Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Excel a FP language?

2007-05-05 Thread Bjorn Lisper
  I just had a thought... Why doesn't somebody implement a spreadsheet 
 Haskell is the formula language? 8-)
 may interest.

...ok, and now my head hurts...

(Haskell seems to do that lots. I'm not sure why.)

Well, check out

This might ease the headache a little. It is basically the result of a MSc
thesis project that a student did for me a couple of years ago.

Björn Lisper

PS. Also check out
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Generalizing three programs

2007-02-06 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Queuing theory is a very large and mature area of
research, with many important applications in
industry. It is not a coincidence that a certain
telephone company named a functional programming
language after Erlang, the founder of queuing

Erlang actually stands for Ericsson Language. I think the alternative
interpretation is intentional, though.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Excel the most used -- and fucntional -- programming lanuage on Earth?

2007-01-31 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Dan Piponi:
On 1/30/07, Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Excel is what I like to call a 0:th order functional language,
 i.e., you can't even define functions, just values.  :)

Every cell with an expression in Excel is a function. The problem is
that the domains and codomains of these functions don't usually
contain functions. Maybe that makes it a first order functional

Or maybe not. Yes, every cell in isolation contains an expression possibly
with free variables, and so can be seen as a function in those
variables. But these variables are not unbound since they are defined
elsewhere in the spreadsheet. Thus, the sheet is rather a system of
equations defining values, not functions. I think 0:th order is a good term

But...suppose we had a spreadsheet a little like Haskell where each
cell has a static type, and the values can be Haskell functions. What
interesting things could we do with it that we couldn't do with Excel?

I had a MSc student doing something in this direction some years ago. He
made a Haskell interface which was intended to work like a spreadsheet. In
this interface, every declaration has a value window (if the entity declared
has a showable type) and a declaration window. A designated button triggers
a recompilation, and thus also a recalculation of all declared values -
this, I think, captures the essence of spreadsheets which is to be able to
make changes and quickly see the results. In order to support the kind of
array omputations often done in spreadsheets, an extended array module was
defined which declares a number of array functions and other conveniences.


Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-26 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Udo Stenzel:
Bjorn Lisper wrote:
 - your definition of fromInteger will behave strangely with the elementwise
   extended operations, like (+). 1 + [[1,2],[3,4]] will become
   [[2,2],[3,5]] rather than [[2,3],[4,5]]. Array languages supporting this
   kind of overloading invariably have the second form of semantics.

Don't call an array a matrix.  If is named matrix, it should have
matrix multiplication, addition, and they should obey the expected laws.  

But you still have the problem with the overloading of constants in your
proposal. If you write 17 + a, where a is a matrix, what do people in
general expect it to be?

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-22 Thread Bjorn Lisper
I wrote:
Here is one way to do it. First, you have to interpret operations on
matrices as being elementwise applied. E.g, (*) is interpreted as zipWith
(zipWith (*)) rather than matrix multiply, and similar for (+) etc. You then
obtain a lazy semantics for the operations, where the extent of the
resulting matrix is the intersection of the extents of the argument
matrices. Second, you lift constants into infinite matrices containing the
constant, that is: fromInteger n = repeat (repeat n). Now your examples will
work as intended.

Ah, should of course be fromInteger n = repeat (repeat (fromInteger n)).

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-22 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Udo Stenzel:
Bjorn Lisper wrote:
 Here is one way to do it. First, you have to interpret operations on
 matrices as being elementwise applied. E.g, (*) is interpreted as zipWith
 (zipWith (*)) rather than matrix multiply

What's this, the principle of greatest surprise at work?  Nonono, (*)
should be matrix multiplication, fromInteger x should be (x * I) and I
should be the identity matrix.  Now all we need is an infinitely large
I, and that gives:

instance Num a = Num [[a]] where
   (+) = zipWith (zipWith (+))
   (-) = zipWith (zipWith (-))
   negate = map (map negate)
   fromInteger x = fix (((x : repeat 0) :) . map (0:))
   m * n = [ [ sum $ zipWith (*) v w | w - transpose n ] | v - m ] 

There are pros and cons, of course. Using (*) for matrix multiply is
well-established in linear algebra. But:

- it breaks the symmetry. This particular operator is then overloaded in a
  different way than all the others, and

- your definition of fromInteger will behave strangely with the elementwise
  extended operations, like (+). 1 + [[1,2],[3,4]] will become
  [[2,2],[3,5]] rather than [[2,3],[4,5]]. Array languages supporting this
  kind of overloading invariably have the second form of semantics.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Here is one way to do it. First, you have to interpret operations on
matrices as being elementwise applied. E.g, (*) is interpreted as zipWith
(zipWith (*)) rather than matrix multiply, and similar for (+) etc. You then
obtain a lazy semantics for the operations, where the extent of the
resulting matrix is the intersection of the extents of the argument
matrices. Second, you lift constants into infinite matrices containing the
constant, that is: fromInteger n = repeat (repeat n). Now your examples will
work as intended.

Björn Lisper

Atila Romero:
Good point.

And there is another problem: one could expect
10 * [[1,2],[3,4]] to be equal to [[10,20],[30,40]]
and in this case 10 should be equal to [[10,0],[0,10]], instead of 
[[10,10],[10,10]] or [[10]].

I dont see how to fix this.
Could be better to forget about fromInteger...


Jared Updike wrote:
   fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]

 Wouldn't you want the expression

 [[1,0],[0,2]] + 10

 to yield


 instead of [[11]] ? I guess you would need some complicated machinery
 so this is one thing you have to ignore to keep your otherwise nifty
 instance nice and simple.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-10 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Are the values of infinite lists _|_ (bottom)?

No. _|_ represents total lack of information about the result, whereas in a
lazy language like Haskell an infinite list contains a lot of information:
you can observe arbitrary parts of such a list, access them, and compute
with them.

In section 1.3, the Haskell 98 report said as follows:

   Errors in Haskell are semantically equivalent to _|_. Technically,
   they are not distinguishable from nontermination, so the language
   includes no mechanism for detecting or acting upon errors.

The formulation in the Haskell report is sloppy to say the least, and
clearly misleading as witnessed by your mail. Nontermination is not the
precisely the same as _|_. Only certain kinds of nontermination can be
modeled by _|_ in a non-strict language.

I think one should consider reformulating the paragraph above in future
versions of the Haskell report.

Therefore, the value of the following infinity is _|_. Right?

   data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

   infinity = Succ infinity

No. Consider the following function:

f Zero = 0
f (Succ _) = 17

We then have f infinity = f (Succ infinity) = 17, whereas f _|_ = _|_.
Thus, f distinguishes infinity and _|_, so they can not be the same.

What about infinite lists? For example, is the value of [1 ..] also _|_?

No, see above.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-10 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Deokhwan Kim:
Bjorn Lisper wrote:

 precisely the same as _|_. Only certain kinds of nontermination can be
 modeled by _|_ in a non-strict language.

What kinds of nontermination are modeled by _|_ in Haskell?

Nonterminating computations that never return anything. For instance,

inf = inf

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-20 Thread Bjorn Lisper
I finally got some time to answer Simon's posting:

Simon P-J:
| Between google searching and looking through the activity
| report, I take it that no one has really developed serious
| libraries for matrix manipulations, diff eqs, etc.
| Are there any practical reasons for this or is it just a
| matter of the haskell community being small and there not
| being many people interested in something so specialized?

The latter I think, but it's just the sort of thing that a functional
language should be good at.  Two other difficulties

(a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?

Hard to compete, yes. But on the other hand, the rewards can be high.
Numerical library code (especially matrix libraries) tends to be highly
optimized for the hardware architecture at hand. As a consequence a small
change in, say, the cache architecture, might require a thorough rewrite of
the library code to regain high utilisation of the hardware. This is since
languages like Fortran and C force you to code so close to the hardware. A
high-level language, with good optimizing compilation, would make also
library code more portable across hardware architectures. N.b. these
optimizations are non-trivial to say the least.

(b) A concern about efficiency, because numerical computation is
typically an area where people really care about how many instructions
you take.  It's a legitimate concern, but I don't think that it'll turn
out to be justified.  With unboxed arrays, and/or calling external
libraries for the inner loops -- and the potential for aggressive fusion
and/or parallelism, there is plenty of upward potential.  I also want to
work on nested data parallelism (a la NESL, and NEPAL) which fits right
in here.

The number of instructions is only one side of the coin. For
high-performance computing, memory issues are at least as important: both
the amount of memory used (e.g., will the computation fit into memory at
all), and how the memory hierarchy is utilized (caches, TLB:s, virtual
memory, ...). This is a really sweet spot of functional languages, and
laziness adds to it.

On the other hand, the increased abstraction of functional languages gives
an optimizing compiler larger freedom to reorder computations and choose
memory layouts of data structures like matrices. This is potentially very
useful, since optimizing for memory hierarchy utilization typically involves
both data layout and order of memory accesses. However, to achieve a good
result, the compiler must be able to predict a great deal of the computing
and the memory usage. For instance, dynamic memory handling of numeric data
structures will surely kill any serious attempt to predict the cache
behavior. To achieve good optimizing compilation, we need either very good
program analyses, or a library of recursion patterns or templates for
which the compiler knows how to allocate memory statically and order the
computations well, or possibly both.

Some encouraging examples: Sven-Bodo Scholz has achieved very good
performance for the restricted functional matrix language SAC, using
optimizations for cache. My former student Peter Drakenberg invented a
restricted functional matrix language, with analyses to infer matrix sizes
statically, and sharing analysis, to find opportunities to allocate memory
statically and update in-place. He also got some good experimental figures.
This leads me to believe that compilers in more general languages could do
something similar, by recognizing certain patterns or through advanced
program analyses.  However, both these languages are strict, and I am not
sure at all how to do this in a lazy language.

In any case, this is nontrivial compiler work and considerable research
efforts would be needed. Unfortunately, I don't see how to fund such
research, since the high-performance computing community largely seems to
have given up on functional languages since the demise of the data-flow

I'd love to see a little community of matrix manipulators spinning up.  

Yes. There might me a niche for high-level numerical coding, somehwere where
MATLAB is today. MATLAB isn't exactly blazingly fast, still very widespread.
On the other hand, MATLAB is already in that niche. The question to answer
is what advantages a functional language like Haskell could offer in this
niche. We need to come up with these answers, and then convince enough
people outside our own community.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-20 Thread Bjorn Lisper
David Roundy:
On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 11:47:49AM +0100, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
 (a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
 not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
 to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?
 Hard to compete, yes. But on the other hand, the rewards can be high.
 Numerical library code (especially matrix libraries) tends to be highly
 optimized for the hardware architecture at hand. As a consequence a small
 change in, say, the cache architecture, might require a thorough rewrite of
 the library code to regain high utilisation of the hardware. This is since
 languages like Fortran and C force you to code so close to the hardware. A
 high-level language, with good optimizing compilation, would make also
 library code more portable across hardware architectures. N.b. these
 optimizations are non-trivial to say the least.

The only particularly relevant numerical libraries today (atlas and fftw)
already do far better optimization than any compiler is going to acheive,
and in the case of fftw can respond to changes in memory configuration at
runtime.  In both cases they're written in ANSI C (although the C code for
fftw is written by an OCaml program... or at least some dialect of ML).  In
order to take advantage of cache behavior properly, it's necesary to allow
adjustments in the actual algorithm used, which isn't something that a
clever compiler is likely to accomplish.

That's a valid point. You may want to change, e.g., the size of blocks in a
block-oriented matrix algorithm to match the cache. This will, in general,
require the use of algebraic laws like associativity and commutativity,
which are not valid for floating-point arithmetics and thus can change the
numerical behaviour, so a compiler shouldn't fiddle around with them unless
under strict control of the programmer. Interestingly, the language invented
by my aforementioned former PhD student contains a nondeterministic matrix
decomposition primitive, which allows the partitioning of a matrix into a
fixed number of blocks, but where block sizes can vary. This is exactly to
let the programmer give an optimizing compiler this degree of freedom when
deemed safe. Alas, he never got around to any serious experiments with this

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] First steps in Haskell

2005-12-19 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Simon P-J:
Daniel is right, by definition.  He is a new user.  He had difficulty.
That much is incontrovertible.

While he may seem unusual, perhaps he is only unusual in that he's told
us about his experience rather than trying Perl instead.  For which,
much thanks, Daniel!

Actually, I have sometimes wished that the various interactive Haskell
interfaces had the possibility to enter also declarations interactively, as
Daniel originally asked for. Lisp interpreters often support this to some
extent, so it is not out of line for a newcomer to expect it also for
Haskell. I often use hugs as a calculator, and sometimes it would be very
convenient to be able to make one or a few short declarations while making
some interactive calculations. It can be quite tedious to create and edit a
source code file on the side and then load it, when all you want is a short
declaration or two.  Would it be that complex to have an interactive
interface enter a declarations mode when it sees a declaration coming, and
then let it create, compile and load a temporary module when the declaration
is finished?

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] First steps in Haskell

2005-12-19 Thread Bjorn Lisper
| Actually, I have sometimes wished that the various interactive Haskell
| interfaces had the possibility to enter also declarations interactively

GHCi does.

Ah, I see! Does it open a let-environment with a local definition?

ghci  let f x = hello
ghci f True

Hmm, an interesting semantics for f given the declaration :-)

But there's no editor -- it's strictly a one-line definition

Which is useful enough in many situations. I'll try it out...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] some algorithm help with jhc

2005-09-14 Thread Bjorn Lisper
John Meacham
I have started working on jhc more recently and have come across some
places where I think my algorithms could be improved but was not sure
exactly where to start so thought I would ask the list since perhaps
someone here has some insight.

After a long time of trying various methods of speeding up the fixpoint
iteration of my points-to analysis (the current main bottleneck) I
decided to step back and look at the basic problem again. It turns out I
can express the problem as one of constraint satisfaction resulting in
much smaller code (600 lines vs 2000) and 10fold speedups with my
unoptimized first draft solver.

It is much faster but still not as fast as I'd like. I don't know a lot
about constraint problems, but my intuiton says this particular problem
is of a type that should be particularly easy to solve but am uncertain
where to start in my searching to find a fast algorithm. My constraints
come in two types of rules.

Hi, check out the book Principles of Program Analysis by Nielson, Nielson,
Hankin ( It has quite some on
constraint solving for program analysis. There are algorithms in that book
for set constraint problems that look quite similar to your problem.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Python?

2005-05-18 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Hi all,

Finally I found some time to reply to this posting. A couple of years ago we
did something called Data Field Haskell, which is Haskell extended with a
generalized form of arrays called data fields. Much of the purpose was to
investigate convenient and general syntax for array constructions.

Data fields are semantically pairs of functions and bounds, where bounds
represent sets of indices. Bounds can be pairs of integers representing
intervals, but also general finite sets. Certain bounds represent infinite
sets, which makes sense in a lazy language.

Besides direct notation for creating data fields, Data Field Haskell has a
construct forall x - t which defines a data field in a similar way to how
lambda-abstraction \x - t defines a function. In addition, the data field
defined by a forall-construct has a bound which is derived from the body of
the expression. The semantics is derived from the view that data fields (and
arrays) are partial functions whose domains do not exceed the index sets
defined by their bounds.

The forall-construct is intended to provide a simple and powerful syntax for
operations on data fields. Let's see below how it matches Jerzy's desired
features of an array language:

Tim Rowe writes: 

 On 5/11/05, Jerzy Karczmarczuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Give me one single language where [3-d arrays are] natural and immediate.
 I don't know how Matlab does it, but I find the C++ standard library
 entirely intuitive (apart, perhaps, for the need for those two spaces)!

Let's precise what I consider to be important in order to call it natural
and immediate. And, in general, useful. 

1. The definition of a concrete object, not just its type, but, say,
  the initialization with constants. Or/and, global initialization with

Since Data Field Haskell is declarative, initialization and definition is
the same. Constant data fields are easy to define, viz.

forall x - 1, a data field filled with ones
forall (i,j) - if i == j then 1 else 0, a unit matrix
forall (i,j) - i + j, a Vandermonde matrix

All these data fields are infinite, and the first is also
dimension-polymorphic (through the usual polymorphism in Haskell). Data
Field Haskell has an operator for explicit restriction of data fields, and
a data field may also be implicitly restricted from the context where it

2. Easy synthesis of multi-dim matrices out of planes, of submatrices
  of lesser dimensions;

Not directly expressible, but it is possible to define a binary operator to,
say, concatenate a 2-D matrix on some given side of a 3-D matrix.

  it can be an 'overlay', like, say, making  a colour image out of three
  R/G/B planes, or making a 3D surfaces, or aking tensors through
  external products. 

Say, an outer product of two vectors a, b: forall (i,j) - a!i * b!j

3. Easy indexing, and not only A[i][j][k], etc., but slicing, the extraction
  of sub-dimensional matrices, e.g., one column vector out of a 2D matrix
  in Matlab:  A(3,:). Also, extracting parts (e.g. sub-images). 

A(3,:) is expressed as forall j - a!(3,j). Or, selecting a plane out of a
3D-matrix: forall (i,j) - a!(i,3,j). Or, selecting the main diagonal of a
matrix: forall i - a!(i,i).

Extracting parts is done with the explicit restriction operator \:

a \ (3,3):(10,20), selecting submatrix of a
a \ predicate (\(i,j) - a!(i,j)  0), selecting the subfield of a where
it is strictly greater than zero (this is a sparse data field)

  Also, in mathematical context, intelligent indexing, e.g. treating
  a matrix as implicitly anti-symmetric. Here the CAS systems as Maple
  or Mathematica provide the adequate tools. C++ of course doesn't,
  unless you overload [] yourself. 

All representation issues are hidden in Data Field Haskell, so there is no
direct counterpart. However, it is of course possible to define a data
structure of your own and then wrap it up as a data field by providing a
bound and a function from indices to values.

4. Readable iterators, perhaps something more compact than insipid do-loops. 

There are folds for data fields. These can be used for reduction operations
over data fields. In a sense, forall-abstraction is also a kind of iterator
(although parallel since it does not impose any order of evaluation
between the elements of the data field).

5. If those matrices are used as mathematical objects: tensors, etc.,
  I want to have some simple notation for inner multiplications/
  contractions, etc. This is not just the syntax problem, but the
  existence of good libraries as well... 

You can use folds inside a matrix to, e.g., sum all rows in a matrix. Here
is an example of a function that does one iteration in Jacobi's method for
iteratively solving the linear equation system ax = b:

jacobi_iter a b x = 
  forall i - ((b!i) - dfSum ((forall j - a!(i,j)*(x!j))
  \ predicate (\j - j /= i)))/a!(i,i)

6. Reshaping of those arrays. I thought that Matlab 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Integrating Haskell into a J2EE environment

2004-10-07 Thread Bjorn Lisper
I'm surprised that nobody has yet mentioned the ICFP2000 paper Composing
Contracts: An Adventure in Financial Engineering by SPJ, Jean-Marc Eber,
and Julian Seward. It seems to me that it could provide quite relevant

Björn Lisper

Paul Hudak:
I wouldn't write off Haskell so quickly.  All of what Shoeb describes 
concerning DSL issues might be much more easily solved in Haskell, and 
will certainly be more flexible than a hard-wired approach.  The J2EE 
interface might be ugly, but if the functionality needed is not too 
great it might not be too bad.  Generally speaking, these kinds of apps 
-- in this case a DSL for high-level business rules -- sounds like 
just the sort of thing that Haskell is good for.


Doug Kirk wrote:
 You're going to spend alot of time marshalling between Java and Haskell 
 values, and you'll either have to do it via JNI or by using pipes [as in 
 System.exec(haskellprogram param param param)], both of which are ugly 
 for a Java app.
 Have you looked at Jython and JRuby? Jython is an implementation of a 
 Python interpreter in 100% Java, and JRuby implements a Ruby interpreter 
 in 100% Java.
 Those might get the job done faster than having to delve into the native 
 layer. (Not to mention learning how to use Haskell in order to implement 
 what you want--not a trivial task in itself!)
 Take care,
 On Oct 5, 2004, at 4:33 PM, Bhinderwala, Shoeb wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am new to Haskell and this mailing list.
 We have a system that uses a custom high-level language to express
 high-level business rules. Expressions in the high-level language get
 compiled to Java bytecode. We express the grammar using BNF notation as
 required by the javacc parser tool. This is then converted to an AST
 using jjtree and from there we build the final Java code. Our language
 could be considered a domain-specific language (DSL) and is used by our
 business users to express very high-level business logic. The language
 currently is very limited - we support boolean logic, function
 invocations and if-then statements. We want to convert it into a more
 powerful scripting language so that even lower level business logic can
 be expressed in it.
 I came across a few papers that talk about writing a DSL with Haskell as
 the underlying support language. How is this done. Is it possible to
 create a sort of domain specific business scripting language easily. How
 does that then compile to Haskell code. And how can the Haskell code be
 invoked from Java.
 Essentially, I am thinking if I could use a Haskell like DSL language to
 express our business rule logic and then be able to integrate into and
 invoke the logic from a J2EE app server environment. Has anybody done
 anything like this with Haskell.
 -- Shoeb
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 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285

Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: pet project - 7 Millennium Prize problemss

2004-01-09 Thread Bjorn Lisper
--- Keith Wansbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher Milton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I think  Haskell can be used to solve several, if not all, of
  the seven problems.
  Now I have to decide which problem to tackle first.
 (a joke, I assume...)
 1. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
 2. Hodge Conjecture
 3. Navier-Stokes Equations
 4. P vs NP
 5. Poincare Conjecture
 6. Riemann Hypothesis
 7. Yang-Mills Theory
 Any ideas how to solve any of these, with Haskell or otherwise?

module P where

import Complexity_class(np)

p = np


Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: partial application

2002-03-18 Thread Bjorn Lisper

Cagdas Ozgenc:
That's right. I was thinking of the following syntax. I orginally had the
idea for C++, where you can't do partial application at all.

f x y z=...

f # 3 4

omitting the first parameter, and 

Array languages with true multidimensional arrays often have a this kind of
syntax to extract subarrays, for instance A(*,J) or A(,J) to extract column
J from the matrix A. Now, if you think about arrays as partial functions from
indices to values, then row J of matrix A is precisely \I - A(I,J).

This syntax can be very convenient for array computations.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Compiler error using IO

2002-01-07 Thread Bjorn Lisper

Zhanyong Wan:
 Here here. I think that the poor compiler error messages in Haskell are a
 very major hurdle to learning the language.

Adrian Hey:
Which compiler are you talking about? Bad error messages are not a valid
critisism of the Haskell Language IMHO.

But there are language features in Haskell that makes it hard to produce
good error messages. Implicit typing, for instance: in an explicitly typed
language it is clear where in the code a type error occurs, but with
implicit typing there are often many possibilities and it is not always
evident where the culprit is. (Haskell compilers seem simply to report the
line where the unification fails. Am I right?)

Furthermore, semantically distant expressions can be syntactically close in
Haskell, so a syntax error actually gives a syntactically correct
expression.  Often this yields a type error instead, which then may show up
as an error message for some totally different part of the code...
Higher-orderness increases the risk.  An example is inadvertently writing
f g y for f (g y) which then is interpreted as (f g) y and will yield
incorrect constraints on the types of f, g, and y.

Is there any work being done on intelligent error messages for
higher-order implicitly typed languages? One could perhaps come up with
search strategies that tries to find a minimal number of program
transformations (edit distance) that yields a syntactically correct and
well-typed program. For instance, in the case of type errors one could try
to search for the minimal number of definitions that have to be removed to
make the remaining program well-typed, and then report the removed
definitions as likely sources of the errors. Has anyone done this?

Björn Lisper

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: A sample revised prelude for numeric classes

2001-02-12 Thread Bjorn Lisper

Tom Pledger:
Brian Boutel writes:
 | Having Units as types, with the idea of preventing adding Apples to
 | Oranges, or Dollars to Roubles, is a venerable idea, but is not in
 | widespread use in actual programming languages. Why not?

There was a pointer to some good papers on this in a previous
discussion of units and dimensions:

The main complication is that the type system needs to deal with
integer exponents of dimensions, if it's to do the job well.

Andrew Kennedy has basically solved this for higher order languages with HM
type inference. He made an extension of the ML type system with dimensional
analysis a couple of years back. Sorry I don't have the references at hand
but he had a paper in ESOP I think.

I think the real place for dimension and unit inference is in modelling
languages, where you can specify physical systems through differential
equations and simulate them numerically. Such languages are being
increasingly used in the "real world" now. 

It would be quite interesting to have a version of Haskell that would allow
the specification of differential equations, so one could make use of all
the good features of Haskell for this. This would allow the unified
specification of systems that consist both of physical and computational
components. This niche is now being filled by a mix of special-purpose
modeling languages like Modelica and Matlab/Simulink for the physical part,
and SDL and UML for control parts. The result is likely to be a mess, in
particular when these specifications are to be combined into full system

Bjrn Lisper

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