to be only a small piece


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: using Network.CGI

2010-08-06 Thread Andrew U. Frank
dear anders

indeed, the example on your page works perfectly and mine now too!

i did misunderstand something basic on how to use network.cgi. my wrong
1. i copied the program from the web page (commented out the getinput::
line, which seems to be in error).
2. i run it with runghc and pasted the result into a web page; this page
opens in the browser, but does not have actions.

correct is to compile with ghc and copy the executable into the cgi-bin
folder. then it works...

i will put this hint somewhere in the web wiki.

i think this limits what network.cgi can be used for: it will work only
on systems, where the output from the ghc can execute. specifically,
this means, i cannot move the executable to an android mobile phone and
use it there (assuming that there is a web server, e.g. i-jetty, which
understands cgi (does it?)). is this correct?

i appreciated your quick reply - thank you for your help!


On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 18:31 -0400, Anders Kaseorg wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Aug 2010, Andrew U. Frank wrote:
> > which is clearly not producing the second part of the code, namely 
> > output a greeting.
> That’s what it’s supposed to output.  Have you considered typing in a name 
> and submitting the form?  It works fine for me: 
> <http://andersk.mit.edu/greet.cgi>.
> > i try to use the Network.CGI package from darcs.
> (Note also that the current version is maintained in Git, not Darcs, but 
> that’s a minor detail.  See http://hackage.haskell.org/package/cgi .)
> Anders

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] couchdb - newView command

2010-08-15 Thread Andrew U. Frank
  i use haskell couchdb 0.10 with more luck than others: it works for me
  quite well. I have been careful to convert to json strings separately
  from the calls to runCouchDB - so i could check that the values were

i sense there is a difficulty with 'newView' - it does not allow
update a viewset, but one has to select for each change a new
(design) name; which is sort of annoying. 

the newView operation should ptobably be called 'newViewset',
because it
sets multiple views in one design document. it would be nice, if
could not only be set, but also updated. (the full set at once)

i would also recommend that the first parameter is of type DB
and not
String - or are there any particular reasons for this?

i appreciate the package and i like it! 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deprecated gtk2hs functions

2010-08-15 Thread Andrew U. Frank

may i suggest that the description of the package, where it lists the
depreciated functions, give also a hint, how the function should be
replaced. i often hit the wall of depreciated functions when i try to
use a packaged not having been compiled for a while and i have to
replace the functions. then the searching starts... - if the information
were included in the package description (automatically produced with
haddock from a bit of text in the source code, written by somebody that
did the change and has the information at his fingertips), it would save
a lot of searching and failing upgrade experiences. gtk2hs is just a
point in case, but it applies generally.

any comments?


On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 17:44 -0400, Alex Rozenshteyn wrote:
> More like buttonActivated [1].
> Has it been decided that button-specific events are going to be
> deprecated in favor of their general widget equivalents, with
> buttonActivated being an (IMO) awkward title for buttonClicked?
> [1] 
> http://www.haskell.org/gtk2hs/docs/current/Graphics-UI-Gtk-Buttons-Button.html#v%3AbuttonActivated
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Thomas DuBuisson
>  wrote:
> You mean something like buttonPressEvent [1]?
> > on button buttonPressEvent
> You can define signals, the constructor is exposed.
> [1]
> http://www.haskell.org/gtk2hs/docs/current/Graphics-UI-Gtk-Abstract-Widget.html#v%3AexposeEvent
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Alex Rozenshteyn
>  wrote:
> > I recently started playing around with gtk2hs.
> > I noticed that `onClicked`, `afterClicked`, etc. functions
> have been
> > deprecated, presumably in favor of the `on` and `after`
> functions in the
> > Glib signals module, but I couldn't find a collection of the
> appropriate
> > signals to replace the functionality.
> >
> > Am I simply being blind?
> >
> > --
> >   Alex R
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> > Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> > http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
> >
> >
> -- 
>   Alex R
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] phantom types for inheritance between types

2010-08-27 Thread Andrew U. Frank
there are packages which use phantom types to express inheritance
(subtype) relations. unfortunately i cannot find a simple example and
seem to misunderstand something. can somebody help with the following
simple example?

i have a most general type Dated, a subtype Note and a subsubtype Task. 
i have only instances for Note and Task, but operations for tasks and
dated. my primary question is: why should i have the contexts in the
classes (the code compiles without them)? they do not say more than what
is already expressed in the instance declarations. i do also not think
that i have used phantom types properly (eg. gtk2hs uses phantom types

what would be the proper solution? would it work for cases with multiple

thank you!  andrew

class CDated a
class CDated a => CNotes a
class CNotes a => CTasks a

instance CDated Task
instance CDated Note

instance CNotes Note
instance CNotes Task

instance CTasks Task

class Dated n where
datedop :: n -> n
class Notes1 n where
noteop :: n -> n
class Tasks1  n where
taskop :: n -> n

data Note = Note Int
data Task = Task Int 

instance CTasks x => Tasks1 x  where
taskop n = n

instance CDated x => Dated x  where
datedop n = n

t:: Task = Task 1
n :: Note = Note 1

tt = taskop t
-- nt = taskop n   -- compiler error -- as expected!

tx = datedop t
nx = datedop n

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] creating a type based on a string

2010-09-02 Thread Andrew U. Frank
I have a user input (string) and need to select one of two types.
depending what the input is. is this possible? 

data A
data B 

data X n = X String

op :: String -> X n
op "a" = X "a" :: X A
op "b" = X "b" :: X B

this does obviously not compile. is there a way to achieve that the type
X A is produced when the input is "a" and X B when the input is "b"?

thank you for help!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] wiki in hackage

2009-12-12 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i think to add a wiki to each package is a great idea. as a default, it could 
be started automatically by uploading to hackage and filled with the readme.txt 
file (if availble) in the tar uploaded. if it is empty and exist, it is a point 
to check for when a package does not install immediately. alternatively, one 
has to search the web to see if there is some place with notices about this 

i would have loved to see wiki's for packages to post my result of work-
arounds for problems with dependencies, small changes in source code etc. that 
could be posted there till the maintainer finds time to produce a new version. 

great idea!

andrew frank

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] problem with editline install

2009-12-25 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i tried to install editline (because i wanted to install djinn, which depends 
on it):
with cabal install and with downloading and runghc Setup.lhs configure 
i got the same error:

checking for completion_matches... no
configure: error: editline not found, so this package cannot be built
See `config.log' for more details.

in the log i did not see anything helpful (at my level of understanding).
i could then install with synaptic because a deb package existed for ubuntu).

what did i wrong? thanks for helpful comments


ps. in this case a wiki would have been helpful. it would have been a less 
intruding form to communicate than sending an email to the developer. 
especially in the case i assume i made some error.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haddock - 'could not find link destination"

2010-01-21 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i try to use haddock for documentation, but have no success. no output is 
produced. i assume i make some stupid mistake (not having used haddock before)

help is appreciated! thank you 

i get the following error:

$ haddock Hadtest2.hs
Warning: Main: could not find link destinations for:
GHC.Types.Int GHC.Base.String

Hadtest2.hs is a simplistic test program with some parts copied from the 
haddock manual:

module Main (square, this) where

-- | a constant
this :: String
this = "this"

-- |The 'square' function squares an integer.
square :: Int -> Int
square x = x * x

main = do 
putStrLn $ "test " ++ show (square 4)
return ()

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haddock - error

2010-01-22 Thread Andrew U. Frank
the problem with me getting no haddock output whatsoever was that i had not 
reconfigured cabal after replacing haddock 2.4 by 2.5 (by installing it with 
it would be helpful if there were an error message - but i can clearly see 
that this is difficult to achieve in this case.

thanks for the help!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] classes with types which are wrapped in

2010-01-22 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i encounter often a problem when i have a class with some operations (say 
class X with push)  applied to a type A b. I then wrap A in a type A_sup, with 
some more type parameters and i cannot write a instance of class A_sup because 
i have a kind mismatch. any suggestions? (reordering of the type parameters of 
A_sup is not a solution, because another class operates on this parameter) 

here a simplistic case (i know that A could be reduced to [], my real cases 
are more complicated).

data A b = A b [b]

data Asup x ab y = Asup x ab y

class X a b where
push :: b -> a b -> a b

instance X A Int where
push b' (A b bs) = A b' (b:bs)

instance X Asup Char Int Float where
push b' (Asup a b c) = Asup a (push b' b) c

-- this does not compile because the number of type arguments for X is wrong.

if i try with a type

type A_2 b = Asup Char (A b) Float

instance X A_2 Int where
push b' (Asup a b c) = Asup a (push b' b) c

(and --TypeSynonymInstances) i get:

Type synonym `A_2' should have 1 argument, but has been given 0
In the instance declaration for `X A_2 Int'

what is the solution? thank you!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: classes with types which are wrapped in

2010-01-27 Thread Andrew U. Frank

i thank for the two suggestions (newtype as a wrapper and type families) and i 
have explored them. haskell-cafe was very helpful!

i use often a piece of code to update a part of a record with field names which 
codes as follows:

data X a b c = X {afield :: a, bfield :: b, cfield :: c}

dotoBfield :: (b -> b) -> X a b c -> X a b c
dotoBfield  op x = x { bfield = op (bfield x)}

and similar for A and C.

is there a better idiom to achieve the same effect?
can this be automated (for example, using generics)?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] custom widgets

2010-01-27 Thread Andrew U. Frank
we used wx originally but switched to gtk. the great advantage is glade... 
which is very flexible and still you can add/change whatever you need to in gtk 
in your haskell code.

we checked porting between linux (ubuntu) and windows (xp) and encountered no 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] gtk2hs gtkbuilder

2010-03-14 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i currently use gtk2hs with libglade (and glade). i understand that the 
gtkbuilder allows more constructs than libglade. how to use gtkbuilder in 
gtk2hs? i see that John Millikin has posted a patch for gtk2hs - but i cannot 
find it and no documentation for its use? can anyone point me to a patched 
version of gtk2hs and some examples?

thank you!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HLIst - how to use TIPTransform with functions that run in the IO monad?

2010-03-25 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i use the TIPTransform module that Oleg has provided - very nice and easy to 
use! Thank you Oleg!!

now i run into a problem, i seem not to be able to resolve: how to use 
TIPTransform with functions that use the IO monad?

considering the example tip5 in Olegs communiation, where he uses a function 
with three arguments from the TIP (HList) and producing a result in the HList.

i would like to use a similar functionality, getting the arguments from the 
HList and producing a result which is again stored in the HList - but the 
function has a signature like f :: Int -> String -> IO String. the resulting 
string should go int the HList. i assume i need a function like ttip:
ttipM :: op -> db -> IO db?

can somebody help me with this? 
i appreciate any help!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] dependent types

2010-04-11 Thread Andrew U. Frank
in modeling real application we have often the case that the type of
some object depends on a value. e.g. small_boat is a vessel with size
less than a constant. big_boat is a vessel with a larger size. for
example, many legal classifications are expressed in this form (e.g. car
vs. truck)
depending on the type, operations are applicable or not (e.g. road with
restriction 'no trucks'). 
how could one model such situations in haskell? i assume there are
several possibilities...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list