Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-13 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi Ralf,

 See Section 7.3 of the latest revision of Haskell's overlooked object 
 system. There are pointers and explanations. This discussion also
 clarifies that the phantom approach is tailored for foreign library
 and component import (but it can be generalized and has been indeed,
 by Burton in a paper from 1990).

Thank you for bringing us this rewrite. It is definitely worth it in my opinion.

Read it once and although I need a few more reads to digest it, I
could get a much better sense of what was going on. I also found it
both easier to graps and more comprehensive.

Thanks for this quality paper. I noticed it's still in draft stage so
I conclude there'll be further revisions...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-09 Thread Cédric Paternotte
On 6/6/05, Gracjan Polak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you stick to single inheritance there is other way to simulate OO in
 Haskell. Look for phantom types. Whole wxHaskell (for example) is
 based on this concept.

I heard about them indeed but barely found clear explanations of it.
Any useful pointer you're aware of maybe ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-07 Thread Cédric Paternotte
 I just notice that there is a short (because non-monadic) version:

I have to say that this version of the Shape example is my favourite so far.
Good compromise between complexity, typing and usefulness.

May I just suggest an improvement that could further improve the code re-use ?

I noticed that both Rectangle and Circle need to redefine the
operators because of the different names of their respective delegate
to Shape, namely rectangle2shape and circle2shape.

I we were to give these fields the same name ('parent', or 'super') in
both Rectangle and Circle, could it be that we can avoid to redefine
the operators by moving their definition upwards (and thus requiring
only one definition for both classes) ?

I guess that would also mean that we restrict ourselves to
single-inheritance since we rely on the uniqueness of the name
'parent' throughout. But since single inheritance is IMO enough to fit
most needs I don't see it as a problem.

Would it then be a problem if we further subclass Rectangle in, say,
two subclasses Square and NonSquareRectangle ? Would that still work
or would there be a collision between the multiple 'parent' fields ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-06 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi Gracjan,

On 6/5/05, Gracjan Polak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First of all, in Haskell there will be strict separation between
 interfaces and data, so almost every method will be declared twice. This
 is not so strange to anybody programing in Java, but for C++ programmers
 can be. Inheritance relation is specified after data. There is also
 separation between two concepts: what interfaces each piece of data
 implements and which intefaces given interface inherits. So:

I don't mind declaring functions headers more than once as long as I
don't have to do it with their body.

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 module Main where
 -- general inheritance relation
 class Inherits b x where
  get_super :: x - b
 -- declare interface with one method
 class IA a where
  get_a :: a - Int
 -- define data with one field
 data DA = DA { da_field :: Int }
 -- say how data DA conforms to interface IA
 instance IA DA where
  get_a x = da_field x
 -- declare some other interface IB
 -- note: IB is unrelated to IA
 class IB a where
  get_b :: a - String
 -- data that inherits fields of DA and adds one another field
 data DB = DB { db_super :: DA, db_field :: String }
 -- DB inherits fields and methods of DA
 instance Inherits DA DB where
  get_super x = db_super x
 -- data DB implements interface IB
 instance IB DB where
  get_b x = db_field x
 -- some other random data
 data DC = DC { dc_super :: DA }
 -- DC implements interface IB
 instance IB DC where
  get_b x = show (get_a x)
 -- and inherits DA
 instance Inherits DA DC where
  get_super x = dc_super x
 -- now the tricky part: state that every data x inheriting DA
 -- implements all interfaces of DA (repeat for each interface)
 instance (Inherits DA x) = IA x where
  get_a w = da_field (get_super w)

This is smart. So I understand the point of this part is to forward
the function call to the parent (through get_super). All you have to
do is to define these forwards in each inheriting data.

Does it also mean that, in each inheriting data, you have to define
these forwards to all your parents (meaning not only to the one just
above, but all of them) ? In other words if I was to define a data DD
which inherits from DB (and thus also from DA), will I have to define
forwards for both get_a and get_b ? If not, how would you declare it ?

 As you see there is much more writting as in Java. But this gives better
 control over inheritance and subsumption because everything must be
 stated explicitly. Multiple inheritance is allowed :) Also it is
 private inheritance (as in C++) by default.

I think I like this way of dealing with inheritance. There's a bit
more typing indeed and it's kind of limited but it has the advantage
of being relativily simple to put in action.
What I really like with this is that you can come up with new data
types inheriting DA without having to change anything in the
declaration of DA.

I guess you'd just better avoid having too many levels of hierarchy as
it tends to get more and more verbose ;)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-06 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi Ralf,

On 6/6/05, Ralf Lammel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Re: your enumeration. Let me add one more bullet.
 In cases where inheritance is about abstract base classes
 and concrete subclasses ((add interface polymorphism likewise))
 you can use a (for unknown reasons) unappreciated pattern for
 extensible datatypes in Haskell:
 (Note: conceptually unrelated to OOHaskell)

Okay. I wasn't looking for that kind of inheritance but thanks for
bringing it in.

 Re: OOHaskell
 Thanks for calling this a very good and thorough attempt :-)
 I would really like to understand why you think that
 a) this could possibly be a huge hack

Well, please don't pay attention to my wording ;) It's only my
beginner's narrow view of a paper targeted at more advanced users.
That's why I added the last sentence in my initial post. I regard your
work as the most comprehensive I've seen on the topic.

 b) awkward syntax would be involved.
 Regarding a), could it be that you are overwhelmed
 by the details of the implementation of OOHaskell'
 *typeful* object system? Wouldn't you be similarly concerned
 when looking at details of *any* other object system of *any*
 other *typed* language?

I certainly am. 

 (( We are currently massaging the OOHaskell paper.
 From what you say, it might seem appropriate to emphasize
 the OO programming API more clearly, while moving
 implementation details of OOHaskell out of the face
 of a programmer who migrates from C#/Java to Haskell. ))
 Regarding b), could it be that you would want to see
 special keywords in your face, rather than thinking
 in terms of records, monadic functions, open fixpoints,
 closing fixpoints, ...? If yes, I guess that's an valid
 desire. If there was a mainstream technique for Haskell
 syntax extension, we want to use it for OOHaskell.

Yes I do, as most of us would I believe. I remember you talking in the
paper about adding syntactic sugar to OOHaskell to make it more
convenient. That would certainly ease the path for Haskell starters.
But, from what you're saying, I understand you must be hitting a wall

I don't say sugar is essential but it helps. You know I just don't
feel comfortable using concepts I don't fully understand and OOHaskell
relies on many advanced ones. The standard do notation is such a
nice example of syntactic sugar, it allows you to use monads without
even knowing it. The point here is that when you use the do
notation, you don't have the feeling you're using something you don't
fully master. But I'm not gonna lecture you on this  ;)

Regarding your paper, all I can say is that I'm not against a version
targeted at more entry-level users ! This sounds like a very good
idea. Otherwise, I'll certainly go back to your work, but once I got
the necessary knowledge to tackle it. In the meantime I'll be keeping
an eye on the project for incoming events.

Slightly off-topic, but I'm sure there are many people out there,
coming from the same background as mine, who have a hard time getting
into Haskell just because there's no Haskell for Java/C++/OO
programmer. The ice on the cake being the Haskell way of naming its
structures, that is so misleading for a Java programmer. If you knew
how long it took me only to figure that Haskell names its interfaces
classes and its classes instances, you wouldn't believe me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-06 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi Chris,

On 6 Jun 2005 14:53:11 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The differences in the two shape examples doesn't have to do with code 
 - it has to do with subtype polymorphism.  

Does this mean that I was wrong in saying in my initial post that
existential types can be used to get code inheritance ? Or is it
just that the Shapes example has never been meant to illustrate that
side of things ?

 Existential types allow you to
 throw different subtypes into a collection and have the function dispatch
 on the common superclass type.  The example without existential types 
 parametric polymorphism, but not subclass polymorphism.

Okay, I think I've finally spotted the difference : Using existential
types you actually managed to put both CircleInstance and
RectangleInstance in the same list. I didn't notice that detail at
first. All the difference lies in that line ;) So I understand this is
something you obviously cannot do when using classic subtyping.
Incredible. This is weird, I mean that's the kind of feature I would
take for granted.

That makes existential types much more useful indeed. Even essential I
would say.

 As far as inheritance, there's actually two kinds
 that occur in most OO languages.  The first being type inheritance (which
 really just gets you subtype polymorphism).  And then there's code inheritance
 - which is what you are trying to achieve.  

Thanks for the clarification.

 At any rate, I consider
 inheritance to be a convenience mechanism, and not vitally necessary to the
 concepts of encapsulation, type inheritance, and polymorphism, though I 
 that many do consider it important.  

Well, on the -way too big for my head- projects I'm working on,
inheritance saves my life many times a day.

 Chris Rathman

Thanks for a lot for your time Chris, think I'm slowly starting to get
the picture of all this.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-06 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi Ralf,

 I should have mentioned
 (again *not* using OOHaskell)

It's been an interesting evening. I've been having a go at your
poormen's source code and, although it's different from OOHaskell, I
still find it very similar in the sense that it's using the same
concepts, namely infix operators (for syntactic sugar I assume) and
state monads (for mutable data). But I had a look at it anyway  ;)

From what I gathered today infix operators are just like ordinary
functions, that differ only in the way you pass them parameters. I
understand the .?. and .!. operators in your code are shortcuts that
apply a function to the parent type, respectively for get and set

The only thing I couldn't figure is the reason of using monads. I
noticed they (returnIO) were extensively used in the setters and in
the .!. operator. Do monads provide features without which this whole
thing wouldn't be possible ? What is it exactly they provide in this
context ?

 A more general and preliminary observation:
 the entire approach is potentially more about
 object *composition* (and perhaps delegation)
 rather than inheritance. 

That's also the way I see it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Quest for inheritance

2005-06-06 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi Andre,
 Manuel Chakravarty and I also wrote a paper titled Interfacing
 Haskell to Object-Oriented Languages that you might find useful:

I've been reading it and from what I understood the technique you've
come up with is used to model foreign OO language hierarchies so that
Haskell can interface with them. My question is can you use it to code
in Haskell in a OO way or is it just meant to provide bridges to these
foreign OO objects ?

I noticed most examples in the paper were related to the matters of
interfacing. Or is it more than that ? Could you, for instance, craft
a version of, say, the Shapes example with this approach ?


Cédric Paternotte
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Quest for inheritance

2005-06-05 Thread Cédric Paternotte
Hi. This is my first message here so Hello to everyone.

I'm just starting to learn Haskell and I really think it's a cool language.

Coming from an OO world, I've been looking for ways to achieve
inheritance as you get it in Java and the likes.

I know OO and inheritance is not really the point of Haskell and that
other mechanisms are provided to somewhat achieve reuse. But it's a
way of programming I've been so used to that I feel lost without it.
You might think I'm heading in the wrong direction. My mistake I have
to agree. Let's take it as a learning exercise then.

So I've been searching the net for *easy* ways to get it and the least
I can say is that I'm confused. It soon became apparent that,
inheritance not being a core feature of the language, many people have
been hacking Haskell to come up with similar effects (btw I never
thought there could be so many ways to reach the same goal...Haskell
programmers are clever bastards). Of the many implementations that
I've found, few are really simple and most achieve it with various
levels of success and/or dodgy syntax.

Here are the various techniques I've come across so far :
(I'm far from understanding them all)

1. Through existential types

As shown in the Shapes example at
However, I couldn't spot the advantage over the standard version using
normal classes at

The getX function still needs to be defined in both RectangleInstance
and CircleInstance. This is not what I call inheritance. Inheritance
would make it possible to define getX only once in ShapeInstance. Or
maybe the point was only to demonstrate polymorphism. But then what is
the advantage of using existential types ? It just looks like more
work compared to the standard version that also makes use of
polymorphism. Or am I missing something ?

2. Through typeful heterogeneous collections

This technique is described at and is able to bring most OO
principles into Haskell. This seems to be a very good and thorough
attempt. Unfortunately it looks more like a huge hack than a solution.
The problem I have with it is the awkward syntax it requires, which to
my newbie eyes doesn't look like Haskell anymore.

3. Through phantom types

I couldn't find any idiot-proof documentation on this topic but this
technique seems to be used to model inheritance. The few papers I've
come across 
, ) seem
very interesting but all go way over my head.

4. Through O'Haskell (

Which is a non standard extension of Haskell that seems to be dead anyway. 

5. With this :

This is a very interesting paper, at least for a newbie like me who's
used to Java.
The aim of this paper was to develop a same application in both Java
and Haskell and to compare the resulting implementations afterwards.

What interested me in this was the mechanism they used to model
inheritance (described on page 16  19), based on data types instead
of classes. The idea being that all constructors of the Employee
datatype have a same parameter, 'inCommon', of type
The data type CommonOfEmployees consists of all the fields shared by
all types of employees. By then defining polymorphic functions that
only use the 'inCommon' property of any employee, they've managed to
instantiate these methods only once. My explanation must be horrible
to you but you'll certainly get it by reading their paper.
The Haskell source code can be found here

The conclusion I drew from my quick  early findings is that the
latest method is the simplest way to get inheritance in my programs.

I guess my question now is this : Are there other ways to achieve
inheritance in Haskell ?
Simpler techniques ? Or more accurate / comprehensive ? Would you have
pointers to useful resources ?

I apology in advance for the errors, false assertions, misconceptions,
confusions made in this document. I'm still learning Haskell. I'd just
like to get the most of it.

Cedric Paternotte
Haskell-Cafe mailing list