Thank you!

I feel stupid for posting a question when there is already a stackoverflow
answer. But now that I have that, I have all the information I need.


 On May 2, 2012 12:49 AM, "Ivan Lazar Miljenovic" <>

> On 2 May 2012 06:15, Bram Neijt <> wrote:
> > Dear Haskelllers,
> >
> > I've reacently started with Haskell and during the Dutch Hackaton[3],
> > I decided to generate graphs of dependencies. I was thinking about
> > doing this for Java earlier, and that weekend I decided to write the
> > tooling in Haskell.
> Just to be clear, what are you referring to by "dependencies":
> * Package dependencies
> * Inter-module dependencies
> * Call-graph dependencies
> And are you doing this on a per-module or a per-package basis?
> >
> > I've written two programs: hs2dot[1] and dotimate[2]. The first
> > generates a dot file (Graphviz) from all .hs files below the current
> > working directory. The second will take one or more dot files and call
> > neato (from Graphviz) multiple times to generate frames of neato
> > output from one to the next.
> >
> > Trying hs2dot and dotimate on two sequencial commits in the
> > cabal/cabal-install/frames directory already gives me a way to complex
> > and full graph. See attached.
> >
> > ==> My question is: What dependencies, if any, would be nice to graph,
> > and/or which dependencies could I filter out to keep this from
> > becoming a mess?
> First of all, consider this list of existing graph-based visualisation
> tools for Haskell and see if any have some features you can duplicate:
> I know in SourceGraph, my take was to try and do different kinds of
> pruning, collapsing, etc. to shrink the information overload down
> (however, I haven't touched SourceGraph apart from dependency updates
> for quite a while).
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Bram Neijt
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> >
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> >
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> --
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
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